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public qlll CARDIFF. THEATRE ROYAL. L881ee and Manager.ROBERT REDFORD ThitEve)un?.a.t7.30. OH. SUSANNAH! and the Original Chinese Play, THE CAT AND THE CHERUB. Next Week:—Mr. George Edwardes's Company, ) A RUNAWAY GIRL. 1 From the Gaiety Theatre, London. THEAT R E ROYAL- JL (By kind permission of Babert Redfqrd. Eil4(.. Lestsef and Ma.aa.ger.) The CARDIFF DRAMATIC SOCIETY (under Distinguished Patronage) will Give a FIVE DAY8 REPERTOIRE, in aid of "Santa Clans.' Commencing DECEMBER 19th. 1898. The Pieces Performed will be "ARABIAN MaRTs" and "THE LATE MR. C08TELL0." Plata at Messrs. Thompson and Shotekell's, where Seats may now be Booked a2553 R RAND THEATRLT Le*see and Manager.Mr. Clarence Sounes. LAST NIGHT OF dAVED FROM THE SEA. Popular Pricp)) and Times as usual. MONDAY NEXT, DECEMBER 5, LADY RI ODIYA. a 2694 "Tie net in mortals to command success, but we'll do more-deserye it." H N 'V m P I R It THE EMPIRE. MANAGING DIRECTOR OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT. flie Leading Patriotic and Character Veealist, LEO DRYDEN, In New Songs— ,:Bred in the Bone" and "The Flair of Liberty." The Original ginger of ''Tà. Milter's Drsam of Home," "India's Reply," "Napoleon and Josephine." An Artiste of commanding presence, powerful voice, and histrionic talent. FRAOER and MAC. Comedy and Music. THE VALADONS, In a Notable Illasien. JOSEPH ARCHER, The Talking Man. THE WALDRON8, Comedy Artistes and Burlesque Duettiits. Miss FLO ELVIN. Songstress and Dancer. Miss ALMA OBRET, An Australian. Favourite. BAEELLO and MILLAY. Ceaediaas on the Bars and Burlesque Wrestlers. Next Week- THE MARVELLOUS 8CHAFFER FAMILY, from the Empire and the Crystal Palace, Lon- den The coetliest. the best, and the most nniane Troupe extant. The only Aerobats who perform with Ponies. Box Office open daily (with exception of Saturdays) 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m to 2 p.m. | Saturdays) 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m to 2 p.m. | Plan of Boxes, Faateuils, and Grand Circle. II No Booking Fees. Telephone No. 625. a2697 NEWPORT. ff H E EMPIRE. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. CLOSED FOR RE-BUILDING. lupou an enlarged scale in modern style. The Cardiff Empire First Performance Each Evening is convenient for Visitors from Newport. 9.2509 LYCEUM, NEWPORT, Proprietor & Manager.Mr Clarence Sounes. TO-NIGHT, at 7.30, Last Performance of AST J^YNNE. Prices, 6d. to £1 Is. Box Office Open Daily 10 to 4. Teleohone. No. 158 Nat. NEXT WEEK. The Criterion Comedy Com- pany. Monday. Wednesday, and Saturday "Pink Dominoes"; Tuesday and Tbur«dnv, "Betsy"; Friday. "The Great Divorce Caie." 616_90 J^OS'T COUGH—USE DON'T COUGH—USE DON'T COUGH-USE There is absolutely no remedy so opeedy and effectual. One Lozenge at-) ie gives relief; can be taken by the most delicate. J £ EATINft'S COUGH LOZENGES KE-ATING'S COUGH LOZENGES KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES If you cannot sleep for coughing, one Keating's Lozenge will set you. right. Any Doctor will tell you they are "FTTTERLY UiSRIV ALLED. -j^jTTERLY UN RIVALLED. I -jjjTTERLY UNRIVALLED, Sold everywhere in tins, 13id. each, or free on receipt of stamps from THOMAS KEAII.. G, Chemist. London. $libit; FIOTIRESU IMPORTANT N OTICE. p A R K JJ A L L I QPEN JjiREE THIS J)AY, SATURDAY, FROM FIVE P.M. TO NINE P.M., TO VIEW THE JJECORATIONS PREPARED FOR THE RECEPTION OF LORD KITCHENER OF KHARTOUM. ENTRANCE IN PARK-PLACE. a2738 CARDIFF CYCLISTS' c ARNIVAL. A £ < A R N I Y A L WILL TAKE PLACE IN CARDIFF TO-DAY (SATURDAY), DECEMBER 3, 1898. Cyclists