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i I wi*" Uli^ »"*&«* *lL ijLuiii>^ uuer,fc unaaiv— » -m nwwt numoer at cauie xu.r xuomas «joiieB went to Yorir. \-mt h* >»*,i —\tn,„„vrm,To,TTD^ Dn,^ Wl11 last years yet! Of course if the sextan is Maiistics -J-he Master of the Workhouse ^*ed the *■ ll jlIfc Foster if j,fc«4aS|ul»ughtcred j$irC5»^0f5ht was a13 i and the re- go with-ait any robes ana this year he (the Mayor) went MERIONETHSHIRE ROx\DS. going fn '"ft "P fllll-jy^hadi'MU'lfclWib' J»»B>for new-iTja^ej^Eawj^Wgi -the_workl>u^to|e^ffl^eif^bflM»|a^yj^li(§~|j|r> •Qoming|h&'3ieTv*.r f^15 were £ d|>s.frr^ £ £ J to London, but he could not attend the baronet as he had That the roads ill many parts of WalesilT^fcJ^8^r3lkeSrsE*e|soI5^r^meeirlhSiilli^jm not last Kj v, f Jlar *»' 1|T>Vtt -l'lfTrllt' '^egjliflej-iilifducirigr tA.maodilt/>li■!«•. Ar L "r^ *CT* 110 robes. He thought it WAS high time the' Council nr fir, rlUinn ia norfd^tl-ir Tpnll hn rix^ +e« foHli'pIXHill h8tiltlb«Sldu» But ^^»r graves Jr forta1^Ji^ iHjil ^tj8tr ftflite* SlaflC** ^H^y,BTO"W1!a^^e Wha wafna fight -^Y10K sa"l an answer had been received acknow- vided robes for their chief officer. a shameful condition IS peitectly well kno^l tf% tV>r# e| ^fl'-figed h £ r*J hjdi^du^t J^tty r graves Jyes1l^gTg'Tffnoyia't yaar 11. — Morris JOKES, relieving for Charlie,' Ye banks and braes of bonny doon Call-r led8lnK the receipt of the petition praying that Abervst, Mr THOMAS JONES said he eot a dirner hv those unfortunate people who are even if, as the VICAR says, the officer for Talyllyn district, reported that the total number. Herring,' &cM Tyler Band, encored, and the 'Maja^f the wylil should be made a district registry under the Ju^jjlfck for it. J J1 g USe th^m, and the road between Towyn and Aber-SJ^ J nds^h^ dmn^r^^ mplflst ^AR's^ord^ones are brought inspector had no^ b^^e^ir dis^ricfc^-An order by 7^^ iSgt^he | | G»OW said lwftaA given notice a^t paid^hf Couiw^ ^imethod of obtain^a remedy is to summon the the surface> small bones are very important, and if t^se be Siven 1:0 «|uwpecUM| ^a^dress, tridled <g* 4* a- ,re*ou tl°y^ecii?] Alderman ^BEBTslpropose,! ihe acceptance of the kind meinoa oi ui w .» i the mixjng Qf Athsflbones goes on muclJ lpnj/ t0 at tjad Bogie se piace^itpcg..— ^i^iflBf^i^^e^n^^iVjfrange blo?4Jk. Vbl |^§,l*l"lti! l#P<|^rW Nuisances, and he would invitation of the School Board. surveyors before the magistrates who nave power there would be JLt T |f| ABflmffiDlf. Ml I I Tl iiltl. lMMt°u^n rfcolution, with;the view Aman VVATKINS seconded the motion, and it" was nnlcp orf]pTN £ or tllP TlPOP^Sfirv rPDflirfl How- T iX»*& *■ W|P3 RV M/ 1 M r M 1 M |t _M_ B| Hp, J. J to/tli8 bride's, witii biack carrying out cf all tbCAe@tS5ary portions <>f the re- carried. y* T^kllf 1 ^^ur^eyorm-y Pen_ed to^want tjpi^ s^ecjsj^i^^i^ l^e cape, ^nd w h i 11 bo^n^t lr^ e ssi mi fl )vvers^^he tl' S ]^E^iM0td' r Mn,of Vale of Aeron, about half^ mile wiU b^ have jprLle^tc' [ the cases that had been carried out. it was neceswyt A lamp AT tIb po^ the-DAW a t^jome UloOKerr J J ■ distant from the above town. It was a tJw^ugh success, send Articles of intere^anlci^s^r^jriiifcti^n. The therefore, that when a nuwanee