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astasjuwss Sfotittssesu JJAYID JONES AND CO. (LIMITED) Will provide a SPECIAL JQISPLAY o* inTA AND JJACON AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. DUB CELEBRATED BACON — Specially selected, Lean, and Perfectly Mild 4id. per lb. OUR MILD CURED HAMS— Popularly known as Our Little Beauties," small, Lean, Tory Mild 6d. per lb. EGGS, FRESH FROM CAR- MARTHEN— Specially selected by our own men 8d. per doz NOTII OUR. ONLT ADDRESS— JJATID JONES AND CO. (LIMITED), THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR FOOD PROVIDERS, WESTMINSTER (gTORES WHARTON-STREET, CARDIFF National Telephone, No. 621. Telep-Mne Pre 1aier." 36318 MORTIMER'S CROUP, COUGH AND WHOOPING COUGH MIXTURE IMPORTANT INFORMATION! ¡ CROUP iI a disease which ipostly attacks yeung thildren. and th<*e wha hare once had it are more susceptible of it than befo e but thi8 gradually weaia "«* aa ihev trow older. I* terminates fatvlly wTbin twenty-four hours, although death4 happens it more commcnljt rccow on the fourth or tiftb day. It commences usually with » slight cough, hoarseness, ina sneezing, as in a common cold, but soon Mcoetda a peculiar »hrilln«sj and ganging of the voice as if the sound were sea* through a brawn tube; then comes the dreadful and distressing hard singing, and crow ng ough, net unlike the barking of a dog. Whet, this is attended with difficulty of breathing the case calls for imme- diate attention and meat active treatment. In Mus •tare persons generally begin to get alaimea; out as it comes on mostly in the middle of the night it < oftei proves fatal, because of the delay occasioned by waiting until the morning mthout medical aid. The Proprietor, having found his CROUP MIXTURE so efficacious in hii own fam lr, and bemg blessed as a means of restoring his children repeatedly from this appalling disease, he thinks it his duty to parents to give it a greater publicity. Be has I'ad already Fthe heartfelt gratitude of many mothers for being the means of restoring their children that were once ^While^wfl hear of so many deaths from Croup, what a comfort it must be to have such a remedy ready at hand. What lore can that mother have towards her child that will not procure for herself what has bees such a blessing to others, when it can be •Waited at each a trifling amount. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. In Croup, a good teaspoonful is to be taken imme. diately, and repeated every haif-hour until the child vomits (sperates as an emjtac), and if the symptoms will not abate in a few hours it should be given In the same way, and a flannel dipped in Spirits of Camphor applied to the throat, and w-jtted often. In Whooping Cough, at the commencement, a tea. sporasinl evei-y half-hour uatil the cbild vomits (operates as an emetic), and a teaspoooful continued two or three times a day. In Coughs, Colds, or Sore Throats, A teaspoonful two or three time. a day. PATRONISED BY THE PUBLIC FOR OVER 69 TEARS. The following are a few irom among THOUSANDS OF GENUINE TESTIMONIALS, rhe Originals may "Je seta at the Proprietors'; any- one doubting their genuineness majt write to Addresttes grvec. From the Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF SWANSEA. Dear Sir,—Our children frequently suffer from ^attacks of Group, and we have always found Morti- mer's Mixture a jure and safe remedy. My wife says she would not for anything be without it In the house. Having bed experience of its beneficial effects upon our children, we gladly take every oppor- trnitv of reiocnmt iiding it to our friends. Yours very truly, J. SWANSEA. 66, Miakia-strest, Cardiff, Feb. 28th, 1888. To V". W. Francis, Chemist, Carmarthen. Dear Sir,—I have to acknowledge, the receipt of the two bottlea ot Mortimer's Croup Mixture. I have found thia preparation so very efleefcive in cases Of Group and severe Colds that, di-.r.ng the cold sea on e»p<oially, I always like to have a tupply at Hand. Wcerever there are children at all subject to Croup it is invaluable. I firmly believe that it bile on more than one occasion wtd the livee of some of my children. I am by no means a believer in, or an advocate of, the indiscriminate use of patent Medi- cines, but my experienc". of Mo timer's Croup Mix- ture has been such that I feel impelled, from a sense of duty to ctber parents, to sflhd you this voluntary testimony. Very faithfully yours, B. G. EVANS. 165, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Mr. Franks.—Dear Si",—Please forward per return poet a bottle of Mortimer's Croup Mixture. Why do you net have an agent at Cardiff? I was obliged IaIt night to titend for a medical man to attend my cMld, who had an attack of Croup. Had I Mortimer's Croup Mixture in the house medical aid would have been Unnecessary, as I have always warded off a serious attack by giving the Croup Mixture in time. I have used it "for many years, and never find it f.U. Yoors truly. JOHN AARON. From thr RfI". J. THOMAS, Baptist Minister, Tabermoc Ie Villa, Carmarthen. Dear Sir,—I have great pleasure ia testifying to the eflk ICY of Mortimer s Croup and Cough Mixture. We always have it in the house, and find it a most beneficial and invaluable remedy in Croup and Whoop. ing Cough. Yiurs truly, J. THOMAS. Penrhos, Newnham-rosd, Bedford. Sir,—I received the three bottles of Mortimer's Croup and Whooping Cough Mixture. Please stnd me twelve more bottles, as my children have all got the Whooping €ou?h. I find it does thtm so mncb more good than anything else; in fact, I have never known it fail in Croup or Whooping Cough. Kind!} sent by return end oblige, Yours truly, A. REES. Cobden Villa, Ferryside, Carmarthen. Mr. Francis.—Dear Sir,—Please send me another bottle of that valuable medicine for Children-Morti- mer's Croup and Cough Mixture I never like to be without it at hand. From long experience I can truly say it is the best medicine I have used for Croup, Whooping Cough, and all otMr Cougha in Children. A rever failing remedy in an attack of Crcup. Yours faithfully, D. T. MORRIS. Mav be obtained from any Chemist, in Bottles, at Is. ljd. ASK FOR MORTIMER'S CROUP MIXTURE. 1895. SPRING CLEANING. 1895 CARPETS BEATEN by GOLD MEDAL Process. Also taken up a.nd re-laid by Practical Men. CURTAINS CLEANED and Tinted in our well known style, equal to new, from 9d per pair. WINDOWS CLEANED Oil Moderate Terms. Note Bed Cross on Men's Jackets and on Trucks. WASHING LAUNDERED iu a superior manner SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Ac., A SPECIALITY CARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY, CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANING COMPANY (LIMITED), Postal Address and Office 1, MINNY-STKEET CATHAYS. Penarth Office 19, WINDSOR-ROAD POST CARDS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION 26113 TROUSERS GUARANTEED PURI WOOL. SCOTCH AND IRISH TWEEDS. :TOMEASURE.12/6. TO MEASURE. Nothing to Touch Them at the price in Cardiff '1 FIT ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. THE CASTLE OUTFITTING CO 16, CASTLE-ARCADE (High-street End), CARDIFF NEWS OF THE WEEK jy BEST FAMILY NEWSP APEJt 4. Buslines# Wbtesses. JESSE WILLIAMS'S SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. Thft New Palatable Purgative. The New Palatable Purgative. The New Palatable Purgative. GENTLE AND EFFICIENT GENTLE AND EFFICIENT GENTLE AND EFFICIENT DOESN'T GRIPE. DOESN'T WEAKEN, DOESN'T SICKEN. PERFECTLY SAFE PERFECTLY HARMLESS PERFECLLY HARMLESS It is a. Liquid Fruit Remedy. It is a Liquid Fruit Remedy. It is a. Liquid Fruit Remedy. IT SUITS EVERYBODY IT SUITS EVERYBODY. IT SUITS EVERYBODY Children like it and ask for more. Children like it and ask tor more. Children like it and ask for more. EVERYBODY SPEA WELL OF IT EVERYBODY SPEAKS WELL OF IT EVERYBODY SPEAKS WELL OF IT For every Age or Constitution. For every Age or Constitution. For every Age or Constitution. FOR CHRONIC CONSTIPATION FOR CHRONIC CONSTIPATION FOR CHRONIC CONSTIPATION BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. JESSE YT1LLIAMS'S SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. In Bottles, Ie. and 2s.6 d. each (bypost, 18. 3d. and 18. lOd.) From '.be Sole Propristors: JESSE "yyiLLIAMS & CO PARK HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF, JJEECHAM'S PtLLS. .? JgEECHAM'S PILLS, EECHAM'S PILLS. Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JO For Bilious Attacks. EECHAM'S BILLS JD For Nervous o is orders. EECHAM'S PILLS. JL? For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Sick Headache. EECHAM'S PILLS JD Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL? For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JO For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS JD Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JO A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Age BEECHAM'S PILLS JL? Are Adapted for Old and Yonng. THE CARDIFF MILK SUPPLY i JL COMPANY Are the largest retailers of milk in the Pro- vinces. They deliver to all parts of the town twice a. day. BUTTER, EGGS. RAW CREAM, AND DEVONSHIRE CREAM FRESH EVERY DAY FROM THEIR "MODEL DAIRY." Only the best of everything, so that the public can depend upon having good value.—Address, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. e4192 R J JJBATH AND SOKS CARDIFF, pONTYPRIDD, AND Tr ONDON, pIANOFORTE AND QRGAN jy^ERCHANTS, J FROM "SOt in WALKS DAILY NEWS," 9th JANUARY. 1894) "Verdict of Nine Hundred."—Under this title Messrs. R. J. Heath and Sons, Queen-street, Cardiff, pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music ware- housemen, have collected an imposing array of testi- 1110818.18 and Press opinions relating to the quality at the musical instruments supplied by them. The fim la so well known in Cardiff, and, indeed, throughout South Wales and the Weet of England, that it is bardly neceseary here to well upon -its influence and commanding position. This collection of testimonials lerVes. however, to do something more tban certify to the excellence of the instruments furnished b1 MeIIRra. Heath and Sonl. It shows, in a sense, how oteady is the growth among the genera] public of a desire for a knowledge of music, and how increas- ingly numerous, even in the homes of the working e.asses. are pianos, organs, and harmoniums, rhe ereat majority of the letters in this list relate to pianos, and while many of them have reference to JQogt costly instruments containing all the latest Improvements, suppUed to the well-to-do, the greater numher related to serviceable instruments purchased for the home" of the wage-earning portion of the community. This growing love for so refining an art as music is a most favou rable sign. For though in the Principality music has for generations been the chief recrution for the people, it has for the most part been choral music in connection with churches atld chapels that has occupied attention. Instru- mental music i. now. however, receiving its fair share ot attention, and all those in true sympathy with the art must trust that the movement will 1'0 steadilv onward. Theee testimonials haTe beeu received from every quarter of the Principality, while not a few come from other portioP of the United Kingdom, and some from South America, India, an.1 other distant countries. All speak most favourably of Messrs Heath's business methods as well as of their Instruments. R. J. TTEATH AND QONS • • XX INVITE INSPECTION. FULL JLUTSTKATKD MKTS AND VERDIOT POST FREE. Qrand Theatre Booking Offlca. MANUFACTURER. Horsforth, Offers Ids JHH. Own Goods direct from the Loom at Mill Prices, via. Serges. Fancies, Cashmeres, Bieges, Meltons, Mantle Cloths, > Patterns sent free on application. Save all intermediate profit. Special Lot of Dress Meltons, all shades, at per yard. Address-MANUFACTURER. HORSo ~ORTH. NEAR LEEDS. Justness STOresses SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES ? Why Pay Higher Prices for FOREIGN MANUFACTURED GOODS WHEN BRITISH GROWN ROLLED OATS AND OATMEAL, Of Superior Quality and Flavour, can be Readily Obtained ? CAREY THOMAS'S ROLLED OATS (GROATFLAKE). Made Solely from Home Grown Grain, SOLD BT ALL GROCERS IN CARDBOARD BOXES OF ILB., 2LBS., AND 3LBS. fe4025 A BTIFICI AL rJIEETM COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA. SINGLE TOOTH 2s. 6d. Five Years' Wsrraaty, Prize Medal. GOODMAN & CO. 