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E. LETTSOME & SONS, J) O K T K A I '1' AND I A N L> ,S C A I PUOTOG RAPIIERS, Fictllrc Frame Makers e": Picture Do.Jer •. GROUPS A XD HLSfDENCVS TAKEN ON Tin: MI^KTEST NOTICE. CASTLE STREET & VICTORIA PLACE. LLANUOLLION TIJI-I C <) R W E N I T And MARKET STREET, RUTHIN. I) EFOU E BUY IN (J A WATCII J) -ANY VVHKK-E, write for "The Illus- trated Pamphlet." sent fre^ OIL A pli<-a,'ion by the" Li\HGEST W A'L\ II MANUFAC- ri uuek." FIKII Founded 1741 \V"fCI-f i- £1 TO £1.00. F— <1 YOUr WATCH ami JKW KLLKHY UEPAHaS by P>-ft, Rt ivi!, which will bo pivi n on'y to Si.i] ul Workmen. Estimates prut before doing the W lk, and I take Risk and Cost of Carriage back. T. n. RUSSELL (MAKER to the Queen), CATHEDRAL WORKS, IS, CHURCH ST., LIVERPOOL. ( ) Sent free for 3 stamps to pay postage. NERVOUS DEBILITY; its Causes and Cur"; Marriage awl its Impediment- Just out, a new Mod'eal Work by Dr. E. Haughton, and J- Nelson, containing chapters oil Health. its restoration, logs of vigour, etc., also over 100 valuable presc.r; p1 im) R for self-' refitment (; r V'1rÏ:;t: S com pIa in t s, Should be read by all who value heal h, strength and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old auo. Address: Mr. J. NEJ.EON, Mcdica) HMIJ, Man'-hestrr. aii'isi Money LENT WITHOUT HILLS OF SALE. NO SUHRTIKS R HOEih'Ei >. ON PROMISSORY NOTE ALuNE, HKPAll) BY EASY INSTALMENTS. EVERY CONS;L)Kb ATION AND FAIR TREATMENT. NUMEROUS BORROWERS for YEARS PAST HAVE APPROVED, & BEEN BKNEKITED. If v:ilh Suret ies, 7 per cent, 11 r year, Repaid from 1 to 5 years. Moiigagts negotiated, 4 to 5 per cent. Scr.d Starr-peti cddicsM d Envelope with IV IJ pnrficu- birs to Mr. Pr- rco Jot es's Residence, Shrewsbury House. Creseeiv Ro.V, Rhyl, or call there any Monday or Friday. Infcnnation free. Personal nttenrlnnenat ttG ClI, stcr c fiice, Tuesdays and- Saturday s. (_251) ATT. MTN WHO WISH TO MARRY AND -—; HT: BE HAPPY SHOULD SKE THE MAGIC MIRROR Sent fr e to any part of the World en receipt of name and address, 8, Fitz Square, Sheffield. Don '4 ALL MEN. it costs nothing. Please no,me this paper, (2107a) NERVOUS DEBILITY.—GRATIS, a Worlv, show?rig sufferers how they may be 'tired wi I:out the ."id of Quacks..Free on reecipt of ^■•Postngp stemp—Address, S<cre,tary, Inst.i'nte of "*WKnjmyv Utrnrtuftianv" (2011) WHAT IS TRUTH V 'PHU i li is a solid "FACT," more solid than the ■ granite rock it is the richest coin of the purest Rietal.froe from alloy of every description. The shaft of cuy.3' wiH not face it, neither will the shots of prc- u ee <>!)ter it. It ;s surrounded on all sides by a nou,sand foes but each and all, without cxcep- tlon, are mute beneath its piercing glance. IT is A FACT, AS SOLID AS XHIi ABOVE, THAT BE EC HAM'S BILLS, Whicli have been before the Public for thirty years, "live now become one of the loading Patent Medicines the present day. From North to South, a.nd from j'jast to West, they are to be found in the homes of he rich and the poor. All classes of society use tl°m, and they are by thousands declared to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, and £ pen ail obstructions, and bring about all that is Oquired. No female should be without tliein. There p Mo medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S ILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity the system. If taken according to the directions gten with each box, they will soon restore females ° all ages to sound and robust health. j. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all II. 1sorders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC," lld a few doses will be found to work wonders on the °st important organs in the human machine. They .lengthen the whole muscular system, restore the complexion, bring back the keen edge of petite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD » health, the whole physical energy of the human These are "FACTS "admitted by thousands, ^bracing all classes of society ai;d one of the best f^antecs to the Nervous and Debilitated is, •^CHAM'S PILLS have the LARGEST SALE of y Patent Medicine in the World. B E E C II A M 1 S PILLS & admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea v<r- ox> ^or Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as (Wu,i and Pain in the Stomach, S'ck Headache, -oss, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness ^j^rowsineso, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss t'petite, Shortness of Breath, Costive imss, Scurvy ljf batches of the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frighttul A'r.eatns' arl<' a'l Nervous and Trembling Sensations, •> &e. The first does wii) giv. relief ui twenty hllJtes 0f Il's is no fiction, for they have done it in thousand. c.ases. The Proprietor of these Pi.Is having c!i. t|Ul0(l g'"eat expense a Patent for them, he e Y'ges the whole world to produce a medicine to "l0,u ^'or rciuoviiiK '.heatiove-named complamts. resljoring the pai ieui to sound and lasting health. thp01' suHerer is earnestly invited to try one Box oi l)8e"l>ills, and they will be a -knowindeed to be 'i'liB RIGHT THING IN THE IUUHT PLACK ^t-AoTiON.—The I'tibli-c are requested, to notice that de 0l'ds [icechaiii's Pith, St. Helens," are on the "erntnenj IS lump affixed to ectch I lose of the l'iils; ij 1.0n, they a.re a forgery. tjj ^Po-rod only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by 1^ y'uprictor, THOMAS llEECHAil, St. Helens, J>0 'hh'e, in JJoxes, Is. Ijd. and 2s. I'd. each. Sen1 x, ,Let' 15 or 36 Stamps. li ,i o.y ah Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers tj r|ited Kingdom. '• Full directions arc given with eacli box. (10(3) GENTS WANTED to SELL the Home •f ()" ,'• ruu.Ju-e \Vashing .M:iohiiio. Moderate Cost. Cannot get out toj.'i, -er'. "ecjaives labouv and soap than any in use. Liberal Address, A..Smith, 90, Bristol Road, Birmingham, CHOICE & GFNUINE FLOWEII SEEDS. 18 SEPARATE PACKETS of all the popular kinds, iu? udiuS Finest Imported German Stocks Asters, U'. TV'.x- &O. ON.i SHILLING, POST FREE. BALL, Bedford Itoad J\ursories, Northampton. ¡. I laul thouUVe a remedy for the above disease; by its use hftVe8})11^8 cases worst kind and of long standing that T6en curc^- Indeed, so strong is my faith in its efficacy, Send TW0 BOTTLES FREE, together with an Djaea NEW AND VALUABLE TREATISE on this any Ruffurer- Give Address in full. Dr. T. A. > B, Plum Tree Court, Farringdon Street, Londoa. WALRER's "Crystal Case" -NVATCHES iSSai^'ed for accuracy & durability. PrizeMedals, &lvpr^P5i 1 t* K^lesa half Chronometers. ent-lIt.London. New Illustrated CatlÙo e aentfr Or_ RUPTURE CU.P,-E Treatment.