FINEST ALE /'v SOUTH WALES °* SKcfc yS BOTTLE. yr Agents Required. C. WATKINS & SON, YF SI ST. NARY ST., CARDIFF. S ) The Hereford Brewery, Estab. 1834. I j

PUBLIC fi-MUSEMENTS. CAHDiFF. rj H E A T it £ U Y A L Lessee and Mann<roip^ Mrs EDWAKD tfETCHER. SPI.HNi.tlD liKCEl'TlON" OF MR. HARity PAUI.TOX, JUN'S COMPANY In the Greatest Success ft cm th» STHAND THEATRE, the Fantastic Mythological Modem Comedy, m I Three Acis, N 1 0 B E I (ALL SMILES). Preceded at 7.30 with an Original Comedietta bY-I George Dance, entitled, A MOKXIXG CALL." Time and Prices as usual, Half-price at Nine. 'I Booking Offices at Messrs. Uiompson and Shackell's SL-imited). Queen-street. Xo. 521. MONDAY NEXT, JULY 5th, THE NEW MUSICAL PLAY—THE JAPANESE GIK L JAPANESE GIRL. 55457 RAND rjp H E A T R E Lessee and Manager Mr. CLARENCE SOUNES. Enthusiastic Kecepuoi or the Great Military Drama, from the Surrcv Theatre, ENLIS T E D Popular Prices, from 4d. to lCs. 6d. Open 7.10 ENLISTED. Popular Prices, from 4d. to 10s. 6d. Open 7.10 (hearty doors 6.45), commence 7.30. MONDAY NEXT, JULY 5th, NUKSE CHARITY," PARSON THORNE," AND FOLLOW THE DRUM." Tia not in mo.ta'.s to command sujeess, bui we'll do I more-ùeserve it." rjl H E jp M P I R E Mar.aging Director .OSWALD STOI.L, TO NIGHT! ANOTHER SURPRISE. I THE AMERICAN glOGJiAPfl, Invecttd by I Herman Casler, New York. I A MARVELLOUS IMPROVEMENT ON THE CINEMATOGRAPHIC. Everything: is shown life-size. Everything: is shown life-size. The subjects are of eii^roseing' interest. !The seiiMtiou created at the Palace Theatre, London, nightly by the Biograph la the feature oi the present entertainment j-easou. j-easou. Ilia KATE GERALDINE, 'I Vocaiisfc. The Three Charming SISTERS MA CARTE, Oa the TiiZtit Wire. HAEKY L A N D E R, Comedian. THE O'MALLEYS. Two Popular Comedian*. THE WELSIT PRIZE GLEE SINGERS. MiM Mae.-ie Thomas, Mise Poilv Collins, Mr. Towyn Tbcmaa, Mr. Marsh Jones, GwHyrn Uwent's "Yr Haf." THE THREE SISTERS SLATER,^ Trioistes. FLORRIE FORDE. The Australian Cometlienne. Next Week:- VESTA VICTORIA. JENNY VALMOUE, J E CAMP KCTICE.—Visitore* CyUcr. stored free of charpre. Artificial means employed to reader the tempera- ture cooler inside. than cutside the Empire. Seats may be booked in advance 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Two Complete Performances Nightly—first between 7 and 9; second between i) and 11. 53032 NEWPORT. rjl H E M P I R E E ilaiaging Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! John Tiller's Famous Company I in SAUCY SUSAN. Forty Artistes. Special Scenery. I New Music. Varieties bv other Artistes. Look: out for feszy Pryde. f Iiok ont for the Biocrapb. fJX) THE PRINTING TRADE. THE WESTERN MAIL LIMITED Are Prepared to Execute Orders for I ONE and HALF-TONE PHOTO-ZINCO I PROCESS BLOCKS FOR THE TRADE, AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE. VTork Received pmt-P-t in the Morning Despatched Same Da £ SPECIALITIES BINDERS' BLOCKS. I Extra Deep on Thick Zinc, Equal to Cut Br AM. BLOCKS FOR COLOUR WORK. i I WESTERN MAIL LIMITED. 61793 ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. I rjlO ARCHITECTS and SOLICITORS, j I PPRCIFIOATIOKS and REPORTS TYPEWRITTEN I I with accuracy and despatch at Aid. per page. I BILLS of QUANTITIES, per page gia- leo Copies cf one page for 2s. 3d. Higher numbert of Copies at a Cheaper Rata. I ACCURACY IX EVERY DETAIL GUARANTEED a.r.8AL MATrEB.-Drsfli, Brief, Affidavit, and Corre- spondence neatljj and aoeuratelj; Copid. ALL OTHER BRANCHES OF TYPEWBITING EXECUTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. TT/TSSTERN MAIL LIMITED, I ST. MART-ST3ECT. GARDIIY. I oocxs omciii; 112. liUTE-STREET. e9841 M— L- EXCURSIONS. 1 T ORNA DOONE COMPAN-j DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN* CARDIFF'ASH WESTON (CALLING AT IENARIH) By the Favourite Steamers LORNA DOONF,. SCOT* Ac. (wind, weather, and circumstances permitting JULY. LEAVE CARDIFF. I UJA VB Vi ESTON Thur. '1-9.15 a.m., 4.0, I Thur. 1-10.0 a.m., 4,' 6.0,8.0 p.m. 6,45,9.0 p.m. } Fi-i. 2-9.20 a.m., 4.40,6.45 Fii. 2-10.15 a.m., 5'< 7.45 (via Clevedon). Sat! 3—*8.0,9.45 a.m., 12.0 Sat. 3—*8.45, 10.30 a. noon, 6.0, 8.0 p.m. 4.40,6.50. 9 0 p.m. Mon. 5—*7.45, 9 30, 11.15 Mcn.b-*8.20, 10.15 a." a.m.. 1.0, 7.15 p.m. 12.0 noon. 6.0, 8.o0 p • Tues. 6—9.15, 11.15 a.m., Tues. 6—10-5 11 ■m-. 1^' 1.40, 8.0'p.m. 6.30, 9.0 V-m. Wed. 7-.8.0, 10.0 a.m., Wed. 7— 8-50, 10.50a. 12.0 iioou, 2.30 p.m. 12.50,8.15 p.m. "OWlinsr at Penarth Pier ten minutes later t" Cardiff except steamers marked thus • SPF-CUT, SAILINGS FRIDAY. JULY 2. LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE- J.eave fJar"' 10.20; Peiiiirtli, 10.30 a.m.; llfraconibe, 4.30; ? mouth, 5.5 p.m. n Also SINGLE TRIP to BRISTOL. I-eave Car". 7.0 p m. i, EVENING TRIP' to CLEVEDOX Pena"- 6.45; Cardiff, 7.0; Clevedon, 8 45 P- EVENING CHANNEL CUUISF to MLS ION .'7 C.'LEVEDON. Leave Cardiff, 6.45; l^nartn, Arriving back about 9.45. SATURDAY, JULY 3. LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE. Leave_ 10.0. Penartli. 1010 a.m.; Ilfracombe. 3.0; fn- ntoL'Ut, 4.5. p.m. „ >n CLEVEDON (Via WESTON). Leave Cardiff 2-0 rcrn. l'enarth. 12.10; Clevedon. 3.50 and 9.15 p. EVENING TRIP to CLEVEDON and T!ISLIj LeIwe Penartli. 5.45; Cardiff, 6.0; Bristol, 8.); Clevedon. 