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ABERYSTWYTH. HORSE FAIR.—Mr. G. T. Smith is announced to sell some horses by auction at the first of the new horse fairs to be held on Tuesday, May 7th. It is to be hoped that the landowners in the district will see the wisdom of assisting Mr. Smith in his long continued efforts to es- tablish sales by auction at the Aberystwyth fairs. Mr. 1 Smith, we have no doubt, is prepared to receive further entries, and may be safely trusted to obtain the fuU value of the animals he is entrusted with. IMPROVER FARMING.—Mr. Edward Morgan, of Tyllwyd, near Llanrhytyd-road station, one of Mr. Lewis Pugh Pugh's tenants, has just fitted up a turbine water wheel, in order to save manual labour. The water has a fall of about 250 feet, and will eventually be used for thrashing, hay cutting, turnip slicing, irrigation, and if needs be, the ex- tinguishing of fire. Mr. Morgan is an enterprising farmer, and luckily has an enterprising landlord. There are now several of these turbines in the district of Aberystwyth. ST. MICHAEL'S CHI;; CH.—On Easter Sunday a large number of communicants attended the early celebration. At eleven o'clock the RV'. H. N. Grimley read the prayers and the R;v. Canon Phillips preached. The service was choral and included an anthem beginning with the words ''Christ our Passover," which as well as Jackson's Te Damn, were sung by the choir with appio- priate feeling. Mr. Evans presided at the organ. The Rev. H. N. Grimley preached in the evening. The de- coration on the window sills on both sides of the chancel and above the communion table elicited universal admira- tion. Worked with white everlasting flowers specially sent from the Cape, on a red ground, were the letters "A" "O," Alpha and Omega, one on each side of a cross, which was sui mounted by a crown, all composed of whit? everbsting Hewers. The words ove; the a:tar were "Th Lord is risen. Allelnjah, Amen); and those on the window sills on each side of the chancel were "Lord of Lords," and King of Kings." The large window sill was decorated with small triangular forms of yellow and Ted flowers from Cwm, embedded in moss, and bordered with clusters of primroses. The decorations were the result of the combined labours of Mrs, and Miss Gilbert- son, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, the Mises Jones, Mount Plea ant, Miss Parry, Llidiardau, and others. BOARD OF GUARDIANS, IONDAY, APRIL 22nd.— Present: Mr. H. C. Fryer, chairman, Mr. Morris Davies and Mr. Abraham James, vice-chairmen, Mr. Lewis Pugh Pugh, ex-officio; Messrs. Edward Hamer, John Rowland, Griffith Morgan, John Morgan, the Rev. W. Davies John Jones, Tre'rddol, Evan Jones, Isaac Williams, David Jones, John Edwards, David Rees, John Jones, Elerch, Edward Edwards, David Morgan, James James, Edward Lloyd, John Paull, William Jones, Richard Morris, John Pryse, John Jenkins, Aberystwyth, Hugh Hughes, clerk; David i. Jones, assistant clerk; Morris J ones and J. E. Hughes,^medical officers. Statistics.—Out-relief administered during tne past tort- night :—Aberystwyth district, per Mr. T. G. Thomas, R48 18s. to 204 paupers; Llanfihaugel Geneu'rglyn district, per Mr. John Jones, £ 64 2s. to 277 paupers; and liar district, per Mr. Joseph Morgan, £ 45 los. 9d. to 208 paupers. Number in the house, 80 corresponding week last year, 73. Balance in the bank, 2752 2s. 4d. Appointment of Chairman.—On the motion .of Mr. Abraham James, seconded by Mr. James James, Mr. H. C. Fryer was unanimously re-appointed chairman for the ensuing year. Before putting the proposition to the meeting, Mr. Lewis Pugh Pugh, who temporarily filled the chair, remarked that the Guardians could not have a better man. Air. Fryer had regularly attended the meetings, and had the welfare of the union at heart.— The chairman said he was greatly obliged to both the Mr. James's for having proposed and seconded, and to the guardians for having elected him to the post of chairman again. He was not quite sure that it was really a good precedent for a chairman to continue at the head of the Board for a great number of years. He was often of opinion that a change was a good thing. It was only because other persons had not been tried in tne position that they had not the same chance as fchose who had been tried. Perhaps if they were put into the position they would do equally well as others who had held it in the past. Indeed, as they elected mayors of towns for one or two years only so he thought it would be equally well in Boards of Guardians to have a constant change. He, however, should be glad to do his best as chairman of the Board, particularly if the members thought it was to their advantage that. he should hold the post. He would take that opportunity of thanking the Guardians for electing him. He hoped that with the co-operation of his friend, Mr. Morris Davies (who did a great deal last year both on the Board and in committee), and of the Board generally, they would get on as well as they had done in the past.