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))Uøínt55 9bbrt5St5. GREAT DISSOLUTIOX J AT ( JJEPWORTHS', M AKKET BUILDINGS, J gT. ART-STREET, CARDIFF In many cases FACTORY PRICKS ARE DISSOLVED g To Less than half. ip s JJEP WORTHS' REASON £ b For this Great Dissolution of Prices is to speedily I X clear the entire stock of Reliable Clothing, in » wrder to make room for the Piles of Spring and d Summer Garments now awaiting delivery. W. cannot stand nice about it. the stuff m 118 1"0, a.nd the whole of the stock mast be j greatly reduced. ii n £10,000 VV0BTH OR J GOODS: I" p AT LESS THAN HALF-PRICE I M AKE NO 1\1 ISTAKE I HEPWORTHS' can only sell at these prices for a very short time. I u pHENOMENAL J3RICES IN -gOYS' SUITS. SCHOOL SriTS. BEST SUITS, TROUSER SUITS, KNICKER SUITS, SAILOR SUITS, RUGBY SUITS. All Sorts of Suits are Offered at this STUPENDOUS gALE In All Sorts of Patterns, at All Sorts of Prices. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE! But Go for the Bargains, and Go Early if Yon Would Secure the Best. JgOYS' NAP JJEEFERS Youths' OVERCOATS, gOYS5 Q VERCOATS MEN'S D.B. ULSTERS, J^JEN'S SUPERIOR fJOPCOATS YES GRAND VALUE they are, there can aot be two opinions of this. and we urge you to I COME EARLY and Secure the Best of the Jargaina at JJEPWORTHS', JIBKET BUILDINGS, ST lVI ARY STREET, CARDIFF. c e3514 BOYLE & CO.'S ANNUAL ] STOCK-TAKING SALE. tHE PRICES WILL SURPRISE ALL. a Ml SALE EVERY YEAR, i » boutrht for Sale Purposes. t Every Article Reduced. THIS SALE WILL GO ON AT A GREAT SPEED. it will not last long. So please come early. BOYLE CO.'S NEWPORT & CARDIFF. e5985 GREAT EXCITEMENT IN QARDIFF. OVER 20 DEGREES OF FROST. mRAINS JgLOCKED ON THE LISE. And yet, in spite of all these drawbacks, the PEOPLE a.re as FOND OF BARGAINS AS EVER, and are to be found daily at the OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE FURNISHERS at 34, QUEEN. gTREET, CARDIFF, In Large Numbers Inspecting the ENORMOUS QUANTITY of EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS INCLUDED IN BERRY AND CO/S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARANCE gALE OF FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CARPETS, GLASS, CHINA, and EARTHENWARE, NOW PROCEEDING. I Space does not admit of our giriug Illustra- tions or Quoting Prices that would five the slightest impression of the Bargains on View therefore ALL are INVITED to INSPECT an JUDGE for THEMSELVES. CARRIAGE PAID ON ALL ORDERS OVER £2 DUCK & SON'S: PRICES j FOR PURE DRUGS AND ( PATENT MEDICINES ARE THE LOWEST IN CARDIFF. i S*VD FOR PRICE LIST AND SA-VI: MONKT. f ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, (CORNER OF THE ARCADE), I CARDIFF. it I e3968 j f AWELCOM E REVOLUTION.— NO EX1>LOSIONS! NO COT-LAPSES » No Dauger when Boners are empty ill winter Yo; C loDfer when Boilers ire fnll: So Danger when Pipes ue frozen No Danger of Water rushing into; C red hot Boilers. Boilers ind nlwayw open | g to the air. No attention required to secure safety in t winter. ■ W. H. ALLEN AND CO.. PLUMBERS, 8. ST. JOHN'S-SQUABE. 246, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. JCABKET-SQUABK, royTYPEIDD. [3535 J E P P S' s I GRATEFUL COMFORTING Si 0 C O A BEEAKFAST-SUPPER C j BOILING WAT EE or MILK ? 3393 .*JL- "&" 35u suness gbbrtssts. R. J. inrEATHAND gONS CARDIFF, DONTYPRIDD, AND LONDOS, piANOFORTE AND ORGAN jyj^ERCHANT!S, FROM "SOi i n WALES DAILY NEWS," 9th .T -\M" \T?T. 1R94) "Verdict of Nine Hundred "—Under this title Me-,rs. R. J. Heath and gons, Queen-street, C:irdi3. pianoforte makers, organ builders, aod music ware- housemen, have collefted an imposing army of fe*tt- montals and Prer-s opinions re!abu> to the quality 'f the musical instrument* supplied hv them Tile drm is so well known in Cardiff, and. :ndee< throughout South Wilw anrl the West of England, that it is hardly necessary here to well upon its i:<(iucace amI commanding W>8ltiou. This collection of testimonials serve?, however, to do something more than oett'.fy to the excellence of tbe instruments furnished bT Messrs. Heath alln Sons. It shows, in a Eeuse, huN steady is the growth amons: t'ie