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m*<= — Business Addresses. THE BATTLE OF LIFE! gEKNICK'S yEGETABLE prLLS if you suffer from Headaches, Bilious or Liver Complaints, Indigestion. Costiverr-ss, Rbeu- matism, or Tic-Dolorpux, try KKRNICKS VEGETABLE PILLS. They are easy to sr>» low. being very small; require ro confine- ment indoor. strengthen the system, and have been trilld bv thousands, wbl) pronounC8 them to be the BEST MEDICINE IN THE | WORLD. ERRORS IN EATING OR DRINKING KERNICK'S VEGETABLE rILLS Cleanse the Svsteui KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS Strengthen the Stoinnch KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS Purify the Biood $o Medicini Chest is complete without them. Thousands of Testimonials might be published gERNIC^S yEGETABLE piLLS EASIIQ SWALLOWED. BELNH VERY i SMALL. oFull directions with Each Box. by all Chenists in 7 £ d., Is. l§d., an'i s. 9d. ^oxea, or direcl of Kernick and Son (Limited), Wholesale Dri^>gists, 12, New-street, Cardiff. t th S 1 I IMPORTANT NOTICE. GRAND DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS, WEDDThG pKE6ENTS, AND TESTIMONIAL PLATE, IN SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE. CUTLERY, &c., BOTH IN AND OUT OF CASES. JJRONZES 4.ND CLOCKS, JTRE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION IN SOUTH WALES. K MOUNTED GOODS, SMOKERS' COMPANIONS, INK STANDS, &c. A VERY LARGE VARIETY. ■J^ADIKS' ^RAVELLING AND DRESSING BAGS, RAOM 20s. TO £20. ALSO 4 tjlHOUSAND OTHER A RTIULES Citable FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR's GIFTS. F&OM lg CPWAEDSi CROSS BROS. ST. MARY-STHEET, QARDIF b. FOR December ¡ JJEPWORTH's j gPLENDID CHRISTMAS j^HOW | OF I OVEfeCOATS 92, QUEEN STREET, t.J SEE ^y'lNDOWS J SEE WINDOWS! Pictn ^e'r Handsome Christmas '• Presented Gratis to Every Purchaser. NOTE THE ADDRESS- 92' 0UEEN g T R E E T, (Right Opposite the Park Hall), QARDIEF, BERRY AND £ JO,'S usual CHRISTMAS J^AZAAE AND JIANOY FAIR I NOW PROCEEDING AT 34, Q U E E N- g TRE E T. Best Selects k • 01 ToVi> Dolls, Games, Mechanical Fig^ "agi Lanterns, Fancy .n Cird.ff_ In var<11 TEN THOUSAND U USEFUL A*D FANCY ARTICLES, FROM Dt,x, PENNY TO ONE POUND J^UJiNlXURE 'I SHOW ROOMS wjttt «un> coiiC1™ WITE 4 ««BEDROOMftS„0T .DU"e- DRiW™- aTE«».oi^ss. ca™ "RE- CAKPETS' *ED' riTTi f.v NA' an D EARTHENWARE, LUlLfiR\ AND mi, ^'SCTRO PLATE, AT P0PULaK PKICES. I' •ONLY ADDRESS- 34, QU2EN.gxiiEET, CARDIFF. — 2556 f]PP S'S E grateful.. (BREAKFAST) COMFORTING. /I o C 0 A ai4DE S,MPLY WIrH B°!^INtG WATER OR MILK T' HE h96t and Largest J, TIlK wm' w the ieireiHtf two i» Woe&ly0<JUntry JL beet. and Largest J, TIlK wm' 18 the ieireiHtf two i» Woe&ly0<JUntry ODo1"euuy Wee.à1y Business Addresses. XONE FACT WORTH A THOUSAND OPINIONS THE ENORMOUS DEMAND FOR rjlLjLMJR ^yiLLIAMS JJALSAM OF JJOXEY. a AVE YOU TRIED IT ? IF NOT, THEN TRY IT NOW MY FRIEND. TUDon ^y^ILLlAMS' JgALSAM OF JJ0NEY Thousands of Children have been Saved from an Un- timely Death by the prompt use of Tudor Williima' Balaam of Honey. iifo Mother shuuld neglect to keep this Infallible Remedy in the house ready for any emergency. Rememuer tuat it is wiser to check a slight Cough at the eommencemellt than to allow it to develop into a lingering complaint. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams' Balsam uf Honey. and .ee that you 2et the right. article. Thousands of Ohildren Cured from Whooping Cough anil BronchitIs when all other Remedies fall. Persons suffering trom Difficulty of Breathing should g, ve it atrial. RE AD ON. NOW COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, noae bunged up. throat sore, limbs aching with a general feeling of smothering, a few doses of the Balsam of Honey will clear the wretched symptoms away. almost before you know it. There is nothing like it on the market; it is thoroughly up to date; it trickles into all the system. A tr:1e friend, prompt and reliable in its action. Just another word. When you ask or send for Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honev. do not "lIow lLuybody to per- 3uade you to purchase something else. If you do you simply throw off the lo(elluin6 article and take on with a false one. Wonderful Cures Daily. Thousands of Tes- timonials to hand from all parts of the world. READ ON FURTHER. Si-ONTANEODS TESTIMONY. WORTHY OF lODB CONSXDEBATION. Sir,—My wife desires me to MY that J'ow. Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey has proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight childreu). As soon as a cough or cohí makes its appear!1.nce a dose of Tudor's Balsam is at once administered, alld this treat- ment is followed up until the cold disappears. Before using; the Balsam in our family tbe children have been prostrate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking doses as directed, they S6em to suffer very little inconvenience. During the short time the oold is upon them the action uf the BlLlSiLm is marvellous, and th^ little ones take it readily and ask for roore.