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,Tr TriCRSPAV, March 22. • p-TJ^HE physicians' uullwihir ol this day^ -relative & to '.he kind's health, i$"so congt-nrdl to the JL wishes loyal people, that }i:-wiII be reua with infinite stud univcrs&l ^iitishictibn: llis Alujcsty is so much btii-tw} tl^ut iti out' opitiion u little twit: wfllperfect his recovery? ]; In the course of the morning, his Majesty sighed a variety of papers, aild transacted t)thcr bu- siness. Many letters from Paris represent that the dis- covery of the late conspiracy has produced uncom- mon agitation throughout l-'rance. It is said that a number of rhiiitarymen' have lallen'imdcr suspi- ciun, and the prevalence of discontent among the military is much greater than was imagined. The eAcct-:of all this is a state of alarm and anxiety among the people, ignorant of what is to happen, but fearful that it wilt be something bad. The Hanoverian Ministers at Berlin, Petersburgh, iind Vienna, (says a iettcr from Berlin) have, in the name of their Sovereign, protested against -the la te money transactions of the French General in Hanover, by which the Hanoverian Government have been forced to nr rociate loans for large sums, at different places, as or. iv contrary to the laws of .war and nations, I against the special direc- tion of his Britannic Majesty, as Elector of Ha- nover,' who acknow4edg> > IK> debts upon the Elec- torate but those incurred by his consent, abso- juteiy necessary to mwke all acts of .sovereignty valid. This memorial, it is added, finishes with declaring, That should other legal Governments endure this violation and extortion of revolu- tionary France, severe measures, much against .the wili and custom of England, will be resorted to, in .the acquisitions and conquests of Great Britain; and French and Dutch subjects in the coloniesj and their property, shall finally be the only sutferbr:' for the rapacity, of France oil the continental possessions of his Britannic Majesty hi Europe:" A letter from Constantinople, on the 26: h of Ja- nuary, says, You may consider it as certain, that General Brune has received from France, by an extraordinary Courier, secret dispatches, by which he is charged to employ every means which may "not commit him, to cause to be seized and sent to France,the Chief whom the Mamelukes sent to London, and whom the English Government have sent back in a frigate, CEiti Bey.) The General Ambassador is authorised for this purpose to hire and secretly arm all Greek and other vessels he can procure, which, by stratagem or force, are to seize the person of the Mameluke Chief, and take him from the vessel in which he is embarked." The Leviathan, of 74 gnns, Captain Bayntun, sailed from Portsmouth on Tuesday, with three bomb vessels or the Mediterranean, for the pur- pose, as it is said, of- bombarding Algiers. Yesterday evening, a person who had made his escape from Paris, arrived in town, and brought with him some information of great importance. Bonaparte, it appears, has not left Paris. The necessary precautions for removing the in- habitants and their property from the neighbour- hood of the coast, in case of a landing being effect- ed by the enemy, have been adopted throughout the northern district. It is reported that a secret naval expedition will shortly sail, under the command of that enterpris- ing officer, Sir Edward Pellew. The Snow, Captain Bidlake, with a valuable cargo of wine and fruit trom Lisbon, is arrived at Plymouth, after a. short pa-sage. Oil Sciily, she ffilm with, and was captured by a French schooner privateer, of 16 guns; but-fortunately, by a shift of wind, and being a fast sailer, she escaped, while exchanging prisoners, though with the loss of all her boats. Mr. W. Dun das. presented a petition to the House of Commons, yesterday, from W.Huskisson, Esq, relative to the double Veturti for the borough of • liskeard*, which, after some observations on the mode of the return of T. Sheridan, Esq, was order- ed to lie on the table.