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Business Addresses. Pianos Organs, Pianos. CHEAPEST HOUSR IN THb TRADI5, Pianos from 10s. 6d. Monthly. Organs from 5a Monthly. The public are invited to inspect HEATH & SONS' STOCK OF PIANOS, ORGANS, &0., As Pounds will be saved by placing their Orders wit h them, Every instrument Guaranteed and Kept In Tuna One Year Free of Charge. Larye Discount for Cash, HEATH & SONS. PI ANOFORTK AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, TUMKS, AND REPAIRERS, 51 Queen-Street, Cardiff, AND [53407 34, Taff Street, Pontypridd. ALSOP, j^ROADMEAD, JJRISTOL. FURNITURE Parties Furnishing A LSOP f ar' invited to in- £ FURNITURE SPECT the varied LSOP Jf Stock of Furniture, .1. • FURNITURE Bedsteads, Bed- A LSOP f dini, and ev«r\ r\ FURNITURE ^QIAUTE FOR HOUSE ALSOP Jf Furnishing. at r\ FURNITURE Price, not to be ALSOP j' equull ,d. /A FURNITULiE Catalogues Post 4 LSOP Free. £ FURNITURECarpets Made and 4 LSOP Laid Free, JZJL NKW HittK SYSTEM Oil PIANOFORTE^ rjpHOMPSON & ^HACKELL, | ^IMll'ED NEW TJ m K Q Y S T E M. FOR AMERICAN ORGANS fj^HOUl'SON & S lUCKELt, L NEW U 1 lt K Q S T B M l'felt HARMONIUMS rjlHOMPSON St gHAGHKLL, QOEBN'S BUILDINGS. UAHDIFJ*, jUao a6 SWANSEA, NEWPOH'f, MKKTBVH GLOUCESTER, PONTYPRIDD, and PENAHTH. JLftrgeat antl beat tiri.ofc ou£¡ or Louituu tq fvuiw All Instruments warrautecl and exchanged it uot. apprayed- 5kbms»—From 10/- Monthly, oil Ntsw Hias StaMEW. Catalogue <*ith Phutogragti* aufl fjflly da (ttilni particulars, jbiit tod'i- saaii qu application. IDNtNG. h HOW 3iS. JESSE WILLIAMS AND GO ARE THE CHYMISTS W 1. v CARDIFF, (Sim I ASK FOR SOUTH WALES CELEBRATED JAMS AND MARMALADE. SOUTH WALES JAM AND MARMA" LADE CO. (LIMITED), CANTON, CARDIFF. E1714 E P P S S J GRATEFUL AND COMFOItTINS. (BREAKFAST) I POCOA, I MADE SIMPLY WITH \J BOILISa WATER OB MILK. Those who suffer from :ny o the c'- plaints Stated b low should procure VIGOURINE, without delay. It will cure a* sure as water will quench th: -t. Vigonrine, 2s. 9d. Vigourine, 4s. 6d. The Mightiest Remedy on Earth For the Nervous and D-bilit at "id. ARE TOP UNHAPPY. DEPRESSED, MOODY- H BARTED? VIGOURINE will restore you. Are you out of sorts— melancholy, miserable —VIGOURINE will cure vou. Do you hav'B restless nights and joyless days, 1\11 hope gone. VIGOUR1NK will 30"ii restore you. Do you fMr Insanity, premature decay, ViGOUKINE is the mighty restorer. Do you feel incapable, anct shirk the responsibilities of married life, then get VIGOURINE, it will dispel all these anxieties. Are YOU [¡crv"us, timid, trembling, no energy, VI OUiflNE will cure you. Do you find everything a bore, nothing goes right. always cross, and don't, know, why Visit ¡UR.NC wIH put you right. Th0u,;J.nus bieS3 the day they tried VIGOURINE, Get it to-da\. Sufferer, delays are dang roiis. It will save vou suffering anct from a pre- mature grave. VIGor; L í:S E is a Pure Herbal Prepara- tiùa, contains nothing to injure the mnst delicate, and will cure you ,.s ;uve as water will quencb t!Jir9t, Thert i8 no remedy Oil this earth [ l qual it for all nervollS complaints, from wilatevtr cause. It is pleasant to ta ke, and the dese is small. For all Liver and Kidney troubles, in iir>-stion, weak heart, it rapidly cures. How to get VIGOUKINE. Ask any respectable M, dicine Agent to get it fur you. If h. wont" don't be persuaded to take RLY rubbish, bnt send at once p.-sta! order or stamps, and VIGuUttINE will be forwarded to you bv return, carriage paid, in plain parcel alld sealed. Get it to-day. Try it. Whole- sale and retail. The Lilly Herbal Company, Colston- street, Bristol. TESTIMONIALS. VIGOURINP. curea mo of weakness, prostration, and restless lligl1ts. can eat, drink, anti my sleep is refreshing." VIGOUKINE restored me to sound health. I am £ 0 a.id feel a* wel1 and strong "5 I did at 30. Thanks. VIGOURIiVhappily, restored my wife, who was terribly nervoUS and wasting away. She is now a wonder." •' VIGOU:' 1:'iI g cured me of rheuma- tism allll weak heart. 