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PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES. ] In LONDON AND NORTH WE-TERN RAILWAY (NEW LINES AND ADDITIONAL POWEKS.) (New Railways, Widenings of Railways, Roads and other Works, and Stopping-up of Roads, Streets, and Footpaths, and Additional Lauds, in the Counties of B erts, Bucks, Northampton, Warwick, Stafford, Chester, Lancaster, York (West Riding), Westmoreland, Cumberland, Glamorgan, Carmai then, Brecou, Carnarvon Rower to Lessees of North and South Western Junction Railway to substitute Footbridge for Level Crussing in the County of Middlesex Power to Company and Great Northern Railway Company to make New Roads, &c. in the Counties of Leicester and Northampton Power to Oldham, Ashton-under-Lyne and Guide Bridge Junction Railway Company or their Lessees to ac- quire Lauds in County of Lancaster Puwer to Manchester South Junction and Altnncham aii- way Company to widen portion of their Railway in Counties of Lancaster and Chester: Further pro- visions as to Superlluous Lands Extension of Time for Acquisition ot Lands and Constructiou of Works by the Company in Counties of Lancaster, York (West Riding) Carnarvon, and Merioneth Abandon- ment of authorized Works in Counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth Running Po' hts over portions of Railways of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company Amendment of portions of Act of 9 Sc 10 Victoria, cap. 104, relating to Tolls Further provisions as to Company's Docks at Garston Incorporation of and further powers to Joint Com- mittee of Great Northern RailwayCompauy and Com- pany: Provision as to Rights of Voting of Members of Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Association Application of Funds to purposes con- nected with North Union Railway and Preston and Wyre Railway Harbour and Dock Further Sub- scription to Undertaking of Oldham Ashton-under- Lyne and Guide Bridge Junction Railway Company: Additional Capital foi Company ..nd Manchester South Junction and Altrincham Railway Company and Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company Power to Dundalk Newry and Greenore Railway Company to construct Pier and other Works at Greencastle in County Down Ireland and to raise Additional Capital and Contribution thereto or guarantee of Interest and Dividend thereon by Company Amendment of Acti). "VTOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tbat application 1 is intended to be made to Parliament in the next Session by the London and North Western Railway Com- pany (hereinafter called the Company") for an Act for the following purpose, or some of them (th-tt is to say) To empower the Company to make and maintain the Railways following, or some or one of them, with all pro- per station. sidings, approaches, works and conveniences connected therewith (that is to say):— A Railway (to be called the Ashton Branch Junction) commencing in the township and parish or Ashton- under-Lyne in the county of Lancaster by a junction with the Company's Guide Bridge Junction Rilway, at or near the bridge carrying that Railway over the public carriage road leading from Audenshaw to Ash- ton-under-Lyne, and terminating in the same township and parish by a junction with the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company's Ashton Branch Rail- way at a point thereon One hundred yards or there- abouts east of the booking office at the Droyisden Station on that Railway; which said intended Railway will pass from, in, thr< ugh or into, or be situate within the several parishes, townships and extra-parochial or other places following, or some ot them, (that is to say,) Ashton-under-Lyne, Manches- ter and Droyisden, all in the county of Lancaster: Two Railways (to be called the JJj* Railways at Wins- ford) to be wholly situate in the township of Wharton, in the parish of Davenham, in the county of Chester (that is to say): Railway No.1, commencing by a junction with the Company's Branch Railway connecting their Railway between Hartford and Crewe with the Railway or siding leading to the works of the Wharton Railway and River Salt Works Company (Limited) at a point on that Branch Railway Six hundred and thirty yards or there- abouts south of the junction of that Branch Rail- way with the s..id Railway between Hartfor i and Crewe, and terminating at a point One hundred and eighty yards or thereabouts north- east of the Bridge (called Winsford Bridge) which carries the public carriage road from Bostock to Winsford over the River Weaver Railway No 2, commencing by a junction with Railway No. 1 at a point Four hundred and forty yards Or thereabouts south-west of the commencement above described of Railway No. 1 and One hundred and thirty-five yards or thereabouts south-east of the south-western termination of the south-easternmost of the Railways of the said Wharton Railway and River Salt Works Company (Limited) and ter- minating at a point Fifty yards or thereabouts south-east of the south-east corner of the Salt Works known as Verdin's Works and Six hundred yards 9r thereabouts north of the said Winsford Bridge A Railway (to be called the Leighs Wood Railway) com wiene, g in the township of Pelsall, in the parish of Wolverhampton iu the county of Stafford, by a junc- tion with the Company's South Staffordshire Kail- way at a point thereon F.ve hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts south of the Pelsall Station on that Railway, and terminating in the township and parish of Aldridge in the same county, at or near the New Shaft or Sinking of the Leighs Wood Col wry Company (Limited), which said intended Railway will I us from, in, though or into, or be situate within the several parishes, townships, and extra- parochial or other places following, or some of tuem (that is to say)—Pelsall, Wolverhampton, Rushall, Foreign of Walsall, Walsall, Aldridge and Great Batr, all in the county of Stafford A Railway (to be called the Swansea Junction) to be situate wholly in the parish of Swansea, In the county of Glamorgan, commencing by a junction itn the Company's Railway at a point thereon Taifty yards or thereabouts east of the bridge carrying that Railway over Bathurst Street, and teimiuating by a junction with the Swansea Harbour Railway of the Gre>\t Western Railway Company at a point thereon Thirty-five yards or thereabouts south-west of the point where that Railway is carried over Wind Street A Railway (to be called the Llanelly Station Railway) to be wholly situate in the parish of Llanelly, in tne county of Carmarthen, commencing- by a junction with the Railway of the Llanelly Railway and Dock Company at or sear the north end of tlie D..ck Station on that Railway, and terminating at or near a point on the public carriage road known 1103 the New Dock Road, One hundred and twenty yards or thereabouts south of the junction of that road witn the road known as the Copper Works Road To emp- Wor the Company tu alter, widen and improve and lay down additional lines of rails upon the under. mentioned portions of Railway within the townships, parishes ud extra parochial or other places hereinafter mentioned in connection therewith (that is to say) (1.) So much ot their South otHitorushire Railway in the townships, parishes and places of Walsall, Foreign of Wals-dl, Borough of Walsall and Rushall, in tne county of Stafford, or