—On the House going -into a Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. Dent asked whether any measures had been taken to relieve bankers from penalties incurred by the property tax? He likewise asked at what period the loyalty Joan was redeemable? The Chancellor of the Ex- chequer replied, that a bill might be brought in before the recess, or the House might interfere to stop process in the first case; andrespecting the second, the Hon. Gentleman might see the opInion of the Attorney and Solicitor, General at the Bank; he therefore saw no reason why he in his official caoacity should bring the matter before the public. ■—The "House being formed into the Committee, Mr. Addington said that the grants for the "naval service had exceeded the expenditure this year in the sum of 1,776,66*31. which he proposed should go towards raising the supply; he entered into t&rther calculations and explanat;1 on the sub- ject offinance, and moved that the < e sum, with some necessary deductions, be isk >• 4 for the new supply.—Lord Folkstonedoubted H:t statement, which upon investigation he feared v <• id be found i) be a deficit instead of a surplus.- -.r John Sin- clair wished to be informed whethf he surplus ti-om the strict economy observed in the na- val department, or from the number of seamen be- iaig less than had been voted The Chancellor of the Exchequer said a great deal from the first, but chiefly, from the latter. The seamen, however, were now not 1500 less than their full complement. —The resolution was then agreed to. ( Y, The recovery of our beloved Sovereign, which is now confirmed by the total cessation of the medi- c-ji bulletins, is a subject of universal congratula- tion and rejoicing. The greatest calamity that threatened' the nation is now by the blessing of lirk)v i' avertedi and the dangers arising from the threats of our haughty enemy, give scarcely a moment's uneasiness. His Majesty's reappearance among his affec- tionate people may be soon expected, and a ge- neral meeting.of the Royal landiv will take place in a few days. The report of the sailing of the French fleet from Toulon, while Lord Nelson was gone to Al- giers, ts again revived, with the addition, that a private has been received from his Lordship, stating the tact, and that he was in close pursuit, expecting every hour to bring, them to action.— That the re-nit would hf honourable to the British flag we can have no doubt; our only fear is,-that the report is not correct, more especially as we understand no advices at all corroborating the above circumstances have been received at the Ad- miralty. It is asserted by many persons, even in France, that the whole of the late conspiracy there is a deceitful contrivance, of the First Consul, to cut off .1 number of persons whom he distrusts.-In the mean time it is stated, that the preparations for the invasion oi' this country arc going on with redoubled vigour; that they arc now perfected on a verv yreat and formidable scale, and that the grcar tfTtl will not be long deferred. A letter from an officer belonging to our squa- droa employed in the blockade of Havre, dated March li», 's.ays, A great number of boats, con- structed for the conveya,riceoftroop.5,continue to covnc down the Seine. There are now in the roa,ds of Havre fourteen schooners, sixteen large luggers, fourteen cutter-rigged vessels, seven brisks, and fifteen ketches, all armed, and, at the moment of my writing this letter; full of men. The greater part of them are exercised almost every da) about the mouth of the river; but it is impossible for om-vessels>!to, get inč(Ûoseel\o'Ügh ,to attack them. The gtuird-boats sent from our squadron row every night within pistol shot, and we are so constantly-upon the alert, that the smaH- est of the enemy's vessels cannot, without the greatest chance, succeed in escaping." ° A letter from an officer in Adm. Thorn-borough's squadron, dated of! the Texel, the 16th inst. says, 1 now think we shall soon see the Dutch tleet.- Thev are making great preparations—.forced to do lfL n, so by ihe French. Their force consistsoffuur ships of the line, one frigate, four brigs, and about sixty large transports. Our tars are all impatient to give them a salute." In the House of Commons, yesterday, on bring- ing up the report: of the Committee of Ways and Means of the preceding day, Mr. Addington,-in reply to some observations by Lord Folkstone, that the produce of the taxes voted last year was consi-, derably under the estimate, stated, that judging from the amount of the property tax hitherto re- ceived, he had no doubt that when the whole was collected for the year, the produce would fall but little short of the estimate, viz. 4.500,0001. He had also the strongest reason to believe, that-the produce of the war taxes, estimated at twelve mil- lions, would be at least ten millions and a half.