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ABERYSTWYTH. TOWN COUNCIL, TUESDAY, MARCH IST.-Present Councillor W. H. Palmer, mayor, presiding, Alder- men David Roberts, Peter Jones, John James and C. M. Williams, Councillors D. C. Roberts, Griffith Williams, John Morgan, Wm. Thomas, T. W. Powell, Robert Doughton, John Mathias, Robert Ellis, Messrs A. J. Hughes, town clerk, Rees Jones, surveyor and H. L. Evans, borough Accountant. TTNPUNCTUALITY. At a quarter past eleven when a quorum was present n the room and the Town Clerk was about to read the minutes, Mr T. W. Powell Called attention to the UD- punctually of the meeting and said he thought the object of fixing eleven o'clock as the hour of meeting was to obtain punctuality. THE SURVEYOR. A letter was read from Lampeter asking for the service of the Surveyor in respect of a matter concern- ing water supply and a possible law suit. On the proposition of Alderman JAMES seconded by Mr GRIFFITH WILLIAMS, it was agreed to grant the services of the Surveyor as requested. Mr WM. THOMAS said there was a suggestion of a law suit and being so, the Surveyor might be away for a week. Mr JOHN MORGAN said it would be a week's holiday for the Surveyor. Alderman JAMES said it showed one thing—that Aberystwyth ha J a man worthy of being seat for. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. The TOWN CLERK and the Mayor were deputed to select towns for which to vote for representation on the Council of the Non Boroughs Association for which, also, Aberystwyth has been nominated. THR COLLEGE. A letter was read from the College authorities thanking the Council for their annual grant of scholar- ships. The MAYOR observed that nothing was said about the College front. The TOWN CLERK said that matter had been de. ferred for information and Alderman JAMBS added that nothing had yet been settled THE BARRACKS. A letter was read sanctioning the removal of the projecting walla at the Barracks subject to the consent of the County Council, and it was agreed to ask that consent on the proposition of Mr ROBERT ELLIS, seconded by Mr JOHN MATHIAS. THE PROMENADE PIER, Mr Burbidge, fishmonger, handed in the following petition We, the undersigned, being inhabitants and ratepayers of Pier-street, Aberystwyth, emphati- cally protest against the remarks made by Dr Gilbert- son at the last Council meeting respecting that we as tradespeople in Pier-street were against building a pavilion at entrance to pier. On the contrary, we think it would prove a great boon to us, not only im- proving our trade, but that it would prove a great benefit to the town generally. We most respectfully ask you to consider this total denial of the statement made to you prior to your decision. In witness where- of we hereunder subscnbe our names and addresses. (Laughter) Arthur Joinson, W. Burbidge, Laurie Brunt pro W. Probin—(laughter)—C. Harcourt, lodg- ing-house keeper, E. Baker, David James, tailor and draper, M. Ellis, baker, M. Mackenzie, H. Lougley, E. R. Gyde, (Mrs) M. Clarke, and William Richards grocer. Mr DOCGIITON thought that the majority of those who had signed the petition had now no view of the sea. Alderman JAMES—Are any of those who signed shareholders ? Alderman Williams—Some of them are shareholders. The MAYOR—Mr Gyde is. Alderman JAMES—I thought so. The TOWN CLERK suggested that the receipt of the petition should be acknowledged, and Alderman PETER JONES added that no doubt it would receive due consideration by the Committee. THE AGENDA. Mr WM. THOMAS said he was not going to censure the Town Clerk, but he desired to say that Councillors did not get their agendas as specified in the Standing Orders. They were received on Friday or Saturday. He had seen them out on Saturday once whereas they ought to be out four or five days before the meeting. He only wished to mention it and he was sure it would be rectified. The TOWN CLERK said he found where the difficulty had arisen. Toe agendas were completed on Thurs- days always. He would see that the matter was remedied in future. THE MARKET QUESTION. Mr WM. THOMAS said that day fortnight it was re- solved that the members should be supplied with the Market Committee's report concerning the sites. They, however, had not yet received the information. Tne TOWN CLERK said he would get the information sent out