WANTED, TO LET, &c. -.r" Prepaid Advertisements. The Charges for the insertion of PREPAID ADVBPTISE- MENTS referrin to HOUSES TO BE LET, I APARTMENTS WANTED, HOUSFS WANTED APARTMENTS TO BE LET, SITUATIONS \VANTED, MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, SITUATIONS VACANT, ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND Are as follows:- 3 Lines (seven words to a line) 1 0 Ditto, Three insertions 1. 2 0 4 and 5 Lines (seven words to a line).. 1 6 Ditto, Three insertions 3 6 Ditto, Six insertions 6 0 For each additional line over five lines, when there is one inser- tion, 4d.; when there are three insertions, or more, 3d. Remittances may be made in Postage Stamps Halfpenny Stamps preferred. No Credit Advertisement is charged not less than Is Gd. WANTED, situation as FARM BAILIFF, by a TV single man of great experience, age 33. References unexceptional.—Address, L. J., Cambrian News Office, Aberystwyth. FESTINIOG SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED, a CERTIFICATED MISTRESS for the Girls' Department at tbe Slate Quarries Board School, and an ASSISTANT 'S' RESS AfTfFP Infants Department, also an LX-PU-P-I.L' IJ^ALHKh, at the Festiniog Board School. Applications, with testimonials, stating salary required, and when at liberty, to be sent, on or before the 2/th inst., to G. S. JONES, Clerk to the Board. Portmadoc. November 12th, 1877. A- BERDOVEY.—Wanted, a good COOK, also a HOUSEMAID. Good references indispensable.— Apply Miss PEMBERTON, Brynawel, Aberdovey. MR D P ])AVIKS, of Troedvbrvn, near Llan- diloj has a VACANCY for a PUPIL who, on reasonable terms, may have ample opportunities of acquiring a. knowledge of Surveying, Valuing, &c., also the principles and practice of Agriculture, &c. Apprentices waiTi^ for the DRESS- J\. MAKING.—Apply to Mrs. HAWKINS, Chelten- ham House, Pier-street, Aberystwyth. RESIDENCE at the seaside, Aberystwyth. Part or whole of a furnished house on the Marine Terms very moderate.—Apply, Luci, Cambrian News Office, Aberystwyth. TO IRONMOGERS. TO BE DISPOSED OF, the well-established BUSINESS of Messrs D. and E. Pughe, General and Furnishing Ironmongers, Towyn, Merioneth. Apply to Mr. 0. DANIEL, Valuer, Towyn. FARM of 50 Acres, nearly all Turf, with comfortable House and suitable Buildings, TO BE LET from Lady Day, situated near Glandovey Station, Cardigan- shire.—Apply to Mr. PADDOCK, Ynyshir, Glandovey. O BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, FOUR HOUSES, situate at Glasvor-terrace, Barmouth, containing 1 sitting room, 2 parlours, and 9 bedrooms. The whole of the rooms have a splendid sea view, facing Cardigan Bay, and is within three minutes walk from the Beach and the Railway Station. Has a private walk from the house to the Beach.-Apply to Mr. A. SMITH, Estate, House, and Land Agent, 1, Mount Pleasant, Barmouth. TO BE LET, at Aberystwyth, an old established full licensed corner PUBLIC HOUSE,_ doing over £ 400 a year, very low rent. Goodwill and fittings £ 150. Apply VICTUALLER, Cambrian News Office, Queen s-road, Aberystwyth. LARCHHFOR SALE. ABOUT 100,000 Larch, from 3 to 4 feet, ditto from 2 £ to 3 feet, ditto from 15 in. to 2 feet, all transplanted twice also Scotch spruce and thorns, &c.-Apply for terms, &c., to JOHN LLOYD, Dolgwm Nursery, near Lampeter. O LET, a comfortable furnished SITTING ROOM and BEDROOM on the same floor. Terms moderate, for winter season. Apply Wesley House, Queen's-road, Aberystwyth. GOOD AND SAFE INVESTMENT. TO BE DISPOSED OF, at a very moderate price, TWO SHARES of the handsome Al. High-classed Barque Caroline Spooner," of 1,100 Tons, now fitting out at the Wharf at Aberystwyth. Fifteen per cent. per annum guaranteed for Two Years. For particulars apply to Mr. J. F. EVANS. NOTICE TO MINE AND QUARRY AGENTS. WANTED, to purchase all kinds of OLD MACHINERY, METAL and SCRAP IRON. Address MCILQUHAM, Machine Broker, Aberystwyth N.B.—Mining Plant, &c., Bought and Sold on Commission. CHINEEY FOR SALE One 30-ft. Waterwheel, with wrought iron shaft; iron buckets spur wheel, &c., in splendid condition. One ditto. One 18-ft. Waterwheel, quite new, not yet erected. One Slate Sawing Machine, 9 ft. by 5 ft. One ditto ditto 7 ft. by 4 ft. By De Winton and Co., Carnarvon. 200 ft. of good Strapping. