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OOLGELLEY. CHtKCJK^TARDEK.—Mr David Psgb, solicitor, the gentle- man chosen by the jvarishioners in public vestry as their churchwarden for the present yefir, was admitted to that office at''the Diocesar, Registry, Bangor, on the 8th instant. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. A pift lie meeting of the ratepayers, aenvened by the; town crier, was held in the Newsroom on Tuesday week, under the presidency of Mr Evan Jones, of Rhydwen, who, after having briefly addressed the meeting upon the object they had'in view of coming to a compromise with regard to the election of School Boafcd members, called upon the Rev. David Evans, M.A., to explain the Act wilh regard to the election of members of School Boards, and the members' power to elect managers f>r the schodls in the country. His call having been complied with, Dr Edr/ard Jones followed on the same subject. The Ohairrcm then called for the views of the gentle- men from the country, and Mr Bavid Owen, C aemion, said that it was the wish of the ratepayers of Islawdref to have one member appointed to represent that part of the country-a gentleman independent of any denomination and that it was only fair arid reasonable that the country should be represented, as a larg amount of rates would be realized from them.—Mr-John Evans, draper, said it was the wish of the people of Brithdir to have the power of electing one member, as a great portion of the rates would be raised from that quarter.The Rev. Henry Morgan, P-aptist Minister, was in favour of having one gentleman to be -nominated for each (ienomination.-Dr Edward Jones again read and -explakitd the Act-as to the members of tie Board -having the power of appointing three mana- gers to look after each school in the country, and when that -was;done the country would be equally represented with the town.—Mr S. M. Jones, Braich-y-ceunant, Brithdir, said that although the Act provided that managers should be appointed by the Board, it did not provide that those managers would have fcny power in their hands as to money matters, &c, and the whole management would therefore be with the members of the Board.Nir Richard Owen, Hafodyiuoch, Brithdir, was of opinion 'that it was of it(-) rasatter which denomination the gentle- man elected from Brithdir should be, if -thev could find a. good and ewltafcle man; and if they -could the towns- ;people could swt have any objection to him. He concurred with the last-speaker's remarks with regard to the manager appointed by the Board.—The Rev. Daviii Evans, M. A_, explained the Act further as regarded the School Boanl in Dolgelley being under the supervision of the Board im Loxdon, and said that the Board in Dvl- gelley could not harm in the country, as they were bound to look after the i nterests of the country schools, or they wculd igei'ch:exged in three me nths, which was j quite plain by :tfue Act, and treated" g-6chool Boards by default. advocated the plan of having one member ¡ for each dei>»;Hiinatjoa; as then the Boai d would be better afcle te meet the denominational questions which no '&'H:.1>:t woa'd arise. He hoped the meeting 1 would agree t(-) tli, ftr,-i approve of the plan. Thus they would avoid the unpleasantness of a. c <i:test, which wnula be a personal A contest between persons, an nct as the late Sck«w>l B<-e.cd election, upon principles "Trly.- The room being crovrdcd and many iiuetl-le to hear, an ap- plication was made to adjourn to the Public-nxtm, t which Mr Robert, Rcterts, Glanwnion,-said they would n any one wen-Id pay f:rth, room. After a short consulta- tion, it was proposed by the Rev. D. Bvan-, ana seeen'iect by Mr J. Nleyirick Joc,es that the meeting be adjourned to the schoolroom under the Independent chapel, which was carried. At the Newr Independent Chapel SehoolroAKk the same chairman presided.—Mr Edward Griffith, draper, proposed, 11 That in Iche opinion ef this-. meeting it is de- sirable that each denoiriiria ion should select a gentleiffiaa to represent them the School Board, and that the names of -such persons; be presented to a public meeting of the ratepayer, to be approved of by theo at a meeting to be held before the n.:mination day.The Rev. K. Mor- gan seooafled Mr Griffith's proposal.—Mr John SEvaits wished to knew the. time the meeting would give the country oeople to conv ene a meetiag to.dtscuss the Ines- tion '—Mi Edward tfc.nes said that the notice posted up explained that the ilest day for wominating was before f jur o'clock on Montiev, the 8th instant, and the with- drawals were to be (delivered before four o'clock on the. 12tb instant, or encli.pcrsons were to g to the poll.—Mr Owen Th-omas, governor of the coiswfcy 9 1, expressed m opinion in favour of an adjournment of the present meeting wrctil after the nomination day, .whlch would Tse on Monday, sir,-they Mi"Y would besn a better position tt: know which tt.f-tht; pwrams nominated they woul'1 support, and they gkovfld endefjPour to obtain the withdraw:wl ■<?