— Mr. John Jones, Tre'rddol, proposed, Mr. W. Jones, seconded, and it was unanimously agreed to re-appoint 31r. Morris Davies as first vice-chairman.—Mr. Morris Davies having acknowledged the re-appointment, Mr. Jones, Tre'rddol and Mr. Abraham James rose together. Mr. James proposed the re-appointment of Mr. Abraham James as second vice-chairman, and Mr. Abraham James moved the appointment of the Rev. W. Davies, M.A., to that office.—Mr. Jones, Tre'rddol, objected on principle to the Rev. W. Davies's election, on the ground that he had had no experience of poor law administration.—The Rev. W. Davies said he did not covet the post, and was quite willing to withdraw.—Air. James James seconded the nomination of Mr. Abraham James, and after a conver- sation Air. James was unanimously re-appointed. List of Attenlance.Nir. -Nlorris Davies proposed that the list of attendance of the members of the Board should be published in the two local papers.—Air. Paull Better not some people will be ashamed of it. I am, however, quite willing.—The Chairman I think it would have a pretty good effect.—Air. Jones, Tre'rddol: I don't think it is perfectly fair, because I have sees Guardians who live near attend pretty regularly, but they go away before the completion of the business of the Board. Some Guardians, moreover, are paid for attending, and they show their faces here and then go. I have no other objec- tion whatever.—The Guardians expressing no feeling in favour of having the list printed, the Chairman proceeded with the next subject. Appointment of Cominittees.-The following gentlemen were appointed on the committees of the Board. The Chairman said they would first of all appoint the Visiting Committee, an important body who would have some work to do, especially at the commencement, for Mr. Bircham had said that in future the committee would have to inspect the stores and compare them with the books. Visiting and Finance Committee, &-c.- Messrs. H. C. Fryer, Morris Davies, Abraham James, John James, Aberystwyth, John Jones, Commerce House, Edward Hamer, Isaac Williams, Rev. W. Davies, John Paull, John Jones, Tre'rddol, John Jenkins, Aberystwyth, Ed. Lloyd, David Ree3, and David Jones, Rest. -Agsess?ttettt: Messrs. H. C. Fryer, Lewis Pugh Pugh, Morris Davies, and G. G. Williams, ex-officio, John James, John Jones, Commerce House, Griffith Morgan, Lewis Williams, Dd. Jones. Rest, David Rees, James James, and John Paull. A complaint was made that last year several of the mem- j bers did not attend the meetings as well as they ought to have done. Mr. Paull said there was a feeling that Captain Williams should put in his appearance at the Board occasionally. The ex-officios attended only when an official had to be appointed. The Chairman said Mr. Williams did not attend once last year. Mr. Vaughan Davies, and fr. J. M. Davies, Antaron, attended once. Mr. Paull added that the Guardians well remembered that occasion. (Laughter.) The Chairman humourously remarked that they would convey. an intimation to fr. Williams that if he did not attend next year he would be disqualified. (Laughter.) The first meeting of the committee was fixed for May 4th.-Rela- tives Contribution Committee Alessrs. Alorris Davies, Abraham James, John Jones, Commerce House, John Rowland, David Jones, David Rees, John Jones, Tre'r- ddol, John Paull, and Edward Lloyd.—School Attend- ance Committee Alessrs. H. C. Fryer, Morris Davies, W. T. Bonsall, Penwch, and Vaughan Davies, 'ranybwlch, ex-officio Griffith Alorgan, David Jones, Rest, David f-ees, John Edwards, Rhiwarthen, the Rev. W. Davies, Edward Hamer, John Paull, and James James. Impector's Report.—The Chairman read an entry made by 11r. Bircham, Local Government Board Inspector, stating that he had visited the house and would report on his viait to the central Board.—The Inspector called at- tention to two children, suffering from itch, which he saw in the infectious ward, and which he said, had not been bathed and not properly attended to.—The Chairman said the Visiting Committee had taken cognizance of that matter. The Master had stated that the children entered the house covered with ointment, and he thought it beat not to change their clothes or to remove it.The Medical Officer said he understood the children entered the house ouly a siioit time before the Inspector called. They were covered with ointment, and the Master would only have put more Oil if he had taken that off. He did not think tne Master could have done better. Paid Guardians.