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MPCTI filij f TEE ADVIOE FREE. V SETS FROM 21 UPWARDS. SINGLE TEETH FROM 2/6. WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY SET. ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS. TIPCV'C ^w» WREXHAM, I MUCi I Of attend LLANGOLLEN EVERY TUESDAY; At Mrs. GRIFFITHSIS, 41, CASTLE STREET. HOURE-IO TO 6, PERSONAL ATTENDANCE. Tacey & Holmes, English. & American Teeth, Ltd. Bfifaflk Yt ESTABLISHED 1882. STEPHEN ROWLANDS, 22, CASTLE STREET, & 12, BRIDGE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, Has on Show a Large Stock of FURNITURE!! DINING ROOM, DRAWING ROOM & BEDROOM SUITES. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT or BAMBOO GOODS. Wringing Machines, Pianos, Bath Chairs, Hail Carts & PepamMatocs, On Sale or Hire. JUST ARRIVED I An entirely NEW STOCK of the LATEST DESIGNS in WALL PAPERS, AT ALL PRICES, (13639) MTABMSHBD 35 YEARS (1870). THE CHARING CROSS BANK Cardiff Branoh—73, St. Mary Street, HEAD OFFICES: 119 & 120, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C., and 88, BEDFORD STREET, CHARING-CROSS, LONDON. Branches throughout the Provinces, Assets £ 694,403 0 0 Liabilities 372,291 0 0 Capital and Reserve £ 322,112 0 0 ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE upon approved Promissory Notes. LOANS of JE30 to JE2.000 granted at a few hours nptioe in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, orÐp., Ac., without removal, and to assist persons Into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call personally or write. Special facilities to all requiring Banking accounts. St PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CURRENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below .£20. Deposits of JB10 and upwards received on terms under:- 6 per cent. per annum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 12 7 » JJ /« M Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly, free of Income Tax. The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine per cent., and lire a safe investment. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Joint H. J. TALL, ) Managers. THE LADIES OF LLANGOLLEN, BY CHARLES PENRUDDOCKE. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED*. PRIOR 9d. f IN CLOTH, it. S/i. HUGH JONES, Publisher, Llangollen. Alio on Sale at the Looal Shops. Smpkia, MttMlMtU Ayje., Pattrnoatar Row, London ftmtikptrt Tiaitor Mae, Sonthpwrt. T. M. ROWLANDS, CONFECTIONER, &c., OASTLE STREET, BEGS to draw the attention of the Public .D to his Choice Stock of FANCY CONFECTIONERY. Chocolates & Confectionery Of the following well-known nrma :— CADBURY'S, FTfY'S I ROWNTREE'S, TERRY'S, BARKER & DOBSON'S, TOM SMITH'S, I HOVELL S. TOM SMITH'S CRACKERS In great variety. T. M. ROWLANDS also intents keeping at the front with his FANCY PASTRIES. BY FAR THE BEST SELECTION OF EVERYTHING AT -AT., ROWLANDS*. ——————ganLjiwi WIIII n' NI on nrrwriwa—» THE Caefelin Hand Laundry, LLANGOLLEN. MISS ORSON having acquired the above business, begs to inform the Gentry and Residents of Llangollen and surrounding districts that she is prepared to undertake several more Families' Washing. Ladies' Fine Linen, Shirts and Collars will be II special feature. The Washing of Flannels is a most important item, and Customers may rely upon them receiving tn, greatest care and will be returned without shrinking, Laces Cleaned and Tinted. Blankets and Curtains cleaned equal to new. A trial is respectfully solicited. All quantities taken from a few Collars to a lartre family Washing. PRICE LISTS UPON APPLICATION. Orders to call will receive immediate attention tk AURAiVce, CO HENRY LAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPEC TACLES are scientifically adapted to the different defects of vision, and are a boon to those needing Optical Assistance. A new Stock just received. AGENT FOR LLANGOLLEN-HUGH JONES, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, Stationer f Optician All Spectacles Stamped B.L. MONEY. THE old-established Provincial Union Bank continues to Lend immense sums daily, from .£10 to £5,000, on Note of Hand alone or other seturitv, at a few hours' notice, to all classes in any part of England or Wales, repayable by easy instal- ments. No good application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. No office enquiry oharges whatever. Moderate Interest. Special rates f»r snort periods. The largest, best known and most honourably conducted business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of our Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash, and carry out the advance there and then. Call, or write (in confidence to the Manager, Ms, A. K. HOWE H, London Road. (1- LEICESTER, Save Time, Save Labour, and Save Money, BY WSING "-IŒNT'S KNIFE CLEANERS, THE BEST ON THE MARKET. SPECIAL VALUE, CLEAANNSD TCARVER,IVES 21s. Call and Inspect them and you will have no other make. ALL MAKES OF CLEANERS REPAIRED. R. EVANS & SONS, OAK STREET, TELEPHONE, 1x4, LLANGOLLEN. IT Zlje World's jVfedicitje |l I for Weak Stomacq, Jrqpaired J)igesfion, Jriactive Xiver, ar¡d all13ilious aqd .