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OSWESTRY. Sû1:;P KITCHEN.—Mrs Eveley and Miss Wynne Thomas beg to acknowledge the following subscriptions:—John Morris, Esq., Salop-road, £1 is. Mrs F. llogers, £ 1; Mrs Jones, Jliddleton-place, 10s.; Mr Fox, Savings Bank, 2s. 6d. THE CHRISTMAS TRER AT THE PUBLIC HALT,The gross amount taken at the Christmas Tree in connection with the building fund of the new Congregational Chapel, which was exhibit-d in the Public Hall last week, was upwards of PAINTINGS.—Those who have leisure and taste for the arts may like to be reminded that a choice collection of painting. which fully justify the reputation of the artist, are now on view at Osburn's Hotel. The paintings are by Mr E. F. Holt. of London, and embrace sketches of well-known spots in the Principality, as well as historical scenes. Altogether the pictures form ample inducement for making a special visit. A OF GAME.—A few day.-? ago we saw a bouquet of game which had been sent from Scotland to Mr James Jon..?, li^-nhafod. As some of our readers may not understand the term, we may say a bouquet of game consists of a variety of birds arranged so as to show off the plumage of the game. The bouquet sent to Mr Jones vrnc contained in a bos, about four feet square by five inches deep, and was filled with a choice assortment of birds. The corners were occupied by four handsome cock pheasants, and the centre filled with grouse, wild duck, woodcocks, partridges, plover, &c., the interstices being packed with 11103s, ferns, and heather. The bouquet was capitaf.'v arranged, the plumage cfthe various hirdWbefng shown to l'fat advantage, and the whole, consisting of upwards of fort-, making a very handsome Christmas picture. The birds were shot and ar- ranged by Mr Jones's nephew, Mr Jones. A HE OASTLS SCHOOL.—On Wednesday* December 20th, at tue L astle School, .after an entertainment»;n the evening prizes vyere given by the Rev. G. J. Binns to the boys who distinguished themselves in the Christinas elimination, tandly conducted by D. Lamplujb, Esq., scho ]ar of S. John's College, Cambridge, and formerly PH1-)tl and assistant in the school. Conduct prize-—Samuel Biok> *rton. irst-c.ass jirize in classics. mathematics, English jr.. *ani • ar, iiiii rlish aijd Roma* history, and geography—Jo hn First-class prize in dictation—Willfem.1 — T.\l Jni.Xie3" jF'rs,t-c1^ P.nze in reading and recitation wri'in <■ "pi;V- t 0',ir;rm- First-class prize lW J imrro vem f -1PS aU ° oh„n Scntt Bickertou. A prize for improvement m writing, &e.—WilHa: Jones. annual CHW" READIES AT 'JIIK INSTITUTE.-The Jn'titufe ifr"'t ,rea(l;ngs ana music hi connection wfch the FridxfP; n a &?<•' -uafenc, to the Public on Mavor in^ri -d- Th e chair was occupied by- the Wallace* w-f f!7 e!Wable Pro& ww provided." Mr Cessfn' doi "t • u PR.LAC,PA! vocalist, and made a most sue- S?an I mf 7!" British Li" A* a ^atter of nece,- tt,v,an elicor, fOlll,)w,(I, and lie delisted the audience by Se? and ,of V H?arti and Homes." Miss Little- Dlause Th ers singing of a d. let elicited great ap- piause 1 he glee party*, under th» irsliin of V, Wh L and 'tiin^«%if nier "00{i seryice, and -ang in capital time Head" carol, The Roast Beef of Old sono-*«pr> i0.vv'rs 'Ellin CaJI," "Brinl*?* 7 -Richards's part WalV' Ti1"' God ble- s the Prince of Diek riq' !.r wore Mr J. P. Joiu 'S, who selected ven- Ta;\ ant- T. Minsh all, who read a Wa"-Pr sketch e"titl«i "Hoppety Bo b." Mr Alex. fnltfT tj. WaS ^Ut ('own to read, but w; *s unable to Purr], A'-n&agement owing to indisposition. Mr George min.)+Q,i -.u^3 accornPanist, and the proc -eedings tsr- for pre^icj^ a hearty vote of thanks to the Mayor C^K™ASDECO!tATrO« AT THE CHUKC -HES.—At ftrt> nf U(? C IJrc s town ti he Ciiiistmas d'e 'corations „ most tasteful and elabort vte description, vnd their i-rtmVjI°n .lve involved a vast amount t >f time, ai? patitnce. At the O, 'd Church the 01 namen- w a.fLce9 a.re quite equai to, if indeed, t hey do +L. -i. e °J previous- y ears. The device upon .the altar piece, The Word was re ade flesh," is the work al. e Mrs Fletcher 'ioirers. and the orna- t)T the akar rails has be en beaut fully wexked n^nnr i .