9.15 p in. A limited number of f-easoa tickets are. now tM .ssued. A I/imited Number of MONTHLY TICKETS wi. issued during the Months of Jul> ana Aup* at lCs. each; two ehildien under one adult. The Ticket in all cases will date first dav of ttie Month. For Further Particulars apply to J. and M. QTO and Co., 11, Mount Stuart-square, or to the Agei, A. LOWICK, 51753 Box Office, Pier-head. Card" PART 12 NOW REA[Y I Important Announecmetl A NEW PICTORIAL ALBUM. ENGLANDS it HISTQpY As pictured by hei* faints Painters. Priee Sixpence The Proprietors of the Western Mail" lave arranged with Messrs. George jypiiet (Limited), for the publication throupout Wales of the above New Work, Y.-hihis a hifh-class Art Album and History oointped. The series will be completed in bout Fifteen Parts, and each part will cdtain Tuieniy jtigh-BIass jtisiorical PiclulS WHICH ARE Reproductions of Famous Paintings The Texts which accomPan? the Pioture are by Kr. A. G, Temple, ?.S.A. The Price of each part will be SIXPENCE To be obv ted from any Agellt, or al the WESTEfyi MAIL OFFICES. BUSINESS ACDBESSES. I i i JJAVE you SEEN j The Splendid Solid Black Walnut I gEDROOM gUIT E II Consistit:^ of plate door Wardroba, I Cb^st of Drawers, with t;lass attvhed; marble top, tile back Washstand, stal; and Two Chairs, now offering I stal; and Two Chairs, now offering I BEVAN AND COMPANY, LTD I I And of which vast numbers are selling at I E9 11.. 6d. ONLY. I Honestly worth 14 guineas f I A RE yüu ^WARE I That, as the Largest Fwrnisliers in South Wales and Monmouthshire, thia old-established T'irtn can pii'.Tily V°1 with pither a Dining-room, Dran-inff-room Suite at any price from er Dran-inff-room Suite at any price from I t4 4s. Od. TO JB52 10s. Od r I T)0 you KNoW I That thev keep Everything in Stock I from a 'I'enspoon to a Pianoforte, and tha.t their Immense Business and Larfje I Cash T>—itases «>-v>le them to Sell T entr to Thirtv per Cent. below the, Prices sjenewjly charged by their com- petitoraT WOULD you BE SUR I I PRJSED I I To learn that TRevan nnd Company can I supply yon with Organs and Pianos at half tne usnnl musio warehouse prices, and that you can buy of them a really splendid PIANO FOR B21 JJOES JT STRIKE you I I That for Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Floor CLiths. Pianos, &c. (especially m-neniberinz that all goods aro delivered free, and that the fare of cash customers is paièl), you cannot do better than purchase of gEVAN AND COMPA. NY REGISTERED AS "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," QARDIFF, SWANSEA, NEWPORT AND PONTYPOOL. tlS7i THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER THOMPSONS BURDOCK PILLS Overcome the worst forms of diseases and the fouleci »t»i3 of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; they staita of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; they go to the core of eveiy diseaae, where no other medicine has power to reach. In Boxes, at 1». lid and 2e 9d each. Sold by all <Themistf, or from th, tturdc.ek Pill Manufactory, 44. -street. Swantct I "p Y ER YBODT'S P APE R THE WEEKLY AIA IL AND NEWS OF THE WEEK, TWELVE PAGES. EIGHTY-FOUR COLUMNS ONE PENNY. I I Craft ^oticsa. I.B' TLECOEATORS. \\f D IS AND S"ONS V • P^IN^Ss, GLASS, OIL, AND xM.PKrUngLWt MERCHANTS 11. STREET. DY^OBKS, ETC. XF YOU ^NT YOLTR CLOTHES I.'ICE^ CLEANED. GO TO HOBBS. DYER I NELSON-TER KAC E -=: hNITURB. BEVAN <!< COMPANY. LIMITED "THE 4&DIFF FURNISHERS," ST. MAftY-STgtST' AND DUKE-STREET HATS. PARSLEY HAND-MADE HATS p Z9. M. and8 &d.—15, Wyndliam Arcfde and 40, Caroline -street. BUY F?M THE MAKER. DW HHlfilATIC CURE. FOR FULL VcfTlCULARS APPLY TO PHI I, PHILLIPS BUSINSS ADDRESSES. tM "EVENtiG EXPRESS Chn tM obtained Pry Night of the following I-ocal NewnagcnU;— CENTRAL: SIMROTTT ^OOD STREET. IfRS. DE^ON. 7. WOOD STREET. TLELLIER^HLDGE STREET. .T .TAMEfSl, BRIDGE STREET. E GILLA1. 5. CAROLINE-STREET. BARRn. 'JR NAYES. J HOGG, fd'.EN-STREET- CANTON: ANS. FVRFL JFTCARDS-OWER CATKEDR \L-ROAI». DOWN'. I<T OFFICE CLARE STREET. REES. 55.0\VBR?DGE-ROAD. DOWN. I<T-OFFICE. COWBRIDGE-RD. HITF?HES.». COWBRIDGE-ROAD. 11UGHES.Q2, COW BRIDGE-ROAD. LEWIS. I COWBRIDGE ROAD. FIAKER, 1 CO WB RIDGE-ROAD. WII.SON 4. COWBRIDGE-ROA0. UIORDAN2I2. COWHUiDUEROAC. WILSON, CLIVE-ROAD. BOUND.KINGS ROAD. SMITH arCO.. ATLAS ROAD. ROATB. WTATTS..PANYROAD. TALBOT,BROADWAT ROBERTAS. BROADWAY FLEMlNfll, BROADWAY. WHITE, 1. BROADWAY. REES, 43HET ily-STREICT. THOMAS.. CLIFTON-STI5EET. ltOI'KE. ] PEARL-STREET. D F MOUS 2I.I9. RICIIMOND-ROAD LOCKE. SLACKINTOSII-PLACE. LAW REM 14. CASTLE-ROAD. RUWLEDL 78. CASTLE-ROAD. PADFIELFCASTL-E ROAD. DAV AGE. ASTLE-ROAD ..MJJMFORJ CSSTTX-ROAIX MRS KIN 7. CASTLE-ROAIJ ELLIOTTANGOR ROAD. CATHAYS: WILMS. 1M RNDY-PLACE. PREECE. SAHSBURY ROAC. STUDDAH M. UPPER GEORGE ST. ROSS 43.5TTY-STREET. C STEVE. 126. WOODVILLE-TROAD. WILLIAMREGORY, 7. THE HEATH. W. GRETFTY, 7, ALLAN'S-BANK-ROAD, CATHS. DOCKS: RrsSELTjnAPT-STREET. .T SAVAO 150. PUTE-STREET. TY LEll. 3LUTE-STREET. ^AN^EROWN: PARSONS1- W., Hairdresser, Penarth road. IN" I40. PENARTH-ROAD. RflELfJRI. 1. AMHERSI'-STREET. H ART. 4^0I.MSDALE STREET. MISS J. JL^CLS, 142. PAGET STREET. MOORS: e. w. HL'HINGS. CARTJSLB-OTREET. RLEMIN(?PLORR ROAD. MORGAN. PORTMANMOOR-ROAD. THOMAS AVIES, NOAH- ARK, PORT- MANPRROAB- NEWTOWN FISHER, ADAM STREBr. DAVIES. ADAM STUFRT. ;HTCRSIDET MRS I.OV ELDON ROAD TURNER^. ELDON-ROAD. THOMAS,uDOR-ltOAD. MRS. THIAS. TUDOR-ROAD. A. E. AuER, 58. TUDOR-ROAD. A. llLucf. 39. TUDOR-ROAD. SALTMEAD. JOHN, 5FLARE-ROAD. MANITFACruit 1101;sFORTH, OFFERS HIS 1XL OWN Gotl DUiECT from the LOOM at MILL PRICES, Serges, Fancies, Qishsiere* Biegea. Meltona. Mantle Cloiba- T-ettern sent FrOn Application. Save all intermLte profit. Spt cial Lot ot CM Mcltona. a., elude*, al pe, yard. