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• CARDS. DAVID ROBERTS & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND A PPHAISERS, ACCOUNTANTS, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, TEMPLE BUILDINGS, CORWEN. (587) MESSRS. ELLIS AND WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS, 23, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. (471) MR. LEWIS WILLIAMS, A UCTIONEER AND A PPRAISER, A A DOLGELLEY AND BALA. (472) EVAN EVANS, BILL POSTER, PENGWERN SQUARE, LLANGOLLEN. (473) MESSRS. WILLIAMS & CO., AUCTIONEERS, QOMMISSION & INSTATE J^GENTS, TREFYNANT, RUABON. (474) J.THOMSON, ACCOUNTANT, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. 1>ENTS and DEBTS COLLECTED on a thorough system, at moderate charges, with Prompt settlements. Visitors' Inquiry Office for FURNISHED HOUSES and APARTMENTS, of which a Register is kept. (626) PODOPHYLLIN AND DANDELION PILLS THE BEST LIVER PILLS EVER COMPOUNDED PODOPHYLLIN is prepared from the dried J)ODOPHYLLIN is prepared from the dried Jj_ a1"00!' P°d°X>hyllvn Peltatum, or American "With an<^ acti°n on the Liver is identical +j,„- 9 ^1G Mercurial preparations, but without ir injurious effect on the constitution. T i „. DOSE. On 6 °ne every night until the bowels are acted i '«?en one at night occasionally by taking them this way the liver will be restored to a healthy state and the bowels cleansed of the crudities that acthere to them. Price 6d., Is., and 2s. 6d. per Box. These Pills are small and rendered tasteless by being Silver-coated. Wdonred by E' HUGGINS' Chemist, 199, Strand, street^ for Llangollen—Hugh Jones, 17, Castle- (508) 1 interested in the Boot, Shoe & Leather Trades « rnTT should read P T?? ?00T & SHOE TRADES JOURNAL," T-fublxshed weekly at 282 Strand, London, price 2d HE BOOT & SHOE TRADES JOURNAL contains every information likely to be of to those engaged in the various branches of the leather industries, together with elegant and costly plate and pattern supplements. Of all Newsagents. By post from the publishing offices, 2s 9d per quarter. WHAT IS TRUTH? Sranif^1 ^S, a .sol^ "FACT," more solid than the free f6 ro > the richest coin of the purest metal, enw ailoy fver7 description. The shaft of juaL^not face it, neither will the shots of pre- c is surrounded on all sides by a tioQ foes; but each and all, without excep- are mute beneath its piercing glance. Is A I'ACT, AS SOLID AS THE ABOVE, THAT w, BEECHAM'S PILLS, have ^aVe keen before the Public for thirty years, attbecome one of the leading Patent Medicines Present day. From North to South, and from th6 •, ^est, they are to be found in the homes of th rIch and the poor. All classes of society use ern, and they are by 'thousands declared to be j, WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.- a ^e°iales of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as °Pen i?ses them carry off all gross humours, and tequ- obstructions, and bring about all that is is im female should be without them. There medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S °f thp for removing any obstruction or irregularity giv e system. If taken according to the directions of aii Wlth each box, they will soon restore females 1 ages to sound and robust health. ji I)is 5,a Weak Stomac Impaired Digestion, and all "Id a f ^ver' they act like "MAGIC," ^ost doses will be found to work wonders on the StFe organs in the human machine. They ^°fi £ > l hen the whole muscular system, restore the anvf"/?8t complexion, bring back the keen edge of °t h 1°' anc^ arouse int° action, with the ROSE-BUD fja ea^th, the whole physical energy of the human e. Iese are FACTS admitted by thousands, racing all classes of society; and one of the best «flPvvrTees to ^e Nervous and Debilitated is, anv p ?AM'S PILLS have the LARGEST SALE of atent Medicine in the World. A. BEECHAM'S PILLS a by thousands to be worth above a Guinea Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Gri,Jdi