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-?-?- BUSINESS ADDRESSES I X STOP ONE MOMENT. X "OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, WHAT WILL YOU RECOMMEND FOR MY CHIL- DREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS'" T U DOn. WIILIAIS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. ^he Most Marvellous Cure for all Disorders of the Chest, Throat. and Lungs. It never fails to give instant relief, and does not con- tain Laudanum. Opium, or Morphia. BE WISE IN TIME. Don't tamper with Danger, but go straight awav for TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. IT IS INVALUABLE for Weak-chested Men. Deli- cate Women and Children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Br\nchiti8, Asthma, Tightness of the Cheat h Ct1re8 thcussnd", of children of Bronchitis and Whoop- tag Coughs It Cures for One Stalling when pounds have been spent in vain. DO TRY IT! If you hare a Congh, try it; i: you have a Cold, try it; if you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the Phlegm, and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refresh- ing sleep when you have lost nisrhts of relt. BEAD OK. C0MMEXWV9 ft PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you an distressed \v:th 3 miserable cnld, nose bunged up, throat sore, lirr.be aching with a general feeling of smothfring. a few doses or th» Balaam of Honey will clear thp- wretched symptoms away, almost before you know it. There is nothing iike it on the market; it i8 thoroughly lip to wte; It trickles Into all the system. A true friend prompt tad reliable in its action. BEAD ON FURTHER. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. Worthy of Your Consideration. Sir,—My wife desires me to say that your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey has proved a most •"a'.uable medicine in our large famify (eight chil- dren* As soon as a cough or < wid makes ita appearance a dese of Tmlor's Balsam is at once ad. ministered. and its treatment is followed up Until the cold disappear*. Befor" ming the Balsam in Ður family the children havp- been prostrate with colds for several weeks, hut now, by uking dnses, 85 directed. they seem to 8uffer very little incon. venience. During the Hhnrt; time the cold is upOn them the actio.i of the Balsam is marvellous, and the iittle ones take it rea-Ii Iy and ask for more.- WALTER J. BRETT, CM., Headmaster Severn Tirnel School, March 16th, 1892. 8old by all Chemists and Stores al1 over the World ta la. l^d., 2s. 9<1., and 4s. 6d. bottles. temple Bottle sent pMt paid for Is. 3d, or 3s. and Ca.. from the Patentee D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, MEDICAL HALL. ABERDARE. R. J. HEATH AND SONS PIANOFORTES hrv — BROADWOOD, Schiedmayer, Cellard, Emrd, Kirkraan, Kapn, Brinemead, Sieinway, Hojikinson, Btchatedn, Challen, Ifeumeyer. &c., Ac. ORGANS and ^AMI.IN, Bell, Smith. Carjenter, Stealing, Story and Clark, Doherty, Earn, ftc., Ac., and armomums bjj Alex- ander Ac., Ac. A FULL eONCKTtT GRAND, 71 JOctaree, by the genuine ani celebrated firm, SCHIEDMAYES, for Hire, for Concerts, fx. LARGEST POSSIBLE DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. EXPERIENCET) TUNERS VISIT ALL PARTS OF SOUTH WALES PERIODICALLY. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS EXECUTED BY FIRST CLASS AND EXPERIENCED LONDON WORKMEN. STECTAL QUOTATIONS FOR PLACES OF WOR- SHIP. INSTITUTIONS, AND SOSOOIA Before Purchalinr:, do not fail to Send for our Frice Liflte :1.Od Verdict of 9C0, and Compare our Prices and Terms with other Houses. SHOWROOMS- SI, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF; "0, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD and 31, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. A AGENCIES AT JJ5ERAVON, ØADOXTOX-BAURí. CAERPHILLY. BRIDGEND, MAESTEG, CANVASSERS WANTED IN ALL PARTS, ON GOOD