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SWANSEA TONTINE FOR BUILDING "PUBLIC ROOMS and a THEATRE. J MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS 'is requested M FAE MAGKWORTII-ARM^, SWANSEA, -on FRIDAY, the 21th of July instant, at Twelve o'Clock. To .tluj,BURGESSES o £ the BOROUGH of SWANSEA. «TWE OFFICE of RECORDER haring become Vacant by the death of Mr. MORCAX, anil the Right tf Ejection to that situation being indisputably iri the' BUHGEKSKS, Flake leave to solicit the juvour of your votes. Should I be fortunate enough to SIlcftxd to that mpointmtnt, you may rely on a proper attention to your Corporate Rights and .Privileges, I have the lwnour Io be Your oltcdicnt servant, July 5,1804. ltOBT. NRMON THOMAS. NEWTON BATHING-HOUSE, GLAMORGANSHIRE. WILLIAM INCH r EESPECTFULLY informs the Nobility and Gentry, he lias taken and entered upon the above Pre- mises, whichi hefitted up in a neat and comfortable ttylc.as* ;.0DG1NG and BOARDING-HOUSE, for the *eecpti«N of genteel Company resorting to that delightful part ot the country to enjoy the benefit of Sea-Bathing; and his best-endeavours wiii .be unremittingly exerted to GIVE satisfaction to those who may kindly honour him with their presence AND encouragement. A warm I-Ica-water Bath, spacious Coach-liouse, and ex- cellent STFCBIMG. COX's ROYAL ELAHORATORY, GLOCESTER. T. JENKINS, PRINTER OF THIS PAPER, MOST respectfully acquaints the Public, that he is APPOINTED, by Mr. D. COX, of GLOCES- XEB, SOLE AGENT in the Principality, for theSale of his MEDICINAL, AROMATIC, and CULINARY ARTI- CLES, catalogues of whiclunay BQ had,.GRATIS, at his Shop is. Swansea. LIST OF ARTICLES JUST RECEIVED: Arqnebusade, i Powder of Jamaica Ginger, While Itch Ointment, Prepared Charcoal for the Arqnebusade Liniment, Teeth, Cheltenham Salts, Tooth-Brushes, Esprit ITE Rose, Tonic, or Sportman'sTablets, Peppermint LOZENGES, Powder of Russia R/ibbarb, ilorebound Lozenges, Court Plaister, Kit RE Lozenges, t Goldbeater's Skin, Essence of Chamomile, Eau de Luce, P»ppe*nuiit, Smelting Salts, ■ Cardamoms, Windsor Soap, — Colombo, PALM Soap, Curry Powder, Shaving Powder. Orders for Mr. Cox's SEA, FAMILY, and PORTABLE MRBICINE CHESTS, received also by T- Jenkins- BEAUTY, HEALTH, and a GOOD SET of TEETH, Eiisily to be obtained by using of NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH POWDER, Patronized and used by J'Jicir Majesties and ijie rest of the Royal Family^ Aud Sold by T. JENKINS* Printer, Swansea, lOTR. NEWTON has the honour to acquaint J.?A. the Nobility, GENTRY, and the Ladies in general of SVYTMSEA, and the south ot Wales, that being honoured n'tttt the pHtrunage and support of Their Majesties, and the xestof.tiMi Royal Family, the Lord Lieutenvmt of IRELAND arid his Lady, as well' as by most of the distinguished Nubility .and GENTRY in the United K,ingdo}U, ancT being perfectly sensible of the .many obligations he is under to ilife IU&st EMINENT of the faculty, in not- only iising but in Jecopimendrng gtftierally the usg of his Tooth Powder, ^CGS LDLIVC', ill the most earncst manner, to return his sin- cere thanks to them: and though he is surrounded by (he tttfst canscojunafe empirics, (iutcing: their dangerous nos- trum,S tor the Teeth, IKE. to be circulated., through the JTINRCTOM.'BY the most false and audacious advertisements) liegs .leav.e^ IN the most earnest manner, to caution the jpublic AGAINST becoming the dupes of such unprincipled ar- tificcs, and to assure tjiem that he still continues to supply his numerous Venders with his Tooth Powde genuine, through his only wholesale Agents Messrs. Shaw and Edwards-, No,. 