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HO:/SK OF LOilD-S.—Till IISDAV. There was no business of public interest, and the sitting oni> lasted twenty minuses. The Royal assent was given by torn- mission to thirtv-two public and private Bills, among them being tt,e M*» BBf;KSE QF C03!)I0N-s,_T„ol5r,1T \H the early part of the sitting was given up to the asking o. Questions Mr. Osborne .Morgan intimated that, finding himself Spointed in obtaining a place for his resolution on he Burials question, he will take the earnest opportunity o- bu » in" it forward next session.—In answer to Mr. Smyth tfle Chancellor of the Exchequer said the Government could not at present promise to devote another day to the consideration c the Sunday Closing (Ireland) iiul, but he to facilitate it.Ur. Suiiivaii complained of the tonduct of the Government in the matter, and in oruer to bring on ;ii (leb.it..on the question, moved the adjournment of the House.-This course was severely deprecated by the Chance.lor of the Lxtheqaer, who justified the conduct of the Government as perfectly fail •mil itriin-litfonvard.—The Marquis of Hartington also con- demned the obstructive policy, but desired that tne (<o\eminent would give a pledge to give the Bill uheir hearts support, c. deal with the matter themselves.—Ion* debate,in which the Irish members took the principal part, the motion for adjournment was put and negatived, and the House went into Committee of Supply. HOUSE OF LORDS.—FRIDAY. In committee on the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Bill (recommitted), Lord Granville moved an amendment to Clause 15, the main, object of wlncii was to aoolish tests and obligations as part of the conditions of eligi- bility to university or college emoluments or office. Ihe noble lord save details as to the number of fellowships at the universities that could only be held by clergymen, and ur"-ed that the removal of the existing restrictions wouLd meet with general approval. The .Marquis of Salisbury opposed the amendment, which was debated at some length, and was eventually rejected on a division by a majority of 34. The other clauses were agreed to with certain verbal amendments. HOUSE OF COMMON'S.—FRIDAY. There was a morning sitting of the Commons Mr. "11alley postponed his motion with respect to the Society of the Holy Cross until the 24th July. On the motion for going into Com- mittee of Supply, Mr. Parneil moved a resolution amrming the desirability of an independent inspection of convict establish- ments, and praying for a Royal Commission to inquire into the discipline and management of these prisons. Mr. halley seconded the motion, complimented Mr. Parneil on having taken up the question, and then proceeded to refer to the objection- able treatment of a prisoner at Dartmoor, for which he cen- sured the Government. Mr. Downing complained of the treat- ment of O Donovan Rossi tn(I other political prisoners, Tile Home Secretary opposed the proposal, but said he would care- fully consider the matter during the recess. He also opposed the appointment of a Itoyal Commission. The amendment was withdrawn, and the House having gone into Committee of Sup- ply, a number of votes were agreed to. The attention of the Government having been called to the recent suicide of a Blue Coat School hoy, the Home Secretary announced the names of the Commission appointed to inquire into the discipline in Christ's Hospital. The sitting was suspended at seven o'clock. The House resumed at nine o'clock, and was immediately counted out. HOUSE OF LORDS.—MONDAY. Lord Oranmore and Browne called attention to the prevalence of undetected and unpunished crime in Ireland, and asked if it was the intention of the Government to propose any measure for the better protection of life in that country. He stated that in his part of the country threatening letters were so numerous that their name was legion, yet such was the terrorism exercised that publicity was not given to them through the press, or by information furnished to the Government or to the police. In 1876 there were 33 murders and 300 crimes against human life, and whereas outrages were formerly committed at night, they were now perpetrated in open day.—The Duke of Marloorougli, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, quoted statistics to show that since 1S70 there had been a very large diminution in the number of outrages reported to the police, and a very favourable decrease of crime generally. He believed the powers already possessed by the authorities were sufficient, and hoped it would never Ml to his lot to advise Her Majesty's Government to increase the restrictions now imposed.—Lord O'Hagan expressed surprise at the statements of the noble lord who had brought on the question, and asserted that Ireland not only occupied an excep- tional position as compared with her former condition, but she held a prominent position as compared with other nations.— After a few words from Lord Carlingford, and a brief reply from Lord Oranmore and Browne, the subject dropped. -Their Lord- ships adjourned at 7.45. HOUSE OF COMMONS. ^TUESDAY. Mr. Egerton, in answer to Captain Pim, said the report of Admiral De Horsey, on the action between her Majesty's ships Shah and Amethyst and the Peruvian ironclad Huascar, was under the consideration of the law officers of the Crown, and would shortly be laid upon the table.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated that he hoped to be able on Thursday to make an announcement as to the course of public business.—Mr. Holms, member for Hackney, then submitted the following resolution That the recent appointment of Controller of her Majesty's Stationery Office is calculated to diminish the usefulness and influence of select committees of this House, and to discourage the interest and zeal of officials employed in the public departments of the State." He urged that Mr. Pigot, the gentleman appointed, had no knowledge of stationery, and the only reason that could be suggested for his selection was that he was the son of the Vicar of Hughenden.