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A^^VICB FREE. F SETS FROM £1 UPWARDS. SINGLE TEETH FROM 2/6. WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY SET. ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS. TAPCV'C From WREXHAM, I ftUCI Oy attend LLANGOLLEN EVERY TUESDif At Mrs. GRIFFITHS'S, 41, CASTLE STREET. TO 6. PERSONAL ATTENDANCE, Holmes, English American Teeth, Ltd. L ESTABLISHED 1882. STEPHEN ROWLANDS" 22, CASTLE STREET,& 12, BRIDGE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, Has on Show a Large Stock of FURNITURE!! DINING ROOM, DRAWING ROOM & BEDROOM SUITES. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BAMBOO GOODS. Wringing Machines, Pianos, Bath Chairs, Mail Carts & Perambulators, .1 On Sale or Hire, JUST ARRIVED! An entirely NEW STOCK of the LATEST DESIGNS in WALL PAPERS. AT ALL PRICES. (13639) MONEY LENT PRIVATELY BY THE CHARING CROSS BANK (ESTABLISHED 1870). 119 & 120, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C., and 28, BEDFORD STREET, CHABING-CROSS, LONDON. Assets i £ 694,403 0 0 Liabilities 372,291 0 0 Capital and Reeerve £ 322,112 0 0 ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE upon ap. proved Promissory Notes.. LOANS of £ 30 to £ granted at a few hours notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops &o., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call personally or write. Special facilities to all requiring Banking accounts. 21 PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CURRENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below £ 20. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received on terms as under:— S per cent. per annum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 6 „ „ 6 ii 7 „ „ 12 » Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly, free of Income Tax. The Terminable.. Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine per cent., and are a safe investment. Prospectus free. A. VyiLLIAMS, 1 Joint II. J. TALL, j Managers. JOHN CLARKE, Iron, Zinc, & Tin-Plate Worker, 10, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. CHIMNEYS$WICKS, t EXTRA REFINED PETROLEUM OIL, Dealer in Iron Saucepans and Kettles, Galvanized Buckets, Pails and Washups, and Tinned Frying Pane, Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Shovels, Ac, Enamel and Oil Paints and Brumswiek Slack. (8689) T. M. ROWLANDS, CONFECTIONER, etc., OASTLE STREET, BEGS to draw the attention of the Public to his Choice Stock of FANCY CONFECTIONERY. Chocolates it Confectionery Of the following well-known firms CADBURY'S, FRY'S I ROWNTREE'S, TERRY'S BARKER & DOBSON'S, TOM SMITH'S, I HOVELL'S. TOM SMITH'S CRACKERS In great variety. T. M. ROWLANDS also intents keeping at the front with hia FANCY PASTRIES. BY FAR THE REST SELECTION OF EVERYTHING AT T. M. ROWLANDS'. THE Caefelin Hand Laundry, LLANGOLLEN. jV/fISS ORSON having acquired the above ill business, begs to inform the Gentry and Residents of Llangollen and surrounding districts that she is prepared to undertake several more Families' Washing. Ladies' Fine Linen, Shirts and Collars will be a special feature. The Washing of Flannels is a most important hen. and Customers may rely upon them receiving tht greatest care and will be returned without shrinking Laces Cleaned and Tinted. Blankets and Curtains cleaned equal to new. A trial is respectfully solicited. All quantities taken irom a few Collars to a large family Washing. PRICE LISTS UPON APPLICATION. Orders to call will receive immediate attention TARY 4 iv I 'VED SP HENRY LAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPEC TACLES are scientifically adapted to the different defects of vision, and are a boon to those needing Optical Assistance. A new Stock just received. AGENT FOR LLANGOLLEN-HUGH JONES, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, Stationer ct Opticiwn All Spectacles Stamped H.L, MONEY. THE old-established Provincial Union Bank JL continues to Lend immense sums daily, from X10 to £5,000, on Note of Hand alone or other security, at a few hours' notice, to all classes in any part of England or Wales, repayable by easy instal- ments. No good application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. No office enquiry charges whatever. Moderate Interest Special rates for short periods. The largest, best known and most honourably conducted business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of our Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash, and carry out the advance there and then. Call, or write (in confidence to the Manager, lb. G. K. HOWE 64, Londen Bead, 19027) LEICESTER. CARTRIDGES. "h,'N-.J.