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THE WAR. i l f STILL NO LOSS OF LIFE. SPANISH VERSION OF THE BOMBARDMENT. RESULT: ONE MULE KILLED s j REPORTED BOMBARDMENT OF CARDENAS. THE WHEREABOUTS OF j THE SPANISH FLEET. II I TREASON ON AN AMERICAN WARSHIP. i Telegrams from Madrid regarding the bombardment of Matanzas state that there was no loss of life among the Spanish troops. A mule on one of the gun bat- teries was, however, killed. It is reported that Cardenas has been bombarded by two warships. An impending invasion of Cuba by < American regular troops, to act in con- junction with the insurgents, is announced. The Spanish fleet left St. Vincent on Friday morning; the course at the outset being laid to the south. The destination, however, is unknown. During the -after, noon, however, five of the vessels returned. It appeared that two of the torpedo-boats had come into* collision, necessitating; repairs in port. THE BOMBARDMENT OF MATANZAS. SPANISH YERSIl r OF THE ENGAGEMENT. [SPECIAL CENTRAL NEW S TELEGRAM.] HAVANNAH, Thursday. Yesterday three American warships bom- barded Matanzas. The official report received here says that two of the shells from the war- ships fell in the city. A mule was killed The artillerymen at the Castle of St. Severino re- turned the fire, and the squadron then with- drew. Last night a 'United States cruiser stranded off Dimas. in the province of Pinar del Rio. She is supposed to have been the Montgomery. With the assistance of three of her consorts and the rising tide, the vessel was floated again. A Reuter's telegram from Madrid on Friday says:—Marshal Blanco has sent the following dispatch to General Correa, Minister of War:- "Three American cruisers opened fire on Wed- nesday on the batteries of Fort Morillo at Matanzas, without doing any damage. We' fired fourteen shots, to which the Americans replied by a heavy machine gun fire, which did no harm. The enemy's squadron also fired fourteen shots at Punta Sabanilla battery, but only a mule was killed. The Spanish battery fired four shots, after which the American ships were out of range. The squadron consisted alto- gether of five vessels. They fired some shells into the plaee, without doing any damage. The French and Austrian Consuls have protested against the bombardment, on the ground that no previous warning was given to foreign sub- jects. The troops garrisoning the attacked posts are animated by the best of spirits, and deserve praise for their brave conduct. The bombardment lasted an hour. We appear to have done some damage to the enemy's vessels, one funnel being seen to be hit. Simultaneously with the bombardment Colonel Alfan's column i advanced to Mogote, south of Matanzas, and engaged and defeated the insurgents, killing twenty men, including two leaders. The Spanish troops had two men killed and a lieu- tenant and two men wounded. The rebels abandoned their camp, with a quantity of arms and stores and a number of horses. Five mounted insurgents, including the leader Ajona, afterwards came into Matanzas and made their submission." [SPECIAL CENTRAL NEWS TELEGRAM.] NEW YORK, Friday. The Spanish official announcement that the bombardment of Matanzas caused the death of ) one poor mule only has cut the average Ame- rican to the quick, coming, as it does, after the ] official announcement at Washington last even- ing that the first reports of the affair had been grossly exaggerated. It is felt to be a fairly accurate, if slightly coloured, description of the results of the eighteen minutes' engagement, so far as loss of life is concerned. Admiral Samp- son's report to the Navy Department, however, states that very considerable damage was done to the Spanish works. It is considered probable that Matanzas will be bombarded in earnest by the entire strength of the blockading squadron in about a fortnight's time, when, in all pro- bability, an expeditionary force will be landed to operate against Havannah in co-operation with the insurgent army. The rebel forces will in the first instance hf- commanded by General Calixto Garcia, who is now making his way from his fastnesses in the eastern part nf the island towards Matanzas. The Navy Department has prepared transports to convey about 15,000 men to Cuba. They will all be Regular soldiers of the United States Army, and under the command of Major-general rafter. who will have General Fitzhugh Lee [ is one of his brigadiers. The necessity for nilitary, as well as naval, operations is jeginning* to be realised by those responsible or the conduct of the war. The effect of the 'ainy season climate on American troops will, t is admitted, be disastrous, but it is now jointed out that, as the country is at war. luch risks must be regarded and accepted ts part of the price to be paid for the freeing )f Cuba. REPORTED BOMBARDMENT OF CARDENAS. [SPECIAL CENTRAL NEWS TELEGRAM.] r KEY WEST, Friday Afternoon. Dispatch-boats which have just come in itate that the blockading squadron bom- sarded the forts and batteries at Cardenas yesterday. The bombardment was very severe, and it is claimed that the enemy's batteries were silenced in two hours. AMERICAN NAVAL MOVEMENTS. A Central News telegram from Key West on Friday, at one a.m., says: -Reports