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.OpP COFFEE *KS Rot rv BY THE FOLLOWING AGENT8 IN THIS ^VpD& DISTRICT. I ^fORDWEST—W. Phillips, Market-street. L?6k. T. D. Meyler, Chemist. kiSWn'o Richard Buckney. n Williams, Grocer. j>°o. las, Johns, 4, Charles-street. b^buju D. Humphreys,. Hakin. s^broito'V.' 8. W. WilliKg, Grocer. aT'ldemr °cJl Provision Company. fiNdJ 001 B. Thomas, Grocer. ^bjr Thomas Brown, Grocer. W. Thomas, Groccr. .FS^AKWO^ AU CELEBBATED «QMa lhelr GREAT STRENGTH. THEIR RICH ftU J *»d DELICIOUS FLAVOUR. Price, per lb., ^2 oi„ M, in Canisters, and Air-tight Packets, 8. to 2 lbe. °tt!T CASSELL'S PUKE FOUR SHILLING TEA. ^^er's PATENT Moss COCOA, IS 6d per lb. VALUABLE AGENCY. IJJ* ^or Cassell's Coftees and Teas in every k*0ht, p r° there is not one already. For terms apply ^Kiwa*sc,l & Co, 80, Fenchurch-street, London; or & Robinson, Counterslip, Bristol. He IlIRD'S FRANCIS'S PILLS. <L th 1>il,s are most deservedly recommended for A«S8 r. ,<r'own cfflcacy in all bilious complaints, HCM *he lirer, indigestion, flatulency, jaundice, J^ey > and a" diseases of the alimentary canal, ^cig *Je Prepared from the recipe of the late Mr C? Pr'ap1 Varew (an eminent surgeon, many years pri- IW ,joner &t Calcutta,) under whose administra- obtained unparalelled celebrity. BIRD'S PECTORAL BALSAM, .fy. '» Colds, Asthma, Hooping Cough, Difficulty Oj 80'><7, and all disorders of the Chest$• Lungs. inspiration will bo found to afford immediate C"* a free expectoration, without pro- wJPhleEs» ease the difficulty of Breathing, loosen 1, and allay the Tickling. Sensation which 8 "'•Cough. Sold in Bottles, Is lid. Arp Illpl), S ANTI-CHOLERA MIXTURE, Cure for Looseness, Diarrhoea, English Cholera and a'* Complaints. lcceived through the Rev. 0. Phillips, of ^for tt resPectiug one of his Parishioners, who r -"our Months suffered from Diarrhoea. r.8it,¡ Lawrenny, December 5th, 1854. M e t0 'n^0rm y°« that the Medicine 1 received Vftb»°5 Saturday has speedily and effectually cured iJtafl Ujarrhoea, from which I have been suffering vlV th -r months- I have been very much weak- e disease and repeatedly had medicines from p' could not obtain the slightest relief until en t0°k two doses of your Medicine, and r suffered the least since from it. (Signed) JOHN GRIFFITHS. '^•Hird. I Sold in Bottles at Is ] £ d,and 2s 9d. Ol«2^S0'ely by **• ^IUD' late T- Hird, (estab- Chemist, Pembroke CASE OF STRONG NECESSITY • MAE TIN'S CHURCH, rttts HAVERFORDWEST. i, Church, consisting of a Nave, Chancel, and South and capable of accommodating 600 persons, H *n a ruinous condition. In 1857 the 48 found to be ix a dangerous state, and a sum ilv Uali expended in its repair, and it is now I 8ecured, but the spire is yet untouched, and i ayed- Tbe walls, with the exception of the aU, have give* way, the whole roof is failing, ig active in several parts of the wood-work (A .^rior, and some of the seats have fallen to pieces. V* UjC^'te<!t much experience, on a visit to this AC* summer, inspected the building, and kindly j, ift**1 sports with a simple plan for the repairs that _haiti Pensable. He states that at present the Church Ik** ev unhealthy from damp, and all he wood- nearly in ruin from rot; that as to the ? °f the Church it requires extensive repairs to filing speedily into ruin past care. The ,^all8 are in a sad condition. Clot for exertion to preserve this bulding, oUj oldest House of Prayer inthe town, is suffi- V^f681- and 8tron8> but a sum of £ 1,000, at tbe to put the structure in simply proper ^orahip* This sum cannot be altogether ^Pti Church Rate has been refused, and which, with a voluntary rate, were freely Of parish and neighbourhood towards the IjJW t Tower, cannot be looked for so soon again requisite outlay. The population is over rt^^wta chiefly of poor people. The annual in- e Incumbency, a Perpetual Curacy, is only JE86. to an Impropriator, resident in America. 8q)) .>8e circumstances, this statement is respect- JL^gl^tted to strangers as well as to inhabitants yHj, "°urs, with an earnest request that those whom \ij%t n^mted with mean?, will regard with kindly a e Ruinous state of this Church, and assist those 4113Kious to effect these necessary repairs, but are qui unable. SAMUEL OWEN MEARES, P. Curate. HENRY MATHIAS, J churchwardens. IixCHARi) EVANS, S q"oet alters and Messrs. Wilkins, Bankers, Haver- kindly consented to receive subscriptions. Rawest, Oct. 1859. „ SUBSCRIPTIONS. Serin,- £ *• d- Mr» JPt»ons already received 458 9 4 w.'j) °cker, Roieraiwor 10 0 7*8, ty. James, Veterinary Surgeon 1-0 0 J; I'liams, Spring Gardens 110 Ht,RS°n, Esq., Fern Hill • 3 3 0 1,1 j £ .rnor'am' 2 2 0 i»Uert!ckctt» Esq., KirksUl Grange, CT.f 6* 0 0 Jou Bridge-street 200 Phillips, Market-street 1 • • fcfR,. Hon. the Earl of Cawdor. 20 0 0 William Lloyd, the Valley, A$J*rth 5 o o A* 2 • 0 21* teJiPwn" Richardson,St.David's 1 f • D>i 'a,n Evans, Goat-street 110 fjtg 11 ans» Hill-street 1 1 • 3i»8o °yd, 2, Hill-street 110 ?Pbens, St Martin's Crescent. 0 10 0 Archdeacon Brown Western V^a,la 8 • 0 VB High-street 10 0 Rev. the Dean of St David's 2 2 0 Esq., Spring Gardens 5 0 0 JJ*8 t>?We^in. Barnsley 2 0 0 li High-street 5 0 0 T ^ewi»i Bridge-street 10 0 a' &■ T Lloyd & Sons, Dark-street 0 15 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 k ^les T?na,yn' Castle Terrace 110 Sr> Waf^Ust, Esq., St. Martin's House 25 0 0 0 10 0 New Bridge 1 1 0 Q 'Sgon Evans, Esq, Surgeon, ^fifSiJeand'Acre 1 1 0 n,iLoyd 3 0 0 *FFR8ELI'P'ETHER*" 1 0 0 Hunte, Esq 3 0 0 J, Holgate Foster 2 2 0 X* u Clarke, Scolton 1 1 0 ^orn 2 2 0 Co,,ected by MissPrickett. r Llanelly. 0 10 0 rt Thomas, Bristol 0 10 0 Jpfcsrs rp By Saunders. Matthews and Co 1 1 0 0 10 0 Wm. Griffiths, High-street. ^ri?na8rn^R'ams» Tanner 0 10 0 M» Pembroke 0 5 0 Sne«. Bristol 0 5 0 C ii°hn p„ees Williams, Bank 0 5 0 • WPf,Va"s' Currier 0 5 0 k Il8» Esq o 10 o Br: by Miss Gwyther, >A& O 2 S bX J- 0 10 0 VN ^r°tDo' r» Cdrmartben 1 0 0 V* lb«-10 hftvp8 resPectfuliy request that ihe contri- ft»l|Qlr eontriin0t Pa^ have tbe goodness 10 for- ^itig b ulioris as soon as may be convenient. HsNsp ^rs have kindly COP sen ted to receive r« COntributions: ^i^i«tnH°'T?emp,e Bai» London, s' Deacon, & Co, 20, Birchin Lane, HfcVlto'e8 T 1 totters v/n' Co. 43, Lothbuiv, London. «0' ford west. 05 w, Haverfordwest. STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH THE SOUTH OF IRELAND, Fit New Milford (Milferd Raven)$Waterford. DAILY SERVICE-SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. rpIIE Waterford and Milford Karen Steam Ship Company's JL Vessels, will *ail as under (windand weather peimittingj. WATERFORD & MILFORD HAVEN. From