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COX's ROYAL ELARORATORV, GLOCESTER. npiIE MEDIC\L POCKET-BOOK: con- -A- taming Plain andCompreheiisive Directions, adapted 10 variotis Const it nt ions and Ohimtcs, tor the CUKE of the V ENEREAL DISEASE; to u.ther with the Safest Mercu- \i.ab and other Met'icincs, .both'for the Prevention and Cure. By D. COX, GLOC&STKJt, AUTHOR OF JHE rA.MtL'V SlEIitC AJ- COMPISJU-M. Price Ps. The whole ccrmmodiQ.usly placed in a Case, and ha Vu ig the usual appearance of a Pocket-Book. i-rt Each Pocket-Book is sealed with the KingVArms, tearing' the words D. Cox, Chymist to the Kiiig." Sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper of whom may jhe had, a great varletv of Dr. vOX slVn.DiCINAL, ARO- 4IATIC, and CULINARY ARTICLES. Orders for Mr. Cox's Sea, Family, and Portable JMebtci^e Chests, received also by T. Jenkins. TO rROVlttETOKS OF COPPER WORKS, COLLIERIES, ^c. Messrs. homer ay, tappendens, having established an IRON WOKK atABBRNAN I, near M e it rIIY R-Ti D vi l, Glamorganshire, "bt'g to inform the Public, that they are now prepared to Cast and fit up STEAM ENGINES upon Mr. Trevethick's and Boulton and Wattes plan, or Engines of any description according to order. Likewise all .sorts of Castings for COXXIIIRIES, Copper or Mine-Works. Mr. J AMES BIRCH, the partner, (being an | experienced Engineer) tiattershimsl-lf that, from the-situa- tion ot the concern, he shall be able to execute orders for Engines and Castings of every description, in as good a banner and upon as reasonable terras as any work in the Principality, taking care to use Metal of a quality accord- ing to the work the Casting is to perform. PRESENT TRICES: Cylinders bored .s-v „ Pistons and Bottoms turned f < £ Working Barrels P.er ton" All bored and turned goods j Clack Door-pieces bored in the clack seat 21 ditto. Bucket Door-pieces 18 ditto. Bevel and Branch Pipes 17 ditto. Plain Pipes above six inches diameter 16 ditto. Ditto above two inches and nader six 17 ditto. RailsaudDramPlates. 9 ditto. jLar^e Waggon-wheels and Sheevers 12 ditto. Sural! ditto 13 ditto. Very- small ditto 14 ditto Brasses 16 ditto. «ft.benmnt Iron-Works, March 1, 1804. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TURNPIKE ACT. "XTOTICE is hereby given, that a GENERAL .1 Tl MEETING of the COMMISSIONERS under an Act, entituled An Act for enlarging the term and power of an Act made in the 4th year of his present Majesty's reign, entituled, an Act for amending, widening, and keeping in repair, several roads leading from the. town of Cardiff, and several other towns and places in the county of Gla- iaorgaii i and for making, altering, and widening certain other roads within the said county will be held at the Cardiff-Anns Inn. in the town of Cardiff, in the said county, ciii Monday, the 13th day of August instant, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, for taking into consideration arr ap- plication to Parliament for leave to bring in a Bill for the purpose of renewing and enlarging the term and powers of the said Act. CardijJ; Aug. 1,1,804. JOHN WOOD, Solicitor. BEAUTY and CLEANLINESS. AMBOYNA TOOTH 4- MOUTH POWDER. A GENTLEMAN offers the only DRUG yet'd&covered that destroys the Scurvy, heals the Ciunis, makes them and the Lips of a healthful red, fastens,, "fc-hitenv and preserves the Teeth, and makes the Breath sweet. It is the produce of a far foreign country, never im. ported but by the proprietor: and the iirst gentfemen of the faculty who use it, declare it a fine stomachic and bracer, and for safety proper for an infant. It eradicates the foul- l ness the mouth is subject to, from diet, or a disordered sto- mach, and by its healing, purifying, and balsamic qualities, frees the. mouth of those disorders to which it is subject, fills up the Gums which the Scurvy has eaten away, and pre- sents a caries or rottenness in the Teeth. The proprietor is a gentleman of fortune, and will forfeit 30001. to any lady or gentleman who uses the Drug as he directs, if the teeth ach, or a tooth decays. 