from the leet up to this hour show that there has been 10 further fighting, nor have any of the shore batteries in Cuba opened fire upon any of the American warships. There is a consensus of )pinion here now that Matanzas is the point :hat has been selected for the landing of the preliminary expedition of the Cubans, and volunteers are now organising at Tampa. A SLOOP CAPTURED. I A Renter's telegram from Key West on Friday ,ays: -.A small sloop has been captured by the American gunboat Newport off.Cabanas, and tvas brought in here this morning in charge of prize crew of two men. TO RUN THE BLOCKADE. A Reuter's telegram from Madrid on Friday ;ays: -The captains of the steamers belonging to the Spanish Transatlantic Company under- take to deliver mails between Spain and Cuba, raying that they are confident of being able- to run the blockade. The "Heraldo" to-day publishes an article setting forth the reciprocal advantages which would accrue from an alliance between Spain, France, and Russia. Spaniards living in Mexico have sent a tele- gram to the Spanish Government offering to send necessary supplies of provisions to the Cubans. IMPENDING INVASION OF CUBA. A Reuter's telegram from Washington on Friday says:—The War Department has char- MAP OF CUBA. I tered eight large steamers capable of carrying from 500 to 1,200 passengers each for use as I transports for the conveyance of a first mili- tary expedition to Cuba. The confreres of the two Houses of Congress have reached an agreement on the Naval Appropriation Bill. The in- crease proposed by the Senate, including the addition to the Navy of four monitors and six- teen, instead of twelve, torpedo-boat destroyers, was adopted. All the other important addi- tions made by the Senate were likewise re- I tained. It is stated that the War Department tias nearly completed its plans for the invasion tias nearly completed its plans for the invasion of Cuba. It is proposed to land 10,000 men at Matanzas, under cover of Admiral Sampson's guns, and the movement is expected within a week. Tampa will be the base. A Reuter's telegram from Tampa on Friday says:—Colonel Cochrane, commanding the 1st Provisional Brigade of the Tampa Division, has received instructions to hold his command in readiness for immediate departure, with rations for 30 days. CANARY ISLANDS TO BE SEIZED The American Naval Strategy Board has formally recommended that the Canary Islands should be seized, together with one of the Balearic Islands, if the Spanish FÍeet remains at St. Vincent, or shows no disposition to steam into American waters. CAPTURE OF A SUPPOSED SPY. A Reuter's telegram from New York on Fri- day says:—The New Orleans correspondent of the "Herald" telegraphs that a man, named John Waltz, has been captured at Port Eads, having on him diagrams of the fortifications there. He will be tried by military commission, and will, it is expected, be shot as a spy. SAILING OF THE SPANISH FLEET. A Reuter's telegram from St. Vincent on Friday says: gThe Spanish fleet has sailed hence in a southerly direction. Its destination is not knojvn.. The orders in that respect will be given when the squadron is at sea. A Central News telegram from St. Vincent on Friday, at 8.30 a.m., saysThe Spanish fleet, whieh had been getting UD states "tjnce at the outset was laid to the south. The desti- nation of the fleet is unknown. The admiral has sailed with sealed orders, fwd these will be opened and communicated to the captains after twelve hours' steaming at sea. SEVERAL WARSHIPS RETURN TO ST. VINCENT. [SPECIAL CENTRAL NEWS TELEGRAM.] ST. VINCENT (CAPE DE VERDES), Friday Afternoon. The Spanish squadron sailed this morning for an unknown destination. This afternoon two of the transports and three of the torpedo- boats have returned The officers report that about three hours after leaving this port two of the torpedo boats came into collision. For-. tunately, the damage done was slight, but, as the few repairs necessary could not well be performed at sea, it was decided to send the vessels mentioned back to St. Vincent. The repairs are now (five p.m.) being proceeded" with with all despatch, and there is no reason to doubt that the transports and torpedo boats will be able to sail to-morrow. As they are very speedy boats, they will have no difficulty in overtaking the other ves~?ls of the squadron. The fact that the damaged b::mts returned here for repairs is taken to indicate that the desti- nation of the squadron is the West Indies. TREASON ON AN AMERICAN WARSHIP. [SPECIAL REUTER'S TELEGRAM.] NEW YORK, Friday. A special dispatch from Key West, published liere, but so far unconfirmed, states that a sailor on board the United States monitor Puritan has been convicted of treason. The man in question is reported to be a Spaniard, with a family in Matanzas. He was caught in the act of firing the lock of the powder maga- zine, was at once tried by a drumhead court- martial, was found guilty, and was sentenced I to be shot. POSITION AT MANILA. A special telegram from Madrid says.