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vVHY P WHY GET YOUR PRINTING DONE AT NOTTINGHAM Or. ANY OTHER LARGE TOWN. While by patronising local firms rOll Encourage Home Industries! You Get as Effective « Display I Hnd YOU are Otherwise Recompensed! PLAI-\7 -NR-TISTIC PRialilTING- DONE AT HUGH JONES'S, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, S.i4RY LAURAlYce C) OI(EE) SPE fQ'STERED TRAD& SPECTACLES v. BLINDNESS. THE HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES, CONFIRMED BY DAILY EXPERIENCE, PROVE THAT COMMON AND IMPERFECT GLASSES ARE THE FREQUENT CAUSE OF IMPAIRED VISION, AND IN MANY CASES RUINED SIGHT AND BLINDNESS. HEXRY LAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPEC- TACLES are scientifically adapted to the different defects of vision, and are a boon to those needing Optical Assistance. A new Stock iust received. AGENT FOR LLANGOLLEN—HUGH JONES, "ADVERTISES" OFFICE, Stationer 4' Optician. AIl Spectacles Stamped H. L. (1860) The Latest Improved and Most Perfect Ever introduced to the English Market. MANUFACTURED BY THE ppiits gsWing Jgjashine go., rll = $ ø ö e S < f!) o pi It See a "VVH ITE" before Purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarrantee for Five Years. Also the "PEERLESS" Hand Machine. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Swd for Circulars to the Whits Sswiag MaeMas CD., 48 HOLBORN VIADUCT. BOURNEMOUTH '(THE EVER GREEN VALLEY OF ENGLAND). The large amount of sunshine, the small rainfall, the dryness Df the air, the even temperature, its unique position, and nu- merous local attractions have placed this town, as A WINTER RESIDENCE far in advance of all other British Health Resorts. Intending Visitors should apply for the Handbook of THE TOWN'S INTEREST ASSOCIATION, tent post free for Id. stamp by the SECRETAEY. THE BREECHLOADER & HOW TO USE IT, V.fSf^t^ By W. W. Greener. I PRICE 2s., POST FREE. B&Sak 276pages, 100 illustrations (Cassell & Co.). Contains much information on the choice of Guns, the detection of spurious weapons, ana |3 M .H many hints on the handling and use of Guns, paf 1 1 W. W. GREENER,, Gnnmaker, Birmingham. CASKS FOR SALE.-A quantity of first- class casts, holding from 30 to -10 gallons each, well-made, •v.-e"-hoo"ed, used twice in lots to suit purchasers. For~T>ariiculars, address G.lj-r.S., 1, Southwark Street, London, TOLLIAEDS & BAGATELLE. —Hennig Bros,, -S-* Ltd., 21), High St. (corner of New Oxford St.),Londoi, W.C. The old-established & well-known linn of Billiard Table makers, c :i surt'ly every kind of requisites for BilliwiU & Bagatelle at very lowest prii-o. Ebony-butted Cues 4/ Plain Ashdd. 1/ Chalk If- gross, Cloth for f.-ill table 62/6, Balls 21'- set. Write for samples & pi-ice lists. Est.1882. FOR FOOTBALL PRIZES OR ENGLISHES PORTS. ^y • One Penny Weekly; 1/8 per quarter, post free. Week. All Newsagents, Smith & Son's Stalls, and 41, ST. ANDREW'S HILL, LONDON, E.C. MHU unyco IDEAL LIFE. Perfect CLIMATE. IvLVf nUSllLO. ENORMOUS PROFITS.. FRUIT and VINE CULTURE in the SUNSHINE STATE of America. Land on easy fer,ns. Write to the Secretary, FRUIT YALE IRRIGATION COLONY, LTD. (34,Victoria St.,Westminster, London, S.W.) ,fovfree lllus- t r a ted Pamphlet. Settlers "booked direct to FRUIT VALK. Agents Wanted. C. F. HUNT, TEA BROKER. LONDON: 55, EASTCHEAP, E.C. Direct to the Public. No Shops. No Agents. lib. of really Fine Tea will go as far as 21b. of medium Tea, PURE DARJEELING TEA, 39. and 4s. per lb. Fine Darjeeling and Kangra Valley, 2s. per lb. Postage 2d. per lb. extra. Packed fresh from bulk on receipt of order. Quantities not less than lib. Cash System. Crossed Orders and Cheques. No Shops. f^REAT CLEARANCE SALE of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS for BRASS, REED, STRING, DKTJJI andFIFE BANDS, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, CONCERTINAS. Spe- dally reduced prices post free. Music for Bands, Bandsmen's Caps, Old Instruments by any maker bought or taken in exchange. ""Good second- er* d on sale cheap.