0 Ask for the Amboyna Mouth Powdcr, price 2s. 6d. per box. Sold wholesale and retail by Shaw and Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church-yard, London, and may be had, by their ap- pointment, of T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; and most Jledicine Venders. GENUINE-ME DICINES. Shrnv and Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church-yard, hav- ing the sote right in the sale of the following -Medicines, his Majesty's Commissioners.of Stamp Duties, to secure their property from piracy, have ordered their address, Shaw and Jild wards,66, St. Paul's Church-yard, to be engraved on the Stamps accompanying each Medicine. This is the only taark of authenticity.. S.d. s. d. Sir John Hill's Balsam Oriental Cordial 5 6' .of Honey* • 3 6 Hallam's' Autibilious "Essence Wateydock •• 3 6 Pills 2 9 Tincture Valerian 3 6 Ext. Quassia ■ 5 6 ■ Bardana • • • 3 (S Newton's Tooth Powder 2 9 ~——•—Centaury 3 6 Widow Welch's Pills • <2 9 Church's Co.tigh Drops 2 0 Chamberlain's Pills 29 jr— Pectoral Pills 1 It ——DetergentOint. 2 9 T~ CbiJbhiiriOint. 1 'L- Wessel's Jesuits Drops 2 9 Tooth-AchTineture 1 1^ —- Specific Remedy 2 9 AmboynaMouthPowd. 2 0 Sovereign Ointment for — Lotion '16 the Itch, cure by two Marshall's Cerate ••• • 1 ri hours application 1 9 — Lotion '16 the Itch, cure by two Marshall's Cerate ••• • 1 ri hours application 1 9 Together with every Patent <ind Public Medicine, war- ranted genuine. AH Venders of the above Metlicines are requested to ap- ply to Shaw and Edwards, (by whom a liberal allowance is wiade) and where only they can be had genuine. Sold also by T, Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; and one Vender in every town. To Eaiuilii's, Boarding-Schools, and Poor-Homes. T. JENKINS, PRINTER OF HIlS PAPER, HAS, JUST .VXOXftETi Sl't't'LY OP DR. MILLMAN's itch OINTMENT, which is an effectual Core by one application. No greater encomium can be given ofthis Ointment than the high esteem in which it is held by the Faculty; also on Slup-board, in bis Majesty's Hospitals and Barracks. Up- wards of two hundred thousand persons have been cured by- only one application. This preparation is so mild in its na- ture that,ijt may be used on an infant newly born with the greatest safety. Observe,—None possibly can be genuine unless signed ttichafd' Butler. Sold wholesale at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Cheupsidf; and ret.ul by T. Jenkins, and Mr. J'icxman, Swansea; and most Mled;ciue Venders, in boxes at ii. 9d. otiflt, duly included." GLAMORGAN. TO BE LET, ^rnvo rrRM^HKD HOUSES, situated at A ,:BTnTTO*-l. j.in!y, .consisting of a parlour, hall, and kitchen in .each house, with good bed-rooms J Garden, Sta- ble, and .Land it required, w ithin three niile's of Neath and live of Swansea. Enquire nt Mr. I". J)erit\ Cowbricige or of Mrs. Hannah Davies, at niitton-Ferry, whfnnl1 shew ibf Premises. GLAMORGANSHIRE.. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED AT SI ICIIA E EM.4 OR SO OS Eft IF REQJCIIEED, /V Large and Commodious HOUSE, situate in the; centre of the town of NeAtii, consisting of a parlour, breakfast-room, ,ha1!" and two kitchens, on the ground-floor, five bed-chambers on the first story, and one large garret;, together with three underground cellars, and, if required, stabijng for fourteen horses,"a coach-house, and. six Acres of Land, in high cultivation, adjoining the town of Neath. For particulars apply to Rich. Bevan, M. D. at Dyncyor- Lodge, near Neath.—All letters must be post-paid. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND ENTF.I1ED U V O X IMMEDIATELY, A Commodious Newly-built MESSUAGE or DVv KLLlNG-JIO(J-SE, situated on the STRAND, in the town of S comprising, on the ground floor, two parlours and a kitchen, pantry and scullery, with a larfrc well of water behind, which never dries, formerly used as a Cold Bath, from which water is conveyed by lead'pipes into the kitchen and other pans of the house ;*on the first- floor, a large drawing-room, lobby, and three bcd-ciiambcrs; and on the second or attic story, a lobby and four bed- chambers; together with a large and convenient new-built Store-house, adjoining the dwelling-house, containing 1 lofts. The Tenant may be accommodated with a good Three- stall Stable, only a few yards distant front the above premi-ics. For further particulars apply to John Williams Mansfield, Attorney at Law, Swansea. GLAMORGANSHIRE^ SWANSEA CANAlr LINE. TO BE LET, For a Term of Yc-trs, and may be entered upon immediately, in one or two Lots, rT*HE two tollowing very eligible STONE- ^X .