some of them, as extends from a point thereon Eight hundred yards or thereabouts north-west of the junction of that Railway with the Company's Grand Junction Railway to another point thsiewn Two hundred yards or theMaboats north- east of the junction therewith of their Wolverhamp- ton and Walsall Railway: (2.) So much of their Grand Junction and Winwick and Golborae Railways in the townships, parishes and D'aces of Warrington, Winwics-with-Huluae, Burton Wood and Winwick, in the County of Lancaster, or 8 )Oie of them as extends from a point ou their Grand Junction Railway One hundred yards or thereabouts south of the bridge which carries Bewsey Street in Warrington over that Rai way to a pomt on th.ir Win wick and Golborne Railway One hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts north of the junction be- tween those two Railways n (3.) So much of their Bolr,,n and Renyon Railway in the townships, parishes aid places of Pennington, es Lei^h, Atherton and L°igb, in the county of Lancas- ter, or «otne oi them, as extends from a point t.tereon One hundred yards or thereabouts north of th^ junction therewith of their Bedford and Leigh Braoi. h to another point thereon T-vo hun red and fifty yards or thereabouts n rth ot th; .Ytberton Station To empower the Company to aLter, widen and improve and by down a id'tiouai lines 0;. raits upon the f.ll,1- tioned portion of the N >rth Union Railway (that 1-1>> say) So much thereof in the townships of Ince-in-Makertitld aud Wigan in the parish of Wigan in the county of Lancaster as extends from the bridge commonly known as Wes wood Bridge (now in course »f recon- struction) which Carrie-, the road leading from West- wood House co Ince Old Hall over the said Railway to a point half a mile or thereabouts north of the bridge carrying the said Railway over Frog Lane And in cw.inection therewith to empower the Company » y-1maintain the Junction Railway next described tioM. "°J °°°' A Railwa.y (to be ctlled the Connecting Line at Wigan) to he Wholly situate in tbe sard townships of I nce- in-Makerfieid and Wigan m tne parish of VVigan, commencing by a junction with the North UnioD I ■Railway at a point thereon 1<lve hundred and fifty vards or thereabouts north-west of West wood riridge aforesaid, aud terujiiiaun^ by a junction with the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company s Rail- way at Wig in at a point thereon Eighty yards or thereabouts south-east of the bridge carrying that Railway over Chapel Lane I p To empower the Company make a New Road in the parish of Cheddington in the county of Buckingham com- I mencing from and out of the public carriage road leading from Cheddington to Mentmore at a point there.,u One hundred and ten yards or thereabouis north of th" le, el crossing of thn,t road by the Company's Aylesbury Branch Railway and terminating by a junction with the same road at a point thereon One hundred and ten yards or there- abouts south of the said level crossing And to provide for the stopping up and discontinuance as a public highway «f H'" much of the first-mentioned public carriage f(,d as iies between tne commencement in-i termination of the said intended New Road, and to empower ti.e Company to appropriate the same to the purposes of their Undertaking To empower the Company in the townships of the Foreign of Walsall and the Borough of Walsall in the parish of Walsall in the Couucy of Stafford to make the New Roads and Footpath and exercise the other I powers next hereinafter mentioned (that. is w say): (1.) A New Ro.id commencing from and ou, ot the public carriage road known as iiollitig Mill Street at the point thereon where that street joins Queen Street, and terminating by a junction with the public carriage road called Wednesbury Road at the point thereon where that, road joins Corporation Street; and to provide for the stopping up and discontinuance as a public highway of the undermentioned portion of the footpath which now crosses the Company's South Staffordshire Railway at the point known us the Hodley Level Crossing namely so much thereof as extends from the north west boundary of the Company's property for a distance of Seventy yards or thereabouts south-east of the said level crossing, and also of so much of the Occupation Road there as now crosses the said Railway on the level, and also of so much of the public highway there as ex- tends from the north-west side of the Bodley Level Crossing for a distance of Twenty yards or thereabouts in the direction of Rolling Mill Street And to em- power the Company to appropriate the portions of highways so to be stopped up to the purposes of their Undertaking and to provide for the repeal, when and so soon as the said New Road is made and opened to the public, of Section 24 (As to the erection of a lodge at Tasker's Lane Crossing) of the Walsall Improvement and Market Act. 1848. (2.) A -New Road commencing from and out of the public carriage road known as Bridgeman Street at a point thereon One hundred and twenty yards or thereabouts west of the point where that street now crosses the said Souh Staffordshire Railway on the level, and terminating by a junction with the same street at a point thereon .Ninety yards or thereabouts east of the said level crossing With power to the Cora pany to alter the levels of Long Street, Navigation Street and Station Street, and of any other highways sc far as may be needful to effect a junction of those streets and other highways with the intended New Road And also to remove and discontinue the foot bridge which now crosses the said Railway in con- nectijn with Bridgeman Stree' And to provide for the stopping up and discontinuance as public high- ways ot the said footbridge and of so much of Bridge- man Street as extends from a point Thirty-five yards or thereabouts west to a point Ninety yards or there. abouts east of the said level crossing, and so much of the footpath leading from Bridgeman Street to Cross Street as extends from Bridgeman Street for a distance of Forty-five yards or thereabouts in a south- easterly direction And to empower the Company to appropriate to the purposes of their Undertaking the portion of the said street so to be stopped up and dis- continued (3.) A New Footpath commencing from and out of Rolling Mill Street near the junction with that street of Queen Street and terminating by a junction with the existing footpath leading from Roiling Mill Street to the public carriage road which crosses the South Staffordshire Railway on the level at New Alills, at a point on that footpath Three hundred yards or thereabouts from its junction with Rolling Mill Street And to pro vide for the stopping up and discontinuance as a public high way of so much of that footpath as extends from the last-mentioned junction to th junction there- with of the intended New Footpath To empower the Comp my in the parish of Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, to execute the works and exercise the power following, nainely (1.) To make a New Street commencing by a junction with Worcester Street where that street joins Great Queen Street, and terminating by a junction with Dudley Street Sixty yarJs or thereabouts south-east of its junction with Great Queen Street (2.) To convert into open cutting so much of the tunnel on their Railway between their New Street Station and Edgbaston as extends for a distance