—Bit. J. A. SHERMAN, Author of the Popular American Metlioci, is now in London. What the Patients think of it: Mr. Henry James, Farleigh Road, Stoke Newington, Lon- Mr. E. Lock, 20, Grnnsden Avenue, Hackney, London, E., don, N., writes: "Your Appliance gives great support, and is says: Since he applied to Dr. Sherman he has had no trouble most comfortable, and the Curative I consider wonderful—I from his rupture, and his general health is improving." /.?v feel you are bringing about a cure of the rupture 1 have suuerea Xslr. Simoon Ballard, 291., West Ferry Road, Millvvall, Lon- from during 19 YEARS." don, E.t wlio^ brolht.r died from strangulated rupture, is A. "Wreford, Baker and Grocer, 17, Oxiorci tetreet, vising tlie tieatmenc with great improvement. Weston-super-Mare, is improving under the treatment, ana is Mr. Geo. Rick, 10, Chandos Road, Stratford, London, after willing to correspond with sufferers who desire cure. Buffering from rupture 10 years, applied to Dr. S. for treat- Dr. S.*s BOOK, with endorsements ofPhysicians, oiergy- ment. and since is highly ulea-:ed with his improvement and men, Merchants, and ethers who have been treacea, prospects of cure. POST !FjaE £ .J3flice64, Chancery Lane, London,.C. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. W. CORKE, While thanking his Customers fur past favour?, wishes to announce that he has RE MOVED From 17, CHuacn STREET, TO 2, PRICE'S SQUARE, CHURCH ST. BOOTS AND SHOES OF LEATHER OR GUTTA PERCIIA REPAIRED WITH EITHER WITH NEATXESS AND DESPATCH. CHARGES STBICTLY I.I.DMHATM. (2323) I C II A R D J E W I S SMOKE DOCTOR-, PRACTICAL CHIMNEY SWEEPER, AND FLUE CLEANER, 41, Church Street, Llangollen. All orders will receive prompt attention. (2:321) Ruptures Ruptures TT HHP I??Q PATENT X i v./ i./ I J Self-dju.siing A UTOJ1AT1C R I ■< I > J" T Q Q SOFT RUBBER Shell JL A\ U OU Is the mc<t perfect "-HI ever exatniii> d."—Medical Press and Circular, Oct. 21- lSSG. ITODGR S Patent; Truss is the most comfortable a-nd ellec ive iruoo ir i vi t, ela-tie prns>ure, a, vet; I'hai.tigK Iv adaot-itsi Jf re < v to the movements of she botiy."—Lancet, Oct. or.I, 1885. V. ry ingenious and successful truss "—British Medic d Journal, May 23rd, 1883. WITHOUT enlarging the open:ng as conicd pnd aro apt 10 while its resiliency ensures the pad ke.erin' jis piaee without exerting injurious pressure." —Medical limes, Oct. 10th, 1885. "POSSESS dec:de i adyant ige both in etBcroncy and comfort over all others with which we arc; ed." — L've pool Medical Journal, January llh, 188(). "A very ingenious tmsn."—Edinburgh Medical Journal, L, Ii. 1st, 18SG. hescnption, a, BlctiUj e.1 Addressed Envelope, ITODGE & Co., A r;ny Truss Makers, oh, Oxford Street, Lon Jon. Fa.otory—IS Jetties Street, W. (181)5. _n" ACCIDENTS AT HOME AND AHHOAD, RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY, INSUltED AGAINST BY THE J) AIL WAY pASSENGERS' ^SSURANCE COMPANY, 61, CORN HILL. LONDON, INCOME, .82IG,000. COMPENSATION PAID FOR 118,000 ACCIDENTS = £ 2,350,000. MODERATE PRE \11UMS-FAVOUR A OLE CONDITIONS. PROlVIP rAND LIBERAL SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS. Chairman: IIARVIE M. FARQUitAR. ESQ. West-End OfHco: S, GRAND HO'lEL BUILDINGS. W.C.; Head Office; la, COR MI ILL, LONDON, E.C. \VILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. (2059) tipY LAUFZ CO 'OVED P E SPECTACLES v. BLINDNESS. THE HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES, CONFIRMED BY DAILY EXPERIENCE, PROVI'- THAT COMMON AND IMPERFECT G LASSES ARE THE FREQUENT CAUSE OF IMPAIRED VISION. AND IN MANY CASES RUINED SIGHT AND BLINDNESS. HENRY LAURANGE'S IMPROVED SPEC- IACLjI1/\> are scientifically adapted to the dilf rent dettut" of \ifior, and are a boon to thuse needing Optica ASH-fa ee. Extracts from letters received. The late sm, JULIUS BENEDICT wrote The clearness of Hen y Lauranee's 0:1580. as coinpai'i d with others is re l:y suri.rising." DR. RADCLIFFE, consulting Physician to <heWe«-t- minster .Hospital, writes:—"No coutr vanoe could possibjV uit better." T. EY TON JONES, ESQ, M.D., F, ¡¿ C S., Edinburg h Grosvenor L^dj/e, Wrexham, writs:— have hei n supplied wi. h a j'ciir of Henry Laurance's Spectacles, and am glad to be able to bear testi- m. u to their value. They aid tt e si-ht without di-lr. ssmg the vision however long worn," aUNVMUDS OF SIMILAR TESTIMONIALS have ue'?4¡ received from ) ersons who e sight has been benefited, by their use when all others have fai ed A lengthened list can be had gratis on application to he Aill i. N r FOB, LLANGOLLEN-HUGH JONES, Stationer 4' Optician. All Spectacles Stamped H. L. (1860) npo HORSE-& STOCK 0W!sTEES.-MixedCorn —™- fbe=t fi cheapest i'efd in Lend ii for horses Si. all cattle) £ '7 per ton.or7/6cwt,delivereo free to rall, sacks g-iven in).Terms net cash; cheques,&c., crossed "Union Bank." LONDON HORSE & CATTLE MM CO., 153, Cheapsidp. Est. 1859. Samples on Application. AWARDED PRIZES AT THE NATIONAL EISTEDDVODAU FOR CARVED OAK CHAIR?, & C'. t- ra A. & M. E. ROBERTS, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE JOHN ROBERTS,) g CABINET MAKERS, EAST STREET, LLANGOLLEN, f) EG to announce that they arc now prepared a-' to Manufacture ANY ARTICLE OF FURNITURE TO O RDER. ESTIMATES_ON APPLICATION. Repairs done neatlv and expeditiously, at fair prices. (2227.) WATKIN & DA VIES, p LUMBERS, QLAZIERS, p A INTERS. HOUSE D E C O R A T O R S SIGN WRITERS, GILDERS, AND PA PERHANGEHS, CHAPEL STREET, ttAKOOLI.EN. ( 7} BUY NONE BUT ENGLISH "WATCHES. '? p, t'"a !\i s ? ('0 L r 7-A "'li'1 r • />< § _J co CTI ENGLISH LEVER, Patent No. 4658. The hgllpst clas* "f Watch nt HALF THE Usu\l. peicii. Einr-t. EN(;I,ISIT TI IEEE QUARTER PL A I E LEV Bit. BEST 1-ON DON MAKB throughout, fllIJr jewclJcd.' h-o "ometcr ba'tinc*, p font protection from du.st P. time: spiiiliv ada ted for hard and ro:h wear In et", 5 ,s Pujt a,II cla ses. Snia 1 n r GE s TIE EX. Medium for WOl;Kr.v« MliN', l-arsiefor RAILWAY .v EN. r„ (;oi,D sh Of l'O.O. BGGk with prices, crpWiiiitg advantages of this \r„M,.po,( free. Benson's Illustrated Pamphlets of YV'ATCHES from <62 2, Clocks and Jewellcrv, flce. J. W. 8EIS01, U°IH The Steam Factory. 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, 25. OLD BOND STREET. LONDON. BENSON"5 CLUBS—Agents wanted t form Clubs for Hen-on' Ludtraie Wiiioh. which super.cd •- p 0<-li. ti Liberal terms to For men. i.issiraaco A«enrs, „u o'uers. A Is a Delicious Beverage and Tonic made fror i -> Liebig's Extract of Meat and Extract, of Ma.it lS' Strengthening, Stimulating, Flesh-forming, id Q.' reste' f :aMe for the ltoOusi in ~r ->Uth »a w^ll as the Inva'.id. Strongly recommended by Ihe Medical Faulty. Important unsolicited Testimori ii fiora E. HOPKINS. Esq., L.R.C.P.. L, <5, Hundreds have been received from Medic.