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TO THE BURGESSES of the COUNTY of the BOROUGH of CARMARTHEN, rfrHE Pefire of the Town having been so unexpect- edlyinterrupted by a CONTEST for the ensuing MAYORALTY, I take the liberty of soliciting the fa- vour of your VOTES and INTEREST to succeed Mr. TH:OS. MORKIS^ in that office; at the. same time 1 toish to ex- plain my motives for engaging in the content. 1 beg leave to assure you, that 1 am not actuated by personal whition, but by a desire to render essential service to is? the Borough at this particular crisis. It is well known that a small part of the Corporation Lands, zt-hielt pi-o- duced a very trifling rent, has been sold for a sum ade- quate to all the beneficial purposes and improvements, the leant of which the. town so nutorwllsly laboan; under. e, object of my ambit ion is to be in a situation to enable fne so 10 dispose of this sum, whtcl" is upwards of < £ 15,000, to those purposes of general advantage which cz;e?,y iq- habitant and well-wisher to the prosperity and comfort Borough must rejoice, to see canned into effect, its health, its safety, its cleanliness, and its commercial interests, will be attended to without reference to any emolument on my pari. It shall be my constant study to render equal justice to every nam; and as my atten- tion. will be chiefly directed to its police, I trust I shall became the abject of your choice on the day-of election* -Every publicity possible respecting the disposal of the public monies shall be made; and 1 shall endeavour to conduct myself in the office, no as not only to obtain your good opinion, but also to prove myself not unworthy of the distinguished confidence placed in me by those re- spectable characters who have deemed me a proper object vf their nomination. I have the honour to be, GENTLEMEN, With the greatest respect, Your most obedient humble servant, WILLIAM MORGAN. Carmarthen, Sept. 8,1804. JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Dculcr in FOREIGN and BRITISH SPIRITS, WHOUSAI.E AND RETAIL, CASTLE-BAILEY-STREET, SWANSEA, MOST respectfully informs his Friends, that he has commenced the above Business, and is en- abled to sell Genuine FRENCH BRANDY, JAMAICA RUM, arid HOLLANDS GENEVA, With all kinds of BRITISH SPIRITS, on tenus wbich he has no doubt will taerit their attention. TUITION. W. HOWELL, (Late Usher at Cambridge Writing-School) "\l7iTH diffidence begs leave to inform his » V Friends and the Public at large, that he purpose?, cu MONDAY, October 1st, 1804, OPENING, at CARDIFF, Glamorganshire, a LITERARY and COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, where Youth will be Taught Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Geography, Common and Decimal Arit1- Intic, Book-keeping, by the single and double entry, Men- suration in its various branches, G anging, &c. &c. W. II. respectfully begs to assure those Parents and Guardians whose Children may be committed to bis care, that their genius and capacity will be strictly attended to, their studies proportioned accordingly, and adapted for the coucerns iu life they may be designed to pursue. fc3=* An EVENING SCHOOL attended. rIHE ABERNANT IRON COMPANY JL having established their WORKS at ABERNANT, 9 near MENTIIYn-TY DV IL, Glamorganshire, under the Cms of Homf'ray, Tappendens, and Birch, y teg to inform the Public, that they are now prepared to cast and tit up STEAM-ENGINES upon any Plan, and to Inake all sorts of CASTINGS for COLLIERIES, COPPER- \V ORKS, MINE-WORKS, BRIDGES, and other purposes. JAMES BIRCH, the managing Partner, flatters himself from the approved quality of the Abernant Iron, and a long experience as an Engineer and Founder, he shall be afde to execute orders for Engines, and Castings of every descrip- tion, to the satisfaction of those who will favour him with -their orders, which shall be executed on very reasonable terms, and with the strictest punctuality. cow lolltIDGE. POSTING at ONE SHILLING per MILE. CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the 1 Public in general, that he still continues his POST- ING at the above price Iii-om his own House, the POST- OFFICE, in Cow BRIDGE, where he has fitted up some com- fortable SITTING