—The'' American squadron is expected to arrive before Manila on Sunday, unless the Spanish war- ships bar its passage. The Spanish squadron* 13 divided into two parts—the cruiser Castilla, with some other vessels, being posted at the entrance to the harbour, while the remainder. under the command of Admiral Moritojo, is watchinq^the western coasts, awaiting the arrival of the enemy. The squadron'hJts been reinforced by the addition of the Monte Video, a large steamer last night, has just sailed away. The course fitted as a cruiser, with a f-.peed of twenty f knots. REPORTED FIGHTING. A .DISCREDITED STORY. A Central News telegram from Madrid on Thursday, at 11.35 p.m., says:—Up till eleven o'clock this evening the Government had received no confirmation of the report which has been freely circulated to the effect that the Spanish war vessels had sunk an American ship in Philippine waters, h-enor Sagasta calculates that the American Squadron will not arrive in the vicinity of Manila until to- morrow, and that, therefore, no encounter with the Spanish naval forces can yet have taken place. Senor Sagasta. interviewed with respect I j to the report that the late Philippines rebel leader Aquinaldo would accompany Admiral Dfeweys's squadron to Manila, says the state- ment is absolutely incorrect. Only one native of the Philippines will go with the American ships, and he will simply act as pilot. This I man is known to the Spanish authorities, and he never took any part in the rebellion. The news of the stranding of an American warship I on the coast of Pinar Del Rio has caused a great feeling$f elation here. THE REPORTED BOMBARD- MENT OF CARDENAS. A Reuter's telegram from New York on Fri- day says:—A telegram from Key West to the Evening Post states that the monitor Terror and gunboat Machia' have bombarded the port of Cardenas, near Matanzas, killing many Spaniards. After an hour's firing the batteries were silenced. A shot from the shore batteries, the telegram says, provoked the Terrcfr and Machias to fire back. The fort at first resolutely withstood the bombarument, but the ancient guns in the batteries inflicted no damage on the ships, and suddenly grew Silent. A later dispatch received from Key West throws considerable doubt on the accuracy of the "Evening Post" telegram. Captain Har- rington, of the Puritan, just arrived at Key West from Matanzas, states that he has heard nothing of the firing upon Cardenas, where two Spanish gunooats are lying hid in the inlet. J He declares it impossible for warships to icct nearer than six miles to the town, which is ) unfortified. THE REPORT DENIED. [SPECIAL CENTRAL NEWS TELEGRAM.] NEW YORK, Friday. A dispatch from Washington states that the Navy Department has received no confirmation of the reported bombardment of Cardenas by ships of the blockading squadron. SPANISH OPINION OF THE BLOCKADE. A MENACE TO THE COMMERCE OF THE WORLD. THE CORTES AND AUTONOMY. A Central News telegram from Madrid on Thursday, ten p.m., says -In the Senate to-day Senor Sonchez, a Conservative Deputy, spoke of the blockade of Cuba, affirming that, as it at present existed, it was contrary to inter- national rights, inasmuch as it was ineffective. The conduct of the United States, he declared, was a menace to the commeice of the world, and he proposed thae the Spanish Government should address a Note to the Powers in order that the latter might pronounce their opinion I upon the blockade. A project with regard to the augmentation of the land and natal forces was pas:cd by the Senate. To-morrow the j' question of the indemnity to the Cortes for the autonomy Bill will come before the Senate. Marshal Martinez Campos will speak on the subject, and will state that, although a certain scction of the Conservative party will not agree to the autonomy granted to Cuba, now that it is established they will recognise it, and will support the Indemnity Bill in order not to weaken the Government's voting power. A Reuter's telegram from Madrid on Friday says: -The "Imparcial" to-day says that all the world knows, now fhat America has tried -to bounce Spain with warlike threats which she cannot fulfil. Even now, Barnum-like, she is trying to astound us all by telegram!! which describe as a warship every old tub that can carry a flag, and shuffle one and the other ,about in changing combinations until the American Navy appears to be "the greatest show on ejrth. Its real strength is, however, known exactly, viz.Five ironclads, two belted cruisers, three unbelted (these being the fastest and most powerful), and twelve cruisers ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 tons. All the rest are theatrical supers. The "Imparcial" regrets that Daudet did npt live to write, "Tartarin, the Yankee Admiral," based on Admiral Sampson's glorious eighteen minutes' bombardment of Matanzas, resulting in the ) slaughter of a mule. It is declared that in spite of the 3QO shells thrown by the Ameri- cans that the Spaniards Lad neither killed nor wounded, nor did the fortifications suffer. COAL FOR THE SPANIARDS. A Central News telegram from St. John's Newfoundland) on Friday says:—Her Majesty's ships Majestic, Cordelia, and Pelican have been ordered to keep a, sharp look-out for Spanish vessels visiting Newfoundland in order to obtain coal. This step, it is believed, has been ;aken in response to representations from the \meric]an Government at Washington. NEUTRALITY OF PORTUGAL. A Reuter's telegram from Lisbon on Friday iays:— A decree proclaiming the neutrality of Portugal cojitairts.six- -rticles:-(I) Forbidding the equipment of privateers in Portuguese waters; (2) forbidding the entry of privateers into Portuguese waters; (3) permitting the entry of belligerent ships Into Portuguese ports, but only for a short stay; (4) setting forth the legitimate limits of trade as regards belli- gerents, and forbidding any commerce in goods which may be conside.