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$ubiu amusrmnus* 1 CARDIFF. i THEATRE ROYAL. Lessee and Manager Robert Bedford. MO DAY, AUGUST 22nd, and DURING THE WEEK. at 7.30 Each Evening. Special Engagement of the Original No. 1 Com- pany. including the celebrated actress, Miss AMY MCNTELL. from the Princess's Theatre, London, in the GREAT NAPOLEONIC DRAMA, A ^OYAL JJIVORCE, As played at the Princess Theatre, I/ondon, with snch remarkable success. New Box Office at Theatre (St. Mary-street Entrance) Open from 10 till 5. Seats can also be booked by letter, wire, and telephone (No. o62). MONDAY, AUGUST 29th, ONE OF THE BEST. a 1829 GRAND THEATRE. Lessee and Manager .Mr. Clarence Sounes. TO-NIGHT AND DURING THE WEEK, lionster Attraction and Engagement of Mr. FRANK ADAID S COMPANY in BOYS rpOGETHER, Direct from the Adelphi Theatre, London. Time of Opening and Popular Prices aa Usual. a lo30 Ti3 not in mortals to command success, but we'll do more—deserve it." T H E E 31 P IRE. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT; Sliding iloof Open Every Evening. MAX WALDON. The Continental Change Artiste. Thd most perfect in detail, general conception, and accomplishment. .DAISY WOOD, Tne Prettiest and Brightest of Comedy Song- stresses and Dancers. THE HORN BROS. TROUPE, In 'London Life," An excuse for laughter. D. J. MCCARTHY. The popular and talented singing character actor. CINCINNATTI. The Juggler out for a stroll. THE CASSONS. In the playful playlet "Honours are Easy." JACK AND EVELYN, Duettists in miniature. THE BALE TROUPE OF ACROBATIC CYCLISTS In the greatest act on wheels yet presented. Next Week—The inimitable GEORGE ROBEY ("Lady Vere de Vere"). Also E. J. Lonnen and Alice Lethbridge, from the Gaiety Theatre, Loudon. Marguerite Camille is coming. Box Office open daily (with exception of Saturdays) 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays 11 a.m. t0 2 p.m. Plan of Boxes. Fauteuila. and Grand Circle. No Booking Fees. Telephone No. 625. NEWPORT. THE E iVi p I R E~. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. CLOSED FOR RE-BUILDING Upon an enlarged scale in modern style. The Cardiff Empire first performance each evening is convenient for visitora from Newport. T Y C E U M, N EWP :> R T. Proprietor & Manager, Mr. Clarence Sounes. TO-NIGHT. TO-MORROW, and WEDNESDAY, at 7.30, MAN TO MAN. THURSDAY. FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, THE THREE CRIMINALS. Prices. 6d to £1 Is. Box Office Open Daily 10 to 4. Telephone, No. 158 Nat. _Ngj^i_Wgek—THE CIRCUS GIRL. 60445 Crnirsions. p. AND A. CAMPBELL (LDIITED). REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND WESTON, By the LADY MARGARET. Waather and Circumstances Permitting. AUGUST !-•»« CARDIPr. Leave WESTON. Mon., 22—6.0, 8.0 p.m. I Mon" 22-6.45, 9 0n.m. -tnes.,23—9.t5, 11.0 lJ"m" TUell.. 23-*10,0, !lA) a.m., p,m a 9.30, 11.30 a.m., Wed., 24-10.15 a.m., 12.15, I-45,8.0 p.m. 6.45,9.0 p.m. f Thurs 25-9.15, 11.0 a.m., Thurs., 5-10.0, 11.45 a.m., *1,0,2.45 p,m. *1.40,8.0 p,m, 2T6r9J°. I' M a.m., Fri., 26—10.15 a.m., 12.15. 1 30,3.30 pm. 2.15, 8.30 p.m. Sat .27-10.3° a.m,. 12.30, Sat., 27—11.15 a.m., 1.15, 2.30, 4.30 p-m. 3.15. 10.30 p.m. The Steamer leaves Penarth Pier Ten Minutes after leaving Cardiff, except trips marked gPEClAL S A I L I NGTST MONDAY. AUGTTST 22. CARDIFF for CLEVEDON and BRISTOL, 3.15 p.m. TUESDAY. AUGUST 23rd. MINEHEAD. LYNMOTTTH, WOODA BAY. ILFRACOMBE, and CLOVELLY.