Waterford, 3.15 p.m on From New Milford,7.15 p.m.,on arrival of the train from Cork, arrival of the 9.40 a m. express Limerick, &c, so as to enable I and 6.0 a.m. tkird class trains, passengers to proceed by the so as to enable passengei w o 2.45 express train, reaching proceed by the B a.m. train to London aboxt 11 a.m. I Limerick, Cork, &o. The Cork Steamers will sail from the RaflWiy l'ier at Passage, every vlonday and Friday, on the arrival of the 4.0 p.m irai from Cork; reaching New Milford so a* to Mcure the (Icpnvtuie [wirtd ana weather permitting] of the 8.15 a.m. Express Tram,, arriving in London at 6.0 a.m. The Cork Steamers will leave New Milford [Milford Haven] on Tuesdays and Saturdays, on the arrival of the 9.40 a.m, Express, and 6.0 a.m. Trains, at about 7.30 p.m. For further particulars apply at any of the Railway Stations, or of Messrs Ford and Jackson, 3G, Cannon-street, City, 1;°™™; and Railway Station,New Milford, also Bradshaw s Kailway uuiae and Time Tables. Second Edition, Price 2s 6d, post free for 30 Stamps. rpOOTHE-AC.HE: its Causes, and a New Painless JL Method of Cure (with as much certainty as water quenches thirst). Teeth cured by this method will ache again, and thus prevent the necessity of the painful operation of extraction. Second Part-On the LOSS OF TEETH, and as now restored by the NEW PATKNT SYSTEM of SELK-ADHKS WITHOUT SPRINGS, WIRES, or LIGATURES, and also without extracting- any teeth or roots, or any pa operation, by means of a new, original, and inval invention, consisting in the adaption, with the most ab- solute perfection and success, of a Sott and Mexio Coralite Gum, in lieu of the Gold or Bone Frame, thus ensuring the most perfect Self adhesion; the result of twenty years practice, by THOMAS HOWARD, Surgeon Dentist to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, 17, George-Street, Hanover Square, London. DEPOSIT, ASSURANCE & DISCOUNT BANK.— FIVE PER CENT, on sums for fixed periods; or, according to the amount, at from Seven to Thirty days notice. Three per cent. at Call. G. H. LAW, 5, Cannon-street, West, E.C. Manager. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, AND FROM ANY CAUSE, may be provided against by an Annual payment of XS to THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY which secures £ 1,000 at death by Accident, or £ 6 weekly for Injury. NO EXTRA PREMIUM FOR VOLUNTEERS. ONE PERSON in every TWELVE insured is injured yearly by ACCIDENT. £ 7 £ T000 has already been paid as Compensation. For farther information apply to ihe the Railway Stations, or at tno Head Office, 64, Cornlnll, (late 3, Oi^Broad Street). ANNUAL INCOMR £ 40,000. CAPITAL ONE MILLION. 64, Cornbill, E.C. WILLIAM J. VIAN, January,1861. Secretary. EEAD THE NEXT ADVERTISEMENT. WAN T E D,I, A thoroughly reliable SEWING MACHINE, easy to overate, not liable to get out of order, that will stitch anything, from a Shirl to a Shoe, and at a price within the reach of all. T<HE WANT IS SUPPLIED by the new Machines of J Newton, "Wilson, & Co.—Thev a«*e the best in everj resoect ever seen or manufactured in this country, will stitch anything, can be woiked by anybody, and are now offered at prices which must ensure a universal sale. æ s. ëh Newton, Wil-ion, & Co's Coitage Machine 5 5 0 Newton, Wilson, & Co's Bojvioir Machine 10 10 0 Newton, Wilson, & Co's Gvover and .Baker 7 u •An admirable Sewing Machine.'—Times. < in rapidity of execution it. excels all others, wiiilst he neatness, regularii;y, and dai-ab!l;.tjr of the work are unexceptionable.— Leicester Guardian. Five or six pocket handkerchiefs may be hemmed by this unique machine in as many minutes. —Manchester Guardian. « Ladies will be de'ighied with it. Clifton Chronicle. Illustrated Plice Lists, with specimens of sewing, sent to any address. New Patent apparatus Hemming, and Binding, doing a marvellous amount of work in a style of unapproachable pe^ion- Great Central Depot-144, High Holbom, London. ADVICE GRATIS! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. To Purify the Blood. mTTpqp puis have been placed by the common consent of man- T iriiid ai the head of all remedies for removing obnoxious hlood and cleansing all the tissues of the body, poisons from the bloo after year frolI1 falling a sacn- fice to the effectsoi dysenterv, constipation, liver complaints, &c, a fact attested by myriads of witnesses. Excessive weakness and debility, the warnings of decreased organic energy and vital decay, are restored and reanimated witil vigour and healthful action in every organ throughout the S^S?AS^FC^SJARJ5SF?«. niedicine. • Female Complaints. All disorders of the sex, and diseases in every crisis perilous to the life and health of woman, youthful oraged.mamed o e nirle may be radically and quickly cured without nsK or trouble by a few doses of these Pills, taken according to the printed directions. Indigestion with Languor and want of Energy. When taking these Pills, rub Holloway's celebrated Ointmen, over the pit of the stomach, and over the regions of the^ the right side under the ribs, and you will at once experience a change for the better in your digestion, spirits, appetite, strength, and energy. The improvement, though it may be gradual, will be thorough and lasting. Dropsy. The efficacy of Holleway's Pills in dropsy is extraordinary. Thev act with such peculiar effect upon the system, that the fluids arising from this direful disease are imperceptibly carried off and prevented from any further accumulation. Tbe sufferer regains a buoyancy of spirits and rcjoices in a completely reno- vated constitution but it is indispensably necessary that the Ointment should be most effectually rubbet into the complain- ing parts. Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels. Those who suffer from bile and liver complaints, should try the effects of this valuable remedy, a few doses of which will make the sufferer feel elastic and vigorous, removing all im- purities, giving a healthy action to the liver; if bilious Mtficks be allowed to continue, serious casual tiesmay arise and the sufferers be consigned to a bed of sickness. In all disorders of the kidneys, the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back, once or twice a day and the Pills aeting in unison, will cure any complaints arising from these organs. Puffy, Shortness of Breath with Weakness. vprv bad symptoms, which if not corrected, may tend to souie disorders of the heart, or other vital organs, jiat mode- S«^esiKPillJnightly for some little time; take 'r", f fresh air with moderate exercise, and the human machinery wlll be quu;kly restored to health and vigour. Try this but for three days only, and the result will be marvellous. Complaints incident to Children. All complaints of children may soon be cured if care be taken r?fv their blood, correct the action of the liver, and cleanse and bowels; a few doses of these famous Pills will the stotnach an desired effect, particularly if parents be Sta'^t^Tow& them to eat of things which they know would be injurious to themselves. Holloway's Tills are the best remedy known in the world for ths y following diseases a r>rAnsv Liver com- Ticdouloureux Ague Dropsy „iaints Tumours BSM com- Erysipelas ^'°taso VcSteaUffec- .SS !SS^gsK2- the skm Fevers of all ltctenium u Bowel com- kinds Weakness, .i.iinttt Fits Sciofula, or «UhU-S3, rn'I T Gout Kind's Evil from what- Constipivaonof Hoad-aehe Sore groats eve1 °''use> the bowels Indiges ion Stone& Gravel &c,&c. Consumption Inflammation Secondary Debility I Jaundice synvitoms Sold at the Establishment of PEOFKSSOE HOUOWAV, 244 »stiMnd (near Temple Bar.) London, also by all respectao e nrii^'i'sts and Dsrlers in Medicine. throughout the civilised Sorfr, a? the^foliowing prices :-ls ljd, 2s 9d,4sCd, lis, 22s, and33s eael: oox. -oo There is a consinerablesaving- by taking- the larger sises. N.D.-Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Box. DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold oj Belgium,) LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS, RHEUMA TISM, GOUT, GEN KRAI, DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE SKIN, RICKETS INFANTILE WASTING, AN.) ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. The invariable purity, palatableness, speedy efficacy, and con- sequent economy of this unrivalled preparation, have obtained for it the general appioval and unqualified confidence of the Medical Profession, and notwithstanding the active and in too many instances unscrupulous opposition of interested dealers, an unprecedented amount of public patronage. The immeasurable therapeutic superiority of Dr DE JONGH S Cod Liver Oil over every other variety is incontestably estab- lished by the recorded opinions of the most distinguished Phy- sicians and Surgeons in all parts of the world In numberless instances, where other kintls of Cod Liver Oil have been long and copiously administered with little or no benefit, Dr DE Jmwll's Oil has produced almost immediate relief, arrested disease, and restored health. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:— SIR UENRY MARSH, HART., M.D., T.C.D., Physician in ordinary to the Queen, in Ireland; President of the College of Physicians in Ireland Visiting Physician to Steevens' Hospital"; Consulting Physician to the City of Dublin, St Vincent, and Rotunda Hospitals, &c, &c. I I have frequently prescribed Dr de Jongh's Light Brown Cod Liver Oil. I consider it to be a very pure Oil, not likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great value.' A. v- « .AVVT.le, Ero- «.■•>>, T..K.e.r., I Author of 'T..J -pas of Germany,' 'The Spas of England,' On Sudden Death,' &c, &c. DrGranville has used Dr DE JOIZGtils Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil extensively in his practice, and has found it not only effica- cious but uniform in its qualities. He believes it to be preferable in many respects to Oils sold without the guaiantee of such an authority as De Jongh. Dr Granville has found that this parti- cular kind produces the desired effect in a shorter time than others, and tii t it does not cause the nausea and indigestion too often consequent on the administration of the '11l> ^"s- Oil being, moreover, much more palatable, Dr Granville s patients have themselves expressed a preference for Dr DE JONGH'S Light Brown Cod Liver Oil.' CHARLES COWAN, »R«, M.D., L.R.C.S.E Senior Physician to the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Consulting Physician to the Heading Dispensary, &c, &c. < Dr Cowan is glad to find that the Profession has some leason- able guarantee for a genuine article. The material iiow sold varies in almost every establishment where it is purchased, and a tendency to prefer a colourless and tasteless Oil, if not counteracted, will ultimately jeopardise the reputation of an unquestionably valuable addition to the Materia Medica. Dr Cowan wishes Dr de Jongh every success in his meritorious undertaking.' Sold ONLY in IMPERIAL Half-pints, 2s 6d; PhJts, 4s 9d, Quarts, 9s, capsuled, and labelled with Dr de Jongn s stamp and signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE CAN POSSIBLY be GENUINE, uy respectable chemists. SOI/S CONSIGNEES, ASSAR. HARFORD, & Co, 77, STRAND, LONDON. V.C. CA UTION.—Beware of Proposed Substitutions. New Edition. Post Free for Six Stamps. T7XTRAORDINAUT SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF £ j TREATMENT. Seventy Engravings. Post free for 6 stamps, open ends, or 18 stamps in a sealed envelope. THE MEDICAL ADVISER, containing Rules, Prescriptions, f:c, for the speedy cure, by very simple means, of Spermatoi iiiaa and all the more common diseases of the urino-genital system, which, from neglect or improper treatment, too often ) esult in Pains in the Back, Gravel, Nervousness, Debility, Exhaustion, Incapacity, Insanity, Consumption, aid premature death. By W. DE lloos, M.D., of the Ecole de Medecine, Pans, Graduate in Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, &e. To those who contemplate marriage its perusal is especially recommended.—The knowledge it imparts must come some time, and happy they who do not possess it too late.-Sunple and inex- pensive, every sufferer may cure himself speedily, privately, and at the least possible cost. From long practical observation of the treatment pursued m the most famous Institutions of this country and the continent, for those diseases referred to in the above work, the author has h?d somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform suc- cess which has hitherto characterized his practice, in which the distressing consequences resulting from the injudicious employ- ment of mercury, capivi, and similar dangerous medicines, are entirely avoided. Dr De R. refers with pride to the numbers he has been instrumental in restoring to health and happiness: and to ell who need such aid he offers every assurance of speedy restoration. Patients at a distance should forward a detail of tbeir case bv letter, enclosing the fee ofjEl Is, when advice and medicines will be sent by return. Post-office orders to be made payable at the General Post Office, to Walter De ltoos, M.D., 2.5, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury square, London. Hours for con- sultation, 11 till 2. Sundays excepted. DR