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT, i I "EVENING EXPRESS." nvrr THETTB SI* TIMES. TIMES I i 20 Words J 0 6 1 0 j 1 6 30 Word '09116 23 J 40 Words j 1 0 2 0 13 0 -1- 50 Words 13 30 5 Notice to Advertisers. IMPORTANT.—Advertisement! to be classified must reach this office bv 10 30 a.m but they can be inserted up to 4 45 p m. unde" headiug of TOO LATE FOR CI,ASSIFICATION. The L'oxfa provided for ariswjfB to i/ivertisement* sppearinj in the Eveninif Exp.-Ms" are not intended lor any other purpose whntevtr, and cannot be allowed to be useil for thf distribution of printed or wnttei adv*rte«ing circulars or ttmouneemento of any kind. The above charge* apply only to consecutive In- "I;ol1s of the (0/!r:f"1I' clnad of adrertit-ements:- '■'nafirins Wanted or Offered. Apartments. Money Wanted. Partnership*. LOJt; and Found. MiscfManeou* Wants. Busiuesnc*. Houa^a, Shop*. Office* to Let or Sell. Specific Articles tor tale Privately. Name MiOM to tiMoleil Order* gent through me post to be accompanied by IY*tal Ori?r or HalfmMjy GafBtyfe Advertisement* are nSgwed at the followinf stlb-ofTi^es :— "M; NEWPORT JTKEDEOAR STREET. SWANSEA OASTLE-STREET. HERTHYR VH,roltTA-STP.EET. PONTYPRIDD (a. TAFF-STREET. HEAD OFFICES: CARDIFF: ST. MAP-V-STBE^IT 1 »" 1 1 ET. f!?50.000 to TJ"ul1.-Th !trw»«t of Cash In Sivnw of ST) to 2500 are RdBprmieiiiled to apply to the Provincial lTriion Panic j. Qu^er.-JT'are. Brisfail; or to E W Webber. 3. Wojjring-street. Cardiff. ea-W I DRESBjffAKINO. DresfmaTcinir.—Ladies Costumes. Wedding Dresses. L Capes, kc., Made in th' Latest Style.' Fit guaranteed. —Address Lewis and Bnv, 7&, Wrndham-crecoent. Cardiff. e5896 L LOST A TOtnffD. Brrwn I^eat.he' Brief Ffcg. left in GfW.R- Down Pas- Frnger Train, leavine ttiliff for Swansea 9.30 M0-1- dav Moniing. June 28: iader handsomely re-,varde<L —Apply 73, Plqiiturton-aynue..Carditf. el0237nl MISCEIiIJAI^BOTJS WANTS. Gentlemen's. T/idies'and Childten'* Wardrobes Botisrlit. Orders attenffcdl to. t.o-yn or c('>' or Nfrs. S. L. Green, ituuiries House. ;;2, Caroline- street. Cardiff j: e6175 .0.- sicarcLfis. Special Clearance.—I^rfeiteid Repairs and Hire Machines, all riding f>rda £ Ten Solid-Safeties. 3gs. ftd. each; nine Cushion Sjteties, 50s; six Pneumatic*, £ 5; cash only. Send KO.O and ?<v,T vhich statico, Morris Bros., Cycle Works, Pontypridd. Repairs, Plating, and Enamelling promptly <nd pheaply. a* usual. Send machine amj we will (rive estimate before p-pcpfdinf y<*w !Mt)t. yith m*p. <<}. ct947 MISCBliLANIEOUrs SALES. CVrnish Boiler for Sale; 7-liorsr />o»'er; good con- dition.—Apply to Master, WorkhoiBct| Cardift. ppl Pia.llo.-HaMsonlt t'pri^ht Btirr Walnut. in good erudition; highest offer; suitable for schools.—20, Glynrhondda-strci't. CnrdifL el0239d Poultry.—It you vant your birds to pay you write for prices* and ramples of food to Noah Rees allel Son. Hay, Corn, and Seed Merchants, Cardiff. E6115 1.C00 Business 'Car^s, Memorandum;, or Billheads, 3s 10.000 Ireful Handbills, 2«. 6d. I?SHI|I1PS free. -Fi,h"r and Co.. Machine Printers, 1\J,J1I1f"t.,1 Bristol. e4418 —1———angg———<■ MISCELLANEOUS. Tobacconists commencirg. See Illustrated Guide and Catalogue (259 pages), 3d.—ToKicconite' Outfitting Conipany, 185, Euston-road, London. Manager. Hy. Mver. el0199 Eartliei ware and best. E3, or will send 15 dozen Seconds Articles for 17s 61. Write for lMt.s.—WEt!B and CO., I.ongt-on, Staffoid- slnre Potteries. e6034 Is Ymr Watch Wrong? The Best and Cheapest Simp in Cardiff for the Repair of Watches of every description, English or Foreign, is 38. Castle Arcade (thinl shop from Castle-street), bv James Iveir, for ten yiars with Mr Spiridion. Clocks and Music Boxes Cleaned and Repaii b1. e4209 AGENTS AND TRAVELLERS. Advertisers are Cautioned that Postmasters are Not Allowed to Deliver Letters Addressed to Initials or Fictitious Names at any PCMt-office. Ix'tteis addressed to Initials or Fictitious Names must bear the address of the Advertiser or one of the Offices, of the Western Mail. The British Empire in the Nineteenth Century. Queen Victoria's Longest Reign.—Active, pushing, and efficient Men can earn B3 weekly Taking Orders for this interesting work salary and commission to thoroughly reliable men.-Apply Bluckie and Son, Swansea. 2971n7 To Grocers or Diapers' Assistants.—Wanted, a snarfc Business Man to Work Pembrokeshire Family Tea Trade.—Apply Mangalore Tea. Company, 6. Harp- lane, Tower-street, London. 2355n7 A superior Agency Offered to energetic Men Every- where; whole or spare time; liberal remuneration.— Uppington's Works, Wine Office-court. London. nl4 Wanted, for Works in South Wales, competent Look-kteper and Correspondent accustomed to tra- velling in South Wales, Devonshire, and Cornwall.— Address, stating experience and salary wanted, to S Woolston's Library, Middleeborough. 53403 Wanted, an Agent for the South Wales District to Ri present a Finn making a Speciality in Steam Boiler and Pipe Coverings.—Apply Jones and Hoi-s- field, Hyde, near Manchester. 53496 A trustworthy Man of good appearance is Wanted in Cardiff to Represent an important Company; a gcod and permanent situation is assured to energetic man willing to canvass —Address U 71, Western Mt-il, Cardiff. 2883116 ~Wanted, a Traveller in the Rubber Trade for South Wales must liava good connection.—Apply, enclosing references and stating salary expected, to Anderson, Cox, and L' (Limited). Swansea. 2786n5 A Youug Man, of good appearance and address. Wanted to Represent a first-class Company; good remuneration and prospects of early promotion to a capable man; highest references indispensable.— Address-U-51. Western Mail. Cardiff. 2734n3

