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ALWAYS JGUY YOUR JJLEAS & COFFEES, JPEUITS & GPICES, AT J. ROWLANDS'S, GROCER, CHAPEL STREET, V LLANGOLLEN. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK was established in South John Street, in 1875. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK is now established at 70 AND 72 VICTORIA STREET, LIVERPOOL. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK is considered to be THE HANDSOMEST BUSINESS PREMISES IN LIVERPOOL. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK -L LENDS MONET TO THE FOLLOWING PERSONS:- Farmers, Shopkeepers, Private Householders (Ladies or Gentlemen), Car Proprietors, Licensed Victuallers, Cow Keepers, Tradesmen, School Proprietors, Clergy- men, Builders, Warehousemen, Professional Gentle- men, Clerks holding permanent situations, Persons about entering in Business, and all other responsible persons. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK has the following amounts at its command, to lend to the above persons :—Twenty sums of X200 each, thirty sums ofX150 each, forty sums of .£80 each, ten sums of < £ 1,000 each, one hundred sums of .£10 each, fifty sums of .£30 each, thirty sums of X100 each, fifty sums of .£50 each, ten sums of .£800 each, one hundred sums cf .£15 each, forty sums of .£60 each, twenty sums of .£250 taoh, forty sums of Q70 each, twenty sums of X300 each, ten sums of X5 0 each, fifty sums of X40 each, one hundred sums of X20 each, and various intermediate sums from £ 10 to =81,000. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK requires NO SURETIES, but lends upon borrowers' own security. Easy mode of Repayments. Rent Executions and Loans paid out in any part of England and Wales.-Distance is no objection Applicants are cautioned not to be allured by a cunningly worded advertisement issuing from a disreputable offic >, when they can be accommodated on the most liberal terms by the Imperial Advance Bank. Call at Bank, or apply by letter (stating amount required) to L. SIMMONS (Principal), (881 70 & 72, Victoria Street, Liverpool. JJOLDEN'S STOMACH J^JIXTURE PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CURES INDIGESTION, CLEANSES FROM DISEASE, REMOVES SICK HEADACHE, CURES BAD BREATH AND GIDDINESS. HOLDEN'S STOMACH MIXTURE.-In con- firmation of this, Dr. T. F. Ker, surgeon, &c., 12, York-street, Ardwick, Manchester, says:—"Your celebrated Stomach Mixture is deserving of all the commendation which I can bestow on it. From my customers' experience of its excellent qualities I have frequently recommended it, and shall do so again to anyone who suffers from indigestion." Sold by all the Chemists at Is. lid., and (three times the size) 2s. 9d. per bottle. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Messrs. Pilling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester, and all Patent Medicine Houses. THE AFRICAN JJAIR JJESTORELL. PRICE Is. PER BOTTLE. FOR RESTORING THE HUMAN HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR. Never known to fail in restoring the Hair in eight or ten days. It promotes growth and prevents its falling off, eradicating Dandrii't,and imparting vitality to the roots of the Hair. Daily application of this preparation for a week or two will restore faded, grey, or white hair to its natural colour and richness. If properly applied it never fails, but it should be well shaken before using. IT IS NOT A DYE, nor does it contain any colouring matter hence it does not soil the head, the scalp, or even white linen, but produces the coiou" within the substance of the Hair. A FRTOA Mh £ \Iour has turned THE 7 wL-uERJhouM be applied about once a week, which will be sufficient to sustain it. the words THE AFRICAN HAIR Mark are 0n eyer^ bottle> as that is a Trade Sold by Chemists and Perfumers at Is. per bottle. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Messrs. PilEng and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester, and all Patent Medicine Houses. SAVED ''——————" BY A PINCH OF SNUFF. Dear Sir,-1 had Tic or Neuralgia in my head for about six weeks, and was as near out of my mind as possible-so far that I was determined to put an end to my existence. A friend who had been nearly as bad as myself and was cured by your snuff, told me of it. I came to your shop with great prejudice bat. marvellous to say, I was cured in le=s than three minutes, and there are no signs of its returning, and that is two months ago.—I am, yours faithfully, T „ J. W. A. MARCH ANT. N ewcastle-on- Tyne. HANDYSIDES'S ELECTRIC NERVINE JLl SNUFF, CURES TIC, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM and PAINS in the HEAD IN TWO MINUTES. WM. H A N D Y SIDES, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER, 2 S G R A I N G E R ST., W E S T NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, And of all Chemists and Patent Medicine JA'aJu; SOLD 1 Nr BOTTLKSAT U Ud. EACH, un, POST FREE, Is. ;J(1.. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Pilling and Gralam, MSO HS, Manchester, and all Patent Medicine Houses. THE N O R T II E II CURE. A Single Bottle of this Remedy for RHEUMATISM Completely cured a well-known Newcastle gentleman. Particulars can be had of Mr. PROCTOR, chemist Dean-street, Newcastle. THE NORTHERN CURE contains no Oil.. Price, ls. lid. per Bottle. Sold by all Chemists. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Pilling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester. (850) CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EAST AFRICAN STEAMERS. The UNION S. S. Co.'a MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON everv alternate Thursday, and Steamers in the Intermediate Service every alternate Friday leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Company's Offices, Oriental Place, Southampton, or 11, Leadenhall Street, London. ( BRASS,REE D,STKIN DHUM&FIFE BANDS,PIANOS,ORGANS & HARMONIUMS at Whole- sale Prices at J. MOORE'S, Buxton Rd., Hudderstield. Prices with drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, Navy, & Rifle Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange (ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, A few doses quite effectual.—Caution.—The extra- ordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a G-ovem- ment stamp, bearing the words" Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 16th, 1864. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physicians accompany each bottle. From W. C. WILKINSON*, Esq., F.R.C.S., Spalding. I consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough: the benefit is very marked. From Dr. M'Millman, of New Galloway, Scotland. As a Sedative, Anodyne, and Anti-Spasmodic, I consider Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. Sold in Bottles. lilt, 2 9, & 46 by all Chemists. 2 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. rfl HO MP SON's BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood, & remove every disease of the sto- mach,liver,& kidneys.Pure blood gives health. Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases could not be reached byanyother medicine. Sold byall Chemists in boxes,l/li & 2/9; or from the establishment, 4-4, Oxford-st.,Swansea. for 16 or 35 stamps. All sufferers are highly recommended to try them. V "BILLIARD BALLS, X A JL* CHALKS, CUES, TIPS, and all other Billiard Table Requisites at ■31 C j HENNIG- BROS.' Ivory Works, 11, High ■31 C j HENNIG- BROS.' Ivory Works, 11, High Street, London, W.C. Old Balls adjusted i^a or exchanged, and Tables Re-covered. Price Lists, Cloth and Cushion Rubber Samples Post Free. Established 1862. I^DUCATIONin ENGLAND, FRANCE &GER- MANY.