an<I Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, r?ess' Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness of r°wsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss and ?ne, e> Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy ^eam° es tho Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful &c. D8' aijd Nervous and Trembling Sensations, "^Utes" The first does will give relief in twenty Of *a no fiction, for they have done it in thousands Tile Proprietor of these Pills having ChaUenl(al great expense) a Patent for them, he the whole world to produce a medicine to r for removing the above-named complaints, i!verv 0l-ing the patient to sound and lasting health, ^les/pn er is earnestly invited to try one Box of *"18, and they will be acknowledged to be 1'1IE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Ca the ^UTiON.—T/ie Public are requested to notice that "Beecham's Pills, St. Helens," are on the *iot 0ft y)^fnt Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills; if J»rp' eV are a Forgery. the pPar°d only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by tari0a^t?netor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, °st ]?fure? Boxes, Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent • S°ld h r 15 or 3.6 Stamps. 111 thft rry.a11 Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers B.-ipted Kingdom. ■cull directions are given with each box. (106) *\TU S 1 B0B CYMRO A CIIYMRAES. JL Lyfr Cymraeg sydd yn traethu ar y ^a^an0i f ,n^.er Uuosog o Byngciau ymarferol (500 o rhad enon)-—Newyddei gyhoeddi, pris Is. 6ch., wy y post, mewn limp cloth, LLYFR Y CYFARWYDDIADAU, Ca Tebyg i:r Enquire Within, 0 Gynghorion Meddygol Teuluaidd ^arferoi Anifeilaidd, eglurhad ar bwyntiau t>iadau iry,f.ralthJ yn nghyda lluaws o gyfar- Y ?aH Wedi ? j1? mewn Crefft a Chelfyddyd, y T? 11 C. T?r.„U yn °falus a'u trefnu yn syml gan a f°nes p?e, Amlwch. Ar werth gan Qhan jj T n r> Bookseller, and Stationer, Amlw ;h, Jones, Llangollen. (505) N L. VAN GRUISEN, 17, Bold Street, Liverpool, Manufacturer and Importer of Pianos, American Organs, and Harmoniums. Sole Agent for the Smith American Organ Company, Boston. Over 300 Instruments to select from. Pianos, American Organs, and Harmoniums for Monthly Payments—Pianos and Organs from 10s. per Month; Harmoniums from 5s. per Month. Instru- ments forwarded on these advantageous terms to all parts of the United Kingdom, distance being no object. All enquiries cheerfully answered. 17, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. (486) EMILY DEAN'S CRINILENE, a preparation J for the production of Whiskers, Moustachies, &c., in a few weeks, and for the preservation of the hair, under all circumstances. Price 2s. Sold be H. Jones, 17, Castle Street, Llangollen. [566] THE ANGLER'S GUIDE to the rivers and -L lakes of North Wales, with the names of all the fishing stations, together with a list of suitable flies for the Welsh rivers and lakes; also a large scale TOURIST'S MAP OF NORTH WALES by W. Pritchard. Price Is. Sold by H. Jones, Llangollen. (567) X WORDSWORTH'S V NEW PATENT) WASHABLE RESPIRATORS, As supplied to H.R.H. the Duehcss of Cambridge, and Members of both Houses of Parliament. Both for MEDICAL and SANITARY reasons WORDS- WORTH'S WASHABLE RESPIRATOR will henceforth be the only Instrument that a medical man will be "justified in recommending his patients to use." Ftcte Lancet, Jan. 26th, 1878. Price 10s. 6d., and 12s. 6d. post free, from H. WORDSWORTH & Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, 6, SLOANE STREET, LONDON, S.W. X Sold by all Ghemists. X (658) 1 NEW REVOLVING FRET SAW. T H b??^"y^TWedAa?d wel1 made STSSL FRAME 1 with KT\ O-LVTNG SAW, works io-in., with two extra F'™5' suitable for fret, cabinet, and light joinery work, sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of 13 stamps. —-LEGOE & BARTLETT, Engineers, 425, Brixton-road, London. WORTH ITS WÊIGHT IN GOLD r r As thousands can testify. THE" S PEE 0 WE L L" LOI ION stops all pain, gives instant reli&f, and cures in 24 hours, lhe only effectual remedy for the cure of PILES. FISTULA, &c. Specially recommenced to Ladies before & after accouchement. POST FREE 30 STAMPS. One trial only is necessary. DR. CHAMBERS, 57, Lowden-road, Herne-hill, London. TE N T HOU S A N 0 HANDBILLS FOR 13/6 o!ii, ,5 by 4i-m.; good quality and quantify guaranteed: C'sl¡ with order.