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IT'S TRUE tt Thousands of Sufferers from Blood and gkin Disorders give grateful testimony that in respect of actual ViERfT AS A QUICK, TKUVV USEFUL, AND POWERFUL Hughes's Bl00d Pills Leave nothing to be ,^Wr desired. C«2/ They are intended to correct those abnormal condi- tions of the Blood which give rise to so many distress- ing ailments amongst all classes, and THEY DO ]lip They remove all effete matter and humours from the Blood I They Tone and Brace up the System They Invigorate each Organ, and stimulate its functional energies, and Universal experience has demonstrated this great cosmopolitan Blood Remedy to be possessed of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY In all cases of INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, BILIOUS- NESS, SLUGGISH LIVER, CONSTIPA- TION, FLATULENCY, DYSPEPSIA, SKIN DISEASES, SCURVY, BOILS, SKIN RASH, ECZEMA, SCROFULA, PILES, FITS, WEAK NERVES, DES- PONDENCY, ERYSIPELAS, SLUGGISH KIDNEYS, LUMBAGO or BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, &c. These Pills are most efficacious in .t Or f removing every cause of complaint Females C peculiar to the sex, young and old, J and can always be relied on. Read What the People sav- Sir,-l have been a great sufferer Headache and from Pain in the Head and Back with Indigestion Indigestion. I was induced to try your valuable Pills, HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS," and they did me an extraordinary amount of good, and I am keeping a box always in the house. 12, Elm Street, Ferndale. SARAH PHILIPS. Sir,-I have derived great benefit A Voice from from your "HUGrHES'S BLOOD Lancashire. PILLS," and shall always recommend them wherever I go. I consider them to be a first-clasa medicine; have also seen their effects upon others in curing Skin Rash, Blotches. Headache, Billiousness, Indigestion, Constipation and Rheumatism. They deserve every confidence. 50, Chapel Lane, Wigan. J. WORSWICK. Sir,-Allow me, as a female, to thank Woman's Friend, you for the good I have received from your valuable HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS." You truly deserve to be termed the Woman's Friend," for a better remedy for all complaints tkat female suffer from it would be impossible to obtain. I have long suffered acutely from Heart Palpitation and Disordered Kidneys and other ailments. Your Pills have acted like magic. I shall always recommend your Blood Pills to all females. Lawrence Hill. Bristol. A. GREGORY. TRY THEM- THEY ALWAYS DO GOOD, 4 NEVER DO HARM. ASK FOR HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS. They are sold by every Chemist and Dealer in Patent Medicines at l/ll, 2/9, 4/6, or sead value in P.O. or Stamps to maker JACOB HUGHES Manufacturing Chemist, Penarth, Cardiff, who will send them by return. This TRADE MARK, "a Heart," is on each Genuine Box, and DON'T BE DEC- EIVED AND TAKE ANY- THING ELSE INSTEAD. Ilpjl tions, BI-d Sores, Boils, gczema, &o. GOMER'S BALM. SURPRISING HEALER Of Wounds, Sores, Ulcers on Feet, Legs,Neok,Head, Erysipelas, Cuts. Burns, Excoriations. Abrasion of the Skin, Sore Nipples and Breasts, Skin Erup. Gatherings on Fingers, A POSITIVE CURE. For Skin Diseases, Scab or Breakings out in Children's H, ad, Neck, Face, Ears, &c., Tender Feet Galling in Children, Piles, Sun Burns, Freckles' Pimples, Blotches, Rough Skin on Face, Hands, &o Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Sore Eyes and Eyelids' Scurvy, Itch, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Swellings' Swollen Glands, Sprains, Braises, Scorbutic Sores, Diseased