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BUSINESS ADDRESSES X STOP ONE MOMENT. X "OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, WHAT WILL YOU RECOMMEND FOR MY CHIL- DREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS?" TUDOR WILLIAM S' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. 1 he M^st Marvellous Cure for all Disorders of the Cheat. Throat. and Lung3. It never foils to give instant relief, and does not con- tain Laudanum. Opium, or Morphia. BE WISE IN* TIME. Don't tamper with Danger, but go straight away for TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. IT IS INVALUABLE for Weak-chested Men, Deli- ceta Women and Children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It oiifes Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma. Tightness of the Chest It cure* thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whoop. tag Coughs It Cures for One Shilling when pounds fcave b»en spent in vain. DO TRY IT! If you have a Cough, try it; if you have a Col.1, try it; if you hare Bronchitis, try it. It 100Rens the Phlegm, and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and grves refresh- ing sleep when YOU have lost nights of rest. BEAD ON". yOTP COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS. When vou ar" distressed with 11 miserable cold, nose Hinged up. throat sore, limbs aching with a general ft-eling of smothpring. a fpw d^ses or th" Balsam of B' •ney will clear the wretched symptoms away, almost before you know it. There is nothing like it on the market; it is thoroughly up to date; It trickles into all the system. A true friend prompt Mid reliable in its acticn. BEAD ON FURTHER. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. Worthy of Your Consideration. Sir. —My wife desires me to say that your Tudor Wi1liams' Balsam of Honey has proved a most "aluable medicine in our large family (eislit chil- M A* soon aR a cough or a cold makes its appearance a llellp of Tudor's BaIRSm is at once ad- minillterpd. anri it", treatment is followed up until the cold di;1ppears. Bpfor" using the Balsam in Ður family thp children have heen prostrate with cold* for several wpeks. but now. hy taking doses, .? directed, thpy" ,<w>em to suffer very little incon- venience. Durinc fhl" short, timp the c01d is upon them the actio,i of the Balsam i. marvellous, and thp iittle ones take it reaiilv :1.nd ask for more. WALTER J. BRETT, C* M.. Headmaster Severn Tvrnel School, March 16th, 1892. Sold hl" all Chemists and Store* all over the World in b. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. bottle*. Simple Bottle sent post paid for lg. 3d, or 3s. and St.. from the Patentee D. TUDOR WTLLTAMS, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDAKE. J" F YOU WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO SI/CCEED AT SCHOOL. GIVE -?? THEM A (JOOD, SOLID FOOTING—A PAIR OF JgOrLES JJARD WEAR SCHOOL JgOOTS WILL HELP THElvf TO KEEP PACE WITH OTHER YOUNGSTERS. PRICES: 2s. lid., 3s. 6d.. lis. 6d., 4s. lid., 5s. lid., and 6s. 6d. JgOYLE AND CO., 2, HIGH-STREET; 