will meet in the Sophia Gardens Fie!d (by kind permission of the Most Noble the Marquess of Butel at 3.30; judging to commence at Four. Procession starts at Five o'clock. Captains of Clubs entering for the Muster Prize must hand to the Judges Lists of their members competing, and the members must wear or carry their badges. Judges: Councillor R. HUGHES, Councillor J. M. GERHOLD, and Mr. J. POWELL, Secretary N.C.U. The Band3 that have kindly promised to be in attendance are:—St. Andrew's (Bandmaster J. Perkins^ St. Peter's (Bandmaster Coughlin); Roath-road Wesleyans (Bandmaster J. Heath); St. Alban's (Bandmaster Ben Evers). Collectors are incited. Boxes may be obtained at the "Western Mail" Office during this (Satur- day) morning, or in the Park Field this after- noon, and a supply will be taken over the route in one of the conveyances. C. E. HYDE, Chairman. J. DOBSON, 1 Joint ARTHUR P. HIGHAM, f Hon. Sees. a2737 DOATH PARK CONGRhGA- XLL TIONAL CHURCH. The OPENING SERVICES of above Church WILL take place NEXT WEDNESDAY, at 3.30 p.m. A Dedication Meeting will be held, when Mr. D. A. THOMAS. M.P.. who will preside, the Rev. URIJAH THOMAS. Bristol (ex-Chair- man of the Congregational Union of England and Wales). and Ministers of the town will give addresses. Tea will be provided at the close. At 7.30 the Rev. URIJAH THOMAS will Preach. Collections at the. cloao. e7218- -r -N' J" FURNITURE ON EASY TERMS. Before Going Else,"here Call or Send to the Borough Furnishers, (FACING ST. JOHN S CHURCH), Who undertake to Supply £ 5 to JE59 GOOD J40US KHOLD FURNITURE BEDSTEADS or BEDDING from Is. 6d. Weekly. NO SECURITY. CASH PRICES. The only genuine firm in Cardiff who give value for money. Payment* Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly. NO CONNECTION WITH OTHER FIRMS. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. Terma—Goods Supplied at £ 3 worth Is 6d weekly. S,5 p. 2* 6d £ 7 L«G. 3- 6d 4-10 „ 4s Od -11-5 to 46 2h s. ad Our Only AddreM — The Borough Furnishers 4, WORKING-ST.. CARDIFF, Facing St. John's Church. Apply for Catalogues. ANTJ FACT URER, H 0 RS FO RTH, OFFERS 1" HIS OWN GOODS DtRtiCT frcm the LOOM at MILL PRICES, vis. Series, Fancies, Cashmeres, Biegee, Meltons, Mantle Cloths. Patterns sent free 011 application. Save all intermediate proa Special Lot of Drees Meltons, all shades, at per yard. RUDGE CYCLES. 1899 CASH PRICES. '"G'TANDARD'' Quality, as above Illustration, Lady's or Gent.'A, with Palmer 10^ "SPECIAL" Quality. Lady's or Gent.'s. with Palmer Tyres £15 15S THE GRANDEST VALUE EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW, AND HAVE ONE BUILT TO YOUR OWN SPECIFICATION. RUDGE "W H TTWORTH LIMITED, SOUTH WALES Di^OT:- 108. ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. T GIDEONS BROOKg. Manager. E7212 JESSE WILLIAMS'S SPECIALITY. DR. BROWNS COUGH BOTTLE Is probably the most marvellous Cough Cure ever invented. It is so good that there is no need for any of the romantic tales usually gasociated with patent medicines. In the production of this wonderful Cough Cure cost has not been considered, and it is prepared from the choicest drugs money can buv. For a. hacking cough, a tickling throat, er a eold on the chest, there's nothing like it. It gives prompt relief in cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. It improves the voice by giving tone to the vocal chords. A teaspoonful of DR. BROWN'S about a quarter of an hour before singing or speakiag is very effective. CAUTION! Don't be persuaded that something else is just as wood, or better, or the very same thirg. DR. BROWN'S COUGH BOTTLE is our Registered Trade Mark. It