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Reports of Meetings.


Reports of Meetings. THE TABERNACLE KINGS CROSS. The Tabernacle Literary Society is any- thing if not up to date. With Tit Bits dis- cussing the length of sermons, and the British Weekly giving prizes for the longest and shortest pulpit deliveries it is not surprising that the members of this society had on their "card this timely subject for discussion on Satur- day last. Does the sermon occupy too pro- minent a place in Nonconformist churches was the wording of the subject and Mr. W. H. Thomas, a student at the New College, opened -in a fluent style strongly condemning the undue i prominence given these days to sermons, and advocating that more attention should by paid to prayer and praise. Mr. Morris Thomas on the other hand maintained that the question of Eternal Salva- tion could not be discussed in a flippant 10 minutes discourse, and that preaching in the present day if anything was not prominent enough. Several of the members took part in the debate which somewhat dragged at the close. the result was a majority of one in favour of Mr. Morris Thomas' side. Y GENHADAETH GYMREIG COMMERCIAL ST. Rhoddodd Mr. Jones y cenhadwr, ddarlith ddarluniedig ar "Gymru" y nos Fawrth 3ydd cyfisol, yn y lie hwn, a chafwyd noson tra dyddoroL Wedi agor y cyfarfod gan weinidog Eldon St. rhoddodd Mr. Jones ddarluniau o brif leoedd yr hen wlad ynghyd ag ychydig o u hanes, er mawr foddhad i'r rhai oeddynt yn bresenol, llawer o honynt heb fod yno er's blynyddau bellach. Mae clod yn ddyledus i'r merched ieuainc a Mr. D. E. Jones am eu gwaith diflino gyda'r achos yn y lie hwn ac am drefnu y cyfarfodydd ynddo. JEWIN NEWYDD. Y Gymdeithas Lenyddol.—Cafwyd cyfarfod dyddorol iawn gan y gymdeithas hon nos Iau diweddaf, pryd yr oedd cor y capel wedi dod ynghyd mewn full force. Ar ol myned trwy raglen dda o ganu ac adrodd, cafwyd cwpan- aid o de, ac ychydig o gwrdd clebran; yna hysbysodd y Parch. J. E. Davies, M.A., y llywydd, fod y gweddill o'r cyfarfod i gael ei roddi at wasanaeth aelodau y cor, gan eu bod yn dymuno manteisio ar y cyfle i gyflwyno anrheg i Mr. D. E. Morgan yr arweinydd. Galwyd ar Mr. J. D. Williams, ysgrifenydd y cor, i roddi hanes y mndiad hwn yn eu plith, yr hyn a wnaed ganddo yn fyr ac i bwrpas, gan gyfeirio at y llafur ar diwydrwydd oedd Mr. Morgan wedi ei ddangos ynglyn a'r cor, a'u bod yn dymuno dangos iddo mewn modd sylweddol eu gwerthfawrogrwydd o'i ymdrech- ion a'r teimladau da a goleddid tuag ato. Dilynwyd ef gan Mr. Pierce, cadeirydd pwyll- gor y cor, yr hwn a ddywedodd ei fod yn gobeithio y gwnai Mr. Morgan barhau yn ffyddlon yn y dyfodol megis yr oedd wedi gwneyd yn y gorphenol. Yna cyflwynwyd baton i Mr. Morgan, gan Miss Morfydd Wil- liams, accompanist y c6r. Diolchodd Mr. Morgan yn gynhes am yr arwydd hwn o deimlad da y c6r tuag ato, ac ymhlith pethau eraill dywededd ei fod yn dymuno perffaith undeb rhwng y c6r a'r eglwys, ac y carai weled y cor o les uniongyrchol i'r canu cynull- eidfaol. Y modd mwyaf effeithiol i wneyd hyn fyddai cael y c6r i fod gyda'i gilydd yn yr addoliad fel y gallent arwain y gynulleidfa. Dywedodd hefyd mai peth dymunol fyddai cael organ yn Jewin, ac y byddai ei chael yn sicr o fod yn gynorthwy i ganiadaeth y Cysegr. -SYLWEDYDD. ST. DAVID'S, PADDINGTON. Last Thursday night a Tea meeting of a miscellaneous character was held at the above place. The young ladies who provided the tea and presided at the tables were the Misses Davies (Chelsea), Griffiths, Francis, Jones (Hyde Park), Jones (Goldney Rd.), F. Morris, Pierce, Rees and Rogers. The musical portion was rendered by Messrs. J. E. Davies. E. Pierce, Lloyd Davies, Humphreys, and the Misses Davies (Praed St.), and Mary Pierce, Misses Roberts and Lane gave recitations. Very interesting addresses were also given during the meeting by the Chaplain, Warden, Rev. Mr. Clack, of St. Emanuel, Harrow Rd., and Rev. R. Jones, St. Matthews, Lisson Grove. The meeting terminated after passing votes of thanks to the young ladies for the tea, and the strangers for their kindness in visiting the company. WELSH NATIONAL CONCERT AT CASTLE STREET. On Saturday evening 7th inst., a national concert was held at the Lecture Hall of the above place, when the hall was filled to its uttermost, Ellis Jones Griffith, Esq., M.P., pre- siding. He was supported by Messrs. Lloyd George, M.P., T. J. Harries, Marchmont