Bone, Ringworm, Inflamed Bunions and Corns, Gout, Bad Legs, &c. This BALM is most singular and prompt in its action. Every external disease that the Human Body is subject to at once gives way to its great curative virtues. It is NOTED in relieving- all pain and soreness when applied to Wounds, Sores, Ulcert3, Erysipelas, Gout, or any inflammatory parts of the body, Cooling and Allaying all Irritation, Softening and Reducing hard Swellings, Relieving Rheumatic Pains, and making pliable Stiff Joints, Ac. Very essential to Mothers, Mill Hands, Engineers Plumbers, Ironworkers, Tinwrrkers, Colliers, Sailors, Mechanics, Farmers. There is nothing like Gomer's Balm" to allay, heal, and cure every affection or injury to the Skin and Flesh. Sold by all Chemists or Patent Medicine Vendors at 1/1 £ or send value in stamps to proprietor and discoverer, JACOB HIJGHFS Manufacturing Chemist, UttUUU nuunco. PENARTH, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRI{ BECIC BANK Southampton Buildings, Chaucery Lane, London. 21 OI DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Ol°/ 2 [q, repayable on demand. JmM 2 O The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, Von free. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. The only tomplete Milk food. NOURISH M EOT Mm JfJf IN Perform. INVALIDS. KEEPS INDEFINITELY. PREPARED ^MOMENT. Sftci Wgli -FULL DESCRIPTIVE' PAMPHLET will be sent Oil Oppkcattln to HORLSCK & C9. DeptS, 34-. Farrinijdon Road. London, EX IRON BUILDINGS Jgffll6 R00FINfi- Churches, Chapels, Mission fBlll W V 8nd School Rooms, Lawn f§||! I Termis, Golf, and Cricket Iffl SMF'HHpM I Pavilions, Cott.H.g'fiS, Stablfis, I-——M-1—J—r~r-8» i-'a' in BllildilJg; Roofing and SPW* —— "vrvv Dnscripti.-m of Iron n :il'illCHURCH AND SCHOOL SEATS of every L>. -n il inn, and every class of Joinery Work. •w ?! • SOUTH BERMONOSEY STATION, iV. 3 kwaL0N03N, S.E. TITDIARUBBER (old) purchased for Cash.- James Ward & Co, Indiarueoer Cement MttnnfMtmreM). Pleasant Grove, York ftoad, KiAes Oroai, TytfvlTOa N. USE SOLID METHYLATED ff AniniTlllE SP,f'LKn^ournt) SPIRITINE Kettles & Haii -Tongs. (Trade Mark). Of all IRONMONGERS, CHEMISTS, STORES, &c., or Pi^SPIRITINU LTD., Willegden Junction, London, N.W. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE TABLES. 'A LAEQ-E STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. WRITE FOR PRICE LISTS q^E-DWARPS, KINGSIiAND ROAD; LONDON, N.H- rjHINA & EARTHENWARE Goods of all V/ kinds, suitable for Dealers. Shopkeepers, &c. HAWKRM' LARGK OHBAP CRATBS nearly 1000 articles 38 6. Send for free Illus. List. Arthur J. Hull, King St. Pottery, Long-ton. StaAs TflDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Largest stock in London. (SECONDHAND &NBW> J. POOLE ft CO., 104, Charing Cross Road.London. )T6H)K6. BUM. rans H'lrij.l GUARANTEED CURE. ALL CHEMISTS are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMBKT fails to eure any case of piles, no matter how long standing. Cures ordinary eases in 6 days. This is a new discovery and the only påH 9Qld on a guarantee. 2/8 all Chemists or Paris Medicine Co.. (Dept. Al J. 28, Shoe Lane. London. C£20 TOBACCONISTS COMMENCING. How to open a CIGAR STORE from <E20 to £ 8000 Guide & Catalogue, 100pp., 8d Tobao- oonists' Outfitting Co, 186. Euston fed., tendon Killed Sanford's Bat Poison.—Vara«ra it Is tho.,b;g)st ever med; rats found dead. Also Poison for ^•essing Staok for mice, and Poison for moles; boxes, Is. Sd.. 2a 3d., postfwo.—BAWPOKD &8oir. Sandv. SoldhT^0T».