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yflfe., Say to the candidates from the English Univer- ( a* I can only say that I wish there were more of |l that the College was twice as large, so that we (j be obliged to go to the English Theological in (heers)Colleges which had done real good VrA r 'lay- but which, I am inclined to think, have eneficial to the Principality. That satisfactory it)) JD of things is owing to the good work which has "W rried on in the College for the last half 11 rV I will not anticipate what will be the sub- jl Vij. pother toast. My present object is to j^L* Principal, who has borne the labour 2 the day, and the Tutors and Professors f »e- As they are at present—(cheers)—and ) 't'rin to say a few words about my dear old friend j ^y. 01Pal. (Applause.) I have known him, not for jj 'tL ^ut for about a third of a century, and during 7 | 1 have met with uninterrupted kindness at his f 'jj* fact, I am sure there is no one present who will < of the Dean as a warm-hearted, kind-hearted pi WL°ud applause.) During the last fifty years— il to. k, rertiember, ladies and gentlemen, that it is fifty i ^ii»iCailSe it is a remarkable fact—he has been the !< C, this College. (Applause.) Fifty years ago to we were told, camii down to this wilder- nt in the seeds of education Those two j| are now on my left and right, ihe Bishop of i °-g one side and the Dean on the other. (Ap- ia^v, I do not know whether so remarkable 'Ffc R ttiat bas happened in the history of any other 'iJfto'at its first principal and first vice-principal are ISm S-C*e by side at the same table fifty years after ti dation of the college. (Cheers.) You will exouse me i £ tl,e Sa little. I must go back to the Dean. I have j. ^win during the last_ half century has filled 4? hfo P°rtant post in this diocese. He lias been for j){*^i3the head of this great educational institution. sTVk', He has been for thirty-seven years the head of church of this diocese. (Cheers.) He has tilt¡e hrtY-four years vicar of this parish and during 1 hi as done hardly what any other vicar has—re- iCttiiJrCYUircli t'.viec, (Laughter and cheers.) The very < b stands there now as a meiporial to him. He TV domestic chaplain to three Bishops of this is tlie chairman of the Lampeter School active county magistrate, and I add, a very good farmer. (Laughter and ap- Jn'ly say to him in words with which he is ifVjov?~~9uum tot sustineas et tanta negotia solus; l%tota11 the Dean is a kind-hearted, Christian man, O0w *s to love. (Applause.) Let me add that Coiripletely supported in the present staff of (Cheers.) Unless a very great change has (JStf6 *n the universities, in one of which I was g^il °r a quarter of a century I do not think any of r colleges to Lampeter, with an equal number of tlfre are at St. David's College, had so efficient a ,ere here at the present time. (Applause.) I med of taking up so much time, but I ven- yjon i,e one more remark. I think it is a very great Colt t we should have here the earliest workmen other former workmen in it, pupils who 3S, jj, it. Bishops, Archdeacons, and distinguished the Bishop of Llandaff said, clergy from this pstw^joi^i^S diocese, leading laity who take an e- e work of this place, young men who have lllg educated here, now assembled in this tent bill I will not say the fiftieth anniversary of the .Jldu tthe fiftieth year of the College, and I think m!? taI1,a1Very great pity if there were not some visi- » Vofijpble result of your meeting left to promote thj e College. (Applause.) I do not attempt to tv^ti1111 it shall take, but I throw it out for.your We were compelled to-day, and under any of should be compelled, to worship, not in the H ^ea e ^Heye, but in the beautiful parish church in ,hfqbl gernble(I but it had this disadvantage, that it is jk"fjll6(> e that some of you now present have not seen •, c"apel. I only wish you will all go to see it. Jly a N'o doubt it is dear to a great many of you, ion the place in which you received early spiritual ui' nevertheless it cannot be denied not only that tl 4 Soir^ 01 tby of a great institution, but also it must ?v°y0n e,vybat damping and depressing effect upon If 'V1'- feelings of those who worship in it. (Hear, uf .-f°re, you ask me what would be the most reS4-Sllltable, and useful memorial I should say, as j.0r,atjon of the chapel, but the re-habilitation ta^ich ° ir'g it into agreement with present feel- >o. /rV^re somewhat different to those held fifty lll^k i; beers.) Others may suggest different things. u2^d8..tl»at something may be done. I think it p^iderei!lrab]e that some committee should be formed the best best means of providing a memorial of a, ilee. (Cheers.) And now, Mr. Dean, my of 4.ireutlenien, I will conclude by proposing the V^'8 fVii Principal, the tutors, and professors of St. ,jv ge- (Applause.) CTI'AT., IN responding, said the heartiness with iwi6tiesaiue ,lla(l been received made amends for all Wr l)asseci through during the fifty years