66, St.. Paul's Chureh-yard, London, pre- pared from the only Recipe of-that great and learned physician, the late Str ILichmd. Jehb, M. D. to their pre- sent Majesties. It is AS pleasant in its use as it is excellent iu ITS effects. Itspeeddy reuders the Teeth smooth arid white > the gums healthful and linn; eradicates the most inveterate scurvy in the gums; and by using it regularly, ACCORDING to the printed directions sealed round each box. Mr. Newton, the only proprietor, will forfeit one thousand pounds, ii ever an instance occurs of any person having the Todtlsach, or a Tooth decay, to the latest period of life. Mr. Newton hppes by inserting the following Letter of a gentlelnan, well known in Swansea and its vicinity, will prove an ulterior demonstration of the superior efficacy of bis Tooth Powder :—■ SIS Wutkiu Lewes has received a box of Mr- Newton's Tooth POWDER, which WAS sent him yesterday, being most ureadiully aiffictad with the Tooth-ach it afforded him al- most INSTANT relief. ME was about sending HI* servant for' another, when Air. Newton's man called with one (in case, 01 a return) as HE thinks it the most valuable medicine for the Toolh-ach he ever experienced. The relief Sir W. has received, has induced him to send Mr. Newton one guinea, winch he desires Mr. Newton will do him the favour to accept, and shall feel himself particularty happy in recom- mending" all his friends to make use of it for the future, r. Green-street, Orosmu>r-square, Dec: .18t/i,. 1H03. To Mr. Newton, Great llusseiJ-strect. Bedford-square." Also, for the Face and Skin, is particularly recommended NEWTON's -T ROYAL SWEET-SCENTED LUPIN SOAP, the only article at present, known to preserve a beautiful skin; prevents the hands and face from chapping in cold .weather in hot weather it removcs all freckles, SUIK- burns, and tans; is particularly recommended for gentle- iueb to shave with who have tender faces. Also, ■'■ Next oil's Warranted Tooth, Brushes, ■Jfiii&e purposely to wc with his Tooth Powder. The great complaint, of common tooth 'brushes is, that they are so B&diy manufactured, that in a tew times using the hairs all become loose, as well as VERY dangerous to use.—Mr. NEWTON warrants aU his Tooth Brushes. All the above articles are SOLD' genuine, wholesale only, St. BY MESSRS. Shaw and Edwards, No..66, St. Paul's Church- AITRTI, Loiidon; and retail by T. Jenkins,. at the Cambrian Printing-office.; and Mr- Flcxman, SWANSEA; J. Bird, Cardiff; W. M. Davi.s, McrThyr Tidvil; J. Daniel, CAR- MARTHEN J- Potter, Haverfordwest J. Roden, Denbigh Owen, Welch'pool;Mrs. Tye, VVrexham; Gnlliths, Ludlow; .Saher, Oswestry Gritliths, BISHOP'S Castle AUen, Here- lord C. Jones, Glocestcr W. Pine, Bristol; and by every MEDICINE Vender and Pertumer iu eve;y town in th« Uuited'Kingdom, at the following prief*—" Tooth Ponder 'JS. 9d. per box. Tooth BRUSHES is; TVICH. •• Royal Lupin SOHTY J.t. EACH square. N. B. Please to ask for NEWTON'S Tooth Powder, war- $AIN<ID Tooth BNislws, aud his RUYAL Lupiy Sqap. 11 11 ~1 ■' J I SWANSEA RACES, 1805. A SWEEPSTAKES of TEN GUINEAS, for all ages: two-mile heats.—-Three years old td carry 6st. 61b.; lour years old Hst.; five years old Rst. '81b.six years old 8st. l§lb.; and aged hofsfs 9sh MWres and «eld- to be allowed 31b. and horses bred in the Principaiiiv 31b. extra.—To close on the first of May, 18C^, attd noml- nations to be made oil or before that day"to -Nir, AVeatlici-by, or Mr. H. Sniiih, Svyanseii, 'Io be run for immediately after the Principalit y Plate* IIOBT.JRNNKU, GEO. BAKBOR, ■ R. MANSEL PHILIP-PS* JAMES EDW ARBS, (i.ATF. GUATIDÓF THE MIJLFORD MAII.) BEGS leave toillform his Friends and tHe Public in general, that he has taken and entered on the f' WHITE-LION, CARDIFF, which he has fitted up in the gemeeiest manner, and solicits the patronage of Gentlemenr Travellers, and others, and assures them that he will do every thing in his power to uie- rit their support. N-B. Good$TAt,.L STABLES, ahdaMAiL to and from Mertbvr, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. COW BRIDGE. POSTING at ONE SHILLING per MILE. CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he still continues his POST. ING at the above price from his own House, the POST- OI FICK, in Cowmnn(;E,\vherc he has fitted up some com- fortable SITTING ROOMS for the accommodation of those Ladies and Gentlemen who will please to honour him with their favours. Refreshment may be. had while changing Horses. 