at once. COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Mr ISAAC HOPKINS then said-Mr Mayor, I have a question to ask before the reports are read. On the agenda nothing is said as to what the reports are, and if I do not attend the Committee meetings, I know nothing of what is going to be proposed at the Council meetings. Before I vote on these reports I want to understand the matter. That is why I attended a Committee meeting. I want to know if I have a right to attend ? If not, then the report ought to be on the agenda. The reason why I ask the question is because I was called to order at the last Council meeting by the Mayor for speaking on a report, and last night, in my absence, the Mayor told the Accountant and Surveyor that I had no business in committees, whereas at the last Council meeting Mr William Thomas told me I ought to bring matters on at a Committee meeting. Is there anything going on at the Committee meetings that I as a member of the Council am not allowed to know ? If there is say so. Mr Jotii MORGAN (clapping his hands)—Well done. Mr HOPKINS-I want tlee fair play. I do not carry two faces. Alderman JAMES—I always understood that any member of the Council could attend any Committee meeting, but not vote. There never was any objection to any member attending. Mr ISAAC HOPKINS-There were other members pre- sent who were not on the Committee and the Mayor did not say anything to them. Some of them were interested in things that were on, and they were not members of the Committee. Alderman JAMES—He was afraid you would not keep the secrets. Mr D. C. ROBERTS—What secrets ? Alderman JAMX-I do not know. The MAYOR -1 think what has been said requires some explanation. Mr Hopkins came to the Com- mittee and talked a great deal and asked why we did not grant leases of his houses. Mr ISAAC HOPKI.NS-NO. Alderman PETER JONES-Allow the Mayor to speak. The MAYOR-He asked many questions about the leases of his houses and why we did one thing to one person and another thing to another person. After the Committee was over I told him that I thought it would be much better for him not to come to Committees of which he was not a member and ask such questions thare. Not being the regular chairman of the Committee I did not say anything to him, but no doubt if the proper chairman was there he would have told Mr Hopkins not to take part in the dis- cussion. I thought as a matter of courtesy that he ought not to force himself into Committees of which he was Lot a member. Mr HOPKIXS W hy did Mr Thomas want me to go to the Committee if I had nothing to do with the Committee ? They left the thing in my hands and so I had to bring it to Committee, though I was not a member. Mr D. C. ROBERTS—The reason why we name these Committees is to prepare the work so that we may not be kept here too long. We have divided the members on these Committees because there are some of us that cannot attend all Committees. It seems, however, that we have in Mr Hopkins a gentleman who has time to attend all Committees, and therefore I suggest that he be elected a member of every Committee. We should be glad to get him, and we are very fortunate in getting such a man, and I propose that we take advantage of it. I do not say this in fun but I mean it honestly. I therefore propose that he be put on every Committee. Mr HOPKIS-l should like to answer Mr Roberta. I do not believe much in Committees. I should like to put an end to everything that is going on in Com- mittee for I think that all questions ought to be argued in public so that the public may kuow what we are doing. The MAYOR—I do not wish to keep MrHopkins out, and I should like him to be elected on all Committees. Al,.crman WILLIAMS—I beg to second Mr Roberts's proposition. Mr Hopkins desires to be on all Com- mitters and I think the least we can do is to cotnply with I iq wishes. Mr WM. THOMAS—Reference has been made to Mr Hopkins being deputed to take a certain step. He was in the room when the Public Works Committee were doing their work and he then raised a certain question wiih reference to the footpath in Set View- place. Alderman Peter Jones and the Chairman suggested that as Mr Hopkins had raised the question he should see to it and bring a reply to the Committee and I pointed out at the last meeting. that we were waiting for the