DE ROOS' GUTTJE VtTvE, OR LIFE DROPS, protected by Royal Letters Patent of England; sanctioned by tae Facultie de France; Royal College of Piussia, &c, have in num- berless instances proved their superiority over every ot.ier advertised remedy for languor, lassitude, depression of spirus, irritability, excitement, fear, distaste and incapacity for society, study or business, indigestion, pains and palpitation in the side, giddiness, noise in the head, &c. This medicine strengthens the vitality of the whole system, gives energy to themuscles, speedily re noves nervousness, epilepsy, paralysis, &c, renovates the im- paired powers of life, and invigorates the most shattered consti- tution. For skin eruptions, sore throat, pains in the bones, and those diseases in which mercury, sarsaparilla, &c, &c, are too often employed in vain, to the utter ruin of health, its surprising ellicacy has on ly to be tested. Before wasting valuable time in seeking aid fiom instruments, and other cruel absurdities, professing to set aside medicines, sufferers will do well io make fair trial of a remedy which, coc- if i cocted on scientific principles, cannot fail. Price 4s 6d and lis, or four times the latter at 33s per bottle, and in £ 5 packages Joy which JEl 12s are saved,) through all Chemists, or 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury square. Extracts from letters which can be seen by any one :— I was never better in my life, thanks to you and your medicine.D. P St Asaph. Your medicine has done me more good than any- thing.B. W. Lissington. 'Thank God, and I hope he will reward you.A. C., IIartlepool. If my tongne could speak, or mv pen could write to express my gratitude to you I should feeel happy, but neither word nor pen of mine can do so. —H. A., Birmingham. • Had I never read of your Guttse Vitap, wnere or what I might have been now I cannot tell. —W.G., West Pelton. MHE NEW FRENCH REMEDY.—THERAPION, as generally 1 adopted in the French hospitals by Jobert, Rostan, Ricord, Culleiier, Piorrv, and o„her notabilities of the French faeo'y> in a remarkably short time, often two or three days ^h°"t the slightest discomfort, inconven'ence, or risk, emoves all charges from the mucous membrane, whether o.her organs. This remedy so completciy surpassing and sup seding everything hitherto employed, combines all ^e desideiat to be sought in a medicine of the jtind, for not onl £ patient carry it loosely in his pocket, but all and smell, of medicine, are entirely obviated. In packets 4s ba, lis. and 33s, through all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the establishment on the receipt of stampll or post office order. The lis size contains three at 4s 6d, and those at 33The stamps, to imitate which is felony, bears the woid Theranion,' in white letters, by order of HER MAJESTY s HON. COMMISSIONERS, who thereby secure the proprietor against in- fringement throughout the United Kingdom and the Colonies. nAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, GOUT F RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, &c. DR. DE ROOS' RENAL PILLS correct acidity of the stomach, ond indigestion, promote the functions of the liver and kidneys, thereby preventing stone in the bladder and kidneys, with many other serious disorders to which these important organs are sub- ject. List'essness, weakness, peevishness, and complaints long suoposed to be nervous, often arise solely from contamination of theblood with certainimpurlties which should nave been carried bfT bv the kidneys: several unsightly eiuptions of the slm ™dfae aiso arise from the same cause, and may be as readily iemoved bv these Pills, which in 19 cages of 20 cure with a marvellous. Is l^d, 2s 9d, 4s6d, lis, and 33s per boy, th ou^li all Chemists. I have taken your pills, and always derive ^eat benefit ftoni them.'—W. W. H. Queen's College, Camondge. I h<_ve ta .en yoor Renal Pills with the most happy results. ",2M T « Your Renal Pills did roe more good than anything. M. J., DSo1d by T. D. Meyler, Chemist and Drug-gist, Hiftl-stiee, Haverfordwest, and at least one anrent in almost every townbuo shollld difficulty occur, enclose the amount by PosL-omeo order or otherwise, to 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury square, p-* •" sti eei, London, and they will be sent securely packed per et CAUTION.—Sufferers should guard against the lecommenoa- tion of injurious imitations by (Ushonest vendors, o obta'n a larger profit. The genuine have the woids WALTER DE Roos, LONDON,' printed in white letters on the Government Stamp, to imitate which is felony. DO YOY WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, MOUS- TACHIOS, and EYEBROWS ?-Of the numerous prepara- tions introduced for the HAIR, none have maintained such cele- IZ as EMILIE DEAN'S CRIMLENE, which is guaranteed to produce Whiskers, Moustacbios, and Eyebrows, in a few weeks, and will be found eminently successful in nourishing, cu''ling, and beautifying the Hair, checking greynass in all its stages strengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. In tae Eduction of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause and at whatever age, ONE TKHL will prove its astouisning powe?.. n the nursery it is indispensable, forming the oasis of a beauti ul head of hah". Price 2s, per bottle )ai ge bottles, containing mo> e cnan 4 times the small ones, 5s each. Sold by every Chem.stin the world, or sent post free, on reee-pt of 21^i-eet New! DEAN^: & COUPETX^ Hair Restorers, ccc, 69, CA^I e-sucet, mEv/«ACT8^odM0Li?.In one fortnight I haveaberu- tiful moustache.II. Adams, Wilsden. 'I can now boast of a head ofhaii, which many cannot; I was quite of mv head when I began using soeaks highly of it.'—Jones, Cntnnst, 5, Pa'adise stieet. J^.ve. 110<°mVTS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF TrIE HAIR,' AVh'E- kers. &c, w'th Testimonials, List of Agents, &c, sent past f ee for four penny starons. T7-NOW THYSELF?—THK ORIGINAL GKAPHIOI.OGIST MARIS K M,Continues her vivid, and useful.dehneaUonsof character from the handwriting of individuals, in a y jPrac_ l'a' ly her own. Persons desirous iof knowi:ng thieir ° j n f icristics, or those of any friend, should send a specimen writing, stating sex, age, or supposed age, .&c,'«'c uncut penny stamps, and addressed t0_HAeceJve a PKLI.B, 69, Castle-street, London, W., when & f lengthened detail of the talents, tastes, virweb, I*lUn A «s, m the writer, with many other things previously u s l t'b(ju_ calculated to guide m the every-dav affairs of lr • sands who acknowledge the value and^ ;'0?L1^ounccd qoi'ie sketches, estabUsh their great utility. U i,ave desciiuJLny exUaordinary.Charles HamUion. 