^COAL and CULM COLl-IERIES, with the IRON'- STONE MIN Lb, situate 011 the line of the Swaxseh- Canal, viz. Lot 1. BIIINMORGAN, supposed to contain 78 Acres and upwards of several VEINS of COAL, one between live and six feet now open and worked by Level, and deemed to be of the best quality. Lot 2. YS f RA E DO WEN, supposed to contain 226 Acres and upwards of the same VEINS of COAL as the other lot, and workable by Level. The Iron-Stone under each Estate is of the best quality, and easily w orked. ■ The above are the nearest Stone-Coal Collieries to Swan- sea now in working. Lot 2d is a most eligible situation for Iron Furnaces, there being almost ait inexhaustible'quantity, of Iron-Stone and Stone-Coal; and a Patent has lately been obtained to substitute Stone-Coal for Coaking-Coal in the malum? of Iron. There is also the command of a very considerable Stream of Water attached to this lot, upon which the Pro- prietors have at present a Corn Grist Mill. There is a Counting-house, Smith's Forge, and Carpen- ter's Shop at Brinmorgan, for the use of the Works. The Boats, Waggons, and other the Stock and Utensils, will be disposed of to the taker of the first lot at a lair pnce. Lime-stone is also at a very short distance. Maps of the Estates and a Section of the Collieries may be seen at Mr. Moggridge's, No. 1, 'Freeman-street,. Bir- mingham; at.Messrs, Bleasdale and Alexander's, New-Inn, London; and furtllcr particulars known by applying to the Proprietors, Messrs. Shewen and Berrington,-at.Swausea.. CARMARTHENSHIRE. LANDS JND LIME-KILNS. TO BE LET BY AUCTION, At the Talbot-inn, in the town of Carmarthen, on Monday, the 13th day of August inst. between the "hours of live and six o'clock in the afternoon, subject to the Conditions which shall be then produced, itions ALL that very eligible and desirable FARM and LANDS, called Park-y-Milze/r and Tir-y-Van, Together with the LIME-ROCK and KILNS thereon, situate in the parish of Lr-ANGENDEiRKi;, in the said coun- ty, at the distance of six miles from the town of Carmarthen, and close to the turnpike-road leading from Carmarthen to Swansea, The peculiar advantages of this Farm in having the Lime- Stone 011 the Lands, and the. Coals within the distance of a mile, render it an object worthy the attention ot a fanner. The Lime-Ilock, which is allowed to be of the best qua- lity, and capable of being worked at the easiest expencc, may, from the extreme demand for Lime, be justly consi- dered productive of great: profit. For further particulars apply to John YV illianis, Attorney, Carmarthen; or to. Mr. WdlmmDavies, of the same place, Auctioneer. FROM THE LANCASTER GAZETTE. DEAFNESS. IF one bottle only, of DR. T AYLO R's estecined R EMEDY is used agreeably to the printed directions, it will cure the most obstinate degree of that complaint, and being composed of the mildest ingredients, it may be used at all seasons with perfect case and safety. The Printer of this Paper will satisfy any inquirers re- specting the efficacy of this preparation, as will any of the following respectahle persons: Mr. Hughes, surgeon, Staftbrd, and Member of the Royal College ot Surgeons, London, who recommends the remedy to his patients.. Mr. Lowe, Leek; Mr. Barnes, Cheadle; Mr. Jackson, stationer, Huntingdon; Mr. Warburton, merchant, Shen:e!d, who experienced a most remarkable cure, which lie has caused to he published, as he expresses it, for the good of the ears of mankind." =' Mr. W igan, of Hall-IIill, near Abbots-Bromley, Stafford- shire. I his gentleman was completely cured with part of a bottle, after being deaf ten or twelve years, and though he sea now in working.. Lot 2d is a most eligible situation for Iron Furnaces, there being almost ait inexhaustible'quantity, of Iron-Stone and Stone-Coal; and a Patent has lately been obtained to substitute Stone-Coal for Coaking-Coal in the malum? of Iron. There is also the command of a very considerable Stream of Water attached to this lot, upon which the Pro- prietors have at present a Corn Grist Mill. There is a Counting-house, Smith's Forge, and Carpen- ter's Shop at Brinmorgan, for the use of the Works. The Boats, Waggons, and other the Stock and Utensils, will be disposed of to the taker of the first lot at a lair price'. Lime-stone is also at a very short distance. Maps of the Estates and a Section of the Collieries may be seen at Mr. Moggridge's, No. 1, 'Freeman-street,. Bir- mingham; at.Messrs, Bleasdale and Alexander's, New-Inn, London and further particulars known by applying to the Proprietors, Messrs. Shewen and