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?- BUSINESS ADDRESSES X STOP ONE MOMENT. X "OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, WHA'J WILL YOU RECOMMEND FOR MY CHIL. DREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS?" TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. The Most Marvellous Cure for all Disorders of the Chest. Tliroat. and- Lungs. It never faik to give instant relief, and does not con- biD Laudanum. Opium, or Morphia. BE WISE IN TIME. Don't tamper with Danger, but go straight awav for TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. n IS INVALUABLE for Weak-efcested Men. Deli- fcte Women »nd Children. It cures when ali other remedies fail. It cure.; Coughs, Colds, 91'r.nchitiø. Asthma. Tightness r "111 Chest, H cpres thousand" of children of B" and Whoop- kag Oonghs It Cures for One :c vhen pounds åaTe been spent in Tain IK) T;Y If you have a Cough, try it; i: yen; "e a Cold, try it; if you have B¡'oncLiti8, try it. 11 oseos the Phlejrm, and promotes f inset-oration. produoes Wiirmth and comfort to the chest, and gi i refresh £ ng tleep when you have lost nights of res;. HEAD ON, XOV COMMEND En BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Whe* yon M" distressed with a miserable cold, nose Hw«-ed UD. throat »ore, lin, hs nchinj: with 11 ireneral feelins: of amntViprinj;. a few doses of the Balsam of Hr'II!7 will ciesr thp wretched symptoms away, ainifwt before you knew it,. There is nothing 'ike it on the market,: it is thorough!? up to fbte; it trickle" into all the svsfeai. A true friend prompt .18d reliable in ita action. HAD OTT WTJRTHEB. SPONTANKOl> rF.STIMONY. Worthy of Your Consideration. ?T'M? wife desires me to ,«a? that your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey lias proved a mo4 Suable medicine in our iir?e 'am.ir (eig-ht chil- dren* As soon as a ccujjh or a eoM makes its appearance a dcae of Tudor'a Balsam is at once ad- rr.inMered. and its treat-meat is fol.nwed up until the cold disappear!. Before Uõl10! the Balsam in our family the child-en haTe been prostrate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking dosea, as directed. they seem to Eu/fn very little incon. venience. During the short time the cold is upon them the actio,: of the Balsam is ir.ar?ellc>us, and the iittle ones lake it r»adi?y wd asli for mote. WALTER J. BRETT, C.M.. Headmaster Severn Tvrnel School, March 35th. 1332. Sold by all Chemists and Stores ail over the World h 18. lAd., 2s. 9d.. ud 4s. 6d. bottles. temple Bottle sent post paid for Is. 3d, or 3s, anl1 ■a., from the Patentee D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, MEDICAL HALLt ABERDARE. > DUCK & SON'S DRUG STORES ENEMA SYRINGES, 2s. 6d. Each ELASTIC STOCKINGS, 6s Per pair. TRUSSES (Single), 2s. 6d. Each. „ (Double), 3s. 6d. Each, ST. JOHN.S SQUARE, (COENES OF THE AKCABE) CARDIFF, e.3S6' -jgBBCHAM'6 PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS, EECHAM'S PILLS. JL? Worth e. Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. JL? For Bilioua ttacks. EECHAM'S PILLS JL? For Nerveus Disorders. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Iadigeation in 3011 ita forms. TDBECHAM 8 PILLS. _t? For Wind aDd Pains in the Stomach. EECHAM'S PILLS. JL? For Sick Headache. EECHAM'S PILLS JL? Hare Saved the Lives of Thousands. EECHAM'S PILLS. JL? For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL? For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS -t-? Are Worth a. Gnmea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all BEECHAM'S PILLS JL? Are Adapted for Old and Young. *ET DECORATORS. WD A VIS AND SON VT < POINTERS, GLASS, OIL, AND PAPER-HANGING MERCHANTS, 11, QJEEN STREET. BOOTS. Tmo* GOCD RELIABLE BOOTS you JP Cannot do Better than Call at WIL- LIAMS and SON'S, R-sit-unda, Boot Stores, Salisbury-road, Cathays, a.nd Riverside and Saltmead Boot Supply, 40, Tudor-road. OliJEBICAL AND MILITARY TAILORS. E J. BAKER _N'J HIGH-CLASS TAILOR. 33 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Agent f or Messrs. Hobson and Sons, Military Outfitters, London. DYEWORXS, ETC. TOU WANT YOUR CLOTHES NICELY CLEANED, GO TO HOBBS, DYER. 1. NELSON-TERRACE. TTTRNITURB. BEVAN & COMPANY, LIMITED JL? THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS." ST. MARY-STRFET AND DUKE-STREET. (MIOCEEIB3. AVID TONES & CO.. LIMITED THE PEOPLE'S FOOD PHOVIDEBS, ft8 rtneat Butter 114. per A. Call itt Wharton-st-reet. REETrMAYIC CURE. POB FULL PAiiTItftTLAES APPLY TO PHIL PHILLIP Xi. ST. MARY-STREET. TEA. DAVID JONES and CO. Limited -t-? fOR FINEST TEA IN THE MARKET. CALL AT WHARTON-STREET. Tm: CHOOLA" TEA COMPANY. JL TEA GROWERS AND EXPERTS. I ARK HALL BUILDINGS. QUEKN I STREET. I TTPBWBITTWG. ANT&L OWEITAND CO. (Limited) J? Lejrai 'on:, Sp^'fications, Estimates, and aU Branches of encmad on the Shor est 2i° OTXLwwga, oAgpiry WHEliE TO LUNCH. WnEoB SCOTIA RESTAUR A'TST TBJUS. DIXiTL'Bd J -?- BUSINESS ADDRESSES. SOUTH WALES | FURNISHING COMPANY. 31, CASTLE STREET, (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF). gOUTH WALKS FURNISHING COMPANY OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, "JJNDERTAKE TO SUPPLY fJIHE BEST QUALITY ON H IRE OR FOR CASH WITHOUT BILL OF SALE, Å LL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. LOWEST PRICES. jglASY PAYMENT. gPECIAL. FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, UNAPPROACHABLE VALUE, DSOME, NEWEST DESIGNS. INSPECTION COURTED. SIDEBOARDS IN WALNUT, &c HOUSES FURNISHED. rt THROUGHOUT INDEPENDENT OF JL D1S rANCE. N° EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. ^.RAND DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. I CHOICE COVERING MATERIALS. QRDERS BY POST SPECIAL. l^OST ARTISTIC VARIETY. PARTIES ABOUT TO JL WED Å RE RECOMMENDED NOT TO GO ELSE- 1.1 WHERE. Y 0UB ATTENTION IS INVITED TO THE FOLLOWING £ 3 for Is. 6d. Weekly £ 16 for 5s. Od. Weekly £ 6 „ 2s. 61. „ £ 20 6s. Od. „ JElO „ 4d. Od. „ | Special Terms for Larger Quantities. 31, CASTLE-STREET, (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF). BUTTER, BUTTER. JJAVID JONES AND CO. T IMtTED. THE PEOPLE'S FOOD PROVID ERS THE FINEST BUTTERS. PICK OF THE WORLD'S BEST DAIRIES, UNEQUALLED QUALITY, 1S, ID. PER LB. GOOD BUTTER FROM lOD. PER LB. Note Only Address "^yESTMINSTER jgTOREi ■y^THARTON STREET, CARDIFF. 2998 IT IS A MATTER OF CULTURE TO APPRECIATE REALLY FINE TEA. BEFORE we came to Cardiff most of the JD trade was done in inferior types of Tea. Cardiff was known to The Trade" as a market for common Tea. This is not very flattering. but it is true, nevertheless. CONNOISSEURS complained there was no good Tea to be had, but the public generally were content to drink the medium and common grades then offered. They could Dot at first appreciate tho Hicrh-Class Tea. which we were introducing to their notice. ALL THIS, however, is now changed, for by selling