was removed it should be Mr HENBT HUMPHRFY* nost-ma^t^r fC up, the road is narrowed by placing scrapings at the question of vagrants came up, and wasiwn a?reed owingt^^e^l^an^gtoaeats; oft* l^^r^i*|^fyi^Es]Rim is lilMy tl iKk*^»*<^pecimens, reported so to the Board so that it c,u!d be seen what B. »rd, and said he had received compiaints that there wa« flip sides and the excuse 'for not ulacine new indiscriminate ahm is the real cause of thBevil. A tfelT^fatigabMexertanAilpl- K,1 Ja^jf-kMOwn l%jb»ds, has had been done. Why he moved the resolution was in con- no light near the post-office, a- d pcple could not «ee tr» t ie S aes, # I B was resolved that the guardians should co-operaB wij4y«. Icreative a%A|y AJhil«l a lend a maSwgripT^ handwriting, sequence of what he had heard from the it spec tor at a pos: their l»t erp. He had been c*l.ed oBiatni^ht to show metal in the ruts 18 that there IS no stone to be p0]jce jn stamping out vagrancy, and on wwuiswlylr ■■n!*sfcg»rearr>TOs g^eSrtfieparty repaired to tne neigh- which wMf presented to Mr Richards during his visit to previjus meeting—th it he had reported a largenumber people the t,o ha^ u ,i.. ° had. What is wanted is,that some gentleman who tramp was sent to gaol for a month for bjgging, the witness no^l "an^^ther^^m^ffa'nd^'pr'itat^ons were ^ijten iilusvtrio1us composer. The^ f cases, but the ~rity of them had Jpkn at- berMln nM able to find the* necLsaryeTeaa1Vest%sCrftiCi3[^ "^utSg^the r^8 gua^Ur Th? SanbSmBCMe°n^f Str^nced1boncj(KL?InPdarDya\ueshLLantdi[rnMsse\l^ ^s^aiob. th^lhe reports t^i|UE^.ught fa5d the AH case at c RNEI-' from Bwlchvllan. ^uary cost sheet, but he^said^hirh^liad^ theerder cf the Council. The Tows CLEHK sai/hr^a letter !re.m Mi-s T)a v; BstBecling of 0 TallB^iPiOCwWld^t Borth, not long ago, and it was understood that the next \a. ^ls- p-arll■ ca'ue. byrh^jliaf 'Ja a Tory|;lp"1 ,"la.n"er- ,I,i^L'> -^fc i'-—jUie defence nes4gcalled who stated THOMAS JONES agreed with Mr Green's motion and of Ffasrhydygaled, stating tnat it w„s their intention to Aberystwyth was, we are glad to say, conducted reUeving officer who set |pBo«l ^defencelouldhave #1^^# by'knoT^^ asked for by Ureen was very ^la^^n°H^f in a more orderly manner than it customary, to pay the money ou- of y ow.nJ°jf¥'T%3y%)*iy^J J^oyyotbeingy^ghgo^i^^rfr^i Whic^ jjjivjir^i.y^p-Jn deme.jM > \3 £ ^>SP £ CTOB-suggested that he should show what had The hall would only be used one day, 6* AVith the excention of the Mayor's somewhat e"v- how long it takes some fcoplt ■ S^h 424^ seen fe^t^urs ^jiIm i* iSialftfeen seeu it Ssws^^eS-^Ss^cross^mmincd as to some letters, in "which been done, &c., at the next meeting. Ahitrman ROBERTS said he tad no objection personalis 1 P •> T :UU'lLtv Hprvants and not the maKWT^ nrc puollo^ woulThave be.n of no.avail for it,ia near ,y certain that death he had said he had received the February cost sheet and Air THOMAS Jones-Have you reported generally what Whe f,a1^1at if the application waW«»t!ri7h« £ !7f cusable reference to the absence of .ffieud robes, ««««.and T SISSSRSSS SSSi?iSS,SSl. J" f?'» f f.fm.ntJ^w.er t» Da4» h *•!»