- In answer to a question put by Mr. Fox, Mr. Ad- dington stated, that circumstances still existed which precluded any communication to the House respecting the mediation, of Russia between this country and France,—The volunteer bill was read a third time, passed, and ordered to the Lords, after a tedious and uninteresting debate, in which Col.Craufurd, Mr. and Mr. Fox went over tlieir former objections to the system and were replied to by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and other advocates for the bilf.Another peti- tion vas presented relative to the Liskeard election return, and the business-, after sohie conversation, was ordered for consideration on the 17th of April. The Easter recess is only to be-for a week. The Housa will adjourn on Thursday next to that day se'nnight. A gentleman has engaged to ride from London to York in ten hours. He is to change horses on the road as often as.he pleases. The bet is for one t'hollsand pounds. A fire broke out in a court near the Obelisk, in St. George's Fields, yesterday; and we are sorry to hear that a poor infirm woman perished in the flames. Saturday, March 24. Two sloops laden with provisions for the ene- my's squadron, have b;een captured going into Brest, bv the Mary cutter,Lieti tenant Milne, bc- longing'to Admiral Comwallis's squadron.—Gaz. Tne French brig privateer, -Jenhe Henry, of 14 guns, and 50 men, has been taken by the Tartar ierter of marque, belonging to Guernsey, of 10 guns and 50 men, after- a very gallant action of two hours.—Hid. The expedition against one or more of the ene- my's ports, did not finally sail, it appears, till yes- terday morning., The squadron got under weigh from Dungeuess at eleven o'clock, accompanied by six vessels loaded with stones. A strong detach- ment of the 52d regiment and rifle corps, embarked, it is said, at the same time, from Sandgate roads, in several armed cutters and gun-brjgs, and is to accompany tUe expedition. The military are, we I hear, to storm the batteries at the mouth ot the enemy's ports, and are afterwards to re-embark and cover the retreat of the crews lrom the vessels load- ed with stones. A printed letter of Moreau's is in circulation, which, though well written, is.evidently a fabrica- tion. -It recounts with bitterness the sins of the FirstConsul, admits the design of himself,.Georges, land Pichegru, to attempt the restoration of the Bourbons, and finally defies the Grand Judge and his horde of spies to prove aught'against him be- yond his own confession. The Traveller paper (from what authority we know notj observes;-—"H" is certain that the cor-:| respondence, which continues to be carried on be- tween England and Russia,, is of such a nafure as to render the disclosure of any part of it, at present, not only inexpedient, but highly improper." It appears by letters from Lisbon, that: the Eng- lish merchants resident there, are comprehended under the tax for supplying the French with the sti- pulated sums for allowing Portugal to remain neu- ter, that Government having laid a duty amounting to about 2l 14s. a pipe on all wines. It is said that the granaries of the island of Malta were suffered to be nearly exhausted; and, owing to the machinations of our active enemy, the ports p of Barbary, from whence the supplies were usually drawn, have dewed us, tbe smallest assistance; and we have been obliged to send to the Black Sea for grain. Yesterday were received American papers to the 5th of February, The Norfolk Herald of the latest date, contains a petition adressed to Mr. Merry, signed by the masters of 13 English vessels lying in Norfolk harbour, in which they state, that the greatest part of their crews have deserted since their arrival in America; and that, notwithstanding they had repeatedly applied to the Mayor and Ma- gistrates of the borough of Norfolk, and convinced them that the seamen in question were English- men, and under articles, they had not been able to obtain warrants for their apprehensioi). The con- sequeDce is, that these ships are not able to return home. In the House of Lords, yesterday, the Royal as- V sent was given, by Commission, to the two-million exchequer bills bill, to four Irish duty bills, the su- gar warehousing bill, Alderman Boy dell's lottery bill, and nine others.