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PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES In Parliament.—Session 1875-6. GORSEDDA JUNCTION AND PORTMADOC RAILWAYS. (Increase of Capital Borrowing Powers: Power to maintain existing Railways in the Parishes of Ynyscynhaiarn and Llanfihangel-y-Pennant and County of Carnarvon and to relinquish a portion of Railway in the last mentioned Parish: Power to lay down a line of rails for a siding or sidings in the first mentioned Parish: Compulsory purcnase of lands: Tolls Traffic and other arrangements with and running powers over the Railway or the Festiniog Railway Coiupany Power to increase the number of Directors Amendment of Acts and other purposes) "VroTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application N is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing N is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing £ «;nn bv the Qorsedda Junction and Portmadoc Railways Company for have to bring in a Bill and to pass an Act tn enable the Gorsedda Junction and Portmadoc Railways Company (hereinafter called the Company) to ra13e addi- tional Capital by the issue of new shares or new stock either ordinary guaranteed or preferential and on mort- "\7e or bond and to issue Debenture Stock in lieu of the Canital raised or already authorized or to be authorized by the intended Act to he raised on mortgage or lioticl and to apply as well for the purposes of the Bill as for those of the Gorsedda Junction and Portraudoc Kaiiways Act 1872 (hereinafter called the Act of 18/2) any capital or funds now or hereafter belonging to the Company. And also to enable the Company to maintain two existing Railways namely 1 A Railway nine chains and four yaras or tnereaoouts in length wholly in the Parish of Ynyscynhaiarn and County of Carnarvon commencing at a Junction with the Croesor and Portmadoc Railway opposite or near the Gas Works at Portmadoc in the said County of Carnarvon and terminating at a point on the line of the Railway late of the Bangor and Port- madoc Sl;<te aud Slate Slab Company Limited by the Act of 1872 authorized to be taken and maintained by the Company nine chains and four yards or thereabouts measured along the centre line of the Railway now in description ditant from the aforesaid junction and 10 chains and 14 yards or thereabouts measured along the centre line of the said Kai*f late of the Bangor and Portmadoc Slate and blate Slab Company Limited distant from the level cross- ing of such last mentioned Railway over the Cam- brian Railway at or near Portmadoc aforesaid. 2 A Kail wav 12 chains 11 yards and 1 foot or thereabouts in length wholly in the Parish of Llanfihangel-y- Pennant and County of Carnarvon commencing in ■Rratchvbib at junction with the said Railway late of the Bangor and Portmadoc Slate and Slate Slab Company Limited and terminating in Braichybib aforesaid at a point on the line of the new Railway authorized by the Act of 1872 twelve Chains 11 yards and 1 foot or thereabouts measured along the centre line of the Railway now in description distant from the said junction. Together with the Stations ap- proaches bridges sidings roads yards works and con- veniences belonging to the said existing Railways respectively And to enable the Company to relinquish such portion of the said new Railway authorized by the Act of 1872 as as intended to lie between the last mentioned point; and the junction at another point in Braichybib aforesaid with the said Railway late of the said Bangor and Portmadoc lalte and blate Slab Company Limited for which portion of Railway so to be relinquished the existing Railway secondly above mentioned has been substituted and which Portion of Railway to be relinquished was intended to lie Wholly in the said Parish of Llanfihangel-y-Pennant in the sa.id County of Carnarvon And also to enable the Company for the purposes of a Siding or sidings from the said Railway late of the Bangor and Portmadcc -Slate and Slate Slab Company Limited to lay down maintain and use a line of rails wholly in the Parish of Ynyscynhaiarn and County of Carnarvon com- mencing at a p int on the last mentioned Railway distant 95 links or thereabouts measured along the centre line of such Railway in a north westerly direction from the said crossing over the Cambrian Railway and terminating at the liorth Western side of the ,ud crossing. onfer And it is al»o prop necessary powers to effect the ob- on the Company »ome o{ them that is to 9ay_ 116To t::Xp up alter or divert whether temporarily or permanently all such turnpike and other roads and highways footways rivers streams and watercourses as it mly be uectssary to cross stop up alttr or divert by reason or for the purpose of the maintenance of the said existing Railways or the laying down and Maintenance of the said line of rails or any of the Y, w0rks connected therewith respectively. -4-0 purchase and take by compulsion or otherwise lands houses and other property for the purposes of the said existing Railways and the said line of rails and the works thereof respectively and all legal and equitable estates reversions remainders and interests of any persons in such lands houses and property and to alter vary or extinguish all existing rights and Privileges connected with the said lands houses and property or which would in any manner interfere with or impede the maintenance and use of the said exist- ing Railways and works or any of them or the laying down and maintenance of the said line of rails and to confer other rights and privileges. To levy tolls rates and duties for or in respect of the