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^JThere itrong man hm wllU, dm MM. A man seldom toegins to shew his temper MM ft* IMM it. The rising generation owns aueh to the IsmbM 4 the alarum clock. Bachelors may lead blissful Hm, Nt jm MB% wake a spinster believe it. Labouring under a mistake la the meat wapraflfr> tfele of all employments. Verve is requited to maiiaft a Memo art iNUcy to manage a woman. There is certainly enough money sptal Ml 8Md to ruin to keep it in excellent repair. Mays 'Next to a man, what's the iollitot IUm f»u know of P" Ethel: "Myself, if he's atea," Sven when a woman is worried to detlli do Isasa't forget te see that her hat is on tfSrai^A, Bittysmith: "I am offered &100 for my laiatf MBtlraental song." Grimshaw: "Hush-money tm "Rome wasn't built in a day, you know." "Cttt IN was pat up under a Government contract, WOi ttP" What everybody is willing to do is to arbitrate <dth a man to get away from him something NV it his. It's Gas enough to write cheques on the Bull d Sueoeas, but one has to be properly idiatiM (l fat them cashed. Keep fpor troubles to yourself; whan yo« Ml them ym taking up tf« time of MM man wm M waiting to tall his. English Townot: "I understand you AanrtaMM out all your rulers by ballot P CI tiara: "Yea all except our wives." Mias Huggins: My father is very good at m|< faces. Mr. Kisaam: "Then I k*i tatter not tlint any kisses here." Mr. Hiborn: "By what unit of neuWMMrt lOuWl you properly estimate a man's devollea to you P" Miss Lowe: "The carat." The Bashful Lover: "Miss Emily, r or hmf* 8le (sweetly) "Do you, Mr. MammasdearP wouldn't you like to joip oihr sewing class P" The Heiress: "im I the only girl in the wkoia iride world you love ?" He: '*No, dear; bat 7M are the only girl I know who could afford to noW me." He: "Then 1 may live upon hope until next So* iaj eveningP" 3he: "Oh, poor fellow, is it M h«A ta that P Here, I'll lend y;>u enough to bsy a <teal." Two Opinions.-She: "No matter how snort • man ie he is sure to meet some other man who it smarter." He: ▼•«: and about 1Q.0(X> *om»n ute WunV fhov are Printed by ,r T. LowE ait Vaughan's Printing Works, J, Salubrious Place, Swansea in the County of Glamorgan.