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TEAS & COFFEES. THE PUREST & BEST TEAS, OF GREAT DELICACY AND STRENGTH, Direct from the GARDENS of INDIA, CHINA, & CEYLON, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. COFFEES FROM THE CHIEF PLANTATIONS, Direct from the Grower to the Consumer. ROASTED ON THE PREMISES, AND ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO MIDDLE PROFITS. BENSON & Co., 74J HIGH STREET& 35, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, And 21, CROSS STREET, OSWESTRY. PLEASE OBSER VE. We give SPECIAL ATTENTION to the Selection and Blending of our TEAS; therefore, the public may rely 'upon obtaining from us GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. We have just introduced a SPECIAL TEA at U per pound, Splendid Value. TRY -IT. ALSO TEAS AT Is. 4d. & Is. 6d. PER LB. Qur. Is. 8d. TEA will be fogad cqwal-tS""iifuoir sold at 2s. Our 2s. 6d. is Delicious, the Pick of the Market. Bar A TRIAL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ELLIS EVANS, FAMILY GROCER, Flour Dealer & Provision Merchant, REGENT STREET, LLANGOLLEN. 3744; RUSSELL'S Gold and Silver Watches, Their own pure English manufacture, with all *>u.ssell's latest patented improvements, range in Prices from £ 3 to £ 235. They are handsome, strong, n<^ perfect timekeepers represent the largest stock best value in England, there being no inter- calate profit between the manufacturer and the earer. Sent free everywhere at Russell's risk and ost on receipt of draft or post order. Illustrated a*nphlet sent free on application. ATCli REPAIRS PROMPT AND PERFECT. Estimates given and cost of carriage taken. THE LARGEST STOCK OF DIAMOND, GEM, ENGAGEMENT, & WEDDING RINGS Finger-size Card sent free on application. ONLY BUY DIAMONDS in shops that have a good north-west aspect; you can form no judgment about quality or value in any other light. c PRESENTATIONS." I am prepared to quote exceptional prices for Goods of Guaranteed Quality. RussELI/S. T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO TIIE QUEEN, OATIIEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. (3833) CATARRH, UAY FEVER, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS A NEW HOME TREATMENT. are cm15ferS-are no^ f?cnerally aware that these diseases livi *glOU8>.or ^at are due to the presence n°se anrl pa^asi,t?s is the lining membrane of the Mier eus.tachion tubes. k0 a fapfCOpi? research, however, has proved this to been form^ + i resu^ that a simple remedy has are raDidl J hereby these distressing diseases aPolionfi^J a permanently cured by a few simple Weeks a ma<^e ak home by the patient once in two sent nn Pamphlet explaining this new treatment is DIJ on receipt of a 2td. stamp by A. hutton Scirnu* A 45 East Bloor St., TORONTO, Canada.— ilVlc American. (3832) p- A R. HUGHES Llangollen, R.HUGHES, ^TATCH MANUFACTURE R, Q A Y J- E S T j, r*- LLANGOLLEN, BEGS respectfully to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of WATCHES AND CLOCKS, The lowest and best in the Principality. He is, therefore, able to sell as cheap as any house in the trade. All Watches and Clocks are guaranteed. large selection of GOLD and SILVER CHAINS at the lowest prices. Also, a iirst-class stock of every description of GOLD RINGS and JEWELLERY. Clocks and Watches repaired and cleaned. (4914 O/Eu. By Special Appointment to Her Majesty the Queen E. LETTSOME & SONS, p ORTRAIT AND pANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHERS, PICTURE-FRAME MAKERS, Victoria Place q Castle Street, Llanyollen. BRANCHES — Market Street, Ruthin. Hall Street, Rhos. Bridge Street, Corwen. The Studio, Cefn. Groupes and Residences Photographed on the shortest notice. Ladies taken in the Welsh Costume. Large Selection of Photographic Views in the Vale of Llangollen. Enlargements by all the latest processes finished in Oil and Water Colours. R. T. JONES, ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, BUILDER, LLANGOLLEN. PLANS and Specifications prepared on the shortest notice, and at reasonable terms. Residential Address — 16, WEST STREET. ROBERTS & EVANS, (Late Robert Evans) Carpenters, Wheelwrights, AND Blacksmiths, OAK ST., LLANGOLLEN. WHEELS AND CARTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE, REPAIRED, TRIMMED, AND PAINTED ON THE PREMISES. SHOEING and AGRICULTURAL 1MPLE- MENTS MADE and REPAIRED. ESTIMATES GIVEN. GOOD WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED. 364 1" I .