^ I —* (Great Barsrains) |2"HM0 QYCLES 8*SK- I TYPEWRITERS Jterma. Write exchanged, or repaired cheap; cash or easy I terms. Write for List. LONGS,Ltd.,43 MoorgateStMLomdoa. I FOREIGN STAMPS bought, sold, and exchanged. Lieu free. Midland Stamp Co., Cheylesmore, Coventry. EX A.MS. Tuition' by post for all EXAMS'. Wilinofc's Postal (College, 33, The Grove, Camberwell. L'doa. WHAT THE VICAR SAYS"i= HE IS DELIGHTED with our ROYAL PORTRAIT CADDIE filled with one pound delicious Tea," with which we also send one of our veiy beautiful ■■pure. WHITE SILK MuFFLEES, 32 inchps square, hemstitched and bordered— Doctors say these prevent Sore Throats and Ohills-the whole, carefully .pa,eked and cfirriatre paid, for 4/- only. Customers charmed with the extraordinary value, order again and tell their irieudg. AN EXTRA MUFRIJ3R, same (7uaii.fi/, pre- sented, when six of the above are ordered. Charming Season- able Present. FRANK BEVAN CO., Tea and Silk Merchants:, sr;. STir.x Li: ony DON. SPECIAL XfvlAS OFFER 3/6 Bankrupt stock. Mag- f :.ii t-! llt nificont WADDED 9* QUILTS, covered beautiful Oriental Sateen Chintss s of exquisite iloral design on tt/'KiSSS' ''i *fP»J side; feather weight; ?? £ ■&{ delightfully comfortable and warm; full size (56 by 70 inches). To clear the stock we will for- v*5-J 1 {<(■- :Lj ward one on receipt of P.O. for 3/6. Carnage 6d. extra. TRULY WONDERFUL OlC VALUE. 01 U 3 for 10/ 6 for 19/6. Carriage paid. E. McCARTHY & CO. (Prov. Dept.), 205, Caledonian Rd., Islington, London. KILLS VIBRATION The N.A.B. Seat Pillar i*- and HANDLE-BAR. Fitted to any Cycle ih 6 minutes. Booklet Free. Address—N.A.B.. Coleman St.. SouthamDton. 7 11- I- I i.,I The Incorporated THAMES NAUTICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, I H.M.S. WORCESTER, off GREENHirnE, KENT, Edaoates Boys for Offioera in the Merehaaft Servioe. Terms, 60 groinaas, inclucUla8 uniform. Apply— W. M. BuLLIVANT, Hon. Secretaiy, 72. MA»K Iqjra, Loirpog. 72. MARK Iqjra, Loirpog. PAper COated fire LlghTERs lig-bt or revive JL 12 lives for Iii. Chf;>R.pC%. cleano«*, and Orocers, oilmen. P ACQ LIT i J (I CO., Clarence Mews. Clapton, London- | ot iiiI ;\Le^final M.en.^ \M cszlmzeF.zvmte f' 3 IY MARIENSAD R FL I^F £ 0yCk1S(Ar.fi^nF!LlSM R la Meiibai VA*1 1 (Jh'-f I> v<«: i [.ox & Co., 19, Haymarkev,, Loncioi].W. SMALL POX, MEASLES, SCARLET FEVER, &c. are best prevented by the use of "SMITHS" DISINFECTANTS, (FLUID, POWDER and SOAP). "H01II to Disinfect" Book Free. THE "SANITAS" CO., LTD., Bethnal Green, London. *tP* JtmM)!))m JLJht J)LwjaL JNL- LAMPS AND STOVES Large Selection to choose from. LATEST PATTERNS. Call and Inspect our Stock before buying elsewhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Only Acllress- R. EVANS & SONS, IRONMONGERS, OAK STREET, LLANGOLLEN. A wado hyn aed a hi, A gwaded i'r Haul godi." C- "Feallai mai Jfcinsi nen arferiad ydyw, ond alla'i gael dim Te yn un man yn debyg i De Phillips." 00_- 'W. PHILLIPS & CO., LTD., SPECIALISTS IN TEA, ESTASISHED WREXHAM. I AGENTS FOR LLANGOLLEN- Mr.fT. M. ROWLANDS, Baker & Confectioner, Castle Street. Mr. RICHARD EDWARDS, Model Bakery, Church Street. The Misses HUGHES, Confectioners, Chapel Street. DAVIES BROS., (Late S. DA. VIES & SONS) PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS, GLAZIERS, PAINTERS and HOUSE DECORATORS, VERE HOUSE, CROSS LANE, LLANGOLLEN. ELECTRIC AND WIRE BELLS FIXED AND REPAIRED. PUMPS, BATE, WATER CLOSETS, HOT f COLD WATER APPARATUS, 1IXEI) AlVD REPAIRED. A GOOD SELECTION OF PAPERHANGINGS IN STOCK. IF YOU WANT 01 AAA TO WIN jblfvUU SEE THIS WEEK'S FAMILY HERALD. Now Out. IPrice Id. PERMANENTLY ENLARGED. -n_ DOK'T we give thbm away- for particalarR. BUY A WRITE TO-DAY. RHft¥IRBDT WATCH. The WORLD'S WATCH SWPPLY (D Dept.0 Spencer Street, Birmingham. 