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WHYP WHY GET YOUR PRINTING DONE AT NOTTINGHAM OR ANY OTHER LARGE TOWN, While by patronising local firms You Encourage Home Industries You Get as Effective a Display I and You are Otherwise Recompensed! ARTISTICPRINTING ARTISTIC DONE AT HUGH JONES'S, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. 'VED SPEC-T MN 'VCO"57'rzEtED TRAC)F- tA SPECTACLES v. BLINDNESS. THE HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES, CONFIRMED BY DAILY EXPERIENCE, PROVE THAT COMMON AND IMPERFECT GLASSES ARE THE FREQUENT CAUSE OF IMPAIRED VISION, AND IN MANY CASES RUINED SIGHT AND BLINDNESS. HENRY LAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPEC- TACLES are scientifically adapted to the different defects of vision, and are a. boon to those needing Optical Assistance. A new Stock iust received. AGENT FOR LLANGOLLEN-HUGH JONES, "ADVERTISER." OFFICE, Stationer q- Optician. All Spectacles Stamped H. L. (1860) Tfre Wllfl Sj, Latest Improved &&& Host Pcrfsct XKsruwr Ever introduced to the English Market. MANUFACTURED BY THE ifhite feeing achilic ff o., At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. = Ø!!b ø a I (¡J: o G a lit B P See a "WHITE" before Purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarrantee for Five Years. Also the "PEERLESS" Hand Machine. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Send for Circulars to the Whits Sewing NaDJJJIJI CD., 48 HOLBORN VIADUCT. SYMINGTON'S GOLD MBDAL EGYPTIAN FOOD -BKBfffi&s," •• FOR INVALIDS AND DELICATE CHILDREN. MOST EASILY DIGESTED. SOLD IN TINS, Is. per lb. BY ALL GROCERS AND CHEffiflSTS. n MANUFACTORY: Bowden Steam Mills, Market Harhorough. nninHB f^ATTTION.-Genuine. c. CHLORODYNE. .ell-known remedy for 3 Dysentery,Fever,&c. gnttjHBjgSafiBBKnByB! oears ?n the stamp the name of ———^Mainventor, Dr. J. Collis Browne. NEW HfiMFS IDEAL MFE. Perfect CLIMATE. WLTr nUlrlCO. ENORMOUS PROFITS FRUIT and VINE CULTURE in the SUNSHINE STATE of Amer;™ Land on easy terms. Write to the Secretary, Frdit Vale IebmiS v' Ltd^ (^Y^tona St.;Westminster, London,S.W.),for free Illus tiated Pamphlet. Settlers booked direct to Fruit Yale. AgentsWantof- WRITE TO-DAY for our full set of PATTERNS, and you will find our value has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. All-wool Suits to measure, splendid fit, 27/6, 29/6, 32/ 35/ 40/ 44/ 47/6. I R I s H T w El 353 13 S give the best wear. Delivery Free. Satisfaction given or Money returned. THE LIMERICK CLOTHING FACTORY, Limited, z> 7.. m -r, LIMERICK, IRELAND. an^eis. THE BANJC OF IRELAND.' Please mention this paper. W.ANTED, owing to extending business to clean, class of employment. Good wages (6d. to 9dnSoir)Trial to those emploTOd 6r For fnll ° cafiafe PaW all material sent t i 01 ±ul1 particulars, armlv hv letter J.A.PERRi>s,Bi-unswic]i:House.Braithwaite-rd..f!irmi^i0-T,am JIE3T DRINK of ALT,- SYMONS & CO.'S J f-9 Made from Ripe Apples CIDER FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." j t;iuiinl(E S- ,:Sti IG&IR^IJOOETPEIRO || ISJKro RE STORER. j THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from all IMPURITIES it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent Cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Eczema. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter From whatever cause arising. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheu- matic Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value.. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. "CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE is en- tirely free from any poison or metallic impreg- nation, does not contain any injurious ingredient, and is a good, safe, and useful medicine."—ALFRED SWAIN TAYLOR, M.D., F.R.S., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. "257, St. George's-road, Hall, Jan. 12, 1892. I thought it was my duty to let you know what Clarke's Blood Mixture has done for me. After suffering for three years with abscesses on my arm and leg, and the doctors not being able to do me any good, I am thankful to say, after taking a few bottles of your Clarke's Blood Mixture, I am restored to perfect health again, and would have the whole world know of your wonderful medicine.