\es Leah and Cuthb ert The device on the Trtc „]6 w,1,E w> Aad dwelt amon gst us, and we beheld IT 7' w.a3 executed by the Mit ses Williams, Lloran xt.. y whom, aiso, were supplier i the two devices on the rUL arch. The feight design over the pillars in wn-eathr11 hpi were worked by Miss Annie Blaikie, the g .Beat Mr Shiupl e i.rogyntyn. The ;9 the ivest ga,;llery, "Glory i,. t r.>d in the highest," T,„ ^andJwork of Miss Longucvil le Miss Fanny Dean th worked and arranged the de; ii ns which appear on «• u SJiJieries, a»d the triangle < 'n the arch opposite l)r/^Ce •n"or' Jllil G 'tte t h e text, The Holy v T .vii-cii appears over ti u C^aaoel door. The and reading desk were <lecorat e a by Miss Legh and JaJ Wynne Lloyd, and Mr r-.oie's i llerv bv Mr Hillarv audor. J.he flecoration of the font v as entrusted to Miss scr0. 011 the chancel arch, Thine eyes shall see u in beauty," with four b mnerets, two in the chancel, and two in the aisles,were worked and presented by Mrs Cuthbert. The other friends who kii 1 ily assisted the de- corators were Miss Stanfoi^ Miss Wil JX, Miss Lanaghan, r ^.e^thei3, and the pupil teachers at die National School. At Trinity Church the decorations hai ■ i been the work of Mrs and Miss Owen, Park Isaf, Mr ar i Mrs Corfield, the Misses Thomas, and the Misses Whitfi 2 Id, Salop-road. The leading-desk and pulpit are wreathed with holly and ivv, and Vi"+' end of the church is the moil c .gram t H S in large "iti ,oc Otters, on .a white greund, a R' ) man cross worked in rfov? fanning tliroiigh the centre of t ) monogram. On the i ft suU' of the-pulpit Is a shield txs .1 ing the illuminated lel u Tjn+o us a Child is born," and k corresponding shield text, tuf, Tjo-fet side of the re j. ling-desk, having the W Pia«TT.o Js a Son is given." Wor k >d in gilt letters over t;xt? V.1' f1r..v ar«the words, "Lot ,k ing unto Jesus," and front of the desk, "Behold thv I -ing." On the three • „:iia arc the words, wo ked )n a crimson ground, "i vi fhvTCin0, there being bet vv< ;en the first and second tiSol S'^roll, "Prepare t mect thy G»l.' Be- TLL the second and third window 3 are worked on a blue oroundvath a silver setting, "For I have adeemed thee." fTfron* of the pulpit is the text, 1 n 1 aised letters, God is we-ami on the walls appear scroll 3, "Watch ye, for the t ,1 ;= or hand Be ye faithful ev< ;n unto death." On the window recesses on the north side are the words, •' The ? Puace." I" front of the rallery is displayed the f« Though' vour sins be as cr' imson, they shall be as tC ? „ the door, Go and 5in no more," The font wool, a \a3tefullv decorated, md the tout ensemble in i3«+iSthI churcl^es reflects great ere dit upon the skilful design and workmanship of those who h iVe been engaged in this labour of love. _„T TF-P r'OUPvT, FRIDAY, DE C. 22.—BPLFO^ the Mayor r^h fconS. Stealing a Watch.l*ria, uay (30) mxrned woman, ztcaiiny on remand, charg ed with stealing, on ^as br silver Grtaeva wateh, the proparty f Vr' Henry Harrison, of tie V/ine Vaults, Ch^eb rtreet -Emma Harrison, wiift »f t> ie prosecutor, said tb at Jr+b'p dav in question the pnsc ,ner came to her hor uaJt J eiv«i and twelve o'ck )Ck in the morniatf, ^5 SkTd if she could have apartme nt^ stating that h*r hu3. band was a detective attached to Scotland-yard »r had 5 £ e-to Shrewsbury in pursuit c/f s0me persons w^h ad been passing base coin. She said had come itwr i cheater t^t morning, and had lef. ber husband at Gobowen. Her husband was coining t o Oewestry m tbe aftern0011. Witness showed prisoner t ae sitting-room an' a be(jroom> which she agreed to take. Prisoner-aft; rw ^r(j3 remained sitting in the stnok-roo rn for about an b our and halL While witness was at dinnt>r, pris went Up stairs a-raiti and was there,? omie little time V fore witness was aware of the fact, ^.o one else was up ,(-ajr3 this time. After finishing her dinner, witness vat Upgta^r3 after the prisoner, who had. gone into her # bedroom. Witness waited in the sitting-room vntil lSOner bad gone down etairs, when she followed "er* Prisoner then said she was going out for a walk» to g& something for her tea. When piisoner had left tne age> ^ness went upstairs acrain into the bedroom, whe* g^e migsed a silver Geneva watch from the mantle-piece» ga N t^e watch there last about nine o'clock t&at v&>~ mjng. Her husband was not in vat the time, but whea ne came home she told him of the theft, when he at „ave iBformation to the police. The watch proctvicea «y Sergeant Bullock was her hus- band's property, and ,vas valued at £ 2.