—Air. Lewis Pugh Pugh referred to a remark which had fallen from Air. Jones, Tre'rddol, and asked that Guardian if he said that some of the Guar- dians were in receipt of pay for attending the meetings of the Board.—Air. Jones: Yes.-—Air. Pugh: Do you know vrho they are?—Air. Jones: Y es. —Mr. Paull: I should like to know how much they get.—A Guardian How are thev paid?—Mr. Jones: The Assistant Overseer gets a certain amount, and the salary 's paid out of that.—Mr. P'igh I should like to know if I have anything to do wi oh a paiisn i which it is done.—Air. David Rees Can v I P), :t ;l1e Chairman: It was hinted at some I hus I thought the practice had discontinued. fr. don't et paid till tha end. of the year. It is done in Henllys.—The Chairman Jtai'.ilys has a n. w Guard:and he has received uythiuy vet.—Air. J,»:cs i dott'6 know if Llanychaiarn is free. (Laughter.) —Tha Clot. I uon't think it is done there now.—A <inart!i-: Lc,l to pn,y at Msiindwr. (Laughter.) —Mr. Paull: They used to pay, but they don's now.— j The Guardians for Llanychaiarn and Henllys were then asked if they were paid, but they df j^ied that they were. Mr. Jones They go in rotation. I know it for a fact.— It having been stated that in one parish a sum of le28 had been paid for seven years' serv ice, Air. Pugh believed he was a ratepayer of th* paris'A of Henllys. He would make inquiries into the master, ajid give Mr. Jones an account of it in a short tiipe. THE ALLEGED IRREGULARITIES AT THE WORKHOUSE. The CHAIRMAN said \ie had received a letter from the Local Government Board, inclosing Mr. Bircham's report. It was as follows :— Sir, —I am directed by the Local Government Board to state that they have received from their inspector, Mr. Bircham, a. report of his visit to the Aberystwyth Union Workhouse on the 9th April, in which he draws attention to the insufficiency of the boys' lavatory, the irregularity in the keeping of the mas- ter's books, the failure of the Visting Committee to inspect quarterly and take stock of the stores, and the existence in the workhouse of cases of itch for whom proper provision had not been made. I am directed to request that the Inspector's remarks upon these points may receive the consideration of the Guardians, and that the Board may be furnished with the observations of the Guardians thereon. The Board are glad to learn from the report that the alterations of which they ap- proved in their letter of the 13th November last are being carried out, and they trust that the Guardians will soon be in a position to submit amended plans for the additional accommodation for vagrants, which is so much required, and for the rearrangement of the drainage system of the work- house. Mr. Bircham adds that most of the drams and sewers are stopped up, and it is necessary therefore that this state of things should be remedied without delay. The following was Mr. Bircham's report:— The boys' lavatory is not nearly large enough. There are only two basins for 19 boys. Some of the master's books were not kept up to date, but especially I noticed the daily provisions consumption accounts, which had not been made up for more than a fortnight. This is very irregular, and the Guardians should see that the master is not allowed to get in arrears with his books. The clerk to the Guardians is supposed to see to such matters, and to report at each meeting that he has done so, but this important duty cannot have been pro- perly performed by him. Several ef the master's books were kept by an inmate of the workhouse. I am of opinion that the master has ainple time to keep his books himself, and that he should be required to do so, as well as to keep them strictly up to date. There is no quarterly inspection into or stock taking of either provisions or necessaries by the Visiting Committee. Irregularities are apt to arise and remain un- checked unless attention is given to this very necessary duty. I further understand that goods arriving at the workhouse are not weighed or properly examined. If this he so the Guardians should at once give instructions to the master to perform the duties of his office as laid down by the orders of the Board on this head. I found three children suffering from itch in the fever ward, who had been there since 22nd March, and had not been bathed or their own clothes taken from them and cleansed. These children were sleeping on the floor and were certainly not receiving that attention which children in their condition should have had given to them with a view to their being cured speedily or with regard to the precautions which