00 C. B. being the first person who caused the reduction of the Posting Business in this part of the country, hopes lor the support of a generous Public. A HEARSE KEPT, < £ c. ACT.- DUTY,.ON DIVIDENDS AND ANNUITIES IN THE PUBLIC t'USDS. NOTicE is hereby given, that the several Offices at the BANK 01 ENGLAND tj-TH REAO- iV ELDLE-SIREEr, of which notice has been given, will continue open for receiving the Duty and checquing the same, until ail the Duties have been received; or otherwise accounted for to the Commission!1 rs of the District, or the Commissioners tor London, in pursuance of the said Act; and all persons arc desired to take-notice, that for those Sums which are not received, or accounted for, the parties will be chargeable in double the Duty, and liable to be sued lot the same by process ftom his'Majesty's Court of Exchequer. ByUrderoiilieRoardolTai.es, London, July 7,1804- MATTHEW WINTER, Sec. Thu Day was published, IN ONE LARGE VOLUME QUARTO, Illustrated with Views, drawn and engraved by La Porte, and a Map of the Country, Trice ,£'.(, 12s. Cd. in boards, liE SCENERY, ANTIQUITIES, BIO- JL (jRAPHY of ^SOUTH-WALES, from Materials col- lected during Twu Excursions in the vear lOOJ. By BEN J. HEATH MALKIN, Esq. M, A. F. S. A. w les A few Copies may be had with the Views linely coloured by La Porte, price ^'l, 4s. in boards. Printed for Longmau, llurst, Rees, and Oime, No, 39, Pateruostpr-row; and iuay lIe had of T. Jenkins, Svvansea Bird, Cardiff j Bartleman, Neath; Walters, Cow briilce • Daniel, Carmarthen; Wilmot, Pembroke Phillips,Tenov and Potter, Haverlordwest. Of whom may be hwi, by the smllC Author, lately ptlblishcd, ALMA 11 IDE AND il.UlKr, A Tl\AOX:V\ IS fIVE ACTS. To iyhich is prefixed, a Letter to John Philip Kemble. Esq. on Draaiatic ComposUiou,—Rovai Bvo. price (is. boards. OOUT,;INDIGES?'I6s, FLATITLFNCY, NEUVOLS 11EAD- Acu 4" prpjJiN'iiks, LOWNESS of Dibits, TUEMOHS, Spasms/tyc. The Concentrated Essence of Ginger. THIS most valuable preparation is offered to the. public with increased, confidence, since it has received the sanction and recommendation ol several eini- hent Medical Men; it has been used bv soiiie part of the Royal Family, and by many of the Nobility and Gentry ni town and country, with great success. Its character may also be seen m the Medical and Chirur^ical Review for May 1804. 1, Sold, genuine, (only) by Oxley and Co. her Majesty's Chyniists, No. 27, fiavmarket, London; and by thoir ap. pointnient, by r. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; Keene and Co. Bath; Sheppard, Bristol; Tudor, Monmonth; Ed- dqwes, Shrewsbury Bull, Dublin; and by one or more re- spectable Venders ol Medicines in all the principal towns of the U nited Kingdom. CAUTION AT THE PRESENT SEASON. By his Majesty's Royal Letters. Patent.. DR. SIBLV's RE-ANIMATING SOLAR 1 INC IURE is particularly recommended during the present varied Season of heat and cold; which, as a preventive of fevers, a strengthener of the system, and a general preserver of health, has no rival. Its cn'ects on decayed constitutions, whether brought on by indiscretion, or otherwise, are self-evident; and the many cases in which it has completely succeeded, have powerfully re- commended it to numberless families. EXTBIOBDISARY CASE. Mr. Jojin SWAS, of Wind-street, Swansea, was seized with a dreadful fever, which, when it abated, left an HI- flammation on his lungs, which became ulcerated, and he was reduced to a mere skeleton. In this deplorable situa- tion, which had ballled all medical skill, a friend, who had some time before been nearly as bad, advised him to try t{»e SOLAR TrvcTifttF, which had cured him. Following the counsel of his friend, Mr. S. purchased two bottles, which immediately relieved, and shortly, alter entirely re- moved, his. comptaints, and restored hnn to his former licit Itli*, Mr. S. now says, he must have sunk into the grave, had he not taken this valuable medicine, and considers, himself twenty years younger, such were its woudertul effects. Additional advantage-—Persons