-t MOl, 64, Aston Road, N., Birmingham, December 17th, 1 «■-«<?. DEAR SIRS,-I beg to acknowledge reeelnt of ^anode OF your Extract of Meat and Malt Wine," al.-o > n> yo(l s, «, short time back. I have now Quite Twenty P rlf 7-' = taking it, and as a flesh-forming, and stren<?'h prodm-ir? agent, I consider it seCOUd tO Iioae.. being Uoolu, in all forms of debility, Vours faithfully, in all forms of debility, Vours faithfully, EDWARD HOPKINS. Messrs, Coleman & Co. L.F.P.s. I Bold by all Druggists, Wine Merchants, and Patent "led! cine Vendors in the United Kingdom, in 13ott,1('; •*», <><i, arid I 4s. 6d. each. Ask for COLEMAN'S LiEBKrS KXTKAOI OF MEAT AND MALT WIND, arid "see that jou get u. If there is any difficulty in setting the Wine, >vri!e dir. ,:t t; the J\ia,nuíacturers, who win forw ird Sample Pint Bottle free by Post on receipt, ,;1 rfH ht nn>;s. „ Dozen „ Ilaii '1 yys. SOLE M.-VNTJFACTUitETtS, COLEMAN & CO., St. Gecr^a's, Eoivvica, i It does not help matters to say that you arc only suffering from a sliglit cold, wliieti will be over soon. It will NOT Foon be over unless promptly a,nd effectually stopped. The first stages ot Consumption cannot be trifled with. They are the advanced guard of A most devastating army, and must be checked at once jf you wish to avoid a life of suffering. The remedy is PR^QIS'S BALSAM Is. & 2s. Gd. BOTTLES, OF or Po t free from the Makers. LINSEED & HONEY. This marvellous remedy is admitted by thousands to be the most effective and palatable specific ever introduced for X\- COUGHS. COLDS, ASTHMA, HOxARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, SPITTING OE BLOOD, M u S ifM|Uu| Persons who are exposed to the variations of the atmosphere will by its l|fl| ||<f |ll|[ K timely use fortify ihe constitution against attacks of cold or inflammation, jra. Ijj Q |/y|| & Ij J\ I ERANCIS'S BALSAM causes free expectoration, by removing the con- gealed and viscid phlegm; it allays the unpleasant ticki ng in the throat which excites coughing-, gives immediate ease in cases of difficulty of |Ryi||| *J~% y breathing, removes tightness and spa:-tn from across the chest, and heals that unpleasant soreness felt after much coughing. 'WITTBH Cases of Asthma and Bronchitis of Img standing have not only been IIIITCSB §^BsilSreiiJ« effectually relieved but pr >mptly cured by its use. 1 w B w™ Js> It soothes the weary aching of Consumption, rel eves harassing cough, and prevents those sleepless nights so harassing to the Sufferer. WM. F0ULKES, Mr. JAMES SAUVAGE, of the Llangollen. Carl Eosa Opera Company. I am thanl<ful that my attention London. Dec. 2rd, 1S86. has been rrawn to Francis's Balsam pcal. sir _r h'avo ]laci occasion 01 Linseed and Honey." i hare tried lak.]y to u;G y0,jr «jjalsam of Lin- tni my f.inity incases of J.rpiiclntis pce(j* and Honey" for coughs and and threatened Croup, with remarK- hoa,.senesR> and can assure you I able enect, giving speedy renef. I haye fonud it vary beneficial. consider it valuable m the iamiiy, and 110 household should be without Mr. SAMUEL ROBERTS, lfc> Hoily Bank, Llaadudao. EeV.H.BAEROW WILLIAMS, I Francis's Balsam a very VVrexhaili. valuable remedy for Bronchitis. Have I have often used cis's Bal- tried many mixfcares from time tu sam of Linseed and Honey for colds time, but for certain relief I must find seveie eouirhs, raid have proved candidly confess Francis's Bai-am is 3: of gri at efficacy, both for myseif by far the best. It has only t be and my family, for many years. known to be duly appreciated. Insist upon having CAUTION what you ask for. The' value of a specific for complaints of the chest, throat, and lungs depends upon the integrity of its manui'aofure-; it is necessary to caution the Public to ask for Francis's I!ai.