ROOMS-for the accommodation of those Ladies and Gentlemen who will please to honour him with their favours. Refreshment may be had while changing .Horses. b 0 C. B. being the first person wlio caused the reduction of the Posting Business in this part of the country, hopes for the support of a generous Public. L A HEABSE KEPT, To Bilious, Gouty, and Nervous Persons. rP'I:lE following accumulation of select per- X sonal reference of the great merits of the Rev. WM, BARCLAY' PATENT ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, in Bi- lious, Gouty, and Nervous Cases, is respectfully submitted to the uotice of the Public :-His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Sir John Honey wood, Bart. *1. P. Sir Stephen. Lushington, Bt. M. P. Thomas Anson, Esq. M. P. Cecil Forrester, Esq. M. P. James Aiuyatt, Estj. M. P. Nicholson Calvert, Esq. M. P. Edmund Boehm, Esq. Thomas Haimnersley, Esq. George Dukes, Esq. Private Secretary to the Archbishop of Can- terbury the lie v. Mr. Ditnock, Librarian to the Arch- hishop"; George Smith and James Simroonds, E<qrs. Princi- pal Officers in his Majesty's Dock-yard, Portsmouth, &e. The above PiUs are sold in London, at the Elaboratory, No. 3,5, Bedford-street, Covenl-garden, in boxes 5s; 6d. each, duty included; and by T. Jenkins, Swansea. They are particularly recommended daring Sea-bathing. To the CURIOUS in FISH SAUCE. FAMILIES in general are respectfully in- formed, J. BURGESS and SON's Genuine and Su- perior ESSENCE of ANCHOVIES for FISH' SAUCE, continues to be prepared by them in the same manner that has obtained such universal approbation for many years past. The long justly-acquired superiority of that article is fully confirmed in the opinion of the country at brge, and of per- sons Tesident in all parts of the world, ald having stood 1be test of trial, ranks it in the situation it now maintains. The gerwral ntilily 01' their ESSEX C E of AN C 11 O V I F s, and other rich SAUCES, for FISH, &c, induces thcm. from the numerous advertisements dai1y appearing, to eauiion }¡¡c¡¡¡í- lies, &c. in purchasing the siuue, as none is to be had of genuine, but their as under, Every other article in the OIL TRADE for family use, of the best quality. Warelio use, No. 107, corner of Savoy Steps, Strand/London, BATHING-HOTEL, SWANSEA. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED ON IMMEDIATELY, rrIIE above HOTEL, which, from its de- A lightful situation, is filled with fashionable Company every season. The whole or part of the Furniture, Stock of Wines, Li- quors, &c. to be taken at a fair valuation. Further particulars may be known ofC. Grogan, the pre- sent occupier.—Ail letters must be post-paid. C. G. gratefully acknowledges the indulgent patron- age with which the preceding Balls at his House have been honoured; and most respectfully informs Ladies and Gentlemen, that the LAST BALL jor the Season will be on Thursday next, October 4. MOUNT-PLEASANT, SWANSEA. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IN NOVEMBER NtXT. A HOUSE, situate at MOUNT-PLEASANT, now in the occupation of William Warren, Esq. con- sisting of two parlours, two kitchens, pantry, under-ground cellar, and six bed-chambers. The Premises command a delightful view of Swansea Bay and the adjacent country. For particulars apply (if by letter, post-paid) to Mrs. Williams, Mount-Pleasant'. GLAMORGAN. TO BE LET, TWO FURNISHED HOUSES, situated at BRITTON-FERRY, consisting of a parlour, hall, and kitchen in each house, with good bed-rooins Garden, Sta- ble, and Land if required, within three miles of Neath and five of Swansea. Enquire of Mr. E. Deere, Cowbridge: or of Mrs. Hannah Davies, at Britton-Ferry, who will shew the Premises. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON BEFORE OR AT CANDLEMAS NEXT, Situated vt LAN PI [IT- V A RDRA, A Capital FARM, consisting by admeasure- ment of 230 ACRES of ARABLE. MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, and about 10 ACRES of WOOD LAND, in a high state of cultivation, in which state it may be kept, and further improvements made at a moderate ex- pence, being within four miles of Lime, and Coal on the Farm. There are two Farm-houses on the Premises, one of which is newly built, and fit for the reception of a substan- ticd Farmer, with every description of convenience for ex- pending the produce advantageously. The buildings are nearly all newly erected; consist of stabling for ten horses, large farm-y.ard well supplied with. water, and surrounded by sheds and ox-stalls capable of win- tering under cover fifty head of cattle. The Premises are well wooded and'watered, and the House delightfully situated, commanding extensive pros- pects, having two Walled Gardens and one Acre of Orchard adjoining; and every encouragement will be given to a re- spectable and substantial tenant. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Crawshay and George, Cyfarthta; Mr. Bradley, the Angel, Carcliit' David Thomas, the Bailiff, will shew the Premises. MONMOUTH. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, AT A VERY MODERATE HENT, A Large, commodious and modern DWELL- IN G-HOUSE, with a handsome Portico Entrance, pleasantly situated in a broad airy street in the town of MONMOUTH; comprising two excellent parlours in front, a large dining-parlour which measures 22 feet by 16, a very commodious kitchen, with a kitchen stair-case, back-kitchen, laundry, and other requisite offices; an elegant well finished drawing-room, of dimensions the same as the dining-parlour, commanding a. most beautiful and uninterrupted prospect: over a vast extent of the surrounding country, which pfre- sents ttse)fin a variety of pleasing and diversified aspects a large best bed-room, ten other bed-rooms, with convenient I r I closets in most of them together with a large Garden walled in and planted with the choicest fruit trees, now in high perfection. Further particulars may be had by addressing letters, post-paid, to Mr. PhjUpotts, Attorney, Monmouth; or the .Y, Printer this Paper. SWANSEA. TO BE LET, AND MAY BE ENTERED upon IMMEDIATELY, (AT FERY MODERATE RENTS) TWO commodious NEW HOUSES, situate in W IND-STREET, replete with every convenience which can possibly be desired; each comprising a large iln- der-ground arched kitchen, pantry, cellar, and coal-house, occupying a depth of nearly 40 ieet; on the ground floor, a capital shop, 25 feet by 16, with two handsome bow-win- dows, having a' counting-house adjoining, and a kitchen, pantry, brQwhouse, scullery, and pumps of soft arid hard water behind; on the first floor an elegant drawing-room, of the same dimensions as the shop, a lobby, and two bed- chambers; on the second story another drawing-room, 16 feet square, or thereabouts, a lobby, and thre bed-cham- bers on the third floor, an excellent dining-room, a lobby, and three bed-chambers; with four good attics above.. The front/of these Premises is handsomely finished with polished brick, supported by free-stone pillars, pilasters, arches, and cornices, with parapet walls coped with free- stone. The shops, counting-houses, and all the front rooms, are corniced, and, together with the lobbies and stair-cases, beautifully stuccoed. The best rooms are fitted up with Bath-stoves and marble chimney-pieces, and all the others with good grates. Behind each house there is a DOUBLE .COACH-HOUSE and FOUR-STALL STABLE, both cieled, with Hify-lofts over the same, and an enclosed yard, with hand- some gates, and a road into Fisher-street, which may or not be occupied by a tenanc. I GARDENS may also be had, if required. The back rooms command a delightful view of the sea, from which they are not more than 200yards distant; and the Premises are situated in the most desirable part of the town of-Swansea, being exactly opposite the principal Inn, where the MaiLcoaches to and from London and Ireland arrive daily, and within a few yards of the Post-oflice, The a- tre, public Libraries wid Market. These Premises art ildlllirably adapted for carrying on an extensive line of business, and the tenants cannot fail of letting any part of the Houses they may appropriate for Lodgings during the summer season, when the town is tilled with fashionable company to breathe the salubrious air for which Swansea is so justly celebrated, and to enjoy its warm and cold bathing. Each floor forms a complete suit of rooms for a family, with separate kitchens, and other domestic conveniences. Also, To be LET, on Building