general public ot a desire for Cl knowledge of music. and how incieas- Illl!lv !!Uf!wrous, evell in the hmiies of the working c.aases, are pianos, organs, ana harmoniums. Tho great majority of the letters in this list relate to panos. and while maiiv "f thell. have reference tv _noft cost!v instruments containing all "lP latest improvements, supp.ifd to the well-to-do. the greater numher related to serviceable instruments purvhisfrl tor the homes úf the wagoeell.rain: portion of the community. Thl" jfr< w-in^ love ior so refining CLn art as music is a most favou rabie sitrn. For though in th*; Principality music has tor generations heen 'he rhief recreation for the people, it ha., for the >nost part been "horal music in connection with churches MHI ehapeis tklt has occupied attention. Instru- mental music i8 now, however, receivi^^ its fair share of attl)nti00. and ail thf18e in true ."mpa: ¡." with the "rt must trust that the mlJl t-ment wi'l go steadily onward. These testimonials have heeu receivpd front every quarter of the Principality, while aot a few "orne from other porti0nl! "f the iTnited Kin\?c1::>JII, and some from South America. India, Iud other distant Countries. All »oeak most favourably of Messrs Heath's business method 88 wen as of their instruments. R. J. HEATH AND SONS INVITE INSPECTION. LL Il.t.r^ -vt» 1.IS I-S AND YKRDIOT POST FREE. Grand Theatre Booking Offlce. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS, BEECHAM'S PILLS. Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAM'S BILLS For Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JO For Wind and Pius in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL) For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS JL-F Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. UEECHAlrrS PILLS. D For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL) For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS .I..J Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Aires BEECHAM'S PILLS .I..J Are Adantedfor Old and Young. A AL mEETH, COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA. >IN'jLE TOOTH 2a. od. Five Years Warranty. Prize Medal. GOODMAN & CO. 10, DUKE STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINtvESSL if rTiTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one third their usual chal gea So Extractions neces!\&ry; perfect and per- manent life-like appearance special SO 1-T PALAlES for Tender Gums perfect for Mastication and Speech. COUNTRY PATTESTS SUPPLIED in ONE VISIT. and Railw1.Y Fare allowed. -PEC! AI. ATTENTION GIVEN" TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS. STOPPING, 4c. TESTIMONIALS. Dr. ANDREW WILSON ;late R.N.) says—"1 can reconi»kiad Mr. Goodman as a very skilful and humane Di-ntist H » reasonable charges should attract to him all 4:lalises. Mr. E. VYSE. of Plaixtow, sa" -"1 am very well pleased with the attenrion I have received from you Tbe Artllicial Teeth supplied have given me perfect satisfaction, as a prevlOu8 .et I had from another dentist were bv uo means com- fortable. I am indebted to Yr: Andrew Wilson, editor of 'Health, for recommending me to lour establishment." Con"ultAtj0\1ii Free. Specialiiv in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILLINGS, AMERICAN DENTISTRY, and PLATE! ESS PAL ATE Before enr.en.g look for the Harne. GOODMAN and CO., 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. "ONTYM." i>!>: 6R. TAFF-STRLET (over Glamor- ganshire Bank). NEWPORT. 12, BANESWELL-BUILDINGS. SWANSEA: 15. CASTLE STREET. Hours. 10 to 8. Consultation free. For a Tickling Throwt. a Hacking Cough. or a Cold on your Chest, yow oanaot do beite; rtian prescribe for yourself. Dr. Brown's Cough Bottle 6 Thill vataalj i aedicine caD beobtaineàfvr th « triaing 5.:m of One ShHRag fro^ 'he sols FoprietOrs- Larger Bottles 2/9 and 4^6. Jesse WiUiams & Co., PARK HALL nUILD!M03. C*norFF. I SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES. Why pay Higher Prices for FOREIGN MANUFACTURED GOODS When Superior Qualities of BRITISH GROWN ROLLED OATS AND OATMEAL Can be readily obtained ? CAREY "THOMAS'S ROLLED OATS (GROATFLAKE), Made Solely from Home Grown Grain SOLD BT ALL GKOCERS IN CARDBOARD BOXES OF ILB., 2LBS., AND 3LBS. e4025 SESSIONS AND SONS, LIMITED mrOKTBRS A3D MAN C FACT0 EBR8 Of TIMEER, SLATES, CEMENT, BUILDING MATERIALS. CHIMNEY PIECES. RANGES, GRA.TES, de SHOW ROOMS: — PEN A Rl'H nOAD CARDIFF aOItTON'S ORIGINAL For Fem» les „ i>rlr«! For Females Only PILLbj Qnly THOUSANDS of Testimonials h;ive JL >>eeu 'nun :i,il l'^irts. Fonvi.ie- .