—Cmivi-RTON & Co., 25, City-road, London. (661) ESTABLISHED 1862. C. 13. JONES, PLUMBER, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MARKET STREET, LLANGOLLEN. GRAINING, LETTERING, GILDING, PAPER- HANGING, ETC., Executed in all their Branches. PAPER HANGINGS OF EVERY QUALITY AND PRICE. (345) A GENTS WANTED.—INDIA-RUBBER HANI) STAMPS.—Special terms to stationers, prin- ters, agents. &c. Also manufacturers of the Centograph. -Write for terms to W. G. ANDERSON and CO., St. Paul's-buildings, Paternoster-row, London. Established 30 Years. R I aD I E S COUGH LOZENGES GIVE INSTANT RELIEF, and should be tried by all who suffer from Cough, Tight- ness of the Chest, or Bronchial Affections. Post free. Is. 2d., 2s. 2el., and 4s. 9d.; sold only by W. F. P ASMORE. Chemist, 101, Mortimer-street, Cavendish-square, London, W. TJOW TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING. J—L. —Write for particulars,. enclosing one stamp, T. TUCKER, 109A, Lombard-street, Birmingham. (eiiT THE BIRTH, LIFE, AND DEATH OF THE D E V I L Post Free for Six Stamps. Martin & Co., 30, Ludgate Hill, London. (665) A N AGENT WANTED to take orders, JLWholesale, for two new patented articles in universal demand. Salary from £ 2 to = £ 5 per week. Full particulars with drawings of articles forwarded upon receipt of stamped envelope to No. 100, The Colchester Manufacturing Company, Colchester, Essex. (666) REP as»s FILLS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL I KINDS OF CAPSULES. They give immediate relief and quickly cure all discharges and ailments of the urinary organs, recent or chronic, Grave!,Strictures Pains in the Back Affections of the Prostate Weakness Nervous Debility, &c. &c. WARRANTED NOT TO CONTAIN MERCURY. .,1- ~Z7Z; Prescribed with immense Success by Physicians of high repute; and with Hundreds of Testimonials from all parts. 2/9 per BOX> OF A11 Chemists. Sent for THIRTY THREE stamps, post free to any address by SCHOUVER CHEMIST, (671) AR WERTH GAN HUGH JONES, LLYFR-WERTHYDD, 17, Heol y Castell, Llangollen. Llyfrau Hymnau y Bedyddwyr, Annibvnwyr, Wesley- aid a'r Methodistiaid Calfinaidd, yn wastad ar law. Cyflawnder o Lyfrau at wobrwyo mewn Cyfarfodydd Llenyddol, Yr Ysgol Sabbothol, &0., ar law bob amser. Cymmerir enwau am y Traethodydd, y Drvsorfi y Darlunydd, Frythones, Yr Ysgol, &c. Unrhyw Lyfr heb fod ar law a geisir mewn yohydig o ddyddiau. (677) IMPORTANT NOTICE. j, Selling Off! Selling Off!! Selling Off! AT BRADFORD HODSE, LLANGOLLEN, THE SUIIPLUS "TINTElt STOCK. D. DAVIES & CO. Respectfully announce that owing to their premises being small, and their Stock large, they are determined to Sell Off the whole of their Winter Goods at about 15 Per Cent. under usual prices, so that they may be enabled to make room for their SPRING and SUMMEK, STOCK. D. DAVIES & Co. would call special attention to this ANNOUNCEMENT and inform their respective and numerous Customers that this is a GENUINE SALE, and that all Goods will be marked in plain figures, and THREE SHILLINGS in the pound will be returned to every purchaser. MEN'S OVERCOATS.from 12/6 and upwards. YOUTHS' DO. „ 7/6 „ BOYS' DO -1,19 „ MEN'S PILOT EEEFEES 5 3 BOYS' DO. DO 4/6 MEN'S CLOTH SUITS 13 9 YOUTHS' DO 916 BOYS' DO. 1/9 •; .