\1 Another Oliver Twist. j 1 CARD 111? CHIEF LIBRARIAN "If you please, madam, I want somt more! I

NURSEMAIDS AND SERVANTS WANTED" Wanted, a good (ieneral Servant also a Nurse.— Apply 7. Gloa^op-road, R'-ath. Cardiff. el0240n7 Wanttd, a good Ge.]erAi. -Appiv 20, Meteor-street, Roath, Cardiff. el0235a3 Wanted. Xurc-c. about 18. for Three Young Cliii- dnn—Appty 48. Westbourne-road, Penarth. 53485 Wanted, Cook-General, also Housemaid; good rrfe- rei ces.—Apply 96. Cathedral-road. Cardiff. 2763nl Good (yevif-ral Servant Wanted at once.—Apply Arcadia. Ll.mthewy-road. Newport. 2820n5 Wanted. good Cook; two in family; housemaid kei t; goad wages.—Applv 73, Richmond-road. Car- diff. Thorough; cajiahle of taking charge of delicate cbiki at night; fiarioaimaid kejit. —Mrs. Gaskell, AIterya. Newport. Mon. 2779nl Wanted. a competent Nurse, 25 to 30; good needle- c om woman.— state age, wages, references. Mrs. Walter Evans, Eaglesbush House, Neath. 2783n5 Wanted, for the country, an exp-rieneed Parlour- maid; must undersrand lamps.—Apply, with all par- ticulars, to Mrs. Morgan Williams. Killay House, Swaasea. 2758rb Wanted, a good General accustomed to Plain Cook- ing. Washing, and Ironing.—Mrs. James, 23. Heatli- flt-ld promenade, Swansea. <!704n3 Select Registry Office, Brynmill Post-office, Swaasea, -Miss Jones lia,4 Commenced a Registry Office for Lat"8 and Serv: nts at above address. 2705d Wanted, for the Country, a Cook-GeneraTj one whj understands dai'v.—Applv 12, Park-place. Oar- diti. 53448 Wanted, Widow and Daughter must be thoroughly experienced laundresses in everytliiag connected with laundry work; good references required; wages, 30s. per week. with cottage, roals, and all inundrv Applv Mr*. -5Ia*keh», Lan^y 4a! L'An- trisant, South Wales. 53442 General Servants.—Two Wanted for London; £ 16 each; fares paid.—Write, stating age and ler^th of character, Mrs. Coeter. Gloucester. 2730n3 « Wanted, a good Plain Cook country.—Mrs Philip Dunn, C'r ifta, Llaatrisant. 2578nl General Servant Required, where one other is kept; must be able to do plain cooking undeniable refe- rences state wages.-Apply X., "Welshman" Otlice,, Ca.nirthen. 2718n3 Wanted, House-Parlourmaid or strong, willing to Train as Such.—State references, wages, to Mrs. Sampson, Bryngwili, Pontardulajs. 2'>7QL'3 Wanted immediately, for the Country, near Cardiff, &'1 nperi!'n,'e<1 Houtie-Parlourmaid; must be tall, and understand trimming lamps a good waitress.—Address L" 48. Western Mail, Cardiff. 53423 Wanted, experienced General, Gentleman's Small Family; no washing: good wages.—Bellingl am, AVocdiands Villas, Swansea. 2656n2 Wanted. Plain Cook; gentleman and lady in frmlily; £18. Also Nurse for Baby eight months £18; comfortable situation.—Address 71, Park-street, Bristol. 2632n2 Laundrvmaid Wanted head of two £20; gentle- man's small family; every convenience. Ilmse- Pariounnaid; £18. Housemaid £ 18.—61, A;^ipy- road, Clifton. Bristol. 2533n2-1 Wanted iiniiediat-el i-, exj>erienccd Cock-Genera), Also Nurse-Housemaid Accustomed to Children; g^Kxl i needlewoman.—Apply Mrs. Lewis, 16. Vaughan-sirret, Lii'nellv. 2613n2 Wanted, Early in July, experienced House-Tarlour- maid.—Apply, with references and particulars. Mrs. Hann, The OaLlands, Aberaman, Aberdaie. [2584n2 Wanted, Housemaid or House-Parlourmaid for j Countrv.—Aprilv. stating age, was, and references. Mrs. Jones, Pwll Court, LlangjmJ™r, Crickhcwell. ) 2522nl Wanted, respectable, experienced Cook-General for Family House.—Dr. Newton, Glen House, Newton-road, Mumbles. 2521nl Wanted, good General Servant; clean, honest, ard industrious early riser.—Apply, with references. Mrs. White, 16, Courtland-terrace. Merthyr. 2542nl Wanted, good Plain Cook and House-Firlourmaid.— Apply Llwvn Onn, Llandaff. 2535nl Wanted, good Nurse for Child of Five, Abie to Take Baby from Month; uood needlewoman.— Mrs. Logan, Envilie House. Newport, Mnn. 2538nl references. Wanted, a good Nurse for Two Children references. -Apply, after Mondav, to Mrs. Proger, Clive-crescent, Penarth. 2Klnl Ccok.—Wanted, on 1st July, good Plain Cook. Write (up to 25th) to Mrs. Evans. Swanbridge House, Lavernock; after that date call (between seven and eight) at 14. Park-place, Cardiff 53285 Wanted, Good General Servant; abqUt 20; earlv riser, trust have good references!—Apply Mrs Walkey. Ingleside. Manishen. 53271 FEMALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES Situation Required by experienced Housc-Parloitr- maid.-Apply Redwood. 98, High-street, Cvmmer, Cook. also House-Parlourmaid—trustn-crtliy, »xi>e- perienced- -ïsh to Engage, Same H"use; weil recom- mended.—State wages Cook. I'oft-orHce. Nantyglo. n3 Situations Wanted as General Servants for Several strong Country Girls. Hundreds of ladies Suit*1 ,testimonials free.—Mrs. Coster, Registrv, Glo:i'"es'- ter- 2069n3 APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS TO LET. 54, Neville-street. Riverside.—Comfortable I/xlgiiTgl for One or Two (iemtlemen liberal table; 18s. per week hot and col:I bath piano no cliildren. e:i7 Part of House to Let to respectable couple; no < hiidren.