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third their usual charges. No Extractions necessary; perfect and per- manent life-like appearance special SOFT PALATES for Tender Gums; perfect for Mastication and Speech. COUNTRY PATIENTS SUPPLIED in ONE VISIT, and Railway Fare allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS. STOPPING, &e. TESTIMONIALS. Dr. ANDREW WILSON (late R.N.) says >1 can recomnrsad Mr. Goodman as a very skilful and humane Dentist His reasonable charges should attract to him all classes." Mr. E. VYSE, of Plaistow, says"I am very. well pleased with the attention I have received from you. The Artificial Teeth supplied have given me perfect satisfaction, as a previous let I had from another dentist were by no means com- fortable. I am indebted to Mr. Andrew Wilson, editor of 'Health,' for recommending me to jour establishment." Consultations Free. Speciality in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILLINGS. AMERICAN DENTISTRY, and PLATELESS PALATES. Before entering look for the name. GOODMAN and CO., 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF. I'ONTYPKIPO: 68. TAFF-STREET (over Glamor- ganshire Bank). NEWPORT: 12, BANESWELL-BUILDINGS. SWANSEA: 15. CASTLE-STREET. Hours: 10 to P Consultation free. JgATISFY YOUB W UTI THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF OUR Å DTERTISIlfg. 0 O LIT HNS j TO 0HARGE IS A FARTHING ± WORD. NORTON'S ORIGINAL FOr0Fnir'eS| BENEDICT PILLS |FOrW! THOUSANDS of Testimonials have been received from all parts. Females of al ages should take them. They at once remove aU obstructions, no matter how obstinate or from what- ever cause arising. In boxes 7,d., lø. ljd., and Ia. 9d. Sent Post Free, under cover, Id. extra, direct by the proprietor, G. D. Horton. M.P.S. (from the Birmingham and General Lying-in Hospital), Aston House, Aston-road, BirinKham.—Agente Cardiff- A. Hagon, Chemist, 39, Bridge-street, and 11, Bute- street, Merthyr* Wills, Chemist, Pontmorlais, and Georgetown. Swansea—Lloyd, Chemist, OxfONl street.. Newport—Young, Chemist, High-street Cannot be had from other Chemists. N.B.—NOB* genuine unless bearing "G. D. Horton," in red acroll. each label. Letters answered free. PRESENTATION PASSES TO THE CARDIFF THEATRES. By arrangement with Mr Edward Fletcher, the enterprising lessee of the Theatre Royal, Cardiff, and with Mr. Clarence Sounes, the new lessee and manager of the Grand Theatre, Cardiff, we are enabled to present to our sub- scribers free pasees admitting two persons to each of the above places of amusement. DOUBLE TICKETS FOR THEATRE ROYAL. As given by Mr. EDWARD FLETCHER, the enterprising Lessee. DOUBLE TICKETS FOA THEATRE. As given by Mr. CLARENCE SOUNES, the new Lessee and Manager. SUCCESSSFUL APPLICANTS. The following persons will, on calling at the "Evening Express" Office, 56, St. Mary- street, Cardiff, receive the gift for which they applied. If messengers are sent they Jiusi be provided with written authority to receive the gift. The full name and address of Ule applicant must in all cases be given. Successful applicants residing at a distance must forward 3d. in stamps to cover cost of postage. All gifts must be claimed within Three Days of announcement or they will be for- feited. Manning, G., 29, Haveloak-stieet, Temperance Town Byme, S., 130, Arran-street, Roath Hiscocks, Miss, Trevor House, Clive-st., Grange Flanagan, R., 7, Chanccrv-lane, Canton. Morris, D. F., 18, Plantagenet-street, Riverside. Waller, H., 6, Clare-road, Riverside. Bird, C., 17, Catherine-street, Cathays. Summers, E., -30, Herbert-street, Cardiff. Arbuckle, M., 2, Heath-street, Canton. Jesmond, J.. 2. Rodney-street, Cardiff. James, A., 87, Tud^rroad, Cardiff. Evans, Mies. 24, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. Sheppard, C., 12, Snipe-street, Roath. JUST ARRIVED NEW STOCK of MAIL CARTS & PERAMBULATORS For the Coming Season. All the very latest designs selected from the most noted Makers. The LARGEST STOCK in the WEST of ENGLAND and WALES to choose from. CASH or on EASY TERMS of PAYMENT. INVALIDS' CHAIRS on HIRE by the WEEK or MONTH. Repairs in all Branches by First-class Workmen. A. W. S p E N c E E • (Successor to Hy. Thomas), ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE, CARDIFF. Sole Agent for Bradbury's Celebrated Sewing Machines. The New High Arm Lock-stitch Family Hand Sewing Machine, with Walnut Cover, dE2 18s. 6d. Best alue in the trade. e4056






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Shot by Her Sweetheart



The Tin-plate Trade

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Principality Parlets.I