'You have dcscnuM^iiy character so truly, that I could not have done itj^l.er.™ps Rivoir. «I cannot too highly ^X'racter you sent to^aln! 30, Grange Lane, 1'irkenhead. Ihe Halden, Ten- H. is strikingly correct.'—Lrnest R. v. »n»« > » derden. 'The best judges pronounce it tiue to • • • • 'You have given the exact characwr o^ ^W01ldcrfuL>_ almost afraid how you get your knowledge^ ed A. B. Shillingstone, Blandford. s°™ef _?{is3o'Haru Car- believed to be unknown to any but myself. « rington, Nenagb. /lOMMON SENSE IN A NUTSHELL! OR EVERY MAN I i HIS OWN DOCTOR. For two stamps sufferers may avoid the »'i™ clepjmen ruoture-curing and other swindlers, who publish fictitious reviews and extracts from Journals which do not exist, profess to cure diseases without medicines, with other absuraitie3 as of debility, diseases, niRn.al nip. dnna^s. ,->k1 ,ae val jous mental and ncivous affections rnsn >i ig ihc'e.rtiin, w 'l SClltl free on receipt of two penny stamps to prepay poita;,?, a naiiDhlet COB taxiing his highly suece^ul ana only safe treat- ment, with all the nece^ary prescriptions anit oiret^ons by whicb su're»eis may cure themselves at aiflmg cost. Address 1\1, i.v.es, Medical Pi'bb'sxier, 14, IJaudCourt, Iiolborn Londo. MOnE^LiCKKEKTLKS, COCKHOCTIES, CRICKETS, J\ iV^TS or M/CE. These pests effectually destroyed in one without danger to Cats or Doys, by EMERY'S MA ('C HKF/J'TJE POISON, the fi/st discovered, mid the only one to be relied on. Sent post !'■ ee for 14 penny slurps by Emery & Co, 3;> Foley Place, London, W. Obtainable through all chemists, oilmen, &c,'at Is. Insist on none but Emery's' as there are many dangerous and worthlessimitations. HYAM AND CO.'S WORLD FAMED TROUSERS, SEVENTEEN SHILLINGS. VESTS TO MATOH, EIGHT AND SIXPENCE. INVERNESS CAPES, TWENTY-EIGHT SHILLINGS.; A ChoIce of One Hundred Materials, all Wool, and Sbrunk. Manufactured exp-essly for these Celebrated Articles. Made to order for Cash only. Patterns, with guide for Self-Measurement, post-free upon application to HYAM AND CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, 37, OASTLE STREET\ SWANSEA. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, AND GLAZING, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. DEW-STREET, (OPPOSITE SAINT MARY'S CHURCH,) HAVERFORDWEST. 'Vs E. P R IC E IN reluming thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Haverfordwest and its surrounding neighbour- j hood, for the putronage bestowed on her lately deceased husband, begs to inform them that the business will be curried on as heretofore, by competent workmen, and solicits a continuance of (heir support, and trusts that by prompt attention to all orders, combined with moderate charges, to give satisfaction in every respect. Dew street, Haverfordwest, 11th October, 1860.. f riCTURE FRAMES! PICTURE FRAMES! PICTURE FRAMES! WINDOW CORNtCES! WINDOW CORNICES! WINDOW CORNICES! LOOK/NG GLASSES\ LOOKING GLASSES LOOKING GLASSES CONSOLE, PJER, & EVERY VARIETY OF OftNAMENTAL GILT TABLES, MANUFACTURED BY J W A R R AT HIS RESIDENCE No. 3, HTGH STIXEET, HAVE^FOEDW £ S1. N B.—All kinds of Gilt Furniture Re-gilt equal to new, at less than London Prices; Old Pictores cleaned relieved, and restor 3d upon the most modern and approved principles; Stains of all descriptions taken fom Prints without'damagc to the Engravings, Ladies' Needlework most tastefully mounted. A large assortment of Engra- vings, framed and unframed, always in stock. Gentlemen waited upon at their own residences, and estimates given All letters to be adddressed to J. Warr, High-street, near St Mary's Church, Haverfordwest. —————————————————————————— HAVERFORDWEST RIFLE CORPS BALL. THE above Ball will take place at the Assembly Rooms, Haverfordwest, on Thursday, the 28th instant. Tickets to be obtained of the Committee, at the Mariner's Hotel, on or before the 21st instant—Ladies, 6s; Gentlemen, 7s 6d. COMMITTEE: HONORARY MEMBERS. I CORPS. CAPT. TATHAM, t MR.«. B. PRATT, E. T. MASSY. ESQ, MR. H. J. V. PHILPOTT, J. OWEN, ESQ, MR. C. HUGH WELLS, W. WALTERS, ESQ, JJR. F. N. tAILLANT, W. FORTUNE, ESQ. MR. E. POTTER, R. P. DAVIES, ESQ., • MR. W. L. HARDING. T. WH1CHER DAVIES, ESQ, STEWARDS: CAPT. X. PEEL, E. P. PHILLIPS, ESQ, A.S., LIEUT. R. CARROW, LIEUT. J. HARVEY, ENSIGN T. R. OWEN, ENSIGN W. W. WILLIAMS. Dancing to commence at half-past nine. Mr Lort Phillips's Fox-Hounds will meet in the Castle-square on the morning of the Ball. DRILLS FOR THE APPROACHING SEASON. R.. GARRETT AND SON ARE prepared to supply, with punctuality, any of their well-known SUFFOLK LKVER CORN DRILLS which are sure to give entire satisfaction, while an experience of forty years standing enables them to fenj out Drills in every way adapted to suit the peculiar requirements of different localities. STEAM THRASHING AND DRESSING MACHINES. R GARRETT & SON have great pleasure in confidently recommending their NEW PATENT MACHINES, which prepare all kinds of grain for market expeditiously, economically, and finish completely. R GARFETT & SON also persevere in introducing every improvement that practice or science may suggest for aaC;lng to the already well-approved efficiency of the other Machines of their manufacture. Machines of all kinds can constantly be seen at the works, and by receiving two clear days notice will be shown in operation. Catalogues sent, post free, to any address. Early orders are respectfully solicited. Atld-ess, R. GARRETT & SON, LEISTON WORKS, SUFFOLK. N.B.—I'l order to prevent the disappointment that unavoidably occurred In former years in the supply of Drills, It, G. & SON L>e<R to asssnre their friends that vv»th ibeir present enlarged facilities* they can undertake to snpply any kind of Drill in six days from receipt of order. FISHING. FISHING. FISHING. GOOD FISHING RODS, REELS, LINES, WELSH MADE FLIES, GUT, FISHING PASTE, &c, MAY BE HAD OF T N- P H I L L I P S, (Successor to Mr J. Eynon,) CUTLER, GUNSMITH,\ OPTICIAN AND FISHING-ROD MANUFACTURES, HAVERFORDWEST. TN. P. begs to offer his warmest acknowledgments to his numerous friends and patrons, for the kind and 11 JL liberal support which he has hitherto received from them; and avails himself of this opportunity to announce that he has recently received a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CUTLERY of every description, of superior manufac • ture, and the best material. T. N. P. desires to assure his friends, that as his efforts have ever been devotSd to obtain their confidence and support, he pledges himself that it will ever be his study to merit Its continuance, SEVERAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND GUNS AND PISTOLS, POUCHES, FLASKS, CAPS, &c. Heifor's Army Razors, Cutlery, Surgical and Mathematical Instruments. ALL KINDS OF PLATE AND PLATED GOODS, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS NEATLY REPAIRED. T. N. P. can recommend the Fishing Rods, as they are of his own manufacture, and begs to inform Fishermen that he has now in stock a small quantity of Fishing Paste, or preserved Salmon roe, of his own make, of superior quality and in excellent condition; all persona intending to use the above bait are requested to make an early application for the same. GRINDING AND POLISHING ON WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. N.B.