• MEN'S COED & MOLESKIN TEOUSEES „ 3/11,, „ YOUTHS' DO. DO. DO. 3/3 BOYS' DO. DO. DO. „ 1/6 „ And many other articles, viz Hats. Caps, Ties, Scarfs, Mufflers, Wool Scarfs, Woollen and Union Scarfs, Singlets, Drawers, and a splendid assortment of Men's Water-proof Tweed Overcoats at a low figure. The Sale will Commence on Saturday, Feb. 14th, 1880, and will continue for 14 Days. Note the Address- D. DAVIES & CO., • m BEADFOED HOUSE, LLANGOLLEN. TEEMS READY MONET ONLY. (674) WOOD (LATE ABRABAJ^ CO.), OPTICIAN, 20, LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL. UNIVERSAL AS IS the use of Spectacles, experience shews, however, that there exists utter carelessness in their selection. If the value of the or an of vision were duly estimated, then would persons requiring ttaeir apply only either to an experienced optician or an occulist, by whose practical knowledge lenses adapted to the visual angle would be supplied The spectacle FKAMES should fit the individual face, the centre of curve of the glass be brought opposite the pupil of the eye, and every cause 01 strain removed. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES SENT BY POST. MANUFACTURER OF ARTIFICIAL EYES. WOOD'S (LATE ABRAHAM & Co.), Binocular Field ani Marine Glasses, as supplied to THE INMAN STEAMSHIPS, THE MEIISET DOCK BOARD, &c., &c. (507) j VY a& When 3rOu fbr see that you get A 5 bad qualities are often substituted. The Genuine is used by the Laundresses of THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. (483) ADJOINING THE ST. GEORGE'S HALL, LLANDUDNO. lO? Smith & Jones, MERCERS, GLOVERS, HOSIERS, &c. ■ (502) ABERCONWY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, HIGH STREET, CONWAY. WILLIAM JONES, PROPRIETOR. YISITORS to Conway will meet with every attention, combined with very moderate chareres.at this well- known Hotel. BRITISH WINES AND CONFECTIONERY OF THE CHOICEST DESCRIPTION. Tea and Coffee provided at the shortest notice. (503) ON SALE AT H. JONES'S, PRINTER, STATIONER, BOOKSELLER, AND BOOKBINDER, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. PHOTOGRAPHS, STEREOSCOPIC, ALBUM, AND CABINET PICTURES, (MOUNTED OR UNMOUNTED,) Published by F. BEDFORD and F. FRITH ILLUSTRATING THE SCENERY AND ATTRACTIONS OF NORTH WALES. Books of Litho. Views at 6d., Is., 2s., 2s. 6d., &c. Frith and Bedford's New Photo. Books of Llangollen and North Wales at 5s., 10s. 6d., and 16s. 6d. each. NOT.ES, GARBS, SCENTED SATCHETS, ENVELOPES, Sec. A great variety of New Books and Albums suitable for Proscats- A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ILLUSTRATED SATIN WOOD GOODS. MAGAZINES RECEIVED THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. A large assortment of ACCOUNT BOOKS consisting of Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books Ac., of all sizes in different binding's. GENERAL LETTERPRESS PRINTING, BY ATMOSPHERIC GAS POWER. LE^l^t re!^ilf G;With pr0raptnCSS and despatch>in the best style of workmanship, PLACARDS AND POSTING BILLS, To the largest size required in black or coloured inks and on white or coloured papers; HAND BILLS, SHOW CARDS, &c., Printed in a bold and effective style. TRADE REPORTS, COMMERCIAL CIRCULARS, & c. Executed with regularity and despatch. BOOKWORK, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, SOCIETIES' RULES, BALANCE SHEETS, AND ACCOUNTS DELIVERY NOTES, INVOICES, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, And every other description of Work produced in approved styles. BOOKS BOUND AND MENDED AT THE "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. MR. JONES, SURGEON DENTIST, 8, Radnor Street, Manchester. ATTENDANCE AT DAVIES'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 6, Castle Street, Llangollen (near the Market Hall), The FIRST and THIRD TUESDAYS of the Month. Every description of Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry. CONSULTATIONS FREE. (477) OSWESTRY. MR. J OIIN CoTTAM, c G tz; Q SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL § A [^INCE] DENTIST, [1849] 5 | FOR OSWESTRY AND VICINITY. O RESIDENCE: O WCAXTON HOUSE, H OSWESTRY. G Invalides waited on at their own residence by K appointment. (478) • ARTIFICIAL TEETH. ATTENDANCEAT SHREWSBURY & BRIDGNORTH. Messrs. Eskell and Chittey, SURGEON-DENTISTS, 39, BENNETT'S HILL, BIRMINGHAM, MAY be consulted, as above, upon their newly- invented and