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..4 (C9PYEIGKT.) •' — ANOTHER NEW FEATURE, ;t EVENING- EXPRESS" ADLETS. M-;W SCHEME FOR 9US CARDIFF AND COUNTRY READERS, MUSEMENT. PROFIT, REWARD. -it- OUT THE FOLLOWING PUZZLE, and put it together as you think it ought When pieced properly the portrait of a well-known person will appear in the left- corner, Write a WAXiT ADLET 011 the blank lines, enclosing money or stamps at given below, g4 d ^lidjress EgPRH&B, St. Mary«streetj Cardiff. 0 r I '10 r NVY SPECIAL RATES. Apartments Wanted, Famished Hodmd to be Let and Wanted, Situ ations Wanted fanta Wanted, Public-hotises Wanted and for Salfe, Horses and Carriages, Miscel- jou3 Wants, Personal, Articles Ld§t or Fdtifid, Sale and Exchange, ONE FARTHING 3, WORD; The Name and Address is to be Counted: Thrt6 insertions, Half as much Onej Six insertions) Double price of one: 0NCE» TttJtM ,TtMl!8i SIX TIMES. 16worda 4d. >.« H' 6di #.» 8d. 24 it » 6d; I., M> •>» h. lSi 32 n • 8di M in 1§-. in tn Is; 4di Jfo Adtertiseinent under the abo-to lieadlflgs tgktii for than THEEEPENCE. SPECIAL PRIZES. IFTY CLOTH BOUND 3a Go, BOOKS. ,1 be given fe-rerf webk to tie 5d gfcfs&iis who Ptit the ItbØ1è ptisate together in the hea uiei1; aiid forward tile salae td the EVENING likPREfiS Offibej With & Want A diet written be blank, #flcloeiU|f gay far the Want Adtet at the abbve^iusiect tates; Competitors Must observe tits SfollQWiti^ EAlies The Pita2i§ must be put together NeäUý: An Adlet must bd written oil thè CioUgoti: The Words id the Adiet must bg Gottutid (fcfftims ftnd Address included), t gtatnps enclosed at the rate of chid Farthing per Word; In awarding the books, neatness with wfciek tli# putili is put together, and the coemption -drdin? of the adtfertigeffientj wilt be COflsicMed: The best one received during the week will be awarded — — i > THE PRIZE LtBttABV. I Spenser's Faerie Queens • Scott's Poetical WorkS; A Arabian NijfhtSi i'J? OF HANDSOMELY BOUND 3S. 6d> Craden's Concordance to the OldatldNew Testaments. soo £ s Td se Competed tfoit. Iho. Y w?i-of cferlefLLnmb' bariyie s uiifGr L-rouiWcilj Sartor EesartniSi MacaulAy's Essayo, PoUtiHftI.EcMOttiy. Drawing-room AmtisemeHtSj ibf Hoffman. • =s 3 F fena n Revolution. How to Become a Wizard, by Robert Houdin. 's Nafltfjtl History Of SeiWSftti*; A New Chess Manual, With 66 Diagrams, by L. Hoffer. •iS'S. Finfctticli Agricultural Chemistry, by Sihsoa: .i-Kiil!; • Chibese National T&Mf- Webster's Dictionary, 1,500 Illustrations ¡'S Iljad stHd Odysssy) Pope's TraiisHtiSH. Nuttall's Dictionary. i!ffl.{fs ElilSitts.. Cage and Singing Birds. ^ysteitt of Iiogitv Wild Flowers, by Spencer Thomson. •=! Biosttitphieal History of PhilC)iBt>1iy. Delamer's Kitchen and Flower Gardeu. stay's Vanicy Fait. The Right Hon. W, JoJ. Gladstone's Speeches. Karqness of Salisbury's Speeches: Jf- vil Cook s voyages; Tlie New Cookery Book. Witli Two Coloured Plates. •- i' :.ovah. The Victoria History of Enfrlxiri'l, ^!09 Illustrations, ro's Wrjrko; Populsr Nurserr Tules aiiflStortes. with 170 Hltwtra- i's Jolmson.' tions. Scott's Ivankoe: Child's Picture FaMe Book, 60 Ilhistrationsi <r-.UQ«j: Child's Cottnity Bt?ok, bf Thoirms Miller, with tJopperfeld; Colom-ed Plates. Smith's Wealth of Nations; — •iC'S Canterhtity Tales; TyrWhitt'S JfoteS. A # 4 •i H iiiote, nfitB Illustrations U* Sit John CHltoert, „ one of the foretfoihg List may toe selected by 4' CoinpetitefSi Or a Work may bo chosen from the oil Crusoe; tA Hlnsttftiioaa ty if; i); WatSOB; «vriting3 of the foaoirtoff eminent authors ■ :'s: Poetical Works; ijonl fjyttott. Scott." ■> g Life§s Harrison AinsWorth. Victor HttffO. ■-t. t>ay§ 6f Potepeij; Balzac: Eugene Sue. '• 3 Pilgrim S ProgteSSj S3 Illt(Stts(tiSl!S; FemJitnOre Cooper. Longfellow. ?'s Ethics. Translated toy Dr. Gillieg: Dickensi Bums. ApostOlieaJ FatliSrs; Dumas; Moore. thotikht'a on Belisit)fi, Lever. Shelley. N'S EssayS:, Matryftt Hood,' :eltigeh Liedj 3,All Adleig received duHng the week, including the first ol opened oft Monday morning October 2nd will be eligible the above Prizes, IMPORTANT NOTICE, We ar«) ftdfisfld by Messrs; Kotttlod^e, the London publishers, that the run on • Faiiiiiy Doctor has been so great that it is now out of prints Winners who uted that bClók last wcfrk ean inspect thè number in stock at the Express r,, L*. 66, gi. itnti chome fiti<Jther, or wait until tho "fa,nnly Dwtor •"■-prifttgd: <( I 11 jJj I." J1 A* ST0NF/ ANX> C°L ^J NI) E JL'i1 A TCFiKB, I fcSTABtlSHEtt 30 VKARfi, I At iii# n-H't Oulf Aud*es»»= | io; «. A VT» is, woiUvmu^T-n.^F.T, I CATiDO'Pj Aim VKJ5S8 IttJJ A GK'StENT Of miss mom,. Agisted hy Mt OAR!>ffS!. BIGOS IIIIIlWIIII Ill ill iWntrimmtiah .¡t;- AVomig Gentleman, 2?, Degirfs Ctiri-osnonrtence with Itounj liady; WHlo-,t flnt objected to,—Address Vharbró Ejiprcsi, Cal'tliff, P539»29 ADVF.UTISPIB, 25, eommereittDv EN^ag-SFL, Desire Cori-fjjjeJi'letiec with Larty Oi' S»omi heaUb, head heart, duel li!-tl>» rnfAM; flolflldettce a«<t eharactw yita 3 !29itaL^ A UVERTISMR8 are Cautioned Ui*t .Ponl.mnA*ers are L\. Sot Allowed tit .Oelivwf Letter" Adrlrexsad to IniCato or Ftci-itiooo Kaifie* at any Poat-olTiee. Letters aiWifijued to IniHalu M' tirtitioiiR uawea mtwt beav tlw Addies* or tl,o fnivert i^"1! nt' )Tio, of the offlces nf tbf, lifter-,i BOOKS uf every •te'iliHiittin) Wanted, for Kir,(ling, hf IViiiiam Jf..Tcnes. Practical Bookbinder (froir. Wnterloo mid Sons, LntM'jtt), Wmtminster chambers, Ay)iartoii_g;,ron_t, J^janlitT, e420a30 BKA I) Uie Expre»!>.—\Vitcijeil, eS51a29 C< AX eneli tiiinsc. H" and overconse ns like a summer ) obower m'tbon?. «ir sneciai won4er to Kxprws our AVsrls s w Advertise in tr.e PinH of Perfection.—Ti'y Itrmn'* r,eviat.)'.an lf», Posters. 310, Cowbridse road, C^v.ur: c334a30 W" "ANTAdle*" e4<5gr4 Iifavp •vaited A lonff time for this book and 1 hope not ¡, I Vain, c4E8a,30 Ttttc Ever.tn» Express is nn interestine paper and ful of -nfOTOfttio^ for all people. e439a30 T0 be Given A wa.Y. Prettily-marked Kittens.