of One hundred and ten yards or thereabouts from its east- ern entrance: (J.) To widen the said Railway where it passes under Swallow Street for a space of Fifteen yards or there- abouts west of the said tunnel, and where it passes under Sumner Street for a space of Forty yards or thereabouts south-east of the said tunnel, and to carry Swallow Street and Sumner Street re spectively over the Railway so widened by means of a bridge (4.) To construct an archway or opening under Hill Street and Navigation Street at the junction of those streets, commencing on the north-west side of Navi- gation Street where that side of that street joins the south-west Bide of liill Street, and terminating on the south-east side of Hill Street where that street joins Great Queen Street, for the purpose tlf laying down rails under those streets, and to alter the levels of Hill treet and Navigation Street so far as may be required for the aforesaid purpose (5.) To acquire by compulsion or agreement, and to hold ceitaiu lands, houses and buildings lying between Great Q ie^n Street, Dudley Street and Old Meeting Street; and certain other lands, houses and buildings lying partly between Sumner Street, Navigation Street, and the Company's Railway, and partly at the junction of Sumner Street and Swallow Street, and partly north of and adjoining Swallow Street, whtere the tunnel of the Company's Railway is car- riled under that street: (6) To stop up and appropriate to the purposes of their Undertaking the sites or portions of the sites of Great Queen Street, Dudley Street, Vale Street and Bread Street, and all or any of the other roads, streets, footpaths, courts, alleys or passages lying within the limits of the lands, houses and buildings to be so ac- quired To empower the Company to extend in an easterly direc- tion for a distance of Thirty-five yards or thereabouts the bridge which now carries the Company's Stour Valley Railway over the public carriage road leading from Wolvt r hampton to Wednesfield at a point on th,.t Railway One hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts north-west of the booking office of the Company's Passenger Station at Wol- verhampton And to extend in an easterly direction for a distance of Twenty yards or thereabouts the bridge which now carries the last-mentioned Railway over the public carriage road leading from Wolverhampton into the first-mentioned road, at a point on that R.ilway Three hundred yards or there- abouts north-west of the same booking office: And to stop upand appropriate to the purposes of their Un. dertaking the under-mentioned portion of the public carriage road which passes along the north-east side of and contigu- ous to the said Passenger Station, that is to say, so much thereof as extends from the junction of that public carriage road with New Mill Street to the first-mentioned bridge Which said intended works will be wholly situate in the township and parish of Wolverhampton, in the county of Stafford: To empower the Company to extend in a southerly direc- tion for a distance of Ten yards or thereabouts the bridge in the township and parish of Cannock in the county of Stafford, which now carries the Company's Cannock Chase Railway over the public carriage road, at a point on that railway Three hundred and thirty yards or thereabouts south of the platform of the Cannock Station To empower the Company to make a New Koad in the township of Whiatoa, in the parish of Pre^cot, in the cwunty of Lancaster, commencing by a junction with the public carriage road leading from Whiston which crosses the Company's Liverpool and Manchester Railway by abridge Three-quarters of a mile or thereabouts east of the Huyton Quarry Station, at a p)int on that road One hundred and twenty yards or thereabouts south-east of the said bridge, and terminating by a junction with the same road at a point thereon Two hundred yards or thereabouts west of the Siine bridge, and to stop up and discontinue as a highway and appropriate to the purposes of the Company's Under- taktng so much of the said public carriage road as extends fiom the south side of the said bridge to the termination of the said intended New Road With power to the Company to acquire by compulsion or agreement, and to ho id tor the purposes of their Under- taking, certain lands, houses and buildings in the same township snd parish, lying partly on the north side and partly on the south side of and adjoining the s;tid Railway, and partly on the south-west side and partly on the north- east side of and adjoining the said public carriage road and at or near the sai,i bridge: To empower the Company to execate the works and ex- ercise the powers following in the township of Wivertref-, in the oarish of Childwall, in the county of Lancaster (that is to say) (1.) to make a New Road (No. 1) commencing from and out of the public cariiage road known as Swan Lane or New Lane at a point thereon Two hundred yards or thereabouts north-east of the bridge carrying that road over the Company's Liverpool and Manchester Railway, and terminating by a junction with the public carriage road known as Pighue Lane at a point tht-reonTwo hundred yards or thereabouts north-west ot the junction of that lane with Swan Laue aforesaid: (2,) To make another New Road (No. 2) in continuation of the said intended New Road No. 1, commencing at the commencement thereof above described, and terminating by a junction with the public carriage road known as Mill Lane at a point thereon Eighty yards or thereabouts north of the brioge carrying that lane over the Company's said Railway (3.) To make another New Road (No. 3) commencing by a junction with Swan Lane aforesaid at the south- west side of the said bridge carrying that lane over the Company's said Railway, ç and extending east- wardly along tiie south side of and contiguous to that Railway for a distance of Three hundred yards or thereabouts, and tlK-re terminating by a junction with the existing road (4.) To stop up and discontinue and appropriate to the purposes of their Undertaking so much of the existing public carriage road known as Pighue Lane as extends from its junction with Swan Lane to the termination of the said intended New Real No ] above described and also so much of the road which extends in a south-easterly direction in continuation of Pighue Lane as lies between Swan Lane and the bridge known as Booth's Bridge which carries that road over the said Railway, including that brid^d ;md also so much of the public carriage road known as Picko Lane as extends from a poiDt ( Two hundred yards or thereabouts south of the bridge which carries that lane over the said Railway J to its jur.ction with Pighue Lane, with power to remove the last-mentioned bridge and Booth's Bridge aforesaid (5.) To alter the levels of so much of Swan Lane as ex- tends from the first-mentioned bridge carrying that lane over the said Railway to a point on that lane distant Two hundred and thirty-five yards or there- about north-east of the said bridge, and to make and maintain an archway over Swan Lane at a point thereon Ninety yards or thereabouts north- east of th" said bridge (6.) To acquire by compulsion or agreement and to hold certain lands, houses and buildings lying on the north side of and adjoining the said Railwy and between Swan Lane and Mill Lane and certain other lands, houses and buildings lying on