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1717" A WTTTlVrfi I an important T T x3LCT?JLl—I_X^I VA item in our domestio rp economy, and the J\_ JL sooner we adopt the only method of • » m ^-v -m m—a doing this comfortably and econo- I I I D VI frO mically with BRADFORD'S Latest • WASHING MACHINE—which is also an efficient WRINGER and MANGLE—the better. Write for latest Catalogue containing the testimony of hun- dreds of users; get one of these Machines yourself upon free trial for a month, and you will then also bear willing testimony. THOMAS BRADFORD & CO.. High Holborn, London Deansgate, Manchester; Bold Street. Liverpool. JARROLDS' NEW SERIES 3/6 NOVELS, BY POPULAR AUTHORS. (Uniform Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, Cloth. Postage 4JcZ. J. MRS. LEITH ADAMS' NOVELS. 1. LOUIS DRA.YCOTT. 2nd Edition. 2. OEOFFHEY STIRLING. 5th Edition. 3. BONNIE KATE. 2nd Edition. 4. A NEW OTHELLO. ByHoN. IZA DUFFUS HARDY. 2nd Edition. 5 THE MAID OF LONDON BRIDGE. By SOMERVILLE GIUKE*. 6: iiVELINE WELLWOOD. By MAJOR Noams PAUL. 7. OLD LATTIMER'S LEGACY. By J. S. FLETCHER. CURTIS YOKKE'S NOVELS. 8. THAT LITTLE GIRL. 4th Edition. 9. DUDLEY. 3rd Edition. 10. THE WILD RTJTHVENS. 3rd Edition. 11. THE BROWN PORTMANTEAU, and other Stories 2nd Edition. 12. HUSH! Srd Edition. 13. ONCE! 2nd Edition.. 14. A ROMANCE OF MODERN LONDON. 2nd Edition. 15. HIS HEART TO WIN. [Xow Ready.] 16. DARRELL CHEVASNEY. tin the Press.] 17. BETWEEN THE SILENCES. London: JARuOLD & SONS, 10 & 11, Warwick Lane, E.C. AND OF ALL BOOKSEI/LERS. CAQTl ST WEEKLY SERVICE from U .-<¡ V S b LONDON to the [IMF GQLD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA. a ■ a _I all information apply to the Managers, DONALD CURRIE & CO.. 3. Fenchurch Street. LONDON. or t) J. Clark, Cianel Street, Llangollen. fyTinlj I IMC for the SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD LltiL. FIELDS, THE ROYAL MAIL aiul INxEH^Ii^DIATE STEAMERS sail from Southampton every Saturday for South and East African Ports to Zanzibar. Cmls made at Lisbon, Madeira, and Canary Islands. Apply to THE UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Limited), Canute Road, Southampton, and South African House, 94 to 86. Bishopsgate Street Within. London. f^IGARS.—Excellently well-seasoned quality. yj £ 8—1000. Sample boxes of 50-8^. 6.1. FRKE OF DUTY and CAJUUAGE. Please write the address plainly to The Cigar Manufactory, Copenhagen, Golhcrsgade, 37. r EYE-SIGHT Cannot be Bought, hut it can be Saved by using CITONIA (Registered). THE BEST LOTION IN THE WOEU") For Tired, Sore, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes. Price Is. lid., or post free, Is. 3d., from the CITONIA CO., 70, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C PIANOS ERARD HARPS ERARD PI A N 0 S ASkthp Only Pianofortes used in all the Royal Palaces, the Prince affi^l Warrants to H.M. the Queen, T.E.H. Finest of Wales. Makers of the S. and ROYAL PIANOFORTE Makeko _18, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, LONLtpyr w HOT WATER BOILERS, PROPAGATORS, "AX FTTMIGATORS, &c„ &c. W> ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, STAMP C. TOOPE, F.R.H.S., & SON, Stepney Square, High Street. Stepney, London, E. HARDAWAY AND TOPPING (Late Boulogne-sur-Mer), FLUSHING, HOLLAND. Price List with all the latest market movements forwarded free on receipt of Post Card containing address. OLDEST FIRM OF TURF COMMISS!ON AGENTS IN THE WORLD. NO REPRESENTATIVES. MR. ALFRED CROOK, Turf Agent, -LT-H- OSTENDE, Executes Commissions and guarantees market prices ON AXJXI EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR ALFRED CROOK'S "PRICE RECORD" ^c^tfotfoi'aaciresb. ~~XJCUVC>XO-X'~O—.