—Apply ? 32, IhprnM (IOICO. CZa-fr. e507aS) Q05IBTHINO better to do, I should get a uoor living nOUHjEKEPKR '.auperior) Jlenviires Rf-engagement, witb, »«ip i OMitartte irageM.5, Charles Street, C«-difr. 7 s^aors raSaBttiiiir riliir rr r .tItlt'brral. AU Assistant to the Drug Trade one just out of -his apprenticeship preferred) for a Lifht Mixed Rateii Business—Apply, personally, or by letter tv A. B. 52, Partridge-road, Cardiff. 19^fr4 WANTED, an Assistancy by a Weish-speakina; Gen- tieman; i»!l curriculum of study.—S. Rees, Bfjn IIIMM IMMllMllLi CimraU PRIEST ReCtujrd fûr Cm-acy of E^lwys Oem tiiw, E-1-I¡.-el1d, £ 300 and fumifihed house.—ApplyVicar, Abei-anneli, fiartli Ii.S.O., Brseonslifre. 981 d ;.& ^cl)'o^ ISITMAN'S Fi.on<»^rapU». — Rrrn'.ii;; Lesaons, by Diploiuaed Teacher; individual tuition.—Apply A. Brown, F.N.P.S., 79, WyinlLarn crescent, Canton, Cxi-diiff. >e49Cr3 Qannn DANCING.—l\fr. Mituhell's Class will Commence on Tuesday, October 10th, at CooparVi a'.l, 35, Ctipble stieet. Piirats Lessons .¡rivèlL-'1'en'1;; a ply 61, W,óQd- ville road, Cathays, Cacdiff. e&j;7r5 AFOING.-Bros. e! and 3\ Flrtli Wiah to Announce that they intend Re.opening their Select- Quadrille CII.ha at Mrs. -.at 35. Ca!\U"-f!tr!,f)t, 011 Wednesilay, October 4th, with a Cinderella Dance. Lo commence at ticitetR, iadies. 1". gems, la. 6d.; monthly class, commencing Wednesday, Octohcr 11; terms ver month. ladies,». s je.nc»s '!a. Greioo's String Band in attendance every ayeiiin,?. c44OJ.g C10I.0XIA Xj HAl/l. to Let for Uvenins Clas-iSS J Thnisdays and Fridays Vaeant i best floor '1. Qar rli/f.—Apply J i)».vies, Napier Hotel. iHugicnl ANYnODY Want to Buy a Violin and Bowf — Apaly Bnri'ow, 16. Mackintosh place, Roath, Cardiff. [er2 PIANU Tiu.i't,, per Month or Qunrt.-r, by conipeteht Youug Lady: terms low.—21, Salisbury road, Car- diff. e436r9 • MUSICAL lJox, with bells; play.; oir-ht tunes, al .l".1. new; 1\ smnd instrument price 55s.-Sul Phillips, The OH Firm, "3, C!lrol;ne-atreet. ¡ gem bant^ fivfvIAI, SKRVANTS W ANTlm, HOUSTI-PAULOUR Maid Wanted; t'ooroupldy ex iK'j.'if.iie.ed. — LowMier UcgfStry, 69, Cranbfo^k stre6!" 1Uehmoml i' »d, Cardiff. c134\-4 \\TANTED, immediately, a stron?, ivilling Girl a \V General Seivaut. Apply, sivin* references statins fealarr re,;m'r»d, to jSi*. Avnohl,' Cwmavon, Pur Talbot. c447r3 ANTED, à Girl, about 13, Mind Child of Two: 11' assist in house.—Apply, after eight p.m., 43, Broadway, t'nv.lift. e430a.30 WANTED. 27th October, thorough Ilouso-Parloat- I'" maid used Lo <putleman't* service C11urdh. woman; sm.'di family help £ iven\in the morning.- Apply, stating leugth clmTaoter enù particulars, Ash- hiirniiam, OverLur.r, Tewkestmry. 2Q7lt6 WANTED at one;, good, strong Girl, about 18:, RMd I"t' character from lap! ;il".oe —Apply Mrs, Mortimer, Paris House, Kaviffati.ni B.SJf). 2055n30 WANTED, thoioaeh HonsemaU^ Single-hapdetl; (" mn-1 JIfH-C pood character from last plnee.Mr@. Struvt, The Darraii, Neatti. 206lyj WANTED, a good Pavlotirmaid; must have lived in a gentleman's family.Mrs. Prrse, Lodge Park, Glandovey B.S.O. 2009v6 VS7 ANTED, tiu«tworthy General Servant, who can.do V? Plain Cooking not under 20.—Bjk ley-terrace, 19, Fairoak-avenne, Haindee, Newport. 21i)tr6 HOCSF^LilD.—Ws«ted( a respectable Honsejnald' ab-r fS.—Apply to Mrs. Bowling, 286, High;road' Kilburii. Uotidon, N.W. Healthy locality. ,i'3 WANTED at oucc. a stionj? Scrvimt Girl, about 17 or 18 yeor« u«°d to children.—Apply 6, Kiucfoig- street, Cardiff. 2088r3 PLAIN Cook Wanted immediately.—Apply win- chcster House, StO'v Park, Newport, Mon. [21MT3 WASTED, for Newport, a good General Servant main cook; three in family; another servant' kept —Amily, in Hf". instance, 90, Walter-road, -Sw:tn- sea. 2999r3 -m m — -i.i — »■ —— "VITANTP.D, an experienced General: two in fMnily. — Applv Mrs. Hockin, 1, Prospect Villas, — Applv Mis. Hockin, 1, Prospect Villas, Mumbles. '■ Sfieti ANTED, experienced, cleanly, active G«ne!;al Servant; c?o<d plain cook; s»ood' refercneeS.— Apply, Six CO Eight Eveniuff, 8, S«us11cnn>■ (1 a- r<rad, Cardiff. I 17^»^ WANTED, respectable Person to "Assist Midfcwa8 gentstnlly; plain cooking, bakifwr, poultry; willinK to a»sisv*witli upstairs work: biff servant kept farmer's "binRlitcr preie'Ted.—State salaJy and-rcfe- r-nces to Mrs. Win. Thomas, Hayes Farm, Sully,, near Penarth.. !%2a30 WANTED, strons, bosltbv Girl as Nurse fofiOne W Ralw. by loth October; ?ood reforences required.— Apply to Mi a.'Llewelyn, 10, The Parade, B&cry. [84875 ^TTANiTED, gnod General Servant, in. Cardiff i «lj[e VV do plain cooking, and take entire eharJ:e only one iu family state wajjeR, a,1??, reforonccp.—Atwross Surffeou, 1' 39, Western Mail, Cardiff. • 2010r2 \\T ANTED, Two General Servants; a?ed about TV 13: quiet country, place.—Mrs. V. H. Jenner, Wenvoo Rectory, Cardiff. 20Z6rS W- ANTED] thorongbly experienced Xnrsef com- W pctent to take entire cbav?e of liaby affc.£1 not under 25: highest references required.—Apply 1/OjJfew- port-road, Cardiff. 2002y5 AXTCD, a good Plain Coolc-A pply, artcr:il6.vcn p.m., to 9, Richmond-terrace, Park-placev Car- diff. |J 19991-3 KITCHENMAI'D Wanted, who knows her dutWs arid JL\- has lived in geniloman's. family .a;cd 18 to.24; wapre?., £ 14 to £ 18.—Write, stating where lived, length of character, Sc., to Mrs. Bruce, Foat-office, Neath. 1934T2 WASTED at once, a strong, active Girl as ScnH$ry- VT maid in a Country House.—State particular?, Mrs. Evans, Ffrwfljrrccli, Brecon. 1986f2 TTTAXTED. for GloueeaterRhire, Two stronp Girls, about, 18, as Kitchenmaid and tjnderftfmse- maid: neat appearance and good eiiaracter.^Mrs. Leatliam, Noss Sido, Invevness. 19t2rS WANTED, for Small Family, Tounpr Girl fabmlt 18) f1' as Housemnid; able to sew.—Applv, after scften, 25, Park-place, Cardiff. rJ.fi,h2 GENERAL Servant Wanted, with references "WSjfes £ 14.—Apply Mrs. Hawkins, 13, Pembroke-Wrrnco, (aril i iF. 1990r 2 ANTED, Plain Cook or General Servant; aTso W Nurse.