the south side of and adjoining the said Railway and between Swan Lane and Picko Lane; and certain other lands, houses and buildings lying on the eastern side of and adjoin- ing the Company's Edgehill and Garston Railway and n-jrth-east of and adjoining the road leading from Wavertree to Liverpool: To empower the Company in the township and parish of Hudder$held in the West Riding of the county of York, to execute the works and exercise the powers following, namely: — (1.) To make a New Street, commencing by a junction with Green Street at a point thereon Seventeen yards or thereabouts west of its junction with Newtown Row, and terminating by a junction with Newtown Itow at a point thereon Twenty-four yards or there- abouts north of its junction with Green Street, and to stop up and appropriate to the purposes of their Undertaking so much of Green Street as extends for a distance of Nine yards or thereabouts from the junction of that street with Newtown Row, and so much of Newtown Row as extends for a distance of Fifteen yards or thereabouts from that janction (2.) To extend the arch which carries the Railway over Green Street and the adjoining arch to the north for a distance of Twenty seven yards or thereabouts north-westward from the north-west side of the said arches: (3.) To extend the arch which carries the Railway over Bradford Road for a distance of Ten yards or thereabouts north-westward from the north-west side thereof: (4.) To extend the arch which carries the Railway over Hill-House Lane for a distance of Ten yards or thereabouts north-westward from the north-west side thereof: (5.) To extend the arch which carries the Railway over Fitzwilliam Street for a distance of Thirty yards or thereabouts south-westward from the south-west side thereof: (6.) To extend the arch which carries the Railway over John William Street for a distance of Tnirty-six yards or thereabouts north-westward from the north-west side thereof: (7.) To widen that part of the Spring Wood Tunnel on the Railway which extends for a distance of Eighty yards or thereabouts from its northern termi- nation (8.) To acquire by compulsion or agreement and to hold a certain plot of land lying on the north-west side of and adjoining the Railway and between the Railway and Fi zwilliam Street and John William Street, and certain lands, houses and buildings lying on the nortb-west side of and adjoining the Railway and be. tween Fitzwilliam Street and Green Street: tween Fitzwilliam Street and Green Street: .w,S To empower tne Uompany to stop upand discontinue the undermentioned portion of the footpath in the township and parish of Kendal, otherwise Kirkby-Kendal, in the county of Westmoreland, which now crosses on the level the Company's Kendal and Windermere Railway at a point thereon Three hundred and thirty yards or thereabouts north of the Kendal Passenger Station, that is to say, so much thereof as lies within the boundaries of the Company's pro- perty, and extends thence in a southerly direction along the north-west fence wall of Mark's Ale Warehouse, and in lieu thereof to carry the said footpath over the said Railway by means of a Footbridge at or near the said level crossing, 9'10 and thence in a south-westerly direction along the north-west boundary of the Company's property to and into the said existing footpath at a point thereon One hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts north of Wildman Street, and to empower the Company to appropriate the portion of foot- path so stopped up to the purposes of their Undertaking To empower the Company to acquire by compulsion or agreement and to hold, in addition.to the lands, houses and buildings before mentioned in that behalf, other lands, houses and buildings for all or any of the purposes aforesaid; and also for the purpose of extending the station, siding and other accommodation of the Company and for other purposes connected with their Undertaking, the lauds, houses and buildings hereinafter described or referred to (that is to say): Certain lands in the parish of Bushey in the county of Hertford, lying on the west side of and adjoining the Company's Railway and between the Colne Viaduct and the Viaduct carrying that Railway over the public carriage road from Bushey to Watford: Certain lands, houses and buildings in the parish of Pits- ford in the county of Northampton, lying on the west side of and adjoining the Company's Market Har- borough Railway and contiguous to the Brampton Station thereon Certain lands, houses and buildings in the parish of Thorpe-Achurch in the county of Northampton, ly- ing on the north side of and adjoining the Company's Northampton and Peterborough Railway and conti- guous to the Thorpe Station thereon Certain lan:ls, houses and buildings in the townships of the Borough of Walsall and Foreign of Walsall in the parish of Walsall in the county of Stafford, lying on the south-east side ef and adjoining the Company's South Staffordshire Railway and between the Bodley Level Crossing and Bridgeman Street: Certain lands, houses and buildings in the Township of Hammerwich, in the parish of St Michael Lichfield, in the county of Stafford, lying on the northern side of and adjoining the Company's South Staffordshire Railway and between the bridge carrying Watling Street over that Railway and a point Seven hundred and thirty yards or thereabouts east of that bridge measured along the said Railway Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Monks Coppenhall in the parish of Coppenhall in the county of Chester, lying on the south side of and adjoining the Company's Chester and Crewe Rail- way and near their Steel Works there Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Salford in the parish of Manchester in the county of LancMter, lying on the northerly side of and ad- joining the Company's Liverpool and Manchester Railway and on the westerly side of and adjoining the premises of the Company used as a Cattle Landing Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Sa.lford in the parish of Manchester in the county of Lancaster, lying on the north side of and adjoining the Company's Liverpool and Manchester Railway, and on the eastern side of and near to the bridge carrying Cross Lane over that Railway Certain lands, in the township of Pendleton in the parish of Eccles in the county of Lancaster, lying on the north side of and adjoining the Company's Liverpool and Manchester Railway, and Four hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts east of the Eccles Passen- ger Station thereon: Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Barton-upon-Irwell in the parish of Eccles in the county of Lancaster, lying on the soath side of and adjoining the Company's Liverpool and Manchester Railway, and extending from a point Six hundred yards or thereabouts west of the junction with that Railway of the Company's Eccles Tyldesley and Wigan Railway for a distance (f Two miles or thereabouts in a westwardly direction And certain other lands, houses and buildings in the same township and parish lying on the north side of and adjoining the Patricroft Station on the said Liver- pool and Manchester Railway Certain Lands, houses, and buildings in the township of Oldham in the parish of Prestwich, otherwise Prest- wich-cum-OIJham, in the county of Lancaster, lying on the south-west side of and adjoining the Com- pany's