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Whare strong men have wtU., weak own III'&. Wishes. A man seldom ftegins to ahew his temper wrttt tm it. The rising generation owes much to the inrMtat ft the alarum clock. Bachelors may lead blissful Uvea, but 70a MB*I Vast; a spinster believe it. Labouring under a mistake Is the most unpnM. tfele of all employments. Nerve is required to manage a HOB, ud ¡ itMnacy to manage a woman. There is certainly enough money spent Ml Mad to ruin to keep it in excellent repair. | May: "Next to a man, what's the jolliert tbtaf | yen know of P" Ethel: Myself, if he's aice. I Sven when a woman is worried to death As tewrn't forget to see that her hat is on straight. IHttysmith: "I am offered £ 100 for my Iat«i| (entimental song." Grimshaw:" Hush-money P" "Bome wasn't built in a day, you know." "Oh 1 it was put up under a Government contract, was It f* What everybody is willing to do is to arbitrate #lth a man to get away from him something tW 1 to his. It's easy enough to write cheques on the Bank ck Success, but one has to be properly identified to get their ashed. Keep ir troubies to yourself; when you toll Vtem y *3 are taking up the time of the man win is wai f to tell his. English Tourist: "I understand you A.merica., ilect aSi your rulers by bailot P Citizen: "Tea all except our wi?es." Miss Huggins: Mv father is very good at rea4« Ik faces. Mr. Kisa.im: "Then I had better no| trint any kisses here." Mr. Hiborn: By what unit of meaaurennBl •oultd you properly estimate a mr.'j devotioa tf you?" Miss Lowe: "The carat." The Bashful Lover: "Miss Emily, T-er-IMar- the (sweetly): "Do you, Mr. MammasdearP How- Wouldn't you like to joii* ow sewing class P" The Heiress: "Am I the, only girl in the whele wide world you love?" He: "No, dear; but yow lore the only girl I know who could afford to mats* me. OJ lie, "Then 1 may live upon hope until next Sum toy evening P" She: "Oh, poor fellow, is it u W uthat P Here, I'll lend Y.m enough to buy a *seai," Two Opinio:mi.She: "No matter how smart 8 man ic he is sure too meet some other man who it smarter." He: Y-k and abt.ufc 10. 1)00 woman wW $JrrA thov &1"4 Printed by C. T. LowE at Vaughan's Printing Works, 1, Salubrious Place, Swansea, in the County of Glamorgan.