28, ST. MARY-STREET; 19, CHURCH STREET: 1. BUTE-STREET; 10, CHURCH STREET 60. COWCKtDGE ROAD; And at 175, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. Wholesale Warehouse: WOMANBY STREET, CAR- DIFF. 40730—1 A Y L O R FXD SON, I AUCTIONEERS, 12. CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. Appointed to Levy Distress for Rent. Thro Furniture Sales weeklv :—Tuesday a.nd Friday at two; Saturday at seven p.m. Furniture or Stock Bought or Sold on Com- mission. e4810 rjTHE LATEST NO VE LTY Pcrtraits Taken Any Tin;e up to Nine at Night by KLECTUIC LIGHT. Compleh 8U('l'P, i;o one dis8ati.sfil'd. To advertise thp 1"I<)t()\Tal'h, for Limited Time. we d:) One Cabinet, On" Stirling. St i-lio, 4, High-slreet, Caniff. (n 'l' ? :t'\tlP). e5008 ^■a———aamamma—aa—i——a——— VBT DECORATORS. X\r DAVIS AND SON VV P.-v INTERS, GLASS, OIL. AND i»APER-T-*ANGlNG MERCHANTS. 11. Q JEEN STRKET. BOOT3. FOR GOOD RELIABLE BOOTS you Jt' Cannot do Better than Call at WIL- LI A MS and 80N'S, Rotunda Hoot Stores, Salisbury-road, Cathay*, and Riverside and Saltmetid Boot Supply, 4-0, Tudor-road. CLERICAL AND MILITARY TAILORS. J~ B A K E R fJ HIGH-CLASS TAILOR. 33 QUERN-STREET. CARDIFF Agent; or Messrs. Hobson and Sons, Military Outfitters, London. CLOTHING. WT ANTED! Left-Off Clothing Every ? f Description, Furniture, Pianos, Violins, Old China. b»st priveg given. -Mance, Arcarle. Cardiff e4773 "¥" ADIES' Gentlemen's, and Children's B 1 Wardrobes Purchased: full prices given all orders punctually attended North, 14, Caroline-street, Cardiff. <479A CUTLERY. FOR GOOD "(TnTMBRY GO TO F' A. W. ST ANI FORTH, "THE CTTTLER." 6. CHURCH-STREET. Repairing and Grinding (daily). DYE WORKS, ETC. XF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHES NICELY CLEANED. ',0 TO HOBBS. DYER. 1. NELSON-TERRACE. FURNITURE, EVA X AToxnlPAN Y. LIMITED JU? THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS." HT. MAKY STRFRT AND DUKE STREET. FRUIT. See. S~ < W ALEXANDER" (Late H. Press), 35. "X Salisbury-road, Import of English and Yorpign FruitM. Fresh vegetables suppÜed daily All kinds fish In season. I -?- GWROCERIBS. D" AYID .TONES" AT CO.. LIMITED THr T'KOPLK'S FOOD PROVIDKBS, Tbfi Vtaenk Butter Ud. per lb. C.tll :1 t Wiruirton-streei. -?_. -?- RHEUMATIC CURE. FOR FULL PAJBTTUULAIiS APPLY TO PHIL PHILLIPS 24, .ST. MARY STREET. TEA. THE cttoola TEA COMP AN y TEA GROWKRS AND EXPERTS, PAR E- BUILD 1NGS, Q UEEN -STREET^ ~| \AV1D JONES and CO. (Limited) 1/ FOR FINKbT TEA IN THE MARKET. CALL AT WHAETON-STKEE'L. TYPEWRITING. D" AN I BL O W E N A X DCO. CLimite d) Legal Work. Specific,, nous, Estimates, all i all Branches 0' Typewriting 0[\ tue Shor est Notice. Term* on application. WELTER'S M ^tL BULL >TN'i3. CARDIF| ?"N .?- -<- WKKKH TO LILYCH. ri^HE SCOTIA"" RESTAURANT J. LUNCH EON'H, TEAS. DINNERS o. I) L"K E-STKKET. n:_?- \\f EKKLY M AIL AND NEWS OF f XKE WEEK. I'iviCK ONE FENNY. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. SPECULATION Afi to the Hesult of our Troubles with A MERICA, A FRICA, AND ASHANTEE Is ft'lint; al! men's minds to the natural exclusion of al! other tujiii-s hut. :8 those lnatu-rs must be left iu the hUild" of <>uv responsible Ministers, we nlUst. naturally, await dv-vi-l.,pni, ..ts, aud rtsuine our o!(,i:1ry avccatiora. THAT OF JJERRY AND 0OMPANY QUEEN-STREET, ^jARDIFF, IS TO SUPPLY THE pUBLIC WITH ALL JJOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS U, the Lu-ivost Pc.sA'-ble Prices for CASH ONLY. Onaistinp of DINTN'G, I>RAWIN<{, and BEDROOM FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CARPETS. CUTLERY, alld ELECTRO-Cl.ATE. GLASS, CHINA, and EARTHENWARE, JMMBNSB STOCK TO SE1 '■'( T FROM AT PRICES WHICH CANNOT FAIL TO SURPRISE FW AT THEIR REASONABI .ENESS. DR \WING-RO' )M SUITES IX FIGURED VELVET. FROM £ 4 19s. &1. BEDROOM SUITES, INCLUDING GLASri-DOOR WARDROBE, FROM £ 4 19s. 6-1. FX'LIJ-S1/'K õ, i 111 K WOVEN WIRE MAT- TRESSES, FROM 10s. 3d. AIL BRASS KERBS. FROM ICte. 6d. FIRE BRASSES, FROM 18. lid. PER SET. WALNUT OVER MANTLES, FROM 15s. lid. ESTIMATES FREE. CARRIAGE 1'11 WITHIN 100 MILES ON ALL FURNISHING ORDERS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BY JgERRY AND COMPANY 34, QUEEN STREET. JQAVID JONES AND CO. LIMITED, THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR FOOD PRO. VIDERS, FINEST JAMS AT LOWEST PRICES. STRAWBERRY 8d. per 21b. Jar. RASPBE'.RY 9<J. ELACK CURRANT 7d. BLACKBERRY 6id. „ DAMSON 64d. GREENGAGE bAd. „ GOOSEBERRY .? 54d. „ BLACKBERRY and APPLE 5d. „ PLUM od. to PLUM and APPLE .? 44d. H Note Only Address BSTMIN S TER gTOREi « ■^T^THARTON STREET, CARDIFF. 42:5 JPORTIFF YOUR CONSTITUTION JL ?' AGAINST DISEASE BY TAKING ^j_WILYM 1^1 VANS' QUININE JJITTERS. THE VEUETABLE TONIC. WHAT ARE ITS EFFECTS' 1. It assists an(1 pvomnies Digpsliot1. 2. It strengthen* the Xt-rvea ancl Muscles. 3. It Cleanses and Purifies the Biocd. 4 It ENLIVENS the SPIRITS. 5. 1t remova* all obstructions ànd Impurities from tiie huniun btxly. 6. It. {f'ves (j'ne to the whole system. 7. It Strengthens and Fortifies those parU which hàve been We.ikened h;1o' Disti.se. GWILYM EVANS' QFIXlSE BITTERS IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, LOW SPIRITS. LOSS OF APPETITE, MEIAXCHOLV. I lu.OOD DISORDERS. G1 WEYM E V ANS' Q UINTNE BITTEhS, I" THE VEGETABLE TONIC ) Sold in 2s. M. and 4s. 6d. Bottle.s. the name 'G, l.v:ll Evans" en Stamp, Label, and Be tn" T1 is \5 important, u tUere are nume- rous imHationl. Sole Proprietors— QUTNINE BT'TER- MANUFAC TI'RrNG COMPANY (LIMITED),, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. ?ó185 -I I I BUCK & SON'S DKUG STORES ¡ I j A SINGLE ARTICLE I AT WHOLESALE PRICE. J j ASK FOR PRICE LIST. GRATIS, AND i SAVE 3id IN THE SHILLING. ST. JOHN\S SQUARE. (CoKfKR 01' THE AliCADE) CARDIFF, TPPPS'3 | GRATEFUL. COMFORTING. EKEAKFAST—SUPPEB. nOVLIN'O WATER 03 MILK OCOA, I \8o94 ?? BUSINESS ADDRESSES. gEECHAM'S PILLS. JD Jg EE CHAM'S PILLS, EECHAM'S PILLS. Jt? Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Bilious ttacks. BEECHAM'S PtLLS JD For Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Wind ,iu.l Pa ns in the Stomach. 