-a.. Nervous j)isorders. BEECMAJVLS! I PILLS. j ^iWUMiwyniiiffiri iiT.i- — •Alewsfoseso! BEECHAM»S PILLS act thoroughly upon TI Theycle^nse, strengthen and restore "———— the systera to a healthy condition. They drive ail im- purities from the blood and rid the stomach and bowels of poisonous gases. They give tone to the digestive I organs and enable the food properly to assimilate. « Appetite returns and sleep is sound and refreshing. BEECHAM'S PILLS do all this without the aid of any other medicine. They have a great sale because they make great cures. They cure because they are a great medicine. They recommend themselves. You will recommend them after use. Sold tlverywhere in boxes, price tjth (56 pills) & 2,9 (168 pills). > ————1 I DAVIES BROS., PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS. GLAZIERS, PAINTERS and HOUSE DECORATORS, VERE HO USE 6f 20, REGENT ST. LLANGOLLEN. Showrooms-20, Regent Street. ELECTRIC AND WIRE BELLS FIXED AND REPAIRED. PUMPS, BATHS, WAlER CLOSETS,. HOT j OOLD WATER APPARATUS, 1IXED REPAIRED, A GOOD SELECTION OF PAPERHANGINGS IN STOCK. White Sewing Machines i ARE STILL THE BEST. HAND fog* MACHINES NEW FROM PATENT 451- iTW TENSION. EASY in iPfoflSiP FIVE TERMS YEARS' OF WARRANTY. PAYMENT. J, 000 Agencies in Great Britain, and more wanted. WtttTE reH PRICE LISTS. WHITE smm MACHINE Co., 48 nelbofn Viaduct, London, E.C. Aamnr 108 LLAUOOLLSK— BVGB JONES, FAItCr REFOSITOty J. B. STORRIE OLD-KSTABLISHED SURGEON DENTIST, THE COTTAGE, OORWEN, ATTENDS AT LLANGOLLEN EVERY TUESDAY And by appointment, at THE VOELAS TEMPERANCE HOTEL, OAK STREET, LLANGOLLEN. G CONSULTAMON FREE. (7921) fr if ILLUMINATED ABBRESSES EXECUTED IN BEST STYLE AT HUGH JONES'S, ADVERTISER OFFIGE, j LLANGOLLEN. 1. JOHN EDWARDS BEGS to thank the inhabitants of LlangollcK JD and District for their support in the past, and has pleasure in announcing that he has taken int.. partnership Mr. H. R. HUGHES. The Premises have been enlarged, and we haY"- now an up-to-date Stock of ARTISTIC FURNITURE. An Inspection is Respectfully Solicited. All Kinds of Repairs to Furniture & Building Immediately attended to by practical men. FURNITURE REMOVING, &c. Works and Showrooms, MARXIST STREE1, LLANO OLLJlN. UPHOLSTERY mBRAN™ES, J. E. PENDLETON, HAYING had a large experience in Carpets, is able to Alter and Sew Old Carpets to Fit Rooms. General Fixings.Venetian Bhnda.LinoIeumet Bed Hangings Cut and Fixed, Bassinette Hoods Re- covered, Loose Covers Cut and Fitted, Carriage Cushions Re-made, all kinds of Decorations done, New Drawing and Dining Room Suites, CarpetSr Linoleums, Blinds, Hair and Flock Mattresses. Also, Suites Re-upholstered equal to New at LOWES* POSSIBLE PRICES. PRIVATE ADDRESS—FERNLEA, LLANGOLLEN, WoitlrsHop-PRINCESS STREET, (14063) BERWYN HOUSE, LLANGOLLEN. OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE with V SMART RANGE of LADIES X, GENT/S BOOTS & SHOES FOR PRESENT SEASON. Latest Styles, JONES'S for Lowest Prices, Longest Wear, NOTE ADDRESS— j JONES'S, BERWYN HOUSE, Top of Castle Street,) LLANGOLLEN. 38 IX (14534; jp1 J PICTORIAL POSTCARDS ON SALE AT HUGH JONES, "Advertiser" Office, Llangollen*- Orders by Post Promptly attended to4 6D. PEJl. PAGKET, 1. Coloured Views of Llangollen (Birn Bros ) 2. Moonlight Views of Llangollen (Valentine), 3. Coloured Views of Llangollen (Valentine), 4. Seven Wonders of Wales (Woodall), 5. Artists' Series of Durham, Chester, fork, Glou- cester, from Original Water-colour DrawintrSa" 6. The Miss Wales (Humorous). 7. Dame Wales (Humorous). 8. Castle Series Comic Postcards (Welsh National). 9. Ditto, Welsh Costumes. 10. The Songs of Wales' Series. 11. The Gwladys Welsh Costume Series. 12. National Types in Wales, Unique Costume Cardf, 13. Raphael Tucks' Series, 14. Faulkner's Series. 2D. EACH. 15. Rotary Cards, Actresses, &c. 16. Real Photo Postcards of Llangollen. 3D. PER PACKET. 17. Hand-coloured Flowers of Affection. A large number of Special Postcards—" English^ man's Lockjaw," &c. Id. each. LETTER CARDS. Letter Cards containing 12 Views of Llangoll en, Ii" Ditto, ditto, 5 Views, 6 for "i'd. Ditto, Souvenir of Wales (Humorous), Id. MANILLA ENVELOPES 3/6 PER 1,000. AT H. JONES'S, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE. LLANGOLLEN,,