—Apply Parkdale, Clytha-park,- Jfew- port. 1948M ANTED, a strong General Servant fótid: of V chitdren good references—Apply, statinfcage, wage*. Ac., to A. T. Walters, Steam Bakery, Durjley, Gloucestershire. 1909H ANTED, tboronghly-experienced House-Pttffonr- mald and Cook (General); two in family ^Wtees £ 16.—Apply 13, Cwrt-y-Vil-road, Penarth. 19?ZfliO ANTED, good PIaiu Cook; able to bake.—Apply, v V sliting ajre, wages, and references, to Mrs, Oress- woll, Dowlni^_ 18Wt3 X>TANTED immeclistely, thoroughly expryrience4 8er- T V vant; clean and accustomed house duties, early riser, and srood references indispensable aged 25 to 30 cook kept. — Apply personally 61, Piymonth-rpad, Penarth. Mbr3 \XT ANTED, Plain Cook and House-Parlourriiid; W couvtry girl preferred. — Apply Mfs. Gotten, Major, near Newport, Mon.. 1852&39 WANTED at once, near Aberg-avenny, .superior Clenernl, for cooking and lamidry: two in faiftily; housemaid kept.— P 8, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1879a29 W AN'i'ED, tbofougblycompetent Housemaid: 'aged (, 2.0-25; needlewoman; wages £ 14.—Apply, byJetter, Mrs. Herring, Rope Hill, Newport. 1872r3 ANTED, good, strong Girl as General Servant; no washing; no children.— Apply at the Swimtniu? Bat.hr, Cardiff. ISXrS TTT ANTED, Plain Cook, or experienced General Ser- f" VIlTÜ, for two in family.-Particulars to R. H., Western Mnii, Sw<m^cn. 1814r3 ANTED immediately, a strong, willing Girt as V1' General Servant.—Apply, giving references, stating salary lequired, to Mrs. Arnold, CwniarcmJPort 'Tivllwt. ™r3 ANTED, thoroughly good General Servant or r, Workimr Housekeeper; small family:—'A^vply, one to two o'clock, Newtonville, 1, Victoriac-.road, Penarth. 1801r2 ANTE D,_sotid"C eneral Servant, for Pefiatth; "I housemnid kopt/—Apply The Mount, Majine- par.nio, Por.nrtb. or 30, Park-place,0 ardiff. T06r2 OUSE-PAULOUBMAID Wanted good character indispensable— Apply Hollanton House;^Mariiae- parode, Penarth, noar C:udilf. Io94a30^ ,7" ANTED, good Plain Cook country place no dairy, baking, or washing; £ 18— £ UD.—Mrs^Gray, Stone lIT.H. Wolfs Castls. Pembrokeshire. IcNpjO W" ANTEb^^General, 25 to 30; country preferred; small famity washing put out must have Stood character.—10, Cowbridgc-road, Cardiff. -1716r2 ANTED imrnediaiely] good Plain Cook and V1' Generals; Disengaged Plain Cook, Llanaaff1 pre- ferred Hoiife-parlonrroald, Housemaid, Governess.— Registry, 10, King's-road, Carùilf. lTllr2 W" ANTED, experienced General Servant; must Wash ¡" nnd iron; good wages to B11itable person; house- mllid kl!pb.-A¡>ply 3, Westbourae-road, Penarth.. [r £ ANTED, respectable General Servant One used VV to wait at table preferred; referencss required.— Apply Mrs. Morris, Gower Inn, Parkmi'l, Swansea. ,[a30 M~ ISS >1 OHGA VS Registry for all classes of Servants .1".1. for Private Houses, Hotels; Housemaids disen- gaged.—3, Frcderiok-street, Cardiff. 1674a30 ANTED, Mi Pedler's Registry, 22, Charlcs^street, Cardiff, <„ooks. Parlourmaids, HouSemaids, Generals, Chambermaids, Waitresses immediately, lilanishen, Cardiff, Penarth, Neath, Clevedon. [1643a30 OOKT -Wanted at once, a good Plain Cook; able to bake; not under 25; must be healthy and clean.— Apply R., care of Mr. Lockver, Stationer, Llandilo/ [a30 HOUSE-PARLOURMAID Wanted; must be Able to ,1 wait at table. State wages, length of character.— Apply Mrs. Horton, Ystrad, Carmarthen. 1596a30 ERVANT, General, for Farmhouse must be able to dress poultry.—Apply Trebanog Fawr Farti, Pen- deryn. 160&30 LADIES Suited with All Classes of Servants Situa- JU tions Secured for Servants. Fee Is.—Miss Walters, 30, Page-street, Swansea.lt65a30 FEMALE SERVANTS WANT PLAGES. WANTED, by respectable Married Woman, Office or Shop to"Clean, or any Morning Employment- in that I n-.—, ;)ly A. D., 58, Eldon road, Cardiff. [r3 TifrANTED, by respectable Young PeMon. two V\ offices to clean daily!—Apply E. Jones, 28, Eldon street, ltiverside, Cardiff. LADIES Suited with Servants-House, Parlottf, and JLj Bar Maids, Cooks, Narser, Mother's Kelps, Ac., Diseupatted Generals Wanted immediately.—Jones,'152, Cardiff Market. 20&>6 SEWINGMAID. 20, understands dressmaking, Seeks Situation; good references. -Address WuMiss Jones's Registry, Clytha Park-road, Newport. [2043r5 EWING 3Íai.126,1, with knowledge of DressriM&ing, v Drsitos Engagement.—Address A., M:3;; jonejs Re- gistry, Clytha Park-road, Nevrport. :ilÐ47r5 HOUSEMAID or General <20) Seek" Situatibtl—Ad- JtjL dress D., Miss Jones's Registry, 5, Ciytha^Park- roud, Xewport, Mon. 2WSr5 WANTED, a Situation as Housemaid or- Hfcuse- Parlourmaid.—Apply, by letter only, to S. H., Hollanton Honse, Marine-parade, Penarth. ¡f63r4 ENERAL Servants Waiting Situations; different ages; good characters.—Enclose stamp South Wales Employment Agency, Mountain Ash. Snitttfee prompt attention. M61r4 SITUATION Wanted as Under Housemaid or Suree O <19); good references.—M. Roberts, 31, Rdokwoocl- street, Upper Grange, Cardiff.. 19a8r4 CtERTIFICATED Nurse, three years' ipspital J experience ¡.fever and general), RequireS Re- engagement excellent references. Nurse, South Wales Registry, Brynymor-road, Swansea. Iflfer3 "\TTT ANTED, Sttuation by experienced Plafi Cook VV thoroughly understands Dairy, fcc.; goodrtferen; ces.—A. C., Cowdore-row. Llanelly. • 1893r3 MAN AND WIFE WANT PLACES WANTED, by Man and Wife, no family, as Care- takers.—Apply P 45, Express Office, Cardiff. If i right, I hope it is, send £ 5 as that is best. "e5!0r2 TTIGHLT Respectable Young Harried CouÐlè Desire XX Position of Trust; lodge keeper, residelot oare- taker, companion to elderly pex&<y».ApplyP 3*. Bvw^ig ^Express^ Cardiff. "Sir liimii ii■■■■■■! rtii- ■! 7 •' c. ■ *Jl\ Clerks anb iHanatiers* CLERKS AND MANAGERS WANTED. WANTED, a smart, active Lad, as an Office Boy.— v v Apply toMorgan and Biermtmn, Provision Depot, Hope street, Cardiff. e490a30 WANTED, Situation as Clerk; good scholar, just VV left School.