—John Hudson Dales, pawnbroKer, vvillow-street, said: About three o'clock on I-fieay ar cernoon, prisoner came to my shop, -and produced a suve r Geneva watch, asking for 30s. on it. Prisoner was an er .tire stranger to me, and I said I could not lend her mor e than 10s. on the watch, if that would do. I asked her name, and whose watch it was, and she said it was her husband's. She said her name was 11 Mannesdon," and that she lived in Willow-street. She afterwards agreed to take the 10s., and I lent her that sum on the watch. She then left my shop. Sometime after tea, Sergeant Bullock came to my shop, and enquired if a watch had been pledged that afternoon. I showed him several watches, and he then went for Mr Harrison. [At this stage of the proceedings the prisoner, who seemed much affected by her position, fainted away.]—Witness resumed Sergeant Bullock soon afterwards returned and identified the watch which had been pledged by the prisoner in the afternoon. I afterwards gave up the watch to Sergeant Bullock.—Sergeant Bullock said On Friday, Dec. 15th, he received information from Superindent Gough that a female was "wanted" in Chester for stealing a coat, and a description of her person was given into his hands. lie went in th., afternoon to the Great Western Hauvvd.y GUtion. here he saw the prisoner, who was in the booking otEce. Witness followed her, and saw her enter the train. Witness told her to come out, took her into the waiting-room, and told her she answered to the description of a person who was "wanted" in Chester for stealing a coat, when she exclaimed, "Oh, dear." Pris- oner said she had come from Chester on the previous day. fitness then took prisoner to the lock-up. About four o'clock the same afternoon, prosecutor came to witness, and said he believed there was a woman in the lock-up who ha.d been staying at his (prosecutor's) house, and that he had missed a watch. Witness then took the prosecu- tor to the lock-up, where he identified the prisoner as the woman who had taken apartments at his house, prisoner remarking at the time, "Yes, I am." WitQess went after- wards with the prosecutor to Mr Dale's shop, and the I watch which had b?en pawned by the prisoner was iden- tified by the prosecutor as his property. Wstness then took the watch to the lock-up, (l charged the prisoner with sterding the same; to which she made no answer, but began to cry. A second-class ticket for Gobowen, and 8s: 9d. in money, were found on the priponer.—Prisoner when asked to plead to the charge, swooned a second time, and the magistrates sent for Dr Beresford, who said he prisoner was suffering under a violent fit of hysterics but would "come to" shortly. Prisoner, however, con- tinued unconscious for such a length of time that the Bench adjourned the c -s; until six o'clock p.m. The prisoner then carried out of the dock.—On the hearing of the being renjmed, at half-past s x, the prisoner, who «ppe»red to be veil ill, pleaded guilty to stealing the tr-itdi, and, after having been admonished by the Bench on the worse than folly of continuing in the bad life she had hitherto been leading, she was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, with hard labour. The prisoner was then led away, crying bitterly.—At the conclusion of the trial, Mr J. H. Dales, pawnbroker, applied, under the new Act, for the money found on the prisoner to the amount of 8s. 9d. to be returned to him in repayment of the 10s. he had advanced on the watch. The application was granteu. T Vagrancy. Wu».am Johnson, who said he had been to sea, and was on his ^1" to Liverpool to get a ship, was charged by P. C. Price wits begging m \V illow-street, on Thursday evening, Dec. 21st, afla :vas discharged on promising to leave the town immediately.




















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