—Apph 47, Angus-street, Roath Park. Car- 'htf f-10240n3 A LarfP Front Sitting-iocm. One 01 Two Bedro oms, With or Without Board; clutse to town.—3, Patk-pla c, Caidiff. 2921 i7 "^Llandovery. —IVo Well-furnished Sitting aiii Several Bed Rooms to be Let good cooking and attendance.—U 80, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2935n2 To Let, Foar Unfurnished I(oo:» iu {Small Farm- Louse. near Llanishen, Cardiff; very pretty and healthy situation.—Apply U 57, Western Mail. Car- diff. 2762nl Small Family Would Like Gentleman; good home; central; Kngiish or foreign.—16, Pembroke-terrace, CarCiff. 2765n5 Penartb.—Lansdowne Private Hotel; extensive Channel view superior accommodation moderate charges: special terms to permanent boarders. 2303d Well-furnished Dining-room and Bedroom to^Let in Newport-road; hot and cold bath.—Address T* 60, Wrestern Mail, Cardiff. 2789n5 51. Cathedral-road, Cardiff. -Two well-furnished Sitting-rooms and Three Bedrooms to Let rwd cooking and attendance moderate terms 277anj Well-furnished Apartments suitable for two ladies or gentlemen; h.c. bath pia.l'J.-l29, Inverness-pla-c. Roatli Park. 2778nl Pottlicawl.—Piying Guests Received during Juiy, August, and September, bv tlie week or month — Apply Stoneleigh, Ladies' College. 1'ortlK-awl. u2 Pleasant View. Llanhvit Major.—To Let. One Sittmg- roong and Two fi^jroomn.—Apply C. ranter. Jl2 "3. Cardiff.— -LaTgr Front Sirtin?- room and One or Two Bedrooms good cookiiil- and at t endance. 2618n2 First-class Front Rooms Vacant; no children; no Indg-ers.9. Ninian-road (facing Roath Park). Car- diff. 53390 PREMISES. STABIJ: Tu LET. AN EXCELLENT STABLE TO LET at 6, St. Andrews-place, Cardiff, at a ftntal of C26 per annum, without rates and taxes.- Apply to the Registrar, L'nive-sity College. Car- diff- e6296 To Let. with immediate possession. Stable and I/oft, on corner of Zinc-street; rent, 5s. per week.- Apply Messrs. J. G. Maddox and Son, 25, Duke-street. Cardiff. e6302 DWELLING-HOUSES TO BE LET. Dalton-street (Crwys-road) 4 bedrooms, bath; 10s.; also 41, Dalton-street. 8 rooms, bath; 10s. 6d. 103, Struthnairn-street. 3 bedrooms, bath; 9s.; all near Roath Park —Apply 138, Castle-roati, Cardin. en2 A fe-.v convenient Houses in Herbert-street, Maindy (near Baptist Chapel); 15 minutes from St. Jolin's- square. via. North-road, just over railway bridge respectable, healthy neighbourhood good drainage rentals. 5s to 6s paired, clean; frequent 'busses.— Apply 138, Castle-road, Cardiff. el0231n2 59, l.oudoun-sq«»are to Let. and 15. Surtt-street — Apply Mrs. Williams. Pembroke House, 1. Conwav- road. Cardiff. e10239z5 Hoiton. Gower, to Let (Furnished) for .Tulv ;'iwo sitting and four bed rooms); excellent- position, near the beach: irood bathing and. magnificent view ot Bristol Channel; teims moderate.—Apply David Tucker, Beach House, Hurton Burrows. Re\-ncld- stone RSO. 2946n7 Ilorton. Gower.-To let (Furnished), for August and September. "Scaford" close to shore and .afe bathing, with best sea view; 3 sitting and 8 or 9 bed ruolIlll.-Perkins, "Seaford," Horton, Reynoklstoae R.S.O. 2939n4 Furnished Country Cottage to Let; 4 bedrooms; orchard, garden boating and tishmg.—Address U 70, Western Mail. Cardiff. 2882n6 Vicarage. Merthyrmawr. Bridgeml, to let, during Holidays, begiimin^ July 12th three reception-rooms, five bedrcoms; nsar sea.—Apply Vicar. 2867116 65. Newport-road • two sitting-rf)oms, four bedrooms, box-room, bath (ii. and (-): stables; back entrance; l"v. rental.—J. J. David and Co., Estate Agents. St. JulnÙ-t<r¡uarc, Canliff 2844n6 .Mumbles—Furnished Cottage to Let, for Three, Six. fr Twelve M jr.tli. moderate terms. Also Fur- mshcd Cottaje for IIol'da>s.—Linford. Mumbles. n6 \lla Resid-n<-e, with splendid Kitchen Garden, to Let during July. August, and September.—Apnly Rev. John Davies, Llandilo. 2846n6 To Let (Furnished), 50. Plymouth-road, Penartli 3 reception, 7 bed rooms; tennis court; good sea view from 1st August. 2842n6 HOUSES FOR SALE Excellent Pi oj>e rt y -16870a tiled ra 1-rfw.d 1. Berth *vin-street 98. s TIjoirAs, 103, Rich mo id-road. Cardiff el0241n7 MISCELLA: ECUS SITXTATIONS. SITUATIONS VACANT 8IT'JATI()1'iS VACANT Paving Ijyin_—Wanted, gciod Man at once; r>est 1. and ji^inunent jni, to suitable man.—Hamjison and Co.. Quarry Owners. D imbalis-rcad. Cardiff, enl tianiener Wauteil; tli<w>>ughly experienced in shiutis and mowing iawn married; age<I 36—35.—Apply, any evening af'er eight. Hibi>ect. Penylan. Car- <litV. el0241n7 Wanted, a Practical Cbllierj- Cnr;>eiit £ r — AppiV, with references, to Manager.' Standard Colliery, Ynisl ir. Rhondda. 2972n3 To Masons—Wanted, goul Stone Ureter fur Bridge ] M i ik.—Ajiplv Jenkins au i Son. Contractors. PfTth. Rlii-ndda Valley. 296^7 Forcnmn Joiner.—Wanted, good Working Fore- nan used to ffrst-clase work, ami can manage shop. —Apply Watkin Williams. Puntypridd. 235~n3 t Wanted, for Shiprepairing Wocjis, Second Foreman Boilermaker, with good knowledge of Ixiiler and ship work; permanent, employment to suitable man.- Apply, stating qualifications end wages required, an l giving reiereoces. to Box U 78, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2932n3 Waited at once. Painter; good all-round man — State terms, &c.. U 76, Western Mai}. Cardiff. ?917n3 S-t,leii)en in Hunting Stuole —State age. wages, weight. t:.1:periPJ.(e. and references.. L. F. C.. Cilwendeg Park. Boncath. S. Waks. 2869n6 Wanted at once, sharp Lad to Milk. Drive, ind Deliver references required abstainer preterm!.