the finest growths of India and Ceylon at reasonable profits we have in a short time completely revolutionised the Tea trade in this town and district. Is it not so ? THE NUMEROUS Testimonials we yet un- JL sought from our Customers, added to our constantly increasing turuoTer, lead us to conclude that our present trade, large as it is, is still in its infancy. WITH THIS matter we would call your attention to the unapproachable value of our five specialities in Tea, at 1s. 4d., 1s. 6d., 1s, 8d(J 1s, 10d" and 2s. PER POUND. These blends are composed of Indian and growths, and hllve a unique character and flavour. SEND POSTCARD FOR TEA VAN TO CALL. PHILLIPS & CO. I TEA SPECIALISTS, 74, QUEEN-STREET, CA HDIFF I 4271!f gWAN'S NEWTOWN PIPPIN CIDER, I THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR DRAUGHT I Oil BOTTLING. HULBROOKS REFUTING. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET IT L'i. GEO. M. STvan AND CO SOLE AGENTS 11, ALBEMFT-CHAMBERS HIGH srRBET. CARDIFF. I S. T. GEORGE, MANAYUIJ Representative. U2701 -?- BUSINESS ADDRESSES. —————————————————— DECLARATION OF WAR! 100=000 VOLUNTEERS IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE OR SEX, REQUIRED TO ENABLE ¡. BEVAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED), o. REGISTERED AS THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS To Continue to carry out their WAR against the HIGH PRICES charged by other Firms. Save your money by giving this Old- established Firm your Orders, whose business, after the uninterrupted trading of nearly half a century, has attained its large dimensions by sending out none but thoroughly reliable Goods at lowest possible Prices! HUNDREDS OF SUITES THOUSANDS OF BEDSTEADS MILES OF CARPETS. BARGAINS IN ORGANS. BARGAINS IN PIANOS BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING BEVAN & COMPANY'S ONLY ADDRESSES ARE DUKE-STREET AND ST. MARY. STREET, CARDIFF. OPPOSITE TOWN-HALL, N GWPORT CLARENCE-STREET, PON TY POOL E R. J. HEATH AND SONS PIANOFORTES hy—BROADWOOD, Schiedmayer, Ccllard, Erard, Kirkman, Kaps, Brinsmead, Stleinway, Hopkineon, Bfcchatein, CluUlen, Neumeyer, &c 4c. ORGANS by:—MASON and "xAMT.rv. Bell, Smith, Carj enter, Ste.-lbg, Story and Clark, Doherty, Earn, tc., Ac., and armoniums by Alex- ander &c., ftc. A FULL CONCERT GRAND, 7i (Octaves, by the genuine an 1 celebrated firm, SCHIEDMAYER, for Hire, for Concerts, Ac. LARGEST POSSIBLE DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. kXPERTENC'ED TUNERS VISIT ALL PARTS OF SOUTH WALES PERIODICALLY. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS EXECUTED BY FIRST-CLASS AND EXPERIENCED LONDON1 WORKMEN. SrECTAL QUOTATIONS FOR FLACKS OF WOR. SHIP, INSTITUTIONS, AND SCHOOLS. Before Purchasing, do not tul to Send for our Price Lists and Verdict of 900, and Compare our Priced and Terms with other Houses. SHOWROOMS— 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF; 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD and 31, WIND30R-R0AD, PENARTH. AGENCIES AT AEERAVON, fiAPO XTON-BAHRY. CAERPHILLY, BRIDGEND, MAESTEG, CANVASSERS WANTED IN ALL PARTS, ON GOOD COMMISSION. e534 IMPORTANT SALE OF LAMPS (OF EVERY DESCRIPTION), OIL STOVES, AND GAS STOVES. FOR THE NEXT 21 DAYS WE SHALL OFFER THE WHOLE OF OUR STOCK OF THE ABOVE AT 25 PER CENT. OFF MARKED PRICES. MUST CLEAR TO MAKE ROOM FOR SEASON GOODS. LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEW STOCK OF MAIL CARTS AND PERAMBULATORS. CROSS BROS.. IRONMONGERS, 3 AND 419 ST. MARY-STREET CARDIFF. e5077 TT^PPS'S GRATEFUL. COMFORTING. i BEEAKFAST—SUPPEB. /"iOCOA «0ILING WATER OE MILK E9g SESSIONS AND SONS, LIMITED. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Timbers, Slat* Joinery, Oemcnt, Chimney-piecee, Monuments, I^avatoriea, Baths, Banges, Grates, and all Building Materials. PENARTH ROAD. CARDIFF. Lar*ert Show BOOBM ia Wales. -?- ¡ BUSINESS ADDRESSES. SP E CULATION As to the Result of our Troubles with  MERJCA, A FRICA, AND ASHANTEE Is ftaing all nWIÙ, minds to the natural exclusion of ai! other topic* hut, as ihese matters must be left in the liand-s of our lesponsiMj Ministers, we must,, naturally, await dcv-k'pnv. ts, aud f(SU1111' our ordinary THAT OF GERRY AND COMPANY JL? ? QUEINSTREET, ^JARDIFF IS TO SUPPLY THE pUBLIC WITH ALL JJOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS ;t ¡If' Lowest Posi'.Me Prices for CASH ONLY. of DINING, DRAWING, and BEDROOM I'TRNTTURE, BEDSTEADS, CARPETS. CUTLERY, and ELECTRO-TT.ATE, CLASS. CHINA, and EARTHENWARE, JMMENSE gTOCK TO SE' •••T FROM AT PTflCES WHICH CANNOT FAIL TO SURPRISE YOIT AT THEIR HEASONABLENESS. DRAAVING-I.-OUM Si'lTKS IN FIGURED VELVET, FROM i:4 19s. 6d. EUROOM srrncs. INCLUDING GLASS- OR WARDROBE, FROM £4 19s. 6d. FULL S!1' »"H!.KWOUX WIRE MAT- TRESSES, FROM 10s. 9d. AIL BRASS KERBS. FROM 10K 6d. FIRE BRASSES, FROM ]s. lid. PER SET. WALNUT OVER MANTLES, FROM 15s. lid. ESTIMATES FREE. CARRIAGE PAID WITHIN 100 MILES ON ALL FURNISHING ORDERS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BY JgERRY AND COMPANY ?3 ? 34, QUEEN STREET. rj^RAPNELL AND Q.ANE'8 GRE AT FURNITURE ALE! FOR 28 DAYS ONLY. 1TMMENSE EDUCTIONS FOR gALE pRICES. SEE OUR WINDOWS DAILY. rpRAPNELL AND ^J.ANE, 38 AND 41, QUEEN-STREET CARDIFF. E5072 Å R T I FIe 1 A L TEETH. COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA SINGLE TOOTH. 2s. 6d. Five Years' Warranty. Prize Medal. GOODMAN AND CO., 56, QUEEN STREET, and 10, DUKE. STREET. CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-tliird their usual cbargf's. No extractions necessarv perfect and per- manent iile-like appearance; special SOFT PALATES for Tender- Gums; perfeot for Mastication and Speech COUNTRY PATIENTS SUPPLIED iu ONE VISIT ,aud Railway Fare allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, ( EXTRACTIONS. STOPPINGS, &c. TESTIMONIALS Dr. ANDREW Wtl.SON (iate R.N.) says'—"I can recommf ml M. Goodman as a very skilful and humane DentUs. His reasonable charges should I attract to him all cla8Reø. Mr. E. VYRE, of Plnietow, says;-I am very well pleased with the attention I have received from you. The artificial teeth fuppiied have given me perfect satisfaction, a» a previous set had from another dentist wer* by no moans comfortable. I am in- debted to Mr Andrew Wilson, editor of Health,' for recommending me to yo". establishment.'1 CONSULTATIONS FREE. SlEOfALITT in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILLINGS, AMF.R*CA.Sr DENTISTRY, and PLATKf.ES3 PALATES. Before enterlnir look far the name— tlOODMAN AND CO.. 1 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. PONTYPRIDD* 86, TAFF-STREET (ovei Glamor- ganshire Ba.ik) NEWPORT 28. HIGH-STREET. SWANSEA: 15, CASTLE-STREET. Hours: 10 to 8. Consultation Wrtt. A CERTAIN CURE FOR ECZEMA AND ALL SKIN IRUPTIONS IS "A y T E X E M A •" OUTWARDLY APPLIED. Sold by most up-to-date Chemists, or sent Poil Free for Is. Pd., 2s. 9d., or 4s. 9d. LITTLE BOOK FREE. READ ANIY > REMEMBER THE jQVENINGJQXPRESS IS THE BIGGEST. BRJGHTEST AND BEST HALF-PENNY PAPER PUBLISHED IN WALESt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. JL THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foullest hlood. ami relieve every disease of Stomach, Liver, ann Kidneys. Pure Blood gives Health. Thou- sand* have been cured by the»e wonderful Pi I f where disease could not be reached by any other medicine, Bold by all Chemists, in boxes, 1«. l^d and 2". 