reply. I support the proposition that Mr Hopkins should be placed on every Committee, and I can venture to say that there is no one here unwilling but that everything should be made public. Alderm,n WILLIAMS—I always understood that everything was brought clearly to the public. When- ever a question is referred to a Committee that question is thoroughly threshed out and a report pre- sented here. I do not know any business transacted without being brought to the Council, and it is very unfair to insinuate that anything is done behind the scenes cr secretly. We cannot transact everything here. It would take immense time to prepare reports; but everything is perfectly open and candid. I think that we ought to protest against any member insinu- ating that anything is done behind the scenes, as if anything was done detrimental to the town. I hope that the Council understands that. Mr WM. THOMAS—They do. The MAYOR-I must say, with regard to Mr Hopkins, that he ought to have known better than to have come to a Committee of which he was not a member to discuss his own leaseholds. He ought really to keep away. Mr D. C. ROBERTS—Oh, he did not do that. The Mayor was about to put the proposition, when Mr D. C. ROBERTS said it ought to be explained that Mr Hopkins did not attend the Committee to discuss his own leaseholds. He simply went there to ask a question. Alderman PETER JONES pointed out that the Com- mittees were appointed on the 9th November, that there was no alteration in the constitution of Com- mittees, and that there was no notice to appoint Mr Hopkins on all Committees. He had no objection to his being put on, but the Council should proceed in something approximating a business-like way. Mr D. C. ROBERTS then gave formal notice for the next meeting to appoint Mr Hopkins on all Com- mittees. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE'S REPORT. A meeting of the Committee was held on the 15th February, present Messrs W. H. Palmer, mayor. C. M. Williams, George Green, John Jenkins, William Thomas, John Mathias, Peter Jones, chairman, John Morgan, Surveyor, and Accountant. The Committee authorised the Surveyor to open the ditch across the field from the railway premises to Plascrug walk. A meeting of the Committee was held on the 2:nl, present: Messrs George Green, William Thomas, John Mathias, John Jenkins, J. T. Morgan, Rev J. H. Protheroe, Peter Jones, chairman, and the Sur- veyor. The meeting was convened to meet Mr J. T. Morgan and the Rev J. H. Protheroe to consider the site for the proposed mission church. Referring to the Mission Room, Alderman PETER JONES added that Mr Morgan, Nantceirio, refused to make any other terms than,those already reportedto the Council, but as even those would result in a consider- able improvement on the present state of things, the Committee recommended their adoption. PAINTING. Mr WILLIAM THOMAS having called attention to the painting of seats, &c., it was agreed to invite tenders for the next meeting. PUBLIC LIGHTS COMMITTEE'S REPORT. A meeting of the Committee was helt on Monday, 25th February, present Messrs John Morgan, chair- man, Wm. Thomas, Isaac Hopkins, Robert Ellis, A. J. Hughes, town clerk, and Borough Surveyor. A copy of the Provisionial Order in respect of electiic lighting, in the form in which the Board of Trade propose to issue it, having been submitted to the Cjm- mittee, they recommend that the same be approved. The Town Clerk produced and explained the proposed agreement between the Gas Company and the Corpora- ation as finally approved by the Company's solicitors. The Committee recommended that the same be ap- proved by the Corporation. The Committee recom- mended the payment to the Company of JE98 6:1 7d, the amount payable for the quarter ended 1st January, 1S92, subject to the bills for lighting the Town Hall and public Library being examined and certified by the Public Libraries Committee. The following is a statement of the claims of the Company cubic gross nett feet £ s d £ a d Public Lamps 393,000 90 1 3 80 4 9 Corporation Offices 8.600 119 5 1 15 1 Corporation Stablps 4,000 18 4 16 4 Town Hall 8.500 1 18 ll 1 14 84 Town Clock 24,800 5 13 8 5 14 0 Public Library 42,700 9 15 St 8 14 4! 