property and adjoining their goods station at Glodwick Road Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Newton-in-Makerfield in the parish of Winwick in the county of Lancaster, lying on the south-west side of Earle Street and between that street and the lands and works of tbe Company Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Windie, in the parish of Prescot, in the county of Lancaster, lying on the eastern side of and conti- guous to the CompanyVPassenger Station at St. Helens Certain lands in tbe township of "Widnes, in the parish of Prescot, in the county of Lancaster, lying between and adjoining the St. Helens Railway of the Com- panv and their Widnes Deviation thereof at the east- ern junction of those two Railways Certain lands, houses and buildings, in the township of West Derby in the parish of Walton-on. the-Hill in the County of Lancaster, lying between Crown Street, Sroithdown Lane, Oxford Street East, and lands belonging to the Company: Certaiu lands, houses and buildings in the township or ex'ra-parochial place of Toxteth otherwise Toxteth Park in the county of Lancaster, lying between the Liverpool Extension Railway of the Cheshire Lines Committee and the River Mersey, and near to and on th south east ide.of the St. Michael Station on that Railway: Certain other lands, houses and buildings in the said township or extra-parochial place of Toxteth other- wise Toxteth Park, lying partly on the north-east and partly on the south-west sides of the Liverpool Extension Railway of the Cheshire Lines Committee and between the Aigburth Road and the Rivtr Mer- sey and Five hundred and fifty yards or there- abouts south-east of the St. Michael Station on that Railway Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Ince-in-Makerfield in the parish of Wigan in the County of Lancaster, lying partly on the north- western and partly on the south-eastern sides of and adjoining or near to the Springs Branch Railway and near the junction of that Railway With the North Union Railway and on the eastern sido of the Sidings at that junction With power to the Company to divert so much of a cer- tain footpath as now crosses the said lands lying on the noith-western side of the said Springs Branch Railway, and to carry the sa:De along the eastern j boundary of those lands: Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Carnforth, in the parish of Warton and the town- ship and parish of Bolton-Je-Sands, iu the county of Laucaster, lying partly on the south-east and partly on the north- west sides of and adj fining the Lancas ter and Carlisle Railway, and extending south west- wardly from the Carnforth Passenger Station on that Railway for a distance of Seven furlongs or thereabouts ° Certain lands, houses and buildings in the township of Golcar in the parish of Huddersfield in the West Riding of the county of York, lying on the south east side of and adjoining th; Company's Hudders- field and Manchester -Railway and east of Scar Lane: Certain lands in the township of Applethwaita in the parish of Windermere in the county of Westmore- land, lying partly ou the north-east and partly on the south-west sides of the CoLn iany's Kendal and Win- dermere Railway and adjoining the Windermere Station thereon With power to the Company to divert so much of a cer- tain footp ith as now crosses the said lands lying on the north-east side of the said Railway, and to carry the same along the eastern Boundary of the last- mentioned lands Certain lands, houses and buildings in the towoship of Botchergate, in the parish of Si. Cuthbert, Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, lying at the junction of Lancaster Street and Crown Street, and partly on the north-east side of Lancaster Street, and partlv <->n the south-east side of that part of Crown Street which lies between the said junction and Botcher- gate Certain lands in the parish of Llanwrtyd in the county of Brecon, lying on the noith-west side of and ad. joining the Company's Central Wales Extension Railway and near the north r-nd of the Sugar Loaf Tunnel: Certain lands, houses and buildings iu the parish of Llanrhos otherwise Eglwys-Rhos in the county of Carnarvon, lying on tne east side of and adjoining the Company's Saint George's Harbour Railway near the Llandudno Station thereon To empower the Company to purchase so much of any property as they may require for the purposes of the in- tended Act, without being subject to the liability imposed by the Ninety-second Section of the Lands Clauses Con- solidation Act,, 1845 To empower the Company, the Midland Railway Com- pany and the North London Railway Company, as Lessees of the Undertaking of the North and South Western Junc- tion Railway Company, or their Joint Committee, to carry over the North and South Western Junction Railway, by means of a Footbridge, the footpath in the parish of Acton in the county of Middlesex, which now crosses that Rail- way on the level at a point thereon Three hundred yards or thereabouts north-east of the Acton Station on that Railway, and to stop up aud discontinue as a public high- way sa much of the said footpath as lies between the fences of the North and South Western Junction Railway: And to empower the said Lessees to make and carry into effect agreements with respect thereto, and to apply their respective funds to tha purposes aforesaid To empower the Great Northern Railway Company asd the Company or *he Committee of those two Companies, acting under the provisions of the Great Northern and London and North Western Railway Companies (Joint Lines and New Powers) Act, 1874, to make the new roads next hereinafter described (that is to-say) (1.) A New Road in the parish of Slawston, in the county of Leicester, commencing from and out of the public carriage road leading from Hallaton to Weston, at a point thereon Three hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts souin-west: oi tne juucwou oi r.nac roaa with the road leading from Medbourne to Slawston, and terminating by a junction with the first-men- tioned road at a point thereon Five hundred and seventy yards or thereabouts south-west of the said junction of the said two roads, and to provide for the stopping up and discontinuance as a public highway of so much of the first-mentioned road as lies between the points of commencement and termination of the said intended New Road, and to empower the two Companies or the said Committee to appropriate the portion of road so to be stopped up to the purposes of the said Act of 1874 (2.) A New Road in the parish of Weston, in the county of Northampton, commencing from and out of the public carriage road leading from Welhamto Weston, at a point thereon Five hundred and twenty yards or thereabouts north-west of the bridge carrying that road over the Company's Railway from Rugby to Stamford, and terminating by a junction with the same road at a point thereon Two hundred and twenty yards or thereabouts north-west of the said bridge, and to provide for the stopping up and dis- continuance as a public highway of so much of the said road as lies between the commencement and termination of the said intended New Road, and to empower the two Companies or the said Committee to appropriate the portion of road so to be stopped up to the purposes of the said Act of 1874: (3.) A New Road in the pariah of Medbourne in the county of Leicester, commencing