—Joseph Chivers, Windsor road' Caerphilly. e560a29 YACAISCY for Articled Pupil in Accountant's Office small pr«mii2m required.—Apply P 43, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2160r6 TO Clerks —Steady, lionest, and industrious Young Man as Book-keeper and Rent Collector Wanted.— Apply, by letter, stating age and salary, and reference. to A. R. Bear, Auctioneer, Newport. 2045r5 WANTED, Junior Clerk, with knowledge of Short- hand.—Apply, in own handwriting, stating wages required, to P 25, Western Mail, Cardiff. 193Sr4 WANTED, a Clerk, with good knowledge of short- hand must be experienced in the corn, seed, and flour trade.—Apply, stating age. references, salary required, and when disengaged to P 20, Western Mail, Cardiff. 24865 WANTED, Young Lady, thorough- Knowledge of Telegraphy (S.N.'1 and Learn Postal Work; com- fortable home.—Apply 0 37, Western Mail, Cardiff. rr2 CHARP Office Boy Wanted must have been one O before wages, 6a. per week.—Apply in own haud- writing, with references, Box 56, General Post-office, Cardiff. 1721r2 WANTED, a thorough Business Man as Clerk, and I I accustomed to travel; a knowledge of Welsh preferred.—Apply, fully stating age, salary, and expo- rience, to Palmer, Corn Merchants, Haverfordwest. [a3O CLERKS AND MANAGERS WANT PLACES. SITUATION Wanted by Youth (20) any capacity good arithmetician, fair writer; small wages.—Cane, 18, Howard-street., Reading. 1904a30 CLERK (aged 26 expert shorthand writer and typist, little French and Spanish) Wants Situation.— Bowles, 16, North Luton-place, Cardiff. 1564r3 CCOUNTANT and Auditing Clerk, of first-class experience. Offers Occasional Services.— Harley, cure Mr. Fitzpatriek, 13, Canterbury-road, Kilburn, Lon- don. 1610.-3 HALF-DAY.—Clr-rlc (25), accustomed to Genera -11 Office Work, Seeks Employment—half-day or eyen ings good references and security if required —P 30, Western Mail, Cardiff. I982r9 CLERK Seeks He-engagement; rapid shorthand writer good typist quick at figures moderate salary; first-class references.—H 5, Western Mail, Swansea. 1783r2 7- To Brokera.—Youth, aged sixteen, Desires a Situation X as Clerk; good writer, well up in figures; would give three months' gratuitous services on trial.—Address 24, South Luton-place, Cardiff. 1707\:2 "VtTANTED, Situation in Shipowner's or Broker's VV Office, or Colliery Shipping Agency; 16 years' experience.—Apply D 13, Western Mail Office, Swan- soa. 1 1652a30 Q(gtntit5, ŒrabtlItl"\), &C. TRAVELLERS, AGENT fcc.. WANTED. WANTED, Agents to Sell Way's Infallible Remedy for Piles.—Neath road, Briton Ferry. [ea30 WANTED at once." a Married Man to Undertake W Duties l1S Traveller to a Wine and Spirit afid Brewery Firm in Monmouthshire: should require inter- view.—Apply, with age and testimonials, to 0 20, Wes- tern Mail Oihce, Cardiff. 24809 AGENTS Wanted for Sale of Rubber Stamps and Types, Stencil Plate?, Seal Embossinr Machines, Branding It-on- 4c. liberal terms to pushing salesmen. —Uppington's Factory, Wine Office-cornt, London. [r6 GENTLEMAN Required to Represent a Firm of Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants musth*vc good connection wicb first-class buyers.—Apply P 16, W ta. tern Mali Ofilcc, Cardiff. 1924r4 THIRTY Pounds a Month can be mr.de with Ten Ponndp..—For particulars, address H 8, 82, Coleman- street, London. E.C. 1625r7 AN Ageut Wanted for the Bristol Line of Cape Steamers in all Districts where Cargo and Passen- gers are obtainable must have connection amongst, shippers.—For particulars, remuneration. Ac., address Mutual, 70, Finsbury-pavement, London, E.C. [2070.T30 SOLE Agent Wanted for New System Self-winding Electrical Clocks (suitable for hotels, factories, o.flioes,. railway stations, and mansions) une clock transmits correct time to every dial on the circuit cheap and thoroughly reliable; liberal Commission to really competent witli undeniable connection.— Write, with fullest particulars and refuicnces, Industrial, 39. Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W. 162Sri AGENTS W»nced for Swansea, the Rbondda Valleys, Merth.yr,' Aberdare, and Brecon Districts to Take Orders for the various Publications issued by Mr. W. Mackenzio, Glasgow; exceptional advantases to com- petent, men.—Apply, personally or by letter, to Mr. It. Goldic, 29, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 172r,r2 partnrrstyips. "ITTANTED, k Gentleman of experience te Join an VV Old-established Firm of Manchester and General Warehousemen liavinsr a and Valuable Connection covering the South and West of England and South Wales: capital required, £ 6,000 to £ 10,000.—Further particulars on application to Box 73, Post-office, Uris. tol. 24880 A Gentleman, with a Moderate Amount of Capital, is Anxious to Get some Employment: be will be able to buy a partnership in a thorough good concern.— Address K., Box 30, Post-office, Cardiff. 1718r2 ADVERTISER Could Take Active Partnership in Coal Exporter's or Merchant's Business.—State I full particulars and remuneration, Merchant, Daily Nlwl Office, Swansea. 168&30 ( SHOP ASSISTANTS WANTED. CLOTHIF.RS.-Good Salesman Wanted at once.- Apply Manager, 33, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. rEa2 WANTED, Assistant Boot Trade; good wages to a good man.—Address P 36, Express Office, Car- diff. e5z2v2 DRAPERY.—Junior Young Man Wanted imme- diately must have good references.—T. Wootton, Cloth Hall, Merthyr. 2095r3 TOBACCO Business.—Wanted, experienced Young TOBACCO Business.—Wanted, experienced Young Lady for Above.—Apply, with reference and wages required, Gunning, Queen's Hotel, Swansea. 2020r5 DRAPERY.—Wanted, an experienced Young- Man Welsh; one used to the hosiery and haberdashery preferred.-Apply, with full particulars, John Lewis, Commerce House, Carmarthen. 15æa30 DRAPERY.—Wanted, a well-educated Youth as an Apprentice.—Apply to John Evans and Co., Drapers, Pontypridd. 1968a30 GROCERY.—Improver or Junior Wanted at cncc.— Apply Williams, Grocer, Canton, Cardiff. [1931a3Q GROCERY.