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0 A L A TD. (ROBINSON & CLEAVER, L ■ SHOPPING BY | f» r~y f* A 1 SHOPPING BY I ■ telephone. Sale of Surplus Stock I We have made special AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Country Customers send- arrangements to facilitate ing Orders by Post may H this convenient and up-to- I T IT JT fi A Y rely on receiving- the same date method. A Special I I I I I W V benefits and attention as ■ Staff of Operators, with A X. A if they had themselves ■ Catalogue and Advertise- ,r „ selected the Goods. M ■ ments before them, ensure AND DA1LY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH. Write f(>r ll|ustrated ■ ^B the rapid despatch of any — —m ^^Catalogue of 64 pages, ^fl ■ of the bargains Teie Telephones 5544 and 1402 GERRARD. giving particulars of over phoned for. 1,200 Bargains. H The following are some Bargains culled from the Catalogue: H H OUR OWN MAKE. Sale Price fVacfl rOQTlTMP piped Sale Price VaAtttm verY soft Sale Price I ■ Damask TahleNAPKINS 10/ Lras» tUblUlVlb, whitej Kadium olLK, white ground ■ trimmed motifs, in cream, sky, nil, 1 q /Tj T| with coloured designs, in pink, sky, J/■■ f by yard, hand woven, Double I natural, electric grey, red, navy, Xv/ XX nil> red, green, blue and Reseda, ^B m Damask, original price 19/6 per doz. helio, black, and white, original • original price 2/„ .per yard ^B price 30/6 -Bi I MAKE. — — -—-—— ^11 1/ jurpv in shades of sky, I ■ Damask Table CLOTHS, 11 Hand Embroidered Linen n„ to imt:KV' pink, turquoise, "J I A 7 ±X/" „ „ £ I v\ nil, helio,mais, reseda, brown, navy, I LL ~,y m 2 by 2-2 yards, hand woven, Double DQgp m three handsome de- i j \J whi cream; black and white> J-/T- ■ tm Damask, original price 13/2 .each > signs, original price 42/- original price 2/- .per yard ■ I Damask Table ctoTHS, 2n/6 S^enSal.a"d^n^' 33/9 Printed Cotton VOILE, I ■ 2j by 3 yards, hand woven. Double I 0 53/6 ^check,m O 2 (1. ■ ■ Damask, ongmalpnce 25/- .each fhl-pp_ origini price ,4 per yard | H OUR OWN MAKE. vredin ^erge inree — ■ ■ Hemstitched Linen 1I7/C quarter COAT, 19/11 Ladies' White Kid1/ni| ■ SHEETS 2 b>; 3 yards. ^hed 1 /0 pnce 29/6 GLOVES, ori,rinalDr;cel/lIi I OllCCl O, ready for use, original f • nn. IT T onse 2 ^B price 21/0 .per pair WllltC LlflCn COAT, gacjCi "J A I (\ ~j ~T* jn p, rkVpC ^B OUR OWN MAKE. 44 ins. long, very smart, original 1 V/ LflfllCS oUCuC ULU V "J I f\ ■ u i j • price 21/9 jn shades of tan and beaver, X/V/2 H J nemstitcned Linen QQ OUR OWN MAKE original price i/i4 H ■ SHEETS, ^,Kst™™a1 Ladies' Cambric n ici Ladies' Real Balbriggan I ■ price 28/6 per pair QHIPT<s white ground, various fl/Q2 1IAf,r UUrV 1/ ■ ■ OUR OWN MAKE. coloured designs, COttOn HOSE, ™ri^i I/" ■ original price 3/11 lY} ■ Linen Face TOWELS, 03/. our OWN~mXke. pnce '/6s P P 1 I 1 Smart Delaine SHIRTS, 10/6 Ladies' LISLE Thread ■ H' — with long tie, and pipings of Silk, HOSF ^tlce ^lontsJ in black I — ■ RFDSPRFADS Rlch hand floral designs and tan, original price ■ H L>LwUOriVC/\U^, Embroidered 1 »?/II — 1/9 ■ ■ on Irish Linen, original price 22/6 JL i /XXI OUR OWN MAKE. I — W ■ OUR OWN MAKE. each Nun's Veiling BLOUSES, R/ll A p p I i que Lace I ■ White Toilet QUILTS, ft/fi BERTHE, 2/11 I Fine make, for double beds, original O/U price 6 11 M price 10/3 each Ladies' Dressing fine ■ Nottingham Lace CUR= OOWNS, ™ibL^ifS'onabk 12/11 Secluil1 BERTHE, 6/11 ■ ■ TAINS in beautiful designs- 4./11 shades, deep cape trimmed friUs and Net, onginal pnce 9/11 I J H white, ivory and ecru, *1 and guipure, original price 18/11. t ™ ■ 60 ins. wide, 3^ yards long, original "¥ ""71 — LadieS UMBRELLAS, A/11 I ■ Pnce 7/11 Ladies Linen HAND- with all silver and silver and gun- y/il ■ ■ Nottingham Lace CUR- KERCHIEFS, Sfg7„TpS 2/ 4 metal handles, original price 2, _—■ T A IMQ in white, ivory and ecru, 3/H ••• ••• &per doz. OUR OWN MAKE. tm 1 bow and nbbon design, — ——— — (Ipntlp ^H|RT^ rt In H | 3^ yards long, original price 5/11. Ladies' Linen HAND= uenxieinen s ^miikio, 3/6 I coloured zephyr, soft fronts, newest ■ Swiss Lace CURTAINS, O/ll KERCHIEFS, 3/11 designs, original price 5/6 M basket and ribbon design, 3 yards O/ XJ. 5/6 per doz. Ol'R OWN MAKE I ■ long, in ivory, original price 10/11, — ——— —:— —- t—77T.— krviRFiTQ Hand Spotted Net Gentlemen's White -/Q ■ ■ Ladies UlOV e Kid DcL I O, 1 SCARVFS "ith Real Bruges 1 111 SHIRT'S our celebrated Q I O H Hj in all fashionable colours, 3 gilt X' XX Ov/iIWCu, Lace ends, 7 ins. Oilliv I O, matchless quality, ■■ ■ slides, original price 4/11 wide, original pricc 3.11 original price 5/11 ^156 to 170, REGENT STREET,lONDbN, W.Jf Printed and Published by HARRISON & SONS, at 45, St. Martin's Lane, London. Wholesale City Agent—M.SOUTHWELL, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, E.C. Agents for Wales—MESSRS. W. H- ?^NE AND SONS, and MESSRS. WM. DAWSON & SONS, LTD. Agents for the Colonies :ROBT. A. THOMPSON & Co., LTD., Melbourne (Victoria), Sydney (N.S.W.), Adelaide, OR:PERTB (Queensland), Cane Town (S.A. Johannesburg and Buluwayo; 'SORDSN %l GOTCH, Cap« Town. Durban (S.A.) Melbourne (Victoria), HHsbane (Queensland), Sydney 'N.S.W.)> W.A.) "velliT?ton .1 Oiris-tchuvch, N.Z.