from and out ot the public carriage road from Medbourne to Drayton at a point thereon Three hundred yards or thereabouts west of the bridge carrying that road over the Rail- way of the Medbourne Bridge Iron Company and terminating in the parish of Brmghurst in the same county, by a junction with the same road at or near the said bridge, and to provide for the stopping up and discontinuance as a public highway of so much of the said road as lies between the commencement and termination of the said intended New Road, and to empower the two Companies or the said Com- mittee to appropriate the portion of road so to be Btopped up to the purposes of- the said Act of 1874 And to empower the said two Companies or the said Committee to acquire by compulsion or agreement and to bold lands, houses and buildings for the purposes of the in- tended Act to be executed by them, and to apply their re- spective funds to such purposes To empower the Oldham, Ashton-under-Lyne and Guide Bridge Junction Railway Company (hereinafter called the Oldham Company) or the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company (hereinafter called the Sheffield Company), and the Company as the lessees of the Oldham Company, to acquire by compulsion or agree- ment and to hold- Certain landa, houses and buildings in the township of Oldham in the parish of Prestwich, otherwise Prest- wich-cum-01dh!»m, in the county of Lancaster, lying on the south side of and adjoining that Company's Railway near the Waterloo Road at Oldham: and in the same Township and Parish to exteiid the arch which now carries the Railways of the Oldham Com- pany and the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company over the said Waterloo Road for a distance of fifteen yards or thereabouts, in a southeasterly direction. And to empower the Oldham Com piny or the Sheffield Company and the Company (as the case may be) to apT)ly their funds to those purposes. Toempover the Manchester South Junction and Altrinc- ham Railway Company to alter, widen and improve, and lay down additional lines of rails upon the undermentioned portion of their Undertaking, that is to say :— So much of the main line of their Railway in the town- ships, parishes and places of Stretford and Manches ter, in the county of Lancaster, and Sale, Ashton-upon Mersey, Timperley and Bowdon, in the county of Chester, as extends from the old Trafford Station on that railway to a point on the same Railway Three hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts south of the Timperley Station thereon To empower the Manchester South Junction and Altrinc- ham Railway Company to acquire by compulsion or agree- ment, and to hold lands, houses and buildings for the pur- poses of the intended Act, to be executed by them: And to empower them to levy, demand and recover tolls, rates and charges for or in respect; of their widened Railway and other works: To extinguish or provide for the extinguishment of all rights of way over the turnpike, public carriage and other roads, footpaths, streets, ways, courts, alleys and passages, or portions thereof, which are proposed to be stopped up and discontinued or diverted, and over any of the lands to be acquired under the provisions of the intended Act: To vary and extinguish all other existing rights and privi- leges connected witn any lands, houses, or buildings pro- posed to be purchased, acquired, or appropriated for the purposes of the intended Act, or which would in any manner impede or interfere with such purposes, or any of them, and to confer other rights and privileges To authorize the crossing, stopping up, altering or divert- ing, whether temporarily or permanently, of all turnpike roads, highways, railways, tramways, canals, rivers, and streams within or adjoining to the before-mentioned parishes, townships and extra-parochial and other places which it may be necessary to cross, stop up, alter or divert in executing the several purposes of the intended Act: To make provision for the repair of all or any of the New Roads, Streets, Footpaths or Highways to be con- structed under the authority of the intended Act by the same persons and by the same means as other roads, streets, footpaths, or highways in the parishes, townships or places within which the intended New Roads, Streets, Footpaths, or Highways respectively will be sitiaate are for the time being legally lepairable: To empower the Company to levy, demand and recover tolls, rates, and charges for or in respect of the railways and other works to be authorized by the intended Act, or some of them, and to grant exemptions irout; the payment of tolls, rates, and charges To extend the time for the sale of all or any lands acquired by the Company which are not or eventually may not be required for the purposes of their Undertaking, and to confer further powers on the Company with relation thereto and to empower the Compjny to grint-building leases for terms of years of any lands which may have been heretofore or may from time to time hereafter be used or occupied for the purposes of their Railway, or for any purpose incidental to the traffic or business thereof, and which may at any time or from time to time Cease to be go used, and any other lands which may have been or may be hereafter acquired by the Company, and which may be found not to be required for the purposes of their Under- taking and to sell and dispose of all or any of such lands within a period or periods to be limited by the in- tended Act; and, so far as may be necessary to alter and amend the provisions of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 with respect to the sale of superfluous lan.is To extend the time limited by the London and North Western Railway (New Lines, &). Act. 1873, for the purchase of certain lands and buildings in the township and parish of Liverpool, in the county (.f Lancaster, lying between Lime Street, Gloucester Street, Hanley Street and Disley Street, and which lands and buildings are re ferred to and described in Sub-section 4 of Section 30 of the said Act as b"ing bounded by those streets To alter and vary the terms and conditions of the said Sub-section 4 of Section 30 of the last-mentioned Act, or to repeal that Sub-section and make other provision in lieu thereof To extend the respective periods limited by the T.J vlldon and North Western Railway (New Lines, &c.) Act, 1873 tor the purchase of lands and buildings required for the purr oses of the Dewsbury Junction Railway described in ana authorized by that Act, and for the construction of that Railway To extend the period limited by the London and North Western Railway (Additional Powers) Act, 3872, for the completion of the Bettws and Festiniog Railway described in and authorized by that Act: To empower the Company to abandon and relinquish the construction of the Merthyr Extension Railway No. 2, and the Abersychan Extension Railway No. 2 respectively, described in and authorized by the London and North Western Railway (Wales, &c.) Act, 1874 To empower the Company to run over and use with their engines and carriages of every description, and with their clerks, officers and servants upon payment of such rates, tolls or charges, and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, or as, failing agreement, shall be prescribed by or settled and determined by or under the provisions of the intended Act, the