Williams, Mr. John (Rhondda), and Robert Green (President of the Society). The Chair- man in a short and appropriate address, delivered in Welsh, said that he had had the pleasure of being present at a dinner with Castle St. a week ago, and tonight he had the pleasure of being at their concert. He was delighted to hear such excellent music and by seeing such a vast audience before him, it was a good omen as to how the Welsh spend their leisure hours. He was glad to find that the various Welsh chapels were in closer union with each other and this must be attributed to a great extent to the Mutual Improvement Societies. He also wished that the preachers would exchange pulpits oftener, and that we should raise above all Sectarian differences, and have more of a national unity amongst us. The principal musical items of the evening were-duett Mae Cymru'n barod ar y wys," Messrs. Tom Thomas and Emlyn Davies, who even excelled their usual form, Cymru Fydd and Y Fam a'i Baban," Miss May John. Harp Clychau Aberdyfi Miss Annie Hughes (Telynores Menai), "Cany Marcher" and" Yr Ornest," Mr. Emlyn Davies Gwlad y Delyn and" Hoff wlad fy ngen- edigaeth," Miss Mary Thomas, who sang very effectively. The most humorous item was Penillion by Mr. Lewis Evans (Llewellyn), who was rapturously encored, and had to respond several times. "GolomenWen" by Mr. Tom Thomas in his usual brilliant style. Mr. Lloyd George in proposing a vote of thanks to the Chairman, said that he had never attended a better concert, and that it bestowed great credtt on the committee for having been able to provide such a magnificent concert. It was a true representation of the best talent of Wales. Mr. John seconded the vote of thanks. WALWORTH PARLIAMENT. The Welsh Party forms a particular feature in the above Parliament. So far it has parti- cipated not a little in the eloquence of the House on the political questions of the day. The Party is represented on the Council by Mr. D. D. Evans (Pembrokeshire). All com- munications should be addressed to Mr. J. Davies, 54, Sayer St., Walworth, the Welsh whip. The Committee Rooms are at 26, Wansey St. (ground floor). On Tuesday, 3rd inst., the time of the House was occupied by the Welsh members, when Mr. D. R. Hughes (Cardiff), moved the following resolution:— As the Church of England in Wales has failed to fulfil its professed object as a means of promoting the religious interests of the Welsh people, and ministers only to a small minority of the population, its continuance as an Established Church in the Principality is an anomaly and an injustic which ought no longer to exist." He spoke at some length in a lucid and able manner on the urgency of the Disestablish- ment of the Church in Wales. He gave a descriptive account of the original Welsh Church (the Church of St David,); its sym- pathy with the religious sentiments of the Welsh people its usefulness as a philanthro- pic institution, and the means of promoting knowledge and fostering the national charac- teristics of its people. He pointed out that the subjugation of the Welsh Church by the Church of England (which was forced upon the people of Wales for political interests) was immediately followed by a demoralising effect and generated a bitter feeling against its pro- moters, and therefore defeated its own ends. A religious force by way of Canterbury and Windsor was naturally repulsive and anti- national. However, during that gloomy period the heroes of Welsh Nonconformity made their appearance, and bravely resisted that alien religion which had miserably failed in its professed religious functions. He spoke on the present condition of the Church of England in Wales, and as it is only ministers to a small minority he claimed that it should no longer exist as an Established Church. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Edgar Lewis (Cardiganshire), in a short but pithy speech. Several other Welsh members spoke, and the resolution was supported by members of the Liberal and Socialist Parties and carried unanimously.—J.G. RADNOR ST, CHELSEA. Nos Lun cynhaliodd cymdeithas y bobl ieuainc ei chyfarfod diweddaf o'r tymhor hwn, mewn ffurf o Social entertainment a chyfarfod cystadleuol. Ar y diwedd rhoddwyd y cyf- rifon arianol am y tymhor gan Mr. Price. Nos Sabboth diweddaf penderfynodd yr Eglwys i brynu organ newydd at wasanaeth y Cysegr.-C.