1 sutiered tyeive years. I have 110 pain now, and walking is a pleasure." VIGOU HINE cilred me of nucturnal weakness, ahd I gained 41b5. III weight in three weeks. Am quite pleased." VIGOURiSK cured !I')e of mental and pllysical depression, heait palpitation, weak back; my age is 23." was a godsend to me; I was ill and unable ;0 work for 2 yea,s; on the club tweive months one parcel of VIGOUKINE won- tlerfullv streng! heneC1 me. Am now 011 m: v.ay to be restored to health again. VIGOURINE • urert me of early errors arlit chronic weakness and specks floating before my eyes age zl. 1 was quite melancholy. I feel now tlH,t lite is worlh ,liviu¡.(." IMPORTANT TO >UFFEKKRS from pain, irritations, discharges, from whatever cause, of the generative system in either sex. constitution"lor acquired, get pawl of CHAMPION CUKE (this is quite, liferent to Vigonrine). This parcel ChampiCln Cu.e contains s» bottle of mixl 111'0 ill a very concenkated I form, a Box of Pill" and Lotioii. lye senG. the case ear- riage t. ee any at'oress ya. 9d. and 4s. Ed. You Ileed not ccnsult anyone ?\)o .t vour complaint: full printed instructions enclosed. Anyou» using our remedies can bave <dvic?, fr"" or -har^ii, by sending a stamped addresscrl enve ope o '.1 Deuirtirent PROFESSOR LILLY AND CO COLS'L O N -> TR EET, B1: 1STOL, "Chattpion Oils," h. Hd., Po4 Free. The Grerr; Ren:eiiy f"r Rheumatisnn,&;c Viultonic Bitters h, lîd" Post Free. The Great Blood Purifier, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGSNTS FOR LILLYS CHAMPION REMEDIES I FOR CARDIFF AKD -OUTH "V AT,ES, I DUCK AND SON, J F ST JOHN'S-? QCAUE. CAUU.FF E4181P1 I>TTT A T I I 1Ij 77\T WHO AHK NEKVOU8 | i> V ALU MJCiLN AN D DKVHF.9SED, I without joy fortpresent or beje for the fi'iur? an>i ) whose ease is a regret, snould s«nd 3 stamps fn. the MAGIC MtRUOlJ. and nddr«»s R. Howblt.. Esq., the Secretary, 4, Fitzalau- | \T A III Squnre, jE^tO i A I j 1. x\L?JiN ARDI'>iN"Ei?S—amateur tr.d professional 3T —Farmers. Anglers, SpG?-Mtn»a, ».id all in< teres ed in Rural Matters will 3<»<1 Mr. J. Muirs* "RURAI. NOTK8" in the '• Ww*jo,j Mau. both in- tercstinff A.jd »• suable. BusinedsAddresses. GREAT REDUCTION. PURE BUTTERS CHEAPER THAN EVER. FINEST IRISH NEW GRASS BUTTERS. > mi JQD, LB, Cc:r DAVID JONES AND CO. (LIMITED), Always allow their Customers the benefit of the Market. 4 .2 r THE FINEST QUALITY, AT LOWEST PRICES, CHOICEST DANISH BUTTER, PER J 8. liB. we Am THE LARGEST OF DANISH BTTBR IN WALES, NEW AMERICAN CHEESE, *• "• 58, AND gD. PEtt LB. ¡ FINEST SEPT. CHEESE, 01B. AND 7D. PER LB. :3 CUMBERLAND CUT • -1 BACON, ^JP. PlfiB LB. BY THE SIDE, HAM8 at 4!d, per lb. HAMS at 5d.. „ HAMS at ed. „ HAMS (the Finest Imported) at tijd. w DAVID JONES AND CO. (LIMITED) Receive Daily Large Consignments of New Zealand Lamb and Mutton, and would call the attention of the Publio to their New Zealand Lamb, whioh is arriving in splendid oondition, and is equal in quality to this country' NEW ZEALAND LAMB AT MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES. NOTN — OUR ONLY ADDRESS IS AS BELOW DAVID JONES AND CO. (LIMITED), WESTMINSTER STORES AND CANTERBURY MEAT MARKET WHARTON STREET, CARDIFF. Business Addresses THE ROYAL STORES, IN THE HAYES, CARDIFF. OUR CURING, DRYING, AND SMOKING WAREHOUSES, GREAT FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF. CAKE FACTORY:— iRHYMNEY, NEAR CARDIFF. FINEST MILD-CURED BACON, 4td. per lb. FINEST MILD-CURED FORE-ENDS, 3td. per lb. FINEST BERKSHIRE CUT HAMS, 6d. per lb. MNEST BELFAST CUT HAMS, 6!