undermentioned portions of the Under taking of the Lanca-hire and Yorkshire Railway Company, "nd all stations, watering-places, water, booking offices, warehouses, wharves, sidings, works and conveniences con- nected therewith (that is to say): The Ashton Branch Railway Such other parts of the Railways of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company as are now constructed or may hereafter be constructed under the existing powers of that Company or under the authority of any Act to be passed in the next Session of Parlia- ment, forming a communication or link in a com- munication between the Ashton Branch Railway aad the Victoria Station at Manchester of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company: All or some of the lines of rails of the Lancashire add Yorkshire Railway Company within and through the said Victoria Statl on:: And to empower the two Companies to make and carry into effect agreements with reference thereto To repeal so much of Section 63 of the Act of 9 & 10 Victoria, cap. 204 (1846), entitled "An Act to consolidate the London aud Birmingham Grand Junction and Man- chester and Birmingham Kailway Companies," as enacts as follows: "and that where any such articles, matters or things shall be carried a distance exceeding Fifty miles, "the Company are hereby empowered to demand and re- ceive rates, tolls or charges as for Fifty miles an the le-,st," and in lieu thereof to enact or make provision to the following effect, namely: that where any of the articles, matters or things above referred to shall be carried on the Company's Railways a distance exceeding Fifteen miles, the Company may demand and receive rates, toils or charges as for Fif'een miles at the least, and that where any such articles, matters or things shall be carried on the Com- pany's Railways a distance exceeding Forty-nine miles, the Company may demand and receive rates, tolls or charges as for Forty-nine miles at the least: And also to alter and amend the said Section 63 of the Act of 1846, so far as may be necessary to empower the Company to increase the charge which they may make in respect of articles or things requiring for the conveyance thereof more than one carriage, wagon or truck To make further provision for empowering the Company to demand and recover the dock rates and rates on goods and other charges specified in or prescribed by the London and North Western Railway (New Works and Additional Powers) Act, 1867, with respect to the use of the Docks bv that Act authorized, and to alter, amend, extend and en- hrge or re-enact certain of the provisions of that Act re- lating to or affecting the Embankments, Docks, and Works connected therewith by that Act authorized, and also the provisions of the same Act relating to the extinguishment of certain town and anchorage dues leviable in respect of vessels using the said Docks, and to enact or declare that those Embankments, Docks and Works shall for all the purposes of the said Act relating thereto be deemed to have been completed wi'hin the period by that Act limited in that behalf To incorporate the Committee appointed under the pro- visions of the Great Northern and London and North Western Railway Companies (Joint Powers and New Lines) Act, 1874, and to make provision for the substitution of the corporate seal of the said Committee, for the corporate seals of the said two Companies, and the hands or signatures of their respective directors, secretaries and other officers, and to confer further powers upon the Committee, both with respect to the purposes of the said Act of 1874, and to the purposes of the intended Act to be carried into effect by the said two Companies To empower contributing members of the Railway Clear. ing System Superannuation Fund Association, who may not be of full age, to vote, either personally or by proxy, at meetings of that Association To empower the Company to apply and contribute further money in and towards the construction and main- tenance of works and other purposes in connection with the North Union Railway and the Preston and Wyre Railway Harbour and Dock respectively To empower the Company to contribute or subscribe further money towards and to take and hold additional shares in the Undertaking of the Oldham Ashton under- Lyne and Guide Bridge Junction Railway Company To empower the Company to increase their capita!, and to raise a further sum of money for all or any of the pur- poses of the intended Act, and for the general purposes of the Company, by the creation and issue of new shares or stock with or without a guaranteed or preference dividend or other rights or privileges attached thereto, and hy the creation and issue of debenture stock, and by borrowing, or by any of such means, and also to apply to all or any of such purposes any capital or funds belonging to the Com- pany To empower the Manchester South Junction and Altrincbam Railway Company to raise additional capital for the purposes of the intended Act, to be carried into effect by them, and to apply to such purpose any capital or funds belonging to them and to empower the Company and the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company respectively to contribute their respective pro- portions of such additional capital, and for the purpose of so contributing their proportion, to raise further sums of money by the creation and issue of new shares or stock in their Undertaking, with or without a guaranteed or pre- ference dividend or other rights or privileges attachsd thereto, and by the creation and issue of debenture stock, and by borrowing, or by any of such means and also to apply to such purposes any capital or funds belonging to them And it is also proposed by the intended Act to empower the Dundalk Newrv and Greenore Railway Company (hereinafter called thDundalk Company) to make and maintain the Pier or Lauding Place, hereinafter described, with all proper approaches, stages, bridges, pontoons, fences, culverts, drains, and other works and conveniences connected therewith, and to acquire by compulsion or agree ment, and to hold lands, houses and buildings for the pur- poses thereof or connected therewith, and with the traffic therein (that is to say): A Pier to be situate in the townland of G-reencas e» in the parish of KiSkeel, and in the extraparoc i other place of Carlingford Lough, all iu y of Down, commencing in the sai o p point on the public carriage road leading from Greencastle Point to K.lkeel, Tmee hundred and fifty yards or thereabouts south-east of Lrreencastle Point, and extending thence for a distance of Ninety vards or thereabouts, measured in a south-westerly direction to and into and terminating in Carlingford Lough aforesaid. ° To vary and extinguish all existing ri,hfc, and privileges connected with any lands, houses or buildings proposed to be purchased or acquired by the Dundalk Company for the purposes of the intended Act to be executed by them, or which would in any manner impede or interfere with those purposes, or any of them, and to confer other rights and privileges: To authorize the crossing, stopping up, altering or di- verting, whether temporarily or permanently, of any turn- pike road, highway, railway, tramway, canal, river or stream, or adjoining to the before-mentioned town- landyparish and extra-parochial place which it may be neces- sary to cross, stop Up, alter or