3 '« t/'» Uf* « 1 Cl.a-y'ke's 1 li 1 ft «f-i b ► J Wtit) | ISistiare i |ii TH "V04LD-FAMKO fi'.OOD WRlfttR, 3 ie warranted to Cloarjs' tb« Blood from *jj |"i 3 impurities from whatever enr.w ar»in$. l-j p For Scrofula, Bcnrvy, Efj*raa, Bit .1 |) TJloera, Glandular Swellir.ifa, Skro «usd H Blood DIIIOASFS, Blackheads, Pirupl«w *Md M Sore* of all kinds, its effect* a.re ti)arv?!l.ou», S fs Toonwiude of ToutimoniaJ* of wuudorfui |4 fl cures have b«<au received from ftll p*HL» •:>{ £ 3 L-i the world. 13 The Editor of th« Dooro* S tlays We have seen hosM of letters :i bearing testimony to the truly wonderful §3 curea aSected by Clarke's Blood Mixture. U ft iø the finest Blood Purm8r that BoieuCMt n and Medical Skill have brought to light, |3 and we can with the utmost confiterios |4 The Editor of th« Dooro* S !says" Wa have gsen hocta of g bearing testimony to the truly wonderful §3 curea »ff«5ted by Clarke's Blood U It iit the nnest Blood Purifier that Scieuo« n and Medical Skill have brought to light, |3 and we can with the utmost con&ietto* |4 reoommeud it to oar subscribma And the p public {fanerally." || As this Mixture is pleasant to the ta*t« g and warranted free from anything injurious n to the most delicate constitution of «ithw g *ex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietor* 1 oolicit aufferera to give it a trial to teat it* | value. Sold by Chemista everywhere. 1 Ask for | Clarke's Blood Mixture and Beware or worthleoa Imitation*. I and warranted free from anything injurious n to the most delicate constitution of tithtt g ..ex, from infancy to old age, the Proprieton 1 oolicit aufferera to give it a trial to teat it* | value. Sold by Chemista everywhere. 1 Ask for | Clarke's Blood ism" a Mixture and Beware of worthleoa Imitation*. I ^mmHIHIUllUllimiiiiinminmituniiiiiiniinr^ STEPHEN ROWLANDS, 22, CASTLE STREET, & 12, BRIDGE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, HAS ON SHOW A LARGE STOCK OF 0 a lam FU RNITURE!! urm DINING ROOM, DRAWING ROOM 6f BEDROOM SUITES. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BAMBOO GOODS. Wringing Machines, Pianos, Bath Chairs, Mail Carts & Perambulators, On Sale or Hire. ESTABLISHED 188U. PHOTOGRAPHERS TO HER LATE MAJESTY THE QUEEN. E. LETTSOME & SONS, Victoria Sq. & Castle St., BRANCHES RUTHIN, RHOS, k f ■ r-a i CORWEN. LLANGOLLEN, ARE prepared to undertake work in all branches of PHOTOGRAPHY. PORTRAITS, GROUPS, RESIDENCES, KTC., Photographed en ine ahortest notice, and finished in all the latest pioot-Bses as PLATINOS, CARBONS SEPIATTPES, etc. PRICE LIST FREE. DEVELOPING, ETC., UNDERTAKEN FOR AMATEURS. The "Wonder" Guinea Parcel fllIlII/IUmnn ,.ROM HI BRIdokfie LjD'S J l^jl SSTAFFORp. J qontains- (Cofivrioh/ Registered.) I Pair White Witney Blankets, large size, beautifully ^nished, soft and fleecy. 1 Pair White Twit Sheets, iemmed ready for use, 2J yds. by 2 yds. I Handsome Satin-finished White Quilt, beauti fully raised woven floral design, :i yds. long by 'l\ yds. wide. 1 Pair White Calico Pillow Cases, full size, good nualitv, buttoned ends, ready for use. 1 White MarceUa Toilet Cover, 45 in. Ion, 9 in. wide, pretty raised floral design. 1 Set of S White Duchesse Toilet Mats. 1 Pair Strong Huckaback Toilet Towels. 1 Very useful aad handsome Striped Austrian Rug, suitable for Bed, Sofa, or Travelling Rug. Sent Carriage Paid on receipt of P.O.O. 3ts. BROOKFIELD'S, Market Square, Stafford ESTABLISHED OVER MO TEARS. -n_ n MEMORIAL CARDS ofthe newest patterns, printed 011 the shortest notice, in beautiful typggraphy, at most reasonable charges at the "ADVEBTISBB OFFICE.