{ those whom they would not support, before the 12th. He proposed a losoltition,to that effo--t. Itr Humphrey Jones, buildtr, seconded the pr,)p"iticLn. Mr Grifiitlr. Pugh, Arraii Ifiew, proposed that each denominative should select their and not be subject to tlie ap- proval of tfce ratepayer-?.—Mr J. M. Jones seconded the motion. --After seme dkoussion with regard to the ques- tion of representative natn for the esuntry, &nd the quea- ticn of the approval of the rat-pavers at a public meeting, and the titsie it skoulii -W* held, ia which Mi Owen Roes, Mr Edward Jones, Mr Edward Griffith, Mr Owen Thomas, Rev. D. Evans, M.A., Mr Humphrey Owen, Mr William JOHCK, Maesoiied, Mr Rieharl Owen, Mr J. Meyrick Jones, the Rev. H. Morgan,. MrR.O. Williams, Mr William JeR-eH, painter, Mr Hugh Griffith, Mr David Evans and MrJolim Kvaep. Brithdir, took part, it WM «S- timate'ly agreed to idjcirer. this meeting to Sal': rd <y even- ing, at seven p.m., »t the came place, -each denomination to select a represeKtative on the School Boarci-, and hand hisiname over t.o theineetinii,. The adjourned noeeting vwas held m tihe Sctool-room, under the Independtst Chapel, on Satufday evening, and presided over by the Rev. W. Thomas, Wesleyaii minister. The blowing candiaates were nominated he Rev. Evan. Jones, Independent minister, propnscdhyMrHugh Roberts, Gwansw, by Mr Griffith Pugh, Arran "View Mr W. R. Williamg, Wesleyan, proposed by Mr Lewis ,s\7illiams, auctioneer seconded by Mr Uohn Ellis .Jones, ppinter Mr E. Walker, Churchman, proposed by Mr R. C. Williams, seconded,byMrE. Ellis, Pla^'JN ewydd; -the Rev. Henry ilorgtn, Baptist minister, prof>os,ed by Mr Soliimoii .Tones, Beemdoo by Mr Evat: Jones. Cefn- wowen; the Rev. D. Brans, M.A., Calvinistiic Methodist minister, proposed by Mr Gujifth Pagh, &PranNView, seconded by Mr Lewis Lloyd, PenuchadreL Several of the speakers who took part in the digeiissio-e- expressed themselves opposed to the nomination of tnini^ers -of any denomination as candidates, b«t it was explaiaed in thehape oi,&voiding a contested-el-ecti >n, this was the only measure which could be resorted to in order tfe.conciliate the ratepayers of lfglawdrelf and Brithdir. Tbe meeting, however, mfcfked- its course taken by the country ratepayers, by acoepting. the nomination oft.4ke two iaymen. unanimously, «-nd by .declining to pas»Ste nomination of the ministers in the same tomplkaentary manner, several hands being raisedir- opposition. In th-e course of the meeting, Mr Hugh Roberts, Gwanw- asked whether, t was not desirable that those present should :avail themselves of the opperumity <>f expressing an opitiion whetiier the meetings of 1 the Board should' fce open to the prese., or whether, at in the solitary case ,f the Local Board, reporters and ratepayers.should be excluded. He argittd strunfly in favour of the meetings of the new. Board being cQjuiucted in an open,.iuanner., and .cen-' sured thK: :T"al Board in n« measared terms f a- keeping the ratcipayers in tte darSc as to their deliberations attd propositioiMJ by sitting with closed doore. He ii-oved, That in the opinion of tin s meeting repwter.uld be admitted to- the meetings .of the School JiDaril." Mr John Meyrick Jones, a member of the Local Board, -supported the motion, which upsai being put, wü: carried unanimously. The meeting brokie up after the usual .oompliment had been paid to the Chairman. -Tluat the, resolutions paired by the meeting -were iueifecti*fc was proved by the 2ist of nominations which were isstied by Griffith WiSliams on Tuesday .morning, there iveing no 2ess than twelve candidates pro- posed. The nurteber of persons to be el-acted w five, and in the event of nnore pefcwis remaining as candidates after 'four o'clock on Friday evening than there are! xr,,embers to ■be elected, a poll will be taken on the fellowing Friday. 'The candidates proposed :—The Rev. Evan A. Jones, Coed. Dolgelley, miuister, Baptist; Mr Robert Williams, gprwfi,ld House, civil engineer, Wesleyan; the Rev. Henry Morgan, Meyrick Houae, minister, Baptist; Edward J<mes, Ship Hotel; Biward Jones, Penybryn Terrace, surgeon, Calvinistic Methodist; the Rnv. David Evans, Eldon Row, minister, Calvinistic Mcthutii^t; Win. Hughes, Meyrick-street, printer., Indepen- dent; Edward Walker, Rfynhyf&ryd, solicitor, Churcfeiuan; the Rev. Daniel Lewis LJoyd, ùkyntirion, clerk, Master of Grammar School, Churchman; the Rev. John Hughes, Mifmt Pleasant, clerk, curate of l)olgelley? Churchman; RiaV,>rd Wynn Williams, Viei»na CHildings, chemist, Baptist; Edward Griffith, Dolgelley, draper, Calvinistic Methodist. Manv of the above are believedto have been nominated without authority,so that if there should be a poll, which 1., very probably it is expected that not piore than half of them wi0 fight the battle to the end.







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