divert in executing the several purposes of the intended Act so to be executed by the Dun- dalk Company To empower the Dundalk Company to levy, demand and recover tolls, rates and charges for or in respect of the Pier and other works to be executed bv them, and to grant ex- emptions from the payment of tolls, rates and charges: To empower the Dundalk Company to raise a further | sum of money for the purposes of the intended Act to be executed by them by the creation and issue of new shares or stock, with or without a aruarauteed or preference divi- dend or other rights &r privileges attached there' o, and by the creation and issue "f debenture stock, and hy borrowing or by any of such means, and also to apply to all or any of the above-mentioned p'Kposes any capital or funds belong- ing to them And also to empower the Company to subscribe or can- tribute towards the money so to be raised by the Dundalk Company, and to take and hold all or any of the shares or stock so to be created and issued, or to guarantee the pay- ment of interest or dividend upon or in respect of the said shares stock and debenture stocic or the money so to be borrowed r And for the purposes aforesaid, it is intended if need be, to alter, amend and extend, or to repeal ail or some of the powers and provisions of the several Losal and Per onal Acts following, or Some of them (that is to say) :— The Acts directlv or iudirectlv rel-tiug to the Lionoon and North Western Railway Company. 8 and 9 Vict, caps, 36, 37, 43, 105, 111, 112 123, 156, and 198 9 Vict, etp «7; 9 aud io Vict caps. 80., 82 152, 181 184 192. 193 2-4. 231. 232, 233, 244. 248, 25:\ 201. 2d2 2G 300 309, 322, 3"3, 324 328, 331, 359 368 369. 380 a-.d 390; 10 and H Vict. caps. 73 107 114 118, 12 t, 121, 132. 139 159, itil, 178, 188. 228. 236, 270, 278, and 294; 11 and 12 Viet. caps. 58. 60, and 130; 12 and 13 Vict. C'Ip. 74 13 and 14 V.ct. cap. 36; 14 Vict. cap. 28; 14 and 15 vict. cap, 94; 15 Vict. caps. 98 and 105; 16 -and 17 Vict., cap.. 97. 110,157,160, 161. 205 216, arid;-222; 17 and 18 Vict, caps 201 and 204; 18 and 19 Vict. C'p. 372 und 194 19 and 20 Vict. cms. 52. 69. and 12'; 20 and 21 Vict caps 64, 93 a-nd 108; 21 and 22 Vie.. ci.ps 130 and 131 22 and 23 Vict. cap.. 1 2. 5. 88 113. 124. 126, and 134 23 and 24 Vi..t caps 77 :oun 79; -j4 and 25 Vict, caps 66. 110,123, 128 130 208. and 223; 25 and 26 Vi,tt caps 55. fo6 78 98, 104 118. 148 171 194, 198, 200. 208. and 209 26 an-! 27 Viet, cai-s 5 108, 177. 208, and 217 27 and 2R Viet. cap. 19.f 226 263 273 288, and 296 28 and 29 Vict caps 333, 334 22 72 193 260. 267 and 316; 29 and 30 Vict. caps. 168. 249, 189, 190, 134 276. 311. 87, 233, and 284; :<0 nd 31 Viet. cans. 94, 95 113 144, and 151 31 and 32 Vicr. c ips 21 33,49. and 11.8; 32 and 33 Vict caps. 78. 108. 109. and 115; 33 and 34 V.ct. caps. 79. 84, 112 and 118; 34 and 35 Vict cal- 12 64. 86. 114, 183, and 192; 35 and 36 V.ct. cp" 87,134, and 140 36 and 37 Vict. caps. 156, 174, 179, 187, 193, 201, and 225; .¿j vlVict' c*p*- 102'129' 157, and 159; and 38 Th w ^CapsJ 1U2' 106> 124>152- au-i 1S2 1871 JS" A;,t 8 T1 V!f /"P; »o<! all Other Act, relatin. way Company t md E»U° The Act 9 and 10 Vict, cap, 71 aT1fj „ii 1 tin, to the Great Northern Railw^Companv The Act 21 and 22 V,ct. cap. 110, and ad Jther Acts re- ThfVil LanpTh're ano Y')rkshire Railway Company: |Ai„hcia?„S,l°873"ng S°P««-»tion Association Act, 1873 The Act 9 and 10 ViGt. cap. 2:31, and all oth?r Acts rela- ting to the North Union The Act 12 and 13 Vict. cap. 74, and all other Acts rela- Dock:° Preston aQd Wyre Railway Harbour and na3boQAct^2°„and 21 Vict- *caP- 137> and 25 ^d 26 Vict pany • Acts relatinS to the Oldham Com- pan-y TW i v and Greenore Railway Act, 1863; the pM i!a .eWrT' .ancl Green°re Kailway Act, 1873: and a3 ° ^e'atmg to the Dundalk Company 18f wS° hefby. Siven> That> 011 or before the hirtieth day of November instant, Maps, Plans and Sec- Book ofRpT t0 obJe,cts, of the intended Act, with a CO ur ^eFence to such plans, and a capy of this Notice deposed as f"llthe h°hld°n aUd Dublia G^ttes, will be inXr.nntJf'w3 the lands thpt f „ Hertford, with the clerk of the peace for that county at h,s office at St. Albans; as regards the thTpeanefSethC0»-Unty <°f B"cki^ham. wi'b the clerk of tne peace for that county at his office at Aylesburv • as re- S^he^r^ afnllanda inf the cuunty of Northampton, North t peace for that couoty at his office at Northampton; as regards the works in the county of Leicester, with the clerk of the peace for that county at tne f'w I tre"ards the worka and lands in that connfv f Wlth the clerk of the peace for works and land -S r U Learning! ,n as regards the of the peace for thafT °cTl7 °l with clerk as regards the works S 1 °ffice at county of ChesteT 1 partly m the county of Chester and partly in county of Lancaster, with the clerk of the peace for the county of Chester at his office at Chester; as regards the laso-mentioned woras and lands and the works and lands wholly m the county of Lancaster, with the clerk of the peace tor that county at his office at Preston as regards the works and lands in the West Riding of the county of York, with the clerk of the peace for that Riding at hia office at Wakefield; as regards the works and lands in the county of Westmoreland, with the clerk of the peace for that county at his office at Appleby as regards the lands in the county of Cumberland, with the clerk of the peace for that county at his office at Carlisle; as regards the works in the county of Glamorgan, with the clerk of the prace for that county at his office at Cardiff as regards the works in the county of Carmarthen, with the clerk of the peace for that county at his office at Llan- dt-jverv as regards the lands in the county of Brecon, with the clerk of the peace for that county at his office at Brecon; as regards the lands in the county of Carnarvon, with the clerk of the peace for that county at his office at Carnarvon and_ as regards the works and lands in the county of Down in Ireland, with the clerk of the peace for that county at his office at Downpatrick and that o(inlaw 'II "11" of so much of the said Plans, Sections and Books of Refer- ence as relates to the several parishes and extra-parocbial places in or through which the said intended works are proposed to be made or lands are situate, together with a copy of this Notice as published in the London and Dublin Gazettes, will on or before the said Thirtieth day of Novem- ber be deposited as follows (that is to say) as relates to the towntlhip or extra. parochial place °f Toxteth or Tox- teth Park, with the parish clerk of the adjoining parish of Liverpool; as relates to the parish of Kilkeei and the extra, parochial place of Carlingford Lough, with the clerk of th« Kilkeei Poor Law Union at his office at the Union Work- house, iu the town of Kilkeel and as relates to the several other parishes, with the parish clerk of each such parish at his residence and as relates to any other extra-parochial detice cl some adj°ining parish at his resi- And Notice is hereby further given, That, on or before the Twenty-first day of December next, printed copies of the intended Act will be deposited in the Private Bil Omce of the House of Commons. Dated this 9th day of November, 1875. R. F. ROBERTS, Euston Station, and 9, Great George Street, Westminster, Solicitor. SHERWOOD, GRUBBE, PRITT, & CAMERON,