taking the Tt?rc run F, on sending the particulars ot their complaints (post-paid) to the Solar Tincture Warehouse, No. 40, New Bridge-street, Ludgate-hili, London, may have medical advice gratis. This incomparable preparation is sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; J. Bird, Cardiif; VV". M. Davis, | Merthyr Tidvil; J. Daniel, Carmarthen; J. Potter, Haver- fordwest; VVilmot, Pembroke; Hughes, -Kilgeran; W. and G. North,. Brecou; J. Roden, Denbigh; Owen, -VVelchpool j Mrs. Tye, Wrexham; Gritliths", Ludlow; Salter, Oswestry Grilliilis, Bishop's Castle Allen, Here- klord; Tudor, Monmouth; C. Jones, Glocestcr; W. Pine, Bristoland by all Venders of Patent Medicines—in i,bottles at 14s. 7s. 6d. and 6s. each, duty included ;—of whom may be had. printed pamphlets.of remarkable cures. 1 HE LUNAR I IN CI URL, lor the Fsjjai.e SJsx, at 19s. 6d, per UoCtle. reversionary interest. TO BE SOLD, THE REVERSIONARY INTEREST of I' '.T HO US AND .THREE H U N D R ED I U U iV DSi in the THREE *EIICENT. BANK A^JFTYNIJES, expectant on the Decease of a Lady aged 50. Apply to Mr. Phillips, Attorney, Swansea. j JNNUITF F TO BE DISPOSED OF, A K ANNUITY of < £ 100, well secured in -fi- the County of Glamorgan, for a very Healthy Life. Particulars may be had at the Office of J. Jeff reys, Swansea. GLAMORGANSHIRE TO BE SOLD, ATFD E^JTERF-O DPOX IMMEDXATStY, A LEASE (40 years of which are unexpired) of PREMISES, consisting of several large Build- ings, formerly employed its COPP £ R-W"0RK3, with a large ORE-YARD and WAREHOUSES on the riverside, and the use of a commodious Quay, EIGHTEEN CO^TAGF.S, a good DWRLLI^g-HOUSF. and Gardes, an excellent four-stall STADT-E. COACH-HOUSF,* and other convenience^ situate at Mcliti Crythaiij near Neath. Particulars may bd had by application on the Premises; or by letter (post-paid) addressed to Mr. Jas. Coke, Neath. FOR SALE, And noio LANDING at FOIVEK, in CORNWALL, A L™&^ORTR*ENT of DRAM TIMBER LS' ?ncl LONGSOUND TIMBER and K' v ■' 1!! bf,fonv*fyed lnt0 WALES, at a very iow Ireight. as the Coal Vessels have-to return from Fowev to Wales In Ballast. » J For further particulars apply to Mr. John Kelley Graham, at fowcy. CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Black-Lion inn, in the town of Lampeter-pont-Ste- phen, lu the said county, on Saturday, the 11th day of August next, between the hours of four and siuf o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, together or in the ■L following Lots Tenements. Tenants Names. Yearly Rent. LOT t. s.7 Cwmmere Jacob Isaac t7 0 0 At will LOT it.. II KemlidW William Thomas 31 10 0 Ditto. LOT irr. L'tainifyiiiioa Lewis David4 0 0 Dilto. Abcl« 600Ditto. Abcnrcuant., f,I, u",h 6 0 0 Ditto. The above Premises are situate in the parish of LLAV- FiH ANG i,t, SI RAD, in the county of Cardigan, and arc ca- pable ot great improvement. ° For further particulars apply to Jfr. Herbert Lloyd, at- torney at Law, Carmarthen. County of the. Borough of CARM.l RTHEN. TO BE SOLD BY. AUCTION, By SAMUEL THOMAS, the tl,e county of the borongh of Carmarthen, on luesdav, the 14th day of August next, between the hours ot three and live of the clock in the afternoon. subject to such Conditions as will be then pro- duced, either in one or three lots, as shall be agreed to at the time ot sale, ALL those THREE MESSUAGES, BUR- GAGESorDWELLING-HuiJSES, with the Yards, Hull-roots and Oardcns thercumto belonging*, situate, iv- ing, and being near ST. CATHEitiNK's-MiLi., in Lpw'er Water-street, uitliesaid county of the borough, now in the occupation ot Joseph Danes, Ilatter, sfnd others, as tenants at will, at the very low clear yearly rent, in the whole, ot 1?) per aunum.. 'i he above houses are in tcnantable repair, and extend in front upwards of at feet, with a Garden to each (indepen- dent of a yard) of upwards of 100 feet in depth. For particulars apply to Mr. Brown, Solicitor; Mr. Wil- liams, Mason, Carmarthen j or to the Auctioneer. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. LLEWELLYN, At the Bush-inn, in Swansea, on Tuesday, the 24th of Julv instant, between the hours of three and six iu the after- noon, agreeable to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, THE SWEDISH SHIP 0 TA EE A D O L PH, Bnrthen by measurement 302 Tons, now Witrrn in Swansea River, with all her Mate- nals and Stores. For particulars apply to George Cowie, Esq. No. 8, Fins- bury-square, London; Messrs. Rat;hbone, Hughes, and Duncan, Liverpool; Messrs. Thomas and Joseph Hellicar, Bristol; or to William Grove and Son, Swansea. HES P ECT ABLE ATTESTATIONS For the CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD, Unparalleled by any Other advertised Medicine in the world, given voluntarily by men of character and respec- tability, men who have daily witnessed its efficacy, and observed its sterling iiierit. To S. SOLOMON, Esq. M. D. Liverpool. FROM WORCESTER. llonvofi.T, Sent. 5,17%. O INCE I wrote }'ou an answer to your last O letter, I have sold the remaining pyrt of the CORDIAL B k of GH,EAD -r I must therefore; request a fresh sup- ply immediately, as I should be. sorry to .disappoint the pa- tients who are now taking it. I have tbe satisfaction of say- ing, that two ladies who have had several bottles, expe- rienced great benefit from it" and mean to recommend it strongly. I am, Sir, yours respectfully, THOMAS HOLL. PROM STOCKTON.. SIR. 5tocktoiz, Oct. 10, 1797. In consequence ofthe surprising cure performed by your CORDIAL BALM »f GlLEAD on. Mr.'Wilkinson, of this place, (who. wrote you an account of his case and cure) we continue to have a great demand for the Medicine. In- deed severa) other people iri this place and neighbourhood have received great beueiit from it- You will immediately setnl us anotherbox of the-Medicine, same as last,with the addition of a dozen of your Guide to Heath," bv the first carrier. We are, Sir, your obedient servants," CHRISTOPHER and JENNET. Prepared by Dr. Solomon, Liv erpool, in 10s. 6d. and"33s. bottles; the latter routaii> four of the former, bv whieh the purchaser saves Every genuine bottle has a stamp, winch bears the proprietor's name and address, Suml. St)- Ipnwn, Liverpool,I' to imitate which L< felony.' N. B. The postage Cifall letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d. as 3 fee enclosed tor ad vice. Sold by T. Jenkins. Printer of this Paner- f Bird C ,r diff; VV. M. H„™, .Tidvil; then J. Potter, Haverlordwest-; VVilmor, Pembroke and i by i*ii »Uicr ruputabie V enders of Mcdiciuce.- j, TO BE LET, A Commodious HOUSE, situate in ST. JOHN- 8TA4.KT, SWA V?KA, consisting of two front parlours, kitchen, and other oliices, with suitable bed-rooms, and a small court. Enquire of Ree* Jones, Land-Surveyor, Swansea. GLA MOKCAN SHIRE. TO BE LET, immediately, A Capital MALTHOUSE, situated at LAVT- ^r-MAjoR, capalSe of fijaking from 4000 to 5000 Jjushels ot Malt in a season.. For further particular enquire* cf Mr. John Jones at Boverton. hear Lantwit. GREYHOUND INN. TO BE LET, FOR THE RYEXFIREU' TERM PT NINE TEARS, AND ENTR.TIEO VPO'N AT MICHAELMAS NEXT, ALL that Well-established and Eligible INN, called THE GREYHOUND; compmin- a commodious Dwelling-house, Out-houses, Court, Stablin", and Garden, situate in CAL\ ERT-STRET, SWANSEA. 3 The Stock in Trade, Utensils, and'Household Fnrnrtnre, to be taken at a fair valuation. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Miles, Greyhound, as above. Swansea, July 10th, 1804. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPOS' AT MICHAELMAS, OR SOONER IF REQUIRED, A Large and Commodious HOUSE, situate in the centre of the town of NEATH, consisting of a parlour, breakfast-room, hall, and two kitchens, on the ground-floor, nve bed-chambers on the first story, and one large garret; together with three underground cellars, and, if rpquirsd* stabling for fourteen horses, a coach-house, and six Acres of Land, in high cultivation, adjoiuin" the town of Neafh. For particulars apply to Rich. Bevan, M. D. at Dynevor- Lodgd, ntar Neath.