Berrington,-at.Swausea.. CARMARTHENSHIRE. LANDS JND LIME-KILNS. TO BE LET BY AUCTION, At the Talbot-inn, in the town of Carmarthen, on Monday, the 13th day of August inst. between the "hours of live and six o'clock in the afternoon, subject to the Conditions which shall be then produced, ALL that very eligible and desirable FARM and LANDS, called Park-y-Milze/r and Tir-y-Van, Together with the LIME-ROCK and KILNS thereon, situate in the parish of Lr-ANGENDEiRKi;, in the said coun- ty, at the distance ol six miles from the town of Carmarthen, and close to the turnpike-road leading from Carmarthen to Swansea, The peculiar advantages of this Farm in having the Lime- Stone 011 the Lands, and the. Coals within the distance of a mile, render it an object worthy the attention ot a fanner. The Lime-Ilock, which is-allowed to be of the best qua- lity, and capable of being worked at the easiest expence,. may, from the extreme demand for Lime, be justly consi- dered productive of great: profit. ior fuither particulars apply to John YV illianis, Attorney, Carmarthen; or to. Mr. VY lliram Davies; of the same place, Auctioneer. FROM THE LANCASTER GAZETTE. 1 DEAFNESS. IF one bottle only, of DR. TAYLOR's esteemed R EMEDY is used agreeably to the printed directions, it will cure the most obstinate degree of that complaint, and being composed of the mildest ingredients, it may be used at all seasons with perfect case and safety. 1 lie Printer ot this Paper will satisfy any inquirers re- specting t.he efficacy of this preparation, as will any of the following respectal.de persons: Mr. Hughes, surgeon, Staftbrd, and Member of the Royal College ot Surgeons, London, who recommends the remedy to his patients.. Mr. Lowe, Leek; Mr. Barnes, Cheadle; Mr. Jackson, stationer, Huntingdon; Air. Warburton,merchant,Shelljeld, who experienced a most remarkable cure, which he lias caused to he published, as he expresses it, lor the good of the ears of mankind." Mr. W igan, of Hall-IIill, near Abbots-Bromley, Stafford- shire. I his gentleman was completely cured with part of a -bottle, after being deaf ten or twelve years, and though he has since repeatedly caught cold, he has had no relapse. Mr. JohnTlassel, ol Ely, by using "about half a bottle, was perfectly brought to enjoy the blessing of hearing, which, lie says in his letter to the wholesale vender, he never before knew ol, being quite an infant when first afflicted." Air. Bartholoman, printer, York, states, that numbers of purchasers of the Remedy have unequivocally expressed the great benefit they have received from the use of it. Sold at; 8s. ,t»d. a bottle, by J. Drewry, Printer, Stafford, the wholesale. Agent; T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; J. Bird, Carqirt; VV. M. Dav is, AIcrthyr-Tidvil; J. Daniel, Carmarthen; J. Potter, Haverfordwest; Witmot, Pem- broke; ana in London, bv Dice v.and St'tron, Bow Cliurch- '■ 1 i. arc'avv' Fleet-market; Sh'aw aud Edwards, St.Paul's: auu Clung and Sutler, Cjtieap3id<i. .<, '.10 ANNUITY. TO BE DISPOSED OF, AN. ANNUITY of j £ 100., well secured in the Count y of Glamorgan, for a verv Healthy Life. Particulars may be bad at the Office of J. Jeffreys, Sw aa?ea. CARJ\IARTHENSHIRE. To Be Sold forthwith by Private Contract> TWO THIRD SHARES of the GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the PARISH of LLAN- GUNNORj in the said county, now let at the yearly rent of ot,160.. N. H, The parish of Llangntmor is bounded by the Na- vigable River Towy on one side, and extends to the town of Carmarthen; and is one of the most improvable parishes in the Principality. Forfurthet partICulRrs apply. to Mr. Lewis, Attorney, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. -i. GLAMORGANSHIRE TO BE SOLD, ANTJ ENTERED UPON 1MMEDIATF.I.T, A LEASE (40 years of which are unexpired) ol PREMISES, consisting of several large Build- ings, formerly employed as COPPER-YYORKS, with a large ORE-YARD and W AREHOUSES oil the river side, and the llse of a commodious Quay j-EIGHTEEN COTTAGES, a good DwrLi-iNG-HousE and GARDEN, an excellent four-stall i?1;?' GoAjcH-HccsEt And other convenience! situate at Melin Cry than, near Neath. I articulars may be had by application on the Premises; or by letter (post-paid) addressed to Air. Jas. Coke, Neath. CUSTOM-HOUSE, SWANZEY.. TO BE PUBLICLY SOLD, f AT THIS OFFICE, ( (By Order of the Honour able ComnLmoncrs of his Majesty's Customs, dated 21st of July, 1801,^) On the 13th of August, and following days, according to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there pro- duced, viz. s T?OURTEEN HUNDRED 4- NINETY-SIX i GALLONS and a HALF of FRENCH BRANDY, 3;50 ditto RUM, 1006} ditto GIN, 50 ditto SHERRY. Sale to eomtftence each day at twelve o'clock. July 2o, 1804. PORT OF MILVORD. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY ORDER OF THE HONOURARI.e COMMISSIONERS OF ois MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS, On Tuesday, the 21st day of August, 1801, at the Custom- House, Aliltord, (TO tux VAT e PERSONS ONJ.y) EIGHT HUNDRED and FORTY-SEVEN GALLONS of BRANDY, 1050 GALLONS of GE- NEVA. 67 GALLONS of RUM, and :32 HUNDRED of WHITE SALT. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the morning. SOUTH-WALES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. SAMUEL THOMAS, At the King's-Arms, in Carmarthen, on Friday, the 17th day of August inst. between the hours of three and six in fhe evening, in the following or such other tots as may be agreed upon, and subject to Such Conditions of Sale as- may be then and there produced, Lot 1. A Very desirable FARM, called Eryny- ■ C°mprising a capital MESSUAGE, with suitable Outbuildings, in substantial repair, with a Garden, and about 123A. 3R-. 20P. of good LAND, and 45 Acres of SlJeep- Walk, in the holding ot Win. Price, as tenant at will. The above lot is situatem the parish of Llanon, about half way on the great road from Carmarthen to Swansea. Lot 2. A called Bwlch, comprising a IMEbSUAGE, with convenient Outbuildings, in <r0od re- pair, and about ISA. 211. of rich LAND, in the holding of Thomas Samuel, as tenant at will. The last lot.is-sitnate in the parish of Aber c,av:ili.y, in the matddéss Vale of Towy, and about a niile distant from Car- marthen. The above property is well worthy the attention of persons desirous of purchasing retired situations for re- sidence, the cMmate- health the sea a few miles distant, provisions of every. description' abundant "and cheap, roads good, and a daily post to London. The tenants wilUliew the premises, and particulars may be had by apph'ing to Mr. John Brown, Solicitor, Carmar- then or Air. Humberstou, Friars, Chester. To THOMAS TAYLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- street, London. 0 ih.ar srn, I Feel it a duty incumbent upon me, to inform of' the very "great and extraordinary Cure I have received, from tyour invaluable Medictnc—LEAKF's PA TENT PILLS. About two years ago I wax attacked with a Venerea! Dis- order, which I treated rather slightly for some tiute, but the disease at length spreading all over my body, I was' obliged to apply to the most eminent of the faculty) but their assist- auce afforded only temporary relief.—I Vent through va- rious courses of saliyation, and from being rather of a cor- pulent habit was reduced to a mere skeleton. The ulcers that spread all over my limbs, rendered me a complete ob- ject, so that my ttiertds despaired of my recovery. When brought to this .situation, I considered death as inevitable, but a relation of mine commenting'upon the niariy cases'in which your Piils.had succeeded, i was induced',to try a box of them, which. I thought rather relieved me, and by perse- verance for two or three months, and following your direc- tions, [experienced the most unaccountable reiaxatintifrun) pain, the sores gradually subsIdmg; I am now, thank God perfectly recovered, and wa Iking out daily: I-doubt not but one move box, which I think caution* to 'take, will establish my health in its original state. it: is with the most heartfelt gratitude that I subscribe myself, Sir, your much obliged humble servant, WM. PlERSONl Dcansgatc, Manchester, July 1,1801. P. S. For the public benefit I do not object to the above being published, but leave you to not as your own better judgment shall dictate. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor; Thos. Taylor Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, at his house! No. 9, New Bridge-street:, London where, after a constant' residence of more than thirty-six vears, in a practice parti- cularly directed to the cure of Venereal Coniplamu and those incidental to the parts of generation in both sexes, with that inviolable secrecy which men of his profession should always observe, he Hatters himself, the advice and as- sistance he gratuitously administers to persons taking this Medicine, v ill be esteemed, by a'discerning public, as au advantage seidom to be obtained, and void of ambiguity. Also sold, by his appointment, for, the convenience of those living at a Stance,-by T. Jenkins, Printer of tins Paper; and by*<mc person m every considerable town in Great-Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of onlv 2s. 9d. each stamped, and scaied up with full and plain directions' whereby perspns oi either sex may cure themselves with ease, speed, secrecy, and safety. I N. B. Every box sold m Great-Britain is sealed up with n j stamp, on which, hy favour of the Commissioners is printed •it the Stamp-Ofcce-TayUrr, New Hmse-itrstt- ] sc- uniute- is isiony, a»d all othe^i we mtftttrfpit. j GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Bear-inn, at Cowbridge, 011 Tuesday, the 14th day of August, 1804, at three o'clock in the afternoon, unless disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given L°t.i. A Most desirable ESTATE, called -iTX. SIEAH5RIDGE FARAI, eligibly situated about three miles from Cowbridge and five miles from Bridg- end, both good Alarkct Towns, and at a moderate distance, iroin the Ports of Aberthaw and Newton; consisting of a convenient FARM-HOUSE, with suitably Barns, Stables, Yards, and Outhouses, and 97A. SR. of excellent ARABLE, A1EADOW, £ PASTURE LAND, ma llni- fence, J5A. 3R, 2aP. of which, being extra parochial arc tree of tithes arid all parochial taxes whatever. The Pre- |?j3eSr?re altogether Freehold of Inheritance, (excepting "A. 3R. 5Pi which are Custoiuarvhold of Inheritance, and .give the Proprietor a Right of Common on a very excellent tract of Land called The Golden Mile,) and are now under lease to Mr. John Jones, whose term on the same expires on the 2d of February next. There is plenty of Limestone on the Estate, and Coals at a short distance. Lot 2. All those FIVE CLOSES of FREEHOLD MEA- DOW cf PASTURE LAND, situated near a place called leivgocd, in the parish of Penli.i ne, containing 16A. 2R. 41. now in the occupation Of John Morgan and Evan Ed- ward, or their undertenants, whose term on the same expires on the Sd of February next. There is supposed to be a good Vein of Lead Ore tinder part of this lot, as-there has been a considerable quantity of the same worked inthelallds adjoining a few years past. Lot 3. A well-accustomed FREEHOLD HOUSE, STA- BLE, and PREMISES, called the XVhitc-Hart Inn, situate in the centre of the town of Cowbridc k, lately put into compleat repair, with about Three Acres of Customaryhold Land, in the parish of Hanblethian, within ^00 yards of the eastern turnpike leading into the said town, now under lease to Morgan David, of which about 6f years are now unex- pired, at ^'27 rent, clear of all taxes. Lot 4. All those TWO FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES, STABLE, A,- TWO GARDENS, situate in Swan-lane, in the town of Lla n ntr is a 1 n T,with a FREEHOLD CLOSE or PARCEL of MEADOW LAND, containing about lA. nearly at the back of the.said houses, all which premises are now uiider lease to Air.. Ga- briel Bates, Surgeon, of which about 12 years are unexpired, at the clear rent of 7. 1.5. For further-particulars apply (if by letter, post-paid) to Air. Miles, of Aberthin, near Cowbridge, of whom'Plans of the different Lots may be seen, and who will direct a person to shew the Premises LOST, supposed to be STOLEN, from Abkkclydacii, in the parish of Li.anelly, in the- county of Brecon, on the 2'^d of July, 1804, A BLACK CART MARE, about 1.5 hands high, aged, with a large white stripe in her forehead, a white spof under her lower lip, a short tail, the off hind fetlock white, a little vbita above-tliu jjear hind hoot, and a from a wouud above the same hool. YVh<-lf'vcr will give information (if stolen) of the offender or offerers, shall, on coil miction, receive a reward of FIVE GUINEAS: or if strayed, whoever will give information where she may be met with, shall be rewarded for their trouble, and all reasonable charges paid, oii, applying to Wni. Price, Butcher, Abergavenny. NEfV STATE LOTTERY, 1804. Begins Drawing the 241 h of SEPTEMBER next. IN the present and only Lottery to bedrawn this V«ar, arc .the greatest number of Capital Prizes ever known in proportion to the small quantity of Tickets, SCHEME. 