—-v — — + arrive in Ostende following day, and are answered by^eturn. DOUBLE EVENTS. STARTING PRICES. The Oldest established Turf Agency. TTNPUBLISHED TRADE RECIPES.?^^ One Stamp.—FIJATHER, Rutland Street, ChoritoTi-on-Mertlock. "OUFTURE CURED—S. J. SHERMAN, _ffVHernia Specialist, C4, Chancery Lane, London, and 2G, King Street. Manchester. Book on Rupture and Trusses post free. LONDON-THE NURSES' HOSTEL, J-i 27 & 28, Percy Street, W. Opened by Miss C. J. WOOD for the exclusive use of Trained Nurses. Apply to the Manager. BREAKF AST—SUPPER. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER ORJ!±L_ —— —-gj^' BOOKS m o 7NE^ BOOKS of TRAVEL, MEDICAL, 32 for September atgreatly reduced Prices, Post free. WILLIAM POTTER, 30, Exchange Street East, Liverpool. GWEETS SWEETS SWEETS !— the CHEAPEST HOUSE in THE TRADE is £ ? & C9;' and 181> Lambeth Walk, London, S.E. Weight< A lb": ■cJiUmp' 71b- ls- 7*d- Scales, Weights. Show-Glasses, &c. Five per cent, allowed on IMeelJst?freeS and upwards in lieu of carriage. Price Lists free. HA R N E S S.—Buy from the Makers and save money. THE LONDON, AND SOUTHERN COUNTIES ■ INVESTMENT, ADVANCE, AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, LIMITED (Established 1886). Offices: 379, Strand, London, W.C. Bms ^counted at moderate rates. ?uEaSrly%Tlncorn! Per rjlHE STOCK EXCHANGE NEWS, 217, Piccadilly Circus, London.—Indispensable to Investors and Speculators. Sent free on demand Jti AM JU A A, 330,nker, POBERT DE MERA, Banker, 217, Piccadilly Circus, London. »x Interest allowed on Deposits At One Month's Notice 8 na. J'. Months' Notice 9 per cent' At Six Months' Notice .WW; 10 plr £ nt. For One Year 12 per cent. Interest paid Monthly. Interest paid Monthly. il THE DRINK CRAVE CURED < BY A NEW REMEDY, T Discovered by an English Explorer, t?* '1 Stakes, F.C.S., said he coula find no poison, ^or particulars^ send stamped addressed envelope to -A.. J. E. GLIDDOX, 18, Pall Mall East, London. S.W. MCCALL'S PAYSANDU OX TONGUES ™ IN TINS, llllas. to 3ilbs. Each. XnVERT VISITOR TO LONDON Should see the MARVELLOUS PANORAMA nf NIAGARA FALLS IN WHITER, AT NIAGARA HALL, ST. JAMES' PARK STATION Two minutes' walk from Westminster Abbey. OPEN DAILY FROM 10 to 10. ADMISSION 1/ The AllMIDil 'TBDE NEW YORK CIGARETTE) HAS TAKEN COMMAND. Valuable Coupons in each packet. FRYER and COULTMAN, XONDOIST, E.C. SIDNEY GEO. PIT FIELD, —— STOCK AND SHARE DEALER, IiEADENHAliL CHAMBERS, LONDON, E.O. Telegraphic address: "Forficnla, London." Stocks and Shares dealt in on cover system. LOSS limited to amount of cover deposited. PROFIT unlimited. commands £ 500 Stock, or the equivalent in Shares Correspondence invited on all Stocks dealt iH on^he London Stock Exchange. Prompt telegrams free of charge. I THE'COMING WAR I mm At certain seasons of the year, RUMOURS OF WAR fill the air with their _J^ ^Pl Trumpet notes and the public mind with apprehension, North, South, Bast and West, re-echo the blatant sounds and even the best informed politicians fail to ggjr II predict what may happen, and yet, how often, after all this fuss and fear nothing whatever comes of it. k jt But this is by no means the case with a fell enemy of our own, who advances g each winter, with ruthless regularity, whose march is heralded by no flourish of ► vB trumpets, whose force displays no martial pomp, but the progress of vvhom m ii throughout the length and breadth of the land is betrayed by an indiscriminate g and stupendous" slaughter. This enemy is DISEASE OF THE CHEST, > THROAT, and LUNGS, the pest of our country, and deadliest foe of its S inhabitants, it confronts us now, and the attacks it will*, inevitably deliver, w together with the resistance we hope successfully to offer, constitute the | | Jt exigencies of the coming war. 2B To what agencies, then, are we to look for deliverance, and to what arm shall ^gj we entrust our main defence ? In reply, we point without hesitation to jgF mm mm | FRANCIS'S BALSAM I y The one "Great Hero Remedy of the age" f for all Diseases of the Chest and Lungs, j is In this well-known preparation the public possess a reliable and infallible ^L.