should be taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The MEDICAL OFFICER remarked that every precaution was taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The In- spector's report would lead one to suppose that the chil- dren were lying on the bare boards, whereas they were lying on a bed made up on the floor. The children were now cured. The CHAIRMAN said Mr. Bircham only reiterated the opinion the Guardians had arrived at. He thought the report should be referred to the House Committee. As to the plans he understood that they were being prepared and would soon be submitted to the Central Board. So the Guardians could report favourably upon that. Fol- lowing up the same thing Mr. Griffiths had just handed to him the following letter :— Aberystwyth, April 18, 1878. ll. C. Fryer, Esq., Chairman of the Aberystwyth Board of Guardians. Sir,—I regret to have to trouble the Board of Guardians again with reference to the bills of Messrs. D. P. and W. Richards against the union, but having, on careful examination and com- parison of their bills for wheat with the miller's account for wheat ground found certain discrepancies, I have deemed it right to ask you to give Messrs. Richards and the miller an op- portunity to explain them. The following statements will show which of the quarterly bills are referred to, and also the discre- pancies to which I have alluded.—Yours truly, THOMAS GRIFFITHS. The following was the stateirent:- Quantity of wheat supplied the quarter ended 29th June, 1877, 160 bushels quantity of wheat ground by miller during the quarter ended the 29th of June, 1877, 128 bushels discrepancy, 32. Quantity of wheat supplied for quarter ended 29th September, 1877, 165 quantity ground for same period. 112; discrepancy, 53. Quantity consumed, quarter ended 29th December, 1877, 184 quantity Ground same period. 152 discrepancy, 32. Quantity consumed for quarter ended 29th March, 1S77, 105; ground same period, 80; discre- pancy, 25. Total wheat supplied, 614 total ground by miller, 472 discrepancy, 142. The MASTER explained that it was customary for all contractors when the wheat was not good, to send up flour to mix with it and charge it as wheat. Mr. PUGti-Your explanation, then, is that it is ac- counted for by flour ? The MASTER—Yes. Mr. HAMER—The Master ought to be able to show that the flour has been substituted for wheat. The CHAIRMAN thought it was rather a large matter to go into at a Board meeting, as they would have to examine the voluminous books of the master. Mr. J ONES, Tre'rddol, asked what the Board could gain by ha\iag an enquiry? The Board must have confidence in Thomas or dismiss him. It was no good to go on like that. If they had an enquiry they could only form their own opinion, as they had done, that things had been car- ried on in a very irregular manner. Thomas had admitted that he had weighed nothing. The MASTER remarked that flour came in in sacks, and he had no scales to weigh it. IvLr. AIORIIIP. DAVIES said the House Committee had de- cided upon purchasing scales. The CHAIRMAN said they could soon find out. The gist of the statement made by Mr. Griffiths was that 142 bushels had been charged for, which, as alleged, had not been sent to the workhouse. That could easily be discovered by going over the books. Mr. ABRAHAM JAMES wanted to know why they did not stick to wheat ? The CHAIRMAN replied that it had been decided that the wheat should be ground through and through, but the inmates had always objected to it. He believed the dietary table had never been complied with in that res- pect. Mr. ABRAHAM JAMES said he should like to ask the Master a few questions. Did the auditor dine at the Workhouse? The MASTER- Y e, sir. Mr. ABRAHAM JAMES—At whose expense ? The AIASTER—At his own. Mr. ABRAHAM JAMES—Do barrels of ale come up here ? The MASTER- Yes, for the use of the inmates and my- self. There are twenty-one pints each allowed to certain persons. Mr. ABRAHAM J AMES—Are there any parties given here? The MASTER—In o, sir. Mr. ABRAHAM JAMES—None last year? The MASTER-None to my knowledge. Mr. MORRIS DAVIEs-Do you say that barrels of beer come up here ? The MASTER—Yes, sir. Mr. ABRAHAM JAMES—Why doesn't the auditor go to some of the hotels to get his dinner ? Mr. PUGH-I suppose he has more time for his work by not going away. Mr. PAULL-And he pays for it. The MAsTER-Yes, he only gets lunch. The CHAIRMAN—Does he not test the amount in stock? The MASTER-No, sir. The CHAIRMAN-I thought it was his duty to do so. Mr. ABRAHAM J AllIES-There is a rumour going about that there are parties given here. I cannot prove it, but only say what I hear. The MEDICAL OFFICER said he was at the Workhouse morning, noon, and