Leases for 99 years, a large PIECE of GROUND behind the above Houses, communicating with and fronting Fisher-street, most eligibly situated for Private Houses, as it commands a view of the Bristol Channel, or tor any kind of Business, being conti- guous to the Quays/and in a centrical part of the town. Further particulars may be had by personal application, or letters, post-paid, to Thos. Williams, Surgeon", Swansea. Of whom likewise may be rented; Two new FOUR-STALLED STABLES, with good HAY- LOFTS, two large COACH-HOUSES, cieled,'and three convenient, small DWELLING-HOUSES, situated oil the Sttaud, iu Goat-street, and High-street, Swausea. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, And entered upon immediately, on moderate Terms, A Comfortable DWELLING-HOUSE, with a commodious MALT-HOUSE adjoining, now in work, capable of making from 4 to 5000 Bushels of Malt an- nually together with a small FIELD—situate in the popu- lous town of LANTllISSENT. For terms and a view of the Premises, apply to Thomas Lie well in, New-inn, Lantrissent; or Mr. Robert Williams, Bridgend. SWANSEA. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON AT MICHAELMAS NEXT, A HOUSE, in the MARKET-PLACE, now in the possession of Rhys Davies, Esq. For particulars apply to William Grove and Son, Castle- Bailey-street. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Or LET on BUILDING LEASES, The under-mentioned FREEHOLD PREMISES: Lot 1. Ar HOUSE and. GARDEN, ?itiiate in -L%l. VV IND-STREET, in the town of SWANSEA, con- taining in front 32 feet, and in depth 210 feet. Tenant Mrs. Sarah Webb. The Ground lying between this property and Fisher-street being all Freehold, may be purchased on fair terms. Lot 2. TWO HOUSES GARDENS, situate in Fisher- street, and extending backward to Rutland-place; contain- ing 74 feet in front to Fisber-sttect, and 82 feet in front to Rutland-place, and about 140 feet in depth. N. B. The Premises are free of Land-Tax. For particulars apply to Mr. Paul Bevan, Plough-court, Lombard-street, London; or to YVillmm Grove and Son, merchants, Swansea. CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, TOGETHER OR IN SEPARATE LOTS, AND ENTERED UPON AT I.ADY-DAY NEXT, A LL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and LANDS, called DDOL, situate in the parish of Lr ANDIJGWVDO, in the said county; consisting of about 10 Acres of as good MEADOW GROUND as any in the Principality. The House is in good repair, and the Hedges remarkably fine, situate on the river Ty vy, about four miles from Car- digan, and adjoining the turnpike-road leading from thence to Newcastle! Fot particulars enquire of the Proprietor on the Premises: or of Davies, Esq. Llwyngorras, Pembrokeshire. SOUTH-WALES. CARDIGANSHIRE. A Capital FREEHOLD ESTATE, In the Beautiful and Fertile Vale of AY RON. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that valuable and desirous PROPERTY, CALLED The L LTV YD JACK ESTATE; consisting of the capital DEMESN E, F ARM, <$- LANDS, called LLWYD JACK, with EIGHTEEN other FARMS and LANDS contiguous to the Demesne aforesaid, and containing in the whole, by admeasurement, about 1400 Acres of very good and rich ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LANDS, let in separate and compact Farms, to different Tenants, at the low yearlv rents amounting to- gether to the clear yearly rent of £ 675, and which are ca- pable of great improvement; and part of the Estate con- sists of an elegant modern-built DWELLING-HOUSE, at YSTUAD, adjoining the Demesne Lands aforesaid, and which contains on the groundTflJor two parlours, a dining- room, kitchen, outward kitchen, servants-hall, laundry, dairy, pantry, and cellar; on fclle first-floor, five good bed- chambers, with-dressing-rooras, &c.; and on the attic-story, bed-rooms which will contain eight beds for servants, lately erected for the residence of the Proprietor of the said Estate, with suitable oliices, and a good Garden, which are lit for the immediate residence of a genteel family, and is situated in the centre of the said county of Cardigan, in a line pros- pective part of the county, "abounding with all sorts of Game, with a good Fishery, in a good neighbourhood, a pleasant and sporting country, where