unequalled PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS. From one tooth to a complete set of Mineral Incorrodible Teeth, of exquisite shape, workmanship, lightness, and purity, is made and fitted in a few hours, with perfect accuracy and immediate comfort, without wires springs, or fasten- ings, and with such inimitable resemblance to nature as to prevent detection. No bulk in the mouth to vitiate the taste or impede free utterance no sham edges to injure the gums, tongue, or palate they serve to support loose and tender teeth, rendering mastica- tion and articulation simple and easy. ARTIFICIAL TEETH as above, and including all charges, at about one half the usual advertised charges. Old cases remodeled upon the above principle at moderate charges.-All Consultation Free.-Stopping Extracting, Cleaning, and all operations performed, with the greatest care and delicacy. Constant daily attendance, at Birmingham, from 9 till 7. Shrewsbury every Saturday, at 13, High Street. Bridgnorth every Saturday, at the Journal Offices. Llangollen, by appointment only. Established 25 Years. NOTE.—Only London Address, A. CLIFFORD. ESKELL, 8, GROSVENOR STREET. (479) W A H E S & C L 0 C K S WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER By Special Warrant TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, And by Special Appointments to H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES AND H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. PRIZE MEDALS—LONDON, DUBLIN, AND PARIS. BENSON'S WATCHES GOLD <& SILVER Of every description, suitable JEWELLERY*. for all climates,from 2 to 200 guineas. The Latest Fashions. CHRONOGRAPHS, CHRONOMETERS, BRACELETS. BROOCHES, KEYLESS, LEVERS, EARRINGS, LOCKETS. PRESENTATION. NECKLACES, CHAINS. REPEATERS, RAILWAY RINGS, STUDS. GUAR,DS', SOLDIERS', and PINS, CROSSES, ETC. WORKMEN'S WATCHES of ALSO IN DIAMONDS AND EXTRA STRENGTH. PRECIOUS STONES. I ,;off BENSON'S "Workmen's" EnglishLevQr, as above, zC5 5s. (JVarranted.) BENSON'S "Everybody's" Silver Watch, Crystal Glass, as above, X3 3s. ( Warranted.) BENSON'S CLOCKS SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE Of all kinds at 1 to 1000 For Presentation, etc. guineas. DINNER SERVICES, CHURCH, TURRET, TEA AND BREAKFAST CARRIAGE, OHIME, SERVICES, DINING AND DRAWING CRUETS, BASKETS, ROOM, INKSTANDS, CLARET HALL, SHOP, JUGS, LIBRARY, BRACKET, ETC. SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of WATCHES, the most comprehensive in the WORLD, giving prices and illustrations of every kind. Just published, 2 stamps, BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of CLOCKS, the largest yet published, with designs and prices. Free, 2 stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of JEWELLERY, illustrated. 2 stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of SILVER and ELECTRO-PLATE, illustrated. 2 stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of TURRET CLOCKS, illustrated. 2 stamps. WATCHES sent FREE and SAFE by POST Watches, C'ocks, Jewellery, and Plate repaired bv skilled workmen. Plate, Jewellery, and Watches exchanged. Clubs, Merchants, and Shippers supplied. Steam Factory and City Show Rooms- LUDGATE HILL; West-end EstabUskment- 25, OLD BOND STREET, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1749. (485) wOODIS (LATE A BRAHAM & CO.) 20, LORD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. AS SUPPLIED TO THE § BINOCULAR GLASSES, "IN MAN" LINE, THE MERSEY DOCK BOARD, &c. Prices 25s., 30s., 40s., &c. The Inman Glass, X5 10s. Price Lists on Application. Optical and Mathematical Instruments. (635) SPECIAL—TO BE GIVEN AWAY!! A HANDSOME PIANO, HARMONIUM, ORGAN, and other Instruments full particulars ONE STAMP. The Musical Instrument Club Co., Hexbam. (667) WATKIN & DAYIES, pLUMBERS, QLAZIERS, p ALNTERS, HOUSE DECORATORS, SIGN WRITERS, GILDERS, AND PAPERHANGERS, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. (487) U FOR THE BLOOD 15 THE LIFE:' WORLD FAMED 413 Ell I Trade