night, and he never saw anything of the kind mentioned by Mr. James. He had seen Mrs. Thomas's friends visiting her, especially if anything oc- curred in the family, and he should be very sorry to see them debarred from coming on such occasions. He had, however, never seen anyone else. As to the beer, that had been ordered by the House Committee for the inmates on account of the work they did. Air. JONES, Tre'rddol—I should think it only fair to Thomas that he should have his beer if he pays for it. I should if I were in his place. Air. HAMER—He should have what he likes so long as he pays for it. The CHAIRMAN recalled the Board to the consideration of the charge, which he said was a very serious one, and should be investigated immediately. Mr. PUGH said though he had not been at the Board for same time he had read a great deal of what had passed at the Board-room. He should like to make some suggestion with regard to the state of affairs, and particularly on the way in which they should be dealt with. It did not seem to him that they could manage the house, and see that the accounts were regularly kept if it were to be done on a Board day, and consequently that day he had been parti- cularly anxious to put upon the House and Visiting Com- mittee the very best men he could find. For the greater part of the time during which he was chairman of the Board, the House Committee was a small bodv. and the work used to be done; but possibly the enlargement of the committee which had since occurred had made' the members feel that it was not the special duty of anyone to enquire into those things. If irregularities occurred in the house, and no doubt they had occurred, the Board ought to look to the Committee—(the Chairman Hear) —and when questions arose as to the proper weight of flour, soap, or mustard, it should be referred to the Com- mittee, who should report to the Board upon the subject. If they reported that any official misconducted himself, the Board ought to deal with the question; but as to the items of irregularity, it did not seem that the Board could arrive at any satisfactory conclusion unless they had the report of the Committee as a basis to go upon. They were that morning met there as a new Board, and they had appointed a new Committee. He therefore hoped a fresh start would be made. If there had been irregularities in the past, let the Committee be careful that they were not repeated in the future. After the enquiry, and after what had been said at the Board, Mr. Bircham had found out that irregularities had occurred. The grand thing, however, was to see that they did not recur in the future. He therefore proposed that the papers should be referred to the Committee, and that they should be requested to report upon them at the next meeting. Mr. JONES, Tre'rddol, said it was a very good sugges- tion, but in his opinion the House Committee of last year was composed of some members in which he felt it was al- most impossible to have confidence. Mr. PUGH asked if Mr. Jones was not a member of the committee. Mr. JONES, Tre'rddol, said he was, but it was useless to put him upon it as he could not attend the meetings. Mr. AIORRIS DAVIES said as a member of the Committee he would say that the irregularities would have been found out nine inonths ago hut for one man, a member of the House Committee. He went into the question of the bills, and remarked upon the extraordinary amount of provisions ordered, and especially upon the Indian meal. Air. James, however, prevented hiin (Air. Davies) then as well as on Saturday, Alarch 23. He said it was not s right to do so, seeing they had paid officials, and unless they were trusted it was no use to have them. He (Mr. Davies) foolishly trusted them, and did not go into the in- vestigation. In all cases when he saw D.J. signed at the bottom of the bills he signed them and let them pass. When he wanted to investigate them he was stopped by Air. Jtines. He was burked by Mr. James. On the 23rd of March, just before he attended the workhouse, he was told by Air. Griffiths that there had been irregularities but when he went to look over the bills he was again asked by Air. James to pass them. He had, however, replied, Pass these bills with all these rumours floating about? Certainly not." The bills certainly did tally with the book, but the items did not tally. He would not sign the bills, but left it to Mr, James, who, he believed, signed them. It certainly was a grave charge to bring against Mr. James, but he thwarted him (Mr. Davies) when he wanted to look into the bills. Mr. JONES, Tre'rddol, said he mentioned no names. Mr. PCGH remarked that Mr. Morris Davies had not seconded the proposition before the