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. McILQUHAM, Aberystwyth. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ATftW T an dine an excellent cargo of PITCH If PINE, ex Glanalvon," from Danen.—Carefully selected June, 1877. A Cargo of FLOOR BOARDS, planed and square- jointed. Very clean and well manufactured. Worthy inspection.—June, 1877. Per "fartha" SQUARE TIMBER, RED DEALS, AND BAT- TENS. Very long lengths the usual widths, 4, 3, and 2 inches thick. A choice cargo.—July, 1877. SEVERAL CARGOES EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. < WINDOWS, DOORS, all sorts of MOULDINGS, Angle Beads, &c., manufactured on the premises. JONES AND GRIFFITHS, ABERDOVEY, YNYSLAS, AND MACHYNLLETH. 1¥ir Orders to be sent to Aberdovey. Saw Mills at Yuyslas. October, 1877. TO PLANTERS AND OT]EIIERS. B. GOLD, NURSERYMAN, ABERAERON, Has for sale this season 150,000 4 feet; 30,000 useful Thorns 10/)°0 Becch, 1U WO Alders; and 10,000 Sycamores; all Wt y < g A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF OTHER EVERGREEN AND A FLOWERING SHKLBb. A good assortment of ChoieestHardy Fruity Trees, Trained Pyramids or Bushes a fine lot oi Anyone favouring B. GOLD with their orders will be dealt liberally with. TERMS ON APPLICATION. ticc -The hundred copies of Bye-gones ls'4,Vg "0 sut> nearly exhausted, no morecop^wjU be ^^hrist_ scribers for the issue of 18(6— \vlncn will ue rej l eiv. mas The two volumes, containing over 700 pages of close;ly minted double-columns, will contain, in addition to upwards ol Two-thousand Notes, Queries, and Replies 011 to North Wales and the Border Counties, Eleven-hundred shoit notices of Border Counties' Worthies the Charities of Mont- Unmervshire; List of Landowners of Shropshire, Montffomery- Denbighshire &e. ,from the New Domesday Book, Sale the AlvttSn MSS. and prices realized Description of Arti. Lu ..nnnlcted 'with Wales exhibited at Wrexham in 1876, TUpptino- of the Archseologists at Llangollen, 1877 <fcc., &c., <tec- A volumes will be sent, post-free, for 22s. 6d. The for 1876—7 (complete in itself), will be sent, when really volume Early Orders necessary, as the whole issue has V^en limited to one hundred copies. -For particulars apply to ^Ih/e-gones, Croeswylan, Oswestry," to whom, also, all Notes, Queries, and Replies, for publication, must be sent. SALES BY AUCTION. SMITHFIELD, ABERYSTW-YTH. MONTHLY SALES OF LIVE STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS, &c. MR. G. T. SMITH begs respectfully to announce that he will hold Monthly Sales of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Agricultural Implements, Carriages, &c., in the Smithfield, Aberystwyth, on the FIRST MONDA Y IN EVERY MONTB, At Twelve o'clock. ENTRIES FOR THE SALE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 3 Respectfully solicited, To be sent in at least a week previous to sale, te be in- cluded in catalogues and advertisements. TERMS :—1\ per cent. on amount sold; and a small fixed Entry Fee for unsold lots, to meet expenses. lJ@' SETTLEMENT ON THURSDAY AFTER SALE. SHIPWRIGHTS' ARMS INN, ABERYSTWYTH. FULL LICENSED LEASEHOLD INN FOR SALE. MR. G. T. SMITH has been instructed by the Mortgagee to Sell by Auction, On TUESDA Y, the 4th day of DECEMBER, 1877, at the Gogerddan Arms Hotel, Aberystwyth, at three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to Conditions, the well known old established full licensed Inn and Tavern known as the Shipwrights' Arms, lately occupied by Mrs. Gwen Evans, deceased, and by whom a lucrative and most respectable business was carried on therein for a great number of years. The house, which is situated in Custom-house Street, faces the Custom-house and the Saw Mills Yard, and overlooks the large Shipbuilding and Timber Yards on Rofawr, and the Harbour, contains on the upper floors four good bedrooms and large drawing-room, and on the ground floor capital kitchen, bar, parlour, pantry, and scullery. There are extensive cellars and a well-fitted brewery in the basement, and small yard and garden at the back. The property is held under a grant from the Corporation of Aberystwyth for a term, of which 35 years were un- expired on the 18th October last, and is free of ground rent. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Hnar HCGHEg and SONS, bolicitors, or the AUCTIONEER, Aber- ystwyth. ABERYSTWYTH. IMPORTANT SALE OF RARE WINES. MR. G. T. SMITH has been instructed to Sell by Auction, On THURSDA Y, the 20th day of DECEMBER, 1677, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Assembly Room, Queen's Hotel, Aberystwyth, a large assortment of very CHOICE WINES, of the finest brands, being part of the stock of Mr. W. H. Palmer, of the Queen's Hotel, wine merchant, com- prising-Amontillado, East India and other Sherry fine old Ports, including some choice lots of 1834, 1S42, and 1847 vintagesPerrier Jouet's Veuve Clicquot's, Jules Mumm's, Louis Roederer's, Moet and Chandon's, and Napoleon Cabinet Champagnes sparkling Moselle, Bur- gundy and Hock, St. Emiiion, Panillac, Estephe and other choice Clarets; Still Hock, Sauterne, Chablis, Chateau Yquem, Hermitage, Tokay, and some rare Hun- garian Wines. Catalogues may be obtained of the AUCTIONEER at his office, 42, North Parade, Aberystwyth. As about 400 lots will be offered for sale a punctual at- tendance is earnestly requested. TYHEN FARM, NEAR ABERYSTWYTH. MR. G. T. SMITH has been instructed by Mr. W. H. Palmer, who is giving up the farm, to Sell by Auction, On WEDNESDAY, the 28th of NOVEMBER, 1877, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the whole of the LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, Implements of Hus- bandry, &c., at Tyhen Farm, comprising-Shorthorn Cow, to calve 29th June, polled ditto, to calve 7th August, 2 heifer calves, brown mare (aged), 2 brood sows, one to farrow in Jan., 6 store pigs, 5 other strong ditto, 19 Welsh ewes, 3 cross-bred ram lambs, 5 ditto wethers, Scotch cart, ditto with ripples, iron plough, zigzag harrow, wooden ditto, turnip cutter, chaff cutter, linseed crusher, turnip drill, iron roller, hay maker, hay rake, clod crusher, 2 sets plough harness, cart ditto, pair traces, waggon body, ladder, iron tub, 4 pig troughs, 2 casks, iron boiler, 2 pitchforks, 2 rakes, lot of hurdles. Also, three Stacks of Oats, Stack of Barley, Riek of Rye-grass and Meadow Hay. Three months' credit on purchases of above five pounds, on approved security. HARDWICK HOUSE, QUEEN'S ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. To BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, BY MR. G. T. SMITH, at the Lion Hotel, Aber- ystwyth, On TUESDA Y, the 4th day of DECEMBER, 1877, At Three o'clock in the afternoon, all that superior Leasehold House, called HARDWICK HOUSE, ABER- YSTWYTH, containing Dining room, Drawing room, Breakfast Parlour, Library, Five Bedrooms, Two W.C.'s, and ample domestic accommodation, with back and front gardens. Held under a Corporation lease for 75 years, dated the 6th May, 1863, at a ground rent of £ 2 10s. For full particulars apply to Mr. GRIFFITH JONES, solicitor, or the AUCTIONEER, both of Aberystwyth. TREFECHAN, ABERYSTWYTH. IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. MR. G. T. SMITH has been instructed to offer for Sale by Auction, On TUESDA Y, the 11th day of DECEMBER, 1877, At the Gogerddan Arms Hotel, Aberystwyth, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to conditions, a most valuable business FREEHOLD PROPERTY, consisting of an extensive Malt-house of three stories, with Malt Kiln, Cottages, Office, large Yard, Storehouse, and two Lime Kilns, now in the occupation of Mr. J. F. Evans. The above commodious premises are situate in Tre- fechan, and in the immediate vicinity of the Harbour, are in good working order, and in every sense admirably adapted for a Brewery, Steam Flour Mills, Saw Mills, or any large business for which space is essential. Further particulars may be had on application to Messrs. ATWOOD & SON, Solicitors, or the AUCTIONEER, Aberystwyth. MONTHLY SALES. ABERYSTWYTH SMITHFIELD. MR. E. J. MORGAN, Auctioneer, begs to state that he will have monthly sales of Live and Dead Stock in the Smithfield on Aberystwyth Fair Days. The next Sale will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, at One o'clock. Entries and applications for terms to be sent to Mr. E. J. MORGAN, auctioneer, Penllwyn. IN LIQUIDATION. DOLGELLEY. COUNTY OF MERIONETH. SALE OF MINING PLANT AND MATERIAL AT THE GOLD COMPANY'S (LIMITED) MINE, Situate