1DEECHAMS PILLS. JD For Sick Hea.diiriie.. BEECHAM'S PILLS Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. TDEECHAMS PILLS. JD For Giddiness. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Iiulncss and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS ?? Are Worth a Guinea a Bor. BEECHAM'S PILLS. A Wonderfnl Jlediclnafor Females of all A 11: BEECHAM'S PILLS Âxe Adapted for Old and Young. 3 (0 0 O TEA ESTATES. There are oyer 3,000 Tea. T'a+.es in India and Ceylon alone, each reducing a Tea of a flavour peculiar to itself. It is the work of the Tea Taster to know something about the best varieties. No man can learn all about them in a lifetime, and nothing valuable ca.n be known by any except those who make the Tea. Trade their special study, like PHILLIPS & CO., TEA SPECIALISTS. 74 QUEEN-STHEBT, CARDIFF.' I I ——————————————————— 'j 11. J. HBATH AKD S0KS PIANOFORTES Irv:— BROADWOOD. Scluedmayer, C'cllard, Erard, Kirkmon, Kaps, Biinsmead, Siejway, Hojikiiiboji, Ltchatein, CUallen, Ne ami ver, &c &c. ORGANS by:— MASON and .AMT.LY, Bell, Smith, Carpenter, Stc.-li'.ig, Story and Clark, Doiierly, Karn, &c., Ac., and annoniumi by Alex- inder &c., ,vc. A FULL CONCERT GRAND, 71: (Octa-. es, by the genuine anl ceieb-.ted firai, SCillEDMAYEIi, for Hire, for OoncsrtB, &c. LARGEST POSSIBLE DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. EXPERIENCED TUNERS VISIT ALL PARTS OP SOUTH WALES PERIODICALLY. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS EXECUTED BY FIRST-CLASS AND E X PER I EN JED LONDON WORKMEN. STECTAL QUOTATIONS FOR f LACES OF WOR- SHIP, INSTITUTIONS, AND SOSOOL.S. Before Purchasing, do not fail to Send for our Price Lists alld Verdict of 900, amI Compare our Prices and TernJfi witlJ other Houses. SHOWROOMS— 51. QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF; 70, TAFE-STREET. PONTYPRIDD and 31, WINDSOK-ROAD, I'ENAETH. AGENCIES AT ABERAVON, OA! .'O YION'-B Ait R.Y. CAERPHILLY, BRIDGEND, MAESXEG, CANVASSERS WANTED IN ALL PARTS, ON GOOD COMMISSION. e534 ^RTIFICIAL rji^EETH. COMPETE SET ONE" GUINEA. SINGLE TOOTH 2s. &1. Five Years' Warranty. Prize Medal. GOODMAN AND CO., 56, QUEEN STREET, and 1G. i)UKE- STRICT. CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL lEETil PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric S\1"(;I'II, at one-tliird I heir usual charp-t's. No extractions necessary, perfect and per, lranent; life-like appcdorallce special SOF11 PALATES for Tenilcir Gums: perfect for Mastication Hid Speec:1 COUNTRY PATIENTS SUPPLIED in ONE VISIT ,awl Railway Fare allowed. SPEC 1A i, VTTENTION GIVEN" TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS. STOPPINGS, &f;. TESTIMONIALS. I): ANDREW WOSON (hue it-N.) says:—"I can r!'rr,II1n1?m\ Mr. Goxlman as a very skilful am) humane Dentist. Hi* reasonable charges should attiaco to him al! classes." Mr. E. VYSE, of Plaistow, am yerv we1l pleased with the attention I have received from you. The Mlifkial teeth supplied have given me perfect satisfaction, :1.. a previous liet I had from another deiitift I.,v no nutans comfortable. I 11m In- dented to Mr. Andrew