-aai of Linseed and Honey, and to see that they get it, as numerous inferior and dangerous preparations are in the market. SOLD EVERYWHERE, in Is. and 2;). Gcl. bolides, or post free from lhe makers, FRANCIS AND CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WREXIIAM. (2309) Auv i t-IT u ii; TH(ECA" "SATDLVE ERSTTIRSEERE" T, PLRLIKATCNGJOG LLWEONR.KSI 1 SPECIAL FEATURES:— tGOOD WORK, LOW CHARGES, AND PROMPT EXECUTION. HEADS OF ALL KINDS. CARDS OF ANY SIZE, QUALITY, AND STYLE. DIZAR PRINTING at Rates which Compare Favourably with those of the Large English Houses. FETE BILLS. ANT).„PROGRAMMES, HOTEL.nILLS 0^ FAJUJ. ELABORATE WORK undertaken, and carried out in the Highest Style of Topography. INVOICE FORMS. LABELS—PLAIN OR GUMMED. HANDBILLS OF EVERY VARIETY OF SIZE AND COMBINATION OF COLOUR. MEMORANDUM FORMS. MEMORIAL CARDS. PAMPHLET3. POSTERS. Receipt Forms. Reports. Rules and Regulations. Manufacturers' Lists. Membership Cards. PLACARDS OF DIFFERENT SIZES IN COLOURS. SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS. APARTMENT CARDS. BILL-HEADS. LUGGAGE CARDS, LABELS, &c., &c. BOOK-WORK AND PAMPHLETS In Clear and Readable Type, and m the Best Style of IV rkinanship, and bound in Fancy Cloth Cases. COMMERCIAL PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHING Of every Description, including Auotione- ra' Catalog nes, Trade Reports, Prices Current, Rales of Societies, Circulars, Programmes, Prospectuses, Ba atice Sheets D livery Notes, Business Cards, &a. DIE STAMPING IN COLOURS At Low Prices. 0 0 _,I V -I BOOKSELLING & FANCY STArrION_ERY. NOTE THE ADDRES8- HUGH JONES, CASTLE STREET. (ASK FOR F, L T, >=;' E s T E-3 L 1-1 r- D ITELY PURE." s -A SOLI) E EIn IV HERE. Coda, Potais, Seltzer, Lemonade, Aromatic Ginger Alb. For GOUT, Lithia Water, and Litbia and Potass Water. Z) I Sole Address :-R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. Lo.vnox AOEXTS W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Sciuaie. 0 Fair B rightclear complexion- SEFT Iieiiltlifiil skin, ABERCONWY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, lIIG II STREET, CONWAY. JaNE ANNE JONES PROPRIETRESS. VISITORS to Conway will meet vvilh every iittention. OutnltiueU with very moderate charges,al ibibwoll knowD Hotel. BRITISH WINES AND CONFECTIONERY OF THE CHOICEST DESCRIPTION, it a w.d Coffee provided al lh$shqrle*l Cilice. ESTABLISHED 184I J^/|-ESSltS. COTTAM & gONS, SURGEON DENTISTS OF TEE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, DUBLIN (Eesidence-Caxtol1 House, Oswestry). r% COTTAM begs to give notice that on TUESDAY, November the 22nd, He wi;l receive his Friends and Patients of Llangollen and Vicinity at the residence of 0 MRS. WARREN, 31, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. Dated April 4th, 1883. ICONS' WRITING ^HTJECQPYINC I RI k mmsmswmmm ,————————————————————————————.