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imperial Parliament


imperial Parliament 1I .br Co UE OF COMMONS, WEDNESDAY. 5 cfl prod0" moveJ the Record reading of the Bill Crv 'an(^cSes t0 ass'"dlate the Municipal Franchise locate li° tl,;u England. It applied to the fy'he \j "un'^ipa'>ities which ate eleven ia number, iiies under the Statute 9, George tD^e tow°Se constituted by the Act of 1854, and a'so AerS a^" n8''ips which are at present under ^le pres^ni <jualiiic;i»tioii, he maiutained to'^dth Practioal disfranchisement, and he con- "lea^e *mrg^s roll of Bdme of the Irish iNhsnfciti*s with the extensive roll of English ^tii ° etlual population. Mr M. Healy seconded «l°^8al '») ^ut Barton, while approving of the c 0 !educe the qualification in the case of the icipalities, resisted the attempt ^'ler |-0it,le franchise in the one hundred at.d sixteen V' Xh'VtlS VV'1IC'1 Wlis a^s0 macle applic- J Crow, 6 ^tosney General for Ireland, replying for Jjich re(r':ttle"t. said that wh- n the Bill of 1889, tl) i^u ve're^s"lely to the eleven Corporate Muuici- tt tr'e t.'8 the House, the Government m, atd if^h rQie for dealing; with them would be when L 'G \vno !°al GovernuK lit Bill was in ro'lucd. That ft' The fact th*t the p'etent Hi. 1 t,'Otl t it So the smaller towns was t.ot a sufficient 0|r. Government opposing the second k"*pQ|'le off-i'ed no pledge whatever as to tteaiot the B 11 reiatiug to these smailt r towns. lutr;!p.'tt'd this attuude to mean that the fS <fetlt ejected the demand on be- Jr8 the si] aller towns, and, after some ^Ojj 1,0,11 Mr S-xton, there were calls for Mr /T^10 repe*teti the statement of the Irish k^'et era'- :lu reserved 'u" liberty of action to the later stages of T-lie Measure, to J lV*a% t^t'n reacl :l second time ^,0vi(] m<>ved the second reading of the Bill C^lfo^ ^sn labourers with allotments and cottages jN Witur °PP°se'l it, 011 the ground that it iiuer- X'ili'j j] the dt lihi r«te action v. hich Pa: liament, 6tJl0.-le '*st Session, had engaged to carry out. l°U vi af talked out. ttJWju. SOUSR OF LORDS, Tn URSDAY. L^bv n'siy's I' Ply to the Addi ess wis brought (•the f lhe Lf rtj Chamberlain. A Bill, introduced °r^ Ch^nci lli. r, for enabling accused persons v,rlei ce if they thought fit to do so, was read a t.tne. (A &!ff°USE 0 f COMMONS, TUCKS DAY. |r ^ai(.Qr|.°Ur- in asking for lea* e to introduce a Bill "lug the. law relating to Local Govt rnnient in k/Gtuj' ^xp'ained the provisions! of the measure. s=ticl, should e crafted on the exiitii'g the Bill would combine in one measure HjNiJ'p t0r stablishing County Councils and ijp tif e J°uucils, v. hicli would corretpond generally jAiet C0Uu,y Co uncili already set up, and the 11 'Is whicli it was proposed to introduce ^?la>'d. The (|ua-i-judici;tl duties now entrusted ^«es faild Juries weie left w holly untouched, such V' ^OR COINPpni,ation for malicious injuries, i *1'3 administrative duties cf the Grand Juries traii-feri,ed if) the County Council. Boih f Council and the Baronial Council would be VfoffiIthne years, and the members would all go l! et;o } together. The County Councils would l^'lti with the repair and construction C-^br highways, and, if they would accept V** CriI3it».lity, they would have to discharge the t(,6i' Performed by the i ural sanitary authorities. iJUsyl h:u e to trle.:t certain representatives for V^'o^T'8 ^oari'' the governing bodies of the county V*'il | chia! hospitals, 'and tt-e coroners, and they e power to acq aire woods and plantations. Municipalities would be made ccunty towns r^oses *tith the powers of County tuf(sed •' 'Ut ihe other urban districts would be ,0untits of which they formed part, M^vi- however, nil the powers already given them C>Ul o h e ranchite for both the County and the \SV (J0lmt :il would be the same as the Parlia- franchise, and v. oukl include Petre and )ut ould exclude persons who had not paid cess, and illiterates. The Bart.ny would L^iv{(j,(i °le electoial division, but the county would V ^jto several electoral districts. The cumu- u\\ as applied to the election of the English ards, would he the method of election k ihe. ^ud the right of traverse would be given also !ection ot the minority. As a taf^guard C&l'rtiptiou, malversation, and the oppression +."r|'llority, the Bill empowered twenty cess- petition for the removal of the County or fcr'W Ullc'ih On a prima facie c«se being shown, Itioll sea of Assize would try it like an tlection V *t»d if the Council was found guilty it would v\t°\ed' aIul lh,ic Places tilled b>" Peraons by the Lord Lieutenant. A joint Committee C?l«ilU8 t° thst intioduced into Scotland would be <iti0as.a safeguard against expenditure, seven to .M'Uees of the County Council and seven to ?CUeclby the. (4rand Jury. The Bill, he said, ^ip tor the most part on the Scotch and t-0 J^'ai1 Local Government. t¡Qi¡" Mür!ey denounced the proposal to put a \]6t1 111 l'oc^ and try it, and he dared the *'fcut to bring in a similar provision for England v* *Qd. The Bill was a monstrous imposture, j'0oijery of the House of Commons. 'C't' dr,iond condemned the Bill as a sham, an l'Pr, ° *ne Irish people, and a measure beneath con- A McCarthy advised the Government to put the V "t if. ^ru Mr T. W. Russell strongly supported -J^cted to the power to suppress a Council. |tlyv deciaied that a more contemptible measure V*r Cu,ne before the House. Harcwuit ridiculed the Bill as a great joke, lsed the Government Li<.t to waste ttie time of rubbish. lNt l*1 ieplied, declaring that tiie House would Ybi-e,Lclk "of duty if it did not protect V^Ot'^y a8,i'nHfc oppression. V%;ai»berlain pointed out that English Councils 1ect to the Judiciary, as were also the Legis- VIr ot the United States. >yie j^VCf-. disputed Mr Chamberlain's argument as 1| States. ate was continued till within a few minutes k ^jj.'Sht, when the Bill was introduced w it hout fjv'ff1 a,l read a first time. The Second Reading for he 3rd of March. IA> HOUSE OF LORDS, FRIDAY. V %Ut C(.uncils passed through Committee Ollh arLeurl rnent, and the Conveyancing Bill wan v UP fio>n toe Commons and read a fi.st time. HOUSE OF COMMONS, FRIDAY.