—Captain Shirley f'umaresq de Carteret Bisson, M. A.,gives his counsel gratis to parents as to the best schools for boys & young ladies, & sends a list with prospectuses post free. Captain Bisson is the Author of Our Schools & Colleges" (gra- ciously recognized by the Queen). 3, Berners-st., Loudon, WT. "LJEAL SHETLAND SHAW L.S. 100 dozen, two yards square, pink, sky, white, black, red, cardinal, grey, and other colours, post free for stamps, 2/4.— BAKER & CRI>t"S, 108, Regent Street, London, W. THE CHOICEST FOODS IN THE WORLD. A MERICAN J^REAKFAST'^JEREALS, Being1 sijeam cooked nnU thoroughly dried can be prepared for the table in 10 inins. A.B.C. Crushed White Oats, "White Whcut, Barley Food. Yellow* IVIatze. Cereal iJilk for infants and Children, Cereal ( Team for Dyspeptics, Invalids and Nursing Mothers. Ccreal3 Man g. Co., New York. Sold by all Grocers. Wholesale of J. Tsiney & Son, Newcastle, White, Son & Stralton, HnU, Pelling", Stanley & Co., Liverpool F. W. Gcyde, Bristol, und W. Lainpo, <14. Great Tower Street, London. COFFEE, JgTR,INCH JjOFFEE -ILI Sooiete Orientale Gastronomique. RED, ]p WHITE, LUE. (LABEL) IN LIQUOR IT IS gTRONG. JgRISK,- RIGHT, and has DELIGHTFUL FLAVOR with FINE AROMA. Sold by Grocers throughout the United Kingdom. In A, 1 and 2 lb. tins. Pric 1/4 per lb. Wholesale of Hanson, Son, Kvison and Bavtcr. TND r&ESTION" SICK HE ADACHE" 4 HEARTBURN, &c., and all Digestive ailments, promptly relieved and effectually cured by DR. BRADLEY'S DIGESTINE. Perfectly harmless. In use over 50 years. Post free, 1/3 and 2/11, from the Proprietor's Agents, F. Newbery & Sons, 1, King Edward Street, London, E.C. IBBS 1-%T (-") T E -I) for G -A- 'g s 1. DROPSY.-In Pills, Price 2/9, by Post 33 stamps. 2. TIC. NEURALGIA, FACE-ACHE, &()., lilt per bottle. 3. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, &c. 1/1 J. 2/3, and 4 0. Descriptive oi rc ular of above genuine & effective remedies ?ent post free by G-IBB~S & CO., G-resham Buildings. London, E.O. Wholesale Agents, Newbery & Sons. Order of any Chemist. RHEUMATISM." All suffering from it should AT ONCE TRY DR. GOLD'S RHEUMATIC CURE. This embrocation has never been known to fail. It is also the best known remedy for RHEUMATIC GOUT, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, and NEURALGIA. 2/6 and 4/6, of any Chemist or the Proprietors, DALY & OO., 112, Gover Street, London, W.C. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FASHION JOURNAL. CONTAINS: Cut-out Paper Pattern; Sheet of full-sized Patterns. Coloured Fashion Plate. Fifty-two Pages Letterpress profusely Illustrated of Paris Fashions, Modes and Manners, &o. Price 6d.; per Post 8d. A. Goubaud & Son, 39 & 40, Bedford Street, London, W.C. IF YOn WISH TO BE WELL & KEEP WELL TAKE B RAGG'S VEGETABLE CHARCOAL Sold in Bottles 3s., 4s., 6s. each, of all chemists. "DRAGG'S /SHARCOAL "OISCUITS Sold in Tins, Is., 2s., 4s. each. "DRAGG'S pHARCOAL T 0ZENGES Sold in Tins, Is. lid.-Of all chemists. THE WHITE The Latest Improved and Most Perfect SEWING MACHINE Ever introduced to the English Market, MANUFACTURED BY THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. TT has been pronounced by skilled Mechanics the Per- Fhaa been pronounced by skilled Mechanics the Per- fection of Invention. It is quite Noiseless, Simple m Movement, never gets out of order. A Marvel of Easy Running; the Treadle movement so light that a. Child can operate it. See a "WHITE" before Purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarantee for Five Years. Will Sew any Material. Do more than any other Machine. A great Variety of Attachments. Also the "PEERLESS" Hand Machine, The Best and Lowest Price American made Machine in the Market. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Send for Circulars to the WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., 19, Queen Victoria St., London, E.C. ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PURE LIQUID INSTANTANEOUS HAIR DYE FOR producing any required shade, from Ligh- Aubnra to Jet Black in three minutes, so beautit fully perfect as to defy detection by the closest observer. It is a clear, innoxious, agreeable fluiV which can be applied with the greatest ease; does not stain the skin; is permanent in effect; and has been pronounced unexceptionable by all who have used it. This Dve has been analysed by two eminent pro- fessors of chemistry; and is not only recommended but used by several eminent medical men, who have uniformly testified as to its superiority and oerfect freedom from any injurious quality Sold at 2s, (id. per bot.t.te.by H. Jones. Cas tie-street, Llangollen. FIAT'S, REGENT STREET, LONDON. MOTJRNING MATERIALS from one shilling per yard. Crape, 2/9 per yard. Patterns sent postage free. MIL N E R S' gAFES. BEST and CHEAPEST SAFEGUARD against FIRE and THIEVES. "DIANO £ 35 (Civil Service cash. price)-Tricord drawing room model, repetition action, grand, rich, full tone, in handsome, Italian waInutwood case, elaborately carved and fretwork front and cabriole truss leg's. The usual price charged for this instrument is 50 guineas. Drawings of this beautiful piano sent post free- THOMAS OETZMAN2T & CO., 27, Baker Street, Portman Square. JQXCHANGE & JNVESTMENT JJANK. B. W. BLYDENSTEIN & CO., 55 & 56, Threadneedle Street, E.C. C) BANKERS: Bank of England, London &Westminster Bank. THE STOCK EXCHANGE BUSINESS of this Bank is now being carried on in a Special STOCK AND SHARE DEPARTMENT, through which INVESTMENTS avid SALES of all descriptions of Stocks and Shares maybe effected at a moderate commission. BAKGrAINS are quoted, if desired, as "business done" in the official Stock and Share list and in the daily papers. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS at call or notice. 1 erms and ccale of commission to be had on application. In their GENERAL BANKING DEPARTMENT the Bank keep Current Acoounts with Customers, nego- ciate Foreign Bills, collect Bills, Dividends, &c., grant Drafts on the principal Continental and American Cities; deal in Foreign Bank Notes & Coin, Bullion,Coupons,drawn Bonds.&C. -I,IVALKE It's CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES ▼ are superseding all others. Prize Medals, London, 1802, Paris, 18G7. Silver from £3 3s. Gold from C6 Qs. 77, Cornhill E.G. 230, Tiegent-st.,W.& 76, Strand, W.C. Descriptive Pamphlet free. 1 000PATTERNSofNWsTLKS or Dress Goods Post Free. wlivm SILKS from 1 to 20 Gs. Fancy Dresses, 7/6 to 5 Gs. lrmte Write to D. NICHOLSON & Co., 50 to 53, St. Paul's Mark. Church Yard, London, E.C. Established 1843. WA'rCH ES. JEWELLERY. MIDlAND T COUNTIES WATCH COT. (Cheapest house in world). I^aaies or Gent's Fine Silver Crystal glass heavy casedWatches, 25 Ladies1 heavy cased Gold Levers, 70/ Gent's Do.,Do.,Do., 801-. Before purchasing send for Company's Catalogue, beautifully illustrated, 500 fine copper-plate engravings. The "Press" universally recommend their readers to obtain one. Sent Gratis and pose free to any part of the World. Apply to Company's Manager—S. Hissey, Vyae St., Birmingham. "CLEAN .LINEBS." NIXE Y's BLACK LEAD, "foTIXEY'S Has over THIRTY YEARS' j World-Wide Reputation. U6l6bl'at0(i PolishPS Instantl}', equal to Refined BURNISHED STEEL. BT, A OTT T.T? A "n ^fied without WASTE or DTJST. XJ CAUTION "—There are several Spurious and Worthless Imitations. Sold Everywhere. \V. G. NIXEY, SOHO-SQUARE, LONDON. pILES and GRAVEL. GEORGE'sPile& Gravol Pills. The Marvellous Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the disorders of the BO WKLS LIVER and KIDNEYS. No. 1, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. Of all Chemists No. 2, GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. I in Boxes, Vi > Sc No. 3, GEORGE'S PILLS for the PILES. 