in the parish of Llanelltyd. MESSRS. WM. DEW and SON have been in- M structed to Sell by Public Auction, on the works as above, On FRIDAY, the 7th day of DECEMBER, 1877, the whole of the detached Mining Plant and other Material, comprising a half-ton portable weighing machine, iron blocks, wrenches, screw jacks, wheelbarrows, wheeling planks, large iron tank, battery screens, iron tubing, nutts and bolts, copper plates, spades and picks, sledge hammers, crowbars, octagon steel, rock drills, waggon wheels, about six tons of 101b. to the yard bridge, rails, smith's bellows and tools, anvils, new iron vices, V fittings, and household furniture, comprising mahogany and deal tables, chairs, cupboards, chests of drawers, coPying pressj &c< bale to commence at Eleven o'clock a.m. prompt. Catalogues way be had at any of the Hotels at Dol- gelley, of Mr. JAMES FRASER, liquidator, 9, King's Arms Yard, -London, E.C., and the AUCTIONEERS, Wellfield House, Bangor, and Town Hall, Rhyl. NOTICE. MR. O. DANIEL, Auctioneer, Valuer, and Estate Agent, Towyn, begs to announce that he has OPENED an OFFICE at MACHYNLLETH, and re- spectfully solicits the patronage of the nobility, gentry, and inhabitants of the town and surrounding country. SALES and VALUATIONS of LAND, HOUSES, LIVE STOCK, FURNITURE, and all other personal Effects, undertaken with care and personal supervision. OFFICES—MAENGWYN STREET, MACHYNLLETH, and HIGH STREET TOWYN. Towyn, Jan. 1st, 1875, PUBLIC NOTICES. .V" UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES. CLASSES FOR SCHOOLMASTERS, ON SATURDAYS. CLASSES will be formed in Greek, Latin, Mathema- tics, French, German, and Chemistry. To commence on Saturday, October 20th, 1877. All who wish to join these Classes are requested to send their names at once to the Registrar. LAMPETER RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. MEDICAL OFFICERS OF HEALTH WANTED. THE Lampeter Rural Sanitary Authority will at their meeting to be held at the Board Room, Lampeter, on the 30th November, 1877, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, proceed to the election of two Medical Officers of Health for the district of the said Authority. Applications must be sent to me on or before the 29th instant. By order, D. LLOYD, Clerk to the said Authority. Lampeter, 17th November, 1877. DAVID EVANS, DECEASED. PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament of the 22nd -L and 23rd Vict., cap. 38, intituled "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trus- tees," Notice is hereby given that all persons being Creditors of, or otherwise having any claims upon or against the Estate of the Reverend David Evans, late of Llanon, in the parish of Llansaintffread, in the County of Car- digan, Clerk, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of May, 1877, intestate, and Letters of Administration of whose personal estates were on the third day of August, 1877, granted by Her Majesty's High Court of Justice at the Principal Registry of the Probate Division thereof to Anne Evans, the widow and relict of the said intestate, are required on or before the 8th day of January, 1878, to send to Mr. Griffith Jones, of Aberystwyth, the soli- citor of the said Administratrix, the particulars of their claims upon or against the said Estate and that at the expiration of such time the Administratrix will distribute "the whole of the assets of the said intestate among the parties entitled thereto, having only regard to the claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated the 22nd day of November, 1877. GRIFFITH JONES, Great Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. DOLGELLEY. JAMES B. MEE, FISHMONGER, GAME DEALER, FRUITERER, &c., &c. Bridge End House, Dolgelley. Constant Supplies of various kinds of fresh Fish, Game, &c. according to Season. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, And anything not on hand procured on the shortest notice. Ice always on hand, and supplied by the pound and Upwards. 