COMMISSION. e534 SPECULATION As to the Result of our Troubles with A MERICA, A FRICA, AND A SHANTEE II fining all men's minds to the natural exclusion of other topics but, as these matters must be left in the hands of our responsible Ministers, we must, naturally, await iluvl^pnuuta, and resume our (Juii;l.:1ry avocatioiie. THAT OF jgERRY AND COMPANY, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, is JT) JgUPPLY THE pUBLIC WITH ALL JJOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS At the Lowest Possible Prices for CASH ONLY. ( CVn«i°.ting of DINING. DRAWING, and BEDROOM FITINITURE. BRPSTKADS. CARPETS. CUTU3UY, and ELECTRO-1"! A GLASS, CHINA, and EARTHENWARE, j IMMENSE gTOCK I TO SKJK(T FROM AT PRICES WHICH CANNOT FAIL TO SURPRISE YOU AT THEIR REASONABLENESS. DR \WING- K()0 M SriTKS IN FIGURED VELVET, FROM £4 19s. fed. EEUROOM SlïTES. IN'C r.t-PiNG r.LASS DOOR WARDROPE. FXOM FA :a". Ófl. FULL-SIZK I). \J m>' WOVEN W'HtN MAT- TRESSES, FKOM 10s. 9<1. AI L BRASS KEH hS, FROM 10s. 6tl. FIRE BRASSES, FROM Is. lid. PFII SET. WALNUT OVERMAN"! I.KS, FROM 13s. lid. ESTIMATES FREE. CARRIAGE PAID WITHIN' lC0 MILKS ON ALL FI' RNISII f NG 01! .OF. US. I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BY gERRY AND COMPANY 34, QUEEN STREET. ^RTIFICIAL rj^EETIL COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA. I SINGLE TOOTH 2s. 6d. Five Years' Warranty. Prize Medal. GOODMAN AND CO., tit, QUEEN STREET, and lj. DUKE- STREET. CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by 4tmoepberic Suction, at one-tliird their usual rharges. No extractions necessary perfect, and pcr- icanent; life-like appearance; speojal SOFT PALATES for Tender Gums; perfect for Mastication aDd Sptccb COUNTRY PATIENTS SUPPLIED in ONE VISIT ,and Railway Fare allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS. STOPPINGS, Ac. TESTIMONIALS. Pr. ANDREW WII SON (late 11.X.^ says:—"I can m-omaiend Mr. Goodman as a very 5kllful awl hnroane Dentist. His rousonable charges should attract to him all cUsse* Mr. E. VYSE, of Plaistc^v, says -1 am very well pleased with the attention I have received from you. The artificial teeth suppUcd have siven me perfect satisfaction. a* a previous »et I had fioni another dratwt wor". by no in;«aiw» ccmfortaUl?. I am in- drhted to Mr. Andrew Wilann. editor of Health,' for ft(:01DlDl!'ooin¡r me tù vonr CONSH'MATIl.'NS FREE. SPECIALITY in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILLINGS, AMERICAN DHNTISTRY, and PLATE f E.^S PA LATKS. Before e^terirn; look far the name— GOO DMA X AND CO.. '10. DUKE-3TJtE«T. ani S6. QIHSEN-STREET CARDIFF. PONTY?UII.D • TaKK-STKEET (over Glamor- ganiihire Rank* NKWl'ORT: 28, HIGH-STREET. BWANSEA 15. CASTLE-STREET. Itou»: 10 to B. Consultation Fraa. -?- I HOTELS. I PENARTII. rpHE i^VUEEN ? RESTAURANT (Adjoining Station), STANWELL ROAD. First-class Luncheon from Is. Tea 6d. High-Glass Cakes and Confectionery, NOTED FOR PEC-NIC CATERING. Accommodation for very large Parties. THE QUEEN RESTAURANT, PENARTH. H. R. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. J^OKTIFY YOUR CONSTITUTION AGAINST DISEASE BY TAKIXG GWILYlVI YANS' QUININE JGLTTERS. THE VEGETABLE TOXIC. WHAT ARE ITS EFFECTS? 1. It assists and promotes Digestion 2. It .strengthens the Nerves and Muscles. 3. It Cleanses and Purities tl!e Blood. 4 It ENLIVENS the SPIRITS. 5. It removes all obstructions and Impurities from Ulp hUllled Ixxly. 6. It g'.vi-.s tone to tlie whole system. 7. It Strengthens and Fortifies those parts which havejaeen W-ukened by Disease. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOli NERVOUSNESS, | INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, LOW SPIKITS, LOSS OF APPETITE, MELANCHOLY. IU.OOD DISORDERS. LOW SPIKITS, LOSS OF APPETITE, MELANCHOLY. BLOOD DISORDERS. GWILYM EVANS- QUININE BITTERS ?r THE VEGETABLE TONIC Sold in 2s. 9d. and 4s. bd Bottles. SC8 the name "G.v-ilvm Evans" on Stamp, Label, antI Bottle Tl:is '.s important, WI ttiere are n'jme- rous imitations. Sole Proprietors— QUININE BIITERS MANUFAC TURING COMPANY (LIMITED),, LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES. Z6185 3,000 TEA ESTATES. There are over 3,000 Tea Estates in India and Ceylon alone, each producing a Tea of a. flavour peculiar to itself. It is the work of the Tea Taster to know something1 about the best varieties. No man can learn all about them in a lifetime, and nothing valuable can be known by any except those who make the Tea Trade their special study, like PHILLIPS & CO., TEA SPECIALISTS, 74 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! FURNITURE BEVAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED), THE CARDIFF Fl ii XLS HERS, AS THE '1' '.1..1 ;4 1. LARGEST FURNISHERS IN I SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. Can produce Good and Reliable Goods at about HALF the PRICES charged by many of their Competitors. Do nob give 30 or 40 per cent, more for Goods elsewhere, but place your Orders in the nds of this old and reliable Firm, whose Successful tw»ding for nearly Half a Centnry has not only puc them in the position they hold in the Furnishing World, but affords the strongest possible proof of the satisfaction they give the many Thousands of Customers they I continually supply. JBARGAINS I IN BEDSTEADS and BED DINS BARGAINS IN DINING-ROOM SUITES. BARGAINS Ix DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. I BARGAINS I IN DEDRCOM SUITES. BARGAINS I IN KITCHEN FURNITURE. PIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. Delivery FREE! ILLTJSTRATEP CATAIC-OTK I I GRATIS AND POST FREE I I BEVAN & CO., LTD.. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. OPPOSITE TOWN-HALL, NEWPORT CLARENCE-STREET, PON '1YPOOL I TA Y L o R A N D SON, AUCTIONEERS, 12. CUSTOM I IIOCSE-STREET, CARDIFF. Appcit;i<M to Levy Diswesa for Rent. Thr« 1 Furiuturo Sales weokly :—Tuf-aday anti Friday at two Saturday at toven p.m. | Furniture or Stock Bought; or Sold on Com- mission. e4810 BUSINESS ADDRESSES. JOHN JAMES AND £ JO.'S ANNUAL ^TINTER gALE OF GENERAL JJRAPERI ?-? L? JVf O w Q N AND THROUGHOUT THE MONTH RARE BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. GENUINE REDUCTIONS IN MILLINERY, MANTLES, AND JACKETS. DRESS FABRIC'S, SILKS, AND VELVETS AT CLEARING PRICES. ENORMOUS STOCK OF BLANKETS, SHEETS, AND QUILTS, GREATLY It EDUCED. LACE, TAPESTRY, AND CHENILLE CURTAINS TO CLEAR. UNDERCLOTHING AT OUR FSLU, SALE PRICES. GLOVES, HOSIERY, AND UMBRELLAS ALL RE MARKED. BAMBOO FURNITURE AT AN IMMENSE REDUCTION. JOHN JAMES AND CO. 28, 29, AND 30, HIGH-STREET, 30, 32, AND 34. CASTLE. ARCADE CARDIFF. 42147 THE WAY TO PROGRESS. Ü1 tQ go ahead. BOYLE and CO. have had a higg?r hade this year than ever before. This i< not surprising, because the quality of their soods won the confidence of the people right from their firat beginning. Ladies' Boots and Shoes, in graceful hygienic shape*. Grand Show of Dreas Shoes, -?- Gents' Shooting, Touring, *nd Walking Bcote, best style and makers ir.r'iijrLp? the W.iukerz, Adapted, Walk Easy, and soft and silent branda. Prices. 5s. lId., 8s. 6d., 10s. 6d., 13". Cd., 166. 6<1.. 2l1o.. 25s. JgOYLE AND CO., CARDIFF. Branch 175, Commercial-street, Newport. e4743-2 ^wwna—mmmam WHERE SHALL 1 BUY? >JRT DECORATORS. T\T DAY IS AND SON T T • POINTERS. GLASS. OIL. AND r»APEE-'HANGING MERCHANTS, 11. QJEEN -STREET. BOOTS. FOR GOOD RELIABLE BOOTS you -I' Caunot do Better than Call at WIL- IJAMS and SON'S, Rdounda Boot Stores, Sahsbury-road, Cathays. and Riverside and Saltmesid Boot Supply, 40. Tudor-road. CLERICAL AND MILITARY TAILORS. E J. BAKER JLJ < HIGH-CLASS TAILOR. 33 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Aj^ent: or Messrs. Kobson a.nd Sons. Milita.ry Outfitters, London. CLOTHING. V\r ANTED, Ltft-OfF Clothing Every v f Description, Furniture, Pianos, Violins, Oid Chirm. b"st prives given.