3 of ^20,000 are ,i\60,(X>0 3 — 10,000 —50,000 :3 n,(X)0 15,00p d —' 1,000 6.000 ti — 500 — 4,000 30 — 100 — 2.lkJV 40 50 — 6^50- — ao — 131,000 25,000 Tickets. J_ 2.^0,000 Part of the Capitals to be determined as under: First-drawn Ticket, First Day.. ,¡.1,Ql)() First-drawn Ticket, Seventh Day 10,(X!0 First-dfaWii Ticket, Eighth Day *0,000 First-drawn Ticket, Ninth Day., 5,000 Tickets and Shares on Sale, at every Licensed Lottery Officc. I'RESKNX TRICE. Tickets I? 17 Half j-{) .4 0 Eighth • ■ • r £ l 7 0 -Quarter 4 13 0 J Sixteenth 1 3 6 RtCHARDSON, GOODLIJCK, 4 Co. STATE-LOTTERY OFFICES, CORNIHLL cj- CHARING-CROSS, LONDON, ARE, SI-LLISG rpICKETS and SHARES, in the greatest va- JL • riety of Numbers, for the N EW LOTTERY, which commences Drawing -Oh the t'ith of Ski'tembkr nest, be- ing the only State-Lottery to be drawn this year. Richardson, GoOdi-vck, and Co, sold, it a Quarter, an Eighth, andTen Sixteenth Shares, No 18,t\25. the last-drawn Prize of TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS. Also in the late Lotteries the following Capitals in Shares No. 12,807 £ .30,000 J No. 48,752 •T/'O.OOO 26.88;3 30,0l» j 23,148 ^0,000 7,10b 20,000 ;31,m2. 10,000 '1BA77 IIO.CKK) X?,YR>4 io.OOO 35,909 20,000 ] 25,215 10,000 aNd in A WHOLÐ ticket, No. 4U,318. -^0,000 Also Prizes of £ 5,000, '2,000, A-. 1,000, &c. too nuroe- tous to particularize.. It is. recommended not to dest rov Tickets or Shares in lormer Lotteries" till they are agaiu "examined; correct Registers, for this purpose, arc kept, for upwards of seventy years back, at the -Oltices ot li/.chardtoti, Goodluch, and Co. A TKINSVCOMPOSITION for DESTllOY- XA.- ING KA1S and MICE, IS allowed to be rtte most etiic-acious thing ever yet discovered for specdify exiirpa) inc these pernicious vermin from corn stacks, barns, stables dwelling-houses, mills,-malt-houses, granaries, &c. The number of letters the proprietor has been favoured with from persons of credit aud,respectabl,lit), testifying the TREAT advantages tbev have derived from the use ol'it, yre too ex- tensive tor a newspaper advertisement, but may be seen at large in the haiid-bi s. s Sold, wholesale and'retail, by Messrs. Dicey and Co. price Is. 1 ±d. per bottle, duty included and retail by T. Jenkins., Printer of this Paper, and J. Edmonds, Swansea; E. Rees, Neath; J. Daniel, J. Rojs, and J. Goulston, Carmarthen O. Owen, Haverfordwest; R. Wihuot, Pembroke; K Rees, Llaudovery; W. and G. North, Brecon; B. Hill, Knighton; Bevan and Sweetman, Hay N. Beadles, and Rees and Beich, Ponnpout; C. Vaichell, Cardhf; II, L ewellyn, Bridgend O. Tudor, Alonniourh; W. Pritchard, Chepstow; W. Court, St. Briavil; T. Browning, Liduey bite, Blakcney; and by the principal dealers in Pa- tent Aledicines in every town throuorhout Great-Britain. I Dee gs. 6d. the box, with proper directions for using it. «'- £ T carefui to for Atkins's Co'^position,for destroy- ing RaU, each box ot which is enclosed in a blue wrapper, i^ned with the iiww of J. Atxmjs, the wvsutvr. I CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At tht Black-Lien inn, in the town of Lampetet-pont-St*» phen, in the said county, this day, Salurdav, the 11th be,twee11 .the houri of four and "six o'clock in the afternoon, sublet* to such Conditions of gale a* shall be then and there produced, A FHEEBOLD EbTATEv together or io the. iollowicg Lota Tenement*. Tenanti r.xntdk. Rent. 11 OT r. d, Cwmmere Jacob Isaac -27 y q AtwiH LOT II. h Pihvdvedw £ • } ■»«-„- a-, Kendid • ilham Thomas 3110 0 Ditto., LOT III. Llainftynnon Lewis Dayid Lewis 400 Ditto. Abert-enant !» John Evan, John ) ADert. enant -j Hugh • • • • 6 0 0 Ditto. The above Premises are situate in the parish of Lla*. FiiiAN-c._r.L-Y strad, in the county of Cardigan, and arc ca- pable ot great improvement. For further particulars apply to Mr. Herbert Lloyd, At- torney at Law, Carmarthen. COWBRIDGE. POSTING at ONE SHILLING per MILE CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he still continues his POST- ING at the above price from his own House, the Post- Officj?., in Cowbridof,, where he has fitted up some com- fortable sitting ROOMS for the. accommodation of those Ladies and Gentlemen who wil) please to honour him with p their favours. Refreshment may be had while chanainc Horses. ° C. B. being the first person who caused the reduction of the Posting Business in this part of the country, hopes for the support of a generous Public. reT- A IIEARSE KEPT, <|r. ¡;r Ko. 26; COICXHILL, Lottery