—Leave Cardiff, 9.30 a.m.; Penarth, 9.40 a.m.; Clovelly, 5.0 p.m. Ilfracombe, 6.30 p.m.; Wooda Bay. 5.55 p.m.; Lynrnouth, 7.10 p.m.; Minehead, 8.15 p m. MUMBLES — Leave Cardiff. 11.15 a.m.; Penarth. 11.25 a.m.: Mumbles, 6.0 ft.m. CLEVEDON (Via WESTONV—Lpave Cardiff. 1.0 Pern.; Penarth. 1.10 p.m.; Clevedon, 5.15 p.m.; Weston, 6.10 p.m. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 24 MINEHEAD. LYNMOUTH. WOODA BAY ILFRACOMBE, AND CLOVELLY.—Leave Cardiff. 9.30 a.m.; Penarth. 9.40: Olovdlv, 5 0 p.m.; Ilfracombe, 6.30; WoodaBay. 6.55;"Lvn- mouth, 7.10: Minehead. 3.15. HALF-HOLTDAY TRIP TO LYNTVTOUTH WOODA BA y, AND TLFRA COMB E. -Leave Cardm, 2.0 p.m.: Penarth, 2.10; Ilfracombe, 7.0; Wooda Bay. 7.25; Lynmonth. 7.40; Cardiff for Bristol. 9.15. CLEVEDON IVIA WES TON).-Leave Cardiff. 1.45 p.m.; Pennrth. 1.55 p.m.; Clevedon, 5.45 p.m.: Weston, 6.45 r>.m. CLEVEDON (DIRECT).-Leave Cardiff, 2 0 p.m.; Clevedon, 8.30 p.m. THURSDAY. AUGUST 2^th a O V FTT YV0t0nA BAY' TT-* p5™15: •j.TJ.V- i-. LyS. MI MBLFS^-Leave Cardiff, 11.30 a.m • W r^ a M° a',nV P-m- Cardiff foI ar,d Bristol, 1 30 ri.ni »4? nmFDOp 'Vi;\ ^TONI.-Leave Cardiff. ;-45 P™ 0a<T 2-55 P-m-: clevedon, 7.13 p.m.; Weston, 8.0 p.m. T> EGIJLAR SERVICE TO AND FROM CARDTFF AND PEN\RTH TO LYNMOUTH WOODA B>T TT 17R \COMBE BRITANNIA and WESTWARD HO AUCT-ST. rrF^av?DIFF' .V"1"" TT4FR\roMBB. rr IvS.. 23—9.30 a.m. TT7T.S 23—6 "0 n m rHUHs'2/1 pm vvJ? ?A~6-4S-70 p m- J KS„ 25—9.4i a.m. THURS T-7 0 n *ri FRI., 26—9.45 a.m. 'FRI.. ?A-7 n n TAT • am.. 3pm. SAT. 27—7 45 r> rti P 0 n rr, HON.. 29—8.0 a.m..sharp M"0?T 29—11.45'am SPECIAL CHEAT' THROUGH FARES TO DEVON AND CORNWALL, [n conjunction with the London and South ♦vxrtem R^iiwnv CornTl;my For Further Particular^JParoa &c" See BiUs. For Further Particulars and Tickets see Billg Dr apply to Mr. WM. nuy. A-ent, r ..732 70a. Bute-street. Cardiff THE WESTERN JVjT^n. ts on Sale at the fonowing- Seaside Places Daily at the Times stated:- WESTON (Nine :t.m.). fp^nTH and SON Railway Bookstall J7 • V RJ.K PPFRPRJT.CF JAMARN-?TC/aBE°S 28' Hi^b-s^eet MANNING Claremont (near Pier) CLEVEDON (Nine a.m.). W, H. SMITH and SON Railway Bookstall ILFRACOMBE (Two p.m.). H. SENDERS and SON. Newsagents.Fore-street al335 Cralie flotiCt5. I ART DECORATORS. W DAVIS AND SON, V W • PAINTERS. GLASS. OIL AND PAPER-HANGING MERCHANTS. 11. QUEEN-STREET. DYEWOBKS, ETC,, i IF YOU WANT TOUR CLOTHE3 NICELY CLEANED, GO TO HOBBS, DYER. 1. NELSON-TERRACE. FURNITURE. EVAN- A COMPANY. LDIITED "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS 3T. MARY-STREET AND DUKE-y I'REET. RHEUMATIC CURE. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO PHIL PHILLIPS ::4. ST. y \itY-s': RHirr. MANUFACTTREE. HORSFORTH. OFFERS HIS OWN GOODS DIRECT from the LOOM at MILL PRICES, TU. Sergei, t' aneles, Cashmeres, Biegea. Meltons, Mantle Cloths. Patterns sent free on app'-ication. feave all intermediate profit. Special Lot of Dress Meltons all shades, at l VK yard..k iSttsiuifsis! atiBresses. OPENED ON SATURDAY.' AUGUST 2(). /PENING DAY. SATURDAY NEXT, U AUGUST 20. QPENING DAY, SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 20. A GREAT DAY FOR CARDIFF. A GREAT DAY FOR CARDIFF. AND AN EVENT FOR WALES. AN EVENT FOR WALES. TT SAMUEL'S WELSH BRANCH, X±* 7, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. QFENS SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 20th. TT SAMUEL S WATCHES. 7, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TT SAMUEL'S JEWELLERY. 7, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TT SAMUEL'S ELECTRO SILVER PLATE. 7, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TT SAMUEL'S CLOCKS. AA* 7, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. Q.REAT OPENING DAY CONCESSIONS. M IMPORTANT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. UNPRECEDENTED VALUE. LARGE RETURN FOR CASH. A Month 3 Free Trial allowed with all Goods. It dissatisfied the full amount returned. GRAND OPENING DAY PRESENTATION. FREE GIFTS! FREE GIFTS! FREE GIFTS' io commemorate H. Samuel's c' n:mg amongst his Welsh triends, an immense Variety of handsome and desirable Free Gifts are provided, which will he distri- buted FREE amongst ;,U PURCHASERS of goods to the amount of 5s. and upwards. Cut this announcement from the "Evening Express and bring it to show you are entitled to share in the presentation. The Presents consist of handsome Bronze figures, Massive Electro Silver Table Cruets. Elegant Floral Albums, high f quality Mantel Clocks, real Joid Brooches TI° Electro Silver 'lea Services, lowerful Field Glasses; also Knives and i-orks. Musical Instruments, Opera Glasses '^ch.es. Chains, Ac., Ac. Full particulars and Lists of Presents will be sent to any address on application. II. SAMUEL gives a CORDIAL INVITATION to t verv leader to come and share in this splendid Opening Day Commemoration. H. SAMUEL'S MARVELLOUS VALUE. GREATER THAN EVER. SPECIAL NEW IMPROVE- fEProtected by HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETIERh I A TENT, are only to De obtained in H. Samuels Watches. These valuable inven- H. Samuels Watches. These valuable inven- tions are included in H. Samuel's Watches WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, so that pur- chasers have this additional advantage. YOUR INTEREST IS STUDIED at every point by H. Samuel, and a large savins- effected on the prices usuall v charged at ordinary retail shops. Test H. Samupl s statements, and you will be convinced. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. H. SAMUEL, 7, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. QPENING DAY. SATURDAY NEXT. AUGUST 20. OPENING DAY. SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 20. QPENING DAY. SATURDAY NEXT. AUGUST 20. /QPENING DAY. SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 20. QPENING DAY, SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 20. QPENING DAY, SATURDAY NEXT. AUOUST 20. H. S A. M U E L, 7, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. And Market-street, Manchester. re6714 JJEECHAM'S PILLS gEECHAMS PILLS j EEtTHA^ns PILLS, Worth a Guinea, a. ilox. EEC HA MS PILLS For Bilious Attacks. tEC'HAM'^ PILLS For NTVOOS Diaoraerg. |>EECHA1\L'S PILLS, X) For Indigestion in all 'ts form*. X) For Indigestion in all its fOrml. Beechaai^sTTills, For Wind nnd Pn>" m the Stomach. B~ EECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. PILIS B~ EI^CHAM7^PJLTS Have Saved the Li 'es of Thocsands. EECHaTIS PILLa Fnr Gnldintf>3. EECHAM'S PILLS, 113 For Fulne-s and