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I -— I Established 1884. I CAPT. JONES. PLEASURE BOAT HOUSE. i AGENT FOR 8. U. R. & CANAL COMPANY, £ General Carriers to all Parts of the World. COAL SAND & HAY MERCHANT. asx k~f, v -oi1 PLEASURE BOATS f will RUN to YALLE CRUCIS ABBEY, CHAIN- BRIDGE & HORSE-SHOE FALLS. r-.< -i-i -r i i wt\ e „f o 'lo 10 ft 1ft Raturr'nw fromtho Cliaitibridge at 10 0,11 30 a.co,, The Boats Leave tha an .1 W! f f at ) j 1) 0. 1 r)- 1 () ± & 5 15 0 ]_5 7 0 and 7 45 p.m. 0 ana 1100 a.m., 10, on -wival oi 2 lra.n, Li* 0. u> J"'» P> SUNDAYS, a „o»t w.ll k»ve th* Canal \Yb..rf t 2 p.m., rTLlantysiiio Churcb, fcr the English Service at 3 15. SINGXiE FARE, 3d.; THERE & BACK, 6d. f 1 Ilk i. regieøtlfe t liffIIT I HAVE Y^H EVER "been kePt awake at night witli tbat n^|y cweet ^refreshing' sleep. you ought to have been enjoying ca t j feeling with If so, you will know the wretched and exhausted ieeimg J which the next day daw7ns upon you. I IT'S ft fiRflNP THING to know that this distressm^e^erieiice may NEVER AGAIN t violent cough, and soothes the chest It re cuRES> it is cold at once, but it does more than this, B edy for Asthma, without doubt the mast speedy and effec Seethat | Bronchitis, and all affections of the preparation genuine. Francis's Balsam is on each bottle. No otner p v In Bottles, lilt and 2/9 each. Chemists, FRANCIS & Co., wp-exhari. Strong Sole lotus The new styles for Toadies—No. 82 L&ed Boot 16/9; and No. 92 I,aced Shoe 12/9. Both witJJ strong eoles and plump uppers. Iotus are British. | 1.\ m Ladies Boot No. /a w!f JF\. 82 | [/\ j.w f pair for cash. Note thickness of the f:}7. it ..Strong sole Lotus for wear in the country ..he Co. and on rainy days. Lotus booklet sent free ou-t-equest. —3353 Dicks t 31, Castle Street ,1^; A FACT WORTH KNOWING" INTENDING PURCHASERS OF GENUINE PERFUME SHOULD, BEFORE BUYING, VIEW THE SPEOIALSTOOK AT THE MEDICAL HALL. PERFUMES by all the Leading Makers:— ATKINSON'S, ROGER & GAILET'S, BRUDENBACH, PIERSE & LUBIN, EUGENE RIMMEUS, and many others. E. D. JONES, M.P.S., Mediaai Hall, '— Llangollen. "'Z' I. FUNERALS 1%1 COMPLETELY i. FURNISHED WITH ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY. "Y :i.r "w. ''< ARTHUR AVERY, 6 & 8, BERWYN STREET, telei-UONE— LLANGOLLEN.. I 2x, LLANGOLLEN. i I WILLIAM C. DODO, 1 ^_FANCY DRAPER, J ;t-. 35, Castle Street, Llangollen Agent fob ACHILLE SERRE, High-class Dyer & Cleaner. I Noted for Ties & Scarves. LADIES & GENT.'S UMBRELLAS, ALSO Recovered & Repaired. AGENT FOR THE "GRADIENT" (PATENT) Knickerbocker Hose imwMBB H^^H|h a Wmmmm ammmmf <*> MaaisMM +3 mi § -4-3 raMMM c.> mBW o WHH d HUBSwEKigsi «H WmsM & r flHBk 8 4 ) I The Only Hose made from a Taper Spun Yarn. '777- WANTED, .Tn OAK DRESSERS, CABINETS and O S^rnARTCTS ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FUR- 17 PTITNI PICTURES, PEWTEE, | S^eet, Llangollen, and Oswescrv. (15101) ¡WILLETT'S.. I 14, OHAFEIJ sliiEEl, JLLA NGOLJLBN. BERLINIIOOLS, IN ALL THE BEST SHADES. ART NEEDLEWORK, n i NEW & UPTO-DATE.. 0, TRANSFER PAPERS, ARTISTIC DESIGNS. An Immense Assortment. PRIVATE [GREETING CARDS, FINEST & CHEAPEST COLLECTION EVER PRODUCED. Shall we send you our Sample Book? 1V. WILLETT, 14, Chapel St., Llangollen. MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT. FEOM = £ 10 TO £ 1,000. A GENTLEMAN,' having spare capital, is prepared to make immediate Cash Advances to Ladies. Gentlemen, f 1; roymen, Farmers, Shop- keepors, and any respectable Householders, at a fait md moderate rate of interest, on note of hand alone. <trai(?htforward de dir.c and strict privacy enaran- oeed No -Bills of Sale taken. w"te,stating "■equirementa fully, to F, W. Hughes, 24, Road, Birmingham. ll^i