— Milk. Miss J"hn. Stationer, Haverfordwest. 2857n6 To Blncksntitlm.—Wanted, a Young Man. just out of hi> time, for Country Shop; Indoors.—Robins. Medley^H iiref ord. 2858n2 Wanrel. a good Working Foreman Mat^iii for Bridge Work well uj» in lines.—Apply R. J. Mafcbias, Contractor, l'untypnd'L 2&54n2 Contractor, l'untypnd'L 2654o2 Wanted, experienced Baker; wef! TIP in Tamils; live inn-State wages, Keirl, Paragon Stores, Whit- eIlItl'eh. -Carl'itf. 2825&1- must be good axe men and Woodcutters Wanted; must be good axe men and acquainted with cutting eogwood.—Lewis, Timber Merchants. Pontypridd. 2?S82n3 Young Man Wanted to Look Affr shc-p an.! Do General Work on Farm—Apply by letter liees. Hlaen. I Nani-yr-hebng Farm. Resolven. 2671n3 lot tellers.—Single Man W:antel v' live indoors-, .DU-t he a good s'.aughtt-rntita.- Afpiy John Ho*r3ll, Albanian. Aberdaie. 2512nl £ 33 a Month Can be Made with £ 10 —For par- ticulars address Canan, 154, Leadenhall-street, Lon- don LI4269 L SITUATIONS WANTED. Coach Builders.—Young Man Rt quires Constancy 's as Painter: London references.—Painter. 71. Lewis- ham-road. Lewisham, Lmdon. 2953n3 Wanted, Situation as Foreman or Leading Hand. High, Low, or Steam Systems of Heating; late with .Tones and Attwood '12^ years).—Address Duckhouse, Stourbridge. 2728n3 Advertiser (29)—Late Oflie T Mercliatit Seivice— Seeks Employment Ashore would invest sma!l capital in suitable business, or give security for any place 0; trust.—S 19. Western J\1ai!. Swansea. 2655n2 Wanted a Si!uat:on by a Young Man as Haulier; well accustomed to horse.a -APvly S 18, Western Mail, Swansea. 2569nl A, Porter or Warehouseman nine years' experience in the drapery husiness; good references.—Apply C. L.. 41, Rolls-street. Cardiff. 25J7nl Wanted, by a Young Man. Situation as urooT.- f.ardener; good milker; aged 20.—Apply G. Parr 16. Angel-street. Bridgend. 2859n2 Wanted, Situation by Young Man as Groom end Coachman; good references.—Apply F. J., 178. C'om- mercial-road, Newp >rt. 233^n6 As Coachman; thoroughly understands huntcs and harness horses; five yeans." good character; m&iried; aged W.-Address Denbnrv, St. Hilary, Cowbridge. 2860n2 Wanted, by respectable, middle-aged Man Situation as Groom and Gardener; abstainer; good reference.. -Apply J., 2. Clarence-place, Pontymister. near New- port. 2813n5 Young Man Requires Situation Groom Coach-nan or Groom-Gardener: nrelve months' present character, nearly two years' previous; aged 25; single; at 'aeu present disengaged.—Apply U 52. Western Mail, Cardiff. 2735n3 Wanted, Situation as Groom under coachman, or Single-handed aged 21: good references.—Gammon, Llwyncyntefin. Sennybridgc. South Wales. 2707n3 As Coachman (experienced); ride and drive single and pair: aged 26; narriei. no family; good cha- racter.—Coach:nan, rlhe Cottage, Penhill, Car- diff. 2729n3 As Gardener or Groom-Gardener; 24 ride, drive understands vines, tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable and flower garden.—W. l-'cston, 62, Clegram-road, Gloucester. 2b44n2 (Jardener (Head Working); life t-xpertecct eleven years present pi.'ice: aged 35; married, three chil- dren —Address Gardener, Liana yr on, Cilian Aeron, South Wales. 2516nl Barman (27) Want. Situation; u«ed 10 <]u;ck trade references.—Morgan. 6, -Wyndliam-street. Lurry Dock. 2S64n7 CALVE RT'S CARBOLIC TOILET SOAP Is a Pat Antiacptic Soap for the Skin and COlilphJ:io!1. Delightful to rIOt>. after Cycling, or other Outdoor Exercise. 6d. Tablets at CLcmists, >tc.: or 3 Tablet Box post free for Is. 6cl. Illustrated Pamphlet post frit or. Application. F. C. CALVERT A CO., MANCHESTER E3435 BUSINESS ADDRESSES. TRY The West End Tailors For a SMART SUIT, I For a WELL-CUT TROUSERS, For a STYLISH COAT. THE PRICE RIGHT. THE QUALITY RIGHT. And a Saving of 25 per cent. guaranteed. j ONLY ADDRESS IN CARDIFF: 19, Duke Street, FACHIC ST. JOHN'S SgiMK. Telegraphic AddressWe»t of England BraMk; •• Revolution," Cardiff. 5 gf., Telenhone 8ft. BE1STOL. PJEEGHAM'S PILLS. gBECHAM'S PILLS, EECHAM'S FILLiS. Worth it Guinea a Bos. BEECHAM'S PJLLS. For liiiious ttac«fc. PILLS .[) For Kerrcras Disoiltcrf,. BEECHAM'S PILLS BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion 111 «11 its forms. EECHAM:S PILLS. For W*:nd and Pains in the Stomachy I BEECHAII\S PILLS. ,0 For Sick Headache. IRECHA PILLS- BEECHAM'S PILLS. finve Saved the Lives M Thousands. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Giddiness. iECHAM'S PILLS. For Fulness and .TWfelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS Are Worth a Guinea, a Boa. EECHAM'S PILLS. B A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all A gag B' EECHAM'S PILLS Are Adapted forOid and Youne. J^LLIOTT'S JJOTEL AND RESTAURANT, 62, ST, MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, The Oldest-established Dining RoonM in tile Town, with a reputation of close upon 50 Yean. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ONE OF THE SI6HTS OF CARDIFF. The NEW DINING-BALL (with aooommoda tion i or 300 Guettt) Is NOW OPEN. REFRESHMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIP í TION AT POPULAR PRICES. DINNERS A SPECIAMTT. ROAST JOINTS, TWO VEGETABLES. M. ROAST JOINTS, TWO VEGETABLES* bWEE l'S, aud COFFEE, la. CHOPS AND STEAKS FROM THE GRILL, AT THE FRONT BAB. I EEST MILD ALES Per Pint 2d. UWI: BUTlfiL Per PiMi id. I II FRED L. SHORT, MCEKSM.