481,600 110 7 4 98 6 7 Allowance of 6(1 per 1,000 on 481,600 12 0 9 98 6 7 98 6 7 Corresponding quarter 1891, Public Lamps, £ 77 15 0 Corporation Offices, 92 2 Town Hall, f2 3 101 Town Clock, 94 11 11 Public Library, £000; total, JE86 12 9i. The report was adopted on the proposition of Mr Jom. MORGAN, seconded by Mr WILLIAM THOMAS, who explained that the difference in the totals was explained by th& fact that the lighting of the Assembly Rooms was included in this quarter's accounts and not ia that of the corresponding quarter. THE STREETS. Mr WILLIAM THOMAS referred to the matter of naming and re-naming streets. Alderman James, he said, raised the question and it was a very proper question. Whose duty was it to see to the matter? There were several corners without names and strangers had some difficulty of finding their way about. Some of the streets required re-naming. Alderman WILLIAMS said the matter was in the hands of the General Purposes Committee of which Alderman James was chairman. THE TOWN BAND. V. Mr WILLIAM THOMAS said that twelve months ago the town wa3 put to a great deal of disadvantage owing to the band question not having been considered until the season had set in. He hoped that that matter, also would receive the attention of the General Purposes Committee. The MAYOR said he would see Alderman James and would convene a committee if he could not do so. Mr JOHN MORGAN suggested that another attempt should be made to induce the Great Western Company to provide btt:er facilities for reaching Aberystwyth from the South. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. A meeting of the Finance Committee was held on the 29th February, present Messrs W. H. Palmer, mayor,. T. W. Powell. William Thomas, D. C. Roberts, Surveyor and Accountant. The application of the Rev William Jones for a renewal of the lease of his propeity in North Parade was considered and the Committee recommended that it should be granted on the following terms and conditions. Rental £21, with 15 per cent, off, as well as £1 as concession, JE16 17s.; fine f,135 12s 10d total annual payment, f6 8s 3d. Conditions That a portion of the yard at tne back twelve feet in depth be surrendered for the purpose of adding to the back cf Moor-street. Mr WILLIAM THOMAS thought that the amount to be paid the Town Clerk for remuneration as solicitor was £ 42 and not j649 odd. He found that the Town Cleik was very unwilling to take f42 80 he (Mr Thomas) proposed £ 45. The amount out of poaket was stated to be between E20 and £30. The MAYOR said it was thirty some odd pounds. Mr WILLIAM THOMAS said that bill covered three years so that the legal expenses of the Council were I some fl4 per annum, very different to what it was some years ago. Alderman PETER JONES said the legal expenses were only some jE2 per annum. Action was commenced against the Council in, respect of the Town Hall and they had to drfrnd themselves. The sum of £ 43 of I the total due to the Clerk was on account of that action so that the cost of the ordinary work of the Council was some 96 only. Mr WILLIAM THOMAS— £ 14. Alderman PETER JONES said it was E2 o-aly, in spite of tha reiteration by Mr William Thomas. The Council could therefore compliment themselves on conducting that put of the business of the Corporation. The costs of the Court of Quarter Sessions in the pro- ceedings they took against the Council was double JE43 so he thought the Town Clerk had treated the Council very honourably indeed in hh charges. It meant £9 or JE10 for hill own services and in addition he had attended to all the Corporation work at Petty Sessions and so on. Mr JOHN MORGAN observed that when he saw the blanks which Mr Hughes could have filled in in his bill he was surprised that Mr Hughes had dealt so generously with the Council. He (Mr Morgan) had had a little to do with lawyers-(loud laughter)—and he never found them to treat him so generously. Mr POWELL-You engage Mr Hughes next time. (Laughter). Tne report was then agreed to. LEASES. On the proposition ot Mr WILLIAM THOMAS, seconded by Mr GRIFFITH WILLIAMS, the applications for renewal by Mr Uriel Jones of property in North- parade, Mr JArreE; Bowen, Prospect-street, and Mrs Ann Griffiths, 32, Marine terrace, was referred to the Finance Committee. HARBOUR COMMITTEES REPORT. Tho Committee recommended the payment of labour sheets and bills amounting to £7 15s. 3d. The report was adopted and the Council rose.