> all ages .1101.1.:1 tske them. They at once remove aU obstructions, uo matter how obstinate or from what- ever cause "ril!iI:¡!. III boxeli 7jd., U. lid., and Ss 9d. Sent Post Free, under cover, Id. extra, direct by the proprietor, (i. D. Hortou, MPS. (from the Birmingham und Genenl Lying-in Hospital), A¡¡¡tuu Hoase, .\«ton-rcad, Birnirtia.ni.—Ayente Card:II- A. Hngon, Chetniut, o9, Bnd^e-street, and 11, liute- btreet, Merthyi Wi.1?, Chemist, Pontmorlais, and Georgetown. Llovd. ChenÜ>lt. Oxford- st.feer. Newjjo'-—- Chemist. H.gh-^treet, Cannot he hid {: :u oUier Chemists. N.B. None genuine unleaa hearing D. Hcrton," in red across each label. Letters answeretl free. -Î M\NT'FAC'TURER. Horsforth, Offers Li.j Own Goods direct from the Loom at Mill Prices, viz. :— Series. Fancies, Cashmeres, Bieges. Meltons, Mantle Cloths, Patterns sent free 011 application. Save all intermediate pronto Special Lot of Dress Meltons, all shades, at per yard. Address-MANUFACTURER. HORS- FORTH. NEAR LEEDS. Busuwsis! gbbrts5£S. PUGILISTS OF THE WOHLD Portfolio of Photographs COVERS FOR BINDING Binding Cases can now be Supplied by the Publishers of the Evening Express." SUPERIOR CLOTH, GOLD LETTERED, IS.6D. SEND YOUR COMPLETE PARTS. AND WE WILL BIND THEM AS ABOVE (WITH GILT EDGES) FOR 3s. 6d' CARRIAGE. 9d. EXTRA. JgOUND VOLUMES, 9S. 6D, Carriage, 9d. extra. X STOP ONE MOMENT. X Oh. dear doctor, must mv darlintr die? There is very little hope, but TRY ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE BfiMKDIES OF THE AGE, rjiunoR AMIS' PATENT JGALSAM OF tTTONET Thousands of children have been saved from :I.D tmtimply death by the prompt use of TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY No Mother should neglect to keep this InbJlib Remedy in the House ready for any emergency. Remember that it is wiser to check a slight Cough a.t the commencement than to allow it to develop inte a lingflring complaint. DO NUT FORGET TO GIVE IT TO THE BABY, Over 4,000 of Testimonials to hand from all parts o the World. IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO ME. My wife desires wü to convey her best wishes for the SUCC..S8 of your Balsam of Honey. It has been of ?reat beuefit t,) our little oues, who sulfered fi'OM Bronchitis aud Coughs during the last two most ill- clement winters. It gives them instant relief Further, our medical attendant, Dr. J ,nes, quiite concurs in the frequent use of the Balsam when oca.s- sions require.—Yours faithfully, JOHN WALS MORGAN, Esq., Brynheulog House, Hirwain. THE BRITISH ARMY SPEAKS HIGHLY OF IT During the twe years that vur Rejriment were in Pembroke Dock I used your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey. and found that tlwre was not another Cough and Lung- Cure on the British market equal to it. Send me ou a case for my frieuds at ojfet.—Band- sergt. W. IhRDs, 1st Bu. The Conn. Eaugers, Anglesea Barracks, Portsea, POl"tiUUoulh. Sold by all Chemists and Stores iu Is. lid., 2a, 9d nd 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample bottle sent (post paid; for Is, 3d., 3s., and from the Inventor- D. TUBSDL WILLIAMS MEDICAL HALL, ABEBDARE. DON'T COUGH—JUSTHUTSiT "94. Commercial-ivud. Peekhain, July 12, 1889. Dear Sir.