is certain there is nothing so good, and, therefore, nothing can be better, and as for sometning else being the eaue it's absurd. JESSE WILLIAMS and 00. are the Sol* Proprietors. Remember "Dr. Brown's or nothing." If you have any- thing the matter with your Chest, Throat, Lungs, Bronchial Tubes, or Voice, a few doses of Dr. BROWN'S COUGH BOTTLE will put you right in a jiffy. It warms the chest, cuts the phlegm, and lubricates the throat. Sold in Bottles, Is., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d., at I JESSE WILLIAMS s PARK-HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF, K AND ALL RESPECTABLE CHEMISTS. *2723 1 4 4 r EBusiness LEWIS'S STANDARP FURNISHING STORES, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY A XINWM ARTICLE, OR FURNISH YOUR HOUSE OB APARTMENTS THROUGHOUT. WITH SOUND, RELIABLE FURNITURE, ON THE FOLLOW- ING REDUCED EASY TERMS: — -63 1 s. 6d. Weekly. J66 2s. 6d. Weekly. JE10 Worth 4s. Od. Weekly. AND LAR6ER AMOUNTS BY ARRANGE- MENT. PAYMENTS CAN BE MADE MONTHLY OIl QUARTERLY. NO LARGE DEPOSITS REQUIRED. All Seeds Delirered Free in Private Yarns, er Carriage Paid Anywhere in fieiath Wales. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO CUSTOMERS PAY. IN<t PROMPTLY. D* Mt Buy Until yea See our Steck, er Sead for New Catalogae (Free). Nete Oaly Addreu: — LE YYIS'S STAN D A R D FURNISHiNG STORES, 2, ANDIiEWS'-BUILDINGS (NEAR THE EMPIRE,, QUEEN-STR-EET, /CARDIFF. Kj E7118 X rjUJDOR -^TILLUMS' X JP A T E N T JgALSAM OF H ONEI. LITTLE MILLIE'S ERRAND. 0 *V £ Si W e A Bottle of BALSAM OF HONEY/' JC pleaee, 0 My father ia coughing—he wantt gome K_ roiease; CD The winter is coming, the weather —J > grows cold. t: o Shori day. and Ion? nighte ill effects q they unfold; 0 My mother's bronchitis will not leaTe -x as her take rest, And my brother Johnny complains of *tr > his che«t; ■< t't; Our dear little baby don't seem very = C bright. = He breathes very hard, and is restless J» • at mi?ht; 3 -C A Bottle of BALSAM OF HONEY," please, ? e*_ I don't want th'3ie trouble* at home ,0 to increase. >» Remember, I want" TUDOR 0 -a WILT JAMS' BALSAM." ø CD For I don't believe that no others are £ wholesome, ï CD We are snre of Tudor's "—we have rf tried it before, And during cold weathers we keep it in si ore: It soothes, and it cures; it gives full relief. §g r>j It'g the King of ail Medicines—that's >0 S3 my belief; s- So give me a Bottle of BALSAM OF C5 HONEY," W For comfort at home is much better 05 than money. £ —————— ai Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the World in Bottle.. 1/ 2/6. and 4/o each. Great Saving by taking Large Bottle. jn FIT FOR CUPID To Wear, and. therefore, fit for anyone, no matter how particular or fastidious they may 11.. Our Shoes are superlative from whatever pcint you consider them. Their superiority iA the secret of their unfailing power to piease all wearers. Every trial of onr footwear leads to 'he uniform vterd'ct of unqualified approval. They bear the stamp of fashion, they win every eye. they fit every foot, they M.ve money for "very buyer. BOY.LE~XND CO.. HIGH-STREET, CHURCH-STREET ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. AND BRANCHES. .7119-2 THE BEST VALUE IN QYEKCOAlS AND ^TINTER SUITS IS AT D. .AND QO'S. 47, ST. ]\'jjLRT-STREET (Opposite Wo sd-street), and 29, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF, A SPLENDID RANGE OF BOYS' CLOTHING FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. e7Q79—t.t.s. iLoo ^.att for Cla$siacatinn M A R I S K A C- ONSÙLT Mariaka, the Great American Lady Palmist, at D'Arc.s Waxworks. Hours: Two to Five and Seven to Ten. MARISKA, the Great American Lady Palmist, 1" ut D Arc s Waxworks, Daily, Two to Five and Seven to Ten. el0761z6 WANTED, Groom-Coachman; single; t-otal f f abstainer; not unde. 25 years; must ride and drive single and pair well; live indoors.