-Yours truly, "Miss HOUGHTON." 7, Canonbury-park, North, London, N., Jan. 13, 1892. I had a very bad arm for eight or nine months, and had medical advice, which did not benefit me much. I met a gentleman at the Crystal Palace, and he told me a friend of his had a carbuncle on his leg, and that your Blood Mixture cured him right out. He advised me to try it, which I did, and after taking four 2s. 9d. bottles, I am glad to tell you the place healed quite up, and I have not felt anything of it since. "I have no objection to your publishing this cure. "Yours faithfully, ".8.. UONNER. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities burst- ing through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health OUIU m DOtlltJS'iffS. t7u r'Mt',1 six times the quantity, lU-suhVelT^oTiT! cases*" °Ure 1D th<} grGat ma3°rifcy o £ long-standing By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. Write for the New Pamphlet on Skin and Blood Diseases, with full directions for diet, &c„ to Secretary, Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. Sent post free. 8 TRADE MARK-BLOOD MIXTURE. ASK FOR A CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, And do not be persuaded to take an imitation. THE FOR SKIN SOAP (for Delicate Skins), 8d., 10d., & 2/6 CREAM (for Itching, Face Spotsf&c^l/il 1/9, POWDER (for the Toilet, Nursery, &c.), 1/ 1/9 WATERPROOF SITO0TIN6 BOOTS 87/- K BOOTS ARE BEST. Nm MEN'S CITY LACE BOOTS (Waterproof Soles) 22/6 MEN'S PLIANT LACE BOOTS (Hand-welted) 23/6 t MEN'S PLIANT OXFORD SHOES ditto 18/6 tm NATURAL IACE BOOTS 82/6 Send drawing of foot standing, and Cash LAHT-fc!' A icm °- £ ^L17ered free in Great Britain. A reduction on two or more pairs.-HOLDEN BROS., 223 and 2231, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. PRICE LISTS POST FREE. I ilAT opwge MONEYabsoluMy WITHOUT SURETIES, townT or country!' °r 0ne month to three rears, in 00 T aTIl? STRAND BANK, AD V A wm i Strand, London, W.C. ADVANCE CASH, on day of application, from £ 20 to £ 2,000, on Note of Hand alone, A7«n ™ ™ At 6 Per cent- interest. tu1^, planrrwi?^lvln?„uitie;l' leases, policies, fumi- oradvanri7^'Ce'_T^e ban^s not connected with loan societies S^^hea^D^^m^T^qatro: BEST SITUATION IN CAIRO. WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION SANi™?ABS^0RT AT MODERATE CHARGES. DM^c™N^OuKT^appr°rdbyBoardofHealth- Electric Light thiWhrmt t S? %e mostapproved principles. g^-SgHghout, Lifts, Exquisite Cuisine and Cellars. CIGARS CompaniaGeneral, Ul^nOi/Silver-mouiited Pipes, 1I-, l/e, post free. TTlf^TTTMrA"!—porter' 8>lted Lion St..Norwich. -jti'spreading ernP?°?is surelyEczema- my friend, & his CURE FOR ECZEBLA^InWpr^to' CHEMIS,r. ExETEE,"foi W 1 AJlirto.— w anted,Collection of old Foreign Stamps, good price given. Collar S1 ^nys Road. A Preparation of powerful Merits whether A used for RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, COLDS AND COUGHS, or for PILES, ECZEMA AND SKIN DISEASES, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, BRIJISES' CHILBLAINS, CUTS, AND CHAPS- Always Gives the Utmost Satisfaction. ss < LORD CARRICK testifies- TT HO MOCEA cured him of Mr. H. M. V iW Bleeding Piles. STANLEY OV says— ■HHB LORD COMBER MERE HOMOCEA says- is a most soothing and V H O M O C E A did efficacious unguent. V. more good in Rheuma- tism than any other BISHOP TAYLOR ^A. embrocation he has skvs- ever tried. He has proved the healing V. in Flesh "Wounds and Bruises. SS Send for Pamphlets containing the above and many other Testimonials. HOMOCEA is not the coming remedy, but the remedy that has come. As a Lubricant for Athletes, Cyclists, frc., HOMOCEA is unequalled. Agency-21, HAMILTON SQUARE, BIRKENHEAD. Sold by Dealers in Medicine at l/ll & 2/9 per box. Free by Post for valite in Stamps. '< Local Agent-Mr. J. ROWLANDS, Central Supply Stores, Llangollen. 