2/9. BrPostfor 15 & 36 stamps fr )m J.E.George, M.R.P.S., Hirwain. Aberdare. WHO WOULD BE WIT HO UT T LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE? It forms a most invigorating Beverage bythesimple addition of water, and if taken as directed is the best preventive and curative of Smallpox, Scarlet Fever, and other diseases. Its effects are re- markable in cases of Blood Poisons. Biliousness, Constipation, Headache, Heartburn, Feverish Col-is, and Skin Complaints. Prepared solely by H. LAM PLOUGH, 113, Holborn, London. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES rilHE SOUTH'WARK LEAD A GLASS C^ HOSE AXLEY WAREHOUSES, PAUK ST., LONDON, S.E. LOWEST CASH PRICES to the Trade for Sheet Lead and Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Tin, Solder, British and Foreign Glass, White Lead, Oils, Colours, Varnishes, Plumbers' Brass Work, Wrought Iron Tubing, Rain Water Castings, &c. Prices Current on application. BILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK of NEW& SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for /'rice Lists. G. EDWARDS, (Corner of Harwar St.), KINGBLAND ROAD, LONDON. DAFFODILS in many beautiful varieties to naturalize in grass, Orchards, and Woods and for the flower border 3/6, 5/6, 7/6, 10/6 and 12/6 per 100, 30/ 42/ 63/ 84/ and 105/- per l.OOO. Descriptive list on application. BARR & SUGDEN, 12, King Street. Covent Garden,W.C. A JMAKKABLE N OVELTY! Jj]LI,IS's pATENT BOOT STUDS I (COMPRESSED LRATHER also HARDWOOD.) THE LIGHTEST BOOTS MADE EQUAL TO CLUMPS. Anyone can apply them in a few minutes. They last twice as long as ordinary soles, Keep the FE ET DRY, tivad elastic, even, and prevent slipping EASE, COMFORT, and E( ONOMY. 6/- per GROSS, J\EY 3d. For Wholesale Prices and Samples, ELT.IS'S BOOT STUD CO., 23, CONGIiEVE ST.. B [IIMINGH A AT FRENCH AS IT IS SPOKE .\—250 fcp. 8vo pages, 1/8. HAYET's FIRST FRENCH BOOK: 2X) Exorcises in Question & Answer,in clear & lively conve: na- tional langun goo, easily remembered. Sent free to teachers npi'l ••- ing to 1\1, ms. Havet, Anglo-French Institution,Trocadero.l'aris. -to,idon- Simpkin & Co., 4, Stationers' Hall Court. OKE A T BARGAIN! Superior American Sil- ™ver patent Watch, seconds, jewelled, excellent timekeeper, 25/ Best quality Lever.42/ Warranted, handsome presents. Post free. Sole Agent, J. E. Robson, Rothbury. Agents wanted. G" ENT'S VITALIZING Sl.'SPKNSOIiY" BELT.—Electric-Magnetic, resuscitates the vital parts, and most durable and comfortable to wear. An M.D. writes: "AB a curative power I have found it invaluable Prioe 10/6. Sent post free on receipt of P.O.O. to C. SMI'J i'[ ElecM-ic Belt Co., Harrogate. Over SB years Established. AGENTS WANTED for Sale of Bazaar Tickets (good Commission.—Apply at ll.Beregford PHwx, Dublin. WATKIN & DAVIES, pLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, PAINTERS, HOUSE DECORATORS, SIGN WRITERS, GILDERS, AND PAPERHANGERS, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. (487) A FAIR SKIN AND LOVELY COMPLEXION insured by the use of MADAME ROSALIE COUPELLE'S EAU DE PARADIS, the only certain remedy for skin diseases yet brought before the public. It is largely prescribed and used by the faculty, and whilst it permanently eradicates tan, sallowness, pimples, freckles, small pox marks, roughness, and effectually removes discolourations, it is perfectly innocuous to the skin itself. One trial will convince th', most sceptical of its marvellous effects. There are many unprincipled and trashy imitations of the above, and the public are therefore warned that none is genuine unless bearing the signature Rosalie Coupelle," to imitate which is forgery. Price 2s. 6d., 43. 