Mark,—"Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER. SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches,Ulcer- ated Sore Legs,Old Sores,Glandular Swellings Cancerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolor- ations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed Medicine THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM A.LL PARTS. CURE OF DROPSY. Gomersal, Leeds. Dear Sir,-This is to certify that two eleven shilling bottles of Clark's Blood Mixture cured my wife when three eminent doctors were powerless. Her complaint was dropsy, and "h 5 had been ill nearly ten years. You are at a liberty to publish this if you please. Yours truly, "JOHN Cox." IMPORTANT ADVZGS TO ALL.—Cleanse1 JL the vitiated blood whenever you find its im- purities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is sold in Bottles, 2s. 6d. each, and in, cases, containing six times the quantity, lis. each— sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases.—BY ALL CHEM- ISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by the Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, Lincoln. (492) DEBILITY AND NERVOUSNESS. Re-Issue of THE WARNING VOICE," DR. SMITH'S Celebrated Work, of which 500,000 Copies were Sold Revised Edition. Now Ready, 152 pages, by post to all parts of the World, in Envelope two stamps. THE WARNING VOICE. This is a specia Medical Book addressed to Youth and Manhood on the Cause, Symptoms,Consequences and Treatment of Debilitating Diseases. By HENRY SMITH, Doctor of Medicine of the University of J en a, by Diploma, 1860. This Work gives ADVICE AND INSTRUCTIONS, the Result of THIRTY YEARS' PRACTICE for the Cure of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, Ac., resulting from Exhaustion of Nerve Power, the effect of Overtaxed Energies, Enervating Habits, and other abuses of the system. Gives the ADVICE and INSTRUCTIONS by which thousands have been restored to health. Illustrated by Cases and Testimonials from grateful patients, with means of Cure used in each case, DR. HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London W.C. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. New Edition, Enlarged to 132 Pages, Price SIXPENCE Free by Post, Seven Stamps, in Envelope, to all parts of the World DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN; OR THE FEMALES' PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER. By DR. HENRY SMITH. Gives a Full List of all Diseases or Ailments peculiar to the Female Constitution, their Nature, Cause, and Symptoms, with the Name of the Medicine in English proper for Cure. By the aid of this book females may form a Correct Knowledge of the Malady, and How to Cure it, without Consulting a Medical Man. It is the Woman's best Friend, and Guide to the Cure of all Diseases. This book is strictly for the use of Females. It is a private treatise on subjects of Vital Importance to Woman, in regard to which a terrible ignorance prevails-an ignorance which is Destroying the Lives and Sacrificing the Happiness of Thousands. It gives such Instructions as will supersede the Necessity of Calling in a Physician on all occasions, and otherwise tend to the Promotion of Health and Happiness in their households, Sent direot from the Author, DR. HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. NOTICE TO COUNTRY INVALIDS. Consultation by Letter without Fee. DR. HENRY SMITH, (By Diploma of the Royal University of Jena,) who has devoted THIRTY YEARS to the Special Treatment of Diseases of the Nervous System, resulting from Exhaustion of Nerve Power, Local Weakness &c will for the benefit of Country Invalids, on receiving a statement of case, send his Opinion, with Advice and InstructIons, which if followed,will Insure a Cure. A Conndential form of Qoi-o^CiiCLcnce TO assist the Invalids m describing -neir case sent Post Free. A personal interview and expensive Consultation-fee aYoiaeu. DR. HENRY SMITH, 8, BURTON CBESCENT LONDON, W.C. (192)