>zr' .ua:>< Eleys Rabbit 6s. per Hundred Nobel's "Clyde" 7/6 per Hundred „ Smokeless 7s. „ „ "Empire" 8/6 „ Powder, Loose, 2M. per ounce. Shot, old. per Pound. Caps, 6d. per Box. Above are Cash Prices. ¡ C.T.C. The ONLY OFFICIAL REPAIRERS in the District. Prompt and Careful Attention to all Work. R. EVANS & SONS, Ironmongers, Cycle and Ammunition Dealers, ONLY ONE ADDRESS- OAK STREET, LLANGOLLEN. ^1 Start the Day Right I ^Tj| A good start is half the race. If you suffer from jML fj Breakfast-table ft w Peevishness ■ you commence all wrong. A world oE meaning is contained in this m phrase, and if the trouble arises from a torpid liver, impaired digestion I or a "bad night," you will find a world of relief in a box of B It Fills. a What is the good of food if you cannot eat it? ■ BEECHAMtg PILLS will strengthen the digestive organs and create a fi m vigorous and healthy appetite. M ■ What is the use of going to bed if you cannot sleep ? ■[ Mf BEECHAM'S PILLS will gently calm irritation of the nervous system w| ■ and induce sound refreshing sleep. ■ fi Sold everywhere la Boxes, Price Is. lid. (56 pills) and 2s. 9d. {168 pills). M DAVIES BROS., PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS, GLAZIERS, PAINTERS and HOUSE DECORATORS, VERE HO USE 9420, REGENT ST. LLAN G-OLLEN. Showrooms-20, Regent Street. ELECTRIC AND WIRE BELLS FIXED AND REPAIRED. PUMPS, BATHS, WATER CLOSETS, HOT.f ,OOLD WATER APPARATUS, 1IXED 4" REPAIRED, A GOOD SELECTION OF PAPEILHANGINGS IN STOCK. White Sewing Machines ARE STILL THE BEST, HAND MACHINES FROM 45/- EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. •J&L M NEW t PATENT TENSION. a FIVE | YEARS' WARRANTY. J, 000 Agencies in Grccii Britain, and more wanted. WRITE FOR PRICE LISTS. WHITE SEWING MACHINE Co., 48 Hoi born Viaduct, London, E.C. AOBOT FOR LLANGCLLBN- # HUGH JONES, FANCY REPOSITORY j J. B. STORRIE OLD-ESTABLISHED SURGEON DENTIST, THE COTTAGE, OORWEN, ATTENDS AT LLANGOLLEN EVERY TUESDAY And by appointment, at THE VOELAS TEMPERANCE HOTEL, OAK STREET, LLANGOLLEN. CONSULTATION FREE. (7921) "'I "¡;;M.!IIS;. p, ILLUMINATED ABHHSSSES EXECUTED IN BEST STYLE AT HUGH JONES'S, ADVERTISER OFFICE, LLANGOLLEN. fc—— ) r ESTABLISHED 1860. THE LLANGOLLEN ADVERTISER AND NORTH WALES JOURNAL. (Enlarged to Eight Pages. Every Friday. Price One Penny. Delivered to Subscribers in Liang-oiler? every Thursday evening at 4s. 4d. per annuns prepaid. Posted the same evening to any part of he Kingdom for 6s. 6d. per annum.) The "ADVERTISER" has now been estab- lished forty-four years, and, being the only paper printed and published in the district it has enjoyed the confidence of the general public and the liberal patronage of adver- tisers. It assiduously maintains the privilege of independent criticism in all local matterfl (which are fully and impartially reported), and as it is neutral in politics, it finds ite way into families of all classes. The Valley of the Dee, being far famed for its beauty and ancient remains, is much frequented by visitors, a list of whom appears in the "ADVERTISER" during the season. CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Parliamentary, Government, Chancery and Legal Notices, Election Addresses, Pros- 6d, pectuses of Public Companies, per line. ) Sales of Real Property, Statements of w j Accounts, per line j iflr Scholastic, Books, Business Addresses, Enter- } tainments, and Public Meetings, Sales of Ig/I Farming Stoek and Furniture, per line. j Situations Wanted, Situations Vacant, Apartments to Let, Apartments Wanted, Houses to Let, Houses Wanted, Money Wanted, Lost or Found, and Miscellaneous Wants are inserted, prepaid, at the following lew tariff, otherwise the usual rates will be charged :— One insertion. (25 words). Os. 9d. Three insertions f) 2s. Od. And 2d. for each additional line. Announcements of Births, Marriages, and Deaths with any remarks other than the simple facts, Is. N MEMORIAM NOTICES are charged 2s. 6d. Special Scale for Trade Advertisements:— Single Colnmn 1 insertion 2/6"periirob. » „ 2 insertions 2/3 per inser 3 „ 211. H s 6 » „ a 13 n 1/- „ iW All Advertisements not ordered for a definite period will b« Inserted until countermanded, ^and Advertisers arc requested to forward Advertisements As early as possible in the week to ensure insertion and correctness. Being weekly inundated with requests iot preliminary paragraphs of entertainments, &c., the Publisher wishes to stata that the space at his disposal is so limited that, as a rule, he cam only insert such notices when accompanied by Advertisements, and for which the Printing If done at his Office. .j;. GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, CASTLE STREET, liXj'AIST GfOLLEN. COMMERCIAL, GENERAL and FANCY PRINTING On reasonable terms and on the shortest possible notice. CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, MEMORANDUMS, TIME TICKETS, Check Books, Balance Sheets# CATALOGUES, OLUB RULES, &c., &e.. HUGH JONES, PRINTER & PUBLISHER, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1888.