6d., and lis. per bottle, through all Chemists. Sold by H. Jones, Castle Street, Llangollen. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is -warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitu- tional, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps by The Lincoln & Midland Counties' Drug Company, "(Late F. J. Clarke), Lincoln." Wholesale Agents,Braclay & Sons,London,and all the Wholesale Houses. (493) fllO BANK MANAGERS, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS and Others.- The undermen- tioned Company is open to entertain APPLICATIONS for AGENCIES, Accident Insurance Company (Limited), 7, Bank. buildings, Lothbury, London.—C. Harding. Manager. fllHE GRANVILLE," ST. LAWRENCE-ON-SEA, RAMSQ-ATE. T ar,nw THE GRAND HOTEL.-First 1 LiA.Ovxly VV class; moderate charges. Pronounced VJi by all its patrons to be the finest hotel in Scotland. W. G-. DA.VIDSON. Manager. CHAMPAGNE for WEDDINGS, BALLS, DINNERS. &c. The Author of 'Manners & Tone of Good in the Queen" of April 16, 1881, says: The wine is always a great "feature at a bAll supper, and by the class of wine given the supper itself is estimated. If the wine is good- the supper is pronounced to have been a iirst rate one. On the other hand, there are irt»n who are keenly alive to the quality of wine offered t" them at ball or dinner. They do not expect that a host will offer the choicest vintages his cellar contains to be drunk at ball, dance, &c., but they have an unplea- santly long memoryfor any short-comings in the champagne given to them." The truth of the above must come home to every hostess in the kingdom, and we can confidently ask that the dry delicate champagne we offer be given a trial. While moderate in price, its quality is good, and on application we will furnish copies of letters of recommendation as to its excellence and :>uriry. Prino One dozen Case, Quarts 42/6 Carriage paid in England Two 1'ints 46/6 Bottles & Cases Free. REIMS CHAMPAGNE AGENCY, i, Guildhall Chambers, liasinshall Street. London. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. iliOO BEAUTIFUL FUR LINED CLOAKS > 40 to 54 inches long, 21/ 25/ 39/6. 45/6, 59/6 05/ Half Winter prices, sent for remittance. BAKER& CRISP, 1S>8, Regent -Street, London. Descriptive Price lists free. Now ready, 3rd Edition, much Enlarged, with 70 Lithographs. Svo .lOs. Free by post. DANGERS TO HEALTH: a Pictorial Guide to Domestic Sanitary Defects. By T. PRIDGIN TiiAT.E, M.A., Surgeon to the General Infirmary at Leeds. "Mr. PridginTeale has just issued a new and greatly en. larged edition of his invaluable book, depicting the dangers to health in our own houses. Our readers will be aware that the book originated in a lecture delivered by Mr. Teale some years a*o to the members of the Leeds Philosophical Society. It lias since had a most remarkable and gratifying success, and Las been accepted not merely in England, but throughout the ivilised world, as an authoritative exposition of the evils to be avoided in the constructiollof houses. The additional plates introduced in the new edition deal with grave evils which were left unnoticed in the former editions. "-Leeds Mercury London: J. & A. Churchill. Leeds: C. Goodall. S" TAMMERERS & STUTTERERS should purchase a pam phI et written by a gentleman who CURED HIMSELF AFTi-.R SUFFERING OVER