meeting, but his re- marks certainly showed that he was in favour of it. Last year Air. Davies was a young Guardian, and had a great deal to learn, but now he had gained experience and it was to be hoped that henceforward the business of the union would be conducted strictly and in a straightforward manner. As to the union he still believed it was the best managed in the district; but they all knew that there was always a difficulty in putting the finger upon irregularities. Ample opportunity had been given that day to exclude any members of the House Committee. His desire was that the best men should be appointed on the committee, and now that that committee had been appointed it was to be hoped they would take the matter in hand, and deal strictly in seeing that in future regu- larity was enforced as to the accounts, so that the Guardians would be satisfied that all things paid for were brought into the house and properly consumed. The CHAIRMAN then seconded Mr. Pugh's proposition, and it was carried unanimously. A meeting of the com- mittee was fixed for Saturday (to-morrow), at 11.30. Mr. Pugh's name was added to the committee, it being under- stood, however, that he could not attend except on extra- ordinary occasions. Air. JONES, Tre'rddol, having expressed an opinion as to the enormous quantity of soap and its delivery, moved that the Clerk be instructed to write to th^Carinarthen, Cardigan, Ruthin, Caersws, and other unions to ascertain the quantity and quality of soap used in the workhouses and also as to the number of inmates and officials. Mr. ABRAHAM JAMES seconded the proposition, and it was agreed to. Mr. THOMAS GRIFFITHS, grocer, who had been present at the meeting during the discussion, asked to be allowed to see the soap in the Workhouse. In answer to a question, the applicant said he wanted to see the quality of the soap. A conversation followed, but in the end leave was given. After a short absence Mr. Griffiths returned from the Workhouse and said that he had inspected the soap. To his gladness he had found what he had mentioned was cor- rect. The soap of 2lb. bars was not supplied in more than 1001b. or 2001b. boxes. That which he held in his hand was Christopher Thomas, of Bristol's, and the other John Knight's. That (pointing to one) was never sup- plied to the union in more than 100 or 2001b. boxes. He had five bars of Thomas's and one of John Knight's. They would vindicate his character and show that he was right. His charge was correct; the soap business was not at aIJI end. Mr. MORRIS DAVIES remarked that Mr. Griffiths had ] sprung a leak in the soap question. Should not the whole stock in the house be overhauled ? Mr. GRIFFITHS added that the question had been spoken of, and made a great deal of in the Cambrian News. It ] was called a mare's nest. If it were, there was a lot of eggs in it. < Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Hamer, and several Guardians then i visited the house, and on their return Mr. Hamer said ( there were in stock 153 bars of Knight's soap and 57 of Thomas's. Mr. JONES, Tre'rddol, remarked that Mr. Griffiths had valued the soap at 3;ld. per lb., whereas the Guardians had ( been paying 4Jsd. c Mr. ROWLAND added that some of the bars weighed 31bs. J and the others 2lbs. The relief books were then taken. MARRIAGE OF MR. SZLUMPER AND MISS WILLIAMS. On Wednesday morning, April 24, the marriage of Mr. Alfred Weeks Szlumper, C.E., late of Aberystwyth, and son of Mr. Albert Szlumper, Edge Hill, Liverpool, to Miss Frances Margaret Williams (Fannie), only daughter of the late Captain J. Williams, Marine Terrace, Aber- ystwyth, was solemnized at the Parish Church, Llanidloes, by the Rev. R. Harries Jones, the Rector. The bride was given away by her uncle, Captain P. Williams, Richmond House, Newport, Mon. She wore a dress of silver grey silk, ornamented with Honiton lace, an embroidered tulle veil, wreath of orange blossoms and stephanotis (all sup- plied by Lewis and Allenby, London), and silver orna- ments. The latter, as well as. a choice bouquet which the bride carried in her hand, were the gifts of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Ikin, cousin of the bride, and Miss Szlumper, niece of the bridegroom. They looked very pretty, dressed as miniature brides, in white cash- mere, trimmed with tulle and marguerites, tulle veils, and wreaths of marguerites. They also wore gold lockets with monogram, the gifts of the bridegroom. After the ceremony, the wedding party returned to Bank House, the residence of the bride's cousin, Mr. S. Ikin, where an elegant wedding breakfast was enjoyed. The wedding cake, which was handsomely ornamented, was supplied by Messrs. Bolland and