-THE ONLY OPERATIVE CUTLER IN THE COUNTY ADDRKss.—T. N. Phillips, opposite St Mary's Church, Haverfordwest. January 25th, 1861. F. B. SANGUINETTI, 5 2, REGENT STREET, & 163, FENCHtJRCH STREET • ARMY AND NAVY CLOTHIER, mAKES the opportunity of drawing attention to tho perfection to which he has now brought ♦« JL struction of that most difficult article of dress—TROUSERS. The material has been expressly maimfa.Li„rj for him, and it possesses such elasticity that, cut on his peculiar plan, neither Braces or Straps are reauimtn n™! the Trousers consequently combine with the most fashionable and elegant style the greatest possible comfortto the wearer. The style of his COATS are so well known throughout the different kingdoms as to need no comment Th materials used are of first-class—being aoley West ot England and Scotch' Ane TO SPORTING GENTLEMEN. F. B. S. begs to mention that for the Leather Department he has secured the servieea of Mn NimrnrT the eminent maker of the prepared Leather Shooting Coats, Hunting Breeches, &c., late of Pall Mall and Lombard-street, who received Prince Albert's Certificate Medal and Report of the Reyal Commurfonof Exhibition of 1851. The Leather used for hunting and for other garments is manufactured only bv him and qualities are in every respect unsurpassed. 3 3 e The "Waterproof Leather Shooting Gaiters and Leggings, also Waterproof Leather Driving and Shootine Glove and Gauntlets, have received the highest patronage, and maintained an unrivalled position amongst urt mmnf. turers for more than 40 years. It is almost unnecessary to say that for every article made in F. B. Sanguinetti's establishment, none hut the best and choicest materials are used,—that the "Workmanship is tit th^ highest class, and the Cuttiue tier- formed by the best British and Foreign Artists, under F. B. Sanguinetti's immediate personal inspection The business of the Swansea and City Branches will be conducted ia the same vigorous manner that has been the characteristic of F. B. Sanguinetti's establishment at Regent-street. Orders for outfits to India and the Colonies executed and dispatched by the return mail.' SHOOTING. Knicker Bockers—Hunting Breeches-Zouave Buskins—Napoleon Leggings—Prepared Leather Riding Trou- sers, and Shooting Jackets, partially or wholly waterprocf unequalled and most invaluable fer sporting purposes, for Cover Shooting, the Bush, and the Colonies. Also Ladies Fawpskin Trousers, wither without Black Feet, for Riding or Hunting. Exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 185i F. B. Sanguinetti, 62, Regent-street. BENSON'S WATCHES. MANLPACTONT, 33 & 34, LUDOATE HILL, LONDOX, E.( U-iiiaAX. attention is requested to Ben O —'J new Ulu«tratS Pamphlet? Watches (post free for two stamps) l contains a fall description ofevery constmc n £ T made? Profusely illua Tlth drawings, with their varion tion of watch now made, profusely Ilium iU?^K>r information as to th Watch to buy and how to use it. By its ai< persons living in Scotland, Ireland. Wales or any part of the kingdom, can selec with the greatest certainty the watch bes ■aapiea to ineir use. Every watch is warranted and sent tm • and safe by post on receipt of a remittance. I BENSON'S LADY'S WA'1'CJI.Exquisite artistic feeling in oma. mentation and perfection of -echanism.Xorning Pott. Silver. 3 to 15 guineas. Gold 5 to 50 guineas. BENSON'S GENTLEMAN'S WATCH.—«All that can be desired 18 finish, taste, and design.'—Globe. Silver. 3 to 50 gaiadu. Gold. 6 to 1CO guiueas, BENSON'S LBVEIL WATCHES.—«Leave nothing to be desired bat the money to buy them with.'—Standard. Silver 4. to 80 guineas. Gold. 7 to 50 guineas. BENSON'S HORIZONTAL WtTeizics. A godd watch without paying an exorbitant price.'—Daily Telegraph. Silver. 2 to 8 guineas. Gold 5 tot guineas. Agents for India—Messrs Grindlay and Co, Calcutta; Messrs Smith, Taylor, and Co, Bombay; Messrs Thacker and eo. Cal- cutta and Allahabad; Messr* Le Page and Co, Library, Calcutta, of whom pamphlets can be obtained. Orders, with remittances (including 5s extra for pnstagrt. be sent direct (or thraugh any of the above Arms) to w„ Benson's Watch Manufactory, 93 and 34, Ludgate Hill, Loadom, E.C. Established 1749. Merchants, Captains, Skippers, Watek Clubs, and Wholesale Buyers treated with liberally. watches taken in exchange or repaired. PROPOSAL TO FORM A FUND FOR THE ERECTION OF A NEW CHURCH, AT TEMPLETONi THE Parish of Narberth, in the County of Pembroke, JL is one of great extent, and contains 2,822 inhabitants. Fot- this large and widely-scattered population there EXISTS at present only one Church, and that capable 1 containing not more than 500 persons. A provision so wholly inadequate to the wants of the parishioners has been the occasion of very serious injury to the spiritual well-being of the district. With a view to remedy this evil, it is proposed to erect a new Church at Templeton, a village in the southern division of the parish, distant two miles and a half fro u Norberth, and, with the surrounding district, containing a population of upwards of 800 persons. It is intended that the new Church shall contain 200 sittings, which it is calculated will cost about <6800. This is, however, a sum which it is hopeless to expect to raise within the limits of the above district, as the inhabitants, with very few exceptions, belong to the claøs of small farmers and labourers. Our hepes of success will therefore mainly depend on the appedfor aid which we now venture to make to the Christian charity of those who have not any immediate interest in this particular neighbourhood. Am eligible site for the proposed Church has been kfally given by J. C. H. P. Callen, Esq. And the Rector of Narberth has undertaken to alienate from the rent-charge, in perpetuum, the sum of t26 per annum, as a foundation for an endowment. COMMITTB: WM. LLOYD, Rector, Narberth. J. H. A. PHIUPPS, Picton Castle. RICHAICD LEWIS, Lampeter Velfry. JOHNH. ALLEN, 14, Riding House Street, London C. ALLOT, Tenby. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Com- mitte, SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ s.d. Subscriptions already received 597 0 0 ENDOWMENT FUND. The following subscriptions have already been pro mised in aid of the above fund, on the condition that the sum of jg500 is raised by means of private contributions, on or betore the day of the Consecration of the Church. The committee, therefore, venture to make an earnest appeal to the Friends of the Church, to aid them in still further promoting this good work, which, with God's blessing, has hitherto prospered so well. £ d. Rev J. H. A.- Philipps, Picton Castle. 40 0 0* C. Allen, Esq, Tenby. 40 0 0 Rev Wm. Loyd, Narberth 20 0 0 Rev Richard Lewis, Lampeter Yelfty 20 0 0 Rev. E. E. Allen, Millone Rectory 10 0 0 Henry G. Allen, Esq 20 0 0 J. H. Ainsworth, Esq. 10 0 0 WINE AT THE REDUCED DUTY, Faoic taT JANUABT, 1861. WftA-GILEET, Wine, Spirit, and Liqueur Importers and • Distillers, will send, on application, their detailed price list of the peculiar Wines and Spirits of every Country; all of which can be tasted at each of their Establishments in England, Ireland, and Scotland; at either of the London Docks, and Bonded Warehouses; at their large cellarage under the Princess's Theatre; at their Warehouse in Great Titchfield-street; or at their Counting House and sample rooms, 357, Oxford-street. London (three doors from the Pantheon). W. & A. G.'s connexion—extending to 20,000 Families, and upwards of 80 of the chief Hospitals, Military Messes, and Public Institutions—offers every reasonable guarantee to inspire confi- dence in their mode of doing business. The Custom House returns for 1860 show that W. & A. G. paid duty on, in the course of the year, 100,074 gallons of Wine. WINES FROM FRANCE, At the Reduced duty. Bordeaux Red Wines.-Clarets, Vin Ordinaire, Us; Bordeaux. 14s Medoc, 16s, &c.. Bordeaux White Wines.—Graves 16s; Barsac lGs, &c. Burgundy Red JPiWs.-Beauae 21s; Macon 21s. &c. Burgundy Whit. TPimej.-Chablis 18s; Pouffly 2.8. Rhone Red Wines.—Verinay 16s; St George 18s &c. Also any of the above can be had in Pints and Half-pints. For other French Wines, see pages 6 and 7 of prices current. Sparkling Ckampogne, 33s per dozen quarts, and 17t<d per dozen pints. (This Wine possesses great delicacy, exquisite bouquet, and is good enough for any Gentleman's table. It is the produce of one of the finest Epernay Vineyards, where we have contracts for direct and regolar shipments. We append this remark as many are under ue impression that good wines can- not be obtained, but by paying exorbitant prioes.) Also, for other Champagnes, see page 8 of prices current. Sparkling White Burgundy 42s; Sparkling St Peray 42s: and sparkling Red Burgundy 48s. WINES FROM THE RHINE, At the Reduced Duty, White JFtrte».-Niersteiner 14s; Hattenheimer 16s: Hoehei- mer 16s; Oestricher 18s, &o. ,m??afk.Un8 M°,ielle 38s. quarts 21s, pints, and 12s 6d, half pints. (This wine—as fine as can be grown—possesses all the delicacy of Champagne, with the superior character and aroma which the Muscatelle grape of this district only producer.) Sparkling Hook 38s quarts, 218 pints,. 121 6d half-pints. WINES FROM SPAIN, At the Reduced Duty. Sherry (Pale or Gold) 24s per dozen, or in cask, £ 1 Os 6d per 7 gallons, £ 7 19s 3d per il gallons, and £ 15 lis per Bask of 28 gallons. The alteration of the Outy enables us to import a really good sound dinner Wine at the above prices. WINES FROM PORTUGAL, At the Reduced Duty. Port, 5 years in the wood, 26s per dozen, or in cask. 94 7s 6d per 7 gallons, £ 8 13s 3d per 14 gallons, £ 17 3s per quarter cask of 28 gallons. Port 8 years in the wood, 28s per dozen, or in cask, fA 14s 6d per 7 gallons, S9 7s 3d per 14 gallons, BIS Ils per 28 gallons cask. We cannot too strongly recommend to Port consumers these matured Wines from the wood they are the old school of silky Oporto Wine; and certainly more, palatable and wholesome than those extremely high priced old Bottled Wines, which have nothing left to recommend them but vegetable decay. The public are now beginning to realize what we long ago advocated a Wine matured in the wood is preferable to Wine old in Bottle. WINES FROM THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Port, Sherry, Madeira, &c, all first "growth, 18s per dozen £ 2 19s 6d per 7 gallons cask, £ 5 17s 3d per 14 gallons cask, and £ 11 lis per quarter cask of 28 gallons. Also first growths with age 23s per dozen, £ 3 13s 6d per 7 gal- lons cask, £ 7 5s 3d per MMDons cask, £ 14 7s per 28 gallons. They are delicate, wholesome, and in every way suitable for either dinner or dessert. In the present state of the Wine mar- kets, there are no Wines we can import to offer to the public as better value for money. WINES FROM MARSALA, At lteduced Dut. Bronte Marsala, 20s per dozen, AS 6s 6dper 7 gallons cask, and £6 lis 3d per 14 gallons cabk, and JB10 3s 6d per cask of 22 gallons. SPIRITS, At the Reduced Duty. We have resolved to send out all Spirits at the highest strength allowed by law. For further particulars see pages 10 and 11 of prices current. GIN, Excellent Household, at highest strength allowed. 18. per gallon BRANDY, 'Universal,' very fine 16.6d „ Do. the finest Cognac, full proof. 248 RUM, finest Jamaica j8s WHISKEY, pure old Scotch 18A Do. pure old Irish J8s HOLLANDS, Geneva 'Silver Stream' Dutch proof J4g Do. in the original green cases ) „„ and square Bottles as imported ) ,J2s Per '^ozen. A small sample of most of the abovo Wines will be forwn^^i for 6d, except French and Rheiiish, which can be had ir> v. fr pints. nalt" A detailed I'l ice List, an application, of the na.ticnlav of every count, y. »ines In England, Cueaues to be oiossed to our Eankp -s i> OP ENGLA ND, anil Post Office Oi ders made navable tn n Post Office, LOKQOK in Iveiand, ihe tLs K OI W ? Generaj General Post Office, DUBLIN; in SCOVI,AND UCHM O LAND, and General W Office, ED^BUROK. °F SCOT- W. & A. GaLBEY, 857, Oxfo.tl-atreet, LONDON. ll' F,P??'SaCKvme-S"-eet, DUSLIN. 11, Anihew-square, EDI.vbukgh. AoAfT FOR Sottm WALES: MR. JOHN REES, NOTT-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN Where a large Stock is kept of all the Wines and Spirits above, and Samples e an b o tasted and obtained. r "1:; MR. JAMES RIBBON, PIANO-FORTE, VIOLIN, AND VIOLONCELLO TEACHK* I Pumo-FwUs Tunea. HBSTDBXCE—ST. TH0MA8-STRBKT, XATABFEBDWBSF MR. E. RIBBON, n BAND.MASMR OF THB ROYAL PBMBBOFTK 4BTU.I.B&V :t PIANO FORTE TUNER, Z NO. 6, MERLIN'S TERRACE, » ^TTADRULB BAWD ALWAV* IX RKADIIFBI) i Lessors given on the Pianoforte, Violin, £ Violoncello, ard Cornet. 