-d. per lb. A perfect treat. FINEST AMERICAN CUT HAMS, 5-!d. per lb. FINEST IRISH BUTTERS, J Old. per lb, FINEST GRASS DANISH, Is. per lb, FINEST CHEESE, 6d. and 7d. per lb. THE ROYAL STORES, IN THE HAYES, CAEDIFE. IEI861 EVERYBODY'S PAPER IS THE "NEWS OF THE WEEK," A SEVENTY-TWO COLUMN Weekly newspaper, containing more reading matter than any other newspaper published throughout the country. HAVING NO ADVERTISEMENTS, The whole of the 72 long columns ef the News of the Week are devoted solely to news. TH NEWS OF THE WEEK IS, Therefore, above all papers pub- lished the largest and cheapest newspaper to read at home, and the beat uud most varied to send to Mends abroad. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS PAID to Welsh News, Sport and Ship- pisff, "tDhHWVN'S" WEEKLY Welsh article is acknowledged to be the best iu Wales, THE "NEWS OF THE WEEK." IS F.UUWSgED JSVIflli* flilEAY FOR SATURDAY, I fflREE EDITIONS WEEKLY. r ) i?RICE ONE PENNY. SPECIAL LINES. CHOICEST DANISH BUTTER, I PER 1/ LB. FRESH WELSH EGGS, PER -/8 DOZ. David Jones and Co. (LIMITED), WESTMINSTER STORES, CARDIFF. DAVID JONES & COMPANY (LIMITED), HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS FOR CARDIFF For the Celebrated Registered Brand of EVERYBODY'S TEA Has stood the test of upwards of a qnarier of a century. Sold in Tins and Lead Pa< kets, Is. lOd. per lb CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS.—I hereby certify that I have very curefullv und thoroughly analysed a sunaple of ''Everybody's Ten, and find it to be a Ten of great excellence. It is quite free from adulteration or contamination in any form, and yields an abundant liquor of choice flavour and aroma. This Tea is capable of ready digestion, m l I have every confidence in recommending it or it i dietetic and valuable properties. GBANVILLK H. SHARPE. F.O.S., Analyst, Late Principal of the Liverpool ('o'lege of Chemistry, author of "Qualitative and Quantitative Analysi- late Lec- turer on Chemistry ><nu Technology to the Liverpool School of Science, Mem- ber of the Society o Chefllicalln- dustry, Consulting Chemist to the Mineral Water Trade Review," &c.f Fellow of the Berlin Chemical Society. Also, Serendib" Ceylon (KEOISTEBKD BRANDI Blended with Othei Fine Growths of I;; TEA. Sold in Tins and Lea 1 Pickets, Is. lOd. per lb. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS.—I have submitted to very eare. ul analysis a sainpU- 01 Serfndih" Tea, ano from the data obtained I cerify it to be a perfectly pure blend of teas of the choicest growth. It is ent reh free from all artificially scented ot colour" g matters, and has been selected with liuch judgment. It is free trom undue astrin- gency, and yields an infusion both rich and deli- cate. GRANVILLK H. SHARPE, F.C.S., Analyst, Late Principal of the Liverpool Col- lege of Chemistry, Member of the Soc ety of Chemical Industry, Fellow of the Berlin Chemical Society. DAVID JONES & COMPANY (LIMITED), WESTMINSTER STORES, CARDIFF. E1774 CARTRIDGE ABELS IN GREAT DEMAND. These Labels are considerably Cheaper than Cloti. ones, are well finished, poJless the merit of being easy to write upon, and being made from Vegetable Fibre specially for Labels, can be recommended as tough article that willetandanaverageawount of damp JJANIEL OWEN AND CO CARDIFF.







"Spinnaker Boom."

[No title]

Desertion of a Wife.





The "Greatest Italian Churchman…

Local Post Office Notice.


Association of Ministers in…

Sunday Trading at Aberavon.

Court Leet of the Manor of…

The Strange Death of a Boy…

Alleged Perjury at Monmouth…


[No title]


Salvation Army Music.

Mr. Maxim's Aerial Engine…

Welsh Volunteer Musketry Returns