—Wanted, an active Assistant.—Apply, stating age, experience, salary required (indoors), references, ctc., to Watkins and Son, The Emporium, Brynnaawi\ 1955a50 GROCERY and Provision Tmde.- anted imme- G diately, an active Junior; Welsh; state full par- ticulars personal application preferred. J. D. Llewellyn, Neath. 1907a30 DRAPERY —Wanted, at once, experienced Salesman D for Dress Department; must have had experience n good class trade and be good window-dresser.—Apply Evans and Allen, London House, Newport. 1769r2 GROCERY and Provision Hand Wanted a smart junior indoors state particulars.—Apply J. J. Phillips, 92, High-street, Swansea. 1745r2 DRAPERY.-Wanted, smart Young Lady; must be a DRAPERY.—Wanted, smart Young Lady; must be a good saleswoman and stock-keeper.—Apply, per- sonally, Geo. Edwards, 76, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. [aJO SHOP ASSISTANTS WANT PLACES. GROCERY, smart Junior Seeks Re-engagement in quick cash trade; five years' experience; good references.—Apply, 33, Ronnie street, Rivorside, Car- diff. e520r5 ~\T OUN G Lady, with six months experience in X stationer's shop, desires a Situation in that Or other light employment.—Address Loni3e, 23, Keppoch- street, Cardiff. e388a30 GROCERY.—Situation Wanted by a Young Person four years' experience; good references.—Apply P., 51, Crw.vs-road, Cathays, Cardiff. E462329 MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS WANTED MILLINER (experienced) Wanted for a Small Town in Monmouthshire good salary.—Apply Welsford, Queen's Hotel, Newport. 2105r6 WANTED immediately, stylish Milliner; able to serve whon required state full particulars first lctter.-Apply D. Williams, Manchester House, Aber- dare. 2033r2 DRESSMAKERS.—Wanted, First Skirt Hand; state DRESSMAKERS.—Wanted, First Skirt Hand; state experience, reference, and salary. Also, smart Youth as Apprentice.—D. Davies, Draper, Port.h. [a30 WANTED at once, an e.vperienced Milliner, Able to Serve Welsh.—Owen Jones, Powell-street, Llanelly. 1975r5 MILLINERY.—Wanted, a stylish Milliner, and to M Assist in the Business when Required.—George Jones, Wr.terloo House, Pembroke. 1979r5 MILLTNERV.—Young Lady, four or five years' ex- perience able to sen-e; live oltt.-Apply D. and J. Evans, Commercial-road, Newport. 1946r4 DiiESSMAtCING.—Wanted, an Improver, indoors for good class business.—Apply Thomas, 9, Bridge .street. Newport. 1373rj MILLINERS.—Experienced Milliner Wanted; quick and stylish good FP-lcswomall and stockkeepor. Apply, with photo, and full particulars, Williams and Co., Trcorcby. i602r2 i¥UscdIaiteou6" SITUATIONS VACANT. A DVERTI8ERS are Cautioned that Postmasters are Not Allowed to Deliver Letters Addressed to Initials or Fictitions Names at any Post-office. Letters addressed to initials or fictitious names must bear the Address of the advertiser or One of the offices of the Mail WANTED, a good All-round Wheeler; ilso Light Body Maker, to work by piece..—Apply to D. R Phillips (PYiillips Bros.), Bridgend. oWr4 MASONS.—Wanted, a few Skilled Banker-bands at M Nichols ton Church, Gower sandstone1 —Apply on ob, Or to W. Clarke, LiMidaff. e4lla30 PPRENTICKS Wanted at the Western Mail; bo premium required: must be respeot,able and well- educated.—Applv Mr. D. W. Thomas, Western Mail Office. Cardiff. 24909 MALTSTER Wanted, to Work Twenty Quarter House state wages and references.- Apply R 17, Western Mail Office, Newport. 2103r3 OY Wanted, about 15, Used to Horses; must be strong and trilling.—Apply William John, Ivor House, Peixoed. 2049r5 A Vacancy for an Articled Pupil occurs in the office of Mr. W. H. Dashvood Caple, Architect and Scrveyor, 1, St. John-square, Cardiff. 2048r5 TO Bakers.—Wanted at once, good Workman for Pastry, Small Goods.-Apply, stating age, refc* rence;, and wages, Yatrad Bakery, Pentre. 1971 a30 WJANTED at once, steady Young Man to Slaughter, VV Assist in Shop, Make Himself Generally C selul. —Address Thomas, Butcher, Nelson, "ireharris R.S.O. 1949a30 YOUTH Wanted for Delivery of Bread; must be smart and have good oharacter.—T, Stevens, Confectioner, Queen-street, Cardiff. 2034r2 HAIRDRESSER.-Wanted at once, good and quick Shaver and Hairclltter.-Apply, stating wages and references, Hope, Builth. 1803r5 WANTED, a Hairdresser and good Shaver to Manage a Branch.—Apply Mrs. Evans, 22, High- street, Ferndalc. 1819r3 WANTED, a sharp Young Man as Haulier; light work.—State age, experience, wages in, 4c., Bowen Jones, Grocer, Merthyr. 1800r2 MASONS.—Wanted, a Few Skilled Banker Hands, at jLrJL Nicholaston Church, Gower; Band.Stone.-Apply on Job, or to W. Clarke, Llandaff. 1677a50 ATCHMAKER Wanted; must be practical, steady, and good reference required.—Apply N 30, Western Mail Office, Cardiff. 1478a30 BUILDER Required, to Build Four Villas Eight Miles from Cardiff; tenants assured grazing land if re- quired near station.—Address N 45, Western Mail, Car- diff; 1585a30 ILLER Wamted, married man preferred; cottage HJL found; must make himself useful.—Apply PleRce, Trebanog Mills, Penderyn. 1602a30 WANTED, steady Man as Porter, whose duties will be to attend to horses and cows, drive out de- livering goods, and make himself generally useful; must be good groom and able to milk: married man preferred: none need apply whose character for sobriety and honesty will not bear strict investigation.—John Meredith, Chemist and Wine Merchant, Brecon. 1599a30 ELECTRICAL Engineering.—Sydney F. Walker and E Co., Cardiff Electrical Works, have a Vacancy for an Apprentice premium required.—P 4, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1840r3 BOOT Trade.—Wanted at once, Two good General Hands to Manage Branch Repairing Shops.— Apply 48, Cathedral-road, Riverside. Cardiff. 2027r2 WANTED at once, handy Man for Rough Wheel wright Work.—Apply Foreman, New Asylum Bridgend. 24879 _00 Weekly Upwards Honestly Realised by Persons Either Sex, without hindrance-present oocu pation. Samples (returnable), Sc., enclose addressed envelope Evans, Watts, and Co. (P 71), Merchants, Birmingham.