—J, MOOES & C0.# Buxton-road, Huddersfisld. II FOR TH8- BLOOD I FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." || iL I ¡ I RESTORER, jj THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from all IMPURITIES it cannot bo too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent Cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sor; s on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Eczema. Cures Deors. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure natter From whatever cause arising. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheu- matic Paills. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and wairanted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex from infar.cy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. "CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE is en- tirely free from any poison or metallic impreg- nation, does net contain any injurious ingredient, and is a good, safe, and useful medicine."—ALFRED SWAIN TAYLOR, M.D., F.R.S., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. "257, St. George's-road, Hull, Jan. 12, 1892. I thought it was my duty to let you know what Clarke's Blood Mixture has done for me. After suffering for three years with abscesses f on my arm and leg, and the doctors not being able to do me any good, I am thankful to say, after taking a few bottles of your Clarke's Blood Mixture, I am restored to perfect health again, and would have the whole world know of your wonderful medicine.—\ourr ~ly, Miss HOLT&H.XON." 7, Canonbury-park, North, London, N., Jan.13,1892. "I had a very bad arm for eight or nine months, and had medical advice, which did not benefit me much. I met a gentleman at the Crystal Palace, and he told me a friend of his had a carbuncle on his leg, and that your Blood Mixture cured him right out. He advised me to try it, which I did, and after taking four 2s. 91. bottles, I am glad to tell you the place healed quite up, and I have not felt anything of it since. "I have no objection to your publishing this cure. "Yours faithfully, "A. BONNER." IMPORTANT ADYICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities burst- ing through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and slutrgish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Sold in bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, lis.—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of longstanding cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by thp. proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. Write for the Now Pamphlet on Skin arid Blood Diseases, with full directions for diet, &o., to Secretary, Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. Sent post free. TRADE MARK—BLOOD MIXTURE. ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, And do not be persuaded to take an imitation. fPCMX'S PAYSANDU OX TONGUES IN TINS, Hlbs. to 3jlbs. Each. A A I "117" A UWTan important jnLJLJL^l Vfl Q item in our domestic a m economy, and the J_ sooner we adopt the only method of v m—. a doing this comfortably and econo- i—1 ■ ■ Iwl T mically with BRADFORD'S Latest JULv/-LTJLJ_Li • WASHING MACHINE—which is also an efficient WRINGER and MANGLE-the better. Write for latest Catalogue containing the testimony of hun- dreds of users; get one of these Machines yourself upon free trial for a month, and you will then also bear;willing testimony. THOMAS BRADFORD & CO., High Holborn, London; Deansgate, Manchester; Bold Street, Liverpool. I gm ..1 REATCLEARANCE SALE of MUSICAL fir INSTRUMENTS for BRASS, REED, STRING, DRUM and FIP>. iM'DS AAN0S, ORGANS, MELODEONS, CONCERTINAS. Spe- cially reduced prices post free. Music for Bands, Bandsmen's Caps, Old Instruments by any maker bought or taken m exchange. Good second- hand on sale cheap.