?t B • l» »p» tor«to t £ »g.. or"M"J door one or^two weak jokes^ tiie ngenda paper was A petty system of cheating is practised in WaS uni^crne i^a sheets ai^ R^e to some^irregularity^ the ^ndant'a purpwes.' VVitness 'ma^^cha^ is presented/aad' a general order tji of -fo^Mchay IiyBj^ipiFotlBiflflKllg a good of increased rates preveuts the people fr-m wo complementary members. The Board have thus lostj time to consider hj^decision. not be commented upon, »s he thought that could be di«- Hughes suouia deaRnn'ofeSSed contempt for municipal honour, (1.p r „„fli p[W.pmm,rt Ar-t- wh;ph would ^ive^k.. the services of their chairmaa and clers. Ihe wfflWPlr of« HIGHWAY ^A^—Au^lAg fe^herHi«hjWl.y Boavd Pensed with. He said that as much for the benefit of the 'rucks at the fining. uway j i j. -i l i.i -L- p m adopting the Local Govern e ,t o. .cog BoifdjBuring its first ternyjf yuatence is a cftit to|w^1VtWToJn^p%l7c.iJ&lB3fcr»3kW^fh Mr Inspector as for that of the Council. c,^t? e 1coni?li'aJ-,e having beec specialh-appointed to con- there can be no doubt taat the position of Town town a lo jal body, and power to borrow money for nfth ^V^I^TlSjllent sdfcok dOhcted by aKnel-|\J#hlt I) ,\f vlslTlfc e»V,Iiil tl*r^ Ir, ,e. The INSPBCTOB—It is a very good suggestion and I shall houb p^emiserf'.r11 the A 8mit,htiel1d and-I1art of s!augbter- CowciUor ought to be a creditable one, and one needed improvements On Thursday aftern-.K>n the ii.Hi. has b^iJo»n|dtiring tyKhMULmMnA^JoK li^h^ jAnycfoiaraTbavid D^vies^Llan- make good use of it. (Laughter.) > the i6iU September, beg toTepor" to"th^Conn^fhVaay* tcnvfViv +ViA nmbition of the best men of the town, tants were engage 1 in a pleasing ceremony, which w«tf'Ws. THi^jrontfa Wtk of edt Caung the children of Nant- rhystyd, I>a\W Davies, Hraniiar, John '.Morgan, Gwarallt alderman ROBECTS—It is a very unfortunate thing that application^Ajj^d be* lowjrfj^iid■H^-ders should^e'at Tl fi 1 t ns-ctions alone are sufficient to port fully in another part of the paper. ^The town^owM cwnlle^has beei^id down, and those members ao rougb iii i in one shilling a^pence, and the next three years' ex- instalment due' from.them for* the quai^r ^dedln^be Mr Hu«hes rea^ the seetion, in whicL^it was shown tha ^vaU^mwket jpur^l, ana now b ^vambiqtion Hill of the Online on Taaadav next th > pen^ture is estimated at a much lojyer ra,e. ■ 25J) JJne, but, as t^^gis^atespojjid JiptJ^ f^mngN the Council had power to appoint such a committee, and t.nd fair days. A payment could be charged for thi use of these ferred to the Corporation this_ i? especi^ rue 28th>and at the C0'DCert fe^il, t¥J^I5fi(,EPW¥' Wf^ by °°rp°ra* th^lS/t^co^ Ut Aberystwyth. It IS m municipal matters that ystwyth) the same evening, ailmSliW leCLg made ,tDxyjffIr.iHjPj§#Pe"iju.^l|nave j¥at. coufS^rJ^CTS? sSSor? Some discussion took place as to whether five or seven miUee_on behalf of thasociety. self government finds its truest expression, every exhibit the Thousand by tHm-aft iw, /„ .