—Genuine. 1415r5 CARPENTERS (House) Wanted at once at the No. I C Reservoir Works, near Merthyr Tydfil; good wa?ea paid.—Apply to the Manager (Mr. Orton), Cwm Taff Fawr, near Merthyr. 24625 SITUATIONS. WANTED WANTED, Situation as Improver to the Dressmak- ing.—Apply H. P., 5, Broadway, Cardiff. [er9 WANTED, Situation; good salary; work to be put out. e549a29 WANTED, by Married Man, age 32, Situation any Place of Trust; not afraid of hard work good references. Write P 33, Express Office, Car diff. e502a30 TO Butchers.—A Boy, aged 14, Wants Situation as Improver; can kill and dress sheep and lambs.— Apply John Ilaggett, Butcher, Bridge street, Usk. e404a30 ALL Kinds of Jobbing and Repairs.—Estimates given by C. Rook, 214, Cowbridge-road, Canton,1 Car- diff. 2087r6 YOUNG Man (22), has been with architect several years, Requires Situation in Euilding Trade with View to Becoming Foreman.—P 41, Western Mail, Cardiff/ 2037a30 WANTED, by Young Married Man, Situation as Haulier well accustomed to horses.—H. Clare, Ton, Brigam, near Cowbridge. 2,111r2 TO Master Butchers.—A Lad (16) Wants Situation to Aseist in" Shop and Slaughterhouse make him- self useful.—Lougber, Wick, Bridgend. 1930r2 TO Master Bakers.—Wanted, Situation as First, Second, or Single; good references; Guest, 1. Vah-street, Barry.. 174or2 WANTED, Charge of Engines and Machinery keep same in repair, collieries, ironworks, or brick- works; draughtsman; good references— Address W., >S. Thomas and Co., Sguborwen Collieries, Aber- dare. 16^7r2 TO Master Bakers.—Situation Wanted as good Third Hand: used to smalls.—Apply George Price, London Hotel, Abergavenny. 1633a30 BAKER Seeks Situation as good Second or Single well up in bread and smalls.—Address A. C.; care Of Mr. Cqata, Oxford House, Llandrindod Wells. ■ [a30 m 119ogg. DOG Fanciers Notice.—Large Kennel, suitable for St. Bernard or mastiff: cheap to an immediate cash buyer.—Apply Merton Clarke, 192, Newport toad, Cardiff.. e555r2 TrJiOR Sale Spaniel Bitch.—Apply' 139, Upper Georre X street, Cardiff. o630r2 W~ ELSH Terrier Puppies for Sale, by Champion Cymro Dewe.—Apply W. G. Duck, Chemist, Car- 4;J FOR Sale, a Lot < f good Homer Pigeons; very cheap. —Apply to William Burrett, 7, Aborgwawr street, AbMMnMi, Aberdare;e529a29 Aberaman, erdare. e529a29 FOR Sale, a splendid Lemon-created Cockatoo, Aus- tralian specie winner of se veral prizes; will sell for £ 5.—Apply Harvey, 137, Cowbridge road, Canton, nmn«mMMMUMMMaanM«se4MnnaMHMNHHai _:Ii. 0 v anti intuitu FOUND, Collie Dog; not claimed in three davs Will be sold to pay expenses,—23, Rookwood street. Upper Grange, Cardiff. e485a30 ilOUND, Terrier Dog: if not claimed in three days 1 will be soll1;-W. Lewis, West end, Aberdare. (ea2s DON'T FORGET MONDAY j g|3a £ tme^ APARTMENTS WANTED. WANTED, Apartments, in Roath or Cathays, for 1'1' One or Two Gentlemen; dining olil,-St.ate In elusive terms to G. Samuel, 2(06, Bute stroet, Car- diff. c3?6f2 ~WJ ANTED, Furnished Apartments (two good bed- W rooms and one sitting-room), not far from Taff Vale Railway Station.—Strahan, 20, Windsor-place, Car" diff. 1937a80 APARTMENTS TO LET. EWPORT ROAD—Well-furnished Apartment* to Let; no children references exchanged.Apply P 42, Express Office, Cardiff. e514rS rpo Let, Unfurnished Apartments; sail: young couple X i—Apply 127, Woodvilie road, Cathays, Cardiff. [ca2 COMFORTABLE Lodgings One or Two Gentlemen; COMFORTABLE Lodgings One or Two Gentlemen; front rooms; good piano.—l'enrhyn Iiouso, Llan- daff. ca54r5 GOOD Lodgings for sociable, respectable Young Man; home comforts; terms very moderu ce.—Apply 94, Clare road, Cardiff. e543r2 rpO Let, Unfurnished Apartments; twoorthree rooms X —Apply 2, Cairn street, Cathays, Cardiff. e491v4 FURNISHEI> Apartments to Let; suit two yonne F ladics.-Apply Fraser, 23, Crighton street, Car- diff. e456r3 APARTMENTS to Let to Married Couple without children. — Apply 154, Cathays terrace, Car- diff. e463r3 COMFORTABLE Furnished Apartments tor Two Gentlemen; every convenience good attendance. —47, Neville slr?et, Riverside, Cardiff. e432a2 LARGE Front Combined-room, suit Lady or Gentle man; also Front Sitting-room and Bedroom; bath piano.-70, Tudor road, Cardiff. e434r2 UNFURNISHED Apartments to Let at 99, Upper George street, Cathays, Cardiff. e423rl SUPERIOR Apartments for Gentleman; every home comfort; situated in respectablo locality; terms moderate. — Apply 13, Despenser street, Riverside, Cardiff. • e410a30 Q Glynrbondda-street, Cardiff,—Well furnished OU» 1'ront Apartments; baths; no children near trams and town good cooking and attendance pterins moderate. 2089r6 -| f\ Llnnbleddian Gardens, Cardiff.—Pleasant Sit- lUt ting-room; two bedrooms if required; bath- room good cooking and attendance; no children; tenu" moderate. 2091r6 'f O be Let, Apartments, Furnished or Unfurnished, X with or without attendance; terms moderate.— Address D., 18, Clive-road, Penarth. 2C51r5 iEomjn WANTED, Cardiff and District Inhabitants to -Turn Out Saturday Fortnight and Patronise Lifeboat Institution.—See Express for Particulars. e525rS HE CHARING CROSS BANK (Established 1870—23 k. years;, 28, Bedford-street, Charing Cross, London, W.C. Capital £ 300,000. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. LOANS GRANTED £ 30 to £ 5,000. Town or Country on approved Promissory Notes. Mortgage of Furniture, Trade, and Farm Stock, Life Policies, i Reversions, Plate Jewellery, Stocks, Shares, Freehold and Leasehold Pro- perty, Ac. Special facilities to all requiring Banking accounts. Three per cent, interest allowed on current accounts on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below 20 pounds. Deposits of £10 and upwards received as under 5 per cent. per annum subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 6 „ 6 „ „ „ 7 „ „ „ 12 „ „ „ Special terms for larger amounts. Interest paid quar- terly, free of Income-tax. Write or call for Prospectus. HLllJ646 A. WILLIAMS, Manager. DIRECTORS OF 1. S. F1 £ LDINGANI> CO X (LIMITKii; Advance Daily Sums from £ 5 TO £ 1,000. Method of Business; FAIR INTEREST. EASY RK-PAYMENTS. ABSOLUTE PtiiVACY. NO DELAY. NO SURETIES. TRADE JJILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospectuses and Particulars Free. Apply at either Addresses below:— Head Offices—THE HAYES BUILDINGS, CARDIFF ALBERT-CHAMBERS, STOW HILL, NEWPORT ARCADE-CHAMBERS, PONTYPRIDD; 23, ALFRED-STREET, >BATH 8.jGKU jy^S-TERRACE, POKX_>'A.LBOT. Q5— £ upch$. FOR Sale, Two Ormond Cushion Tyre Safeties, £ 13 13s. for £ 9; Rndge Model Pneumatic, £ 25 IDs. for £ l4, s oiled.