—On the bringing up the vo- lunteer bill, Lord Havvkesbury moved that it be read, which being done, his Lordship further mov- ed that the bill be printed, and read a, second-time, on Monday. Earls Spencer, Fitzwdham, and Car- narvon, and other Lords, thought Monday too ear- I" a day to discuss the important matters of the* bill. The motion for printing the bill being carri- ed, the second reading was ordered for Tuesday. Mr. Vansittart obtained leave in the Commons, to bring in a bill to repeal so much of the property tax act as related to bankers, agents, and factors, receiving dividends Sot other persons, without pay- ing the tax, and authorizinc them to make the ne- cessary deductions: the bill was brought in, and read a first and second time,-—On the cousidera-, tion of the report of the Aylesbury Election Com- mittee, leave was given to bring in a-bill to prevent bribery and corruption in that borough it was al- so ordered that a new writ 'should not be issued till April 21 and Mr. Rose gave notice of his in- tention, to move that the Attorney-General be di- rected to prosecute Robert Bent, Esq. (one of the gentlemen returned) for bribery and corruption. MONHAV, March SO. It should seem as if the French expected Bou, logne to be the object of the sefcfet 'expedition which sailed on Friday from Dungeness, and had taken measures to prcfcutor impede any attempt to sink vessel at sthe mouth of the harhcuf. At fioe o'clock on Saturday morning, an express ar- rived at the Port Admiral's, at Deal, with the iu- f telligence of a great number of boats having come out from the inner into the outer harbour of Bou- logne. Some accounts stated the boats not to ex- ceed 50, others swelled them to 300. It has been ascertained within these few days, that a uutdi greater number of th'e enemy's boats can come out in one tide than has been generally supposed, a fact that will of course produce an 1 augmentation of the squadron appointed to watch the ports of Boulogne and Ambleteuse. An American ship, which left the Texel on Thursday last,, arrived at Dover yesterday, the |- Captain and^ passenger's ou board which agree in stating, that all the heavy artillery, stores, &c. necessary for the invasion ot, England, were em- barked, and the troops were all quartered within a quarter of a mile of the ships, ready to embark at a short notice: the force was tour 74's, and about 80 transports capable of carrying from 4 to 500 men each there were also several gun-vessels and ,smaller craft ready to accompany them. Recent letters from Bourdeaux contain accounts of the rigorous measures of the French Govern- ment against the natives of England and Ireland, who, upon the filth of a general and liberal en- couragement .to foreigners to transfer their capital and industry to France, had settled themselves in that country.Every person of this description has been compelled to retire from Bourdenux, and some were forced away under circumstances of ex- treme cruelty.. The Magistrates of Verdun have, we hear, con- ducted themselves with, great liberality towards the English prisoners ih that neighbourhood, en- larging their boundaries, permitting them to share in the sports of the country, and acceding to their desire for a;Theatre„ to be opened. 0 Lord Elgin; accdrding to the last letters from France, had perfectly recovered from his illness; and, together with-Lord and Lady Yarmouth, was in good health. East-Indies.—-The two armies under General Wellesley and Colonel Stevenson continued, at the date of the last accounts, in the neighbourhood of Aurungabad. Their opponents, Scindea and the Berar Rajah, had adopteda new systeln of warfare for harrassing and wasting our armies, They have sent away-their gun's and most of their infantry, and have divided their cavalry into large bodies, and, by the rapidity of their movements, annoy and -distress us amazingly—they avoid fighting, and arc, in consequence, .more formidable than if they met us fairly. i '■ Accounts from Calcutta tÓ the 22d of Septem- ber last, state that intelligence had been received from Batavia of a general spirit of dissatisfac- tion pervading that colony, and of trade being nearly suspended. These