3d. each. Sent bv rail to any address. p4050 _11 MANUFACTURER. Horsforth, Offers his Own Goods .direct from the Loom at Mill Prices, viz. — Series, Fancies, Cashmeres, Ri^p?. Melt«ns. Jlaiit'? Clothi. Pattern sent free on applioatiou. Save all intermedia.te profit. Special Lot of Dress Meltons, all ehadw at per vard. Addrefg —M ANUFAOTURER, HOM. I JORTH, LEEDS, V BUSINESS ADDRESSES. JpORTIFY YOUR CONSTITUTION AGAINST DISEASE. ? BY TAKING £ JWILYM VANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TOXIC. WHAT ARE ITS EFFECTS; 1. It aa*ist« and prumctes Digestion 2. It strengthens the Ner\'e.-< and Muscles. 3. It Cleanses and Purine? the Blood. 4 It ENLIVENS the SPIRITS. 6. It removes all obstructions and Impurities from the humun body. 6. It tone to the whole system. 7. It Strengthens and Fortilips those parts which have been Weakened by Disease. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, ( HEXT AFFECTIONS, I.OW SPIRITS, I.< >-vS OF APPETITE, MELANCHOLY. IjlOOD DISORDERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC Sold in 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d Bottles. See the name "G*'ily:r. Evans" on Stamp, Label, and Bettle T) M is important, as there are nume- iCiis imitations Sole Proprietors— QUININE BITTERN MANUFAC TURING COMPANY (LIMITED),, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 2618,3 DON'T COUGH-JUST USE J^ON T COUGH-JUST USE A SmPI.R: FACT. Ask throughout the world in any country that can be named, you will find "KEATING's LOUNGES largely sold. There is all hitely no remedy that is 8" speedy in tuning-relief, so certain to cure, aucl yet the most delicate can take th9m. Jg^EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. "ANY DOCTOR WILL TELL TOU" there is no better Cough Medicine than KEATING'S LOZENGES. One gives relief; they will cure, and thev 'rill not. injure your health. Sold everywhere in 13id tins. THE UNRIVALLED REMEDY. THE UNRIVALLED REMEDY. -L e4708 rs'l rjlHE LATEST NOVELTY Portraits Taken Any Time up to Nine at Night. by ELECTRIC LIGHT. Complete success; no one dissatisfied. To advertise the Photograph, for Lirailed Time, we do One Cabinet, One Shilling. Studio, 4, High-street, Cardiff. (n;ar Castle). e5008 GENUINE SALE FOR 21 DAYS ONLY. rjpOMS AND SONS 41 and 43, CASTTJ! ARCADE. Must be cleared at Immense Reductions to MAKE ROOM for NEW SCMMER STOCK. Overcoats to Measure original price, 35s. Suits to Mtarars frcm 29s. 5d.: original price, 37s. 6,1 Troupers to Measure from 9. 6d.; crigina! j rioe, 12s. See Our Windows and Satisfy Yourselves. QASE g R O S., FLORISTS. Gold and Silver Medals Avarded for Floral Designs. Also over 300 First Prizes. SPECIALITY HALF-GUIN2A WREATH, Superior in Style, Quality, and Value. 37, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF Wreaths Made From 5/- p:v

Family Notices




i Women Doctors



New Express Story




IMichael v Mdlie Lisette



[No title]