—S.Hayter, Cowbridge. e532a30 FOR Sale, cushion-tyre Safety; ball bearings to all parts.—Apply H. Gerrish, 25, Harold-srreet, Roath ardiff. e504u30 ORRIS BROS.' CYCLE WORKS! PfJlfTY PRIDD —Over 100 Cycles to be Cleared Riwardless of Cest.—Send for special htltR, post free.—HepArte of all kinds executed in a superior manner )nc«ypt<y. ANTED to Purchase Two Rabbits —T. Worthing top, 1, Penilline street, Roath, Cardiff. eo31a29 RABBIT with Two Ytun#r, six weeks old for Sal a bargain.—P 31, Ejpitss Office, Cardiff. er4 GUN.—For Sale, Double-barrel Breech-loadinsr Gua with all the latest improvements price 50s., o t approval.—Apply John Jenkins, Ponthir, Mon. E168a2 GUN, single-barrel: price 21s; unredeemed pledge.— Sol Phiffipis, The Old Finn, Caroline-street, Cardiff. fltmfcfg. DWELT,ING-H0UgE§ WANTED. WANTED, J'Wtiee, in EdwaroTtwpBoe or Centre of vv CRfdiff.—Send psrticulnirs tõ P 44, Express Office, Ctivdiff, ■ cS42ra WANTfil^lttoiiiie, !tl Canton, 7s. "or 8e, Weekly.— Hammond, 47, Wynflham oVesceflt, Cardiff, rec29 DWELLnrO-HOtJSES TO LET. OS. 47,48,40. and 54, Maugliftn street, Penarth, to be Let to thoroughly good tenants at the rcdnted rentals of 6s, Gd. per week.—Evans and Hogbes, Whar- ton street, Curd iff. 6373i\3p Tnrk, Main-lee, to "Let, con, XV lalniii^ two Mception-rootns, four bedrooms dressfng-room, bat.hroom (hot cold watm'), ffa", w.e., kifcehon?, Ao.—Apply Overstone Lodge, Maindee, Nnw- povt. 2002r6 MUMBLES. -To be Let or Sold, a Seven-roomed Hons? at Westboarae-place; newly bnilt: olose to tmmll.-Apply William Beynofl. 2076r6 TO Let, with immediate possession, flre miles from Cardiff, a Dwelling-house, containing ten rooms, good garden and stable: rent moderate.—Apply W, Slvans, Thornhill, Caerphilly. ZOZ9r5 LANDAFF-PLACE.—To Let, Detached Houae L own grounds; sonth aspect; every oonvenionce bnft pasaea door —P 84. Western Mall, Cardiff, 1956t4 West Bute-afreet, to Let; immediate possession. Ajft# —Apply for particulars Robert Johnston and Co., 28, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff, 1757r2 riiO Let.—Cftstle-y-Pen Allnm Houce, near Bridgend X and 830 Aores of Good Shooting, The House has dining room, drawing room, kitehen, and offices on ground floirr, four bedrooms, and live servants' bod. rooms land may be lot with it; possession lot May 1894, —Apply L. D. Ntoholl, 4, Trinlty-plaoc, Swansea.[lfe6r5 Partridge-road, to I.et; large garden; j £ i*J* rent. £ 30.—Apply Lewis Hopkins, 10, Qaoen- strcet, Cardiff, 1805r3 Q A Cbarlee-street.—Conveniently-arranged House to OTC» Let; immediate possesilon. Also Stable, 23, Windsor-place.— Eneor, 34, Charles-street, Cardiff, [t2 TO bo I/et or Sold, First-class Villa Residence, 21, Corbctt-road, top of Park-place; containing three reception-rooms, eight bedrooms, hot and cold bath, "?.T," kitchen, scullery, cellar, usual offices.-Geo. Dix, 22, Woodville-road, Cardiff. 1729r8 TOLet.Belgrave House, Llanblethlan, near Cowbridge, with Two Acres Land, Stable, and Shed*.—Apply Mr. Miles, Solicitor, Cowbridge. 2034r5 TO Let, with immediate possession, Somerset House, 167, Newport-road.—Apply Lewis Hopkins, Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 10, Queen-street, Cardiff. [r2 FURNISHED Residence.—A Well-furnished Family Residence to. be Let; within 2 £ miles of Cardiff ana five minutes' walk from railway station; grounds and tennis lawns, kitchen prden, eoach-house and stable; hot and cold water, gas, &c.; possession may be had from 15th October next.—Apply Lewis Hopkins, 14, Queen-street, Cardiff. 1571a30 i)*"7Cowbridge-road; newly renovated; bath (hot I and cold1.—EVans and Bfughee, Auctioneers, Borough-chambers, County Fire Office, Wharton-street, Cardiff. 1568a30 WELLINGTON-TERRACE.—Commodious HoNse w can be used for business purposes; formerly in occupation of A. Brown and Co., drapers, in central position; possession Michaelmas.—Apply w. Sanders and Sons, 28; St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1569a30 CORNER House, Hannah-street, Docks, to Let; seven rooms, superior outbuildings, store, and cellar; rent 15s.—Apply 31, Windsor-place, Cardiff. 1606a30 PORTHCAWL.—Oaklands, Victoria-road: drawing P dining, breakfast, seven bed rooms: bath (hot and cold), Vi.C" Ac.; whole or part to let furnished; special terms winter season; close to sea and railway; company's water; perfect sanitation piano. 1754r& TO be Let, within eight miles of Cardiff and within two miles of a station on the Great Western Line, a most desirable Residence, containing three reception- rooms and eight bedrooms. There is a good garden, tennis ground, stables, and all conveniences. Land can be had if required.— For further particulars apply Williams, 108. King's-road. Cardiff. 24175 CARDIFF and Penarth.—Residences to Let. See C Messrs. Hern's Register, 94, St. Mary.street, Car. diff —————— I DWELLING-HOUSES TO BE SOLD. FOR Sale, well-built Houses, Plasturton avenue, and ready for occupation.—Apply 108. Richmend road Cardiff. e437r2 FOR Sale, bargain. East Moors, ne:t- Dowlais Works, Cottages and Villas.—Apply 9, Tin street, Roath, Cardiff. erAlr5 FOR Sale, 20, The Walk, Tredegarville two reception FOR Sale, 20, The Walk, Tredegarville two reception kitchen, scullery, glass closet and cellars, six bedrooms, drossing-room, bathroom (hot and cold water), w.c., garden, and greenhouse; side entrance to garden house in gocd condftwp ground rent £ 2 10B. per Mir.am.