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THE RAPID PROGRESS OF WOMEN. THE progress made by women towards perfect legal, social, and industrial equality with men is so rapid and so general that the remaining inequalities cannot long be retained. Under a Royal warrant all the scholarships and prizes of the Queen's Colleges in Ireland are thrown open to women on equal terms with men. The Welsh University makes no difference between women and men. A woman may be President, and women are eligible for, every position in the University. A memorial in favour of admitting women to the degrees of Cambridge Unirer81^y is being numerously signed. Whatever IDay. be the result of this appeal, there can be no doubt that in a short time women anust receive the degrees which their learn- ing entitles them to. Women do not ask rthat Oxford and Cambridge shall lower their qualifications in order that women may obtain degrees. They are quite willing to meet men on equal terms, as they them successfully in the examinations lor London Uuiversity degrees. We have .-often wondered why women who by their rank, are entitled to approach the QUEEN have never put their case to Her MAJESTY so as jfco get many .of the disabilities removed under which they at present suffer. It is absurd to say that a woman is fit to rule the British Empire, but that she is not fit to vote for a member of Parliament, or to be a member of Parliament herself. The Legislative Assembly of Victoria has recently adopted a resolution in which both sexes vote under precisely the same qualifications, but even io Victoria they: are not to occupy seats in the Legislative; Assembly. We have long ago agreed in this country that taxation without repre sentation is tyranny, and yet the men ho used this plea for their own enfran- -dlisement calmly deny that it is tyranny to tax women and yet to refuse them '^presentation. In Germany the movement for the emancipation of women is going forward. It is said that German women are vigorously protesting against being Saddled with the responsibilities and burdens of civil life without having conceded to them the rights and privileges of civil life. t is conceded in Germany that women who have the requisite capacity for academic study have also a right to it." opacity, indeed! Have not women as much capacity as men If not, where do men get their capacity from If women have not got the capacity for academic study then they will not pass examinations and will not carry off scholarships and prizes. Women are not asking men to endow them with capacity. All they ask for is equal law and equal opportunity. There is no occasion for men to pass laws that women shall not do what nature has not given them power to do, and it is unjust for men to prohibit women from doing what they are able to do. As far as we can see women are supposed to be qualified to bear the burdens and responsibilities of life, but are utterly unfit to exercise the rights and privileges of life. Woman is even fit to be the mother of man, but her son, however foolish, is more able to make law for her than she is to make laws for herself! Two women have just been taken on as gardeners at Kew Gardens" on condition that they wear trousers." We have no doubt the women will succeed as gardeners, and we never had any doubt that the dress of women would be modified by their occupations just as the clothes of men have been modified by their occupations. In Austria women have been admitted to practice mtdicine, and in Russia the medical schools for women are to be reopened. The Summary Jurisdiction Married Women's Act, passed last year, will bring about a great change for the better among married women who are left. by brutal husbands to struggle with young children. It is not only in law that changes are being made in favour of women. A new spirit is abroad. Girls no longer look upon work as a thing to he ashamed of. Women are discovering that there is more custom against them than law. We have often urged women to unite in order to test their rights in spheres from which they are excluded by ancient custom rather than by known law. Women are too ready to take it for granted that what they do not do they are pre- vented by law from doing. In many cases there is no disabling law; and all that is required is the breaking down of enslaving custom. We are sometimes told hat we want women to do men's work. What is men's work, we ask? Each man is not qualified to do all the work that is done by men. Each man does the work for which he is adapted, and he does not ask whether it is women's work or not. Man sews, cnok?, serves in shops, and waits at table. Why should not women be as free to choose her occupation as men are free? We bolieve that the bearing and rearing of children and the keeping of houses will always be the main work of the great majority of woman, and it is because we believe this fact that we urge women to make themselves independent so that they may not be forced into marriage and maternity as their only business. There are hundreds of thousands of women for whom there are no husbands. There are also hundreds of thousands of widows who would be all the better for bpving knowlege of tome business by which they could earn bread for themselves and for their fatherless children. We are not afraid of unduly interfering with nature. We are opposed to unjust laws against women, and we are equally opposed to degrading custom by whatever name it is called and how- ever hoary its sanction. Whatever women are unable to do they will not do. Whatever they are less qualified than men to do they will do less excellently. All <ve say is that natural unfitness is enough and does not require legal enact- ments. Women have as clear a title as men to freedom, and we deny that men have any right whatever to pass laws which women have to obey. We are prepared to abide by the differences and inequalities of nature, but we refuse to believe that men have any right to create differences and inequalities to the injury, loss, suffering, and degradation of women.



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