-ed contraband of war; (5) warning the Portugese and foreigners resi- dent in Portugal against actions contrary to the security of the State: and (6) no protection to be extended to anyone infringing this decree. ARRIVAL OF CUBANS AT JAMAICA. A Renter's telegram from Kingston, Jamaica, on Friday says:—The German steamer Remua arrived to-day at Port Antonio with 451 Cuban? from Santiago de Cuba on board. Her Majesty's ships Pallas, Indefatigable, Pearl, and Alert are all here. ARRIVAL OF THE CAMPANIA. The Cunard steamer. Campania, from New York, arrived at Queenstown on Friday, landed the Irish mails and some .passengers, and then proceeded to Liverpool. The Campania saw nothing of the Paris. THE WAR REVENUE BILL. A Reuter's telegram from Washington on Friday says: -The War Revenue Bill has passed the House of Representatives by 181 to 149. GERMANY AND THE PHILIPPINES, A Reuter's telegram from Madrid on Friday says:—A great impression has been caused here by a rumour that Germany has issued an official Note declaring that the landing of troops in the Philippines will not be opposed, but that a bombardment will not be permitted, owing to important German mercantile inte- rests in all the towns. It is held here that colour is given to the rumour by Germany's non-declaration of neutrality. QUESTION IN PARLIAMENT. •n the House of Commons on Friday, Sir JOS. LEESE (R., Lancashire, Accrington) asked if the Government had any information as to the state of affairs in the Philippine Islands, and what steps had been taken to pro- tect British subjects engaged in trade at Manila and other places in the island. Mr. A. J BALFOUR: We received a report from our Consul at Manila on March 11 last stating that a rebellion against Spanish authority had broken out in the northern pro- vince of the island. Her MajMtx'a tsttipa havi been ordered to watch events. THE FLYING SQUADRON. [SPECIAL' CENTRAL NEWS TELEGRAM.] NEW YORK. Friday. The latest report as to the intentions of the Hying squadron, which is still m Hampton Roads, is to the effect that it will sail to-morrow morning, en route for Trinidad, with ill" object of surprising and capturing the Spanish war- ships which s're supposed to be 'n that pari, of the world waylaying the United States battle- ship Oregon. The report is considered doubtful, especially in view of 1he reported sailing of the Spanish squadron from Cape de Verdes to-day. MORE YANKEE BOUNCE. The special Correspondent of the "DaiJy Tele- graph" gives some interesting detaih of the bombaidment. Telegraphing frcm New Yors on Thursday, he saysr-- This morning the "Herald" achieved a jour- nalistic feat, which, in its way, was almost equal to the victory gained by the three Ameri- can warships in reducing the Matanzas batteries The dispatch boat, Somers N. Smith, on board of which was your special correspondent with the fleet, had been ordered to follow the flagship New York wherever she went. When the flagship slipped away from the squadron off Havannah yesterday morning, the Somers N. Smith followed in her wake, and was re- warded by being the only newspaper boat within twenty miles of the engagement, by taking off Admiral Sampson's dispatches, by arriving at Key West before anyone knew there had been a fight, and by enabling the "Herald" to publish a full and accurate account of the whole busi- ness before any other paper in New York knew that there had been anything in the nature of an engagement at all. It is alse a source of much gratification that an impartial British observer, a proficient artilleryman, on the spot, admits the wonderful accuracy of the American gunners. This good shooting is regarded in official circles as quite the most important outcome of the engagement, and gives the greatest satisfaction. j It was a beautiful isight to see the targa practice made by the New York's gunners. It was not very long before the New Tort reduecd her range from 7,000 to 3,000 yards, and was tossing shells into SebDiiilla at the rate oi about three per minute wrJi won-lerful pre- cision, and apparently great destructivenMS. The engagement lasted just eighteen minutes. It began at 57 minutes past«12 and ended at a quarter-past one. After the firing ceased the "Herald's" dispatch .boat ran zound the fleet, but not a single casualty was reported. The Puritan and the Cincinnati were left on guard at Matanzas and the New York returned to her old position. In all the United States ships fired 86 shots at the forts by actual count from the "Herald's" boat, and the forts fired probably 25 shots. One point revealed by the bombardment was that the calibre of the largest guns mounted by the Spaniards at Matanzas is Sin,. and the fCONTINUED ON PAGE U



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Last Night's Parliament