Wilson, editor of Health,' for rccoirmending n:e 1.0 vom- establishment." CONSULTATIONS FREE. Sl'ETALITY in WIin-E ENAMEL and GOLD FJLLINGS, AMERICAN DENTISTRY, and PT,ATE:.ESS PALATES. I Before eicenng look for the name— j GQODMAN AND CO.. 10, DUKE-STREET. and c6. QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. PONTYPPJI'D' TAFF-S'l'REET (over Giamor- gans'nire Bank) NEWPORT 28. HIGH-STREET. SWANSEA 15. CASTLE STREET. Hours: 10 to 8 Co«is:tl:a:,on Free. J^ON T COUGH- JUST USE JQONT COUGH-JUST USE "A SIMPLE FACT. Ask throughout the worlll in Ilnv conntrv t1J:tt can be named, von will find KEATING'S LOZENGES largely sold. There is absolutely ;;0 remedy that is s., speedy íu relief. -:o certain to cnre. find yet the ino=* Mieate cfln t»ke them. J^EATING'S CUL'8H LOZENGES. J^EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. "ANT DOCTOR WILL TET.L YOü" there is 110 neorte1' Contrh Medicine than KEATING'S LOZENGES. One pives relief they in'I cnre. and the v "ill \lr." vour health. 80M everywhere in 13Jd tins. THE UNRIVALLED REMEDY. THE UN RIVALLED REMEDY. I JL c4708 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES Why Pay Higher Prices for FOBEIGN MANUFACTURED GOODS WHEN BRITISH GROWN ROLLUD OATS AND OATME L, Of Superior Quality and Flavour. can be Readily Obtained ? CAREY THOMAS'S ROLLED OATS I vGROATFLAKK). Made Solely from HomeGrown Grain, SotjP BY Art, GROCERS IN CARDBOARD BOXES OF Ili; 2lb.S.. AND 3LBS. ,e4448 S1 ESSIONS AND SONS, LIMITED. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Tim'rvTe, Joinery, Omer.t, Chimney-pieces, Monuments, Uvatories, Baths, Ranges, Grates, and ali Materials. PENARtIT ROAD. CARDIFF. I Largest Show Rooms in Waiei, BOOKS FOR THE MILLION. TO BE OBTAINED AT WESTERN 1\1 AIL 0 FFICE ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. PRICE, Is.; POST FREE, Is. 3d CLOTH BOUND, GOLD LETTEBKD, PUBLISHED AT 2S. EACH. Actress's Daughter—M. A. Fleming. Alice—llulwer Lytton. Anna Lee—T. S. Arthur. At the Mercy of Tiberius. Advice to Voung Meu, &c.—W. Cobbett. Arabian Nigivts. Arthur, T. S.—Anna Lee. Alden, Mrs.—Interrupted. „ —New Graft on the Family Tree. Alcott, Miss—Little Women and Good Wives, Aims worth—Miser's Daughter. Barnaby Rudge-Dickens. Barriers Burned Away—E. P. Roe. Basket of Flowers and Lena. Rivers—M. J. Holmes. Bride's Fate—Mrs. E. Southworth. Bun van, J.—Pilgrim's Progress. Bronte, E.—Wuthering Heights. Bronte, C.—Jane Eyre. —Shirley. —Tenant of Wind-fell Hall. Bennebt, Mrs.—-lane Shore. —Cottage Girl. „ —Gipsy Bride. Carried by Storm—M. A. Fleming. Changed Brides—Mrs. Soutlnvorth. Cottage Girl—Mrs. Bennett. Cottage on the Cliff-Mrs. C. Mason. Cobbett. W.—Advice to Young Men. Cervantes—Don Quixote. Cookton-S. lvester Sound. Valentine Vox. Cummins—The Lamplighter. Daisy—E. Wetherell. David Copperfield—Dickens. Dombey and Son—Dickens. Don Quixote—Cervantes. Di s«nvned—Lytton. Dickens. C.—Barnabv Rudge. David Copperfield. „ Dombey and Son. INEartin Chuzziewit. Nicholas Niekleby. Oliver Twist. Old Curiosity Shop. Pickwick Papers. Sketches by Boz. De Foe—Robinson Crusoe. Edith Lyle. Edna Browning. Ernest Maltravers—Lytton Eugene Aram—Lytton. Eve of St. Agnes-Mrs. C. Mason. Endless Chain. Evans, A. J.