all sorts of provisions can be procured at a very reasonable rate. The turnpike-road leading from Lampeter to Aberairon runs through the centre of this property, and has a post which goes by the door of the Mansion-house five times a week; and in the beautiful Vale of Ayron and its neigh- bourhood, there are a great number of very respectable gentlemen's seats. The Marrs;oit-house is about six miles distant from the Sea and sea-port of Aberairon, about the same distance from the. market-town of Lampeter, about fourteen miles distant from the sea-port and market-town of Aberystwich, and sixteen miles distant from the of (,at'dildil. miles distant from the market-town of Cardigan. For further particulars apply to Herbert Llovd, of Car- marthen, Attorney; or to Mr. D. Joel Jenkins, of Lam- peter, Cardiganshire, who has the Maps of the Estates, and will shew the Premises. ALL Persons having any Demands upon the SLOOP WILLIAM' and CATHERINE, of this Port, or any Shares in the said Vessel, are requested to send in such demands to D. Perrott, High street, and to produce their receipts for such Shares as they may be intitled to in the said Vessel, on or before the 1st clay of December next, in order that the same may be liquidated and settled. Swansea, Sept. so, 1804. To the LADIES of SWANSEA and its vicinity. BEAUTY, HEALTH, and a GOOD SET of TEETH, Can onlv be acquired bv the use of BUTLER's RES T O R A TIV E T O OTII- POWDER, from the original Recipe of the late Dr. P. H. Dimsdale, patronised and used by the Queen and Princesses, the Duchesses of York, Bedford, Gordon, Rut- land, St. Albans, and most of the Nobility. This Powder is prepared from Vegetables, and Is entirely free from the Acid, or any Mineral substance. It destroys the scurvy, imparts a firmness" ami beautiful redness to the gums; to the breath the most delectable sweetness; and, if used constantly, will render the teeth of a pearly whiteness; and prevent tooth-ache. Many- medical gentlemen, who use it, declare it a fine bracer, eradicating the foulness to which the mouth is subject from diet or disordered lungs; and by its healing, purifying, and balsamic qualities, frees the mouth from any unpleasant taste. Sold wholesale and retail by Mr. Butler, No. 4, Cheap- side; and retail by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper, and J. Flexman, Swansea; and by most Booksellers and Me- dicine enders in every town in We Ulllted Kingdolu, in boxes at 2s. 9d. each. To prevent counterfeits his Majesty's Hon. Commissioners have permitted tile IHIlIe oj H. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, to be engraved in black on the Stamp, which is alTixed around each box. Of T. JENKINS tnay also be had, (from Mr. Butler's Warehouse) Dr. HUGH cooling opening PILLS, for BI- LIOUS COMPLAINTS-^ which have been long celebrated among the Nobility and-Gentry for their extracnxliuary vir- tues. Price 6d. pei- I CHING's WORM LOZENGES, effectual Reinedv for the Worms in children and aduiu-. -price Ui-d. and s. Yd" IV, NEATH CANAL. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, TOGETHER OR SEPARATE, THREE SHARES in the above valuable A concern. For particulars apply (post-paid) to Mr. Jaques Husbands, Swansea, South-Wales. CARMARTHENSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the hite-Lion inn, in Queen-street, in the town of Car- marthen, on Saturday, the loth of October next, between the hours of three and four of the clock in the after- noon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, Lot 1. A Very desirable FARM, called LLAN- -T\. GWENDRAETH, situate in the Vale of Gwendraeth, in the parish of Llansendeirne, containing 43A. 8P. of good ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, held under a lease at the rent of LBO. 4s. whereof the term of six years will be unexpired at Michaelmas next. Lot 2. TWO undivided THIRD PARTS of a TENE- MENT, called PENTRE-CWN, situate in the parish of Llandeveylog, contuining 75A. 27P. now let at will. The above Farms are capable of great improvement, and within a short distance of Lime and Coal. The first adjoins the turnpike-road leading from Carmar- then to Llanelly; and the second commands a de- lightful view of" the river Towy from Carmarthen to the Channel. Lot 3. TWO FIELDS, at Llainsaint, in the parish of St. Ishmael, called MILWASH-ISSA 4; MILWASH-UCHA, containing 3A. 2R. 22P: let to John Gower. at will. Lot 4. TWO HQIJSES 4" GARDENS, in Bower-street, in the town of Kidwelly. For further particulars apply to D. W. Stephenson, Attor- ney, Carmarthen, where a Map of the Premises may be seen. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TIMBER. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Cardiff-Arms inn, in Cardiff, on Saturday, the 27'th day of October next, between the hours of loui and six in the afternoon, the following lots, subject to such Con- ditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, unless in the mean time disposed of by Private Contract, and of which notice will be given: In the parish of Wenvue, in the said county. Loti. NINE HUNDRED 8? FIFTY OAK TREES, and 5.50 ASH. Lot 2. 542 OAK TREES, 146 ASH, and 16 ASP. Lot 3. 46 ELM TREES, 56 ASH, and 27 SYCAMORE. In the parish of Merthyr-Do van, in the said county: Lot 4. 1346 OAK TREES, and 115 ASH. Lot 5. 90 OAK TREES, and an ASH COPPICE. Lot 6. 149 ELM TREES, and 36 ASH. In the parish of St. Andrews, in the said county Lot 7. 667 OAK TREES, and 12 ASP. Lot 8. 100 ELM TREES, 34 ASH, and 7 SYCAMORE. In the parish of Cadoxtone, near Barru, in the said count! Lot 9. 620 OAK TREES, and 11 ASH. Lot 10..258 ELM TREES. In the parish of St. Lythans, Lot 11. 194 OAK TREES, and 33 ASH. Lot 12. 16 ELM TREES, and 29 ASH. The above Trees are all marked. For particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Davies, Wenvoc, who will direct a person to shew the Trees; or to Messrs. Wood, Attornies, Cardiff. Just published, (and entered at Stationed-Hall,) AN ESSAY ON MAN, IN FOUR EPISTLES IN 8v0. PRICE 4s. Written upon Principles opposite to those of Lord Boling- hroke, and inscribed to William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. for th bounty of York. With a Preface and Notes. WM. CHURCHEY. London: printed for the Author, by Barnard and Sultzer, Water-lane, Meet-street; and sold by R. S. Kirby, London- hou'C-yard, St. Paul's; T.'Jenkins, Swansea; and other booksellers in town and country, as well as the Author in Brecon. A great number of the names of Subscribers from different parts of the kingdom is yet expected but before the second edition takes (place, which now appears very probable, a List (highly honourable to the Author, and' which, with glowing thanks, he acknowledges as ttie of his hope to spread the Doctrine of the Essay) will be printed, with the Errata of the first impression, for the Subscribers. BATHING. JUST PUBLISHED, PRICE 2S. 4 -4i'P I, A TREATISE on HOT and COLD BATHS; 1:1.. with directions for their Application in various Diseases. To which is added, A LETTER to his GHACE the PRESIDENT, and the MANAGERS of the ROYAL JENNERLVN SOCIETY, on the introduction and success of the COW-POCK in the Principality of WALES. The second edition. By W. TURTON, M. D. Author of the General Systcm of Nature, Medical Glossary,$c. and late of Oriel College, Oxford. To be had at the Libraries and Bathing-Houses; and at the Author's house, in Iligh-street. Swansea, Sept. 21,1804. PRIZES unequalled in the Annals of Lotteries. S of c £ 20,000 3 • • • ■ of 10.000 3 of 5,000 The Drawing began on Monday, the 24th of September. <^40,000 Given to the Purchasers more than in the last Lottery. ^PICKETS and SHARES, consequently, JL r £ i 10s. cheaper, are selling by FIORNSBY 4* Co. 26, -('ORNIIXI.L. All Prizes, whether of £ '20 or ^20,000, paid on Demand. Tickets and Shares will continue on sale, by HORNSBY and Co. during the whole time of the Drawing of the pre- sent Lottery, namely, till October the 7(h, warranted un- drawn.