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NORTH WALES FARMERS' SUPPLY STORES, LLANGOLLEN. HAY (.English & Canadian) j OATS (Rolled & Whole), j BASIC SLAG, CHOP, BEANS, BRAN, [ SUPERPHOSPHATE, STRAW, MALT CULMS, j KAINIT, MOSS LITTER, [ FOWL CORN, j SALT, &c. Best Wigan and other House Coals, Nuts, Slack, &c., in Truck Loads, at Wholesale Prices. Warehouses—RILL STREEtP and l LLANGOLLEN BERWYN STREETj Agent's Residence—9, REGENT STREET. "4 NOTHING so bad for a Cough as Coughing. NOTHING so good for a Cough as iFE f Francis's Wk Balsam The Prestige of Merit is WU/txKfjf awarded, by its Patrons, to ■H| m this great Remedy for- COLDS, COUGHS, ■HI I SORE THROAT, Jmm I BRONCHITIS, mm/i! WHOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA9 ;g INFLUENZA, And all Complaints affecting the Chest & Lungs EASY TO TAKE. Of all Chemists everywhere. ONE D05E RELIEVES IN I /I l Ms £ | A FEW MINUTES! ^2" £ lU* Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers— j FRANCIS & Co.,WREXHAM. I I I 35, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. NEXT DOOR TO "ADVERTISER" OFFICE. Hatter, Hosier Glover.0><Shirts Suits made Collars, to Order. es* Blouses, Corsets, Umbrellas. ¡. WONDERFUL VALUE IN UMBRELLAS. FINEST CANE SUGAR ONLY USED. B H S| The most delicious we ever r" I I 1 tasted-" | Edinbunjli Medical Journal. NON-ALCOHOLIC DRY G5NGER ALE e R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. Established 1825. Purveyors by Special, Appointment to His Majesty the King. London Agenta: D. WHEATLEY & SON, 24, South Audley Street, London MEW .h jgT* j$k w • ^5 mwhfk RHUP ,l% FRUIT FOR MINCEMEAT AND DESSERT. QUALITY & PRICE UNSURPASSED. FRANK LITTLE, FAMILY GROCER, I ■ LLANGOLLEN. POTTER'S LIBRARY. NEW SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION, PER 10/6 ANNUM. I Includes the MCSWest Books published in one volume, not exceeding 2 Os. Ofl. in price. Prospectus of Family Subscriptions and Current Lists of Books Gratis. 30, EXCHANGE ST. EAST, LIVERPOOL. 6200) WYNNSTAY ARMS (EAGLES HOTEL), Supply Families and Visitors with the BEST WINES & SPIRITS. BASS'S & WOIITHINGTON'S BOTTLLD ALE & GUINESSES'S (DUBLIN) STOUT, BOTTLED ON THE PE/EJIISES. G, T. ALLEN, Proprietor. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT LOWEST PRICES, AT THE CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES & BAKERY. DELIVERY BY OWN VANS. ESTABLISHED 1863. JDr. HALE'S MEAT & MALT AND TONIC WINES. The GREATEST RESTORATIVES, A NOURSHING FOOD. Prepared with Leibig's Meat, Extract of Malt, and Matured Port Wine. Dr. HALE'S COCA WINE. THE GREAT NERVE TONIC. Prepared, from the Peruvial Plant. These two, the Greatest of Tonic Wines, will act as a charm; TRY ONE BOTTLE, and report to your medical attendant its beneficial results. Recommended by over 10,000 of the Medical Profession through- out the world. AGENT— E. D. JONES, CHEMIST & WINE MERCHANT, MEDICAL HALL, LLANGOLLEN. XMAS, 1901. FINEST NE.W CURRANTS, RAISINS, SULTANAS, FIGS, &c. GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE WEALTHIEST I CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE FOREST Inspection Invited. DA VID GRIFFITHS, 4, BEKWYN ST., LLANGOLLEN.