- WALTER J. BRKTT, C.M., Headmaster, Severn Tunnel (School, March 16th, 1892. READ ON STILL FURTHER, Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the World, Ie. l £ d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. bottles Sample bottle sent (post paid) tor Is. 3d., 3s., and 5s. from the Inventor. D TUDOR WILLIAMS, R.D.S.L., MEDICAL-HALL. AJBEBDARE. 2569 CHRISTMAS, 1893 THE ROYAL STORES, IN THE HAYES, CARDIFF. The Proprietors specially invite the carefal attention of the Inhabitants of Cardiff and District to their magnificent stock of CURRANTS, RAISINS. SULTANAS. MUSCATELLES, FIGS. ALMONDS And all Specialities of the Season. POULTEY, TURKEYS. GEESE, DUCKS, AND FOWLS, All BRED, FED, and DRESSED in the counties of Glamorgan, Brecknock, Mon- mouth, and Carmarthen—not a single foreigner admitted. Offered on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the days prior to Christmas. The great success of this department last Christmas, and the congratulations received from our customers as to quality, has induced I the Proprietors to go in very largely this year, so that no one need be disappointed, as unfortunately happened last year. PROVISION DEPARTMENT, Consists of BACON. HAMS, CHEESE BUTTER, and LARD, the reputation of which is well known, and needs no praise irom us, all at prices to please the strictest economist. GROCERY AND TEA DE- PARTMENT, In this department we keep all the necessa- ries of the household of th." very finest quality, at prices that will compare with any house in the Kingdom. TEA, Our Teas are direct importations from the Plantations of India, China, Ceylon, and that lovely island Formosa. FORMOSA TEA is unique, and the great favourite of Russia and America, and is fast becoming also in Cardiff and Wales. Prices from 1/4. 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, and 2/- per lb. We are continually receiving unsolicited Testimonials from our Customers for our Formosa Teas. GOODS DELIVERED FREJJ BY OUR OWN VANS TERMS-GASH, THE ROYAL STORES ? IN THE HAYES, CARDIFF. December, 1892. L ■J^EATINGS COUGH LOZENGES. «• T\ Peckhitm, July 12.18S3. Dear Sir,—I am a poor band at expressing ray feel- ings, but 1 should like to thank you. Your Lozengen have done wonders in relieving my terrible cough. Since I had the operation of' Tracheotomy' (the same as the late Emperor of Germany, and, unlike him, thank God, I am 3ti!l alive) performed at 8t. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could possibly have had a more violent cough: it was so bad at times tnat it quite exhausted me. The mucus, which was very copious and hard, has been softened, and I have been able to get rid of it with- out difficulty.—I am, air. yours truly, J. HILL." "JJTTERLY UNRIVALLED., The above speaks for itself. From strict inquiry it tppea.rs that the benefit from using Setting's Cough Lozenges is understated. The operation was a spooially <evere one, and was performed by the specialist. Dr. H. r. Butlin, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Since the operation the only means of relief is the use of thes» boz -nges. 80 successful are they that one affords imme- iiate benefit, although from the nature of the case the throat irritation is intense. EIGHT IS GOLD. Under date Sept. 8, 1891. Mr. Hill writes :—" I should long since have been rlead bul. for ynur Lozenges-they arc worth their weight in gold. I wm gladly see and tell anvone what" spleurlitl cough remedy they are." Keating's Lozenges are sold in Tins, Is. ltd. each. Th» urir;w«ile(! remedy for COUGHS. HOARSEN ESS, lOrd, THROAT TROUBLES. OLD NEWSPAPERS: ON SALE, ^YALKEY RJLHOMAS AND CO., LIMITED, WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS, < ST. MARY.STREET, < i CARDIFF. ( 16499 READs TdJBisirxNs Comments on Welsh- "• ■aA Matter* is £ h« •• H»W» OJT.THX Wins. 1.. Business Addresses. i ————————————————.——.—— The Greatest Boon the World has ev«r knovca. I TT I P T 0 N'S JpSENCE OF 0OFFEE, THE FINEST EVER MADE. DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING ONLY 5D. AND 0D. PER BOTTLE. AND JgSSEIsCE OF ^JOFFEE AND r £ JHICORY ONLY ^D AND rj 1 PER BOTTLJR, SOLD EVERYWHERE. BRANCHES ALL OVER THE KINGDOM. 2665 lt<> « K lis ALES & rORTEKS IN 44-GALLON CASKS and UPWAltVs Fom lOd. per gallon, BREWERY, .BRISTOL. CARDIFF STORES: 9 ^TORKING STREET 2583


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Iinteresting Wedding in St.…