THIRTY YEARS. To be had from the Author, B. Beasley, Green Bank House! Hall Green, near Birmingham, post-free for thirteen stamps rj IRAN S PLANTIN GT KEES. A^pateut, expeditious, eoonomical, labour-saving, powerful imple- ment, £ 2 2s., removes large trees in a few minutes, with large section of earth and roots uninjured. Extract sent from Gardener's Chronicle, March 5; Chambers'Journal May 2• Field, June 2; Design and Work, August 20, 1881.' Aeent' J. Charlton, Nurseryman, Tunbridge Wells. KOPE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Manufactured by THE BELFAST ROPEWORK COMPANY, Limited, Belfast. Price lists on application TJEEBLES' PATENT AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR GAS BURNER SAVES GAS and gives MORE LIGHT SOLE MANUFACTURERS. D. BRUCE PEEBLES & Co, TAY WORKS, BONNINGTON, EDINBURGH TO BE HAD OF ALL RESPECTABLE GASFITTERS. MESSRS. GEORGE ELIJOT^TirCOTs "MID-MONTHLY" PROPERTY REGISTER con. tains selected particulars of Estates, Farms, Houses & Shops for occupation or investment, land, ground rents and businesses for disposal, also Furnished Residences in Town and Country. Published on the 15th of each month For- warded gratis on application. PARTICULARS INSERTED FREE OF CHARGE. Auction, Survey, and Estate Offlcli, 77, Coleman Street, Bank, London, E.C. rilHE FAIRY HARP." Composed by FELIX SOMMER. All Pianoforte players should try this charmingly pretty new piece, which is beooming so popular. It is full of melody and not difhcult to play. 18 stamps Sent to any part by return of post. Felix Sommer, Cambridge Road, Gunnersbury. Middlesex. "THE FAIRY HARP." W CYHOEDDWYD YN DDIWEDDAR, Pris ls. mewn amlen, a ls. 6ch. mewn gilt cloth, HANES PRYDAIN o'r Cyfnodau Boreuaf JUL hyd y Flwyddyn 1878, GAN Y PARCH. OWEN JONES. LLANDUDNO. H. JONES, ARGRAPHYDD A CHYHOEDDYDD, LLANGOLLEN. (510) P I L GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. Patrmiud bp teveral eminent Physicians and Surgeons, and UNIVXBIALLY held in high esteem. Though YOU have "tillered and despaired for years and BemedlwU in vain, be assured there is still a gaie and speedy cure for you at a small cost by using GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL "A PILLS, which are now recognised by all as being Medicine yet discovered for PILE AND » v- t .» a8 we^ as *or th0 following pains, which, in "inety-nine Cases out of every Huudred, are caused by these painful Maladies:- PAIN IN THE BACK, FLATULENOY, GRIPING, COLIC, A SENSE OF WEIGHT IN THE BACK AND LOINS, DARTING PAINS IN THE REGION OF THE HEART, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS, CONSTIPATION, PAINS IN THE THIGHS, SOMETIMES SHOOTING DOWN TO THE CALF OF THE LEG AND FOOT, SUPPRESSION AND RETENTION OF URINE, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, AND ALL LIVER COM PLAINTS. Thou-onds have been cured by these Pill., and many who had qsctd hopeleii hay* been thoroughly restored to beftlth by th^ir QM, ONK BOS WILL CONVINCE THE MOST 8CEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. thete*lfratadiX' thl f!10 ma? he su#'rinV fr"m ONE or BOTH of ihe l'r<>pn<iu>r pr,aret thU Vegetable Remedy in Ihe folio/ring form. No' & GRAVEL PILLS. Sro SI § O-RAVKL PILLS. No. 3 vjEOKQje'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testio-nials from Doctors, Chemists, and to any addrem all parts of the country, will be forwarded to any address on receipt of a stamped envelope. ^cfhemhl^bv rv> 7?^ 2s- by ft^ respectable 3 y ostjls, 4d, and 3s., in postiigo stamps. EVERY BOX IS PItOTrCTFD BY THE GOVERNMENT STAMP. (I^Irh,Utle "PIL* AND GRAVEL PILLS" is PSiibht, and entered at Stationers' Hall. Proprietor, J, E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN. GLAMORGANSHIRE. (490)

