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List of Vessels Sailed FROM…

South DockI

Prince of Wales Dock. I







YANKEE fHTMOPK, romm AT list. OidAeld and Sotauket I mat a Midflk rl coloured man scuffing along the highway la dust, and after we had saluted each other I iaM t 8 Well, Unci* Raatus, how do things gw witt fMf "Mighty pore, i&h—mighty pore," he npHrf. "Ira't work plenty P" "I dunno 'bout work, ash, but I'M bin ratea dese rich men comin' down yere from BrookItb 6d buyin' up land! Why, how can that be P Hare any of them takaa IIIYUltage of you to buy your land for Ion tfaaa It Was worth P" 140, sah, nuthin' of dat sort. I nebber did Eland 'round yere anyways. When dey M fun to come I 'lowed it was a good thing, bekaM ■pected dat some of them would lose delr poeket- ok in de road and I'd find it, but how long da f* spose it was befo' I found dat pocket-book P* "Two or three years, eh P" "Five years, sah-five years of steady lookial, did when I dun found it at last what do you '1pOII Was in it P" Five hundred jallara, perhaps." "No, sah. Wasn't nuthin' but some kyard8 aM two cheques, and when I went up to Brooklyn to fasji de cheques, what do you s'pose dey said to At de bank P "I have no idea." "Slid I was arrested, sah, and dey lugged ma Vo jail in no time. Bimeby I was topkesi befo' • ledge, and what do you i'po»e he saii*" "Told you to home, maybe." "fo, he didn t, sah. On de contrary, he dm told me to stay right dar' far de next six mosthl, IIàd I'M jist gittin' home dis mawnin" to SMB tW ob woman and tell dat my reciprocal feelin's hare Wn so affiliated dllt my previous actions in do future may bring about a aalamitious tneedy ntV Asy in do week I