— 1 he 2n Day of Drawing will be on Saturday next. N. B. Orders, by Letter or Carrier, executed exactly on the same terms as if present. COX's 'LIOYAL ELABORATGRY, GLOCESTER. T THE MEDICAL POCKET-BOOK: con- JL taining Plain and Comprehensive Directions adapted to various Constitutions and Climates, for the CURE of the VENEREAL DISEASE; together with the Safest Mercu- rials and other both for the Fr.vcution and Care. By D. COX, GLOCESTER, AUTHOR OF THE FAMILY MEDICAL COMPENDIUM. Price di 2s. The whole cominodiuusty piaccd in a Leather Case, a.nd having the usual appearance of a Pocket-Book. Each Pock'et-Book is sealed with the King's-Arms, bearing'the words D. Cor, Chymist to the King." Sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; of whom may be had, a great variety of Dr. COX's MEDICINAL, AHO- MATIC, and CULINARY ARTICLES. ;j Orders for Mr. Cox's SKA,FAMILY, and PORTAME MEDICINE CHESTS, received also by '1' Jenkins, where Plans maybe seen. Å CA RMARTHE X Sil IRE. ATOTICE is hereby given, that the ANNUAL -1 G.E1 £ ERAL MEETING of the LIEUTENANCY of the said COUN 11, as directed by 42"Geo. III. cap. 90. will be held at eleven o clock in the forenoon fit Tuesday the 9th day of October next, at th George-inn, in Landeilo. By Order of the Lord LieutY-nam, Landeilo, JOHN MORGAN, September 21, J304. Dep. CI. General Meetings. Connty of the Borough of CARMARTHEN. PURSUANT to the Standing Orders of the i- House of Commons, A otice is hereby given, that a p. plication is intended to be made to the next Sessions of Par- liament, for an Act to alter, amend, and enlarge the powers of two Acts of Parliament, one passed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his late Majesty King Edward the .First, in- tituled A penalty for taking of Salmons nt certain times of theyear;" and the other passed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his late Majesty King Richard the Second, intituled A confirmation of stat. Edw. 1. stat. 1, cap. 47, touching taking of Salmons:" and for the preser- vation of Salmons and other fish in the river Towy, from Carmarthen Bridge to the Bar, at the mouth of the said river, and all other rivers in the said county of the borough of Carmarthen. And also to alter, amend, and enlarge the powers of an Act of Parliament made and passed 1:1 the thirty-second, year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for building a new Gaol and House of Correction tor the town and "county borough of Carmarthen; and for the said town and county borough, and the liberties'thereof, with water and for paying, watching, lighting, cleansing, "»and regulating the streets, lanes, ways, roads, and public passages and for widening and waking the same, more commodious, and removing and preventing lltHsanCes. annoyances, and obstructions therein, and for other pur- poses;" and to linAe, alter, amend, and improve the Port, Quays, and Dodsin the said courifv of the b;>vou'-vh Car- niarthen. CHAS. MORGAN, Solicitor. Carmarthen, Sept. 11,1804. GLAMORGANSHIRE. IN pursuance of the Standing Orders of the House of Commons, Notice is hereby given, that appli- cation wrill be made. 111 the next Session of Parliament, ior leave to bring in a Bill or Bills for continuing for twentv- one years, and from thence to the end of the then next Ses- sion ct Parliament, the term ior al'.cnns;, amending, and enl -s ,Ui powers of an Act passed in the twenty-fifth year Df; ie refgn of his present Majesty, intituled "An Act f oi ci.iiai^tng the term and powers of an Act made in tha "fourth year of his present Majesty's reign," intituled "An Act for amending, widening, aud keeping in"repair,- several roads leading from the town of Cardiit, and seve- "rall;thcr towns and places in the..county of Glamorgaa; and for making, altering, and repairing and wldeniugcer- tain other roads.within the said cuunty;" and also to a iter, amend, widen, and mllke several other reads within the.-saKl county, as follows, (thut is I' from Rorth church, uver Cardiii Heaths, through the several of I\mh, St. John the. Baptist, in Cardiff and Landalf, in the said county, r? r'Jec0l^r m'lc"sty.1,e 011 turnpike-road leading from Cardiff to Merthyr-'l ydvii, in the said county from Lan- xlaft turnpike-gate, over Landaff bridge, and EandafTLock- bridge, through the several parishes of Landalf and Whit- church, in the said county, to the turnpike-Toad leading iiig Iroin Curdni to Merthyr-'l yd vil aforesaid: from the town 01 Caeipliuly to Quaker's Ifcard bridge, through the several parishes of Eglwysyllan and Lanvabou, in the said county trom the town of CaerphrlIy aforesaid to a certain bridge crossing the river Runmey, near a place called the Drainan, III the hamlet of Rhydgwern, in the said