8I>1NAL DEIPOBMIT Y, MR. HUXLEY, ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON, TENBY. N.B.-Not registered as a general practitioner. TENBY STEEPLE CHASES. GR^NFOWN^HF' BRIATO1 ARM8' Pembroke-dock, has taken the Grand STAND™^08 KLN<I SUPPLY them with POR?SHEI^0A„I1VHL. Rum, or Brandy, Ales PORTT^V?Champagne, Gin, and Tongue Saidwffis &C L'LIJ HWN. « the most reasonable J'RFE C* °F5LE FINERT the 2Otb, being a bye day, o. O. will be happy to playa match at Billiards with any maa in South Wales tor Five or Ten Pounda a side, at Ten by. FoaaasT an* PaAWD._Unde„t.nd I Whenyou ask ing that ther* is at p'resent « attempt for being made bysomp qnprbwpid pqtlm o in our city to deceive" the public witfc H | an inferior Starch, MADE «p i* PA^ETE W 3 elosely reeembling the GLENFUJLD W G STARCH, we consider it OUR DATJ warn our fair readers to be careful whea lee that yoa get it, PurQhasiuir to see that the word GLim. as inferior klotoon rilLD,, and the makers =me f .Be. •ARAMMRT. as NONE other ai e genuine. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 10 T8JiR8. TEETH. M-K. H. M. JONES, Sargeon Dentist. MODI No. 1, Nelson-Plaee, Swansea VT. marthen on the first Monday in J. Wansbrough'S, No. 40, King-street Mr JRIIF. ifni Hotel. Narbertk; and on Tuesdav, and WeduesdAy, at IIr 1enkins, Bank Houle, Tenby. A vacancy for a young gentUman at an Articled Pwril. No. 1, Nelson-place, Swansea. DEli T A. L SURGERY, W. J. EVAN8, TREVANE HOUSE, NEAR TENBT (Brother to the late T. E.-) 13EGS moat respectfully to inform the Patientg of tha generally, that be may be conaulted relatin to the abov, Profession at bis residence, Or at Tenb1 by also at the Dragon Hotel, the last Saturday, and at the Hotel, the 1iØs Saturday, in every month. Trevane House, December 28th. 1858. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. BRIDGB STREET, HAVBBMMWBBT. THOMAS & GEORGE JONES. B (-Successors to Mr Richard Davies, Glazier, frc.J E^.J" IN,FOR™ THF contractors and inhabitaau of Haverfordwest and its vicinity, that clazinir is neatlr executed at the above establishment, lately occnnied W their predecessor, by first class workmen! anTtrelit S SB-iet attention to all orders, combined with moderate charges, to ensure a share of public patronage. ..TER&SSIS. ■IN sllpplied on lIberal terms. TEAS, COFFERS, AND GENERAL GROCERY. FHJPMA8 AND GBTOBGE JONES beg also to acqnaint their friends and the public generally of HaverfonlwM* and its neighbourhood, that they have just received a /TANK supp y of very prime and CHEAP T^, FRO" ?HE W ketb in Loudon, which will b-e sold wholesale and retar at SRFWS."1 GR°CER7 WAREH0U8E' BRID«E-RTREET, Have?- G.IVE" TH^APP»CATION will be made TO. 5," M"JESTY • Justices of the Peace, assembled the next General Quarter Sessions, ia and for the CTMNFI of Pembroke, at the Shirehall, HaverforSJSt fer NS U- iURNING'S DITERTIN^' stopping up a CERT^S SAIN?MRR?Y'.KTBA^ LYIN«'AND being in th? JSS Saint Issell8, in the said county, (that is to NR) for ATNN ping up A certain public Highway leading from Stone*! Cross Corner, by Saint Issels Church, te its junction with A toHHl NAT»R PFBLI° HIGB^AY, leading from Sanndersfoot to HILI Gate, at or near Netherwood Little Gate, com- menciDg at or near the northernly entrance to Saint ^ULC< IF *,AND TERMInating at its Junction with SH 7JEADI?G.,R0ID Saundersfoot aforesaid. PRILI N aforesaid, and diverting the same from Stones CroaKJorner aforesaid, to the said public Highway lead, ing from Sanndersfoot aforesaid, to Hill Gate aforesaid at its junction with the last mentioned public SKwav situate one hundred and nine yards to the west end of Netherwood Little Gate aforesaid, all in the said parish V of Saint Issels, and county of Pembroke, and thatsuoh proposed new Highway, is nearer and more commodious to the public than the said Highway so proposed TO^ ba stopped up. And that the Certificate of two Jnsticei having viewed the said highway, SO proposed to be stopped op, turned, or diverted, with the plan of the old SAD proposed new Highway will be lodged with tbe Clerk of the Peace for the said county, on the Second NF^H J^AN> INEXT" GITEN UNDER MY HAN<J. MS Twenty* sixty-one JAN«ary, one thousand eight hundred and Surveyor of High. ways for tbe Tenby THEOPHIMJS LEWIS, the District in which H I f?id.Parish of the laid parish of gaiatfuelin is sitmette TENBY HUNT WEEK AND 8TEEPLE CHASES WILL COMMKKCK ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 186J, STEWABDS RICHAHD FOTH KHOILL, ESQ. AETHUK H. SAUNDERS DAVIE*, Eae. TDBSDAT, 19th FEBEUART. THE OPBN STEMPLE CHASE, A HANDICAP of, JO sovereigns each, 7 SOyveipa Aforleit, 2 only If declared, on or before MODUay, 11th February, with 80 sovereigns JLR,ON^AY» four miles of country THE if IN HK 0VER Rbont ^BE. To close and ^ME to tfe ST^RTA^TH?^ B!" Head Hotel, Carmarthen, on or before Mo'ndav *1°^ letter, inclosing 2 sovcrciffns forfeit. WOINU J on Saturday, 9th February. EI8BTA to APPEAR THB LADIBS* JLIJJ, A Selling Stakes of 1 sovereign each, with R for horses bona fide tbe property of tenant FARM^ men, or yeomen, residing in PembrokeshK r»RADE"' thenshire, or Cardiganshire and that ^mar- possession three months pfevious to THZTT ,N ,N THEIR Qualifications to be decided by thp "inning, horse to save his stake. Over about Second Steeple Chase Course. Three years ^M IA' list, five years, list 71B; six years A^ 10"; FO^ YEAR*! winner to be sold for £ 80; if ENTER«H ¥ED» 12ST» The allowed 51bs; if for £ 40, lOlbs IFL TO_BE "OLD for £ 60. £ 20, 211ba. The toKf0; if« race, and the surplus, if ABV IN „„Y.AUCUTLON after tha entry to BO made at the CobouS H^° FTAND* *• evening, February 16th, G UOTEL, on Saturday TWP TH^DAYr2l8rFBBRCAKT, nF (. MMERCIX^ AND TRADESMEN'S PLATE. sovereigns^dded8 sSond TEREIGNS FORFEFT» WITH 50 Steeple Chase Course The ? 8AV« !B» «ake. to the fund 'I'n J PA^ sovereigns HOTPL .C° CLOSE AND name at the Boar's HOOT? Open Steeple Cbase, first day. Weights to appear as in Open. THB FAHMKRS' CONSOLATION STAKES. A Handicap of 1 sovereign each, with. £ 0,,J„ horses qualified as in the Ladies' Plato Th* R made at the Cobourg Hotel, on Tuesday, the 19TH7 L° CONDITIOK8. If TH^ highest weight A,\ .M'L: • R Races, be UNDER 12st, it will be rai I'R> • ,THE CFC A others in proportion. Three horses to P AT' AIIL! • tbe property of different owners, or thn NN K/01"68611 RA{*» not be added. AL! disputes to be SETTLL? LU or whom tbey may appoint Stewards- scales and weighs. E SHILLINGS each for The Stewards' Race Ball will TAB* „ evening. W1U TAKE PLACE on Wednesday Mr Lort Phillips' Houndo WIN "nesday, and Friday. EE* °N Monday, WED* The Stewards' Ordinaries NN tS&ss? THOS, THOMAS, Secm*Y.