— BLUE BLACK WRITING & COPYING I 111 ICS. SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. BLOOD IS THE L!FEV NA WORLD-FAMED LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot bo too highly recommended. For Sc ROFULA, SCURVY, SKIN and BLOODDISEASES, and SORES OF ALL KINDS, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sorrs on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cleares the Blood from all impure matter From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to tho most didicatc constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit suilerers to give it a tr;[tl to test its value. SAVED MY LIFE" b "251" Neatli-road, Briton Ferry, Wales. Gentlemen,—I have derived such a great benefit from your invaluable Blood Mixture, that I realiy do not know how much to thank jou. It would be a marvellous blessing for the sufferers from scrofula of Austria-Hun- gary if your wonderful m dicine could be made more known to them, and many y u;ig lives w uid be saved. I have taken iodine baths at Hall (Upper A astriu) for several years, but wit..very 1.tlle result. I must say that your medicine has saved my lif It would do good to publish this testi- monial in some of the le tdiag p ipers of Vienna and Btida-Pesih; but ifyon publish it in England, please reserve my name for i. rivateinformation.—I am, yours respectfully, E.L. P.S.—Plea-e inform mo if your Blood l\Iix'llrP is sold at Vienna, as I have advised several friends there to try it." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. S Id in Bottles 2, 9d. each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, lis. each—sufficient tJ effect a permanent cure in T the gre it majority of .oiu» standi y cases, HY ALL CHE^viISlS and PA 1E2m I ICLN.r- VENDORS throughout tae world, or sent, f..r 3 < or le2 stunps by u.e Proprietors, THIS LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COU-TIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—" BlooJ Mixture.") 1. •• -» ■ ■' PR.OESOHAPPLICATIDM. CORRUGATED IRON CQ CHURCH LANE .WOLVERHAMPTON. UPWARDS OF 10.000 TESTIMONIALS. BOBIILEN'S BRILLIANT, tOR, LIQUID METAL POLISH. Once used always used. Brilliancy; no smell; no scratching less labour; mora lasting; no mess. Qsed in the Royal Mews. Contractors to tlie I'. and Q. Steamship Company, the North London and the Tilbury and Southend Railway ^TU^LEST BUIGHTENER KNOWN of Gold, Siiver. Plated, Brass, Copper, Plat* Glass. Gilt Mouldings and Oil Paintings, and all other classes of metal goods, from the most costly and fragile to those, ia Steamship Company, the North London and the Tilbury and Southend Railway ^TU^LEST BUIGHTENER KNOWN of Gold, Siiver. Plated, Brass, Copper, Plat* Glass. Gilt Mouldings and Oil Paintings, and all other classes of metal goods, from the most costly and fragile to those, in commonest use producing the most beautJul polish cheaply and with the least possible labour. Sole M auui atrurei 8:—J. BOEIILEN & COMPANY, 20, BUCKLEItSLUliy, LONDON, E.C. Sold b: Chemista. Dru-gists. Oilmen. Grocers & Ironmongers. A Sample sent free for 6 stamps. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitu- tional, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxeti is. tid. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any addr t j sfor 60 stamps bj The 1-incoin & Midland Conn lice Drug Company. Wholesale Agents,Braclay & Sons,London,and all tLe Wholesale Houses. (123)