unequalled. HORNSBY and Co. RESPEC1 f ULL'i acquaint their numerous country Friends, that the advantages in the present SlArL-LOtlEIvY are such as cannot fail td excite atten- tion. Only 25,000 Tickets, and the Scheme contains threw prizes of ,t 20,000, three of 10,000, and three ol 5,000, which i* equal to past Lotteries where there have been double th. number of Tickets. Begins Drawing 24th of September. Ticicets, Halves, Quarters, Eighths^ and Sixteentlis, are selling on the lowest terms, by Ho unset and Co. Ordeis by letter or caitier executed on the same tertns if it present. N- B. All Prizes whether a £ 20 or a £ 20,000 paid on<W mant}, Y Capital Prizes sold, shared, and registered by MORESBY and Co. of. 1.30,000 j 19 of £5.000 8 of 20.000 30 of 2X)0O" 2 of 15,000 51 of 1.000 15 .0f- 10,000 J 76 .of. 500 And in the Private Lotteries, Cox's Grand Prizes, and th* t71 Pigot Grand Diamond, The 24th of SEPTEMBER, 1804, THE STATE-LOTTERY BEGINS DRAWING. QUAPTERS, THE TICKETS, HALYES, QUARTERS, JL EIGHTHS, and SIXTEEXTU SHARES, are sell- ing oathe- lowest terms,, andm the greatest varietv of Num- bers, at the ROYAL EXCHANGE STATE-LOTTERY Of PICK. No. 88, -C011NH1LL> borner of the R O Y VL. EXCHANGE, LONDON, bv F. HALL, Co. Successors to Mr. NICHOLSON, AND AT Mr. JOliN PEIRCE's BANK, BRECONf" Where have been sold in former Lotteries, the following Capital Prizes, viz. 17,993,.23,481, 7,785, 28,342, and 44,014, .i to.OOO each 5,499, 43,700, 9,065, 19,001, 1~,0^5, 17,049, 46,676, and 51',603, ^10,(XX) each; 20,135. i'3,339, 5!?,365, 30,875, 43,978, 19,896, and 14.777, J.5,000 each besides £ 1,000 and-^f '500, too numerous to mention. Nine of the above Capitals were sold in Sha. es. Aloncy lor Prizes as soon as drawn, and in full, without any deduction, two months after tire Lottery has finished drawing.' Tickets and Shares Registered at 6d per Number. *3" Orders lrom the Country, remitting, good Bills at a short date, Bank Notes, Cash, or Post-oflice Orders, exc. cuted oil the same terms as if personally present". Correct Nunierica} and Register Books kept. SCHEMES GRATIS. RESPECTABLE ATTESTATIONS Tor the CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD, Unparalleled by any other advertised Medicine in the world, given voluntarily by men of character and respec- c itn I tability, m?ii who have daily witnessed its efficacy, and observed its sterling.merit. To S. SOLOMON, Esq. M.D. Liverpool. Silt, PERMIT me to say that vour incomparable CORDIAL B\LM of GILEAD" is held in very high estimation in this-pi ace, not only bv the respectable in- habitants but likewise- b\ many faniiUesof the first rank and distMiction who couieio Spa, and have been pieced LO sanc- tion it with ther I have heard great encomiums from a number of invahdi that have purchased it, who think it a trub balsamic, salu- tavy and einoacious Alecticrae, and believe"it has never fail- ed to give coufort and relief to the afflicted. We have sold the last bol tle,, miid therefore request vou will send an- other supply per iirst earner.. Incloscd is Hayes and Co's draft to our credit. I am. Sir, for Miss Bay*ey, (Niece and Successor to the,late Mr. 'Schofield. Book»elior> Your humble servant, Scarborough, Sept. 17. W. A. HENDERSON. In jusficeto your excellent Balm of G ii), I beg lea". to acquaint you, that my wife has been atiiieted WitlI zi ner- vous complaint in her head -(stomach particularly) and in her bowels, for these *e;.emi months past, wflich her incapable of tollowing her business. I was ;id vised to try your Bai.m of Gilead, when I accordingly went to Air. Grifhths, Printer, Ludlow, and purchased two bottles, by which she found great rebel, when I was happy to go an(1 purchase two bottles more, and now, thank God, I can say she is perfectly cured. THUS. JAMES. Witness, Thomas Griffiths, Ludlow. Prepared by Dr. Solomon, Liverpool, in 10s. 6d. and 33s. bottles; the latter contain four of the former, bv which thte purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine bottle h;*s a stamp, which bears the proprietor's name and address, Saml. So- lomon, Liverpool," to imitate which isfeUmij. N.B.The postage all letters to the Doctor mtist be ff&id, and lOs. Gd, as a it-e enclosed tor advice. r-f.04J'>T Jnnkjn\?rinter of t!lis Paper- J. Bird, Car- dill \v. AI. MertbyT Tidvil; J. Daniel, Cannae then J Potter, Hsveribrdwest: Wiliuot, Pembroke;and lettable Ven.ds# »f