• Ta? The surveyc r's excuse would no doubt be tl-at members of the Council should be appointed on the com- MtTAYLOB said Mr had^|MJuA^hat the whole of |rP^^ ^0Uth^ d to the road was or- egs omild b8- ordered to exists^lonM to tM electors far rnoie U whic^S^found owners! William^Rotlandf Lower Ystw"yth'whettier he found any difficulty^ii^obtain- h Mr HUGHES read the section of the Act showing the and, iisfar as it referred to the road, carried out. As the tha*0 the lsflgjlj*not to rcCOg- Gladstone son of the Escheator for the Lordship of Oroyddin, was in attendance jng tbe lo°3e vouchers from persons who worked on the road, powers of the Council to remove the servants, &fi. who fl uents were not so clearly defined, they could ni^Rhe fact, wr ilMance, mayors of Mr John BriDht and ■ T eagerly watching for a chance to lay hold on waifs. A cl' Pr°J'Jced, end the Surveyor answered that he had were employed at the harbour before the passing of the townR lil'P Ahprvqtwvth should be gentlemen of ex-Premier, accompany the American Iceland exp'di.iom ,e fi }jj shtlMfle held at Ponterw^JQ/i "91giauman remi^ed^hat ij-wag a PU'fii«better Act IOKRIS seconded the proposition, and the meeting towns like Aberystwyttt SBoma D6 gentlemen 01 Aberdeen, under Mr Cyrus Field,1. It>ilkl^gv tfrP aIv 1/X 1P|nl^3nihl bejtsiei^.lMeTp^r had The MAYOR suggested that that business should be left terminated. exp^nenflifijftnd some culture, and these qualifica- ^II ■ ■/m |miNJCTE E^fA *r n/7W- 11 I IbftnliilctlljaMie last SetiJy|op<lrjlinKhAiathe to the committee. UNIVEESITY COI fYF wat-pq tirno nor, onlv hp SPCU^ed bv an exercise on the Wednesday- Jul> 22nd I F»hId 1 Vs Board^a^e*^ li^JUfcP*o JTrawscoS^tStmT?TOrero^s a Mr JOHN JOSES suggested that the Council should give 0n Tll(.ajaw n„ + A.T -r i d- u ns can on y » y A party of two hundred emigrants, consis ting of locldL^rilrr^^jf'WkhS^^ "4^eron inn, Ystrad. parish road, ai<Ko-day, in answer to the Chamn tn, he re- all the servants, &c., notice, and so clear the way for the }° i • £ -ey ^harda ,will give a part Of the electors of great caie 111 the selection out agricaltural labtmrer8 their wive, nnd families, sailed Present: 'aughan (chafflhan), Messrs Jenkin plied that he had to come to the conclusion that it was, as committee, j|j|^couj|||j^-appoint^m they wantedHtt|||t of Wal^ oncf inTheHv^i? » ? University of representatives. The acts of the Town £ r0^ ^verp(K)l ^io^the A1'jn 8t,n«r ^Sarmatian Je^kin|, Blaenplwyf^ (^lr^ian), ma.1several ye^ 'laces on T^iver approaches 'uniting th08 Princess and George's they could either the coast as wiuter reports, ana as iar as Aoer- •> 1: „ staire8 at Liverpool wire opened to the public }4fm]/*m9 the VoAilft-l ine, was be paid off, or be paid at the rate of interest it was now 'l1'!u°fort,una!'? nlaa 1v°bfrt ^vilns> a wheil-uvper at the ystwyth is concerned are confident that a 0» Tuesday, Jnly 2L ^*±15 ^SSUJ tk P-oP^ -t ffll -■ lUmiH > fliA ^inhabitants c( ^LljmdadllO. the polxe- Qouncj 1'3 advertisement. pu.u..t to the 8x11110111^'down the stream,^ and wben b/wa^iit'st se«n by^ c 1 "noli will (WntP thpmsplves to th^Wf' ITZnZn on Tuesdav T„lv 91 andh«*Uhy, besides being thfijaiv place in the dist«g h,d ibnot brf^kept tJeTli a knot mhisbrlL-^ail'j^s TheTowx CLERK said there was a subsequent matter persons. o« the bank some distawe&wn th».river, he was under Scarborough Will clevote tnemsel\ es to tne persons, occurred at Noith^mp-on tn i uesdgj^sJnly 21. mgme% school oil aJ# liotoM m-nkprt DT1 Ot Poj^andEne, h<Md ali-otll ItfiWtiS/sVm"tli!i*iK^rOk agenda piper respecting Mr Ihomas Jones s vv?;tlir. his head only showing. 