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and through Poland there are active preparations for a revolt. On the other hand the Czar has granted a free pardon to the leaders of the strikers in St. Petersburg who had been arrested, and it is rumoured now that an Imperial Declaration will be issued one of these days granting many reforms. The authorities try to damage the reform movement by saying that the strikers and agitators are receiving pecuniary assistance from England. We do not think that nobody in this country need be ashamed of the fact had it been so. It is an honour to be proud of to be allowed to assist the bond to secure his freedom and to break the power of the oppressor. But unfortunately English gold does not flow into such channels nowadays. The Government cannot give the Russian Revolu- tioners such help as Pitt gave to the French, and private investors look for better return and security than the Russian peasantry can give. We feel sure that the cry is as much the vain imagining of a muddled mind as the swearing that there were torpedoes in the North Sea. Practical Results of the Welsh Educational Policy.—Whatever fault the supporters of Non- provided Schools and the teaching profession may find with the Educational Policy of the Welsh County Councils, one thing must be admitted, it leads for the time being. to great economy and retrenchment, and for this the ratepayers ought to be thankful. It was clearly shown at a meeting of the Carnarvonshire County Council held last week, that the Education Committee had found the grants earned by the Non-provided Schools quite sufficient to meet all the expenses, in fact, there was a balance of £ 158 remaining. The Church and Conservative members of the Council did not dispute the accuracy of the figures presented. This is a great triumph for the member for the Carnarvon Boroughs. It ought to silence all those critics who declared that the Act could not be administered to the satisfaction of the Education Department with- out using the rates. Some went even so far as to maintain that rates were being actually used for the purpose, and that the so called no rate policy was all sham and humbug. Those critics, one or two of whom are members of the Carnarvonshire Council, looked rather crest- fallen on Friday last. It is becoming pretty evident now that another Act of Parliament must be passed before the County Councils can be declared guilty of any legal offence. Revival versus Mission.—We notice that several of the newspapers have adopted new headlines to their reports of the Torrey- Alexander meetings which were inaugurated last Saturday. They have started announcing "The Albert Hall Revival." We should like to know what this means. Up to Saturday morning it was the Torrey-Alexander Mission. Why this change of title ? To our minds there is a world of difference between the two. A mission may be the means of bringing about a revival, and we sincerely hope the Albert Hall meetings will have that result, much as we dis- like many things connected with them. But a revival, in the proper sense of the word, and in the sense in which Wales has been. blessed during the last three months, is something that has not yet been experienced neither in Albert Hall nor anywhere else in London, and when it is experienced, all the grand machinery upon which ^17,000 has been expended will be forgotten, and even the Evangelists themselves will be lost sight of altogether. In the mean- time let things be called by their proper names. Ex=Judges and their Pensions.-Sir Francis Jeune is the last judge to retire, and he has been granted a pension of £3,500 a year. The Westminster Revietv, in making the announce- ment, gives some very interesting details con- cerning the pensions enjoyed by men who were fortunate enough to sit on the judicial bench. They are eight in number, and receive between them ^28,000. It seems that after fifteen years' service a judge can retire on seven-tenths of his salary. Three more judges of the High Court are entitled to annuities whenever they chose to take them. In addition to these Lord Justice Mathew of the Court of Appeal qualified for his pension nearly nine years ago, and Lord Macnaughten three years ago. The Lord Chancellor is entitled to a pension of £5,000 a year for life, however short his tenure of the Chancellorship. The law is not "an ass" in every respect, whatever un- successful litigants may spitefully say.

Am Gymry Llund sin.