accounts likewise men" tioa that several large ships had beyli taken up at Bengalj for the purpose, as was Cmjectured, of conveying troops to Ceylon, whem the late dl-s- I asters had greatly reduced our power, and exposed our remaining stations to great hazard. The fate er cd of Major Davie and fie other officers who escaped the massacre at Candy is stillmncertain a- letter i from Trindomal^ stated them to be still living, al- I though employed in public labour but other ac-.1 counts, assert that they were carried into a forest, I,. and there lcftrto perish; and. that, after wandering about for several days, hunger compelled them- to enter. a little village to suplicatc for food, when the "commander of a. military post in the neighbour- hood ordered them to be seized, bound two and two, and in that state to be thrown oyer a bridge into a deep and rapid river. Mr. Sparling and Captain. Colquitt, who stand charged by a Coroner's Inquestwith the murder of Mr. Grayson, of Liverpool, in a duel between the former and the deceased; -havu left town m to surrender themselves for trial at the ensuing Lancaster Assizes, which commence on Thursday. Mr. SparUng was lately in the Prince of WaleS's regillictit, which he left on succeeding to an estate of about 50001. jier annvun. TUESDAr, March 17. The King, understand, is about to leave town for Windsor, where the Royal Family are expected by the end of the preterit .week* They -wj4Lprinci- ;pally reside at that favourite relreatofhis Majes- ;ty till the Birth-day; immediately after wh-ich, the lioyal Family.will'set out for \Yeymouth. r 'A gale of wind which odme on last Saturday pro- duced the greatest co-nlusioji ajtiotig the gun-boat?-, ithat ventured.so vahantiy.from the inner into the outer harbour of 0°nlogne. They were appre- hensive of being blo^ n out of their own port, and of being1 forced to fiitt0 ?ea- I&' their atfempt to pt t() get back into the .inner h.irbour .they.got ioul of r. I n one of tl-lei;n r(, u'¡.ch other.. In the conUiMon one of them rim phore, another carried away her mast, and a: third lost her bowsprit. Twenty-seven found it impossi- ble to get into Boulogne, bVit had the good fortune to reach Wimereaux harbour; and one was forced round Grisnez. ■ -This-curious scene was witnessed by the Penelope frigate, but it was not possible ifor her to approach the batteries. In addition, to the account of the sailing of -the Toulon fleet, it is. now _confi-d6ntly stated, that other letters are in town from Spain and Portugal, via -Lisbon, of the ^ani'e date, namely, the 10th of February, mehtiphpig tliat signals were flying along the coasts of both countries, intimating ttel the French fleet was at sea and last night it was further stated, that intelligence hud reached town from the continent, mentioning a report at Harn- hurgh, and in the north- of Germany; that an ac- tion had taken- place between the two fleets off Sardinia; and that the English had obtained a decisive victory over the French.-—No advices have yet been received at the* Admiralty; but we un- derstand the report is not wholly discredited there. In a Petersburgh Newspaper it is said, that next ruipmer eight armies will probably be collected in Germany, or on its frontiers, viz. three Russian, three Austrian, one Prussian, and one French. Letters were received yesterday in town from France, which state, in the most positive manner, 10 that the greatest disaffection prevadsin the French armies, and that an explosion, is expected very shortly to take place. Accounts are stated to have been received at Bourdeaux, from the Isle of France, announcing that Admiral Linois had sailed 'tbr the Cape of Good Hope, with a view to prevent its again falling into th e hands of the English. Moreau is said to be removed from the Temple to the Castle of Vinoennes. He is not permitted to see or communicate with any of his friends. The Criminal Tribunal at Meaux has condemn- ed Citizen Parris to the galleys for ten years, con- victed of an attemptto poison, his mother and sister. He was formerly a Member of the National Conten- tion, and voted for the death of Louis XVI. The following message from his Majesty was presented to the House of Commons, yesterday:— His Majesty thinks it proper to acquaint the House of Commons, that the officers, non-com- missioned officers and privates, of