Our Short Story. A VILLAGE PATRIOT. Six men were going lionie, from work together. They had been shingling the iu'jt-h gable-end of a new country house, and the owner, a Boston maD, had just tele- phoned down that everybody might knock [Iff work at three o'clock so that those who wished could take the four o'clock train to own. Most of the gang did wish this before lie Fourth of July and they were neariy all Bettor, men who had been sent down by the buiiding contractor. The six siiiuglers cuine down their ladder arid walked awav together. Jim Fisher had his bicycle, but he trundled it along by baud and walked with his mates. Tljey coul! still hear hammers knocking in tlie :'re:it ho'Jse where some of the boys were Jiog'jr:ng to end off pa,j^ of the standing --It iii one of tho bwur rooms. Work was being rushed aud they had set themselves a :d loyally stood by to close the thing just right. "1 never saw a house rtlt, together so qimk;" sail a sober-locking fellow named Aliis, who turned to look back. "t biicK s «Ooa»V j.areJ uii. ;c. ,,u Wlt: laths, and .1Iciul:: j I the lathers get out the plasterers st»p in. Wonder the paperers don't chase them fight around the four wet walls." "Takes some folks a good while to filld out that it's just as cheap to pay twenty Itkll one day as 'tis to pay one man twenty jiiys, said Jim Fisher. "There ain't many bosses can llitl¡dle a large crew to good advantage." said ft u'so I round-shouldered old man who wore spodjicles I at his work ."ad liked a good politico] 9rgu- I nT-iit at noon over his dinner He was the only one of the six who lived i" toWn. and Charley Burriil lizvl boarded "itil him I all the spring. Charley Burriil was it [,fisk- lo,iking Boston fellow who did a fitst.ra te I week's v. ork and dressed himself with notice- i ahle smartness on Sunday "You're right there," said this y,,ullf5 "trouble's apt to be with the boss, J,ast job I was on, we were scandiii' rounj most of our time waitin' an' tumblin' light over one 'nofher. Men come down front t(le city with al! their so.'der furnaces an' to, do a. piece of joofiug before the rocif \\us boaidod. There was one of 'ern utej to practise 'Annie Laurie" on a cos'&'k Ul\Ürr the -1• >s e <!ieit. an' "miss Ihe samp, no!* cv0tv .me. [till ui'e d'ty a l«ilio'.» went down o t;;H tlurd story to break the old toot horn over his liead." "Wish I was a boss," raid Jim Fisher, cheerfully. "X". you don't not that kind."said old Thorndike. "Tell you I'm older'n you boys be. and I've noticed ever since I was a boy myself that folks always done well that done their fair day's work, an' all died poor that had a, spell o' thinking they were goin' to get rich out o' shirkin'. Notliin" for nothin's a pretty safe rule." "(Join: to preach this comin' Sunday, elder?" inquired Jim Fisher, with polite interest. "Xo. I ain't, sir." answered Abel, good- naturcdlv. "My ambitions all run toward praetk in". l'itt ,oin' to celebrate the Fourth 0' July though; perhaps you ain't aware it comes to-morrow, or do you have a special one of your own up to Boston "What are you going to do, elder?" deman- ded Jitn Fisher. The six men had fallen into single tile along the narrow footpath, but Fisher stopped and let the rest go by. "What be I goin' to do?" repeated the old man, a little confused and glancing at Charley Burrill. "Well. sir. my folks can celebrate as well as anyltody round here, but 'twould seem plain to Boston folks." "Dvu't 1st Charley sojoil hill nice new clothes with snapcrack," said Jim, and Charley Burrill blushed,8 was expected. He had said early in thiav that he was not going home for the Fth, and they all knaw the reason. They i come to a turn in the road and Jim feher' sprang on his wheel and whirled vay, leaving everybody to plod, behind. "Bo (careful,'liarley!" he shouted, and young Burriil s'ted gaily back as he went down the lane h Abel Thorndike. Thorn- dike's house Aval the liver bank. and there were some applies by it and a little flower garden in froniAs the two men came to I the gate a pretgirl looked out of the win- I dow and threwr sewing off the table and came out to m< them. n. Abel Thornd: Sitt on hi.s doorstep after I supper, reading Life of Washington." Tho younger nWrs of his household were leaning over tlJate talking and looking at I the river. "My pity sak¡' exclaimed Mr. Thorndike, with enthusiasiiv'Just. see what a man Wa.sli- injrton was! P it its in his great nudrpss I "Wntch your nifties as carefully as :f they I were kings,' saye: w- (loiieia.1 Washitigton was a prophet! I The T0!f 4-—»a little embarrass J at beinjr interrupted, while the old carpenter took off his spectacles and laid down the big book with an impressive air. Charley began to think that they had better walk down the lane. Here 'tis Fourth o' July again, and how few folks thinks what it ail means," said Abel. "j don't want to wa.te as ^ood a day as there is in the year. f always feel as if 1 ought to go to meetin' part <>' the day and sit and think about my country and them that give it to me." "We're sober enough Decoration Day, said Phebe. "Why. father, we ought to be gay's I we can Fourth o' July; there' a time to re- joice, ain't there? I've got your flags all ready to put right out in the mornirur anyway." "Don't you be scared, Phebe." said the old man. "I'm going to rejoice. What have you two young creatures got in mind to do ? I don't expect :rou'li want me to go along any- way." and he smiled at them with open re- cognition of a happy fact of which they fancied him quite unconscious. They were not used to the happiness of being lovers, and his face iii.,t, then stemed the kindest face in the world "I've spoken for a team." said Abet. in- nocently. "I knew Charley 'd want one, and you have to speak a long while beforehand to get the hcsi. such days. I'm goin' to give ye both a first-rate rids in the afternoon, au' in the evening I shall want Charley to help me with my fireworks. I've don* ,-0 we1.! working all the sprii.j on this go°d job that I'H: gota plenty o' money to fool round a little. There's some boy left in me yet. old's I am. Some vearg in the past I ain't been able to have any- thing but a good bonfire, but 1'.E always had that. "Good for you, sir," said Charley Burriil. ITI. "It ain't a bit o' harm to liaxe a little plea- surin': a good deal of a nan's life has to be kind of dull. reflected Abe] Thorndyke. as he stood at the gate and watched the young couple drive away. They had called to 'him ir. distress M hc-n they found the one pleasure carriage which he allowed himself the summer through was a single-seated buggy. Charley Burriil shouted for the stable boy who was running up the lane: "You've made a mistake!" he said. "No. no, 'twas just as I ordered; you can go by yourselves to-day. and the father looked front 'in face to t-ho other. "I was young myself .!