—Apply tiW. D. Huxtable, Dock-chambers, Cardiff. 24914 STABLES, &c.. TO LET. OUPERIOR Two-stall Stable and Ceaeh-house to Let OUPERIOR Two-stall Stable and Ceaeh-house to Let Cj low rent.—Apply at 9, Despenser street, Riverside Cardiff. o538r5 ————————■— RGFEG, CARNAGES, 2L IBE^TOCE. WANTED, good Second.bamd WagMnette to Carry Si? Persons; also Two Carriage Dogs.—Apply O 46, Express Office, Owdiff. O"rs OR Sale, Grocer's Cart; suit pony 11 hands — M. A Phillis, 2, Oakley street, Grangetown, Cardiff. fr3 ANTED, good Second-hand Waggonette to Carry Six persons; also Two Carriage Bags.—Apply O 46, .Express Offlcd, Cardiff. e439r2 ANTEDr Pair of Second-hand Sparing Hand, Tracks lot Cash or exchange Poqltry.—Apply 27, Windsor-place, Cardiff. ,|»j0 ^vfEWV^M^^oS^S-Twd^PMs?ey^§uC^^ TJ 10S, Gd, (mide to order) .-IS. Wyndbamfrcado, Card Iff.Fur Felts, 2s. 9d.; Beaver Felted, 3s. 9d. Buy from the maker. E188Q YOUR Adlet. Cfimpetitlon is Just the tery thing for the long winter evenings.—MQOTB, Cardiff. [eg!6r2 "MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. I- ANTED, Address of "Ikev Moses. — Apply to Shaeoba, Express Office, Cardiff, e527o29 EST Hruid Work Raqulred r preferred at home.— Apply Miss Holder, 41, Trohetbert street, Cath^s, WANTED, A Week's Holiday.-Apply P. A. and Mo. vV Express Office, Cardiff. ¡ eSl1a.29 ANTED to know Winner of next Saturday's Foot- ball Match—Penarth v. Swansea. 0513.129 ■\X7"ANTED, a Copper Coal'Vase.~Miss Mason, Den W ham Houso, Pontypool, Mon. a29 ANTE1X One of Mr. Gladstone's Old Collars.— Mrs. Hicks. e528aE9 WAXTED, Photograph of Mr. Hbeneser Lobb.— Wliite. e523a39 TREFOREST Disaster.—Wanted the Date of-the Autumn Aasizfc in Cardiff. Will the etc tor oblige ? e540r2 ANTED, Spectacles for Blind Mice—Apply at Ccnscrub's Jam Factory, l'ipperary. e5ti6a59 I SHOULD be glad if any reador of this paper would send me the Address of some Wholesale Makers of- Sweets. — Honey, Post-office, Potcrllton, Hereford- shire, e536a29 ANTED, some fine weather. — Arflo John, 14, Albert street, Canton, Cardiff, e544a99 AKTBD. an Oil Stove for heating a room—Price diff JtC-' CRStle arcade,ar ANTED, a Prise badly.—Apply "Jap," Expm6 Office, Cardiff. e457r3 "\X7 ANTED, a good Second-hand Lawrence's Refngt- W rator, e48ya30 WANTED, an evening paper equal to the Express.— Apply Pickwick, Pickwick Club, London, [ £ a30 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. TJ^OR Sale, Two Horizontal Steam Winches i six and 1 seven inches; new.—Apply Union Foundry, Docks, Cardiff. e533a29 HOUSES of Furniture at 15, 28, 40, and 50 Oufnems; greatest bargains ever offered.—Full particulars apply to Harris, Furnishing Contractor, The Market, Newport. 587x3 IMPORTANT Announcement.—Several Secondhand Dining, Drawing, and Bedroom Suites, Cabinets, Sideboards, &0., at about half original cost.—Remember the address, Harris, The Market, Newport. e558r2 SECONDHAND Satin Walnut Bedroom Suite £ 7 10s., magnificent solid Oak Diningrbdm Suite, padded backs £ 8 15s., Parlour Suite in Leather £ 3.—Harris, the Market.. Newpoft. FOR Sale, Swing Boat, complete, in'good condition.— Apply A. James, 84, Harriet-street, Cathay*, Car- diff. e503a30 diff. e503a30 DOUBLE Casket Mail Cart for Sale; cost £ 3 15s., will take 30s.—Apply 14, Wordsworth-street, Cardiff. e506r4 EXÜELLBNTLY Purified Poultry Feathers, ready for 1-!j Bedding, nd. per lb., carriage paid any address.— Mathews, 6, Stockland street, Grange, Cardiff. e482r4 ONE of the handsomest and most costly Dihing-room Suites in England, Spanish mahogany, 7'fees Side- board and Dining Tabic to mttch, from mansion near Newport.—Edes, Curiosity Shop, Newport. eg027 DALE'S Gold Medal Dubbin makes Boots and Har ness waterproof, soft, and wear three, times longer Allows polishing; 17 highest awards.—Sola by Book- makers, Leathersellers, Ac., tins 2d,v6d.. and Is. [E2980 RL. 8. Hand-cut, Virginia, fragrant and lastjng in • the Pipe. May be bad in Ioz., 2os., and 4ot» Tins offtll Tobaaconists. Ej91d FOR Sale, cheap, Swing Boat, complete, nearly new suit family of boys.—To be seen at 94, Harriet-stree Cathayn, Cardiff. B1642 IAMOND Ring, Ladies'; IBet.; ten beautifnl st<meB; 44 4s.-fiol Phfllips, The Old Firm, 43, Caroline-street. WATCHES, solid Silver, keep correct '.ime 7s 6d, 9s 6d, 12a, 15s, 16s fid, 20s; ? chain included Witti each watch, this week only; written warranty given.—* Sol Phillips, The "Old Firm, 43, Oatolin^-f:*veet, Cardiff. 9CT. Gold Albert and Seal; very heavy good as new C) Government stamped: 93 5s.—Sol Phillips, The Old Firm, 43, Caroline-street, Carhjff. ■ X^ARRIERY, Practical; one volume illustrated X; well bound; pricc 12« fid.—Sol Phillips, The Old Firm, 43, Caroline-street. A New Ink for Writing on Glass.—This vohwbks es cipe can be obtained for 2s. (postal order).—Addrrst Scune 6, Boutbern-row, Pens am, Cannarthen. [pa2e OUNTER for Sale, 5ft. Sin. by 2ft., Se.; Coiubinatio Bedstead, three par s, full size, 35s.; Stove (Rep piugale's), 7s. 6d. Gas Stove, large, sua church o chapel, 20s —4, Queen street arcade, Cardiff. e449r2 FOR Sale, cheap, Furniture of late Cardiff Grammar 8chool; de3K3, forms, box and maps, blackboard, Jtc.—13, Fitzalars-place, Cardiff. 2063r6 CIDER—For Sale, 2,080 Gallons of Sparkling New Cider; free OR rail at 5d. per gallon.—Address B, Post-office, jgighbridge. 1855r3 OYSTER SALOON Now open-First and Second Class—at It. Bickel's, 104, Queen-etreet, 'Cai. diff. 1998r5 ONE of the handsomest and most costly Dining-room Suites in En eland, Sranish mahogany 7ft. Side- board and Dining Table to match from mansion, near Newport.—Ede's Cariosity Shop, NowpQFt. 177M 2A A A Strong, well-grown Cabbage Plants— jUUU Drumheads, Beefheart, *c.—Charles F. "}»rr«d, Caereithiru Swansea., k

Carnival Closed.



London Rates to be Equalised.

Marriage of the Bishop of…


Master and Maid.






Survivors of Shipwreck Landed.

[No title]