county, through the several parishes of Eglwysvllun and Rudr'v, and tha said lianiiet: of Rhydgwern In the said C0uuly: from the present turnpike-ruad. near the west end of Longland farm- house, in the parish of Ewennv, to a certain lane leading from atertown-court-liouse to Bridgend, and thence tu the turnpike-road at Oid Castle, near Bridgend aforesaid, through the several parishes Q.1 Coycliurcirand Coyty, ia tne said county: lroin the termination of the present road leading from Bridgend aforesaid to Brincethin, through the several parishes oi Covchurch, Saint Brides Minor, and Lan- uevoduck, in the said county, towards and unto a certain null,situate in the said parish of Landevoduek, cai'eiMellia Ewuidu, where the same road branches orf towards the vil- lages of Aberuare and Merttiyr-Tidvil, and the town of Lanuissent in tile said county from Aberavan bridge to the ii;st hill on toe north side of the town of Aberavan, through the parish ol Abernvan, iQlhe said county, through tne iaiius of the Right Hon. George Venables Lord V ernon, and Edward .David, yeomaai, in the tenure of Richard John, and through the gardens of the said George Venables Lord \Temon, "!HICattierine Rees, spinster, in the tenure of the said Rieharu John and William jenkin, oi- tl,,e. west side of the house in the tenure t,,f t!ie said Richard John, from or near the fifth miie-stone on rhe turnpike-road leading from Swansea to RosSin- over Fuirwood common, towards and unto the opening .oi a certain road, by a lute smith's shop, leading to Kiivtough, and from thence by Park-Mill, to- wards and mito the said turnpike-road leading from Swansea 1o Rossuly, at or near the village of Reynoldstone, through the several parishes ol Bishopstonc, Pennard, Illstone, Pen- uiain, Nicholaston, Penrice, and Reynoldstone, and from the place where the present highway leading from the pa- 1 isb church ot the said parish ot Nicholaston towards the said village of Reynoldstone crosses the highway lead'uv from the common of Cefn-y-bryn, the Village ot" Penrice, at or near Pennylntch Smith Forge, to the said vil- lage of Pemlc", and Irom thence towards and unto the vil- lage of Portynon, through the several parishes of Penrice, Oxwich, aud Portynon, m the said county from the junc- tion of a certain road on the Burroughs-adjoining the" gate entering into the grounds of Gcorge r -sfrfeq. lhr:)!,gh tLc town ot Swansea, franchise of Swaa. A parish of Swan- sea, and Saint John, near Swansea., jrds and unto the junction of the present road from Swa, _a lo Pontvrdvlas, at a place where the present turnpike-gate stands from the present lower turnpike-gate at Grcenfiill, in the several pa- rishes of St. John, near Swansea, Swansea, Langevelach, Landilolaeh, and Landilotalybont, in the said county, tCl- wards and unto a certain part of the river Dylas, near to the church in the said parish of Landilofach. J. WOOD, Solicitor. GLAMORGANSHIRE. "jVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Road leading from the town of Caerpluljy, in the said county, to a certain Bridge crossing the river Ruuiney, near a place called the DUAINAN, in the hamlet of Rhvd-y- tile ti;in)let gwen;, mentioned in the notice given pursuant to the stand- ing Order of the House of daWd the first instant, will be extended to a certain Bridge called L.»NVIHANOLE llnIvu E, through the-severa) parishes of Eglwsylian-Rudry, Lanvihanglc-y-Vcdw, and the said hamlet of "Rhyd-y-gwcrh. Cardiff, Sept. <5,1804. J. itNSolicitor. iyr OTICE is hereby given, that application T" is intended to be made to Parliament, in the next Session, tor leave to bring m a Bill in order to obtain an Act of Parliament for R K-BUILDING the lmIDGE over the E rVKR^RL- MNEY, otherwise EOMPNEY, called RUMXE\ -BRIDGE, ai the eastern extremity of that part of the highway Which leads from the town Cardiii, I'll the county of Glamorgan, 10 the town of .New port, in the county of Monmouth, a. lieth m the parish of in the said county of Glamorgan, to the uppo-iie shore in the pa- rish ot RajmncN, in'the said county ot Alonmouih: and for .erecting a Temporary Bridge over the said ilher, near the present bridge, and ior opening proper a-.enuesto the Cardiff, isept. 11, ltlOl. J, WO01), Solicitor.