—AH icttcrs must be post-paid. GLAMORGANSHIRE*" TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATF-I.Y, A Commodious Newly-built MESSUAGE or D^\ ELLING-LLOLSE, situated 011 the STRA<ND, in the town of SWANSEA, comprising, on the ground-floor, two parlours and a kitchen, pautry and scullery, with a large, well ol water behind, which never dries, formerly used asV Cold Bath, frutn which 'water is conveyed by'lead pipes into the kitchen and other parts of the house on the tirst- floor, a large drawing-room, lobby, and three bed-chambers; and on the second or attic storv, a lobby and four bed- chamber.* yig<t(hcr with a large and convenient newbaHt Store-houstadjoining the dwelling-house, containing 4 lolls- The lenant may be accommodated with a good Three- I stall Stable, only a lew yards distant from the above premises; lor further partieulilrs apply to John Williams Mansfield, Attorney at Law, Swansea. Giutuorganshirx Clergy Charily. THE SUBSCRIBERS are requested to meet at the Bi. n-i;y Ni in Cowuitrue; 1., at twelve o'clock, oil luesdav, t it: x' Jth instant, to receive Petitions and make Distributions ot ttic Balance in hand'. j t, WlLklAM WILLIAMS, Treasurer. Cowbridge t'fee-behool. July 1801.. For BRUISES, SPRAINS,, RHEUMATISMS,$c. DR. STEERS's OPODELDOC. CAUTION.- On the outside of the wrapper c on each uotJe of the real Medicine a Stamp is fixed, in which is engraved, « R Ncir-hcn,, No. 45, St. Paul's;" and over the cork ot the bottle a. Label is pasted, with these words, (..yft or. .5 Opoc/c/f/oc, prepared by F. Newbtry." A lit wse which are sold without these designations are gross counterfeits. The public are requested to attend to this caution, in con- sequence oi an imposition which has b<-en practised by cer- tani V enders ot Aledicine, who, under cover of a connection in trade wiiii Air, Tsewhery's house, have not only ^old in Loudon, hut, hy travelling round t,he country, have dis-e- jninated thiou^h Ihe retati dealers in ali parts of the kinir- doin, large quantities of a spurious preparation of this Opo- deldoc 111 the bills of directions'of which the names of Dr. Steers, of Charmg-eross, and Mr. Newbery, of St. Paul's Chnrch-yard, are made tiwe ot, in order the more completely todecene unwary purchasers. 'I l'<; genuine Opodeldoc is prepared and sold onlv by F. Newbery-and Sons, No/45, St. Paul's, 011 the Coach-way, a few doors from-Cheapside. London, inbottb-s, price i.'s. 6d. each, duly included; sold also"by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper and by those Venders m the country wlw olfcr the real Medicme .under its appropriate Stamp. Ot the Printer of this Paper may also be had, genuine, trcitt Mr. Newbery's warehouse, Dr. JAMES'S POWDER. -ANALEPTIC PILLS. PECTORAL LSSKNCK of COLTSFOOT. PAREGOItlC LOZENGES. RHEUMATISM, PAINS IN* THE OMRS, &E. Dr. Jjateniayfs Pectoral Drops. THE Public never had a more valuable Me- dicine presented to them,than these inestimable Droits, as a certain cure in -Rheumatic and Chronic Complaints, violent Colds, and nseqeent Pains in the Limbs, iriving relief in the most >,U!ent fits -of the Gout; in short ,"jt Juts NOW beep so long established, and its virtues so well known to the public in general, that it would be needless to say more in its praise: but great as the good ejects arc from taking the (rueaud gcnuirte i, DROPS, the consequences resulting tron) taking the comiterte.it sorts, arc too frequently as much the reverse, the ill effects of which have been often experienced: it is therefore recommended to every one to take PARTICULAR notice, that the words LJj- cey and Co. 10, Bote Litnrch-yardare printed in the stamp affixed to tuck bottle, and signed at the top of each bill of directions—all others are counterfeit. Sold, wholesale an SI retail. hv Messrs. Dicey and Co. price Is. HD. per bottle, duty included and retail by T. jcfikitts, Printer of this Paper, and J. Edmonds, Swansea; E. Rees, Neath: .J, Daniel, J. Ross, and J. Goirlston, Carmarthen: O. Owen, Haverfordwest; IL YVilmol, Pembroke: R. Rees, I.landovery; W. and G. North, Brecon; H. Hill, Knighton; Bevan and Sweetman, Hay; N. Beadles, and