Spelling after Meals. BEECHAlrs'PILLS Are Worth a Gu'i.ea a Box. eechaaTsTills, A wonderiul Medicine for Females of all Ages, BEECHAM'S PILLS Are Adapted for Old and Young. FURNISH AT SAMUEL TAYLOR S. THE CANTON FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, 46& 48 coWBRIDG £ ]'"RD' CANTON, CARDIFF (Near Memorial-hall). NOTE THE PRICES. £ 8. d. Leather Suites, wear guaranteed (9 pieces) 4 15 0 Saddlebags Suite, lovely design 6 6 0 Chiffonniers 18 6 Sideboards 2 18 6 Brass-rail Bedstead, 4ft. 6in 0 16 11 Straw Mattresses, full size 0 6 11 Wire Mattresses, ditto, double woven 0 8 11 Wool Mattresses, 4ft. 6in.. full size.. 0 10 6 Wool Bed, Bolster, 2 Pillows 'weight 501b) 0 10 6 Feather Bed, Bolster, 2 Pillows (weight 601b) 1 15 0 Feather Pillows 0 1 11J Wool Pillows 0 0 lli Kitchen Table'- 0 6'11 Lath-back Kitchen Chnir 0 2 11 Lath-back Arm Chair, large size 0 7 6 Leather Arm Chair 0 16 11 Brass Fender 0 6 11 All Brass Fender 0 9 11 Fire Brasses 0 2 11 Dressing Chest. Washstand (marble top. tiled hack). Two Chairs, and Towel Rail, hard wood throughout, onlv £ 2 19s. 6d. the lot. All goods naeked and sent carriage paid any distance. Train fare allowed. Canton trams pass the door every few minutes. I do not advertise arv goods I cannot nroduce. The rmblie win find rav croods considerably cheaper 'han the Furnishing Houses in the town, where their expenses are so heavy. NOTE THE ADDRESS:- g AMU EL rj^AYLOR, SOLE PROPRIETOR, 46& 48 COWBRIDGE-RD., CANTON, CARDIFF. IKY THE "EVENING EXPRESS." PRICE ONE HALF-PENNY. Business s&tiresses. WALES' LARGEST, BEST. AND CHEAPEST FURNISHERS Are Beyond All Question. BEVAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED), Registered as THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS, Who, in opcjjr to meet the Special Requirements of the times, hive resolved upon making ENoRMOUS JJEDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS £ s. d. IRON BEDSTEADS f-om 0 9 11 WIRE-WOVEN MATTRESSES from. 0 7 9 EXCELLENT FEATHER BEDS from. 1 10 6 BEDROOM SUITES from 2 12 6 DINING-ROOM SUITES from 3 15 0 DRAWING ROOM SUITES from 4 17 6 And not only in the Cheaper, but in the whole of their Higb-class Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Real Leather and other Dining-room Suites, Solid Walnut Bedroom Suites, Splendid Draw- ing-room Suites, Carpets, Floor-cloth.?, Hearth- rugs, Hardware, &c., &c., have such immense Reductions been made as to give all Purchasers the most ASTONISHING VALUE FREE DELIVERY BY ROAD OR RAIL THROUGHOUT THE PRINCIPALITY AND BORDER COUNTIES. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT. BEVAN AND COMPANY THE ONLY CARDIFF ADDRESSES ARE:- 21, DUKE-ST., and 97, ST. MARY.ST (CARDIFF ALSftAT- SWANSEA, NEWPORT, AND PONTYPOOL. el376 ^JORTIMER'S QOUOH J/JIXTITRE. A CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND BRONCHITIS Perfectly safe to be given to the youngest child, as it does not contain any narcotic or injurious drug. ALSO A SPECIFIC FOR CROUP IN CHILDREN. Tn Bottles. Is. Hd. and 2s. 9d. each. Ma,y be obtained from all chemists, or from the Pro- prietors— THE GENERAL REMEDIES COMPANY, 11 TUDOR-ROAD, CARDIFF _el6S4 CAPITAL FOR INVESTMENT ON FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Rents and Debts Collected. Sales Undertaken. W. T. BENJAMIN and