—Vas-hti. Fair Rosamond—Miller. From Jest to Earnest—Roe. Farmer of Inglewood Forest—E. HeiJ Forest Girl. Form* House. Fleming, M. A.—Aotress's DaugUtei —Carried by Storm. —Queen of the Isle. King's Own—Marryat. Keryon, E. C.— Jack's Cousin Kate. Jack's Cotisin Kate-E. C. Kenyai. —Zanoni. Lever—Ha.ndy And). Her Shield. Heart of Midlothian—Soott Holmes, M. J.—Basket of Flowers, &a —Gretchen, —Mildred. Helme, E.—Farmer of Inglewood Foreel. Jacob Faith ful—Mai ryat. Little Frolic. ( Lady's Book of Manners. Lamplighter—Cummins. Little Women and Good W ives—Miss Alcott. Last Days of Pampoëii-Lytton. Lytton, Bulwer—Alice. —Disowned. „ —Ei-nest Maltravers. —Eugene Aram. —Last Days of Pompeii- —Piul Clifford. —Pelham. —Rienzi. Jeas-amine. Jane Eyre—C. Bronte. Jane Shcre—Mrs. Bennett. Knight of the Nineteenth Century—Roe. King's Daughter- Living end Loving—V. Townsend. Jew's Daughter. Lady Jane Giev. Gentleman's Book of Manners. Gipsy's Bride—Mrs. Jit-nnett. Ga.skell, Mrs.—Marv Barton. Gretchen—Mrs. Holmes. Gideon Giles—The Roper. Handy Andy—Lover. Ha.rry Lorrequer—Lever. Pifart Histories and Life Pictures. Ir.ez—A. J. E. Wilsou. Infeiiet-'—A. J. E. Wilson. Interrupted—Mrs- Alden. Iva.nhot—Scott. lngraham—Prince of the House of David. „ —Throne of David. tt —Pillar of Fire. —Rory O'More. Lever—Harry Lorrecjuer. Margies, The-E. J. Moore. Mildrtd—Holmes. Maearia—A. J. Wilson. Maria Marten. Merian Grey. My r y Bartoi:—Ga-kell. Alartin Chuzziewit—Dickens. Melbourne House—E. Wethfrell. iMistr's Daivj;litor—A inswort-li. Marrvat—Jacob Faithful. „ —Peter Simple. —King's Own. —Poacher, llie. Miller. T.—Royston Gower. Maxwell—Stories of Waterloo. Moore, E. J.—The Margies. Mason Mrs. C.—Cottage on .he Cliff. —Eve of St Agnes. Naomi—Webb- Nicholas Nickleby—Dickens. New Graft 011 the Family Tree—Mrs. Alden. Oiver Twist—Dlclcen*. Opening a Chestnut Hnrr—Roe. Old Curiosity Shop—Dickens. Prince of the House of David—lngraham. Pt achor, The—Marryat. Pillar of Firt- lngraham. Pamela—Richardson. Pickwick Papers—Dickens. Passages from the Diary of A La.te Ph) sician— Warren. Paul Clifford-Lytton. Peter Simple—Marryat. Pelham—Lytton. Pins, Needles, and Old Yarns. Porter-—Scottish Chiefs. Pilfrrim's Prngreas-Bunyan, Public- Reciter. Qi.f eohv—W arner- Queen of the hle-Flemmg. Rienzi—Lytton. Robinson Crusoe. Rorv O'More—Lover. Richardson—Pamela. Rovston Gower—T. Miller. RoUircr Ston". Roe, E. P.—Knight of Nineteenth entury. —Terriers Burned Away. It .—From Jest to Earnest. —Ten Thousand a Year. >( —Ooening a. Chestnut Burr. —W thout a. Home. ShirleY-C. Bronte. Sketches by Boz—Dickens. Stories of Waterloo—Maxwell. St. Elmo—A. J. E. Wilson. Sunday Sunshine. Susan Hordey Sylvester Sound—Cockton. Scottish Chiefs—Porter. Shadow on the Home. Siorv of Mary. Story of Mildred. Scott, Sir W.—Ivanhoe. —Heart of Midlothian. Southworth, Mrs. E.