Rees and, Belciii POUTIPOOL; C. Vaiehell, Cardiff'; n. Llewellyn, Bridgend 0: Tudor, Monmouth W. Pritchard, Chepstow ,W. Court, St. Briavii; T. Browning, Lidney; 1). W hite, Blakency; MID by the jirineipal dealers in Fa- tent Medicines in every town throughout Great-Britain. Of whom mas lie had, lrom Dicey and Co.'s warehouse as above, eI ■n T, <L «. rf- I rue Daffy's Elixir '2 :f Stoug1 ton's Elixir L |i SIIIIILLEI BOTTLES 16 J FRIAR'S BALSAM 1 LL- DR. ATIDIRSON'S SCOTS BATHING S]>IRITS 0 PILLS* ;50 in A box.. :1 H Gu(jfre,'s CORDIAL 0 B DN RADCLILSE'S VNRGIUG I Coidt-mtndphuuSpims 1 Ltlxir 1 [' OF SCURV Y-CRRASS 1 b I SQUIRE'S GRAND ELIXIR 1 « J BEAU ME DE VIE :3 {( Rostock's El i.vir 2 :> lietton's. British Oil 1 Ü Hooper' Female i'iil< 1 lj Rymor's Tincture y Pike's OiiUiaent. 1 9 | Walker's Jesuits Drops 2 9 TIrE SALE of PEXTRE-MAUR. and other Prcinise^, advertised lor SATUP.DAV, the L'iith inst.- is POSIPONI',1). TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY ORDER OF IJIF 'TOVOUR.YJJR.E rnt COM!TRIKSIONF.II# OF HIS Uu Wednesday, tfw »th da v of Aug. lWi, at the Custom- flOUrC, lV^hro^c, (TO |>ltJ VA TP. TER-30N5 OfTT) rT^HREE HUNDRED # THIRTY-SEVEN of BRANDY, SEVEN ditto RUM* SEVEN ditto GENEVA. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the morning. for his Majesty's Hired Armed ▼ Brig MORRISTON, JAMES BARKER, E?q. Con,- inA?d-pr' a ABLE-BODIED and ORDINARY SEA- MEN, who w ill meet with every encouragement by apply- ing on Board the said Ship. I:> rr Swansea, July i'O, l804. MONMOUTHSHIRE. IN consequence of the present SCARCITY of JL the RED GAME within the EARL of A BERG 1- VKNNY., MANORS of ABERGAVENNY and PEL- LENIG. I am desired by his Lordship to sigllify his earnest wish, that Gentlemen, as they regard their own future amusement, will not KILL or take any of the said Gallle on those Manors the ensuing Season. Proper persons will be employed to keep off all Poachers. Blaenavon, THOMAS lULL, Jun. July 16, 1804, Gamekeeper of the said Manors. NA VY-OFFIC E, LONDON, July 10,1304. THE principal OFFICERS and COMMIS- SIONERS of HIS MAJLST\'s NAVY hereby give notice, that all MASTERS in the NAVY, who may be at this time unemployed, are to send immediately to thi/Oifice, information ot their Place of Abode, and whether they be capable of Service or not in the latter case a Certificate to that effect, from a Medical Practitioner, must be forwarded, and every person failing to comply with this reuuisttMC, within one month from this date, will be struck off the List of Masters. HEALTH AND LONGEVITY. DR. JAMES's ANALEPTIC PILLS. TO obviate the impositions which have long been practised in regard to this Medicine, a small at- tention only is requisite; tor as by favour of the Commis- sioners of the Stamp-Office, separate plates have been pre- pared for Mr. Newbery's use, with his name engraved in theStamps, the imitation of which would be a capital alienee, the genuine preparation may now be readily ascertained; it is tliiTefoi e recommended 'to purchasers not to open any liox ia future, unless 1 hey abaervethe words, .F. Aetitry, .Yo. 45, St. Paul's," printed in the Stamp. The superior excellence of these fills in RIIEUMA- TISMS and COLDS, as well as in other compiaintsto which the human frame is liable, from the vicissitudes of our cli- mate, is universally acknowledged. They are admirably calculated for Bilious, and other disorders of the stomach and bowels; for Head-Aclis occasioned by indigestion; and lor preventing Palsies and Apoplexies, 90 oHen the consequence ot, lice living. Recourse should be had to them alter every excess, and upon every slight indisposition; and, th us their weil-known characteristic of promoting ion- gev ity will lie I by assisting nature in the due discharge ol the animal functions, and by keeping the con- stitution, as it were, in continual repair^ they preserve the body in health and vigour, and prevent premature decay. I hey require no particular confinement, nor attention to diet. They are sold by F. Newbery snd Sons, at the warehouse tor Dr. James's Pcwder, No. 45, St. Paul's, London; in boxes price 4s. 6d. each, sramp. included; or six in one largo box for 11. 