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It'S Tmrw ?! Thousanda of Sufferera from Blood and 8ki.r Disorders give grateful testimony that in rmpwt of actual ¥1ZHIT /'I' mwm AS A CSKFUL, AN M\ POWERFUL ■REMEDY, Hughes's Blood Pills Iveave nothing to be desired. They are intended to correct those abnormal oondi- tiona of tho Blood which give rise to so many distress- ing ailments amongst all claeseB, and DO JT f humous fron. Ton,e and Brace nP the System fm^tional Sgeies6aand TT?f1' Btlmu]ato .itf demonstrated t'liin + Universal experience ha? tok^SSdS "•"Wit" Blood Bemed, UNPARALLELED EFFICACY In ail cases of INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, BILIOUS. NESS, SLUGGISH LIVER, CONSTIPA- TION, FLATULENCY, DYSPERSIA, SKIN DISEASES, SCURVY, BOILS SKIN RASH, ECZEMA, SCROFULA, PILES, FITS, WEAK NERVES, DES- PONDENCY, ERYSIPELAS, SLUGGISH KIDNEYS, LUMBAGO or BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, &c. 1 These Piila are moat efficacious ii f removing every cauas of complain- Females Pecallar to the sex, young and old J and can always be relied on. Read What the People say— — Sir,—I have been a great snffere Jieaoacne and from Pain in the Head and Back will, i-naurestion. Indigestion. I was induced to trj JU,nnr> T>TT T H <■ „ ?SM .™!UAB!E PIUS> HUGHKS'P VliUUU fliiLS, and they aid me an extraordinary amoan- 01 good, ana I am keeping a box always in the house. 12, Elm Street, Ferndale. SARAH PHILIPS. „ Sir,—I have derived great benefl A. Voice from from your "HUGHES'S BLOOL lOTaMnlra. PILLS,"»nd shall always recommend i-_ u»m wherever I go. I consider their 0 oe a ilret-clasg medicine have also seen their effect? JJPop others m cuni,g Skin Rash, Blotchee, Headache JiUUouB&ees, Indigestion, Constipation and Rheumatism They deserve every confidence. J. <9 Chapel Lane, Wigan. J. WOUSWICK. w„ ■ — 8 ir,—Allow cae»ae a female, to thans women a iFriend, von for the good 1 ha70 received J jjjrtnn PTTTH'. v y0?r 7alufth;e "HUGHES* 3<5T^ f i .H<, ..You traJy deserve to be termed thf Woman a Friend, for a hotter remedy for all conuplalntr mm tomato onffer from it would be impossible to obtain. J»ve suffered acutely from Heart Palpitation anc Disordered Kidneys and other ailments. Your Pills hast acted like magic I shall always recommend your Blool rills to all females. Lawrence Ilill, Bristol. A. GREGORY, TRY THEM— THEY ALWAYS DO GOOD, .NEVER DO HARM. ASK FOR HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS. The) are sold by every Chemist and Dealer in Patent Medicines at lilt, 2/9, 4/6, or send value in P.O. or Stamps to maker JACOB HUGHES Manufacturing Chemist, Penarth, Cardiff, wh, will send them by return. This TRADE MARK, a Heart," is on eaoh Genuine Box, and DON'T BE DEC- EIVED AND TAKE ANY- THING ELSE INSTEAD. I I- 1 II. I I 11,4 ..I It 11 p t GOMERS MLM. SURPRISING HEALEli Of ound,, looresulcerp on Feet,Legs,Neok,Head Erysipelas, Cuts, Burns, Excoriations, Abrasion of the Skin, Sore Nipplei and Breasts, Skin Erup. tions, Bed Sores, Gather mg on angers, Eozema, Ac. A POSITIVE CURB ;It'or Skin Diseases, Scab or BrN.kjngø oat it (Jailing in Childrsn 'piC' ,Ilimples, -hk)s l'ou h kin on Hands Chapped 801"8 Eyes &nd Ssssz Piaeaaed BOLO, Eingworm, Inflamed Bunions°^? Cera, Gout, B.*d Lege, &o., "B W J-iiia BALM is most singular and prowst 1T1 u •etion. Every external disease that the Huraan sJ-k *8 subject to at once gives way to its ereaf nL •»«»„. It I, NCTID ia «c>reness when appued to Wounds, Sores rri«lu fcryapelaB, Gout or any inflammatory parts ofe 'ing and A-! Irritation, SofteaS and Reducing hard Swailmgs, Relieving RheSS and *n»k«ag piiablo Stiff Joints, &o \«ry ewentisi to Mothers, Mill Hands,"EMJnee^ Piumbers. Ironworkers, Tin worker 8, Colliers, Saiw!' ^ariiiere. There is nothing like Gomer'a isodm to ailay, heal and euro every affection o» t0. ^e^km »nd F^ah. Sold by all CheSsS or Patent Medicine Vendors at 1/1 J, or send value i» atampe to proprietor aud discovery, JACOB HUGHES Ma°ufaotnring Chemist, IJUUIII.U, piSNABTH CARDJjb' PRESENTS! HUGH JONES, Bookseller & Stationer, LLANGOLLEN, Begs to call your attention to I his LARGE STOCK of Common Prayers AND S Hymn Books At All Prices and Sizes, See the SPLENDID CHOICE of REWARD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS, Additions received daily. H. J. feels confident that he has never shown Better Assortment nor Better Value. SEE WINDOWS. I HUGH JONES. I 'Advertiser ■ J office, LLANGOLLEN. CHARING-CROSS BANK, ESTABLISHED 1870. LIVERPOOL BRANCH—8, DALE STREET. BEAD OFFICES: BEDFOFT.) STREET, ST# AND LONDON,W.C. and 39, Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. Branches-CDirdiff. Pis Win, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Bradford, Bristol, Ac. Assets J61,607,949 0 0 Liabilities ,1,230,871 0 0 Surplus.. £ 371,078 0 0 LOANS of .