—Bride's Fate. Stowe. Mrs. Beecher—Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ten Thousand a Year—Warren. Tenant of Windfell Hall—Bronte. Throne of David—lngraham. Townsend, V.—Living and Lovinjf. —While it was Morning. Thackeray, W. M.—Vanity Fair. Uncle Tom Cabin—Beecher Stowe. Vanity Fair-Thackeray. Yashti—A. J. Evans. A7alentine Vox-Cackton. What She Said and What She Meant. Without a Home-Roc. While it Was Morning—V. F. Townsend. Wuthering Heights—E. Bronte. Wonder Gatherer. Wide. Wide World—E. WetherelL Wetherell, E.—Wide, Wide World. —Melbourne House. —Daisy. Webb—Naomi. Wilson, A. J. E.—Ineas. —Maearia. „ —St.Elmo. Warren, S.—Pa.*sa#ea from the Diary nt t Phyeioian. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE EVENING EXPRESS." UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE EVENING EXPRESS." "OVER THE NUTS AND WINE." "A COLUMN FOR LADIES." "SOCLffi AND PERSONAL," QUIPS AND CRANKS FROM BOTH HEMISPHERES." "INTERESTING PARS ABOUT INTERESTING PEOPLE." FROM NEAR AND FAa" "OUR DIARY." TO DAY. TEN YEARS AGO- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE EVENING EXPRESS." UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE EVENING EXPRESS "OVER THE NUTS AND WINE." "A COLUMN FOR LADIES." "SOCIAL AND PERSONAL." QUIPS AND CRANKS FROM BOTH HEMISPHERES." "INTERESTING PARS ABOUT INTERESTING PEOPLE." FROM NEAR AND FARJ." "OUR DIAP.Y." TO DAY. TEN YEARS AGO. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE EVENING EXPRESS." UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE EVENING EXPRESS." IlOVER THE NUTS AND WINE." "A COLUMN FOR LADIES." "SOCIAL AND PERSONAL." QUIPS AND CRANKS FROM BOTH HEMISPHERES." "INTERESTING PARS ABOUT INTERESTING PEOPLE." FROM NEAR AND FAR*" "OUR DIARY." TO DAY. TEN YEARS AGO. TWENTY-FIVE YEAR \GO. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. If THE EVENING EXPRESS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. I- THE EVENING EXPRESS-" "OVER THE NUTS AND WINE." "A COLUMN FOR LADIES." "SOCIAL AND PERSONAL." "QUIPS AND CRANKS FROM BOTH HEMISPHERES." "INTERESTING PARS ABOUT INTERESTING PEOPLE." FROM NEAR AND FAR." "OUR DIARY." TO DAT. TEN YEARS AGO. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. DECLARATION OF WAR! 10000G VOLUNTEERS IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE OR SEX, REQUIRED TO ENABLE BEVAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED), REGISTERED AS THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS To Continue to carry out their WAR against the HIGH PRICES charged by other Firms. Sav* your money by giving this Old- established Firm your Orders, whose business, after the uninterrupted trading of nearly half a century, has attained its large dimensions by sending out none but thoroughly reliable Goods at lowest possible Prices HUNDREDS OF SUITES. THOUSANDS OF BEDSTEADS MILES OF CARPETS. BARGAINS IN ORGANS. BARGAINS IN PIANOS. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. BEVAN & COMPANY'S ONLY ADDRESSES ARE :— DUKE-STREET AND ST. MARY. STREET, CARDIFF. OPPOSITE TOWN-HALL. NEWPORT C-LARENCE STnEKT, PONTYPOOL. E3876



Family Notices

[No title]




Abdul Hamid II.