4tt4larm K'-ven, »md a man P1CV of Aberystwyth as a watering place, ancl, The Lord Mayor of London gave a banqucRo VV*prr KvAtXftfer^Vll €s secon<»-^iN% Cl)al(1|Arl rortAAiftfenda* dfcilaJs Jgfld EI:ClVlA woulJ no doubt like to be repaid. who was bathing in a«other the nver hastened to hfe Ld.c_> ui j o I > U1BHOIUJHJW Ui LIUUU z1 W^Tl M WW jM-JB.-M >■ rVlfllil./V.tV .ff I 20 o« tft BlicemaMsljIldJI MidliKhifl cp»«Mi llwU TnwFs—Yp^ a sistance, hut wben ha got to the spot deceased could not ba therefore, li anything IS to be done it must be cipal representatives of literature and art in flts coimAi pi JotW jl3! ).l ■ was Evan m^Tes'»aidWsSvfliecoat ^oon aft r thp'l 1?^ orm- aaJd tbpv bil 1 <v- f*und, audit was about one hour and a half before the bo iy done by the town itself to a great extent thl-ongh France and Belgium, at the Mansion HOUSXTUSI said tlX heonl^ff of the east^rnpS ^of £ its reco^ized^aumoj tUe^inl|abita^ ''t f("d months^ n0 C.l •. armer^re t-,lV(>Up nf the motion, which was declared carrirrl. These Szluailer^to! a def^fto go to mV Thomas^ ^'le Mayor then said there had been four Ths'aan madiatl bua^te thotiHHV w»Q«aBlW|P"v.oion is !WUar. oom ,0i u n four schoolrooms, with teachers'residences attached, will from him, and if it appeared U&t def- n "ant was what he stated answer to tJ^todvcrtisement. One was from Mr David h..„k also rn Iri *i man> who was dressing on •> „Q„?ff?rv.lw!?7lt isso obvious tllftt our chief- THE PUBLIC WORSHIP Bir.ri.-Mr Samuel Holland, M.P. be p,oceeded with i^^as possible The clerk was in- t.eu he (ilr Sz umper) MMlieve him. This de en.iant dil Davies, s«Ar, Ystrad Meu.ig offering £ 600 • Mr K, °e»nl £ buthecould 'no-w?ero deceased wasseen y I in Ttli*T 9n h couij^ainaiit the purpose o■ Ibein^inipounded for a"ir^i^P ^i/M' Jris ^^Uf ^member'of the couLcil could ad- re^rt^respecting''th^rwen^f-^Dh^ions T;> n r »7i onijrirs1 dates and l^^TOll^ng days. ^^Re TEMPERANCE MEETING.—On Monday night, July 20bh, on the aotu July.—The caaewas adj uraed to_n xt week for t]»e4m'anr» mrmev on ha-i' Pit, D-iV^pH ;n tovj«i, V. »h,(. i, A 1} »i*-1 !i ■ v L» J kJ^ \j. -"j presidents the^ rion. A. Wsilsh, and the president^roct a public meeting was held a,t the ^"i^drb J^d' .W'Jf^ L'tl^ li v v sicl-red th ermine dangerous, h^did^ not thinkthe peril °wfat Colun.Qa the p Hi, nnl/v ni the *i" *ai?^i cV'r T?? appre-BoH di^njf k'ep his work. said jh^ woul? require £ 10 000 to failed,'it'was time that more stringent tneasn-es w'ere "adbpt'd immense mineral WCaUl hai0 undiA i.»p.d m the jevoted to an eJ^Ti^^ l^ftnH. fM'- cWuses recit?^ud ,l0 »'li!ince C:,u}d bl? ?laTced, upon V,m r^tlMe,vasau meet all requirements; ajid, m answer to a question, said and that the proprietors should be called upon to ike morinlm'nq between Llanuwchllyn and DmaS stay; Wednes(iaU;o Ultffrtli, WB<l»n'%lk,adhd'TlIolE; occupied by Mr llees Williams, bolos, choruses, rccita u..nsuai quantity of work to be done, and h di not at all times there wa^il 1,000 owi.*|0 mortgagees beanngB|^t JBud, a charge in the »rat* of the rentilati.-n and «m^T ge;^n^tl^^Ld^^p jg* ^s^rano^ w^iokl^uti^rT^ Sag the^th '<.