-J. MOORE & CO-, Buxton-road, Huddersfleld. BEAULIEU, between Nice and Monte Carlo, GRAND HOTEL DES ANGLAIS. First-class estab- lishment, greatly improyedby the new proprietor. Arrangements made for families. Near the English Church. Lift; telephone. Sanitary arrangements by Q-. Jennings & Co. H. ARNOLD, Prop. P A M M r Q HOTEL BEAU-SITE UHH IHUl and HOTEL DE L'ESTEREL. Highly-reputed first-plass Family Hotels, recommended for home comfort and unequalled position, facing sea and Esterels; extensive park grounds; finest lawn tennis court on Continent; perfect sanitary arrangements; terms moderate. NEAREST TO THE GOLF CLUB. G. GOTJGOLTZ, Prop. RANNFS*-HOTEL DES ANGLAIS. UnliailLVi THIS FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL, recommended for its home comforts and beautiful position, is the nearest to St. Paul's Church. Large Garden. Tennis Court. Electric Light. Sanitary arrangements most perfect. TERMS MODERATE. G. MOREL, Prop. MRJTFL GKAND HOTEL TERMINUS, opposite the Station. Highly recommended. Rooms from 3 to 5 francs. L. SCHIRRER, Proprietor. ALSO OPEN HOTEL WINDSOR ALSO OPEN Full south, well and healthily situated, large garden, tennis ground, and superior drainage. Pension from 6 to 10 francs a day. Apply to A. MULLER, Manager. CANNES-HOTEL CONTINENTAL FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL. LAWS TENNIS.. Perfect Sanitary Arrangements. Caloriferes. Newest System. Electric Light. 'Perms moderate,. FANCONI, Proprietor. SING with the POET, "Begone Dull Care," 1C7 and play the WONDERFUL AUTOHARP. The easiest, the sweetest, the loveliest music on earth. From 7/6 to 6 guineas. Catalogue for stamp. Pianos, Organs, Banios, Melodians, at wholesale prices. AGENTS WANTED.—THOMAS BROAD- BENT, Musical Importer, 73, Spital Hill, Sheffield. \A Preparation of powerful Merits whether used for RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, COLDS AND COUGHS, or for PILES, ECZEMA AND SKIX DISEASES, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, BKUISES, BURNS, CHILBLAINS, CUTS, lox Always Gives the Utmost Satisfaction. LORD CARRICK testifies- HOMOCS& cured him of Mr. II. M. Bleeding Piles. STANLEY LORD COMBERMERE says~ s^'s~ HOB*OCSA H O H O C E & did is a most soothing and A, i • -m 0 v more good in Rheuma- efficacious unguent. ^0 ■» tism than any other BISHOP T A Y LOR embrocation he has Says ever tnec1. He 'has proved the licalin- virtues of HOSIOCEA both '1, 4}^ in Flesh Wounds and Bruises. T T Send for Pamphlets containing the V above and many other Testimonials. HOMOCEA the reims edny ot thtaht e hcaos mcinog mer. emeay, but As a Lubricant for Athletes, Cyclists, -§'C., HOMOCEA is unequalled. v\ Agency—21, HAMILTON SQUARE, BIP.KENIIEAD. <^ Sold by Dealers in Medicine at l/H & 2/9 per box. Free by Post foi, value in Stamps. V Local Agent—Mr. J. ROWLANDS, Central Supply Stores, Llangollen. 3977) V L These Remedies have stood the test of FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, ] And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family uco. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS and !I BOWELS; and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all ages. THE OINTMEMT ° jj If Is tlio only reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SOKES, ULCERS, and OLD Yfovzss; L{ || for BKONCHITIS, SOKE THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, I'IIEUAIATIS: |] j| GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, and for all SKIN DISEASES it Las EG equal. jj 1:;1 Hwmfaoiuredonly at 73, NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533, Oxford St.,LQiTI}n:?, Jj L SOLD PV AL1_ MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 0^^ jj Adyico Gratis, at t.he above address, daily between the hours of 11 & 4, or by letter, ^itowerteT 5 HIGHEST AWARDS, LONDONPARIS- TZ t Sold only in packets, each bcariftff both the Regis- mL /A.. —■to* tcL Trade Mark anl the Signal,e THE MOST ECONOMICAL TRUEST FLAVOR PURESr QUALITY BEST TEV IN THi WORLD Prices-1/2. 1/4. 1/6. 