|| specific against this human scourge. Its victories are as certain as its might is g majestic. The first dose affords prompt and instant relief and perseverance y ^Egg provides patients a permanent cure It quickly removes Coughs, Colds, S LJ1 Tightness of the Chest, Hoarseness, Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting » of Blood, and all those dangerous and alarming symptoms which, if neglected, E" y Isl and FRANCIS'S BALSAM NOT taken in time, will lay the foundation of fatal SfHf ^Zlj prostration, acute inflammation and hopeless decline. „ pa The great battles of the coming war will be >4 FRANCIS'S BALSAM against ASTHMA. "k A FRANCIS'S BALSAM against BRONCHITIS >1 FRANCIS'S BALSAM against COUGHS. "T >| FRANCIS'S BALSAM against COLDS. JB8 With the glorious reputation this medicine has attained, it is almost quite needless to predict the result. Suffice it to say, that one single trial will convince |§jr MB the most sceptical of the perfect accuracy of our statements. The all-subduing ~[ power of FRANCIS'S BALSAM in the above-mentioned complaints has caused an unbroken A B C of success, and to pursue our figurative analogy slightly further, we inform all whom it' may concern that in the Alphabetical Dictionary §1 of Medical fame FRANCIS'S BALSAM always spells gpr VICTORY I i C| Sold in I o l&S a" Patent SF ^B| Bottles M>l ft Medicine Dealers, LARGEST SELECTION IN THE TRADE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. OnnTHI I DIRECT FROM THE MILLS.—Newest Styles in Tweeds, Harris, Homespun Xi t.1 1 B I Meltons, Beavers, Serges, &c. Fishing, Shooting, and Hunting 1 weeds a OUU I 1J i I Speciality. Also, Homespun, Clan Tartan, and Serge Costume Cloths for Ladies, specially woven in all the Latest Novelties. 50 PER CENT. SAVED BY M m AVOIDING INTERMEDIATE PROFITS—Travelling Rugs, Shepherds Mauds "¥"1 II J p || f| Blankets, Flannels, Shirtings, Knitting Yarns, &c. Do your Shopping direct by 8 Ills ff" 1" I I post, thus obtaining Goods of acknowledged Excellence at First Cost. | gf LL O O Patterns Free. <zrame this paper) All Parcels Paid. ■" CURRIE, M'DOUGAIjL, & SCOTT, Langhaugh Mills, Galashiels, N.B, TTTAAT VATR —Irtirmers and own Wool Made into any of the above all Farts. Agents Wa^oP^ °ania=e ot "A. —^ "(3ga5 4.V O R. HUGHES Llangollem. R. HUGHES, Watch -Jl-ctitufactitrer, OASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, BEGS respectfully to call the attention of the D public to his extensive stock of WATCHES AND CLOCKS, The lowest and best in the Principality. le is, therefore, able to sell as cheap as any house in the trade. All Watches and Clocks are guaranteed. large selection of GOLD and SILVER CHAINS at the lowest prices. Also, a first-class stock of every description of GOLD RINGS and JEWELLERY. Clocks and Watches repaired and cleaned. (491 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. JJEECHAM'S PILLS, TDEEC HAM'S PILLS, JJEECHAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be T^jyORTH A GUINEA A BOX. v v ^yORTII A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For females of all ag s they are invaluable. No female should be without them. There is not a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are nsured by their use. JJEECHAM'S PILLS. B EECHAM'S PILLS B EECIIAM'S PILLS. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long.lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the world. B EECHAMIS MAGIC COUGH PILLS. -DEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. JJEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bron- chial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the Public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person t?ive BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens Lancashire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. IN BOXES, 9id., Is. lid,, AND 2s. 9d. EACH. ——— 106) FULL DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN WITH EACH Box JOHN DAVIES, IRONMONGER, LLANGOLLEN, BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS NEW STOCK OF -LAMPS- FOR THIS SEASON, WHICH ARE ON VIEW AT THE TY COCH SHOWROOMS, And comprise the Newest Patterns, ranging in prices from 5d. to £ 2 each. AN INSPECTION INVITED. WnOAII 118, BRIDGE STREET, bUUtl.U 17, 19, 21, and 23, OAK STREET LLANGOLLEN. Home Halt not ontp for Malta, but tljrmtijljmit tbt wholt llorlit. DWI JOY REIGNS WHERE THESE DISCOVERIES ARE KNOWN. The Tens of Thousands who have been relieved of their torturing pains and misery in every shape and form, and also the Thousands who have been snatched from the jaws of Death, wish that a RULE should be immediately established, not only in every home in Wales, but throughout the World, viz.That "LEWIS' SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES" should be used wherever there is a home, as they are undoubtedly the BEST, SAFEST CHEAPEST, and MOST EFFICACIOUS of all Medicines yet discovered. By establishing this "HOME RULE" your Health will be fully insured, and you will join with us in saying that LEWIS' LEWIS' us VEGETABLE BITTERS RHEUMATIC ESSENCE DDIC CCrinVniMIACTU VD nrn Is the only safe and certain remedy for rnlr rtUUTullilMC I n YK UcS, Rheumatism (Acute and Chronic), Gout, Is the only reliable remedy for Sciatica, Lumbago, Stiff Joints Swollen Neuralgia, Ticdoloreux, Toothache, Faceache, Limbs, &c. Indigestion, Headache, Heartburn, Depression bsbbt- -TUP NRNT m of Spirits, Disturbed Sleep, Liver Complaint, THE BEST BL000 PURIFIER. Muscular Weakness, Fits, Nervous Disorders, N.B.—External applications, such as Oils, Influenza, Piles, and Gravel. Liniments, Embrocations, &c\, are useless in the _„xe, TjimrruDo treatment of Rheumatism, &c., as it is impossible ga^T XJIS w lo i>lf iJaKB is the most success- ±or sucl1 to strike at the root of the evil. ful specific and preventive in the epidemic of Influenza; N.B.—LEWIS' RHEUMATIC ESSENCE ? ,;1.spoc mo ladies between the ages of 40 has never been known to fail, even in the and 60. N.B.-NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. worst possible cases, after a fair trial. Can be obtained of all Chemists and Medicine SOLD EVERYWHERE Vendors at 2/9 per bottle, or post free from the At 2/9 per bottle, or post free from the proprietor. proprietor.. SINCE LEWIS' ARE THE BEST, NONE OTHER CAN BE AS GQODT TF"fcTC^^QE/ Kjp |i^ f Do not allow other Remedies, said to be quite as good JKJL .A ■ 9 AS LEWIS', to be palmed off upon you by unprincipled persons, for the sake of a larger profit; if you do, you must expect to be disappointed. See that you get what you ask for, and that the name LEWIS' TYDDYNDU, is engraved upon the Government stamp affixed to every wrapper outside, without which none are genuine. 1-1 N.B.-If you experience any difficulty in procuring the above, send postal order direct to the proprietor, and the bottle will be sent by return of post, as thousands are sent every year. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii||ll„lliullj|||iII||I!I1![ji(||||||i[|i{|i|i|| SOLE PROPRIETOR AND ORIGINATOR: JOHN LLOYD LEWIS, Manufacturing Chemist & Bonesetter, ABERAYRON, be WALES. District Agent:-Mr. JofwfRowlancfs, The Centra Supply Stores, Llangollen.