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"T70R the BLOOD is the LIFE." J- See Deuteronomy, chap, xii., verse 23. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the JC BLOOD from ALL IMPURITIES, whether arising from youthful indiscretion or any other cause, cannot be too highly recommended. It CURES OLD SORES CURES ULCERATED SORES IN THE NECK CURES ULCERATED SORE LEGS CURES BLACKHEADS, OR PIMPLES ON FACE CURES SCURVY SORES CURES CANCEROUS ULCERS CURES BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES CURES GLANDULAR SWELLINGS CLEARS THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPURE MATTER, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from mercury-which all pills and most medicines sold for the above diseases contain-the Proprietor solioits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s. 3d. each, and in Cases, contain- ing 6 Bottles, lis. each, sufficient to effect a perman- ent cure in long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, LINCOLN. WHOLESALE AGENTS :— BARCLAY 9" SONS, LONDON, 9" ALL THE WHOLE- SALE HOUSES. COMFORT FOR THE SICK. 2ND EDITION, price 4d., or sent Post free for 5 Stamps. THE CURE OF DISEASE AS REVEALED JL BY GOD IN THE SCRIPTURES, proving that all bodily ailments can be cured with unfailing certainty by the Herbs recommended in the Bible; with directions for use, &c. This work clearly shows, and furnishes indisput- able proofs that the Creator has provided a remedy for every ill that flesh is heir to, and that it is only necessary to search the Bible to nad the Herbs named for removing every kind of sickness, instead of doing which man has been for ages groping in the dark, and seeking for aid from man instead of looking to God. The names of the Herbs, with their description, are all clearly set forth, together with all the information necessary for guiding the afflicted to HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND LONG LIFE, without inconven- ience, or expense. Much information, which has never been published, is to be found in this book, and plain directions are given for curing-Indigestion, Bilious and Nervous Diseases, Tremor of the Nerves, Bad Appetite, Lang- uor, Lowness of Spirits, Sickness of the Stomach, Vomitings and Loss of Appetite, Sick Headaches, Melancholy and Lowness of Spirits, Numbness, Paralysis and Palsy, Stiffness and Contraction of the Joints, Knotted Veins on the Leg, Cramp and Diseases of the Hips or Joints, Settled Aches or Pains in any part. Weakness of the Limbs combined, with difficulty in moving them; Diarrhoea, Cholera, Dysentery, and the Fevers of the tropical climates, such as the residents in Africa, South America, the East and West Indies, and other warm places are particularly liable to; Skin Diseases-Scurvy, Scurf and Scorbutic Affections, Scald Heads, Ringworms, Chiego-foot, Mosquito Bites, Yaws and Coco-bay, or African's King's Evil, Sand-fly Bites, Erysipelas and Lepra, Pimples, Blotches, Freckles, Discolouration, Tan Marks, Spots and other disfigurements arising from poorness or impurity of the blood; Loss of Memory, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Tightness or Wheezing at the Chest, with difficulty of Breathing, Influenza, Shortness of Breath, Declines, Debility, Weakness or Wasting of the Body, Cancers, Tumours, Ulcers, Sores, Wounds, Abscesses, Bad Breasts, Bad Legs, White Swellings, Unhealthy Enlargements, and Unnatural Growths, Liver Com- plaints, Spasms, Asthmatic Symptoms, Pains in the Side and Back, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Palpita- tion and Diseases of the Heart; Stricture and Ob- structions, Incapacity, Indecision, Loss of Energy, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, and Wretchedness, Diseases of the Throat, Diphtheria, Deafness, Swelling of the Glands, Hoarseness and Loss of Voice, Quinsy and Sore Throat; Nervous Head and Mind Complaints, Aivrvroachincr Tnsa.nxfcv. Delusions,.&c.: Scrofula, com- -e t- 2AtLLix ctil JLXiieriuil jviseases. The Hair—Whiskers, Baldness and Fall- ing off of the Hair; Sciatica, Lumbago, Tic-Doloureux, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Corpulence and its Diminution, Night Sweats,Fevers, the special Diseases of Women, Agues, Windy and Watery Dropsies, Deafness and Singing Noises in the Head; the Eyes, Dimness of Sight, Impaired Vision, Decay of the Teeth, Costiveness, Leanness, Jaundice, and all the diseases to which the human frame is liable. This Book will be sent free to any address, for 5 Stamps, by the Rev. F. W. GIRDLESTONE, 62, Denmark Road, Denmark Hill, London. DR. DE ROOS" celebrated GUTTiE VIM, Or LIFE DROPS; for Spermatorrhoea, Noctur- nal Emissions, Impotenoy,Sexual Incapacity,Debility, Epilepsy, and all those Diseases for which Mercury, Sarsaparilla, &c., are too often employed by English Physicians to the ultimate ruin of the Sufferer's health. The GUTTLE VITÆ are the result of long practical investigation of the remedies best adapted for these diseases. Their rich, stimulating, stomachic qualities, and, above all, their complete renovation of the nervous system, render them in every respect worthy their significant title. They may be taken without hin- drance or restraint or diet. &c., and in this respect also they may claim pre-eminence over most other adver- tised medicines. By promoting digestion—nourish- ing the constitution—enriching without inflaming the blood-bracing without stimulating the nervous sys- tem too violently—they strengthen the general habit, and restore the natural healthy tone of the nervous and muscular fibres, thus enlivening and invigorating both body and mind. The GUTTiE VITÆ have been particularly success- ful with young people who have the appearance of old age; who are pale and effeminate, and who, Inuring an utter