17, 13, 1,10. 2/ 2/4, 2/6, 2/3. SOLD BY AGENTS EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE ONLY OF THE GREAT TOiYKR Si'RtET TW i;03P«?. Ltd.. 5, Jewry Sirest, M8&0S. E.C Agent in Llangollen: Mr. B. H. Matthews, Grocer, Brig-eel Street. THE WALTON SCHOOL, LLANGOLLEN. PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS, THE PROFESSIONS, AND THE UNIVERSITIES. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO MEET CANDIDATES FOR THE MINISTRY PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION TO- Rev. J. LIAS DAVIES, 2660) HEAD MASTER. AGENTS WANTED for ? SOLD MEDAL ENCORE. YEAST. £ jH OF cs rahvi 1^1 il1>. sample (gross), 6 stamps, post free. I. § M-1L. lUSCHOTJ^, Brooke Street, LOTDIOD, IFC. 'THE NEW YORK CIGARETTE) The f h 11.' HAS TAKEN COMMAND. Valuable Coupons in each packct. I FRYER and COULTMAN, LONDON, E,C. SIMF! IMC forthe SOUTH AFRICAN~G0LD UIMIUIV LI S«L FIELDS. THE ROYAL MAIL and INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS sail from Southampton every Saturday for South and East African Ports to Zanzibar. Calls made at Lisbon, Madeira, and Canary Islands. Apply to THE UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Limited), Canute Road, Southampton, and South African House, V4 to U6. Bishopsgate -Street Within. London. PAQTI r WEEKLY SERVICE from U MO ILL LONDON to the I IMC GOLD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA. L. a 3 D L.a POR AJJ information apply to the Managers, DONAI/D GURIilE & CO.. 3. I'enchui'oh Street. LONDON, or to J. Clark, Chapel Street, Llangollen. EMPTIES FOR SALE—201b. Tea Boxes, H -■ Sugar Bags, Square Margarine Baskets, &c. A good OppOI" tunity for an active man to retail to Tea Dealers, Stationers, &c.—Address. MR. DAVE ST, 65A, Worship Street, London, E.C. f^HINA TEA SET, 40 pieces, printed ana V-giit, 9/6. Dinner Service, 54 pieces, beautifully enamelled and a'ilt, 81/ Illustrations free. CLARENCE POTTERY CO., LONGTON, STAFFS. THE FOR SKIN m 4d„ 6d., 8d., 10d., & 2/6 SOAP (for Delicate Slims), per Tablet. CREAM (for Itching, Face Spots, &c.), I/H, 1/9. POWDER (for the Toilet, Nursery,_&c.), 1(-, 1(9. VRUSH yolir OATS; GRIND yoiir CORN." I-) Farmers and every one keeping Horses or Stock, should use, our PRIZE CRUSHING AND GRINDING -XILLS, riHURCH ORGANS (pipe), 2 TO ANTO -SPLENDID, £ 12 12s. LATBIY-NBW -^5 "^M'ing concert Banj o, brilliai^i sUver j^^id^walnut mental silver brackets, cfal'le^ handsomest and finest and ebony handle, perfect wnditi V, ]y Eaa..Teddington. tonea instTOment obtainable, 85s.—jrl.^gayaj^sau— GRIFFITHS', THE STORES, .i.I.. I \lJl!J J. 5, CHURCH STREET, LLANGOLLEN, FOR ^7ILTSHIRE JTJACOX & JJAMS. WILTSHIRE BACON & JJAMS. WILTSHIRE gACOX & jjAMS, WILTSHIRE gACOX & JJAMS. ^yiLTSIIIEE pACOX & JJAMS, "^yiLTSHIRE BACON & JJA^IS. T V i.i. Gmffiths', The STORES, FOR CHEDDAR CHEESE. CHEDDAR CHEESE. QIIEDDAR CHEESE. FOR QOEGOXZOLA CHEESE. \jr GOHGONZOLA CHEESE. GORGONZOLA QHEESE. FOR KIEL & JjiRESH GRASS jgUTTEES, KIEL & JpEESII GRASS BUTTERS, KIEL & EESII Q.EASS JgUTTERS. FOR INDIAN, CHINA & CEYLON TEAS. I NDIAN, CHIN A & CEYLON rpEAS. INDIAN, OHINA & CEYLON T EAS, WILL COMPARE FAVOURABLY WITH ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE FOR QUALITY AND MODERATION IN PRICES. JgXTEA QUALITY & RICES A SPECIALITY IN GENERAL GROCERY & PROVISIONS FLOUR AND BREAD, PATENT MEDICINES, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, ETC. AGENT FOR "MAZAWATIEE" TEAS & COFFEES. AGENT you "AVONCHERRA" TEA at Is. 6d. per lb, GRIFFITlIS9 THE SORES, 5, CHURCH STREET, LLANGOLLEN, PATENT GLAZIER WINDOW DECORATIONS. PATTERN BOOKS AND SPECIMENS TO HE SEEX AT HUGH JONESES, "ADYERTISEH" OFFICE. LLANGOLLEN, All orders punctually attended to. T ONDON-THE NURSES' HOSTEL, 27 & 28, Percy Street, W. Opened by Miss C% .T. WOOD tor the exclusive use of Trained Nurses. Aypl> to tne Manapei. "OTJPTURE CURED.—S^ J. SHERMAN, -^Hernia Specialist^, Street; Mawiwwtsr. Book on Ruptiuajui.d 1 i.usae3 post j—