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The War in Corea.


The War in Corea. THERE IS AN INCREASING SCARE IN CHINA. Missionaries Moving, Merchants Can- ceiling Contracts, and Palace Intrigues at Pekin. Our own correspondents, telegraphing' jrom Shanghai oil Friday afternoon, says:- The scare caused by the Japanese victories, unci more particularly by the uncertainty as to where the next blow Wiill be etruek, is in- creasing among the commercial classes, Chinese as well as European. Both classes also appear to have equal dread of the growing turbulence (of the general populace. Very few vessels are now under the Chinese flag, and so great Is the risk now considered that Chinese mer- chants at this port are cancelling all their freight contracts. Everybody here expects the Japanese to give notice of a blockade of Shanghai. It is reported that a blockade of Chefoo and Tientsin has already been decided upon, and that the official notification may expected at any moment. The nituation in the Neuchwang district is very serious. Marauding soldiers are terrorising the country by their exactions and excesses. They are treating the civil population and officials with contempt. Foreigners are not safe outside rite city boundaries. The members of the Scot- tish Presbyterian Mission at Liao-Yang. where Mr. Wylie was murdered, have abandoned the 8tat,ion, feeling their lives in danger, and are now on their way by forced maiches to NE-u- chwang. 'THE POLICY OF THE WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT. WASHINGTON, Friday. The suggestion that the combined Euro- pean Powers should interfere to prevent Japan pushing her advantage to undue lengths for fear that the Chinese might turn upon the resident foreigners finds no favour here, either it official or unofficial quarters. The majority )f Americans believ-e that Japan has entered Jpon a righteous war, that it would be unfair to rob her of the fruits of her victories, and that the lesson which China is now receiving Vill in the end bp. beneficial to the Chinese find the whole world. If the further sugges- tion that in the final settlement England, France, Germany, and Russia will have a voice means that the commercial claims of the United States are to bj put aside, the Washing- ten Government will see that in this respect it is not overlooked. The United States Go- vernment regards American trading interests in China and Japan as second to those of no European Power. THE PROPOSED JOINT INTER- FERENCE. BERLIN, Friday. Upon a very high authority it is asserted that the main question upon which the British Cabinet deliberated yesterday was a proposed combined interference to stay the hand of Japan in the East. The advocates of peace had pointed out the consequences which might ensue from an overthrow of the existing dynasty in China, the probable massacre of Europeans, anarchy- throughout the Empire, and the pos- sible extension of the war. One European Power favoured a compulsory settlement, and Sir William Harcourt, it was understood, sup- ported that view- Lord Rosebery, on the other hand, and the majority of the Cabinet believed that active interference would be more dangerous than non-intervention. The Europeans in China whose lives are imperilled can enly De sure of absolute safety by leaving the country, and the Chinese Government would then be held responsible for any of their property that might be destroyed. Conse- quently the two belligerents are to be allowed •o fight it out. and the strengthening of the British fleet has been undertaken mainly to enforce, if need arose, the views of the British Government when the terms of peace are being arranged. JAPANESE FEARS OF EUROPEAN INTERVENTION. SAN FRANCISCO, Friday Morning. The steamship Gaelic, which left Yokohama Mi September 21, brings files of the Japanese Papers showing the alarm which existed in the public mind at the prospect of an alliance between England, Russia, France, and Ger- many for joint action in the present trouble iti the fust. A fear was expressed in the leading journals that, after having demolished ¡he Chinese fleet. and driven the Chinese forces out of Corea, these Powers mightiinter- fene to prevent Japan from enforcing her demands for an indemnity when the Chinese sued for peace. The papers testify to the &hace prevailing in China, and report that cholera is raging in the native quarters of Tientsin. The Chinese papers by the same loail confirm the report of the loss of the Chinese transport Chean, which was wrecked at the Shatung Pass, when several hundred Chinese soldiers were drowned. THE SAFETY OF MISSIONARIES. The Central News says, in response to an inquiry respecting the safety i of their mis- sionaries at Hankow, the London Missionary Society on Friday received from Dr. Griffith John the following re-assuring telegram: All well; apprehend no trouble." FRENCH PRESS OPINIONS. A Reuter's telegram fro 11 Paris on Saturday says —Commenting upon the reports that •mat Britain intends to increase her forces in *he. East, the "Figaro" asks whether Erigiand ^'ould not like to repeat the coup which gave her Cyprus, and, while protecting her own "bject-i offer to protect the Chinese in return for suitable recompense. But, says the Journal, such strokes do not succeed twice- ■the protection of Europeans in China, is a ■Question not for the British alone, but for the of I iurope, which alone can settle it. It be necessary for Great Britain to propose the Powers that) a joint survellanoe should exercised in China. M. Paul de Cussagnac, writing in "Antorite," 6ays the British intervention in Chiua is only 1 pretext for occupation.






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