CO., Auctioneers, Commission Agents, Ac., el648 Western Mail-chambers Cardiff. NAT TEL. (894). LARGEST SHOWROOMS IN WALES. £ J|_REAT ANNUAL SUMMER SALE. ENORMOUS DISCOUNTS FOR CASH DURING STRIKE. R. J. HEATH AND SONS 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, &o. From ES to 375 Guineas. Instruments may also be had on the New Hire System. From 5s. Monthly. CALL EARLY AND SECURE A BARGAIN. Also at 70. TAFF-STREET. PONTYPRIDD, and 31. WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. MANUFACTORY: LONDON. Ht THINK OF THIS- IF YOUR COMPETITOR IS USING A TYPEWRITER SO MUST YOU. WE ARE PREPARED TO PROVE THAT THE DENSMOKE WILL SUIT YOUR PUR. POSE BEST. LEARNT IN A FEW HOURS. YOUR OFFICE BOY CAN USE TE. DROP Us A CARD AND WE WILL COME AND SEE YOU. "THE DENSMORE." SOLE AGENTS FOR SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. WESTERN MAIL L I MIT ED. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, WHO WILL FURNISH FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION Tlie "Densmore" can be seen working daily in the "Western Mail" Office, al504 business vHJtJrrssrs. 1 I LIP'l'ON LL\llTED. Customers should Note that our Vans Deliver Goods as under CARDIFF and SUBURBS-Three Times Daily. PENARTH, LLANDAFF, ELY, and :FAIRW ATER-Daily, MONDAY. — Dynas Powis, Cndoxton, Barry, Llantrisant, and Pontyclun. TUESDAY, — St. Nicholas. TUESDAY, — St. Nicholas, Bonvilstone, and Cowbrid^e. WEDN E8DAY. — Caarpliilly w and LUtnbradach. THURSDAY. — Taffs Well. Tonfjwynlais, Ll niishen, Whit- church, Dynas Powis, Cadoxton, and Barry. RIDAY. Dynas Powis, F Cadoxton, and Barry. All orders by post promptly attended to. Orders of £., and upwards with remittance Carriage Paid. On receipt of post-card traveller will call. LOCAL BRANCHES:— HIGH-STKEET and ST. MARY- bTRBBT, CARDIFF. LIPTON LiMITED- CifiEr OFFICES :— CITY-KOAD, LONDON. HORTON'S ORIGINAL Only BENEDICT PILLS. Only fori" emales. for Females. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS HAVE T BEE: received from all parts. Females of all ages should take them. They at once remove all obstructions, no matter how obsti- nate or from whatever cause arising. In boxes 7id., 13. lid., and 2s. 9d. Sent Post Free, under cover Id. extra, direct by the proprietor, G. D. Horton, M.PS. (from the Birmingham and General Lving-in Hospital), Aston House. Aston- road North, Birmingham. Agents:—Cardiff: R Mumford, Chemist. Ac.. Meteor-street, Splot- lands, and Castle-road, Roath. Merthyr: Willis, Chemist, Georgetown. Swansea: Lloyd. Chemist, Oxford-street. Newport: Young, Chemist. Rig-h- street. Cannot be had from other Chemists. j N.B —None genuine unless bearing G. D. Horton." in red. across each label. Letters answered free. e2967 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER -11 THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS Overcome the worst iorins of diseases, and the foulest state of the Blood, Stomach. LiYt., and Kidneys; they go to the core of every disease, where no other medicine hcus power to reach. In Boxes, at Is l1d, and 2s. 9d. each. Sold by all Chemists, or from the Bnrdock Pill Manu- factory. 44. Oxford-s*re«r.. Swansea.


[No title]



Powder and Shot.



Colchester Comedy.








[ Blackheath Murder.

Our Competitions.








A Squadron of Samples.












.------The Hobson Kis&