use of the said existing Railways and the said line of rails and works, to alter existing tolls rates and duties, to confer exemptions from the payment of tolls rates and duties and to confer vary or extinguish other rights and privileges To enable the Company to run over work and use the Festiniog Railway or part. thereof and all Stations Sidings loads works and conveniences belonging thereto respectively on such terms and conditions as may be agreedupou or as in case of difference shall be settled by the Board of Trade or by Arbitration or defined by the intended Act and 'to compel the affording of all reasonable facilitiea for those pur- noses and to enabte the Company to levy toll* rates d duties for or in respect of traffic carried by them fh« Festiniog Bailway and to confer exemptions f Vm th- payment of such tolls rates and duties and to confer vary or extinguish other rights and privi- leges relating to such traffic. To enable the Company and the Festimog Railway Company to enter inf) agreements for the manage- ment use working and maintenance of the Rai ways and Works of the Company (including the Rail. ways and Works by the intended Act to be authorized to be maintained and used) or any part thereof the supply of any rolling or working stock' and of Officers and Servants and the laving down of new rails for the conduct of the traffic on the said railways and works of the Company the payments to be made and the conditions to be performed with Aspect to the matters aforesaid the interchange ac- commodation conveyance and delivery of traffic from Or destined for the Railways of the Company and the Railway of the Festiniog Railway Company or any Railway Wharf or Yard belonging or leased to or worked by them and the fixing and the division between such Companies of the receipts aridag from such traffic and to confirm any existing agree- ments with reference to any of the objects and pur- poses aforesaid. To enable the Company from time to time to increase the number of its Directors To alter amend extend and enlarge and if need be to repeal the powers and provisions of the following Act relating to the Company that is to say local and personal Act 35 and 36 Victoria Chapter 155 and any other Acts relating to the Company and also of the following Acts relating to the Fe3tiniog Railway Company that is to say Local and Personal Acts 2nd William IV Chapter 48 1st and 2nd Victoria Chapter 80 and 32 and 33 Victoria Chapter 141 and any other Acts relating to that Company To confer upon the Company and upon landowners of settled Estates and other persons having limited interests in lands or the husbands guardians trustees or committees or such persons all such powers rights I and privileges as may be necessary for carrying into complete and full effect the objects and purposes aforesaid or other the objects and purposes of the Bill And Notice is Hereby Given that Duplicate Phns and sections of the said two existing Railways and of the said line of rails and works and of the lands houses and other Property proposed to be taken for the purposes thereof respectively together with Books of Reference to such ^spective plans containing the names of the owners or the reputed Owners Lessees or reputed lessees and ^ccupieib of such lands houses and property together with Ordnance Map with the lines of the 9 ud existing rail- ways and of the said proposed line of rails dehneatj'd ttwe- a^d a, copy of this Notice as published in tl e London gazette will be deposited on or before the 30th day^ of ^ovembe;- instant with the Clerk of the Peace for the C°Uuty of Carnarvon at his Office in Carnarvon in trie 8ai(l Couuty and that a copy of so much of the said rians 5^d Sections and Books of Reference as relates to the several "wishes in ot through which the said existing Railways lie ?t in ov ihrouah which the said line of rails is to be laid or n. which Ü", lands houses and property proposed to be are u+uited and als^ a copy of this Notice as pub- ,l8ht>d in the London Gazette will on or before the said 30th d^y 0r November instant be deposited with the Parish Clerk of each such parish at his place of abode. And Noiiec is Hereby Given that printed copies of the ^r°poeed Bui will on or before the 21st day of December Jjext bo denosite d in the private Bill Office of the House of °Inlb,QnH. Dated this 10th day of November 1875. J. T. DAVIES, 38, iloorgate-street. 38, in the City of London. Solicitor for the Bill. CRU3E AND SANDES, 23, Parliament-street, S. W., Parliamentary Agents. j CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. (New Railway and Pier at Porthdinlleyn Additional Capital; Purchase of Land, &c.; Amendment of Acts.) "VTOTICE is Hereby Given, that application is in- J3I tended to.be made to Parliament in the next session, by the Cambrian Railways Company (hereinafter called The Company,") for an Act, to authorize and empower the Company, either by reviving, amending, and making ap- plicable to the Company the powers granted to the Aberyst- with and Welsh Coast Railway Company (now amalga- mated with the Company by ''The Aberystwith and Welsh Coast Railway Act, 1862," hereinafter called The Act of 1862,") or by conferring new powers, or pai tly in one way and partly in the other, to make and ma ntain the follow- ing railway and pier, with all proper appr aches, stations, works, and conveniences connected therewith respectively (that is to say) 1- A railway, cc Bimencmg by a junction with the Com- pany's railway at Pwllheli at a point in the parish of Abereirch, in the county of Carnarvon, situate 140 yards in a north-easterly direction from the