4f. and by those Venders only in the country who offer the real Medicine, under its appropriate Stamp. Sold also' by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper J. Bird, Cardiff; W. M. Davis, Merthyr-Tidvil; J. Daniel, Car- marthen; and J. Potter, Hayeriordwest. To THOMAS TAYLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- streff, London. HONOURED SIR, Edinburgh, March 18, 1801. JBEG leave to inform you, that ever since the JL year J790,1 had been afflicted with the LUES VENE- REA; which, irom its obstinately resisting every course of medicine prescribed by the most eminent of the faculty here, and undergoing several several eonrscs of salivation, and twice discharged from the Hospital, with little relief, would appear to be ofthe most inveterate nature. In tho spring ol last year my disorder had got to such a head, as nearly to put a period to my existence—I had a large ulccr 011 the crown of my head, one on each arm, and mv legs were broke out in a frighttut manner niy right was uread- iuily painful, and had been in a state of ulcccatiOll for the last, seven years; lIlY left had also two large nodes on it, was very much discoloured, and gave me such excruciating pain, particularly when warm in bed, as nearly to deprive me of rest; m this lamentable state,1 was recommended by Mr. J. Thompson, (w!ro received so great a erne by them here) to take your LEAKE's PATENT P1LI ^S, which I • lenati to tIt) oil '26:h' of Mav in rhp p«iit«« «♦' n tn..t- :)i:jht J began to receive benefit—in little more than a mojiih the ulcers 011 my head and arms were soundly heal- ed—soon after, the sores on niy legs healed also; leaving, however, considerable discolouration in the skin, andpalll in the bone of the left, which, by the blessing of (jod, and a little lunger perseverance in your invaluable Medicine, sub- sided: the nodes dispersing, the skin regaining its natural hue, and the nocturnal pains gradually going off. I thus iteeame, by your liberal advice and medicine, perfectly free lrom ail my former complaint*—have recovered my lormer spirits and'strength, and am become jolly and fat, in which state having continued many mouth., to the astonishment of ail who knew me, I am at a loss ill what terms to express my gratitude, but beg you, for the good of other suffering mor- tals, to make this my case as public >s possible, as I shall on en:r)' occasion in so doing you will greatly oblige, Sir. your grateful, obedient, verv humble servant, „ ALEX. MURKER. bwan's-CIose, High-street, Edinburgh. L it/tcssrs to the above CMrt; :—John Titompson. No. 3, New Poultry-Market,Edinburgh. John M'hitosh, Old Assembly- Close, Edniburghi Prepared and -old bv the sole Proprietor, Tbos. Taylor, Member of the Hoyal tollegc of Surgeons, at his house, No. 9, New Bridge-street, London; where, after a constant residence of more than thirty-six vears, in a practice parti- cularly directed to the cure of Venereal Couiplauits and those incidental to the parts ofgeneratiou in both sexes, with that inviolable secrecy which men of his profession should always observe, he flatters himselt, the advice and its- cv (,e lie administers to penOllS taking this .WedieuiCj will be esteemed, hy a discerning public, as an advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of ambiguity. Also sold, by his appointment, lor the convenience of those living at a distance, by T. Jenkins;, Printer ol this Paper; and by cue person iii cvers consider able town in Great-Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 1M. each, stamped, and sealed up with full ami piain directions, whereby persons ot either sux may cure themselves wHii ease, speed, secrecy, and saietv. N. H: Every box -suld in Great-Britain is sealed up with a stamp, on which, by fiiv»iir ot the Coiunus'ssoner*it printed, at tiie S-'a'up-illlico- 2'byittr, Ao. 9, Ni w ]iridgt-itr"ct- to iiaitatc wlK-tb »s JulwMy_. anli ali «thb:v »r*