( THE DOCTOR SAYS: rr —■—, I'll give you a prescription DOCTOR BRIGHT I R ,I X 1 OFFICE- HOURS J for that cold." His fee is 5/ and his Inscription costs perhaps 2/- ,ore. ir Nine times out of ten he ii, give you the same curative drugs that are found in FRANCIS'S BALSA. A Lft- A In this famous remedy wd have combined the standard and best-known healing substances, and know by actual ex- perience that it is a specific (or Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Incipient Consumption. Try it and prove it. -l. Sold Everywhere, in II- and 2/6 Bottles. .— k——^ Cures Coughs and Bronchitis. I I I; > 7A7 Lk These Remedies have stood the test of FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, | And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family uco. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS and BOWELS, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all arcs. THE OINTMENT ° j Is the only reliable remedy for BAD LEGS. SOlms, ULCERR, ftnd Or.o V,"fvjNr.T, j j for BRONCHITIS, SORE TnuoAT3, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, I1I:^U.:U.A 1 GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, and for all SKIN DISEASES it lias ro couul. Ifauufaotured only at 73, NEW OXFORD STREET, laic 533, Oxford Ct.,L0i:rj| F. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WOT.LD. JI I i Advico Gratis, at the above address, daily between tho hours of 11 dc l, or by letter. s0\ II L =. -:=!\ ELLIS'S TABLE WATERS. SOLE ADDRESS :— R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. LONDON AGENTS: W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. RECKITT'S PT See that you get it! Q I IB [J AS BAD MAKES ABE OFTEH SOLD. DLUJLi LARGEST SELECTION IN THE TRADE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 0 f\ HTH S B DIRECT PROM THE MILLS.—Newest Styles in Tweeds, Harris, Homespun, Bill H Meltons, Beavers, Serges, &c. Fishing, Shooting, and Hunting Tweeds a IjlJII | I I I | Speciality. Also, Homespun, Clan Tartan, and Serge Costume Cloths for Ladies, W ■ VII specially woven in all the Latest Novelties. 50 PER CENT. SAVED BY -em* B B B- ■-> AVOIDING INTERMEDIATE PROiTTS —Travelling Rugs, Shepherds' Maude, X\ ft I j § n 0 Blankets, Flannels, Shirtings, Knitting Yarns, &c. Do your Shopping direct by 1 1 ill |» I- I I post, thus obtaining Goods of acknowledged Excellence at First Cost. I W LLUO. Patterns Free. (Name this paper J All Parcels Paid. > CURRIE, M'DOUGALL, & SCOTT, Langhaugh Mills, Galashiels, N.B. ATT NOTE.—Farmers and others can have own Wool Made into any of the above .ixljJU YT yjyj Lii at Reduced Prices. We Pay Carriage of Wool and Finished Goods from and to all Parts. Agents Wanted. (3893) ESTABLISHED 1812. HT" REDUCTION IN PRICES. Plooef,o.- & Ryland's BONE MANURES, Prepared for TURNIPS, BARLEY, GRASS, OATS, WHEAT, POTATOES, &c. Also SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WorksSALTNEY, CHESTER. OfficesBIRMINGHAM. AGENTS MIl. GODFREY PARRY, CARIIOG, CORWEN; MR. W. GRIFFITHS, Cross Keys, Chirk; MR. JOS. LLOYD, Miller, St. Asaph; MR. J. J. BANCROFT, Ruthin; MR. EDWD. GRIFFITHS, Junr., Knockin MR. R. NEWELL, 3, Snowdon Street, Portmadoc. Revised List, with Particulars (If Prizes offered for Root Crops in 1893, post free on application. (3875) THE WALTON SCHOOL, LLANGOLLEN. PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS, THE PROFESSIONS, AND THE UNIVERSITIES. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO AIEET CANDIDATES FOR THE MINISTRY PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION TO- Rev. J. LIAS DAVIES, (2660) HEAD MASTER. j /• FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." |J j ||lB^^iLD3^Sra: || RESTORER, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from all IMPURITIES it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent Cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Eczema. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter From whatever cause arising. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheu- matic Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. "CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE is en- tirely free from any poison or metallic impreg- nation, does not contain any injurious ingredient, and is a good, safe, and useful medicine."—ALFRED SWAIN TAYLOR, M.D., F.R.S., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. 257, St. Georgo's-road, Hull, Jan. 12, £ 1892. I thought it was my duty to let you know what Clarke's Blood Mixture has done for me. After suffering for three years with abscesses on my arm and leg, and the doctors not being able to do me any good, I am thankful to say, after taking a few bottles of your Clarke's Blood Mixture, I am restored to perfect health again, and would have the whole world know of your wonderful medicine.—Yours truly, "Miss HOUGHTON." 7, Canonbury.park, North, London, N., Jan. 13, 1892. I bad a very bad arm for eight or nine months, and had medical advice, which did not benefit me much. I met a gentleman at the Crystal Palace, and he told me a friend of his had a carbuncle on his leg, and that your Blood Mixture cured him right out. He advised me to try it, which I did, and after taking four 2s. 9d. bottles, I am glad to tell you the place healed quite up, and I have not felt anything of it since. "I have no objection to your publishing this cure. "Yours faithfully, "A. BONNER." IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities burst- ing through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Sold in bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, lls.-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. Write for the New Pamphlet on Skin and Blood Diseases, with full directions for diet, &c., to Secretary, Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. Sent post free. TRADE MARK-BLOOD MIXTURE. ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, And do not be persuaded to take an imitation. ROBERT FRANCIS, r-AMlLY UROCMK, BAKER & CONFECTIONER, CASTLE ST., LLANGOLLEN. Home-made Bread FREE FROM ADULTERATION. MINCE PIES, MEAT PIES, AND BERLINS DAILY. CURRANT, SULTANA, SEED, and MADEIRA CAKES OF THE BEST QUALITY. Note the Address- ROBERT FRANCIS, FAMILY GROCER, BAKER & CONFECTIONER, CASTLE ST., LLANGOLLEN. THE ARCHITECT & CONTRACT REPORTER. Established nearly a Quarter of a Century. rrHE ARCHITECT AND CONTRACT JL REPORTER has a large and influential circulation amongst Architects, Builders, Contractors, and the wealthy classes of the public, and has been found to be a very valuable medium of publicity. The ARCHITECT & CONTRACT REPORTER contains a larger number of Tenders and Contracts Open than any other paper. The whole of Prout's valuable Plates of Continental Architecture are appearing in THE ARCHITECT as two-page Permanent Ink Photos on Plate Paper,and are given in addition to the ordinary Architectural or Fine Art Illustrations. Weekly, price 4d. Published by P. A. GILBERT WOOD, 175, Strand, London, W.C. I BEATTYS' CELEBRATED ORGANS AND PIANOS. For Catalogues, address DANIEL F, BEATTY, WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY RflH nnn nni Q BEATTY'S Organs at Bargains JUUjUUU UULO. por particulars, catalogue, ad- dress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. BEATTY'S ORGANS ■ Catalogue. Address— Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. RPATTV'Q Dl AM HQ use everywhere. For Dun I I I 0 rlnllUOi Catalogue, address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. (3551) MR. E. EDWARDS, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, 1, Chapel Street, Llangollen.