several regi- ments ofthe-uulitia ofTrcIand, have made a volun- tary tender of their services to any part of Grea t Britain; His Majesty has received, with satis lac- tion this,striking proof of the attachment and zeal, displayed by his loyal subjects, forthe general .de- fence and security of the United Kingdom, Con- ceiying that this patriotic offer may be attended with the most important advantages at the present t'. j criticaljunctnrc of affairs; his Majesty recornmends it to las faithful Commons,- to- enable him to avail j himself thereof, and to make provision for such re- j giments as in h have occasion to come .into this country, tor such a length of time,- and to such an extent as thev shall thinkproner and expedient." The Giiaifct li< r ol the Exchequer moved, that this.message be t iKt n 1 it<» consi'dera'tion on Wed-' -Besday ne.\t, and said, that 011 the same day his Y -,N, Right Mon. Friend., Mr. Secretary Yorke, intended to make a motion for improving the military force of the country.' • A similar message was presented to th £ Hou^e of.Lords. ai\d likewise ordered for c oiisid c ration- on Wednesday,. (to*morrow). It appears, by the account presented to Parlia- ment, that the total of the sums paid into the con- solidated fund from the 5th of January, 1803, to the 5th of January,-1004, amounted to ol, 165^9611. 15s. 3d. and the charges;upon'the fund, during the same period, amounted t-o ^6,700-,5331. Is. 3d. leav- ing a surplus of 4,1 (i2,401)1. 115. Differences having .arisen lit the St. Prancas corps of volunteers, and the proceedings in consequence having in many respects been subversive of that subordination which is essential to the well-being of every military establishment—his Majesty has discontinued the services of the corps. WEDNESDAY, March 28. Accounts received in town this' morning, state, that the settlement of Goree, on the coast of Africa, was captured on the 18th of January, by a squadron dispatched from Cayenne by Victor Hughes. The garrison under Captain Frazer made a very gallant cefence, but, being few in number, were obliged to surrender. This intelligence was brought home by the Washington, Captain Green, just arrived in the Downs, from the coast of Africa. A few Dutch papers, which have reached town, continue-to speak of the invasion of Great Britain as on the very eve of taking place. Respecting the French plot they furnish no new information. Letters iromMiian up to the 27th of February, say, that the-Toulonneet has not sailed, and will not till better weather. They also agree, in de- claring, that titu English have appeared with a fleet off Sardinia, and have landed troops there, but with what intention is riot known. The whole west coast of It.ilv, it-is said,, will' be Occupied by French troops, including even N'aples itself. This plan, it is added, would probably have been already executed, had not'Hussianindertaken to guarantee the neutrality of Naples. With the latter point agree the letters from Vienna, that at Odessa, Cherson, and ail the Russian ports of the Euxine, the greatest activity prevails; and a very consider- able body of troops, to be embarked on board the fleet which is equipping, are expected immediate- ly, but their destination-is unknown. ..Our squadron, which had been blown off the French coa^t,.has resumed its station, off Boulogne, and the enemy's gun-boa.ts, not yet having recover- ed from the panic produced by*the gale of Satur- ezn day, nor repaired the damage occasioned by their confused ,a.nd:precipitate retreat from the outer in- to the mnec* harbour of Boulogne, have made no further movements or demonstrations. The stone ships^whichwere likewise forced back to Dungeness, r&ffltained at anchor there yesterday morning, under Captain Owen. A French 80 gun ship is now in Cadiz harbour, ready for sea; and is closely watched by the Royal Sovereign, of 100 guns, which was some time since detached froin the channel fleet. It is currently reported that Sir Sidney Smith has cutout three merchantmen from some oi the Dutch harbours.. — TheQuefttl Charlotte, Andrews, from Smyrna, for London,been cut out of e;h.dtax Ho¡)1'lw her and carried into Cadiz, where they were takeft; charge oiUy at rcii^n ri.gun ship, and both the' ship and crew are given up to the Epghsh Consul -fol*justice. In the House of Peers, yestprds,y. Lord Hawkes- bury mo v^edth^ second reading of the vojui'teerbill, prefacing his moyionvÚth, aft exposition of the military force, ofthecoutitry, (which comprised, he said, 180,000 troops, of the line and militia, and 330,000 effective volunteers) and' a general defence Oi the volunteer system.