— Apply S. Lindner, Esq., Nantygroes, Llandrin- dod. 2509x10 T OST. Stolen, or Strayed, from 158, Newport- JLj road, December 2nd. small White Pome- ranian Pu<).—Kinder rewarded on returning same; detained a,fter this date prosecuted. z10 ASSISTANT Mistress Wanted for Pantegwern -n. Mixed School; good disciplinarian, with knowledge of Tonic Sol-fa preferred; duties commencing January 2.—Apply, giving qualifi- cation, salary wanted, and references to Saunders, Pontymoile House, Pontypool. z7 AGENT Warned in South Wales by Samuel Kaugh and Co. (Ltd.), Bacon Curers, New Boss, Co. Wexford, to Canvass and Take Orders. 2309z7 RESPECTABLE Young Lady (20) Wishes for comfortable Situation as Barmaid in Hotel; ivould give first month.—Thomas, Rockfield Post-<yiffce,_nea ■ Monmouth. 2307z7 THE Vicar of Grangetown Requires at Christ^ JL jras Assistant Priest to Take the Place of "fie who is joining U.M.C.A.; charge of mission church and district. 2306z10 STOLEN or Strayed, Fox Terrier Dog; marked black patch on right eye. left ear black, xnd small black 3pot on back; finder rewarded; ieta.iner prosecuted.—Prosser, Danybryn, Ebbw Vale. 2305z5 AREHOUSE in Newport to be Let or Sold; vV four well-lighted floors and cellar, each about 34ft. x 27ft.. with lift; gas and water jonnections and adjoining railway siding.—To riew apply to Z 20, Western Mail, Cardiff. 61753 VflLLINERY.—Wanted at once. thoroughly ill experienced and stylish Trimmer; none but competent hands need apply; personal application preferred.—D. W. Lloyd, Aberavon. 2302zlQ WANTED, House-Parlourmaid, with re fe- re uoe-—Apply Mrs. Llewellin, Hill Grange. Abergavenny. 2303z7 GROCERY.-Wanted, experienced Assistant; T also Haulier; both single; live in the iouse.—App-ly, with fall particulars first letter, bo R. Herbert, Garndiffaith, Pontypool. 2304x7 1 Susmes# Stitiresstsu ROGERS' ALES! STOUTS IN FLAGON. NOTICE TO PRIVATE FAMILIES. THE METHOD OF SUPPLYING BEER IN IMPERIAL QUART GLASS FLAGONS, WITH SCREW STOPPERS, ENABLES THE CUS- TOMER TO HAVE IN AS SMALL A QUANTITY AS ONE GALLON AT A TIME, AND IN SUCH FORM AS TO ENSURE ITS REMAINING FRESH AND BRIGHT TO THE LAST DROP FOR SEVERAL DAYS AFTER BEING OPENED, AND KEEPING LIKE BOTTLED ALES ANY REASONABLE TIME, IF UNOPENED AND KEPT IN A COOL TEMPERATURE. FLAGONS, STOPPERS, AND CASES ARE ONLY CHARGED FOR IF NOT RETURNED IN GOOD CONDITION WITHIN M DAYS. THESE FLAGONS CAN BE SUPPLIED, FOR CASH ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY, WITHIN CARTAGE DELIVERY OF THE CARDIFF BFANCHES IN CASES CONTAINING 4 FLAGONS (1 GALLON) OR 12 FLAGONS (3 GALLONS), AND EACH CASE CAN BE OF ONE QUALITY OR ASSORTED QUALITIES TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF CUSTOMERS AND THEIR HOUSEHOLDS TO THE EXTENT OF 2 QUALITIES IN 1 GALLON, OR 3 QUALITIES IN 3 GALLONS. SPECIAL 18 FLAGON CASES. THESE ARE SUPPLIED FOR LARGER HOUSEHOLDS AND CONTAIN FLAGONS EQUAL TO 4! GALLONS, AND CAN BE OF ONE, TWO, THREE, OR FOUR QUALITIES TO SUIT THTF CONVENIENCE OF CUSTOMERS. CARDIFF CASH PRICE LIST IN FLAGON. FLAGON ALE 1/2 Per Gallon. MILD ALE ) BITTER ALE V- 1/4 STOUT J OLD BEER PALE ALE f V6 W. J. ROGERS, LTD., BREWERY: BRISTOL. CARDIFF ( 1. ADAM-STREET. BRANCHES: 12. MILL-LANE. if COUCH 1 BOTTLsE. jljjil SiMfHy'rhAT* If NOTHING MORE j$| 1A ^6 floJfwwj- £ 55 £ t'ULWfS. Cardiff <!n

[No title]

Powder and Shot.

Rhymney Railway.

"Santa Glaus." --------







To-day's Racing.