—I an a poor hand at expressing mv. feelings, but I should like to thank you. Your 107t"ng"'s have done wondere iu relieving my terrible cough. Since I had thn operation of 'Tracheotomy' (the sallie 010:1 the iate Emperor at Genuany, and un. like hirn, thank God, I am still alive) performed at >t. Bartholomews Hospital, 110 one eouid p0è8lbl, h:ne had a more violeont cough; it was BO bad at times that it quite exhausted me. The mucus, which was very copious and hard, hu beeu softened, and I have been able to ^et rid of it without ditfi* cuJty-J am, sir, voure truly, J. HILL." KEATING'S LOZENGES. The above speaks for itself. From strict inquiry it appears that the benefit from using Heating's Cough Lozenges is understated. The operation wac a specially severe one, and was performed by the specialist, Dr. H. T. Butiin, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Since the opei^tiou the only means of reiief is the use of these Lozenges. So successful are they that one affords i.nmediate benefit, al- though from the nature of the case the throat irritation is intense. WEIGHT IN GOLD. Under date Sept. 8, Mr. Hill vrues:—"I should long since have been dead but for your Lozengea- they are worth their weight in gold. I will gladly see and tell anyone what a splendid cou.h remedy they are." Heating's Lozenges are sold in tins, 1b. lid each. The unrivalled remedy for COUGHS. HOARSENESS, and THROAT TROUBLES. E5681 G WIL Y)[ EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. G WIL YM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. IS A VALUABLE REMEDY FOR ALL "WINTER AILMENTS. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS AND COLDS, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, NEURALGIA., GENERAL WEAKNESS, LOW SPIRITS. NERVOUSNESS. INDIGESTION, INFLUENZA. S i WILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC PRESCRIBED BY DOCTORS, RECOMMENDED BY ANALYSTS, APPROVED BY CHEMISTS, PRAISED BY EVERYBODY. G WIL Y)I EVANS' QUININE BITTERS- Beware of Imitations! See the Name of "Gwilym Evans on Label, Stamp, and Bottle. Sold in Bottles at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each. Sole Proprietorli- QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC. TURING COMPANY (LIMITED), LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 2615 GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. "THEY ARE MOKE I'HAN GOLD TO ME, THEY SAVED MY LIFE." For over a QUARTER of a CENTUUY these mar- vellous Pills have held the first place in the world as a Remedy tor Pile and Gn-vel and all the disorders of the Stoiiiach, Bowels, Liver, a.id Kidneys. There is not a civilised nation under the sun hut that has experienced their HEALING VIRTUES. GENERAL SYMI'IOMS— Pa'ns in the Bark, I oins, between the Shoulders, and in the region of the Heart, Stomach. Live., and Kidneys; Constipa- tion. Wind, Griping, Colic. Biliousness, Suppression, and Retention of Urine, Pains in the Thighs, Palpi- tat:on, Giddiness, Depression of Spirits, Dropsical Swell;ngs. Gener.,1 Dehility. have bee'i cured by these Pills, 811d the Proprietor hail in his posseilllon an enormous rumber of Testimoni Is from all parts of the World, end is daily reoeiv'njf fresh ones, of which the following, froIII one of the most popular and re spected 'f Welsh ministers, is a fair sample: — "From what I have seen and heard there is not a nvire d^seivdlv popular nedicine In tbi, country than 'George's Pile and Gravel Pills.' Wherever I ,,0 (ind I have travdlpd about 11 gorxl deal) 1 am ?ure | to hear of their virtues. I was not more surprised than pleased to find Geo-ge's Pills' a household word In America whell I visited that country a fe- years ago. Thill remedy IS nGt a quack nostrum certified t > cure nil the ills to which flesh is heir. On the contrary, Pills' have no lind, pretentio-iR. but lore olfprtd to the public as safe and HI-re remedies for two of the most painful disr,"ders that, troable mankind, vi", Piles and Gravel, and their nvmeron* accompai.ying aches and pains. Mr. George has my sympathy and good wishes in his efforts to relieve mankilld of two of its jrreatest enemies. "E. C. EVANS, Baptist Minister. "Colwyn Dav." This remedv mav be had in the following: forms — No. 1. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2. GEORGE S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3. GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. H II. Sold eveiyvherc, in Roxee. la. lid. and 2s. 9d. each.



[No title]





Healing Rill in a Grotto.



She Hanged Herself.








Decoying English Girls








The Cymric Causerie