—-Lord Grenvil-le and other Peers stated a variety of objections to the measure^ (the same in purport with those urged by its op- posers in the Commons) and were replied, to by the LoicK hanceHo^Lofus EJlenborough, Romney,, WestmoiLmd, 'Auckland, t £ tc' Duke of Afontrose, Bishop of Llandafl', tic.—Ihe bill was at length read a second time, and ordered to be committed on Thursday se'nnight.—Fhe Bishop of Llandaff's .speech was So truly patriotic and impressive, that we are coiifldent.it vVi.ll be 'perused with peculiar pleasure i The Rev, Prelate said, th-af he had heard a profusion of retioctions wn.tha of the present Ministers. It Was not his intent:r.-n to inquire,.nor VIJJV? he well qualified to determine, what foundation there was for such a charge. He thought the present- a-period-ofrt-be tttmostdiificijlty, re- qi ;ring every e\c:tK-n> and the firm and unanimous junc- tion of every iiea^t every hand in the kingdom. The present system, so tar-fronif'being jbwd,or..pnerile, .he-re- gard'ed as nubie, ,as xlifli^ult' ot execution, but one which, if' persevered .in,, ue' had .n? doubt would have a.glorious and Successful h-»u" —e'oid not in tne. present voiynteer sys-, tem see 83.eai')Ied a tribe ipoiuposed of tke>re;fuse oi society —the"very oll-scowerinjj8 01 th# 'raWrte.. 'Our-.safety was j not to be entrusted to lured slaves, interested bv no tie ei- 'ther of loye or oui-.salety, .No»^~ft was com- mitiedto,the voJlIlltaryànd ntdgnanjtrtout bjcei tions ofoilr fellow-citizens ofevefy profession, and of every rank in the State, aiid eager to stand fbrwatd in dfefence^ of their owo an (1. our Jhcõand liberties. Insuch a cause, how could- ] we doubt of sui ce->->? 1 »nl we want an additional number of men ? Let 1 1 M 1 o->i y'execute.tliat prerogative which tinthepresent night he had never heard disputed, and which lie was convinced was veiited n) hun, Do you want horses? Put in requisition every_coach-horse and saddle- horse, and tram u>em lor ihe purposes pt' war. Men masf in such cipergfencies gq.about oa foot. Your Lordships will think it'ho hardship to w alk down to this House and I ho- nour too highly the sex to suppose that they would complain of-any necessary privations m the hour of difficulty. Do you want ships? Hire all the merchantmen and small craft 111 -your harbours. As for large ships, I hope the enemy will build them for you, and that our brave seamen will' shew them the way to our own ports. Do you want money? Thittis a serious question, my Lords, I admit; but in such times taxes must be-laid commensurate to public Exigencies, 'j All property is the creature of civil society, andvou should use it for the public good, and for the security of the coun- try. I dread, my Lords* the pc>wer and intrigues of the ene- my of my country, and more still, that political paralysis which has deadened the spirit of every cabinet "on'the con- tinent of Europe. Oil! my Lords; I had rather be reduced to the iticai-,est live on oat bread and water, and wear ihe .wooden clogs-of Westmoreland, than exist pam- pered with afi that aifluence could procure me, and see my country subjected to the terrors of French domination. And my Lords, give me leave to say, that it gave me extreme consolation to hear his Majesty's message, of last night con- cerning the Irish militia. I hope and trust that Ireland sees., the advantages.of her union with us, and itho is disposed to promote and perfect il..1 confess, my Lords, that, timid as I am, though,I hope not personally, it drove away from my mind the terrors of an hundred thousand Frenchmen in arms. The proceedings of the Commons afforded no- thing particularly interesting.-—The fuarine fishery bill was thrown out, and the bankers' indemnity bill passed, and was ordered to the Lords. PRICK OF STOCKS. Bank Stock, 1r> 5 I. Long Aim 00 3 per C. Red. 7.' 00 'India Stock 170 3 per. C. Com. />o| j India'Bonds Is, a Vs. dis,. 4 per C, 00 J Excfieq. Bills, par. Is. prem. 5:per(J.'Navy, Bi>|- Omnium 00 dis-. • S-p«r 00 iLuttRry Tickets I' JJabiiu-~JE?change on LQI}dI¡lQlõ.