Sons, Chester. The bride and bridegroom afterwards left Llanidloes by the 2 p.m. train for London, en route.for the Continent. The bride's travelling dress was of brown Indian cash- mere, trimmed with chenille fringe and embroidered, a jacket and hat en suite. The wedding presents were varied and elegant, and in- cluded some of the following :—Handsome case of table cutlery, &c., from Mr. David Davies, M.P.; silver mounted dressing case, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Szlumper; tea and coffee service, Mr. and Mrs. P. Jones, and Mrs. Jones, 42, Terrace; half-a-dozen silver tea spoons, the Misses Szlumper; silver sugar sifter, Mrs. Leon graphiscope, Mr. and Airs. Hamer opera glass, Mrs. R. J. Jones, Queen's-terrace; fish carvers, Rev. J. and Mrs. Jones, 44, Marine-terrace; preserve spoon and butter knife, Misses Jones, 7 Marine-terrace; pickle forks, Dr. and Mrs. Parry; marble vases, Mr. Albert Szlumper, London; old Indian china vase, Mrs. Thomas White; chimney ornaments, M. Plice, Sandmarsh Cottage; terra cotta jug, Misses Osmotberley silver mounted cut glass biscuit barrel and butter cooler, Capt. P. Williams, Richmond House, Newport; Bible and Prayer Book, Mr. D. Griffith, Bank, Llanidloes case of scent, Mrs. Rees, Llanidloes; handsome mounted inkstand, Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Jones, Aberystwyth; china toilet set, Miss Watkins, 53, Marine-terrace, Aberystwyth; double pre- serve stand, Mrs. Jones, Graig Goch, album on tripod, Mr. John Hamer; silver mounted preserve pot, Miss M. M. Jones, 42, Terrace; handsome lace handkerchief, Miss Culliford glove and handkerchief case. Mr. J. W. Smith, U.C.W.; work basket and table ornaments, the Misses Ikin, Llanidloes, &c. PETTY SESSIONS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24.-Before Ald. Watkins, ex-mayor, and Isaac Morgan, Esq. D,runk-enness.-Anne Lewis, Mill-street, was charged with being drunk and disorderly on Tuesday night, by P.C. Thomas Jones, who said that he saw Anne Lewis in the streets, and asked her why she was out so late. She went home and knocked at the door, and was let in by her father. Afterwards her husband, John Lewis, came and begged of him to take her to the police station as he was afraid of his life.—The husband also gave evidence.— The magistrates sentenced the defendant to one month's imprisonment, with hard labour, at Carmarthen gaol. A Licensing Question.-Daniel Morgan, Royal Oak Inn, was charged with keeping his house open on Good Friday. The defendant contended that as he held a six- day licence he was entitled to keep his house open on every day in the year except Sunday.—The Mayor said this was an important question, as in August there would probably be many more six-day licences applied for. In the section of the Act referring to the six-day licences there was no reference whatever to Good Friday or Christmas Day.—Sergeant Evans said that between two and three o'clock on Good Friday afternoon he visited the house. The door was open. In a little room adjoining the bar there was a number of people with glasses of beer before them. Asked the landlady how it happened she had the house open, and she said she considered she had a right to be open like other public-houses, and as regarded the particular people in the house they were excursionists. —The magistrates decided to adjourn the case until the next Sessions. Drunkenness.—William James, Brewer-street, was charged with being drunk on Saturday night.—P.C.^32 proved the case, and said he saw the defendant striking another man named John Warrington. Defendant's friends promised to take him home.—Fined 2s. 6d., and costs.John Jenkins also charged with being drunk on Saturday night. He was kicking the door of the Coopers' Arms. On being asked his name. he gave a wrong name and address.—Fined 2s. 6d., and costs.—John Price, Swansea, was charged by Sergeant Evans with being drunk in the town on the previous day. He was so drunk he could not take care of himself, and he was therefore locked up.—Fined 2s. 6d., and cests.—Frederick Price, Llanelly, charged with drunkenness at Trefechan. He said he lived at Carmarthen, and had no money.—The Bench felt that to fine him would be useless, and to send him to Carmarthen would suit him very well. He was therefore discharged on condition that he would leave the town. His willingness to comply with the magistrates' order was very great. An Old Case.-La-,t October a very serious assault was committed near the bridge at Trefechan, and one man was sent to prison for a month.—Richard Jones was also charged, but ran away, and was not apprehended until now.-The prosecutors did not appear, and the case was adjourned until Thursday at noon.