1995" Note the Address :— Bridge End House, Dolgelley. RICHARD ELLIS, Unicorn Lane, Dolgelley, GENERAL BILL STICKER, POSTE R MESSENGER, &c. Centra cis may be made with Auctioneers and Publishers ABERYSTWYTH. HEART OF OAK HOUSE 23, Great Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth, ITALIAN WAREHOUSE AND LLANBADARN CANDLE MANUFACTORY. DAVID RICHARDS. Sandycroft, IMMENSE SAVING OF LABOUR. BLAKE'S PATENT STONEBREAKERS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, COLLIERIES, &c., &c., MANUFACTURED BY MR. H. R. MARSDEN, LEEDS. SOLE AGENTS FOR NORTH WALES AND CARDIGAN- SHIRE FOR NEW MACHINES AND REPAIRS, THE SANDYCROFT JflOUNDRY AND JgNGINE WORKS CO., LIMITED, NEAR CHESTER. Catalogues and Prices on Application. BIRMlNGHAJflT ====== 1-. "a SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES. We will forward on receipt of stamps as under a sample half-dozen needles of the best quality made—viz.:— For Willeox and Gibbs' Machine, 13 stamps. I For any other Machine, 9 stamps. SEWING NEEDLES. OUR BIJOU NEEDLE CASE (Registered) is at once elegant and appropriate for either a Christmas, New Year, or Birthday Present. It contains One Hundred best Needles of aa improved make, the easisest to threa.d and sew with ever invented, and wherever used have always given satisfaction. A Bijou Case sent on receipt of 19 stamps. Needles without cases or for re- fitting the same, 12 stamps per hundred. Either of the above may be returned if not approved. THE PARK WOOD MILLS CO., NEEDLE MAKERS, 230, BRADFORD STREET, BIRMINGHAM. CAUTKOrW. The marked superiority of this Laundry Blue over all yTvB Reckitt's The marked superiority of this Laundry Blue over all yTvB others, and the quick WiJS ffm preciatiou of its merits by 4T& H I the Public has been at- tended by the usual result, H KW viz a flood of imitations the M merit of the latter mainly con- jM — gists in the ingenuity eiertod, §| VII (Kfik not simply in imitating the gg| o Hg §| jjj" square shape but making the JsLJBB ML general appearance of the wrap- ■ pers resemble that of the genuine IN SQUARES. article. The Manufacturers beg therefore to caution all buyers to see Reckitt's Paris Blue on each pacxet. BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS, STANDARD LUBRICATING OILS COMPANY: LIMITED, 95, CANNON-ST.,LONDON, E.C. CONTRACTORS TO HER MAJESTY'S GOVERN- MENT. All descriptions of Lubricating and Wool Oils. Saving 25%. Agents wanted at home and abroad. Full particu- lars on application. HENRY DUNCAN, General Manager. IM I 14 BUSINESS ADDRESSES. "r"v-J'v- ABERYSTWYTH, "1'"J'J.I' "r>J:>.f:l< SEWING MACHINES! SEWING MACHINES F SINGER'S MACHINES with great improvements. Price, £ 4 4s, for £ 3 15s. cash. Silk, Cotton, and Thread Reels. Oil and Needles to fit any Machine always in stock. Drapery Establishment, 21, Great Darkgate-Street, Aberystwyth. PROPRIETOR, EVAN MORGAN, MACHINES ON HIRE. 32, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS. NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. C. M. WILLIAMS Begs respectfully to announce his return from the London Markets, and is NOW SHOWING A CHOICE SELECTION OF NEW WINTER GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, INCLUDING MANY NOVELTIES THE FAVOUR OF AN EARLY INSPECTION WILL OBLIGE. C. M. W. respectfully returns his best thanks for past support, and hopes by adopting the new system of giving his customers the full benefit of his large purchases to secure a larger share of public patronage. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS C. M. WILLIAMS, GENERAL DRAPERY AND MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, 32, PIER STREET, I ABERYSTWYTH. T fi n t, A2 fit3!! JONES AND MORRIS, SLATE WORKS, QUEEN'S ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, ARE in a position to supply CEMETERY MEMORIALS of every J-TL Description in Red and Green Granite, Marble, Stone, and Slate, at moderate charges. READ THIS. ON FRIDAY, 26TH DAY OF OCTOBER, We shall offer to the public Leather Boots and Shoes AT A GREAT AND PERMANENT REDUCTION, Not, as the stock phrase goes, "to make room for new goods," but simply to make it impossible for boots to be cheaper or better than what we sell. Men's Elastic Side Boots from 6s. 6d, Double Soles — 7s. 9d. „ Lace, strong everyday wear 6s. 6d. Ladies Elastic Side Boots, tips on heels, from 2s. lid. „ „ will wear well 3s. 6d. „ „ good 4s. 6d. „ „ very good 5s. Od. jt „ „ incomparable 5s. 6d. Ladies and Gentlemen will find in the higher class of goods everything