Ji Visci\l.v^ tbe head of that institution. He had Q Wl r1. Uc'es °f various kinds. He, with his col- l^d v, 'lUentlj- been at the top of the waves, as he it'" do\"SOll-S cieseribe a ship crossing the Atlantic, a^11. i'1 an immense valley of water, but they gain on the other side, and there they were v uger than ever. (Cheers.) They were sur- tljgj a galaxy of kind friends, all of whom ex- r.,lute)'est in the College by their presence. e meeting very much for the way they had ir' toast. (Applause.) tjkr8 (jp'lTns. of Llandeilo, then proposed the "Past il 0..the College." He referred to the suggestion ^i0i; by the Bishop of St. David's, and expressed |H 7> ^bat Lampeter should be made the nucleus of !Jthl' cflversity. He believed if all the Welsh Bishops w1"8 of Jr>rc^. dignitaries present, together with their tj'ers ^'liament, landed gentry, municipal bodies (asib!e iptitioned Parliament for further endowments, 5a it « V f ri"uent could refuse the appeal. He °f i a g°0(l thing to establish memorial i^Ieao occasion. (Applause.) t) a past officer of the College, ac- l| ^ctio .c°mpliment, and in doing so dwelt upon tf ^cess with the institution, and his lasting interest V't proposed the toast of the "Past and t- fei^bers," in a brief speech. F' f °f ST. ASAPH (Dr. Hughes) said he felt a l^leo-g gratitude to the Principal and Professors of be did not sufficiently profit by their in- Was his fault and not theirs. He felt with his I-WtBish >p of St. David's, that it would be a j 1 %<> Vet that occasion pass away without some- f 'JW to meinorialize it. (Hear, hear.) There uj'Vt-'i'sal impulse being given to the cause of W'1 itiHf-i thought there never was a time when 0f!ti,ms were endeavouring to do so much for | the country as at the present day. The de- Idfi er éducatioll was spreading throughout Eng- i e AV, ((i]^Vas happy to be able to add also throughout bt tadeeer.) The quarrymen of Festiniog, noble f.f" and artizans, had betaken themselves j :° Providing better means of education. There s l?" T}'1 sucb a movement as they had lived to i y- seemed to be a determination to have i t l'e a, IOn for the Principality, and he thought if 1 )lJ.iOll WISe they would bear in mind the great truth f.r of N'V,tg strength. In every period of the the Welsh they had suffered from disunion. j fcj at hat had made them what they were as a i a,te present time. They were behind every i Jri t!l,i kingdom. Ireland was far in advance of c f fv. l!'bicational institutions and advantages to it u°m them and if they looked at Scotland, at j be early monopolized the literature of the whole j tnaUse the Scotch had advantages which they i I-o t by. He was thankful, however, that i Q ear)jl) ed the advantages of St. David's College. ■' It fct tL;' As he had always expressed himself, he ( iy tria, Voicing at it with regard to the provision ] '• there and the curriculum of the College, lr'v for ^ai'cely find any similar institution more r Urt/t. T)„ Work which it was intended to carry on a rijja'Co1.(]Vl(i's College. The Yicar of Llandilo had that would reverberate in the hearts of all r ?ers of the College. He (the speaker) thought f.')llbl not remain any longer what it had been °f tl •Vcara' but that they should act upon s t}|(. • e Act of Parliament, which was carried out Ci ^strr.mentality of Mr. Thomas Phillips. He :1 Id' M o I e had come when the scheme, a part of itii been executed by the endowment of St. wben they should fully realize all that ] VoLc'bythat scheme. After mentioning the name I Vtri(;tl A-16 Pevre as a person worthy the gratitude of 1 e(!,tuse he bad been seeing after certain sums •' l,1 to promote higher education in Wales, his 1 t)lri»<W0Pfcd the former students of St. David's College { OS'tit,, a committee of themselves-for the purpose of r ttNio! 00nsideration the best means of utilizing any t ^vbich persons interested in the College would 1 i W to gjve towards a memorial. (Applause). < tKT'UNcir.vL, proposing the Examiners," re- s iudepundent position in the College. The ) Were sent down to the College, from the two vHt, pities, Oxford and Cambridge, and thus !$• U °n was brought into connection with them, i aslced the meeting to bid farewell to Mr. t'la W+r ^erm expired, and welcome Mr. Collett, r the time that year examined the College. > It* r Kl4' ar1V'.T-V!n, M.A., St. John's, Cambridge, re- fV, of III doing so referred to the list of honour- If'v the examiners who had preceded him, be- S^'OvfV'he Pev. E. Michael, B.D., of Lincoln t) 0t(^> praelector of logic and public orator and 'Raines of the Rev. W. II. Humphrey, S r \dsean lecturer and examining chaplain to London, the Rev. John Grote, M.A., pro- a' Philosophy at Cambridge, and others. He „ eferred to the hurtful as well as the beneficial ■1| It! v,l:nation.s. then proposed the toast of the Visitors, t» ••TrJv. r- £ ,sPonded to in an eloquent speech by Mr. "\rl Axs- Jj1! tbe toast. "Prosperity to St. David's Col- t and heartily received, and the proceed- ed.