■ e, aud I ain't ready either," he added by "Jv of final excuse. I'hehe put her arm arouaidher father's neck » and kissed him: she looked more like her mother than usual that day. And Abel Thorndike felt a sudden pang of loneliness. "There, there! you po off and find some nice roads up country I don't expect to see you till supper time. an' we'll make a light supper I anyway after our good dinner o' lamb all gxao» I peas, 'tis my great treat," he said. An' after | dark we'll touch the fireworks off. I shall be i glad to set an' rest an' read my Life o' Washington an' I may get a nap!" Burrill ventured to laugh, but he had a new understanding of the happiness of holiday- making. and started off gaily to make the most of his afternoon. Early that evening they watched an eager crowd assembling on the opposite river bank. "You see they always expect something from me," said old Abel. apologetically. "This year I'm goin' to surprise 'em. Some say it's foolish to burn up money so. but folks about here don't have the interests they do in Boston, an' 'tis one way to enjoy themselves. I used to think when I was a. boy and my folks were pinched an' poor, some day I'd get ahead an' then nobody should forget the Fourth where I was. 'Taint, no common day. an' I ain't goin' to behave ns if I thought so. Phebe says you've given her an elegrsnf lime this afternoon, on' she"? come home happy's a queen. I feel grateful to see her so happy, and now we'll :Yu h those boxes out of the shop an' touch ihiii^s off an' celebrate extra this year. Ivdks say mv fireworks always look so pretty, all double an'' in the river." — IV. Next day the shingling gang was at work again, and all the hammers going inside and outside the grsiat-hvase. "What did you d j ye<t<"rday ?" somebody asked Jim Fisher. "Oh," nothing part; T didn't s;x;id a cent an' 'twas too hot to go off anywhere on my wheel." said Jim despondently 'Taint much of a day after you've got past snap crackers. "You ought to have seen the way they celebrate down here," announced Charley Burrill, proudly. "Best Fourth I ever had:" and he and Abel Thorndike did not look nt each other, but their heart? seemed to touch. "I always read a good long chapter in my 'Life of Washington' said old Abel, as he reached for more nuils. "Trouble Ü:, you young fellows don't half know what a country you've got behind you."—Sarah Anne Jewell.

BE WIRE IN TIME! Sufter-rg from Gr*vei. i.umoeco. I'iies, Paina in tin: Brck, f;rejisv, tt in/' and Water Complaint*. I>:feases of Kidneva, Bladder, Stone, Sciatica., Hhea- inatism, and (Joi. will 0-id a ixxsitire Cure in Hotroyd'* Gravel Pills. Try a small Hoi, and if not satisfied you- mor-ey will be returned. 1'rice lc. lid., of all chemists, or post, free for 1? ctsmpa, not satisfied you- mor-ey will be returned. ilt4ce If. lid., of all chemists, or post, free for 1? ctsmpa, frvm Ilolr•*■ Mejical Hall, declcheaton, forb. be I'm' elf If ron cannot jjet them, wtte the oroprietor. end a box v j11 he Pert next "Clvrte'a World fanned Blood Ifitturc is a guaran- teed cu- j for sti'. and Skin '5i*«#fs. It is the v-r.vhiHjr bl-vid cle*n*»r ever discovered, ami it Wi! fr'-c i't f.-crii all impurities from v. hi'cvpr omttc arisi& £ For Sc :Scurry, itczearc, Bad T.cprs. Pin:>'l«f. and Sorft of a!,;d. its effects eit Hiitrvehoiis Thousands of Tonderiul ('111' bare ns' 'A h -n efrccU-n by it. Sold everywhere, s, 2b. 9d. jier bottle. Eewai-e of irorthlen* ia*it»vioi»s. e; Z2 ——- [MPORTA NT to Married Ladies.-Send j stamped I;eseei C: t?;.X>« hr rr.<wt | FarUcular.« a«d Testitaoaiil* fwhica are fjirinu* peii:J»e 6tr a pea«4la; of £ 1.000) Bewsrt of iisj- j ♦a.01-rs.—A D.V?MAILs Wme 337, Ija«v*laJ», *Vaitharn J •tow, Lcndoo. Eetabhsuad Bau a <^is» I

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
] FOR SAILO'iRS' FRIEXDS. FOREIGN ARRIVALS AND MOVE. II MENTS OF LOCAL VESSELS. CspdmoMleft Dunkirk for Cardiff 27th Watlinfrten arrived Biihac from St. Naziire 53th. ¡ (iledholt left the Teef for Stettin 29th. llesleden arrived Stettin from the 'lees. Kiiyinney left tJibraha1- for Poniurcn 29th. Hart left Newport for Bilbao 29ih. AVer-Toe left Al<ri°rs for Antwerp ? B SUU'('08E' exuectcd to leave i'eltust July, 211<1. Volagt left Port Raid for tlie Ranulw 30th. Oakbv left Gibraltar for- Kinp's Lynn 28th. Haxh" arrived Philadelphia from "as Palmar 24th. Ornisbv arrived St. John's from s.dlla 28th. 1"hornah» arrived Swinemunde for Ciarlestown 29tia. Han'turn ieft lireat for Bilbao 2Bih. I Kly be arrived Seville .28th. '.ilendower left Ardrossan for Cardiff 28th. (rodmundinp left Algiers for Seville 28th. Racine left Bilbao for Newport 28th. liadiior arrived Port Glasgow 29th. Kosslvu arrived Ayr 20th. Italian left Cadiz for Spville 30 rh. Activity left St. Jialo for Barrv 30th. Lady Havciock arrived Oaen 30th.

THE SIEGE OF DELHI. Messrs. A. Constable and Co. will Bhortljr publish a work of considerable interest, dealixtg w i th "The Siege of Delhi in the Indian Mutiny." The author (Colonel H. M. Vibart) endeavours in this work to show that the fall of Delhi was principally due to Colonei Richard liaird- Smith. In al !the mais of Mutinv liter at utie 'Jolunel Baird-Smilli's groat services œve been but scautily recognised, and it is Colonel Vibart's wish to place before the public the true positions of the va.riou.-i actors on the aoeuc, and to obtain for Colono! Baird-Smii'h the hoiiour which is justly his due.

BlilliiAI. CAKES always Stocked for Slcorhs if. Coo'.«d Chan-here packed irr ary distance —-Prioep ao.1 size* on apyiiciticii to The Gro^venor, The Dtjrathy, or Li2, Vueec-rtrrwti. Candiif. tMa TBT CUT p-a-n B;:U: B^ge £ suiis, f-^ao Cs. to I i*>ea«CK.«ISHOP s*d Of>i*P-1\0-»AT« ■ TAll/)&S, Sfl, Q\se«&-«t., aad !< Wa.a H