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer admitted that the committee had recommended that the Controller should possess a technical knowledge of stationery and printing, but he urged that Mr. Pigot had had a good deal of experience in public business, and finally he-threw the responsibility of the appointment upon the Prime Minister. —A sharp debate followed, in which the Government were directly accused of jobbery, and then the House divided, the result being that the motioll of -Air. Holms was carried by a majority of four against the Government, an announcement that was received with loud cheers.—Mr. Chamberlain moved the ex- penditure for the promotion of science and art should not be exclusive!}' confined to institutions in London, Dublin, and Edinburgh.—Lord Sandon, on the part of the Government, acknowledged the great advantage that would accrue from the establishment of museums of science and art in all the great provincial centres, but if the resolution were not pressed at this time, he hoped that next session he might be in a position to make some announcement on the subject.—The resolution was withdrawn.—Sir W. Harcoiirt drew attention to the lengthy de- tention in gaol of prisoners who were awaiting trial.—The Home Secretary said the matter had been under the considera- tion of the law officers of the Crown.—The House then went into Committee of Supply on the Civil Service Estimates. HOUSE OF LOUDS—TUESDAY. The House met at five o'clock.—The Report of Amendments to the'Univers-ities of Oxford and Cambridge Bill was brought up and agreed to.—The Inclosure Bill, he Public Work Loans (Ireland) Bill, and the Companies Acts Amendment (-No. 3) Bill went through Committee.—The Registered Writs Execution (Scotland) JBill was read a second time.-In reply to Lord O'Hagan, the Lord Chancellor observed that allleislation re- lating to Ireland since the Union came under the Ilead of im- perial legislation.—The Ante Union statistics had been revised to the year 141)4, and the Government were anxious to continue the work, but unless the Bills introduced for the purpose were practically unopposed, there was little chance of their passing in competition with the more pressing legislation of the session. -The House adjourned at quarter to six. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—TUESDAY. Sir G. Campbell gave notice that on going into Committee of Supply he will call attention to the Russo-Turkish War, and its necessarily internecine character, and ask whether her Majesty's Government are prepared to try and unite the Great European Powers in an effort to obtain a settlement on the principle of the Self Government of the Christian Provinces of Turkey, as already sanctioned by the European Conference"antl accepted by Russia.—In reply to Mr. Gourley, Mr. Bourke said it would be useless to ask the Turkish Government to exempt from search suspected vessels, which were those only as to which the right of search would be exercised. —In reply to Sir C. Dilke. Mr. Bourke said her Majesty's Gov- ernment had received information similar to that in the news- paper telegrams as to the appearing of the Russian forces on the southern side of the Balkans at the places mentioned, but from information received from Constantinople it appeared that the force which had crossed the Balkans was not so large as was re- presented by the newspaper telegrams. The Government had no information beyond that contained in the newspapers as to the death of the Ameer of Kashgar.—The House went into Committee of Supply, when the votes in class three for the learned societies, the Scotch Universities, the Queen's Colleges, and the Queen's University in Ireland, the Educational Boards and scientific institutions were agreed to. The votes for the diplomatic anil consular services, superannu- ation and charitable allowances, temporary commissions and miscellaneous charges in the other classes, with the exception of the grants in aid to Colonies, were agreed to. Several formal Bills were advanced a stage, and the sitting was suspended at seven o'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—WEDNESDAY. On the motion of Mr. Bright, a return was ordered of the in amount expended since 1854 on experiments in connection with the construction of ships of war, guns and gun-carriages, torpe- does, rifles, and mal.1-a:ms, or other weapons of military offence or defence; distinguishing the amounts paid to inventors from the expenses, and giving the names of such inventors and the sums paid to each. -Mr. Sullivan moved the second reading of the Intoxicating Liquors (Ireland) Bill. The hon. member stated that his Bill was a compromise, and he was not wedded to the hour named m it, but would leave it to be debated whe- ther the closing hour on Saturday should be uniform throughout Ireland, or should be different in town and country.—Mr. Shaw moved that the Bill be read A second time that day three months. —After a long debate, Sir M. H. Beach said it was impossible that the Bill could pass in the present session, and therefore he did not see what useful purpose could be served by pressing the motion for a second reading. He promised to consider this sub- r ject, in conjunction with that of Sunday closing, during the re- cess, and to bring it under the notice of his colleagues with a view to the framing of a measure which would deal with both questions as a whole.—The motion was negatived with- out a division.—The Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday Bill, which was down for a second reading, was withdrawn.—Mr. Cowen moved the second reading of the Intoxicating Liquors (Licensing Boards) Bill. -On a division, the Bill was rejected by a large majority.



[No title]

j~JULY 18, 1877.