3977) Apr W These Remedies have stood the test of 'FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family use. THE PILLS Piltify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS hth! Bowbm, aad are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all ages. THE OINTMENT L LANDUl.41-^ SWELWNGS. ftnrl fnr all MITTTT PiwtaaBa it lias no e^U^. KwufartumMyat 78,MF OXFORD STREET, late 533, OxfirJp LONDON, SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. u' J.dYioe Gratia, at the a.bove a.ddress, daily between. tho hours of 11 Cot 4, or by letter. i. = m TOWER TEA 5 HIGHEST AWARDS, LONDON & PARIS. Registered Trade Mark ^oid only »n packets, each bearing both the Regis- • J, tered Trade Mark and the Signature TRUEST FLAVOR PRS 1,2 ^/4 II BBSR TEA- IN THE WORLD WIV n nn.T mAWL'D rvr, V WHOLESALE ONLY OF U G. EAr LOILR SIR^AI Tii.4 uOnIPANY, Ltd., 5, Jewry Street, LONDON, E.G. Agent in Llangollen: Mr. B. H; Matthews, Grocer, Briged Street. THE WALTON SCHOOL, LLANGOLLEN. PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS, THE PROFESSIONS, AND THE UNIVERSITIES. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO MEET OANDIDATES POR THE Mmm PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION TO- 2660) Rev- J- LIAS DA VIES, HEAD MASTER, f)LD- VIOLIN S—P01 fALE, 40 OLD YIOLIW« gOUTHPOM.-VICTOKIA HOTEL on tli* -Promenade and facing' the Pier. First-class lin+oi ^vfe:»excelIent cuistoe and™ S0UTHP0RT7=P3lASE~iBroT^r?^raft^ own Part-, Charming seaside family resort standii?- ^njiSandeqlL^ 0 "■ mjtsical oiall^M,^i,fN<?S* ORGANS, MEt.ODEONS, CONnFlfinir ?5d FIPE Sst™m Jict!ipi'1^spostfree- Music for Ilands Ba,Hl,m '?^S- Spe- hand ? anjp-maker bought or taken in exchange ~n 8 9aps> hand on sale cheap—.T. MnnB.¥ & CO.. second- J^BEEDEEN GRANITE MONUlffPWTQ Hard, when by the small 01 ■■SSSK? Wor]t considerable profits without any trouble whatever 7v,ay maAe genuine and straightforward. Write for Pamnhf/t ii,r{rouahl'J ] &ORDON & Co.. Cannon St. Buildings. J NEW MILLINERY AND FANCY DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, ALED HOUSE, MARKET STREET, LLANGOLLEN. MRS. WILLIAMS begs to announce that she. HAS OPENED the above premises With a Well-selected Stock of MILLINERY FANCY DRAPERY, HOSIERY, SMALLWARES, &c., and hopes, by personal attention combined with moderate charges, to obtain a share of the public patrona ge. GRIFFITHS', THE STORES, 5, CHURCH STREET, LLANGOLLEN, FOR J WILTSHIRE JJACOlSr & JJAMS, UyiLTSHIRE JJACOtf & JJAMS. WILTSHIRE BACON & HAMS. WILTSHIRE JgACON & JJAMS. WILTSHIRE gACON & H AMB. WILTSHIRE JgACON & HAMS. GRIFFITHS', THE STORES, FOR CHEDDAR CHEESE. CHEDDAR CHEESE. CHEDDAR CHEESE. FOR Q.ORGONZOLA CHEESE. G ORGONZOLA CHEESE. (JORGOKZOLA CHEESE. FOR KIEL & jpRESH G RAss B UTTERS, KIEL & FRESH (JBASS BUTTERS. KIEL & FRESH GRASS GUTTERS. FOR JNDIAN, CHINA & CEYLON rpEAS. INDIAN, CHINA & CEYLON T EAS., JNDIAN, CHINA & CEYLON TEAS. I WILL COMPARE FAVOURABLY WITH ANY I HOUSE IN THE TRADE FOR QUALITY AND MODERATION IN PRICES. EXTRA QUALITY & Low pRICES A SPECIALITY IN GENERAL GROCERY & PROVISIONS FLOUR AND BREAD, PATENT MEDICINES, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, ETC. AGENT FOR "MAZAWATTEE" TEAS & COFFEES. I aobnt Von AVONCHEEEA TEA at Is. 6d. per 11). GRIFFITHS', I THE STORES, 5, CHURCH STREET, LLANGOLLEN. RUSSELL'S Gold and Silver Watches, Russell's °latesta patented|1S^mDranU^aCtUre' with al] prices from < £ 3 to £ 235. They ai^h^ range in and perfect timekpenpi-a y handsome, strontr, and best va^e Tn Sl^f6^^ largest stock mediate profit between the' fng 110 inter* wearer. Sent free evervw^! ma.n^act»rer and the cost on receipt of draft or -R5sae11'8 risk and Pamphlet senf free onipplLS.0rder' Illu8trated WATCH REPAIRS PROMPT AND Estimates given and cost of carriage taken. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GEM, ENGAGEMENT, & WEDDING RINGS Finger-size Card sent free on application °m»*ST "sl,op?lut ■»»» • about PRESENTATIONS." I am prepared to quote exceptional prices for Good. of Guaranteed Quality. RUSSELLU T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET LIVERPOOL. (3833) PATENT GLAZIER WINDOW DECORATIONS. PATTERN BOOKS AND SPECIMENS TO BE SEEN AT HUGH JONES'S, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, LLANGOLLEN. All orders punctually attended to.