— Mance, Wvndham Arrade. CanVff. e4773 LADIES' Gentlemen's, and Ckxldrea's JLJ Wardrobes Purchased; full prices givea; all orders punct;ui!v attended to.—Mrs. Noi-th. 14, Caroline-street, Cardiff. e4798 CUTLERY. FOR GOOD CUT JlJRY GU TO JL' A. W. STANIFORTH. THE CUTLER," 6. CHURCH-S I'REET. Repairing- and Grinding (da.ily). DYEWORKS, ETC. ._?- XF YOU WXNT~Y6TTR CLOTHES NICELY CLEANED, ',0 TO HOBBS. DYER, 1. NELSON-TERRACE. FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. ANOY GOODS, TOYS, &c.. Wholesale? JF Whv. at COMLEY and SON S. 23, ilOIRA TERRACE. CARDIFF. Close to New Infirmary. FURNITURE. EVAN & JOMPANY. LIMITED "TILE CARDIFF FU RNISH H Its. ST. MARY-STRKKT AND DUKE-STREET. FRUIT. &c. GW. A LEX A N1 )ER (Late H. Press), 39, '?L? Sali^hury-road, Imporrer of English and Foreign Fniiw. Fresh vegetables supplied daily All kinds 11,h in season. GENERAL GOODS. GENERAL GOODS of all deeoriptions? ran ijet almost everything they want, at very Lowest Wholesale Prices, at COMLEY and SON'S, 23, Moira-terr.ice, Cardiff. Cloae -? -?- GLASS, CHINA, AND WARE. f i I/ \S,S. CRINA; AND WARE-1 \UT Everybody says CO"MLEY'S is the Ijarart-Ht and Brst Place for all Shopkeepers tQ /l:°. G<ROCBRIBS. AVID JONES & CO.. LIMITED TH' PEOPLE'S FOOD PROVIDERS, The Finaut Batter Ud. per lb. Call at Wliiiiton-.street. HABERDASHERY, STATIONERY. H^XBERDASTIITHY STATIONERY, &T? JLTL Shopkeepers, for your own sake, <ro to COMLFY ar.i SON, 23, Moira-teriace, Cardifi. Close to New Infirmary. -?- RHEUMATIC CURE. FOR FULL PAETlcULARs" APPLY TO PHIL PHILLIPS 24, ST. MARY-STREET. TEA. HE CHOOLA TEA COMPANY T TEA GROWliRS AND EXPERTS. PARKOi UTL DINGS, QUEEN-STREE'l\_ T VAV1D JONES and CO. (Limited). JL/ FOR FINEST TEA LN THE MARKET. CALL AT WHARI'ON-STKKET. -==-=-=:=:= TYPEWRITING. ANTE lTiWEN "ANDC (."<7^ i in i ted ) Le^al Work, Estimate, :uid all Branches of Tyj-ewritinr eieeuted 1I:l the Shor «st Notice. '1'nri.is on apnlic;irion. WESTERN MAIt BUILDINGS, CAltDIFF^ VVH EUK TO I. UXCII. rilHE SCOTIA" RESTAURANT I LUNCHEONS. TEAS, DINNEli' oj. _AI^JFACJl1 URER7horsforTii7Oifers liis .1,- Own Goods direct from the Loom at Mill Prices, viz. — Ser^e; i'anoici?, CasliTiicres, Biejyos, Meltons. >fmit;e Cloths. Pattern gent free on application. Savf nil intermediate profit. Spet-bl Lot o- 'Drr'S8 Meltons, "Ii .-vliaxles, at per vard. Addre* MANUFACTURER, IIORS- FORTH, LEEDS* BUSINESS ADDRESSES. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE. IRONMONGERY AND FURNITURE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WALES F "M L' ;:i i; ;v1 t f v' '"7 'f: H ? '? |Wi,„38| /fvN2. o N ? "MlLLERgl ? 'l1 ? ? :Q 00 Z I-t ? ? ? ? ? I ALL KINDO OF HOUSEHOLD RE- QUISITES., PERKINS BROSo & Co 58, ST. MARY-STREET, WYNDHAM ARCADE, CA RDIFF. JQAYID JONES AND CO. TT IMITED, THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR FOOD PRO- VIDERS, FINEST JAMS AT LOWEST PRICES. STRAWBERRY 8d. per 21b. Jar. RASPBEJ.RY 9d. BLACK CURRANT 7d. „ BLACKP.ERRY 6id. .PAMSON 6id. t. GREENGAGE bid. „ G'.»OSEBERRY 5id. to BLACKBERRY and APPLE 5d. „ I'LUM od. m PLUM and APPLE 4id. „ Note Only Address I "T EST M INS T E R gTOREi WHARTON. STREET, CARDIFF. as: i Jg EE CHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM S PILLS, EECHAM'S PILLS. Worth a Guinea a Bo*. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Bilious ttacks. EECHAM'S PILLS For Nen-ou8 Dis"n1crs. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its fonns. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Wind mid Pains in the Stomach. 1- BEECHAM'S PILLS. JS-? For Sicl; Headache. BEECHAM'S PILTiS Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Jtt? For EECHAM'S PILLS. i'or FnlueS8 flud SweUinsf after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS Are Worth a Guinea II, Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. A Wonderfnl Medicine for Femalesof ttU Av BEECHAM'S PILLS Are Adanredfor Old and Yoaus. TT^PPS'S GRATEFUL. '*? COMFORTING. BREAKFAST—S UPPER. » BOILING WATER OR MILK I^OCOA, E5p94 18 EBSIONS AND SONS, LIAtt TED. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Timbers, SJatee, Joinery, Cement, Chimney-pieces, I Monuments, I^iratories, Bathg, Ranges, Grate*, and I ai! F.uildinp: Materials. I PENACTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. fiart'eat Show Rooms in^'ales. 'r^TliE LATEST NOVELTY Pcrtrajts Taken Any Time up to Nine at Night by, Ky-xrrp.ic LIGHT. Complete !lIICCl'I!8; no one (lis&:lti.8fl"d. To advertise the Photoytaph, for Limited Time, we da One Cabinet, One Sliilling. Studio, 4, High-street, Cardiff. P1- Castle). e5008 _.?-?- BUSINESS ADDRESSES. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. "THEY APE MORE THAN GOLD TO ME, THEY SAVED MY LlFK" For over a yUARTER of a CENTURY these msr- Vflh-us Pills have held the first place in the world as a Kemvdv for Pile and Gravel and all the disorders of (he Stomach, Bowels, Liver, and Kidneys. There is not a civilised nation under the nun but that has experienced their HEALING VIRTUES. GENERAL SYM P I'O MS.—Pains in the Rack. Loins, between the Shoulders, and in the region of the Heart, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys: Constipa- tion, Wind. Griping:, Colic. Biliousness. Suppression and Retention of Urine, Pains in the Thighs. Palpi- tation, Giddiness. Depression of Spirit*, Drspsical Swellings. General Debility. THOUSANDS have been cured by these Pills, and the Proprietor has in his possession an enormous of Testimoni 1b from all parts of the World, end is daily receiving fresh ones, of which the following, from one of the most popular and re- ajtected of Welsh ministers, is a fair sample: — "From what I have soen and heard there is not a more deservedly popular viedicine in this country than 'George's Pile and Gravel Pills.' Wherever I fo (and I have travelled about a good deal) I am eure to hear of their virtues. I was not more surprised than pleased to find 'Geo-ge's Pills' a household word in 'ica when I visited that country a few yca-.s aeo. his remedy is net a quack nostrum certified to cure all the ills to which flesh is heir. On the contrary, "George's have no such pretention; hut He offered to the public as safe and nvre remedies for two of the most painful diso-ders that trooble mankind, viz., Piles and Gravel, and their numerous accompanying aches and pains. Mr. George has my sympathy and good wishes in his efforts to relieve uankind of two of its greatest enemies. "E. C. EVANS, Baptist Minister. "Colwyn Bay." Thir remedy may be had in the following forms:- No. 1. GEORGE'o PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2. GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3. GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. lold everywhere. in Boxes. Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. J J £ EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. J £ EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. J £ EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. "g-EATING'S COUGH LOZENGE?" J^EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. J^EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. "ANY DOCTOR WILL YOU" tfceve is no better Cousrh Medicine -mil KEATING'SLOZENGES. One relief; if you suffer from cough them but one- they trill cure C'id t-lioy will not injure your health e most delicate can take them. As remedy they are simply unrivalled. old everywhere in 13& tins. 3465 D8' I".









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Pantomime Rehearsals a





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Biggest Boy in the World c-




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