north- east corner of the present station building there, pass- ing thence from, in, through,or into the several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other places follow- ing, or some of them (that is to say) :-Abereircii, Denio, Pwllbeli, Llanor, Penrhjs, Llanhhangel- Bachellaeth, Boduan, Ceidio, Llandudwen, Edeyrn, Nevin, and Porthdinlleyn, all in the county of Car- narvon, and terminating at Porthdinlleyn Hirbour, in the parishes of Edeyrn and Nevin or one of them, in the I county of Carnarvon on the sea. beach, at or near a rock called Careg-yr-afr. 2-A pier upon the sea beach near the rock called Careg- yr-afr, commencing by a junction with the said in- tended railway, at or near the terminaticn thereof at Porthdynlleyn Harbour, and extending thence in a sea, ward or north-westerly or westerly direction fifty yards or thereabouts, which said pier will be situate in the county of Carnarvon, and in the said parishes of Edeyrn and Nevin or one of them, or on or in the sea beach or sea adjoining thereto. And it is also proposed to revive such of the powers given by the Act of 1862 as may be requisite, or to take new powers for effecting the following or some of the following purposes, viz.— To lay down, use, and maintain a line or lines of rails upon the said pier, and to cross, stop up, alter or divert, whether temporarily or permanently, all such turnpike and other roads, and highways, footways, railways. tramways, streets, rivers, streams, canals, reservoirs, navigations, ferries, or bridges, as it may be necessary to cross, stop up, alter or divert, by reason or for the purposes of the construction of the said intended rail- way and pier, and of the works connected therewith respectively. And to purchase and take lands and buildings by com- pulsion or agreement for the purposes of the said in- tended railway, pier, and works, and to vary or ex- tinguish all existing rights and privileges in any man- ner connected with the lands and buildings to oe pur- chased or taken for the purposes aforesaid, or which would in any manner impede or interfere with the con- struction, maintenance, or use of the said intended rail- way, pier, and works, or any of them, and to levy tolls, rates, and duties upon or in respect of the said intended railway, pier, and works, and to alter existing tolls, rates, and duties, and to confer, vary, or extinguish ex- emptions from payment of the same, and to confer other rights and privileges. And to enable the Company to apply for the purposes aforesaid, or any of them, any portion of their existing capital, or to raise by the creation of shares or stock, or by mortgage of their undertaking, such further capital as may be necessary for such purposes, and to attach to all or any of the shares so to be created such privileges as the Company may think tit, or as may be provided for by the intended Act. And to empower the Company to purchase by agreement from landowners, including the Crown, public bodies, corporations, and others, any flooded unenclosed waste or other lands which such landowners, public bodies, corporations, and others may be willing to sell, and as may be contiguous to the railway and works of the Company, or any of them, or any part thereof, and to empower the Company to drain, reclaim, inclose, and re-sell such lands, and to apply from time to time their corporate funds in furtherance and for the purpo.es of such objects a? aforesaid, and to remove all dwabilitJes^ if anv in connection with the sales of such land to and r-sale bv the Company. And to alter, enlarge, vary, or repeai aU or some of the powers and provisions of the several Acts following, or some of them, that is to say, Local and Personal Acts 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 181; 25 and 26 Vict. caps. :176 and 212; 26 and 27 Vict. caps. 141 and 179 27 and 28 Vict. cap. 97,147,161, 262, and 263 28 and 29 Vict. caps. 277, 283, and 291; 29 and 30 Vict. cap. 334; 30 and 31 Vict, cap, 137 and 31 and 32 Vict. cap. 177 relating to the Company and the Aberystwith and Welsh Coast Railway Company (now amalgamated with the Company), or one of them, also The Cambrian Railways Act, 1875, and all other Acts, if any, relating to the Company or their undertaking. A plan and section in duplicate of the proposed railway and pier, and of all lands which may be taken under the compulsory powers of the Act, a book of reference to the plan, and a published map with the proposed line of railway delineated thereon, shewing its general course and direction. will be deposited for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Carnarvon, at his office in the town of Carnarvon in that county, and a copy of so much of the said plan, section, and book of reference as relates to any parish or extra-parochial place, will be deposited, in the case of a parish, with the Parish Clerk of such parish, at his residence, and in the case of an extra-parochial place, with the Pariah Clerk of an adjoining parish, at his resi- dence, and each such deposit will be made on or before the 30th November instant, and will be accompanied by a. copy of this notice. Printed copies of the Bill for effecting the objects speci- fied in this notice, or some of them, will be deposited in the Private Bill Offise of the House of Commons, on or before the 2st day of December in the present year.—Dated the 1st day of November, 1875. H. CHRISTIAN CORFIELD, Oswestry, Salop, Solicitor for the Bill. SHERWOOD, GRUBBE, PRITT, and CAMERON, 7, Great George-street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agents.










November 24, i875.


[No title]