they can desire in style, fit, and durability. Children's Boots at equally low prices, Is. 4d., Is. 6d., Is. Sd., Is. 10d., 2s., 2s. 3d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 8d., 2s. 10d., 3s., and upwards. We have every confidence in recommending our Gutta Percha Soled Boots as the very best for winter wear, as they keep the feet warm and dry. Our special qualities in repairing are well known: CHEAPNESS, PUNCTUALITY, and DESPATCH. NOTE THE ADDRESS— DICK'S, 16, Great Darkgate Street, ABERYSTWYTH High Street, LAMPETER; Maengwyn Street, b MACHYNLLETH. DICK'S, DICK'S, Church Street, BARMOUTH; Victoria Buildings, DOLGELLEY. CROSSE & BLAOKWELL'S PURE PICKLES, MALT VINEGAR, SAUCES, POTTED MEATS AND FISH, PREPARED SOUPS, CALVES' FEET JELLY, JAMS, JELLIES, AND MARMALADES, ALWAYS BEAR THEIR NAMES AND ADDRESS ON THE LABELS, And may be obtained of Grocers and Italian Warehousemen throughout the World. CROSSE & BLACKWELL, PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN.. SORO SQUARE, LONDON. EDUCATION. N. ARDWYN SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. Head Master—The Rer. LLEWELYN EDWARDS, M.A., of Lincoln College, Oxford, and Graduate in Classical Honours. Second Master—J. F. TYE, Esq. Mr. Tye has recently passed the First Examination for the B.A. Degree in the University of London. Third Magter-L. PROSSEE, Esq., C.M., M.R.C.P. Fourth Master—W. L. HAWKINS, Esq.. A.A. TERMS: — For Boarders from 40 to 45 guineas Tier annum. Day Scholars. 6 8 BRYNARVOR HALL SCHOOL, TOWYN. PEIXCIPAL :— Mr. EDWIN JONES, M.R.C.P., Assisted by qualified RESIDENT MASTERS for Classics English, Mathematics, Modern Languages. Music' &c. BRYNARVOR HALL, commodious and well- fitted, has been specially erected for the accommoda- tion and tuition of boarders. It is beautifully situated in an eminently healthy locality, with extensive playgrounds. cricket field, and gardens attached, altogether making the finest and most desirable school premises in the Princi- pality. Pupils ai« prepared for the various examinations con- nected with the universities and colleges, for the learned professions, banking and commercial pursuits. Classes are held in connection Kith the. Science and Art Department, the examinations being held in May in each year. The school year consists of three Terms. WINTER TERM commenced on the 3rd of September. FOR TERMS, &c., APPLY TO THE PKINCIPAL. LLWYNNONN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, PORTMADOC. Conducted by Mr. J. H. Lewis, London I niversitv (First B.A.), (Late Assistant Tutor atBangorTrainingCoilege.) /CANDIDATES prepared for the Universities, for Professional and Commercial Pursuits, ana for the various Training Colleges. Terms and prospectuses on application. Young men whose Education has been neglected will find special ad- vantages. THE HALL GRAMMAR SCHOOL ABERYSTWYTH. IVFE. HUGHES, of the University College of -LT_L Wales (Reading for Degrees), receives pupils at the Hall Grammar School, Aberystwyth. Subjects taught English, Classics. Mathematics, Phonography. Book-keeping, and Drawing, in which 16 pupils took prizes. The school is examined carefully every half- year on the above subjects. The discipline is strict but kind. The term commenced on Wednesday, the 1st of August, 1877. Terms moderate. Application to be addressed as above. ABERYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOUNDED IN 1812. HEAD MASTER: Mr. EDWARD JONES, First B.A. (and in, honors of the University of London.) SECOND MASTER: Mr. A. HL-NTER, M.A. (Gold Medallist and Scholar.) This school is examined yearly by gentlemen not con- I nected with the masters, among whom may be mentioned the Rev. Dr. Charles, D.D., the Rev. Professor Grimley, the Rev. Professor Lewi and the Rev. James Cornford, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. During the last year several pupils of this school were successful in examinations for the Banks and the Iea-w and Apothecaries' Hall preliminary examinations. One, who was five years pupil at this school, took a scholarship of £8() a year at Oxford, and another one of R50 at Cambridge. Also two who entered the University of Oxford direct from this school took their M.A. degree, and one matricu- lated in London University (first division) in January last. The Head Master receives a few Boarders. Inclusive terms, 940 per annum. LADIES' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL JLJ BELSIZE HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH. Principal, Mrs. E. Marie Jones, (F. C. College, Glasgow, and wife of the Rev. E. P. Jones. M.A.,) assisted by masters and a staff of qualified English and foreign teachers.—Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examination, and the Civil Service Examinations. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Ladies' Collegiate School removed from Queen's-road to Belsize House, 26, Bridge-street. The commodious pre- mises with Croquet Lawn, lately occupied bv the Rev. Llewelyn Edwards, M.A., Irwell House School. Term Commenced OCTOBER 8th, 1877. BRIGHTON HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH. PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG BOYS. LADY-PRINCIPAL-MRS. H. N. GRIMLEY, Assisted by Resident Masters and Governesses. THE Third Term for 1877 Commenced on Thursday, September 20th. September 20th. Prospectuses may be had on application to Mrs. GRIMLEY, Brighton House, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth. CAERLEON HOUSE. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, ABERYSTWYTH. ~\TISS TRUBSHAW informs her friends and the -L'J- public that the duties of her School were RE- SUMED on Wednesday, August 1st, 1877. Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge local ex- aminations. A resident French Governess. MAENGWYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MACHYNLLETH. Conducted by Mr. J. OWEN, late Inspector of Schools for the British and Foreign School Society, and Tutor at the Society's Training College, Swansea. THE course of study comprises the usual branches of a classical, professional, and commercial educa- tion. Pupils prepared for the universities and for the preliminary examinations of the various professions, &c., &c. Special advantages for pupils wishing to enter the University College of Wales, the Theological Colleges, or the Government Training Colleges. The methods of in- struction are the most modern and approved, and are based on thoroughly scientific principles. Terms aad prospectuses may be had on application. School RE-OPENED August 21st. DOLGELLEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. MASTERS REV. S. S. O. MORRIS, M.A., Oxon :-Classical Ex- hibitioner of Christ's Hospital, London. 1866 Mathe- matical Scholar of Jesus College, Oxfond. 1866 First Class Mathematical Moderations, 1868 Third Class Mathematical Finals, 1870; Sixth in Honours. London University Matriculation, January, 1876. G. R. MORRIS, ESQ., London University, 1876. THE nature the education given at this scliool may be learnt from the fact that during the last four years three pupils have taken open scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge three have passed the London University Matriculation two the preliminary examination of the Pharmaceutical Society one the preliminary of the Faculty of Surgeons, &c.. Glasgow several have taken first and second classes in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathe- matics in the examinations held by the Science and Art Department, and several have entered banks and other branches of business. Pupils prepared to compete for scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge; for the London University Matricula- tion, 1st B.A., and 1st B.Sc.; Oxford and Cambridge Locals; Medical and Law Preliminaries and a thoroughly sound education given to pupils who wish to enter on a business life. The Chemical and Physical Laboratories are now fur- nished with every requisite for the highest stages of study in Chemistry and Physics. The quarter began on Tuesday, the 9th October. 1877' No boy admitted for the quarter after that day. ESSONS on the PIANOFORTE H VIL- MONIUM, and in SINGING, bv W. R. WHEAT-LEV Portland House, Aberystwyth. Terms One Guinea per Quarter, LIVERPOOL. FAMILIES and VISITORS to Liverpool requiring Board or Private Apartments wUl find good ac- commodation and moderate charges at Mrs. GEORGE'S, 104, DUKE STREET. Centre of the town, within five or ten minutes' walk from. all the railway stations.