£30 to .£2,000 granted at a few hours, iotico in town or country, on Personal Security, Jewellery, Precious Stones, Stocks, Shaies and Furniture, without removal. Stocks and Shares Bought and Sold, Two-and-a-Half per Cent, allowed on Current Account Balances. DEPOSITS of J810 and upwards received a* I Subject to 3 months'^ notice of withdrawal, 5 per an. Subject to 6 months > notice of withdrawal, 6 per an. Subjeot to 12 months notice of withdrawal, 7 per an. dpooial terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our invostmente, we are able to pay rates of interests on deposit* that will compare favorably with dividends paid on almost eny class of stock or shareholding insuring the safety of capital. We have been established for 38 years, and our anique position in the Banking World to-day testifies to the success of our business methods and to the satisfaction of our customers. Write or call for Prospectus. A. WILLIAMS, > Joint H. J. TALL, ) Managers. Furnish Your Homes With Comfort and Economy !j IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING to call A- and inspect the Splendid Stock of Home-made Furniture, ETC., AT EDWARDS & HUGHES' LLANGOLLEN FURNISHING STORES, MARKET STREET. We have had several years' experience at one of the leading London Houses, and you can rely on our giving you the Best Advice relating to Furnishing in all its branches. Free Estimates given for REPAIRS, FRENCH POLISHING, FURNITURE REMOVING, etc. Note the Address- N%ML% a EDWARDS & HUGHES, Llangollen Furnishing Stores MARKET STREET, LLANGOLLEN. WANTED, OLD OAK DRESSERS, CABINETS and TEIDAENS, ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FUE- NITUEE, OLD CHINA, PICTURES, PEWTEE, &0. Apply-H. KENTON, Antique Dealer, Bridge titreet, Llangollen, and Oswestry (15101) — I". OLAilE'S"] SLBOPIKTIIEi df' WORL0-MEB BWOD PURIFIER. ■J50R cleansing and clearing the blood of ail$jt ) impurities from- whatever cause arising, H Clarke's Blood Mixture cannot be bettered, g It has over 40 years' reputation, and is to-day ■ more popular than ever, the reason being un- (i doubtedly because it is recognis«d throughout | the world to be the only safe, thorough and S lasting remedy for Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, §1 I BaiJ Legs, Ulcers, Abscesws. Boils, Pirnpies, m | BSotches, Spots. Seres, i-ritpiions ef every kind,- IB I iUoad Poisuu, Giandnmr SwelUiigs, Hticubiaiism, s Gout, etc. I THE EDITOR oe THE Family Doctor says:— | We have seen hosts of letters bearing testi- 8 mony to the truly wonderful cures effected by » Clarice's Biood Mixture. It is the finest Blood af Purifier that Science and Medical Skill have g brought to light, and we can with the utmost con- m fidence recommcnd it to our »ubsorihers and the a public generally." 3 Of aU Ch2!tllsts £ 2-'9 per Rcttle. I PERRflANSPiSTLY CURES J SkinftM Diseases OF EVSSY DESCRSSPTIOW. T. M. ROWLANDS, CONFECTIONER, &c., OASTLE STREET, BEGS to draw the attention of the Public jD to his Choice Stock of FANCY CONFECTIONERY. Chocolates & Confectionery Of the following well-known firms CADEURY'S, FRY'S, I ROWNTREE'S, TERRY'S, I BARKER & DOBSON'S, TOM SMITH'S, { HOVELL'S. TOM SMITH'S, nOVELL'S. TOM SMITH'S CRACKERS In great variety. T. M. ROWLANDS also intends keeping at the front with his FANCY PASTRIES. BY FAR THE BEST SELECTION OF EVEEYTHING AT T. M. ROWLANDS'. -> ESTAJ^rStlrJ-o 1882. STEPHEN ROWLANDS, 22, CASTIE STREET, & 12, BRIDGE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, Has on Show a Large Stock of FURNITURE!! DINING ROOM, DRA WING ROOM & BEDROOM SUITES. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP BAMBOO GOODS. Wringing Machines, Pianos, Bath Chairs, Mail Carts & Perambulators, On Sale or Hire. JUST ARRIVED I An entirely NEW STOCK of the LATEST DESIGNS in WALL PAPERS, AT ALL PRICES. (13639) MONEY. THE old-established Provincial Union Bank continues to Lend nainense sums daily, from £ 10 to J5.00G, on Note oi Hand alone or other security, at a few hours notice, to all classes in any part of England or Wales, repg,yajjie by easy jnstai. menta, No good app«catjOQ is ever refused. All communications strictly private. No office enqnirv charges whatever. Moderate Interest, Special rate's for short periods. The largest, best known and mosi honourably conducted business jn ^ie Kingdom Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction in/Hpea>ted transactions with us. If desired, one of our ^moialg will attend at your residence at once wxtn L/ash, and carry oat the advance there and then. Call, or write (in confidence Q. K, HOWE H London Road, ,19027) LEICESTEB BENSON f W*ir WARRANTED ( #-ll Watches. 11 J.J!>_I' 'II BEST LONDON MAKE, I I Sir8* i'i #| With Improvements only to ba found in 1L f \\U if 7^ miiBff BENSON'S WATCHES, i £ T *0Ur ^r°m ti)e aciuaJ Watch Maker, B J. Mechanism "-in 1907 hey are even ro ore perfect. » f Celebrated SILVER f I ENGLISM LEVER "LUDGATE" J kmd. £5: I BANK" Watch. 1 i tte :l|f SSIver EfilSLISH LEVER B ff ^j| 11 V I" HUNTING or^_HALF-HUNTLSG CASES. Uu- ff I m y W No. 3.—LADIES" GOLD KEYLESS f' 1 m /'4, ENGLRSIH LEVER WATCH. In HUNTIXG f or HALF-HUNTING 18ct. GOLD CASES. &V2 ■ in. f- llo No" 4-The WORLD RENOWNED jf I M* GOLD ENGLISH LEVER KEYLESS t" I "FIELD" WATCH. m HUNIING or HALK- I WmW^X HUNTING-^CASES, Inoludi^ ^Monograra. A perfect | } g Full particulars of these and other Watches are given in C„. f Cones I IS AVAILABLE. P %1^^agTli^I-^ii £ iTS I do exty (t for buying this way. tUJSTRtmD :$y Wm BENSON, Ltd., I N v 2^ TJiii JBlectric Power Factory, Jr No. 62 & 64, LUOGATE HiLL, I LON, DON, EuOu it "Opportunity Knocks I Once at Every Door." I | Disregarded opportunities often have serious consequences, and in the 1 f matter of health are frequently irretrievable. The claims of Beecharn's # J Pills are so often urged that there can be no excuse for any person who I A has neglected to give them a trial. The dangers of delay are duly ex- 9 X emplified and the experience of many affords \examples of the consequent f f evils. Do not allow any doubt of results to interfere with your prompt I 4 decision to at once put the merits of this family medicine to the test. S Do Not Disregard the Claims Of I 1 ) Beecham's Pills. Much is urged for them, but their past and present | popularity proves that their merits have never been exaggerated. Taken A | > according to instructions contained with each box they will completely w i cure Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation or any of the manifestations of f a disordered condition of the digestive organs. Let nothing stop you y. ) ro-aay from putting these pills to a thorough and immediate test, and the J results will prove that you acted wisely in trusting the removal of your A ailments to the curative qualities of # BEECH AM'S PILLS. | Prepared only by TTONATBEECH^T^ Helens, Lancashire. I Sold everywhere in boxes, price t/H- (56 pil]s) § 2/q (m jn ) f 00 »ftnl[|i» >i|j!n ifiifljii iHI#- mnjiifr rTiifiiii .n jrii | 3, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. DODD & Co., Wholesale & Retail Fish Merchants & Fruiterersf Of LEG STREET, OSWESTRY, Beg to intimate to the Gentry and General Public in and around Llangollen that they have opened the above premises, lately occupied by A. Mudd with a SEASONABLE VARIETY of FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES, And a FIRST-CLASS SUPPLY of FRESH & CURED FISH. «wHS studying the interests oi Customers, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. 1 R. N. JONES, Proprietor. H THE IDEAL FOOD FOB ALL. 0 M No Cooking. (Soman, BUCKS,) F§ H Houplshes-Builds up-Strengthani. n Easily Digested, Qulokly Asoimllated ffl ■ Beat Food for Babies. IS raj Forms Bone, Nerve & MMsote. i H Insomnia. A Good Night Cap. If HI A Qulok Lunoh and Good Stayer. 1 Ia 1/8, 918. Uf. Bottles of all Chemists and Stores. Si mojvey. DSAR 8m OR. MADAM, A you requiring a prompt and Private ;t ? Then you cannot do better !aBI™'Jn'" etc., free of charge. LoaaB" 91^°, 1° «Ade on Note of hand aline. No '8 ° U" 4u4Ken. T,-OU CAN KELT UPON 8 riiAIG-HT"' FORWAHJ) I>RALI«-VGS AKTI STKICT PRIVACY. IHEI-ANAE' no object. Write at once to— F. W. HUGHES, 49, RUNCORN ROAD, [158521 BIRMINGHAM