distaste for everything, are incapacimted for Study, business, or enjoyment. Thousands of apparently hopeless cases, given up by the faculty, have been permanently cured, and have borne grateful evidence of the fact. Price 4s. 6d., lis. and 33s. of all Chemists, or direct on receipt of stamps or post-office order addressed to Dr. De Roos, Holford House, Holford Square, London, SELF CURE NO FICTION! MARVEL UPON MARVEL! "VT"0 SUFFERER NEED NOW DESPAIR, but without running a doctor's bill or falling into the deep ditch of quackery, may safely, speedily and economically cure himself without the knowledge of a second party. By the introduction of the new French Medicaments THERAPION, Nos. I, 2 and 3 a complete revolution has been wrought in this depart- ment of medical science, whilst thousands have been restored to health and happiness who for years previously bad been merely dragging out a miserable existence. THERAPION No. I-A Sovereign Remedy for gleet and all discharges of the mucous membranes, whether o the urinary or other organs. THERAPION No. 2—A Sovereign Remedy for syphilis in all its protean forms; skin diseases, and those complaints which mercury and sarsaparilla are popularly but erroneously supposed to cure. THERAPION No. 3-A Sovereign Remedy for debility, nervousness, spermatorrhoea, languor, in- capacity for marriage, distaste for business or pleasure, love of solitude, blushing, indigestion, pains in the back and head, and all those disorders which the faculty so persistently ignore, because so impotent to cure or even relieve. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis., of all Chemists. In ordering the above, the purchaser should specify which number he requires. Read the new descriptive Pamphlet, sent post free for 3 stamps, by Mr. Lawes, Medical Publisher, Hand Court, Holborn. The stamp, to imitate which is felony, bears the word Therapion," in white letters, by order of HER MAJESTY'S HON. COMMISSIONERS, who thereby secure the proprietor against infringement throughout the United Kingdom and the colonies. Sold by H. Jones at the office of this paper. NOTICE is hereby given that on the payment day for the quarter ending December 25th, 1872, and until further notice, THE DISCOUNT ON GAS PAYMENTS WILL BE LOWERED Id, PER 100 CUBIC FEET. T1 S. HUGHES, Secretary. Llangollen &as Works, Sept. 2ith, 1872. PACKET TEAS.-Persons wishing to add to should aPP]y to tlie EAST INDIA lJiA COMPANY, 9, Great Saint Helen's, London, for their terms of agency, by which means a respect- able living may be made, BAMPFYLDE COPPER AND IRON MINING COMPANY, LIMITED, NORTH MOLTON, DEVONSHIRE. LAST week a new and very valuable COPPER ORE LODE was discovered on this property, up to the surface, about half a mile north of Bampfylde Works. In its undressed state this ore, as assayed by Mr. A. Penrose, of Redruth, contains 15 per cent. of Copper. The Copper, obtained from the ore from the other lodes, in its dressed state, contains about 63 per cent. of Copper, and from its purity and high-test character, usually commands between three and four times the average price of all other English produced Copper, including the product of the Devon Great Consols, whose XI paid up shares have sold as high as £1,250 each. # Regarding the newly-discovered Lode, Captain Joseph Pope writes-" This lode from present appear- ances is likely to turn out and prove the GREATEST DISCOVERY that has been made before in this part, as Copper can be raised and sent to market from here in a very short time." Captain S. Mitchell reports as follows I am very pleased also to advise you that we have discovered and opened on a north lode, half-a- mile north of the present Copper Works at Bampfylde. The lode is lasting first rate, yielding splendid yellow and horse flesh Copper Ore, close up to the surface. I know where to open on the same lode in another hill within the property, giving very high backs." The Company have already opened upon five differ- ent lodes of Iron Ore, each two miles in length, respectively containing splendid Hematite Ore, assay- ing 60 per cent, of Metallic Iron, and very fine Micaceous Iron Ore, both of which will be sent to market in large quantities on the opening of the Devon and Somerset Railway next February, mean- while only 500 tons or so per month can be marketed. For further and full particulars as to shares, < £ 1 fully paid up, and now worth =84 10s. and upwards per share, apply to the undersigned, who has a limited number for sale. DAVID WILLIAMS, 123, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON, E.C. 23rd Oct., 1872. CAMBRIAN GALLERY. NOTICE. JOHN rjpHOMAS, ARTIST, I Will attend at his Studio, REGENT STREET, LLANGOLLEN, EVERY FAIR DAY AND THE PREVIOUS MONDAY. -RR. ") MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, His next visit will be on j an(j TUESDAY, NOV. 5TH. All communications, and any further orders for Cartes from old Negatives, should be sent to the other Establishment, 66, ST. ANNE STREET, LIVERPOOL. J. ROWLANDS, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN, FAMILY GROCER, ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, AND PROVISION MERCHANT. HOME CURED CUMBERLAND AND WILTSHIRE HAMS AND BACON, PALE AND SMOKED; ounuirrvv. &c. AGENT FOR W. & A. Gilbey's Wines & Spirits. ON SALE AT H. JONES,' STATIONER, LLANGOLLEN. ALBUMS. IT JONES, Stationer, Llangollen, has just f; received an assortment of splendid Portrait ALBUMS, from Is. up to 30s. each. ROSEMARY HAIR CLEANER at 6d. per t packet. WATEB COLOURS from Is. up to 8s. per R~ OSEMARY IIAIR^WASH~^nsr 6(L ~pcr bottle, L/XCELLENT HAIR DYE, for producing shade or color, so beautifully natural as to defy detection, with full directions, price 2s. 6d per bottle.






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